Affirmations for a positive attitude. Louise Hay affirmations for women. Affirmations are the mood of the soul

I would like you and I to look at ourselves and our beliefs together. We all believe in many positive things and are willing to reinforce such beliefs. However, many of our beliefs are negative, and we continue to expand our uncomfortable experience. It is impossible to change limiting beliefs unless you recognize what they are.

Look at the list of words below. Then write down the positive or negative beliefs that you associate those words with. For example, do you believe that...


...emphasize their superiority /

... command / ... love

... drop you / ... honor and respect you


… get paid less for work / … are stronger

…forced to do all the homework /…deserve success

…forced to obey men /…bring joy


…not for you /…this is what you deserve

…passed you by /…could happen at any moment

…inevitably leads to loss and heartbreak /…it’s a wonderful part of life


…it’s dirt /…it’s a natural and healthy thing

…possible only in a legal marriage /… this is a gift that two people give to each other

…it’s something painful and frightening /…it’s a pleasant experience


…it’s boring /… brings satisfaction and meaning

… financially unsatisfactory /… a daily joy

…is an unpleasant necessity /… brings you what you deserve (according to your belief)


…they are always in short supply /…they are available in abundance

…is something to be feared /…helps to live with pleasure

… lead to debt / … provide a sense of security


…a goal you will never reach /…your birthright

…possible only for the rich /…possible for everyone

…this is only for others, not for you /…is already part of your life now


…unacceptable /…it is your birthright

...means that you can't do this business's a natural part of life

…is what you expect /…it can be a rewarding experience

... only does what punishes you for your sins / ... always loves you

... the one to be feared / ... accepts and forgives you

…condemns you /…supports your efforts

Now it's your turn. Think of all the beliefs that these words remind you of. Add other areas of your life in which you are not doing well. Let the length of this list be whatever you want. Write down all your beliefs, both positive and negative, so you can see your thoughts clearly. These are internal, subconscious rules by which you live. You will not be able to change your life for the better until you consider in detail the beliefs that you hold.

When this list is more or less complete, re-read it. Mark with an asterisk (*) those beliefs that nourish and sustain you. You want to keep and enhance them. Place a check mark (V) next to each negative belief that is preventing you from reaching your goals. They prevent you from becoming who you can be. These beliefs you want to erase, eliminate or reprogram.

Pay attention to areas where you are having difficulty. Perhaps you have conflicting beliefs? How many negative answers did you get? Do you want to continue to build your life around these views? Realize that someone taught you these ideas. And now that you have seen them, you can voluntarily let them go. We are not looking for the wrong in ourselves; we are looking for those barriers in ourselves that we have set ourselves and which prevent us from realizing our potential. Without any self-condemnation, we get rid of these obstacles and beliefs and make positive changes. Yes, many of these barriers are things we learned as children. And if we once learned something, in the same way now we can unlearn it.

Louise Hay. “Heal your life: creative training album”, “E” Publishing House, Moscow, 2017

are positive affirmations that you should definitely bring into your life by simply repeating them. positive affirmations is one way to improve what you want. By applying this method, your life will certainly change positively! Moreover, you will learn how to manage it yourself!

Are affirmations necessary in spiritual development and in the development of a person as a whole? How do positive affirmations work? By saying affirmations, we influence our subconscious. When we say (out loud or mentally) statements, our subconscious remembers this, and gives us the installation that it is, as we say. We gain confidence, believe in the affirmation, and get what we want. Accordingly, if we talk about bad things, bad things happen in our lives; if we talk about good things, our life is positive. That is, for example, if we are talking about illnesses, lack of money, problems in the family - we get sick, we always have problems. If we are talking about health, well-being, and happy family relationships, then we are healthy and happy.

