Choosing a family hospital. What is better: a joint or separate stay of mother and baby? Registration of generic document

Each woman during pregnancy wonders where she to give birth to how to choose a hospital, whether to get acquainted with the doctor who will take childbirth or trust the case ...

During pregnancy, the woman becomes more disturbing. Now she feels responsibility not only for themselves, but also for the future child. And no matter what kind of pregnancy in the account. The excitement happens both with the first and re-pregnancy. But these unrest of different character.

When first pregnancy, a woman does not know what she expects. She is just heard about childbirth or read about them articles. The unknown sometimes scares much more than the knowledge and experience of past births.

Repeated childbirth can also disturb the pregnant woman. Now she does not know about childbirth and really assesses his position, and perfectly understands what she expects her.

Even the lightest births create a greater both psychological and physical activity on the body of a woman. Nowadays, when there are almost more than 3 people from all students in schools with a diagnosis of "practically healthy." What can be said about the health of a mature woman, if the number of miscarriage women is increasingly increasing, and young girls are not distinguished by excellent health. In addition, both nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, forcing the best.

Given all the conditions, it is not very reasonable to rely in case. But what to do if you do not know anything about your maternity hospital? And from the words of young mammies who walk with the strollers, you heard terrible things: about the bad relationship of nurse, about terrible meals in the dining room of the maternity hospital, and about the doctor who took childbirth, the reviews of both rude and inattentive .. do not rush with spelling conclusions . Analyze the "terrible" reviews that you hear, specify everything in order. What is the poor ratio of the nurse, maybe that they require not to wear food in the ward, so that cockroaches would not have been started, or remove the used diapers, whatever they lie on the changing tables. And terrible food is randomly not disadvantaged food, not fried, and boiled, without sausage and sausages. And what is the rudeness and the carelessness of the doctor, maybe in the fact that during the fights constantly called him, demanding attention only to yourself when five birthdayrs gave birth in genital wards? Or at that moment, when he told you, gather, enough shout, you can harm the child. Opinion of each woman in labor is purely individually and a bit biased, along it is necessary to soberly analyze and understand what you want to see your childbirth, which you are accustomed.

Same need to take into account their capabilities. In fact, the options of childbirth and the choice of the maternity hospital are now a lot. You can choose a very expensive maternity hospital with an individual chamber, and even with a room for living close relative, whose help you may need with an individual doctor and a medical sister. It should be understood that it will cost a certain amount of money. You can simply agree on individual childbirth. All this will be officially executed. And, starting from the first fights, before the moment the baby will attach to your chest, the doctor will be directly next to you. Of course, it is much wiser to find out and make a decision, agree on everything in advance that the doctor would be aware of the flow of your pregnancy. Discuss the opportunity to collaborate with the spouse of childbirth if such a desire arises. Rely on the case is very not wise.

Now the maternity hospitals are perfectly equipped with all the necessary equipment, both for childbirth and for the baby, in case of such a need. It is not necessary to talk about not professionalism doctors, because Doctors have a lot of experience. Now only doctors with experience work in the maternity hospitals.

Birth is a very important stage in life, both women and a newborn baby.Only you will decide what they will be, memories of the appearance of the kid - beautiful or tense. Whether you will decide to be a happy mom's mom, and maybe for the third time. And if you, every time, seeing his child, dislike his first cry.

When choosing a maternity hospital, parents consult with everyone who, in their opinion, understands this issue and manifold tons of information, because the quality of service, the professionality of doctors and the comfort of stay in this institution will directly affect the health of the child and the well-being of the future mother. When viewing the official pages of medical centers, it seems that it is not necessary to hurry with the choice: everywhere is written about the high mastery of doctors and honey. Personnel, about the latest and trouble-free medical equipment, which is at the disposal of the clinic. Unfortunately, the real picture is not so joyful: there are a large number of negative feedback even the most advertised hospitals of the capital.

To make a more real and objective rating of the best homeland houses of Moscow, we tried to receive information directly at the mothers who used the services of these institutions, and also took into account the reviews left in the global network on a wide variety of sites dedicated to hospitals of this type.

