Bath massage and its healing power. Features of manual massaging. The benefits and harms of massage after bath procedures

Wellness procedures in modern baths and saunas help to strengthen the body, as well as conduct quality rest. The steam room has a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body, speeds up metabolism, improves blood circulation and cleanses the skin. For this reason, one of the most popular procedures is a massage in the bath.

Benefits of massage in a steam room

Bath massage, performed in various techniques, provides relaxation of the muscular corset, improves the mobility and elasticity of the ligaments. It helps to eliminate pain, swelling, relieve tension and fatigue, recover from exhausting physical and emotional stress.

In general, such a procedure has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, blood vessels, heart, lungs and skin.

The influence of high temperatures and high humidity leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes in the human body. As a result, lymph flow and blood circulation are improved, sweating is accelerated, the skin is cleansed, and muscles and joints acquire the necessary elasticity and mobility.

A light bath massage has a beneficial effect not only on the appearance, but also on all internal organs through acupuncture points located on the human body. The correct study of each point contributes to the improvement of the internal organ, for which it is responsible.

Such procedures are an effective tool in the fight against excess weight and cellulite.

Are there any contraindications for massage?

Without a doubt, massage in the bath is a very useful and effective practice of bathing leisure, but it has some contraindications.

  • epilepsy;
  • serious cardiac pathologies;
  • circulatory problems;
  • oncology;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • fungal diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • AIDS and HIV infection.

It is worth refusing to visit the steam room with a massage in the following cases:

  • alcohol and drug intoxication;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • high temperature;
  • internal bleeding;
  • allergic reactions;
  • influenza and SARS;
  • postoperative recovery;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If there are no problems with well-being and health, then visiting the steam room is the best way to relax and improve your health.

Varieties of bath massage

There are several effective methods of bath massage aimed at healing, strengthening the body and improving well-being. One type of procedure is designed to warm up muscle mass, the other is to relieve tension, the third is to improve the appearance.

The most common methods include the following types of massage:

  • classical;
  • self-massage;
  • with bath brooms;
  • honey;
  • wellness;
  • foamy.

The choice of a suitable technique is determined by individual preferences and the therapeutic effect that is planned to be achieved.


A similar technique is used after preliminary preparation of the body, when the muscular corset and skin are as warm as possible. Many attendants perform the procedure in the steam room, although a slightly chilled room, such as a relaxation room or dressing room, is considered the most suitable place.

In classical massage, techniques such as:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading;
  • stretching;
  • push-up;
  • claps;
  • blows;
  • vibrations.

Competent alternation of techniques contributes to the rapid relaxation of the body and the accumulation of internal energy. All movements are performed in the direction of lymph and blood flow from the heart to the limbs.

The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 25 minutes.


If a massage therapist is required to perform other types, then this technique can be mastered independently. It is especially suitable for those who prefer to bathe in the sauna alone.

Self-massage is carried out after a thorough warming up of the body in a warm room, and a small number of effective techniques are used for it:

  • squeezing the skin with slight pressure;
  • rubbing muscles and joints with fingers or fists;
  • kneading, patting and tapping with the palms or fists.

All techniques are performed 3 times and alternate with each other. The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 15 minutes.

With brooms

Another popular technique is a massage in a bath with a broom. When heated, fragrant brooms emit volatile substances into the air, which have a beneficial effect on the organs of the respiratory system. Phytoncides, which are contained in the leaves and stems of plants, disinfect the skin, promote its regeneration and rejuvenation.

Most often, dense brooms made of birch and oak branches are used. Prior to the procedure, the ligaments are thoroughly moistened in warm water, and the body is cleansed of sweat and warmed up.

Massage movements should be light and soft, first stroking and kneading, then patting and tapping, and finally rubbing and stretching.

To obtain a healing effect, it is necessary to work out every part of the body, starting from the limbs, moving to the legs, buttocks and back.

The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 30 minutes.


Another effective type of procedure for women is honey massage. It helps to get rid of bronchitis, dry cough, pain in the legs and lower back.

Before the procedure, it is important to properly prepare the body. For this, a warm shower, contrast douche and dry heat serve.

