Jadeite where to find in nature. Magic and therapeutic properties of Jadeite. To whom the gem is suitable for the horoscope

Jadeitis is not so popular stone. Therefore, many are interested in what a mineral looks like? This breed is much stronger than nephritis, which refers to the same group of minerals, which is greedy.

Jadeitis has the origin of the monomineral rock. It has a dense fine-grained structure, which sometimes happens translucent. The stone is represented by the whole spectrum of green, but may have another color. Rarely meet more damage representatives of this breed.

Magic properties of stone depending on the color:

  • Falls by the virtues of a person: mercy, care, courage, modesty.
  • Make the owner more wise.
  • They instill calm and harmony.
  • Promotes mental equilibrium.
  • Disagreeing the failure and bad emotions.
  • With the help of stone you can control the weather.

Thanks to the magic properties, the mineral was used in magical rites. In the countries of the East and Egypt, Jadeite adorned temples and rituals and halls. For women and men, the mineral is a symbol of love and talisman began.

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac: compatibility in astrology?

Jadeitis is used very often as a talisman, but not everyone will protect its impact. Therefore, the choice should be carried out with a reasonable approach to business.

Especially the mineral is combined with the earth signs of the zodiac.

Who is suitable for the horoscope of the mineral, as affecting its owner:

For Sagloval, Cancer and Capricors of Stone Impacts will be negative. Feelings and character traits will be dull as a result of the influence of the energy field of the stone.

What color and what looks like: stone varieties

Jadeitis is very often confused with jade, but it is only the external similarity - their varieties are essential. Particularly valuable for jewelry and diverse production is the green shades.


  • The Imperial is one of the most popular and valuable types of Jadeita. Color and texture resemble emerald.
  • Commercial, which has a dark color, but with light translucent streaks.
  • Utility has a saturated color design. It is more often used as a diverse material for the manufacture of parts for the interior. Gone to artificially refining.

Unprocessed mineral is extremely rare, but due to their advantage in processing is highly valued by professionals.

Note! Types are determined by foreign inclusions and color of the mineral.

In fact, the kindness varieties are much more, but not all stones of this family are value in jewelry or diverse work.

How much is: Price

Mineral is quite common, which means its popularity. The price of products from the mineral in many respects often depends on which metal is combined. What treatment was a stone.

In many ways, the cost depends on the size and deposit of the mineral.

How much does it cost:

  • Coloring stones are within 100-400 rubles per unit.
  • Large products from a solid jadeite stand within 5000-50000 rubles.
  • Small crafts are approximately 200-1000 rubles.
  • Crafts for the interior have costs in the range of 10,000-100,000 rubles.

The value of the price policy is determined by a jeweler master that works with the material.

Products and decorations from stone and its use

In the jewelry and diverse manufacturer, Jadeitis is valued high enough.

Mineral made such decorations:

  • Earrings.
  • Amulets.
  • Rings.
  • Bracelets.
  • Brooches.
  • Pendants.

But the use of mineral is much wider. From the reservoirs are made stands and figurines, interesting compositions.

Important! Qualitatively treated stones are the key to a beautiful ornament that will not give up precious stones on aesthetics.

A variety of crafts is so large that it is impossible to list them - it all depends on the fantasy of the customer and the master.

Medical properties: Do they have?

Mineral produces many positive effects. Among them are not only magical, but also therapeutic properties.

Medical properties are so extensive that almost all human body systems fall under influence:

  • Positive impact on the nervous system.
  • Saves from problems with arterial pressure.
  • The urinary system works much better.

Young girls and women who have problems with infertility, you need to have talismans with the insertion of Jadeita.

How to distinguish fake: authentication

Natural stone has its own special features that are very hard for fake or artificially produce in laboratory conditions.

It is possible to determine the authenticity by the following criteria:

  • Under the magnifying glass, you can consider grainy inclusions and fibers.
  • Treat with water with a drop of ammonia. With fake, paint will wash.
  • It has a big density, so very quickly sinks in water.

These are the main authenticity tests, but there are less reliable. Better turn to a specialist.

Mineral field

The largest and most popular deposits were open only in the 19th century. Before this mass production, the stone was not observed.

Mineral mined in certain places.

Fields in total there are no more than 10 in the world:

  • Ural, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  • Japan.
  • Mexico.
  • Southeast Asia.
  • Burma.
  • Manyama.

In China, the mineral produced a long time in large quantities, as it is used in traditions and rites for a long time.

Care and storage

Store items from the Jadeitis stands carefully, as it is very fragile and can be easily damaged as a result of mechanical impacts.

Care requires careful and progressive:

  • Wipe with a damp cloth.
  • Clean a soft brush.
  • Dry natural way.

Cannot be used in the process of cleaning aggressive chemicals. It is impossible to report mineral to mechanical cleaning with rigid materials.