Top 10: Rating of the best hospitals of Moscow


A modern medical institution with several different departments that are intended for the diagnosis and treatment of any diseases and complications associated with the birth of a child. The prenatal premises are designed for one or two people, there is a toilet in each of them. Partnership and joint childbirth are permitted: the only limitation is the presence of a maximum of one foreign person. Also allowed visiting and wearing personal home clothing. Regarding the medical staff - the overwhelming majority of moms responded about their professionalism in a positive key.

šŸ“ Address and map:
Russia, Moscow, Sevastopol Avenue, 24a

Good maternity hospital. The doctor who got was just a miracle. It was always talking benevolently and one of his species instilled strength and confidence. The postpartum premises is comfortable. Medical staff wonderful and attentive. Thank you for professionalism and sensitivity!

šŸ˜Ÿ Reviews of dissatisfied:

At the Institute for the Research and Treatment of Infertility, we faced a dismissive attitude and malicious bureaucracy. The most offensive then, my attempt to get pregnant was useless: for three months of treatment, no result, and the Council go through the procedure again. Refused, will change the clinic.

Maternity House number 4.

Compared to the majority of Moscow hospitals built recently - at the beginning of the eighties. The prenatal premises are made on a box design: a separate chamber consists of two boxes, each of them is designed to stay two lies, a room with amenities alone on the ward. During childbirth, you can order a permanent foundation of the midwife near the guinea. Postpartum chambers are identical to Dorodov, Mom is allowed to joint stay with the baby.

šŸ“ Address and map:
Russia, Moscow, Novatorsov Street, 3

šŸ˜ƒ Typical comment of satisfied moms:

Hello, gave birth in 4 maternity hospital at the beginning of the year. Births were joint. Having received a particular doctor thank you, the attitude is just wonderful! An obstetric was perfectly helped, but I forgot her name and surname. I did not give birth by contact, but before I discard, we all thanked.

šŸ˜Ÿ Reviews of dissatisfied:

I infected me and my baby incomprehensible intestinal disease! He has, for the next day, the permanent colic tummy began! I myself still have a month after the discharge may be a belly! The baby slowly grows now and is not all right with weight!

Maternity house number 17.

A good maternity hospital, according to the reviews and opinions of most moms who passed through it. The prenatal compartment consists of separate boxes. After childbirth, mothers are placed in single chambers. A children's doctor is mandatory at the time of childbirth. For emergency cases, the resuscitation department is provided. For women with pregnancy complications, there is a department for monitoring and eliminating the consequences of pathology.

šŸ“ Address and map:
Russia, Moscow, Street 800th anniversary of Moscow, 22

šŸ˜ƒ Typical comment of satisfied moms:

Good maternity hospital. Brought to the hospital already during battles. Since the child was not the first and complications were not, it turned out everything quickly. To patients, staff treat well. In the postpartum ward, spoke with other moms, everyone agreed that the doctors were good. "

šŸ˜Ÿ Reviews of dissatisfied:

Gave birth in this "institution" a few years ago. Well, what about him can tell? Doctors - Hama, staff behavior - disgusting. It was hard to give birth, the pain was wild, demanded an anesthetic - received a refusal. I extremely not recommended, after their "help" disappeared every desire to give birth again. "

Major House ā„–1.

When surveyed mothers, the overwhelming majority were generally satisfied or at least satisfied with the attitude towards themselves and the quality of service. By planning a maternity hospital is similar to the above-described - ā„–17: There are also prenatal boxes for several people and the resuscitation department for kids with whom complications arose. After the birth of the child, the moms are translated before discharge into single or double chambers with all amenities.

šŸ“ Address and map:
Russia, Moscow, Vilis Latis Street, 4

šŸ˜ƒ Typical comment of satisfied moms:

Great for natural genera. I gave birth in the late spring of this year, there was no complications, got into the hospital under the contract. At first, after reading feedback, I wanted to get to the fourth, but before it is far from us. They went on an excursion (she, however, was paid), I liked us with my husband and did not regret either the droplets about the choice.