"As a man thinks, so he is"

(Folk saying)

I will give an example of what kind of phrases these are - positive affirmations:

"Positive thoughts bring me the benefits and benefits that I desire"
“I am healthy in body and soul and everything is fine with me”
“I have a great job that brings me a high income”
“I have a great relationship with my wife (husband)”

By using positive affirmations on a regular basis, we can influence any aspect of our lives. If we lack love, we need to compose and say affirmations for love or affirmations for marriage. If you lack self-confidence and you are unhappy, then affirmations for self-confidence, affirmations for increasing self-esteem, affirmations for happiness will help. If you often get sick or just want to improve your health, then affirmations for health, affirmations for healing are necessary. If you are interested in financial security, then you should use affirmations for money. And if you need a job or you need good luck in business, then use affirmations for work and affirmations for good luck. It is very useful to make affirmations for every day, or even specifically for the time of day (morning, evening). Choose what you need, compose and use daily! You can use the ready-made statements that are given to the left of the article, but I recommend that you compose and use your own statements.

Affirmation Technique

Before you start creating your own positive affirmations, read about affirmation technique. Knowing it, your statements will be correct, which means that the result will not be long in coming.

In the process of creating affirmations, the following factors should be considered:
1. Affirmations must be in the present tense.
What we say, our subconscious perceives as a statement of desire, which means that for it there is no past, no present, no future. Therefore, you do not need to say "I want to be financially secure", so you will just get the desire to be so; you need to say “I am financially secure”, then the subconscious mind will perceive this as a statement of your current position, and this will become a reality.
2. You must believe in what you are talking about.
If you pronounce an affirmation and at the same time do not believe in its implementation, you thereby block the entire process of realizing the goal into reality. I advise, for beginners, to start with easier plausible goals. They will be fulfilled, and you will have confidence in your abilities, and then you can proceed to more difficult tasks.
3. Affirmations should always be positive statements!!!
Do not use the word "no" and the particle "not" in your statements. For example, instead of "I'm not overweight," say, "I'm in great physical shape." Or instead of "I'm not sick," say "I'm healthy." Watch out for the prevailing words, they should only carry a good meaning!
4. Use emotional words in affirmations.
Emotional words make statements even stronger. Emotions should be only positive. Use these words: with pleasure, easy and simple, with joy, great, wonderful. For example: “I feel great, everything is fine with me, I am infinitely happy!”.
5. Affirmation should apply only to you.
You don't need to involve other people in your statements. For example: "My mother will be healthy." Such affirmations will not work. Everyone should make affirmations only concerning himself!

Now, knowing all these factors, you can independently start compiling affirmations. I advise you to take a piece of paper and a pen right now. Write down the statements from easy goal, in ascending order, to the more significant one. And start with the easiest. Say it as often as possible, and you will see how step by step you are moving towards your dream!

It is best if, while saying affirmations, you will be in a relaxed state. Read how to relax here. Then your subconscious will surely perceive your statements. But this is optional. You can pronounce it out loud, or you can say it to yourself, you can write it down many times on a piece of paper, or you can even sing! The main thing is with faith and positive emotions. Affirmations must be said until the statements come true!

And I want to say one more thing. Of course, it won't happen all at once! You won't feel the change all of a sudden. This is not a miracle - once the wish came true! Everything will happen gradually. But, believe me, the result will surprise you!

And in order to speed up the process of achieving the goal, so that your affirmations are realized faster, start visualizing.

Affirmation for every day

It is very important for a person how his day goes. His mood and well-being depend on this, which means his actions and deeds. Therefore, you need to correctly compose an affirmation for each day, thereby setting yourself up for a positive day.

I will give an example affirmations for every day to be read every morning. If you want, you can change something in it or add something.

Today is the start of my new life! I start today - all good things happen to me today! I see all the beauty around me. I live with passion and purpose. Every day I have time for games and joy. I wake up energetic (th) and cheerful (th). I focus on all the good things in life, I am grateful for them. I live in a world of harmony with everything. I feel love, joy and abundance. I am free to be myself. I'm gorgeous! I am the ideal of life! I am strong (th) to live! Today is the best day of my life!

affirmations for health

In order to feel healthy, or in order not to get sick, say affirmations for health more often.