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From a linguistic point of view jade And - the same thing. "Nephro" - in Greek "kidney". "Zhag" - also kidney, only in Spanish and in French. Why is the kidney?

Opinions differ. Historians of mineralogy believe that the reason for choosing the name lies in the form of found fragments of stone. The retrangedly grieves the outlines similar to human kidney, hence, they say, and the name.

Another version is also submitted. The renal disease in some cases leads to the formation of large rounded concreters, the view and structure of resembling reminiscent.

Many more reliably English-speaking nickname mineral. Axestone - that is, Stone AX, "Stone ax" - this is so called nephritis in English. The fact is that European archaeologists started a variety of solid-caliber stone axes carved from Jadeita. Such an ax less Oster than quartz, but more durable.

Outstanding properties of Jadeita

Stone grain, opaque, but shines. The strength of the Jadeite is comparable to the strength of the best varieties of steel. To crush the greedyite cube, you need fourwise a large mass than for destruction. The hardness reaches the seven, which means: you can make glass cutters from the jadeite.

The dramatic color ranges from colorless to white and cream, then through yellow and green to blue and different shades of red. Green, gray-green, whites-blue tones of Jadeite are most frequent and highly appreciated. Uneven coloring (spots, stripes, marble drawing) is characteristic of the Jadeite, but the best stones are bold exactly.

Chemical properties of Jadeite typical For aluminum silicate. Being a breed-forming mineral, Jadeitizes a large group of related breeds, each of which, according to modern minological principles, would have to be referred to as Jadeititis. However, the name did not fit, and nephritis (the special case of Jadeitis) is still called jade ...

However, in some national-mineralogical schools, the classification is inversely: there it refers to the jade group, and not vice versa.

The terminological confusion, still not buried by mineralogy, blooms in a lush color on amphiboles, which are referred to and jade, and jade, and, and sometimes even.

Unrelish but dear

Jade (relatively jade) rare. For the formation of Jadeite, special conditions of metamorphism are needed: high temperatures and pressure, accurate proportions of source minerals. Successful propelutions of geological circumstances happen infrequently, and the "cocktail" of the ingredients usually unique. That is why there are so many different colored varieties among the greedyites.

Chromium greesy greedy - at the time manganese, magnesium, titanium, calcium and iron give the mineral red, blue, yellow, brown tones. Rare Blue Jadeitis is mined in Guatemala. Beautiful green stones usually come from Burma.Considerable amount of Jadeitis gives the rest of the mountainous countries: we have these Northern Urals, in the Pacific region - volcanic islands, in India and America - Highlands.

The high cost of the Jadeite is caused by not only solid prices for the raw material. Since the gem is exclusively susceptible to the most complex thread, the products from the Jadeitis often turn into openwork and already because expensive decorations.

However, even a simple cut Caocheon or a bead emphasizes the jewel of the Jadeite. About forty years ago, 150-grams was sold at the auction. The amount of lot amounted to two million dollars.

Over the years, Stone Jadeitis became more expensive, and already on the eve of the Millennium, the greedy beads made up of twenty-seven elements were purchased by more than twenty-seven million dollars!

Three grades of greedy happiness

The history of China knows the times when from Jadeita - on a par with - the coins of the highest nominal nominal were manufactured. Nowadays, a carved pendant from the quality of the quality of the "Imperial" (translucent stones of beautiful shades of green color) costs several hundred dollars.

To the category of commercials include the greedyite pronounced green colortranslucent, with noticeable streaks and a possible lilac case. Jewelry with such a stone is somewhat less "Imperial".

The utilitarian names are the greedyites that do not possess the light-paint ability, fibrous, with layers of coarse color shades. With the well-known cheapness of utilitarian greedy raw materials, polished stones of this variety are estimated at least one and a half dollars for the product!

And yet there is in the world Jadeitis, the price of which is affordable to a poor buyer ...

Inexpensive grinding grade "Bariums Fat"

Belegic, the colors of the vocal smaltz gries relatively inexpensive. The craftsmen are called His "Baran Fat" and cut out a variety of interior decorations. For consuming chic the inexpensive dirty and white Jadeitis is often tinted in the "rich" green.

Transparent resins applied to the surface of the stone, smooth the "orange crust" characteristic of the Jadeite, arising after the finish polishing. Lacked jade is brighter glitter! However, the reflection is a method of relatively innocuous speculation on the precious name of the gem. Quartz fakes - the Beach of the Jadeite Market.

Artificial Jadeite - to be!

The high retail price served as an impulse to create artificial imitation of Jadeita. The first experiments on the production of man-made Jadeite belong to the middle of the twentieth century. The number of heterogeneous ingredients used to sintering into the pseudo-land, exceeded half a dozen.

Only thirty years after the initial samples, the Americans managed to make a stone, structure, composition and properties of which brought an experienced sample to the natural jade.