šŸ˜Ÿ Reviews of dissatisfied:

Not the best option of the maternity hospital, doctors are so-so - medium, the proposed diet Mama is not good, the food is bad. The chambers are cleaned from under the stick and sloppy, and the furniture as if from the last century ...

Maternity hospital with most positive responses and a large number of additional services offered. You can make a contract for partner or joint childbirth. For such cases, special double chambers are provided, after the presence in childbirth, a husband or a relative can continue to remain with the guinea. Additionally, when concluding a contract, you can order regular visits to the therapist over the first month after discharge.

šŸ“ Address and map:
Russia, Moscow, Azov Street, 22

šŸ˜ƒ Typical comment of satisfied moms:

Good day! I gave birth in March 2017, made Cesarean. Gave birth for the first time. From the pure heart I want to express my sincere thanks to the doctors of the hospital number 10 for understanding and good work. This applies to the attending physician and anesthesiologist who has done anesthesia: Merges man knows when to joke, and when to silent!

šŸ˜Ÿ Reviews of dissatisfied:

Born in the free department in 2015. Previous compartment horror: a dozen boxes for twenty mothers, and a toilet and a shower is only one on the floor! Doctors and doctors lack catastrophically, those that are simply sewn. You did not have time to watch us just physically.

Maternity hospital Yudina (at Hospital ā„–7)

The prenatal and postpartum separation consists of separate boxes. If necessary, additional monitoring of the state of the baby and the mother during childbirth, the presence of the pediatrician is compulsory. For cases with unforeseen complications, there are branches of resuscitation for both adults and children. When concluding a contract for partnerships, Mom, together with her husband will live in a specially equipped married chamber.

šŸ“ Address and map:
Russia, Moscow, Kolomna pass, 4c2

šŸ˜ƒ One of the good comments of satisfied moms:

I liked the clinic that the doctors that the obstetricians disassemble in their work. I gave birth a second time, brought when the contractions began. In the reception office, they met complacently, quickly issued and carried out in the labor hall. Birth took the clever Anna Gavrilovna. The earthly bow of this woman for the appearance of my baby!

šŸ˜Ÿ Reviews of dissatisfied:

He fell into it purulent at the ambulance, just a maternity hospital from my apartment nearby. The births themselves passed without excesses. But here is the attitude of doctors to moms ... Mom does not burn! Khamsky's fabrics, feeling indifference or squeamishness, they are bad for the child. No, not all, of course, but most of them certainly. More here neither leg!

Maternity hospital Bauman (at Hospital No. 29)

The branch for receiving births is open in a multidisciplinary hospital ā„–29 in the middle of the nineties. From the very beginning, the maternity race was designed as honey. Establishment of the World Standard. For a comfortable stay and proper treatment on the territory of the hospital, a large number of high-quality equipped chambers and departments were allocated. In addition, the clinic specializes in the adoption of genera and maintaining pregnant women with pathological diseases (diabetes mellitus, etc.) during the whole period of the baby tool.

šŸ“ Address and map:
Russia, Moscow, Hospital Area, 2

šŸ˜ƒ Typical comment of satisfied moms:

I am writing a review to say a big and warm thanks to everyone who cared for me in this difficult and disturbing period of life! Thanks to your doctor and Akuster for approving words and skillful hands.

šŸ˜Ÿ Reviews of dissatisfied:

Everything seems to be good, but food ... she is terribly salty! Maybe this is a temporary phenomenon or we are not lucky with the cook, but in my department lay moms with edema, it is impossible to them!

Maternity House number 3.

The clinic provides for the prenatal chambers for three or four people, each is equipped with a room with amenities: you can wear homemade clothing. Births pass in individual boxes, with a hospital, you can agree on affiliate and joint childbirth. Postpartum premises are designed for two mothers, kids can be along with them. A chamber with a separate room (shower and toilet), indoors with beds have a table for babies.

šŸ“ Address and map:
Moscow, ul. Nezhinskaya, 3.

šŸ˜ƒ Typical comment of satisfied moms:

I thank God and the fate for giving birth in the hospital number 3! The doctor chose a girlfriend on the recommendation and do not regret! She created the best and most favorable conditions for the passing of childbirth and supported me, despite panic and constancy! Other doctors and nurses also treated us well, thanks!