"I always maintain a perfectly healthy body, mind and immune system"

“I only enjoy healthy, nutritious food that is good for my body”

“I love being energetic every time after sports exercises”

"I'm healthy and I'm doing well"

Affirmations for Healing

If you are sick with something and want to get rid of the disease, then they will help you.

“My organs are working smoothly and healthy, I feel great”

“My heart works great, I can hear how it beats steadily, how it is filled with blood full of oxygen. I am healthy and my heart is also healthy.”

“My cells are healthy, I feel like they are filled with healthy, fresh blood, I feel the rapid growth of healthy cells. Life fills my body. I'm happy, I'm healthy"

Affirmations for self confidence

Sometimes, we doubt ourselves, our abilities, our appearance. For confidence in yourself and your abilities, use more often.

"Every day and in every way, I get better and better"

“I am confident in myself and clearly follow my path”

"I am fit, handsome and healthy"

"Today I am freed from all my fears, the past has no power over me - today is the beginning of a new life"

affirmations for work

If you do not like your work, or you are not satisfied with your earnings, or your relations with the team do not add up, take everything into your own hands. Everything can be fixed with .

“I have a great job that I love and enjoy. I have great prospects for advancement and I receive an excellent salary of _______ per year.

"I enjoy my job and get rich rewards"

affirmations for wealth

The most common human desire is to become richer. If you're not rich yet, then it's time to get rich. Of course, this will help you .

“I am so happy and grateful that money is coming to me, in increasing amounts, from various sources, on an ongoing basis”

“I am financially secure, my income is increasing every time more and more”

"I am open and receptive to new avenues of income. I now receive my blessings from expected and unexpected sources. I am a limitless being, receiving from a limitless source in unlimited ways. I am happy beyond my wildest dreams."

affirmations for relationships

They will help you to find mutual understanding with people close to you.

“I have a great relationship with _______”

“Harmony and mutual love reign in my family”

“I have a complete understanding with _______”

Affirmations for Success

Do you lack luck and success in life? Then this is exactly what you need!

“Positive thoughts, positive emotions bring me the benefits and benefits that I desire”

"I have enough time, energy, wisdom and means to achieve all my goals"

Affirmation for jealousy

One of the worst feelings between loved ones and loved ones is jealousy. Do not let her settle in your head and heart! Say affirmations for jealousy and trust your loved ones!

“I love my husband very much, I completely trust him. He is my most devoted, most caring and best man. We have complete harmony in relations with him.”

Positive thinking is a system in which a person programs his subconscious mind for good events for a long time. The best result is achieved by those who carefully monitor their thoughts, not allowing a negative impact on the mind. Affirmations are very popular, helping to force yourself to think positively.

Affirmations: what is it

An affirmation is a short positive statement that is expressed in specific words and contains a mental formula. The repetition of settings allows you to replace the destructive thoughts introduced by the close environment, society, friends, the media, etc. These phrases have a greater effect on the subconscious, setting the mind to the development of one or another event embedded in a certain affirmation.

The main thing to remember is that the use of installations is in no way connected with the affairs of the present moment, these phrases will not affect the past events in any way. They help to quickly overcome a losing streak, change your future and improve your psycho-emotional state, causing positive changes. With the correct preparation of the installation and regular work on yourself, the result will not be long in coming.

How affirmations work

If we draw a parallel between how and what a person says or what he feels at the same time, then you can see that there are very few positive emotions and they are sorely lacking. It only takes a couple of days to observe your thoughts and pronunciation to see how many destructive words and phrases are used. Even familiar words like “Horror!” or "Nightmare!" negatively affect the subconscious. It is necessary to change your habitual manner of communication and after a short period of time your thinking will improve.

It is not recommended to pronounce phrases with a negative bias, even as a joke. You can often hear from people: “How tired I am of everything” or “I have no money, time, etc.”, thereby spoiling the future for themselves. A person himself becomes the cause of his problems and troubles, because negative thoughts attract problems. Fears and fears will still manifest themselves in the future if they are not replaced by positive attitudes about love, happiness, success.