Fortunately, the manufacturer's plans do not include the conquest of the jewelry world with a greedy weapon, and therefore an artificial mineral is not yet a natural jadeite on the shop windows. But maybe! If, of course, it will be possible to improve the energy-intensive technology ...

Museum exhibits from Jadeite

The ability of the mineral to maintain its properties over the millennia allowed humanity to preserve the most interesting products from Jadeitis. The neolithic mounds of Breathonia opened our contemporaries of interest that the people of the Stone Age were tested for solid and practical material.

Stone axes from Jadeite persisted in everyday life even when the tools began to be made of metal! True, quite soon their role moved from the practical plane to the ritual ...

The ancient Chinese, the most active admirers of the Jadeitis among the civilizations of the past, the millennium ago made a whitish green stone object of worship. Since then today jadeitis for the Chinese is a sample of aesthetic perfection. The most revered sculptures are performed in China from Jadeita. The most desirable talismans are greedyovy!

According to legend, Montesum, the last (and mediocre) ruler of the Aztec, providing Ernan Cortes gold, rejoiced that the Spaniard does not show interest in the Jadeite. At the disposal of the Indians were the copy, giving the greeting beautiful gentle-pink color ...

Magic and therapeutic properties of Jadeite

Massat a piece of Jadeite into powder - a difficult task! But the painstaking Chinese will cope with her, believing that the daily Tolik of the Jadeite powder grants the hardness and resistance of the precious mineral.

Magic properties of Jadeita They are in the ability of the stone to pacify the disputes, to dilute the passion to the thought, to guess the gusts of rage and anger. Possessing a huge spiritual potential, Jadeit helps a person to achieve enlightenment.

Zodiac scales and virgins are becoming more successful with the help of the Headyt. Capricorn, scorpions and crayfish may encounter dissonant notes in relationships with stone. The remaining signs are shown equally.

Semi-shed stone Jadeitis - mineral is predominantly green, superior to the hardness granite - due to the similarity of the color scheme is often confused with. Until the XVIII century, both of these stones were called the Jadeitis, until mineralogues identified the difference in their chemical composition.

In the trading assortment, jade and jadeite and to this day are often undergoing the general name "Zhag". Nevertheless, Jadeitis, which is more rare, solid and durable mineral, is valued significantly higher (for the most part this refers to the "Imperial" - a rare variety of mineral).

History of origin of stone

Jadeit is known to humanity from time immemorial. At the time of neolith, the mineral was used by primitive people for the manufacture of stone workers and weapons for hunting.

Five millennia ago in China, Jadeitis was available only to members of the imperial family who had dishes and sleeping on pillows from this beautiful stone.

Jade is stipulated in the powder, was actively used in Chinese medicine for the treatment of heartburn, diabetes and asthma.

The prey of the Jadeitis, who was considered a sacred stone and the making on the manufacture of necklaces, carved figures of gods and cult amulets, Aztecs and Maya were already engaged in two thousand years BC. In the culture of these peoples, the mineral was valued more than gold.

One of the most revered shrines of Thailand is considered a half-meter statue of the Buddha, made in the XV century from an unusually beautiful translucent greedyite having an emerald shade.

In the Middle Ages - after some depreciation - the mineral became available to rich Chinese. Wanting to provide eternal life to the deceased relative, they were invested in the mouth of the late Cycad (considered a symbol of resurrection and immortality), skillfully carved from Orange Jadeita.

In the Chinese temple, the Valios is almost a two-meter statue of the sitting Buddha, the century ago carved from the huge blockage of White Jadeite delivered from Burma.

The popularizer of Jadeitis in Russia (in the XIX century) became K. Faberge, who created from him unique products for the royal court.

A necklace from the Jadeitian Impathians (ancient champs that have a fang or wild beast shaft) to this day is one of the three mandatory attributes of the power of the Japanese emperor.

Physical properties

Jadeitis, forming in rocks at relatively low temperatures and under very high pressure, is a chain aluminosilicate sodium.


  1. Chemical formula - Naalsi2O6.
  2. The share of mineral is 3.3 g / cm3.
  3. Does not possess a luminescence, no dispersion, nor pleochroism.
  4. In nature, occurs in the form of dense felt-like aggregates with a fine-grained structure. Fresh Flaw of Jadeite resembles sugar, sparkling crumbling of countless and very small crystals. It is a fine-grained structure, a well-visible notable view, is the main sign that allows you to distinguish with jade from jade having a fiber-confined structure.
  5. The hardness on the Moos scale is 7, so the stone is polished with great difficulty.
  6. Soluble in any acids.
  7. In the flame of the soldering tube, a small piece of mineral easily melts, forming a ball.
  8. The exceptional viscosity of the stone makes it suitable for the finest thread.