šŸ˜Ÿ Reviews of dissatisfied:

Bore in the maternity hospital in the free department, brought at the ambulance. The conditions of stay are below average, the food is tasteless, even terrible, the room was removed only after a dozen reminders, if only we were behind.

Perinatal Medical Center

Paid maternity hospital, part of a whole hospital complex, intended for the treatment of children from birth to fifteen years old. Chambers such as prenatal and postpartum single, there are specials. Boxes of the class "VIP" and "Lux". The best paid hospital, according to the majority of Moscow Moms.

šŸ“ Address and map:
Russia, Moscow, Sevastopol Prospekt, 24K1

šŸ˜ƒ Typical comment of satisfied moms:

He concluded a full contract with the clinic: it takes for full pregnancy, starting from the first trimester. The price for services is acceptable, their quality is above all praise. Not yet born, only on the sixth month, but the impressions are purely positive.

šŸ˜Ÿ Reviews of dissatisfied:

More attention from serving person and everything would be great. And so template behavior and duty indifferent smiles only infant!

Clinical Hospital "Lapino"

Paid clinic, which is included in the financial conglomerate "Mother and Child". Offers unprecedented conditions for making pregnancy and reception of childbirth. The most modern equipment and the use of innovative technologies in obstetrics and gynecology.

šŸ“ Address and map:
Russia, Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, Lapino village, 1st Assumption Highway, 111

šŸ˜ƒ Typical comment of satisfied moms:

She chose not at random, but conducting a personal study. Even spoke with moms, visited in various hospital. Stopped on Lapino. Births were complications, but doctors all problems solved quickly and in a timely manner. While gave birth, the doctor was always there. Could babies lose his loss, but the doctor and the obster saved him, thank you! The best hospital in Moscow is my personal opinion.

šŸ˜Ÿ Reviews of dissatisfied:

Even a paid is not always perfect, so to speak "the service in our opinion": I started the fight, and they were all going. Fully gathered only when I have fallen under anesthetics for twenty minutes. Overhead diligence obstetrics are not demonstrated, so in the influx (and there are inclined when the chief doctor is nearby).

What was taken into account and was considered the most important when drawing up this rating?

We were repelled from the opinions of the Moms themselves who used the services of Moscow hospitals. At the same time, we looked closely to comments and responses in the network, as we can assume that many of them were purchased and unturid: the main factor in the choice was the opinion of the feminine with live communication. If you have something to add (you know what kind of maternity hospital is better or there is more information about the families described ones), then, please do this in the comments to the review: Truthful and honest opinion will help in choosing the maternity hospital to the future mothers of our city.

Is it possible and how to choose a hospital right?

A woman in the state responds not only for the state of his health, but also for the life of a newborn baby. Therefore, the most important task during pregnancy is the definition of a suitable medical institution. There are many criteria that you need to take into account before how to choose a hospital.

  • When it is impossible to make a choice yourself?
  • What time to choose a hospital?
  • Conclusion

Many women during pregnancy are puzzled by the question: can I choose a hospital on your own? Laws provide such an opportunity for all ladies in position. The absolute norm is considered the fact that future parents before an important event will visit a visit to several institutions and will choose the preferred option. In this case, a pregnant woman and their maternity hospital is a contract for making childbirth or a mark is made in the exchange card.

You can directly conclude an agreement with the gynecologist who will receive childbirth. In this case, the services provided will be provided for a fee, and the doctor itself will prepare everything. This practice is carried out relatively recently, but provides a guarantee of comfortable conditions for staying and attentive relations from the medical personnel.

In what cases can not choose a hospital?

There are a number of cases in which the choice of the maternity hospital cannot be carried out according to the individual wish of the girlfriend:

  1. If unexpected contractions began, then the "ambulance" can take a lady not in the institution chosen by it, but in the one that is closest. Such a situation may lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, if the mother and baby need qualified assistance and the necessary equipment. For this reason, you should lie down in the clinic in a few days before the alleged period.
  1. Since all medical institutions of this type are closed several times a year to sanitary processing, you should ask if the procedure will not match the expected date of birth of a child. If it happened, then you will not get into the selected clinic.
  1. Some maternity hospitals specialize in certain types of assistance and therefore, in the event of any complications during the toasting of the fetus, it is advisable to apply exactly the establishment that meets the necessary requirements. Each maternity hospital has a specialization, for example, is fully equipped to take birth in patients with, or in women with heart pathology, etc.

