Conspiracies that act instantly are proven methods. Powerful conspiracies for success and prosperity - so that everything works out

I am often asked the question - when the spell begins to work, how long can concrete results be expected? Such questions are quite logical, but not always correct. It is clear that if you practice magical techniques, you want to get the effect of the action as soon as possible. But in the sphere of subtle energies and magic, you need to understand how everything works and be fully accountable for your actions. Professional magicians and shamans interact with external sources of power, and this allows you to control the process of energy impact.

And yet I will try to satisfy the curiosity of readers and answer the question, after what time should we expect the results of rites and rituals. To begin with, it is worth understanding the difference between independent magical procedures and professional magic. In the first case, the result is not guaranteed at all. It is not known whether you managed to feel the energy of the subtle world during the ritual and direct it in the right direction. However, if the magical effect is carried out by a professional, it is quite possible to indicate the approximate time of the result. Much depends on the complexity of the situation to be solved, as well as on the effectiveness of the ritual or conspiracy being performed. There are procedures that are performed in a few minutes, there are those that require preliminary preparation and subsequent correction. Sometimes the ritual alone can take from 3 to 9 days.

What are rituals and conspiracies

To delve deeper into this topic, let's figure out what magical rituals, rites, and conspiracies are.

There are quite a few, tens of thousands of different rituals, conspiracies for the implementation of magical effects. But the essence is the same for everyone - to connect external sources of forces to influence a person or situation in order to achieve the desired result. The physical world is ruled by four main forces - air, fire, water and earth. A conspiracy is your appeal to one or more of these forces, and a ritual is a way to merge with this force, you must definitely feel, feel this force. To do this, you need to connect your energy with an external source, for example, with fire, and act no longer as a separate person, not on your own, but on behalf of this force, becoming a part of it. Only in this case the rite will be effective, and you will get the result. Therefore, if you want to learn how to practice magical rituals - learn how to interact with external forces, it is not so difficult, these forces are always with us.

I very rarely use ready-made rituals, I prepare new ones for each client. After all, the situations that need to be solved are always different, in each case - their own nuances. Somewhere you need to act softly and slowly, gradually increasing your strength, somewhere, on the contrary, you need to apply it hard and quickly, for example, to cut off the negatives. And in each case, you need to connect different forces, for example, to get rid of loneliness or solve problems in relationships, the element of fire is used more, and to solve material problems, for business or career - a combination of the elements of fire and earth. The ritual must meet the requirements of the task and help to attract the right power.

What happens after the ceremony

When the magic ritual is performed and everything is done correctly, certain mechanisms immediately turn on, the situation begins to change. At first, this happens on a subtle, energetic level, all the necessary prerequisites begin to be created. Accordingly, the result itself comes a little later. Based on personal practice, I can say that for most love spells and health, this period takes from 28 to 40 days. If during this time there has been no progress in the situation, it means that some serious obstacle has formed and it needs to be eliminated. Experienced craftsmen see this immediately and make the necessary adjustments in a timely manner. There are difficult cases when the magic begins to act after a few months. Long-term action is sometimes characteristic of amulets, talismans and other things endowed with magical powers.

However, the key number for most rituals and incantations is 28 days. Why exactly this period? The fact is that many processes on Earth, especially magical ones, are associated with the lunar cycle. And it lasts exactly 28 days. Thus, in order for the energy to make a full circle and enter the next coil, 1 lunar cycle must pass. True, there are rituals that act much faster, literally within a few days. This is especially true for conspiracies for specific desires. How do you know that the rite has begun to operate? To do this, you need to trust your intuition and be observant. If there are more accidents and unusual events in your life, this means that the situation is starting to change for the better.

For example, if a ceremony was performed for the appearance of a loved one in your life, people completely unfamiliar to you may start talking to you on the street. Or suddenly long-forgotten friends or girlfriends call on the phone and offer to meet. Do not ignore such signs: this is a clear indication that magic is beginning to work. In conclusion, I will say that each ritual has its own duration. Usually magical influence does not last more than 6-12 months. Sometimes it makes sense to repeat the ceremony, in other situations the need for such a procedure simply disappears, since the goal has been achieved.