Place of Birth

Large deposits are in:

  • chinese province Henan;
  • states Jammu and Kashmir (India);
  • uS Nevada, Wyoming and California;
  • guatemalan Department El Progresso (there are stones here very rare blue varieties);
  • Mexico;
  • Japan;
  • Kazakhstan (ITMURUnda deposit).
  • In Russia, jewelry-dial mineral is mined at the deposits of the Polar Ural (left Kechpel, Karkov, Pusserka).

The best samples of jewelry jadeitis come from Myanmar (former Burma). In the staff of Kacin, mining is conducted from the XIII century. Only here there are precious stones of the "Imperial" grade, possessing extraordinary beauty and the highest quality.


Jadeitis - contrary to popular belief, it can be painted not only in different shades of green. In nature there are stones of white, pink, red, purple and blue colors. It has been established that the red or yellowish shades of gem is acquired as a result of long weathering.

According to the requirements of the trade classification, the Jadeitis is customary to be divided into groups:


The best are the jewelry varieties "Imperial": pure translucent stones painted in emerald green color. The cost of such stones, sometimes subjected to cut, may exceed the cost of emeralds.


Natural gruditis varieties "Utilities" is opaque and most often painted in bright green, although in nature there are stones having a white matte color and cloud drawing. Pretty rare are black shiny minerals. The color of these diverse stones is characterized by heterogeneity.


Also devoid of transparency, characterized by the presence of small spots and transparent residences. They are most often used as a decorative diverse material, and only single samples are suitable for making jewelry.


Dark green, stained with black spots, the Jadeites are referred to as chloromelaminites. They are obliged to impurities of sodium silicate, iron and aluminum.

Stones dense green with dark splashes are called greed-albit or albit greedites.

Magic properties

The magical properties of the Jadeite are able to withstand the effects of any kinds of negative energy. The stone can protect its owner from envious and ill-wishers, to protect from and street theft, take large trouble.

Ancient people endowed a stone with the ability to change the weather, so with his help the sorcerers and shamans conducted a rite, helping to stop heavy shower or cause rain in the midst of drought.

Mineral, facilitating the search for a life satellite, helps not only create a strong family, but also to prevent the occurrence of conflicts, scandals and the likelihood of married change. That is why it is often referred to as "a peacemaker".

You must constantly wear people suffering from mental disabilities: its impact will help relax, soften the anger, to reduce nervousness.

People with low self-esteem Mineral will help gain confidence in their own power, take the right and mature solution.

Its gave way to the positive influence of the stone, its owner loses the ability to commit illegal and immoral actions.

Medical properties

That the mineral possesses therapeutic properties, indicates its name, which translated from Spanish means "kidney stone".

There are two versions that explain these etymology:

  1. The Europeans who brightened the Gem Heple in Jadeitis believed that he was able to heal the patient suffering from kidney colic.
  2. Often have a kidney form.

Lithotherapists argue that the mineral is healing the human bioenergy, thus improving his condition.

In the presence of health problems, decorations with a jade is kept constantly:

  1. The winner of the Jadeaite bracelet will gain vigor and can hope for the normalization of heart rhythm. It is believed that with the help of the bracelet you can get rid of any ailments, especially from psychological disorders.
  2. The ring with a jade is constantly worn on the left hand of the left hand, can remove the stress from the eye and get rid of myopia.

The greedy necklaces and bracelets contribute to the healing of patients suffering:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • gastric colic;
  • jumps of blood pressure;
  • sediments of salts;
  • intestinal diseases.

Used also in treatment:

  • male impotence;
  • female infertility and frigidity;
  • diseases of reproductive organs;
  • colds;
  • sleep disorders.

Green stones help calm down and relieve tension. Copies of red, endowed with the ability to improve blood clotting, contribute to the rapid tightening of the Russian Academy of Sciences. White Jadeaites eliminate meteo-sensitivity and activate immunity.

Jadeitis can be used to treat pets, it is worth only to put it near the place designed for their rest.

Who comes on the sign of the zodiac?

Jadeitis, managed by Saturn, Venus and Moon, is ideal for those who were born under the sign Weighs. With it, they will be able to build reliable family relationships.

No less protection is the sign of the zodiac Virgo. Stone support will make virgins more confident in their abilities.

In powerful energy support, Jadeite can count on Lions.

For a person born under the sign of Capricorn, Cancer or Sagittarius, the possession of the Jadeite can bring some misfortunes. Under the influence of stone, he can become lazy, worn and mentally unbalanced.

Jadeitis good harmonizes with representatives of all the remaining zodiac constellations, strengthening their positive qualities.

Talismans and wubbles

For a long time, a close connection with the weather and natural phenomena was attributed to the Jadeate. It is believed that the greedy amuleu is able to protect his owner from the rampant elements: a fire, a lightning, storm and hurricane.

Talisman from Jadeitis will help a businessman to make a successful and profitable deal, it is only to hold it in a fist during its conclusion.