Positive affirmations don't always work. This happens when a person inspires himself with affirmations and internally resists the spoken words, because they are not beneficial to him. In this case, a short-term effect awaits him, and after a while he will stop taking care of himself, because now he is “not up to it” or “it didn’t work out”. Only thinking filled with joy and happiness will attract good luck, people with the same goals and positive events into a person’s life.

Positive for all occasions

Affirmations are the result of the work of personal growth specialists. Properly composed statements stimulate the growth of all spheres of human life. Short installations will help you become happy, successful, energetic. They will teach you to love and respect yourself as a person. Psychologists recommend saying phrases in the morning to recharge with positive thoughts for the whole day.

Settings for women for every day

Daily positive affirmations are a great opportunity to start your day with a smile and a good mood. After waking up, you need to program your subconscious mind so that there is not the slightest doubt about your attractiveness and self-confidence. To achieve the result, it is necessary to pronounce the settings for each day of the month.

Applying affirmations every day for 5-10 minutes will allow you to change your life, saturating it with joyful moments and happiness. After a month, you will notice the first positive result.

How to become more confident: effective phrases

Self-confidence is one of the main conditions for a happy life. Self-confident people cope with any, even overwhelming tasks, moving towards success with quick and firm steps. This quality helps not only to climb the career ladder, but also to build long-term relationships with people based on mutual trust. Affirmations will help you develop confidence, increase self-esteem and improve the quality of life.

There are many different confidence-building techniques, most of which involve getting out of your comfort zone. Affirmations are an effective and less painful method.

Attracting Wealth

Positive attitudes motivate and focus a woman's attention on prosperity and abundance, inspiring new achievements. All people dream of wealth, but their self-doubt and internal resistance do not allow them to move forward. Destructive thoughts limit them, and for many years they are content with their current financial situation.

Wealth affirmations are a great tool for achieving abundance. Here are the main affirmations that you need to repeat daily, believing in them.

  1. I have money.
  2. I am open to cash flow.
  3. I deserve abundance.
  4. I attract wealth.
  5. Money makes me confident.
  6. I am grateful for the abundance that I have.
  7. I am a rich woman.
  8. I am happy with money.
  9. Money is my friends.
  10. I am worthy of all material goods.
  11. Different sources of income are open to me.
  12. My income is 30 thousand rubles a month (the amount can be changed).

A woman should choose the formula closest to her, applying it every day. It should be understood that thinking changes gradually, so do not expect lightning-fast results. Regular work on yourself will help you achieve the desired prosperity.

Mental weight loss with real reflection on the figure

Every girl dreams of a slim body, so many of them follow diets, do grueling workouts in the gym, starve or take special drugs for weight loss. These methods of dealing with extra pounds will not give the desired result without the necessary emotional mood. Excess weight materializes through phrases such as "I'm fat," "I'm fat," "I can't lose weight." Before changing your thinking, you need to remove all false statements that have taken root in the subconscious.

At first it may seem that these words do not help to lose weight, but they must be repeated. Basically, obesity is directly related to self-dislike and low self-esteem. When pronouncing affirmations, the main mechanisms of the subconscious are involved. Here are a few formulas that will help fight the hated extra pounds.

Affirmations for weight loss allow the fair sex to get used to positive thinking. When women are convinced of the effectiveness of this method of weight loss, they become happy and no longer obsessed with their problems.

Fast attracting happiness

A happy person can achieve anything they want if they have complete control over their emotions. The feeling of happiness is unusual for people who constantly live in fears and fears. Even folk wisdom says: "Happiness does not happen much." A woman must learn to love herself, others and become an example for her future children.

Here is a list that contains the best formulas for influencing the subconscious mind in order to fully experience joy and happiness.

Affirmations to attract happiness will help you overcome self-doubt and improve your life by achieving your goals. The future should be bright and joyful. If a person becomes happy, then others will begin to adopt him as he is.