Despite the fact that the pregnancy lasts 9 months, it should not be tightened with the choice of a suitable plant. A woman will feel much calmer, knowing that they will take care of her during childbirth. In addition, the fights can begin before the deadline, and if you postpone the conclusion of the contract at the last moment, you can not have time to be selected.

Every woman should decide for itself: On what time you need to choose a hospital. It depends on the health of the feminine, the flow of pregnancy and many other factors. Some experts recommend contacting the selected clinic closer to the 30th week, others believe that the earlier the choice is made in favor of this or that institution, the better. It is believed that in the latter case, the guinea will have more time to collect information about the clinic and doctors who take birth there. In addition, in the last period, a woman will be physically and emotionally harder to deal with such issues.

Before choosing a hospital, you need to take into account the several main criteria, which it must match:

  • Safety.

That is, a mother with a child must be safe, both during the generic process and after it. Safety is ensured by the presence of resuscitation, blood transfusion separation, as well as the possibility of continuously monitor the state of the fetus during the bouts.

  • Comfort.

It also has an important meaning when choosing a maternity hospital. Comfortable stay includes: responsible staff, chambers with everything you need, the ability to see relatives and so on.

  • Availability of special services.

Suite services include: children's resuscitation, anesthesiological department, autologous plasmorism. Anesthesia will need a woman in case of anesthesia of the generic process, the main thing is that at the same time at the same time there are at least two duty professionals every day. Plazmorism will allow pregnant to collect their own plasma in advance and maintain it to prevent postoperative complications.

  • Equipment of the clinic with modern equipment.

Its presence avoids unpleasant postpartum consequences for mother and fetus in case of complications.

  • Statistical data: the number of birth per year, the frequency of perinatal mortality.
  • Qualifying medical personnel.

There are many clinics providing similar services on a fee. So what kind of maternity hospital to choose? Doctors themselves do not deny the explicit advantages of paid institutions, since the staff feels greater responsibility for their actions. Usually the contract with such clinics is 35-36 weeks, and its validity period expires after 6 weeks after the advent of the newborn.


- This is a special document that is part of the supplement to the Government Program "Health". It fulfills the function of support in childbirth. The project began to be implemented in Russia since 2006.

Thanks to a generic certificate issued to the female consultation of the future woman in labor, a woman gets the right to choose a hospitalobserving a gynecologist and a medical institution for consultation.

Thanks to a competent medical supervision, recommendations, prevention and treatment, the chances of having a healthy baby are significantly increasing, and numerous risks are minimized for both the future child and for the mother. Complications for childbirth, threat of interrupting pregnancy, anemia, late toxicosis, etc. - all this dangerous pathology, whose warning falls on the shoulders of domestic specialists.

Legislative issue

They began to issue women who put on maternity records. This innovation was a qualitative improvement of the medical assistance provided to women during the period of having a child and during childbirth. This program increases the material interest of health institutions. Regulates this question Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2005.

Upon learning of pregnancy, a woman must be registered with the female consultation at the place of residence up to 12 weeks. For the entire obstetric period, the future feminine visits his doctor stably twice a month, a total of 10 times. Such regular techniques and surveys, assigning analyzes and observations ensure timely diagnosis of complications and identify dangerous pathologies.

According to this document, a pregnant woman is given the right to choose the observer doctor, women's consultation for registration, except for this i have an opportunity Choose a maternity hospital where the child should be born. The doctor cannot refuse the patient. However, this practice rarely enjoy this practice, since most of them concluded a contract with a specific institution in advance, or does not consider it necessary to fuss about this and travels to the nearest free hospital already with the fights.