The possession of the Jadeite Amulet, who gives a person to Prudence, helps him avoid mistakes and unjustified deeds.

The owner of the stone acquires the ability to not be involved in conflicts helping him to establish relationships with colleagues at work or family members.

Jadeitis is a stone, healing microclimate of family relationships. He eliminates unreasonable jealousy, forcing the partner to trust, helps to find a common language with children and facilitates the process of their upbringing, prompting it on time, from which they should be fastened, and what to help.


For the manufacture of jewelry - rings, pendants, brooches, beads and bracelets - use different types of Jadeita (most often related to the "Imperial" varieties, "commercial" and "utiliti").

Raming of gold activates the hidden energy of the stone, while the silver frame helps the mineral to have a soothing effect.

Creating decorations with the Jadeitis, the jeweler most often gives the stones like the cabochon.

Other stones applying

For a long time, Jadeitis was used solely as a diverse stone.

In addition to jewelry, he walked to the manufacture of candlesticks, cups, caskets, vases and written devices.

The grinding chuck, which has lower quality, but large blockness, is the perfect stone to arrange the bath. This is promoted by its unique characteristics: high density, optimal heat capacity, the ability to withstand heating to 1000 degrees, not destroying and not deformed with sharp temperature differences, including when the sudden cooling.

For bath

"Ban" Jadeitis use:

  1. When building stoves-chairs for the sauna and the Russian bath.
  2. As a stone backfilling for a bath furnace. Chemically inert Jadeitis, which does not react with water, even at a very high temperature, contributes to the formation of a steam with healing effect on all organs (especially respiratory) and tissues of the human body. It disinfects the air in the steam room, normalizes blood pressure and improves the state of people suffering from diseases of the spine.

Jadeitis occasionally used in the production of cutting blades for glass cuts.

The polished mineral is actively used in Stone therapy: with its help in massage salons, a unique massage of the face and body is performed.

In ancient times, incredibly durable and heat-resistant jade is used to decorate walls in paired rooms. Nowadays it is used to design interiors and in construction.


The price of products from Jadeite depends on the quality of the stones used.

Evaluating the stone, take into account:

  • its transparency;
  • intensity coloring;
  • grain;
  • presence of inclusions.

The cheapest (from 2 to 3 dollars per one kg of the chemical mineral) are the stones of the utility varieties. The greetings of the "Imperial" grade are appreciated above. The cost of the most precious samples can reach 50 thousand dollars per gram.

You can buy stones and decorations from them in specialized salons, at the exhibitions and sales of gems and online stores.


Since due to improper care and negligent cleaning, it may increase natural beauty and unique properties over time, it should be treated very carefully.

Care rules are extremely simple:

  1. For storage of the jadeite jewelry, a separate case with a soft bottom of the walls is necessary.
  2. Jadeite products should be protected from dust, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and mechanical damage.
  3. It is unacceptable to store stone indoors with high humidity.
  4. During cleaning, decorations from Jadeite should be removed.
  5. Cleaning the greedy decorations should be carried out at least two times a year. To do this, it is quite thoroughly washed with their warm soap solution with a piece of a soft sponge. Washing decoration You need to get into the soft cloth and dry well. The use of chemicals is strictly prohibited.

How to distinguish from fake?

The microstructure of natural polished stone is not smooth, but resembling a porous orange crust.

When buying expensive stones, you can resort to the help of a refractometer. The index of the refraction of natural jadeite - 1.65-1.66 units.

In 2016, a huge (weighing about 175 tons), the Jadeaite Monolith was found in one of the Burmese mines. The approximate value of the stone is at least 170 million US dollars.

The largest in the world, the Face Imperial Jadeitis was introduced in 1980 on Emporium (exhibition-sale) of precious stones held in the capital of Burma - Rangune. The cost of translucent emerald-green Jadeite weighing 750 carats amounted to about $ 2 million.

Jadeite is a mineral that has a dense and fine-grained structure. This stone refers to a group of silicates. It is rich in the content of sodium and silicate of aluminum. Externally, it looks like nephritis. However, there is nothing in common between these two minerals. Much softer than Stone Jadeit. In addition, the difference between nephritis from this mineral is part of. Nephrite contains chrome, magnesium, iron, nickel and vanadium. In addition, it is possible to distinguish one mineral from the other by the structure. Nephritis has a fiber-confined structure, and Jadeitis - fine-grained, as already mentioned. In addition, nephritis differs from the Jadeite with a tint. Any experienced mineralog will immediately see the difference between these two stones.

Jadeit is a stone that was valued at the time of ancient China. Already at that time, people found out that the mineral had magical properties. Modern esotericists agree with this statement, so we recommend using it as a talisman. In addition, Jadeitis has healing properties. Thanks to this, he is in demand from the squad professionals.