Then a thin layer of honey mixture is applied to clean skin and kept for 7 minutes. Then the palms make circular movements with intense pinching of the skin, which improves blood circulation and gently cleanses the pores. The massage technique is performed until the honey mixture stops sticking to the hands and acquires a characteristic gray tint. After the procedure is completed, the honey is thoroughly washed off with warm water.

The duration of the massage is from 5 to 15 minutes.


Massage is practiced using natural medicinal and cosmetic products. Mud, stones, honey-salt mixture, clay, aromatic oils are used for spa procedures. Each remedy has a beneficial effect on the human body.

The main purpose of health massage is to strengthen the immune system, improve well-being and rejuvenate the body.

The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes.


Such a massage has become the most in demand and popular, therefore, it is carried out as follows: a foamy mass is prepared in a bag, which is applied to the skin with smooth movements. To prepare the foam, a special soap based on eucalyptus leaf extract and olive oil is used.

Foam massage is carried out up to half an hour, while increased attention is paid to each part of the human body. Such procedures help to relax, relieve fatigue and stress.

There are a huge number of other interesting and effective techniques that are used in modern baths and saunas. These include the following massage techniques:

  • sports;
  • acupuncture;
  • Thai;
  • erotic;
  • hygienic;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • with rocks;
  • for hands, feet, back and neck.

Each of them is distinguished by its specificity and technique. Bath is a place for quality rest with family or friends. Therefore, regular visits to the steam room and massage after the bath is an effective tool that helps strengthen immunity, speed up metabolism and improve appearance.

Massage in a bath is an effective way to influence the body, which has a healing effect. Having mastered the basic techniques of bath massage and self-massage, it is quite possible to perform these procedures without the help of professionals. In addition to relieving nervous tension, massage can increase stress resistance, as well as relieve pain and reduce swelling. In addition, it promotes normal blood circulation, helps to get rid of excess weight and subcutaneous fat.

The benefits of bath massage

Body massage in the bath is one of the most important and useful bath procedures. According to the degree of its healing effect on the body, it is incomparable with any other. And the pleasure derived from such a massage is as great as its benefits.

The beneficial effect of massage in the Russian bath on the body is effective and versatile, it has the following types of effects:

  • stimulates metabolism;
  • increases mobility and elasticity of joints;
  • relieves pain and swelling;
  • promotes the speedy healing of wounds;
  • normalizes the activity of the excretory system;
  • improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, relieves venous stasis;
  • stimulates cardiac activity;
  • promotes ;
  • relieves fatigue and promotes rapid recovery of the body after;
  • helps to get rid of excess weight;
  • relieves nervous and mental tension, increases stress resistance;
  • normalizes the work of the endocrine system of the body;
  • increases muscle endurance;
  • improves mood, gives strength and vigor.

Thus, regular visits to the bath, accompanied by massage, will not only strengthen the body and increase immunity, but also help get rid of many diseases. There are various types and techniques of bath massage, including self-massage.

Massage in a bath: basic techniques

There are several basic massage techniques in the bath, which are easy to learn and use on your own. And if at the next visit to the bath you don’t have a professional masseur “at hand”, you can always please your comrades with such a massage or do it yourself. So, how to do a massage in the bath, and what are the techniques?

Stroking. Reception is performed with an open palm. The goal of this technique is to cover a large surface area of ​​the body, but still provide a firm touch to the skin. Therefore, when stroking, 4 fingers are connected together, and the thumb is taken to the side. Then, with slow, light, rhythmic movements, massage the surface of the body, pressing the palm tightly, without pressing too hard.

Stroking can be done simultaneously with both hands or separately with each hand in turn. In the first variant, one hand follows the other, but at the same time performs and repeats other stroking movements. For example, if you do zigzag strokes with your right hand, then you need to make straight movements with your left hand.

Total stroking is performed for 2-3 minutes. With the help of this technique, it is good to relieve nervous and physical tension. Muscles and nerve fibers relax, breathing becomes even and deep, under the influence of strokes a person can even doze off. In addition, stroking increases blood flow in the vessels located close to the surface of the skin. Due to this, her nutrition improves, she acquires firmness and elasticity. Dead cells of the epithelium are separated, the pores of the skin are opened and cleaned.

Squeezing. After stroking, they proceed to the next technique - squeezing. It can be done in several different ways. The most common is squeezing with fists.