Rules for the use of affirmations

The effectiveness of short installations depends on their correct composition and pronunciation. Affirmations are formulated at this moment, only at the present time. They should bring positive energy and joy, so any doubts and hurtful words should be excluded. Affirmations are created imaginative and short, no long phrases. In the correct settings, there are no negative particles with the prefix "not", it is required to say the simple phrase "I am brave" instead of "I am not afraid." The installation should concretize and reflect the desire without any "everything is fine, the sun is shining." A lot depends on how these words are pronounced. You have to believe in them yourself and you should read them sincerely, with your soul.

You will find effective working affirmations in the following video:

Affirmations are self-hypnosis formulas that help a woman tune her subconscious mind to a positive wave. Positive affirmations help speed up the process of fulfilling your cherished desires. To achieve a good result and fix it for a long time, it is necessary to regularly pronounce attitudes and believe in a happy future.

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We offer to your attention affirmations for every day. All affirmations are very simple, practice them every day and after 21 days you will see how your life will begin to change for the better.

In this article, we have prepared for you a lot of affirmations for every day (here you will find Luisa Hay affirmations, affirmations for attracting money, love, health and wealth).

positive affirmations for every day

1. I can do everything!

2. I can do everything well!

3. In my life, everything always happens in a timely manner and according to the best scenario.

4. I am grateful (grateful)

5. Universe for all the material goods in my life.

6. Today is the best day of my life.

7. I have everything I need to enjoy life here and now.

8. I attract spiritual and material well-being into my life.

9. I'm doing well and every day my life is getting even better!

10. My life blossoms in perfect harmony.

11. I am aware and feel my power.

12. In all situations, I am calm and focused.

13. I am always lucky.

Affirmations by Louise Hay

1. I am always safe and God keeps me.

2. The truth about everything I need to know is revealed to me.

3. Everything I need comes to me at the right time and day

4. Life is joy and it is full of love

5. I love and is loved

6. I am healthy and full of vitality

7. Everything I do brings me success.

8. I want to change and grow spiritually

9. Everything is already good in my world

Louise Hay affirmations for women

1. I constantly discover wonderful qualities in myself.

2. I see my magnificent inner being.

3. I admire myself

4. I am a wise and beautiful woman

5. I was determined to love myself and enjoy myself.

6. I am in charge of my life

7. I am the one and only for myself

8. I am empowering myself.

9. I have a wonderful life

10. I am free and can realize myself as a person

Affirmations to attract money

1. I am always in the right place at the right time.

2. I always get everything that is the greatest good for me.

3. Money flows to me easily.

4. If others can be rich, I can too!

5. I am a money magnet.

6. I always get what I want for myself.

7. I am full of ideas to make money.

8. I earn 100,000 rubles a month.

9. Unexpected income makes me happy.

10. Money flows freely and easily in my life.

11. I am a magnet for money, and money is a magnet for me.

12. I am very successful.

13. My prosperity thoughts create my prosperous world.

14. My income is growing all the time.

15. My life is filled with love

16. I manage my life

17. Love in my life starts with myself.

18. I am a strong woman

19. I do not belong to anyone: I am free, I strive to learn new things in life

20. I deserve love and respect

21. I stand firmly on my feet

22. It's good for me to be alone

23. I am aware of my strength and use it

24. I enjoy everything I have.

25. I like other women, I love and support them.

26. I love and appreciate myself

27. I am completely satisfied with my life.

28. I like being a woman

29. I radiate love in all its diversity

30. I like that I live here and now

31. I am a very strong woman, worthy of love and respect.

32. I fill my life with love

33. I feel my own worth and perfection

34. I perceive life as a unique gift.

35. I am safe, all is well around me

36. I want to see myself in all its splendor

37. My future is bright and beautiful

38. Now I am independent and independent in choosing decisions

39. I am called to fulfill a grateful mission on this planet.

40. I can safely grow and improve

41. I provide myself with everything I need

Affirmations that express love for your body

The most important thing for the body is to remember that you love it. Look into your eyes in the mirror more often. Tell yourself that you look wonderful. Send yourself positive messages every time you see your own reflection.