Why Rituals Don't Work

There are many factors that determine whether the rite will work, and what will be its duration:

  • the circumstances of the life of the person on whom the impact is directed;
  • his environment, social status;
  • the distance between the customer of the rite and the target;
  • the time that has elapsed since the last meeting of the parties;
  • if the ceremony was carried out independently, there is a direct dependence on the energy level of the person who performed the ritual.

The last point is the most important in terms of the effectiveness of "home" magic. It is also quite likely that the rite will not work at all, because, as I said, external forces will not be involved.

The energy level of the person to whom the rite or love spell is directed is also important. There are cases when magic does not work due to the protection that stands on a person, or the high level of his personal power. In such a situation, only the help of an experienced master, magician or shaman is able to remove the existing barriers.

A love spell is unlikely to work if you are not personally familiar with the object. This can only be done very well. A serious obstacle will be a long separation (from a year or more). Mental illnesses and addictions also reduce the effectiveness of the impact. The correct selection of magical items necessary for the ceremony is also important.

In addition, you can not tell anyone about your actions. Excessive attention from outsiders will negate the effectiveness of magical practice. The emotional state also matters. If you can't handle emotions, they will take energy away and you won't be able to prepare and successfully perform the ritual.

If you need a more complete consultation on magical rituals, please contact me through the feedback form or through the contacts on my website. I wish you good luck and joy!

Many beginners wonder when the conspiracy begins to operate? There are a number of rites in which the duration of the spells is clearly specified, but all the rest have a blurred scope of action. No magician can give the exact date of the action of some rites.. And there are objective reasons for this. You need to look for them in the person himself, and not in external circumstances.

The first signs that the conspiracy had succeeded

As a rule, with the correct execution of a magical rite, several common signs of a successful conspiracy can be distinguished. They are universal and indicate a quick result:

  • Any valuable find a few days after the ceremony. This is the most obvious sign. By itself, the found thing does not mean anything, the fact of the find indicates that the conspiracy began to work.
  • A sudden meeting with a person whom the performer has not seen for a very long time. The time of separation from this person is more than half the life of the performer. For example, a performer is 30 years old, and he met a classmate whom he had not seen for more than 16 years.
  • If a love conspiracy was performed, then an unexpected call or meeting with a person being spoken to, from which a pleasant memory will remain.
  • A dream in which a person sees blood on himself - his own or someone else's.
  • Care and loss of a pet from home. This rarely happens, but this is due to the fact that animals feel magic, and try to escape from it. After the magic is over, the animals usually return.
  • Good news that will affect the well-being of a person. For example, about an inheritance, an award, a gift.

The duration of the conspiracy

Some naively believe that magical rites last forever. In fact, usually the duration of the conspiracy lasts no more than a year. But there are a number of rituals in which the text has an exact date of action. For example, "Three years", "Five winters", "Until sunrise". In the rite itself, you need to look for the time frame of the action. A person must also remember that too long a conspiracy carries a threat to the performer.

For example, a conspiracy for money was carried out, it gave the desired result, but money is only added every day. If such an action lasts more than a year, then it is urgent to perform a purification ceremony. Because the power of the conspiracy is out of control, it grows and multiplies. If this is not stopped, then sooner or later, at one moment she will turn against the performer. And the results of this are capable of destroying everything that a person has acquired in an instant.

The duration of the conspiracy, although a conditional thing, has limits. It is only necessary to carefully study and analyze a specific conspiracy, its text. It usually gives an answer when the conspiracy begins to operate. We repeat that only the desire and aspiration of a person for something are the main movable forces of magic. Without personal striving, it is harmless and practically ineffective.

Conspiracies are a type of magic spells(more Slavic), which should be slandered at something or someone.

To be more precise, these are such verbal formulas, the structure of construction and the meaning of which, when pronounced, are aimed at achieving some specific goals.

