Why do you need fingernails and toenails. How does a nail grow and what does it consist of? Why do you need nose hair

Nails are hard formations of horny tissue. The base of the nail is ringed with cuticle, its purpose is to create a barrier to the penetration of dust, dirt, pathogenic bacteria, leading to inflammatory processes or fungal diseases. Nails can cut, tear, scratch. They can be used to open small valves or lift small objects. Sometimes nails are used for. It is difficult to hold even a glass of water with your fingers without it, since the grip will be weakened. Without nails it is impossible on musical instruments or typing on a computer. Without these horns it is quite problematic to even dial a phone number. In ancient times, the cultural or social status of a person was determined by the nails - for example, Chinese mandarins had very long curved nails. Currently, it is an important component of a person's appearance. It is impossible to imagine a complete look without healthy and well-groomed nails. Thanks to modern nail design, including nail art, piercings, extensions, nails became an independent decoration. Some long nails needed for work. For example, Aleutian wickerwork, famous for its durability, is woven from the thinnest strips of special grass. And in order to split the stalks of this grass, the Aleuts grow very long nails... In addition, the nail plate reflects the state of our health. Changes in color or deformation of nails are often a sign of painful processes in the body. The appearance of lesions can be caused by the action of environmental factors, infection, chronic diseases, trauma, genetic predisposition. Longitudinal grooves on the nails indicate inflammation or rheumatism, transverse ones reflect internal organs or a lack of zinc in the body. Convex nails indicate diseases of the lungs or bronchi. With insufficient blood circulation, the nails acquire a bluish tint. Yellow nails indicate liver disease. Lack of calcium is reflected by white blotches.


  • Nails. Structure, nutrition, diseases

Nails are dense horny plates on the dorsum of the ends of the fingers and toes. The nail plate is composed of keratin, i.e. epidermal cells, formed at its base and germinated.

Nails have a number of important functions. They are the terminal phalanges and finger pads from injury, are a prerequisite for the sensitivity of the finger pads, i.e. increase the ability to recognize objects, contributing to the performance of the tactile function.

In times they were used for self-defense. For more than a century, differences in human culture could be determined from the nails, for example, the mandarins had extremely long nail plates. In our time, nails are one of the components of human beauty, but they have not lost their physiological functions.

Often they become an indicator of painful processes occurring in. For example, longitudinal grooves on the nail plates indicate that their owner has chronic inflammatory diseases (teeth, nose, nasopharynx). Transverse grooves may indicate diseases of the internal organs (kidneys, liver, intestines). Presence on the nail

This is how you live your whole life and you don't ask many questions. You don't explore yourself and your environment. And then you looked at your nails and ask why you need them? A question that many people come to. It can be very useful to find out the answer to it. After all, nails are one of the most important indicators of the human body. Let's find out why we need nails and what they can tell about the owner. They have several functions: protection of delicate fingertips, tactile, and also diseases can be determined by nails.

A person's hands are very actively involved in his daily activities, therefore, they are often endangered and need special protection. The nail plates give our fingers a stiffness, they are needed to protect the delicate skin of the fingertips, perform delicate mechanical manipulations, and even for such mundane things as scratching the crown or nose. They can pick up and hold objects, physically feel objects. In addition, nails reflect the state of our body. For example, excessive bulging of the nail plate and a light halo at the base may be a sign of tuberculosis, white spots may indicate a violation of carbohydrate metabolism or diabetes, and blueness of the nails may indicate problems with blood vessels. Without nails, our life would be completely different, so attention to them and care for their condition have existed since ancient times and are filled with a special meaning!

Oddly enough, but the function of the nail is to protect the terminal phalanges of the fingers, so as not to damage the soft tissues in which the nerve endings are located. Nails are a hard cover to protect the delicate fingertips, with which we grip various objects and physically sense the bodies around us. Nails allow us to pick up something, if the object is small, then without such solid formations it is generally difficult to grasp it. In Central Asia and Persia, it was believed that the soul is in the nails. Therefore, the clipped nails were buried in the ground, burned, so that they would not fall into the hands of witches, would not be used for conspiracies and witchcraft. There was a number of customs when it was generally forbidden to cut nails at a certain time of the year, month, week. For example, the ancient Slavs imposed restrictions on shepherds - not to cut their hair and nails, not even to make love while grazing, observing chastity.