To perform this method, the thumbs of both hands are intertwined, and the remaining fingers are clenched into one common fist, without separating the hands when performing the squeeze.

Another way - squeezing with a brush. For this method, all fingers of the hand are tightly squeezed, then the palm is placed across the massaged muscle. The third way is squeezing with the edge of the palm. It is also placed against the massaged muscle and movements are made towards the nearest lymph nodes.

The method of performing push-ups is chosen depending on which part of the body is being massaged. Push-ups on the back are conveniently carried out with the palm or fist, on the hips and forearms - with the edge of the palm.

The very technique of squeezing consists in rhythmic pressure on the surface of the body. The direction of application of force is along the muscle fibers towards the lymph nodes. Push-ups are performed slowly, only with rectilinear movements. Their purpose is to cause lymph outflow. Due to this, the blood supply to the vessels is activated, which, in turn, leads to improved nutrition of muscle tissue, increased tone, and a surge of vigor.

Squeezing is performed for 4-5 minutes, after which they again return to stroking.

Kneading. This is the main method of bath massage. It is performed after squeezing and repeated strokes.

With the help of this technique, both the upper and lower layers of muscle tissue are kneaded at once.

Depending on the massaged area, kneading is carried out in various ways.

The simplest way is ordinary kneading. In this way, the muscles of the abdomen, chest, thighs, buttocks, shoulders, forearms and calves are massaged. To implement this method of kneading, it is necessary to tightly squeeze the muscle, clasping it with your fingers, and make a rotational movement with the whole hand. At the same time, movements are performed slowly and rhythmically, they should not cause pain. The fingers do not bend at the joints, otherwise bruises may form on the body.

The following method is used to massage the largest and most prominent muscles of the back, buttocks, thighs and calves. This method is called a double neck. The technique of its implementation is similar to ordinary kneading, but differs in the position of the fingers. On top of the 4 fingers of the massaging hand, 4 fingers of the free hand are placed crosswise, the thumb of the free hand is placed on the thumb of the massaging one.

To massage large flat muscles, the method of kneading with fists is used. Massage with one or two hands, the direction of movement is circular, towards the nearest lymph nodes.

The next method is double ring kneading. It is used much less frequently, only in violation of the blood supply to any parts of the body. To perform this method, the hands are placed on the massaged area parallel to each other at a brush distance. The fingers do not bend at the joints. The muscle is tightly grasped with fingers across the fibers, slightly pulled up and, alternately shifting from one hand to the other (but not releasing), knead. It is necessary that the hands move smoothly, carrying out kneading movements along the entire muscle.

Regardless of the method used, kneading is performed for 6-7 minutes, after which stroking is repeated again. When performing this technique, the functions of muscle tissue are restored in different parts of the body. In addition, this technique has a beneficial effect on the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

As you can see in the photo, bath massage is not complicated and is available not only to professionals.

Pat. This technique is usually used as one of the final ones. Performing this technique causes a reflex muscle contraction and a rush of blood to the massaged areas of the body. Through nerve endings close to the surface of the body, this type of massage has a relaxing effect on the entire body.

Patting is usually performed with relaxed fingers, sometimes with the entire hand, with slightly bent and folded fingers. The pats themselves are done quickly and rhythmically, continuously, one after another. The applied force depends on whether only the hand is working or the forearm is involved in the movement. Hands when performing patting are placed in the direction across the muscle. There is a special kind of patting - chopping. It is produced with the edge of the palm, while the fingers of the hand are spread apart, and with each blow they close. If this method of patting is used, then the movement is performed not across, but along the muscle fibers. Patting is performed for 2-3 minutes.

Shaking. Shaking also refers to the final series of bath massage techniques. It is carried out with spread fingers. The muscle is grasped and tightly clamped between the thumb and the rest of the connected fingers and shaken with a quick zigzag movement of the brush. Then they release and intercept further, moving along the entire muscle.

This technique is used at the end of the massage of large muscles on the thighs, buttocks, calves. Shaking is performed for 2-3 minutes.