1. I love my body

2. My body loves to be healthy.

3. Love is in my heart

4. There is life force in my blood

5. Every cell of my body is loved.

6. All my organs work perfectly

7. I admire my wonderful body.

8. I am healthier than ever before.

9. I know how to take care of myself

10. My favorite drink is water.

11. I live in complete harmony with the outside world

Affirmations for health

1. I am healthy.

2. Happiness surrounds me.

3. My mental health is normal. I am joyful, positive and optimistic.

4. Every cell in my body now vibrates with energy and health.

5. I am stress free.

6. Every day I feel healthier and healthier.

7. I eat healthy food and I feel great.

8. Every day my vision is better than yesterday.

9. I love to exercise every day.

10. I am grateful for my healthy body.

11. Perfect health is my divine right, and I declare it now.

12. Every cell in my body radiates energy and health.

13. My immune system is very strong.

14. Every organ in my body performs its functions to the optimum extent.

15. My body is energetic.

16. I have enough strength, energy and cheerfulness at any time of the day.

17. God's love flows through my body easily and restores it.

18. The light within me has a healing effect.

19. Every doctor that I meet on the way helps my recovery.

21. My body heals quickly and easily.

22. My life energy is increasing every day.

23. Health and longevity to you!!!

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Positive attitudes can work wonders. This is an easy way to create a good mood and attract happiness and success into your life.

Positive attitudes, or affirmations, require constancy. Make it a habit to start each day by repeating positive affirmations. This simple method will help you program your energy for happiness, success and the fulfillment of what you want. By programming yourself on a subconscious level, you can improve your life.

The Effectiveness of Affirmations

A conscious attitude to one's own life, the desire to be happy here and now are the basis of success. The main thing is to focus on each intention and drive away negative thoughts about injustice, fears, resentments and envy. Remember that everyone is capable of attracting happiness into their lives.

Get rid of heavy energy, replacing it with the energy of well-being. Every fall is a step forward. Be grateful to the Creator for the life lesson. Everything that you have been given was necessary for further development. Try to take advantage of any situation and see only the positive in it. It doesn’t matter if bad thoughts come into your head: this is a chance to rethink possible omissions.

With affirmations, you can change your own energy. Not only people will begin to reach out to you, but also favorable opportunities, because you radiate goodness, abundance, pleasure. This is one of the most important tasks of every person - to move from an existence filled with negativity to a positive, active and sympathetic attitude towards life.

Positive thoughts for every day

Repeating positive affirmations over and over will help you attract happiness, abundance, and success into your life. It is enough to choose a few statements you like that reflect your desires to a greater extent, and repeat them for 10-15 minutes.

Affirmations to Attract Success:

  • my life is the cradle of successful events;
  • I believe only in the best that the Universe can give me;
  • I let in my life successful undertakings;
  • I am confidently going to success;
  • my wishes always come true;
  • I believe that I will succeed;
  • luck and I are one;
  • success is always with me;
  • I get everything I dream about and strive for;
  • everything I want comes to me easily and quickly.

Happiness Affirmations:

  • I accept my personal happiness as a gift from the Higher Forces;
  • I deserve happiness and a happy life;
  • I look at my life through the prism of positive, joy and happiness;
  • I am grateful (grateful) to the Creator for my happy life;
  • my life is happiness;
  • I believe that my immediate future is cloudless;
  • everything around me is saturated with happiness, kindness and joy;
  • I am the happiest person on Earth;
  • I feel around me happiness, joy and abundance;
  • all my accomplishments are marked by happiness and joy.

It's time to fill your destiny with bright opportunities and happiness. Positive attitudes will help overcome inner uncertainty and acquire good luck for the fulfillment of your plans. The power of thought can radically change your life for the better. Be happy, success and don't forget to press the buttons and

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