Mineral can have many different shades. However, in nature, the translucent green stone is most often found. It comes across a white jade, as well as yellow, black, red, lilac and colorless mineral. The yellow stone has the same therapeutic and magical properties as the white mineral.

Mineralogs are classified depending on the shade. The following types of stone are the greatest value:

Jadeitis and other minerals

In some jewelry, the jeweler uses several stones at once. The master looks only on how minerals are combined in shape and color. The jeweler does not pay attention to stones compatibility from the point of view of their magic. Therefore, if you choose them as a talisman, you need to look at their combination with each other.

Here are the Rules of Astromineralogical Compatibility:

  1. You can't wear the opposite signs of the zodiac, if they treat the opposite elements. For example, it is impossible to combine "fiery" minerals of Aries, Sagittarov and Lviv with "water" stones of scorpions, crayfish and fish.
  2. Combined stones of friendly elements, i.e. "Water" stones are suitable for "earthy" minerals, etc.
  3. The element of the owner must be combined with the elements of the stone, i.e. The fire fits air, etc.
  4. Minerals of one element can be used simultaneously.
  5. It is impossible to combine stones of planets, which are antagonists in relation to each other.

Based on this, even a simple man in the street will be able to pick up a couple for the Jadeite, as well as avoid decorations with minerals - antagonists.

Magic properties of Jadeita

Jadeit has magic properties. It provides a person reliable protection against any negative impact. Mineral protects the owner from the evil eye, damage, curses, gossip and envy. This is its main value.

In addition, Jadeitis prevents the commission of incorrect and rampant deeds. It helps to take the right decision even in the most difficult life situation.

The features of this mineral are that he gives the owner to protect against the female elements. He protects man from the storm, fire and hurricane. In addition, it is believed that Jade is able to change the weather himself. Therefore, the mineral in the former times of shamans and sorcerers used to conduct rituals on call or stopping rain.

Jadeit helps to find a soul mate and build a strong family. In addition, the stone is the keeper of the family hearth. He establishes relations between family members and protects against scandals, conflicts and change.

Mineral gives the owner of wisdom, self-confidence, as well as a pacification.

Therapeutic properties of Jadeita

Stone Jadeitis has healing properties, it has a positive effect on the urinary system. It is recommended to use in the pathologies of the kidneys and bladder, as well as with impotence in men and frigidity in women. In addition, it is believed that the stone helps to cope with infertility and other diseases of the reproductive system.

The characteristic of the mineral allows it to be used when problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that gastric colic and some intestinal pathologies.

Jadeitis improves eyesight and helps to cope with eye diseases. Mineral eliminates insomnia and salt deposits. Stone soothes and helps to cope with the mood swings.

Jadeit does not allow the occurrence of coldic pathologies and other viral infections.

Specialists in the stampered set additional healing properties in the Jadeite of different shades. It is believed that the red mineral contributes to the rapid healing of soft tissues and improves blood coagulation. White shade stone is recommended to wear meteo-dependent people. It eliminates the influence of the weather for human well-being. In addition, white shades mineral increases the body's protective forces.

Who fits the zodiac sign

Astrologers argue that as a talisman, the stones need to be chosen by the horoscope. Jadeitis did not exception. To whom the mineral suits, and whom it is contraindicated - this data will be shown in Table 1.

Compatibility of the Jadeitis with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

The zodiac sign of the scales can use heats as a talisman. Stone will help representatives of this zodiac sign to change life for the better.

In addition, the mineral is suitable as a talisman lions. The stone soothes them and helps to cope with negative emotions.

Jadeitis as a talisman does not fit Capricorn. He makes representatives of this zodiac sign too dreaming and scattered. In addition, the wearing of the stone negatively affects the mental abilities of the Capricarps.
It is also not recommended to use racks and scorpions as a talisman. Because of the mineral, they are beginning to visit dark thoughts and negative moods.

As for the remaining signs of the zodiac, they can be worn as an amulet. He gives them a positive attitude and confidence in their own power.

Jadeitis is a solid mineral, but needs to be careful. Cannot be allowed to hit the stone of direct sunlight. Also, it is also impossible to keep it in a room with high humidity. The stone needs regular cleaning that needs to be held every six months. Only compliance with these rules guarantees the long service of Jadeite not only as a beautiful decoration, but also as a talisman.

Ancient excavations B. different countriesah suggests that the millennium gem back was widely used by people. And the main purpose of the rare mineral was considered a protective effect, protection against the dark forces, putting joy, confidence in tomorrow.

Jade is not easy magic amulet, and a natural source of wonderful strength.

History and origin

Historically, it is known that gem, externally resembling jade, has become popular for more than 40 centuries ago. The name Jadeitis occurred from the word "Zhag", which means "Lumbar Stone". Such a definition of mineral was assigned by the Spaniards, used the amulet for healing from the renal disease.