But to such an important event, like the birth of a new person, it is necessary to prepare well, choose staff and place for childbirth, especially if the state takes the cost of herself. The fact is that it consists of several parts, tear-off coupons, each of which has a certain purpose. One pays for the observation of the woman during pregnancy and the provision of medical services at this stage in the amount of 3000 rubles. Also, the state translates 6,000 rubles in favor of the hospital in the case of successfully completed delivery for each patient. Additionally, the financing of the child's dispensary observation was introduced during the first year of life in the amount of 1000 rubles per newborn.


Typically, the attending gynecologist, along the way, with a generic certificate, gives the direction to the female maternity hospital.

However, the fact is that this the choice is limited Territorial framework, more precisely, the administrative-territorial division of municipalities and affiliates to a certain department.

All maternity hospitals in the country divided into three categories:

The state of a pregnant woman and the features of the course of the whole period decide which category of institutions will send her attending physician from women's consultation. According to the results of the decision direction will be issuedYou can go to childbirth already with the fights. And you can enroll in the selected maternity hospital to preserve pregnancy, when the designated term has already approached, that is, exceeded 40 weeks. The feminine has the right to choose herself, taking into account the testimony of the gynecologist and the existing pathology of pregnancy, specialized or ordinary hospital.

ā€ ā„–2/2009 04.08.11

Roda is approaching and you think what kind of maternity hospital to choose. How to give birth under the contract or just like that? Or maybe it is to give birth abroad, because still the level of medicine .... What if you categorically did not like the doctor. How to understand which one is better: if one maternity hospital is empty and beautiful, and the other (old, and not modern) is filled? We will try to answer all these questions.

Pickland Choice: Reviews

To protect yourself from hasty decisions, start searching the hospital no later than the 22nd week of pregnancy. Moreover, in many popular maternity hospitals to record paid births in a few months.

The determining moment at the first stage is health problems (reserves-conflict, poor vision, diseases of the cardiovascular system, infection, threat of abortion, etc.). If they are, the female consultation doctor will give a referral to a specialized hospital, where the risk of possible complications during and after delivery is minimal. If there are no contraindications, usually choosing a place of birth begins with a survey of girlfriends who have managed to become moms. Their belief can be trusted, but it is not lish. It should be borne in mind how long ago they gave birth, how accurately approached this issue, whether their priorities coincide with yours. The undoubted plus is that a girlfriend can advise to contact a particular doctor or midwife. Dating in this business can play a decisive role.

It is desirable that the clinic is not far from your home. Corks, road repair, bridge divorce - all this may prevent you from getting to the goal. On the other hand, if feedback on your district hospital does not inspire confidence and optimism, choose the one next, but better. And you can go to the prenatal branch in advance.

Choosing a maternity hospital: paid or free

You can give birth free of charge for a generic certificate and for money.

Plus free childbirth - a rested duty team, which did not accept extrabudgetary childbirth a few days in a row.

The advantage of paid birth do not hide the doctors themselves: they feel great responsibility if a person paid in advance.

If you decide to protect yourself with a ruble, on the 35-36th week you should conclude a contract. Its action begins from the moment of signing and ends six weeks after childbirth. To know what you pay for, ask to explore the maternity and postpartum separation before the signing of all securities. Sometimes in the maternity hospital for this purpose, the days of the open doors are specifically. Budgetary women may be present at them.

Choosing a hospital: childbirth abroad

The cost of childbirth abroad is tens of thousands of dollars. Not to mention additional expenses for visa and tickets, a medical translator, a hotel (many clinics are recommended to be in place 20 days before the date of delivery), food, support of relatives. In exchange - the highest level of medicine (according to the latest data, the best maternity hospital - in Sweden) and comfort.

How much is worth going abroad

  • England. Private clinic The Portland Hospital, London, childbirth - 8 000-10,000 thousand dollars
  • Israel. State clinic Ramban, Haifa, childbirth 5,900 - 6,000 dollars
  • Germany. Concern Clinics of St. Antonius, Dusseldorf, childbirth 4,500 euros

How about the account for childbirth in Europe

  • services in the opening of the medical policy approximately 350 euros
  • cost of contract for childbirth 4,500 euros (with normally current birth)
  • in case of complications and / or operation (Cesarean) 7,000 euros
  • hour work of the medical translator 30-50 euros
  • air travel there and back for two 400 euros.
  • accommodation in the hotel before and after childbirth about 70 - 250 euros

It is important!