It is known that the total length of nails trimmed over a lifetime in men reaches 3.9 m, and in women - 4.3 m. Nails do, from a physiological point of view, perform a protective function. And about beliefs: the ancient Scandinavians still believed that from the nails of the dead who fell in Helheim, Hel during Ragnarok would build a huge ship on which he would sail to fight with the light gods of the aces. Therefore, it was customary for the dead to cut their nails so that Hel would get less. In the Ancient East, it was believed that each nail is associated with some organ. In particular, the thumb was associated with the brain, and the index finger could tell about the lungs and the respiratory system, the middle finger was a marker of the state of the intestines, the ring finger indicated the health of the kidneys, and the little finger - about malfunctions in the cardiovascular system and heart.

Animals, unlike humans, boast surprisingly functional adaptations: keen eyes, fangs, claws, prehensile tails - all this provides animals with excellent survival even in the most severe conditions. A person is deprived of these devices, perhaps only nails remind him of his relationship with other representatives of the fauna. It should be noted that a person is not a unique owner of nails. All primates have this organ. The fact is that primates, to which we also belong - people, most actively use limbs in their activities, and first of all hands. Obviously, based on this, the hands of the primate are the most vulnerable and vital organ, in need of additional protection. Nail rollers prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the growth sector of the nail and protect it from foreign bodies.

In our time, nails, to some extent having lost their original purpose, have acquired a number of new properties. For example, manicure and pedicure can be applied to them, according to their condition, a conclusion can be drawn about human health. Some owners of nails prefer to gnaw them, trying to attract fresh thoughts to their heads, or, conversely, to distract themselves from any thoughts. A number of scientists consider nails to be an atavism, and on the feet they also consider fingers to be an atavistic remnant.

Atavisms are signs that arise in a person that were characteristic of his distant ancestors, the appearance of them in our time is explained by the fact that in any human DNA there are genes responsible for this trait, but they are suppressed by others and do not function. A genetic failure at one of the levels of development contributes to the manifestation of these genes, which translates into some kind of unusual property for a modern person. At the same time, the nails perfectly protect the nerve endings located on the fingertips.

The nail, or stratum corneum, is related in origin to the hair or outer layer of human skin, claws and hooves of animals. The color of the nails can also tell about the state of health. A healthy person should have shiny, pink, smooth nails that match the shape of the finger. With heart disease, the nails become unnaturally pale or bluish. A pale nail hole is evidence of anemia. Opal nails (also yellow) are a symptom of serious liver problems.

There are many answers to the question of what nails are for. From a practical point of view, a person needs nails to protect his fingertips, which are used to take objects. On women's hands, rather long nails just look beautiful. But nails fulfill a huge number of both practical and biological functions.

Functions of nails

  1. Nails have a huge number of important functions. They protect the terminal phalanges and fingerpads from various injuries, are an essential condition for the sensitivity of the fingertip, that is, they increase the person's ability to recognize objects, helping to carry out the tactile function in humans. The main function of nails is protective.
  2. Quite often, they are an indicator of some kind of painful processes that occur in the body. For example, the longitudinal grooves that are on the nail plates indicate that their owner has chronic inflammatory diseases (nasopharynx, teeth, nose). Transverse grooves indicate problems with internal organs (kidneys, intestines, liver). The presence of transverse grooves on the nails indicates that the body does not have enough zinc. It is imperative to be examined also when the color of the nails changes. Indeed, if blood circulation is impaired, they become with a bluish tint. Yellow nails are a sign of an unhealthy liver, and the appearance of yellowish bumps on the nail plates can be a symptom of psoriasis.
  3. For the vast majority of modern women, nails function as a wonderful way to enhance beauty. After all, almost every girl, when asked what nails are for, will answer that for beauty. Colorful gorgeous, drawings on the nail plate, as well as chic extended artificial nails make it possible for the fair sex to attract the attention of others.

Nails in history

In ancient times, nails were used as self-defense. At a later time, differences in human culture could be calculated from the nails. For example, Chinese mandarins had incredibly long nails. Today, nails are one of the most important components of human beauty, but with all this, they have not lost their direct basic physiological functions.