Trituration. Reception also applies to the final series. It consists in stretching and displacement of the skin with underlying tissues in all directions. This technique is somewhat similar to stroking - it is also performed slowly and smoothly, with the palm of your hand. But, unlike stroking, when performing this technique, the hand does not just slide over the surface of the skin, but presses it tightly, forming a fold in front of it. This fold, like a wave, with the help of the palm of your hand, you need to move along the entire massaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body.

Rubbing is used for the joints and tendons, as well as in those parts of the body where congestion is observed.

With the help of rubbing, blood circulation is activated on the skin and underlying tissues. This is due to the expansion of blood vessels and an increase in blood flow to the surface of the massaged area of ​​the body.

Performing rubbing helps, dissolve various deposits in the tissues of the joints, stretch adhesions, heal scars, increase joint mobility, their elasticity and strength. Rubbing is also very useful for diseases of the joints, for swelling, for recovering from injuries, dislocations, sprains, and bruises. Rubbing is performed for 4-5 minutes.

Here you can watch a video of a bath massage to better understand how this or that technique is performed:

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To improve your health, you can reasonably use another means of hardening steam bath. It is recommended to visit a bath or sauna once a week or once every 2 weeks, but not less often, otherwise you will not get a lasting healing effect.


Under the influence of bath heat on the skin, skin receptors are excited, and the nerve center transmits impulses to all body systems, which begin to function intensively.

Due to the fact that the activity of the heart improves - the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, joints, lungs, spinal cord and brain, other organs and systems are abundantly supplied with blood.

Each person has 5-6 liters of blood, 1 liter is in reserve (in the liver), and the steam bath sets in motion this reserve blood, rich in nutrients, and it gives the cells a fresh charge, new strength.
According to Academician I. R. Tarkhanov, after the bath procedure, the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells, which eat microbes, increases. As a result, the body copes with diseases more easily.

The physiological effect of the bath is built on a combination of heat and cold. When cold, blood vessels constrict, blood is directed to the internal organs and the heart. There is a feeling of warmth. In hot weather, the blood flow rushes from the heart to the periphery - the vessels expand, blood pressure increases, the heart rate increases, breathing improves.

Bath heat warms up the whole body and causes a pleasant relaxation, looseness. This state improves the flow of metabolic processes. Through the skin and lungs, metabolic end products formed during oxidation are more quickly excreted.

In a steam bath, from 500 to 1500 g of sweat is released, which takes with it excess heat, sodium salts, chlorides, lactic acid, urea - end products of metabolism that are harmful to the body. Therefore, the work of the kidneys is facilitated.

Improving blood circulation also stimulates the endocrine glands (thyroid, parathyroid, etc.), which regulate the activity of all organs and systems.

A steam bath will relieve the fatigue that has accumulated during the working week. This is due to the fact that sweating removes lactic acid that has accumulated in the muscles and deepens the feeling of fatigue.

A steam bath cleanses the skin well, better than cosmetics, makes the skin supple, eliminates wrinkles. Under the influence of steam, the pores clogged with grease and dirt open up and are cleansed with sweat. This removes blackheads and dead cells. Therefore, after the bath, we feel rejuvenated by ten years!

It is useful to combine a bath with - this is an indispensable remedy for salt deposits or gout, sprains and sprains, and bruises.

Bath - contraindications:

Sauna contraindications are basically the same as for physical education and sports: acute stages of illness, exacerbation of chronic diseases, inflammatory processes, and disorders of the heart. For children under 12 years of age, women during pregnancy, during menstruation, the bath is also not recommended.


The bath procedure is as follows. They take a birch or oak broom, or even better two. If the broom is too dry, it must first be steamed out - lowered into boiling water for 5-6 minutes. And at the end of the procedure, they wash their hair with an infusion of a broom, this strengthens the hair and eliminates dandruff.

Before the bath, it is not recommended to wash with soap, which removes the top layer of the skin and sebum, which protects the skin from intense heat. Before entering the steam room, lightly douse yourself with warm water, you do not need to wet your head so that there is no overheating. You should not steam right away, but first you need to sit, but it is better to lie down in the steam room below (the temperature below is 10-15 degrees lower), then the steam acts evenly. When heated, blood vessels dilate and sweating begins.