Most countries in Europe, some countries of Latin America, Japan do not provide foreigners the opportunity to obtain citizenship on the fact of birth in their territory. A citizen of the state (but only to achieve the majority) can be a child born in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Malaysia, and it will even concern those children whose parents are violators of the visa regime.

The fact of the birth of a child must be registered in the Russian consulate in the country in the country, otherwise you will simply not be released to their homeland.

Choosing a maternity hospital: meeting with a doctor

This can be done when concluding a contract. The doctor needs to be inspecting you to childbirth, you will learn his qualifications and experience, and also listen to intuition and understand whether you trust this person such responsibly.

There must be a guarantee that the doctor will come to your childbirth, not even in his shift, and will stay next to as much as you need. Actually, you pay for it.
If the doctor is stuck in a "traffic jam" or does not have time for other reasons, the maternity hospital is obliged to provide you with another specialist or return the money. Money is returned and if you have managed to get to the nearest hospital.

Choosing a maternity hospital: degree of equipment and leading

During a call to a registry or excursion, find out what equipment has a maternity hospital (ECG, echocardiography, doppler, brain ultrasound, cardiomonitoring, artificial respiration apparatus, blood transfusion station) and how modern it is. What branches are working: cardiological, intensive therapy, separation for premature luxury cruises and others. We hope all this is not useful. However, it is better to progress.

The attitude of the physicians to the battle and childbirth period is important. What types of anesthesia are used, and whether you have the right to refuse them or, on the contrary, to demand. Specify whether non-simulatory methods are used: rocking chair, balls, bath, massage. Not in each clinic during battles allowed to walk or sit - the doctor is more convenient to inspect when you learn.

Choosing a maternity hospital: attitude towards a child

If for all (or at least for the majority) the above mentioned moments with the doctor found a common language, the next stage is the attitude towards the newborn. Find out when the umbilical cord is cut: immediately after delivery or after the cessation of her pulsation (after 5-15 minutes). Another significant question, whether the baby is put on the stomach and are immediately applied to the chest. This practice is now welcome almost everywhere. This is useful for both a child (colostrum will strengthen immunity) and for the mother (stimulates the generation of milk).

Therefore, the following question is: do not remember the newborns with artificial mixtures and do not budge them without the need. However, in the first two or three days, when the milk has not yet developed, it is not avoided.

It is useful when the neonatologist holds a lecture for newly minted mothers. It is taught to bathe a baby, clean the spout and ears, handle the umbilical wreck. This particularly helps those who became mom for the first time.

Choosing a hospital: Chamber

The Chamber "Mother and Child" is a single or double. The main thing is that the baby is all the time with you, and you will not feed it on the schedule, but on my first requirement. Minus - in a joint stay with another pair "Mama-Child" in that crying and worries will be twice as much. But, together more fun.

The general chamber was calculated by three-seven women. Children only bring to feeding. This is free chambers in the presence of a compulsory health insurance policy.

In the last two cases, you need to clarify the receiving clock. Even in paid wards, visit is not allowed at any time. Although you can always negotiate with the midwife.

Our expert Olga Ascenturova, Ph.D., doctor of the obstetrician-gynecologist of the obstetric and gynecology clinic of the Moscow Medical Academy. I.M. Suchenova, member of the Expert Council Johnson'sĀ® Baby:

In some cases, the maternity hospital may terminate the contract with the patient. The reason may be the provision of a patient not complete information about his health. As a rule, the detection of certain diseases is given to the termination: (oncological, mental, venereal), dangerous infections (HIV), congenital defects, anomalies of development and other urgent states that are the competence of ambulance services.

In addition, the contract is terminated in case of violation of the patient of the order and terms of payment for services, as well as the rules of the internal regime and the regime of a medical institution. In this case, money is not returned.

In the event that the Agreement lies not only for childbirth, but also on pregnancy, it automatically terminates when it is premature interruption after the provision of an appropriate medical conclusion. This practice is extremely rare, as usual agreements are directly affected by the birth.