Why does a man need nails? September 14th, 2017

This is how you live your whole life and you don't ask many questions. You don't explore yourself and your environment. And then you looked at your nails and ask why you need them? A question that many people come to. It can be very useful to find out the answer to it. After all, nails are one of the most important indicators of the human body.

Let's find out why we need nails and what they can tell about the owner.

They have several functions: protection of delicate fingertips, tactile, and also diseases can be determined by nails.

A person's hands are very actively involved in his daily activities, therefore, they are often endangered and need special protection. The nail plates give our fingers a stiffness, they are needed to protect the delicate skin of the fingertips, perform delicate mechanical manipulations, and even for such mundane things as scratching the crown or nose. They can pick up and hold objects, physically feel objects.

In addition, nails reflect the state of our body. For example, excessive bulging of the nail plate and a light halo at the base may be a sign of tuberculosis, white spots may indicate a violation of carbohydrate metabolism or diabetes, and blueness of the nails may indicate problems with blood vessels.

Without nails, our life would be completely different, so attention to them and care for their condition have existed since ancient times and are filled with a special meaning!

Oddly enough, but the function of the nail is to protect the terminal phalanges of the fingers, so as not to damage the soft tissues in which the nerve endings are located. Nails are a hard cover to protect the delicate fingertips, with which we grip various objects and physically sense the bodies around us. Nails allow us to pick up something, if the object is small, then without such solid formations it is generally difficult to grasp it.

In Central Asia and Persia, it was believed that the soul is in the nails. Therefore, the clipped nails were buried in the ground, burned, so that they would not fall into the hands of witches, would not be used for conspiracies and witchcraft. There was a number of customs when it was generally forbidden to cut nails at a certain time of the year, month, week. For example, the ancient Slavs imposed restrictions on shepherds - not to cut their hair and nails, not even to make love while grazing, observing chastity.

It is known that the total length of nails trimmed over a lifetime in men reaches 3.9 m, and in women - 4.3 m.
From a physiological point of view, the nails actually perform a protective function. And about beliefs: the ancient Scandinavians still believed that from the nails of the dead who fell in Helheim, Hel during Ragnarok would build a huge ship on which he would sail to fight with the light gods of the aces. Therefore, it was customary for the dead to cut their nails so that Hel would get less.

In the Ancient East, it was believed that each nail is associated with some organ. In particular, the thumb was associated with the brain, and the index finger could tell about the lungs and the respiratory system, the middle finger was a marker of the state of the intestines, the ring finger indicated the health of the kidneys, and the little finger - about malfunctions in the cardiovascular system and heart.

Animals, unlike humans, boast surprisingly functional adaptations: keen eyes, fangs, claws, prehensile tails - all this provides animals with excellent survival even in the most severe conditions. A person is deprived of these devices, perhaps only nails remind him of his relationship with other representatives of the fauna.

It should be noted that a person is not a unique owner of nails. All primates have this organ. The fact is that primates, to which we also belong - people, most actively use limbs in their activities, and first of all hands. Obviously, based on this, the hands of the primate are the most vulnerable and vital organ, in need of additional protection. Nail rollers prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the growth sector of the nail and protect it from foreign bodies.

In our time, nails, to some extent having lost their original purpose, have acquired a number of new properties. For example, manicure and pedicure can be applied to them, according to their condition, a conclusion can be drawn about human health. Some owners of nails prefer to gnaw them, trying to attract fresh thoughts to their heads, or, conversely, to distract themselves from any thoughts.

A number of scientists consider nails to be an atavism, and on the feet they also consider fingers to be an atavistic remnant.

Atavisms are signs that arise in a person that were characteristic of his distant ancestors, the appearance of them in our time is explained by the fact that in any human DNA there are genes responsible for this trait, but they are suppressed by others and do not function. A genetic failure at one of the levels of development contributes to the manifestation of these genes, which translates into some kind of unusual property for a modern person.
At the same time, the nails perfectly protect the nerve endings located on the fingertips.

The nail, or stratum corneum, is related in origin to the hair or outer layer of human skin, claws and hooves of animals.
The color of the nails can also tell about the state of health. A healthy person should have shiny, pink, smooth nails that match the shape of the finger. With heart disease, the nails become unnaturally pale or bluish. A pale nail hole is evidence of anemia. Opal nails (also yellow) are a symptom of serious liver problems.