In ancient China, the green gem was widely known as the healing stone, with which Lekari got rid of many diseases. Decorations with a stone were popular at the courtyard, in Chinese nobility.

Jadeite generously expanded the outfits of the emperor and his environments. Buddha figures were cut out of a viscous mineral, unique samples survived so far, and have historical value.

For many nations, the Jadeaite stone is a sacred artifact that was used for religious sacraments. Aztec, worshiping the God of the Sun, used the strength of the crystals of emerald color. From the thumb cut the figures of idols and amulets. Today, in many Temples, Mexico survived carved gloves from the mineral.

French geologist A. Temur, in his studies held in 1863, green mineral ore called "Zhag" divided into two subspecies that are now called and Jade.

Place of Birth

The breeding mineral is also occurring as a monomineral rock. It is much less likely to form the formation of jadeite crystals. Natural stone from the Pyroxen group has several indigenous locations. It is known a little more than ten fields located worldwide.

In China, Mexico and Burma found the most ancient products from Jadeitis. In Indonesia, Japan and America there are also reserves of rare fossil. On the territory of Russia, the stone is found in Primorye, in the south of the Krasnodar Territory. There is a Jadeita deposit and the treasury of the Urals.

Physical properties

Mineral has a viscous structure, so popular as an amicing material. Judging by the high physical indicators of the gem, applied in jewelry skills. If it looks like a transparent stone, with glass shine, it means it is used to make jewels.

FormulaNaalsi2O6 or Na2O · Al2O3 · 4SiO2
Hardness6,5 - 7
Density3.25 - 3.36 g / cm³
Refractive index1,654 - 1,667
FrameZanosy, viscous.
SingonyMonoclinic (planal).
TransparencyShines or opaque.
ColorGreen, rare black, white, grayish-green.

Medical properties

In modern life, supporters of non-traditional methods of treating disease are increasingly. In addition to drug treatment, there are many vintage ways. Make a choice according to personal preferences, someone is cured with herbs, and someone with lithotherapy.

Eastern Healers, Disclaimers from other states using ancient knowledge, use Jadeitis to get rid of many diseases. The healing force of the stone helps solve the following problems in the body:

  • violations in the urinary system. Contributes to the treatment of the disease of the kidneys and bladder;
  • ensures infertility. Amulet on a pregnant woman helps to endure a child and happily resolved from the burden;
  • eliminates impotence;
  • normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system. Stabilizes the work of the heart, eliminates hypertension;
  • promotes the strengthening of immunity. Increases the body's resistance to infections, accelerates the recovery and restoration of the body;
  • removes irritation, acts soothing after experienced stress. Favorably affects sleep, so it is recommended to keep the amulet from the head of the bed or under the pillow;
  • it is desirable to use prophylactic purposes. Mineral protects against infection with seasonal viral diseases;
  • therapeutic properties of the crystal helps strengthen the nervous system;
  • mineral has a healing effect in psychological and mental disorder. Positive affects the mood, gives a positive energy charge, eliminates apathy and depressive state.

In eastern practices, gem is used to improve the circulation of energy flows. It is known that decorations with a stone contribute to the need to purify the energy, but give a wellness effect for the entire body. Jade is useful for cleaning the biofield, so applicable when meditating.

Important! To achieve a positive result, the systematic use of gem is recommended.

Magic properties

The compatibility of the mineral with the owner of the artifact at the energy level contributes to an increase in the impact force several times. Amulet, with a huge reserve of energy, continuously affects the life of the stone owner.

The owner of the magic talisman miraculously manage to avoid troubles, smooth the "sharp corners". Mineral energy helps solve conflicts at work, in a family, avoid aggressively tuned people on the street. Jadeitis is an invaluable assistant in attracting happiness, joy and harmony in the daily life.

Green crystal recommend using those who suffer from psychological complexes helps to increase self-esteem. Strengthening faith in itself, the amulet owner of the gem helps to expand the horizon, awakens optimism, revives the desire to make plans for a happy future time.

A positively configured person more objectively assesses the situation, chooses the most rational ways to solve life issues.

The magic stone Jadeit gives a positive charge, so it is completely useless in the "black" rituals. For many peoples, the mineral is a sacred, contributing to the fulfillment of virtuous, merciful actions. Not in vain, the gem is kept with them during meditation. The crystal helps in spiritual development, hesitates good, sublime thoughts.

The amulet from Jadeitis contributes to the establishment of relationships after the break, helps to restore the fooling feel. Family mascot in the form of a figurine will save the hearth from everyday troubles.

Does not make misunderstanding, contention and relieves from a negative impact on a couple of "third parties." It helps to get rid of jealousy and distrust, preserve a gentle feeling for many years.

Considerable importance for a person has cohesion in the family. Quite often, under the roof of one dwelling, newlyweds with parents cannot be taken. Magic artifact combines several generations, provides a pacifying effect on all family members.