Simply put, it is just a phrase, or a series of phrases united by one meaning, like a poem or a prayer.

Most of these phrases have existed for a very long time, and unchanged. For this reason, over several tens and hundreds of years of uttering conspiracies by people, a certain energy potential has accumulated in these words that can influence people or the world around them.

This potential can be called an egregor - a kind of energy clot tuned to receive and give energy to those who pronounce those who created this egregor of the word.

These are always words in a strictly defined order and you cannot change them, otherwise the conspiracy will not work.

It should be understood that each conspiracy is initially created for some specific purpose. They select those words and their order that will be able to influence the mental or physical state of a person in the right way. Therefore, conspiracies cannot be pronounced simply for the sake of interest and fun.

According to the testament of ancient sorcerers and magicians, conspiracies are like monuments of a prophetic magical word that contains terrible power. This power should not be awakened unless absolutely necessary, so as not to bring disaster on oneself.

The same applies to any verbal rituals, including prayers: any prayer is said only when it is needed and only in order to achieve some goal (to ask God for something).

Therefore, resorting to the help of conspiracies, always remember that any conspiracy uttered incorrectly, or for the wrong purpose, can act against you. And in such cases, conspiracies always work against those who pronounce them.

Unnecessarily, do not wake up a dragon that can eat you. In order for the conspiracy to activate and work correctly, it is necessary to follow at least the basic rules common to all conspiracies. Let's take a look at them right now.

1. It is necessary to pronounce magic words in the morning or evening dawn. Usually, in each particular conspiracy, if it is correct, this is stipulated. That is, it is done either at sunrise or at sunset. Universal conspiracies, so that they can be done this way and that, do not exist.

2. Any conspiracy, if it is morning, is read on an empty stomach, in a ventilated room, becoming, as a rule, facing east. All rituals are usually done on an empty stomach. Remember the requirements before confession in the church, or even medical prescriptions: all tests are taken on an empty stomach in order to get a clean result. Not eating before the rituals is one of the most important conditions. Absorbed food usually tends to sleep, mental strength and energy weaken. These are the biological characteristics of man, so do not try to argue with nature.

3. The main thing when voicing conspiracies is the mental representation of those actions and pictures that are mentioned in the conspiracy. It happens that a lot is presented allegorically, through allegories. Then you still need to imagine allegorical images, but at the same time decipher them for yourself, understand the meaning. Visualization of the process is almost the main condition in any magical rituals. It allows you to tune in to what you need to receive, direct all energy in one direction.

4. When reading conspiracies, they take a calm breath and the same calm exhalation. On the remnants of air, they pronounce words in such a way that with the last word (Amen) they push out all the remnants of air in the lungs. This is an energy trick - this is how you put more energy into your words and thereby enhance their influence. But you can pump up the energy of the word and consciously, thinking at the same time about the meaning of the spoken words and that you inhale the maximum of your strength into each word.

Thinking about the meaning and purpose of the words, you send your energy and conspiracy powers to the destination, to the goal. Having reached the goal, the words will begin to work. After uttering the last word, hold your breath for a couple of seconds. It happens that the conspiracies are very long and there is not enough breathing. In this case, you need to breathe in and out again and continue the conspiracy. This is done until the very end.

By and large, the meaning of rituals with the utterance of magic words is to control all processes. In this matter, breath control is needed not least, as well as thought control. To control the power of a conspiracy, you must understand and control the entire magical process, every thought and action.

5. Despite the need to breathe energy into every word and animate the meaning of the conspiracy, it is very important to remain cool and, as it were, a little detached from the process. Excessive emotions can knock down the mood, and hence the direction of energy. A conspiracy without invested energy is a dead conspiracy and zero result.

Excessive desire for some result is just as destructive. The latter can cause the action of the balancing forces of nature, which will either bring all your efforts to naught, or else remove the irritant: they will give a violator of balance and peace on the forehead. The latter is easier and less energy-consuming for them than dissolving your energy splashes.