Nails react to various medications. Long-term antibiotic treatment produces yellow-brown stains on the nails, X-rays make the nails dark brown, the same result is observed in Addison's disease. In the case of diabetic thrombosis of the arteries of the upper extremities, the nails acquire a mourning shade.

The shape of the nail plate is used to judge the character of a person. Fortune telling by nails is called onychomancy. Long nails are for those who are slow, thoughtful, distrustful, and short nails are for logical ones, prone to criticism and control. The shortest nails have irreconcilable and quick-tempered ones. The owners of short nails are characterized by rapid career growth, they are prone to leadership. Hooked and curled nails are characteristic of tight-fisted and greedy ones.

Strong nails in the form of a spatula testify to the mind of their owner and his logic is clearly stronger than emotions.

Philosophically minded people have an angular or quadrangular shape of nails, they are strong in the field of literature and art, the humanities, but the sphere of exact calculations and numbers is also not alien to them.

The conical or pointed shape of the nail testifies to abilities in the field of art, these are artists, sculptors, architects, and other plastic arts workers.


Guest article.

The human body is a complete mystery. If we take it apart, then the purpose of many of them will still remain incomprehensible. For example, nails - why are they needed at all? After all, this is a completely useless atavism. Or not?

Their main function is determined quite easily - it is to protect the delicate fingertip. Without such protection, a person would constantly suffer from more or less minor injuries. This is fully felt by those whose nail falls off due to injury - until a new one grows, they feel all the "delights" of life without it.

It's simple: hands are the main tool of every person, even an office employee. The fingers, this sensitive instrument, are in danger every day and therefore need special protection. The “armor” for their tips is just the nail. The nail plate stiffens the top of the toe. I must say that this is not even just a protective layer - without this hard part, people would not be able to perform subtle manipulations. This is partly why children who have very tiny and thin marigolds have insufficiently developed fine motor skills. And, of course, if there were no nails, there would be no such pleasant procedure as scratching. And although man got love for her from his ancestors, monkeys, she did not bring less pleasure from this. You can also pick up and hold a small object with your nails, if, of course, they are of a suitable length.

Also, according to the nail plate, it is quite easy to determine the state of the human body. Having studied the basic principles of such "reading", even a beginner can do it. So, when the nail is unnaturally convex, and its base is too light, this, unfortunately, can speak of tuberculosis. But cyanosis is an important signal indicating problems with blood vessels. A person who has noticed several white spots on the pink part of the plate can go to the clinic to check the blood sugar level - this may indicate diabetes or at least impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

So, a modern person should know that his nails are an important protection for his fingertips and a part of the body that sends signals about the state of his organs. But an equally interesting aspect is the beliefs of people who symbolically connected the nail plate with the whole life of an individual in general.

One of the most interesting ancient theories regarding the nail originated in Central Asia and was known to the Persians. They considered him ... the seat of the soul. This does not mean that it was forbidden to cut them - only thoughtless throwing out was forbidden. The removed part of the nail plate had to be buried in the ground. If a witch found them, they could become part of a witchcraft rite, with the help of which significant harm was inflicted on a person. Therefore, the nails were buried in an atmosphere of terrible secrecy. The shepherds were completely forbidden to shear them while the flocks were in the pastures, that is, from spring to winter. This was considered a bad omen - pestilence could attack animals.

The same beliefs are still held by African tribes, one of whose leaders died, simply convincing himself that his nails were used in a black magic rite, which means that his soul was covered with filth.

Until now, many girls listen to the advice of astrologers and do manicure on special days in the hope of getting long and beautiful nails.

Alternative Chinese medicine associates each nail with a separate organ, tracking its condition by the appearance of the plate. The appointments of many specialists are still based on this very principle. But the most interesting thing is that this point of view is confirmed after examination in an ordinary hospital.

Vladislav Kocheryzhkin: junior financial consultant, private investor, seo specialist, content manager

Hey! My name is Vladislav Kocheryzhkin, I am the creator, author, editor-in-chief and seo specialist of this blog. In 2016, I started investing in securities, earning money on the Internet as a copywriter and marketer. In 2017, he quit his job and started making money on the Internet. Since 2018 I have been a junior financial consultant. I share my experience of investing money in order to preserve and increase it in the heading Room financier.

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