The amulet helps to cut the Bunlet spirit, which wakes up in children in adolescence. The mineral contributes to finding a common language between fathers and children, helps adults find a suitable educational technique.

Important! Jadeit helps to distinguish the truth from the lie, helps to expose the conspiracy, bring the deceiver "on clean water".

Decoration with mineral

Self-auction jewel today at the peak of popularity. Many fashion guards changed the image, preferred by romantic necklaces or cabochons in ethnic style. Everyone wish to buy a green crystal on the wubbler or personally produce a precious glue. Since Jadeitis is combined with different metals, anyone who wants to independently create a decoration.

  • haltka Jadeitis from South Africa, 1.5 × 2 cm is 1 $;
  • fragment of the mineral from the south of Africa, the size of 2 × 3 cm costs $ 1.2;;
  • translucent crystal from Italy, the size of 3.2 × 1.6 × 0.2 costs $ 30;
  • cabochon, from deposits located in Russia, cost $ 35;
  • polished cutout Jadeite brought from Khakassia, the size of 11.6 × 5.4 × 2 costs $ 52;
  • the ball from the Khakassa Jadeite, the diameter of which is 5.6 cm, costs $ 67;
  • cabochon from Yakut mineral costs $ 160;
  • a luxurious bracelet from a whole stone brought from Khakassia costs $ 730.

Judging by the proposed list, the market price of the gem depends on the deposit, the species, color and size of the stone.


Gems are found different shades, differ transparency and glitter. The precious decorations is a high-grade gem, the samples of which are found in Burma. In nature there are three types of jewelry Jadeita:

  • Imperial;
  • Utility.

Each of the varieties is interesting in its own way, but they have a big difference in value. For example, specimens relating to the "Imperial" class are transparent, possess a bright green tint. Such a stone has similarities with emerald in color and by price.

Samples of "commercial" are not transparent with a larger grain. The shade of the mineral from pale green to color. This species contains a slight amount of transparent residences and spots.

Jade is not transparent to "utilitus", has an inhomogeneous color and a brilliant surface. The gem is characteristic of shades of gray, blue and green.

Chloromelinite is a variety of breed of dark green color having black splashes. Albit Jadeite called a bright green mineral with dark, almost black spots.

How to distinguish natural stone from fake?

Before you buy a natural stone sometimes have to cope with some doubts regarding the originality of the product. In order not to be disappointed in the acquired jewelry, a step-by-step instruction is offered, as a standing thing to distinguish from a fake.

  • Learn more information about Jade, exploring the appearance, manufacturers. Deposits of expensive samples is in Burma.
  • View varieties of synthetic imitation. Serpentine, adventuric quartz or sometimes issued for Jadeit.
  • Consideration in bright lighting or using a magnifying device. The graininess, splashes, fibrous vanity indicate that a stone of natural origin.
  • Gem, having a high density somewhat heavier than it looks like. Using the tapping of fragments of each other, it turns out to determine the deep, resonant sound of the natural stone.
  • Natural crystal, remaining in the palm, remains cold, creates a feeling of soft and some soap material.

Important! Jadeitis is a solid mineral capable of leaving a trace on a metal surface.

Stone care

  • Storage conditions. Jade is better to maintain in special cases, covers or boxes. The stone is quite solid because of this, other gems are scratched.
  • Wrap from sunlight, as minerals from exposure to sunlight lose color.
  • Avoid getting chemical components. Aggressively acting components of detergents destroy the structure of the stone. Wash decorations is recommended for soap and running water.
  • Store away from heating devices, do not contain a long place in a room with high humidity, which is negatively reflected on the properties of the stone.

With the correct handling of the amulet, the positive energy charge will be saved on for a long time.

Compatibility with names and signs

The astrological properties of the gem are replenished with space energy sent from Venus, Saturn and the Moon. At the help of Amuleta with Jadeitis, it is calculated by each sign of the zodiac, which is under the auspices of the elements of the Earth.

("++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - you can wear, "-" - categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+
  • Taurus, being under the guardianship of the mineral, receive support in love relationships, harmony in a circle of friends and employees, welfare and health.
  • To the virgin, the energy of the magic artifact helps to feel "in its plate", wherever they found themselves, in any company.
  • Capricorn, getting a positive charge with stone with vibrations, are able to finish business, create and build.

The names that compatible Jadeitis:

  • Anatoly with the help of a mineral receives courage that encourages important tasks.
  • Vadim Talisman helps to fulfill complex obligations.
  • Daria, building a sports career, receives many victories.
  • Diana gets the shortest path to spiritual enlightenment.
  • Zoya opens the ability of clairvoyance.
  • Eleanor receives energy, developing creative activities.

Important! A feature of the properties of Jadeitis is considered the ability to awaken empathy, a sense of compassion. Representatives of "water" signs have excessive emotion, so it is not recommended to use the mineral.

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