6. You need complete confidence in yourself and your abilities, confidence in the correctness and effectiveness of your efforts. Remember the hypnotists: with outward apparent calm, what power each of their words carries, what a strong and confident voice! Conspiracies somewhere even akin to hypnosis and self-hypnosis.

You have to believe implicitly that your words will work. You need to feel your strength, believe in them, feel like a magician. Faith is needed for adjustment, plus it increases self-esteem without any tangible arguments that the other person always needs to get and see first. And you work with the invisible. Faith helps to gather strength "into a fist."

7. Reading aloud is more effective than whispering.. Again, for energy reasons. All this does not apply to experienced witches. The magician must be strong so that his whisper has no less power than the word spoken, voiced by a pure voice of thought. Experienced Witch Grandmothers are called whisperers for a reason; old people are usually witches with experience in slander.

If you do not know how to mentally pump words with energy, read aloud, confidently and loudly, try to give all the energy of your voice to the spoken word. Ideally, after the plot, you should feel a little tired. This means that you have put enough effort into the plot. The concept of sufficiency in such a matter is, of course, relative, because you are only able to do what you can at a given level of development, as far as you are skillful and strong today. But the more effort you put in and the more responsible you approach the matter, the more tangible the result you will get in the end.

8. The conspiracy must be pronounced while standing, the back is straight, the head is slightly lowered forward. The condition to do everything while standing calls to show will and strength. The expressions “steadfast will”, “show steadfastness” exist for a reason. But the main meaning of this condition is in the direct current of energy passing through the chakras. The main energy centers in the human biofield are located just vertically, on one straight line.

If you pronounce conspiracies while sitting, their effect will be much lower, because the current of energy is refracted. Plus, in a sitting position, many muscle groups are in a relaxed state, which also weakens the overall energy background.

However, excessive tension is also harmful, and unaccustomed discomfort can knock down the setting completely. In order to tune in to something, you need to at least relax a little. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, follow your feelings and try to stick to some golden mean. A harmonious state of both internal (spiritual) and external (physical) sensations is the key to the success of any magical ritual.

9. To enhance the effect of the conspiracy, you can read “Our Father” three times before pronouncing it. In this case, you simply connect third-party forces. Egregor of the main Lord's prayer will provide you with energy replenishment.

10. If you are reading a plot not for yourself, but for someone (for example, to help), approach the person in need with pure thoughts, with a sincere desire to help. And not in order to show their strength or prove their skills. You don't have to play with magic unnecessarily. Well, except if you are a powerful seventh generation sorcerer with a wealth of experience and a wealth of knowledge. But, as a rule, even experienced magicians never waste their precious powers for fun.

11. In cases where a conspiracy is pronounced on water, it must be drunk in small sips. Ideally, three sips with stops for five minutes. To get the full benefit from the action of the slandered water, after every third sip, pour a little liquid on the right hand and wipe the face, neck, hair of the patient, or your own.

12. During the ritual with the pronunciation of a conspiracy, it is advisable to drive the right hand along the patient's body without touching the surface. At the same time, mentally try to send him warmth, kindness and love. Remember how psychics do it. It's not just that they wave their hands. The hand in this case is a directed conductor of your energy. This energy will just then be “healing” if you think about good, wish the patient to recover and set yourself up for love and positive.

13. The plot is repeated 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 times (obligatory odd number). This is already the magic of numbers and is not included in the topic of this article. It is only worth noting that the energy structure of odd numbers is stronger than even numbers, so the alternation of odd and even numbers embodies the rhythm of activity and decline.

This is what the overall picture looks like. These were only the most basic and necessary conditions and requirements for conducting rituals with conspiracies.

For each individual conspiracy, something may change. It all depends on the situation and the specific task. And this is already known with experience. Therefore, always study and learn new things. This is a guarantee of your well-being, magical literacy and competence in dealing with ancient forces.

Try it, but be vigilant and careful to use what you don't understand. Good luck!

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