The first entry into the steam room lasts 5-7 minutes, then you need to go out and relax. When lifting from a shelf, you do not need to get up abruptly, otherwise you will lose your balance. Rest between visits to the steam room - 15-20 minutes. You can drink herbal tea, kvass, juice or mineral water. After rest - back to the steam room.

Turning on the heat, you can add various herbal infusions, beer, kvass to the water to give softness to the steam, a pleasant smell and a healing purpose.

The bath procedure should last no more than 2.5 hours, and the stay in the steam room is limited to 30 minutes. In some cases, they enter the steam room 6-7 times, but still the specified time should not be exceeded.

After the steam room, it is useful to do a massage or self-massage, sit in the locker room, cool down, relax, drink a glass of tea.

If after all the procedures you feel good, feel light, then the bath and massage have done you good. If insomnia, irritability, headaches, lethargy appear, appetite decreases, it means that you used the steam bath incorrectly. In such cases, you should consult your doctor to determine the time you need to stay in the bath.

Steam bath. Bath for weight loss:

If you need to lose weight, then, leaving the steam room, do not rush to the pool or shower. You should not cool yourself - under a cold shower or in the pool, sweating decreases sharply. To increase perspiration, you can douse yourself with hot water. If conditions permit, wrap yourself in a warm blanket for no more than 30 minutes. Not to drink. Before the next entry into a warm shower, wash off the sweat and salt. Then, wipe yourself dry and steam again until the sweat begins to stand out less and less. Then you can drink half a glass of water to increase sweating.


During a massage in a steam bath, the most comfortable position is lying down, so the same temperature will affect the whole body. Lying down, you can completely relax all the muscles and reduce the load on the cardiovascular system. . If it is not possible to lie down, then sit down to bathe, but only the legs should not hang down, but stand on the bench.

Massage in the bath - stroking.

The first massage in the bath is stroking. The massage is carried out by a partner, with two brooms, starting with a light stroking of the feet, then up the calf muscles to the gluteal muscles, along the back and arms (stretch the arms along the body).

In the opposite direction, the brooms slide along the side surfaces to the pelvis. Here, the brooms need to be lifted and sharply lowered to the lower back, pressed with your hands and held for 2-3 seconds.

If the temperature in the steam room is too high and the skin cannot withstand the heat, the brooms are moved slowly, not raising them high, so as not to escalate the heat.

Massage in the bath - whipping.

The next massage in the bath is whipping. Lie down on your stomach. First, with light “strokes” in all directions, they whip the back, and then the lower back and pelvis, hips and calf muscles, and feet. This technique is performed within 60 seconds. Finish with a quick stroke. If it is very hot, then with a hand or a broom (after lowering it into the water) they remove the heat.

After that, roll over on your back and whip the chest, arms, stomach and thighs, shins, feet with brooms. Perform all techniques in the same sequence as lying on your stomach.

Massage in the bath - broom compress.

Another massage technique in the bath is whipping along with a broom compress. Start from the back. Raise the brooms slightly, capturing hot air with them, and make light whippings - 2-3 times. Then the brooms are pressed against the back for 2-3 seconds. The same should be done in the lumbar region, buttocks, thighs, legs, but do not touch the popliteal fossa, where the skin is very sensitive. If you need to deeply warm the knee joint, to increase elasticity or in case of violation of its function, then put a broom on it, and bend the lower leg with springy movements. Compresses are especially useful in injured areas, with sciatica and various muscle pains.

Massage in the bath - "stretching".

Of course, when visiting a bath, you can do with the usual whipping on the back and other parts of the body. But it is much more useful to get a massage session with brooms - this procedure is performed with the help of a partner with special training. The most popular broom massage techniques are stroking, whipping, stretching, compressing and rubbing. Each of them is described on this page.

Massage with a bath broom is a very useful healing bath procedure. For this type of massage, you will need a partner, since you yourself will not be able to make a quality massage with a broom. This procedure is carried out, in contrast to conventional massage, in the steam room.

Brooms used for massage should be kept moist at all times. Therefore, during the entire procedure, they must be periodically moistened in warm (but not hot) water. Movements during the massage should be light, neat, soft, smooth. If you make sudden strokes, this can lead to skin burns from hot steam injected to the surface of the skin due to rapid movements.

The value of massage with a broom in the bath, in addition to the massaging effect, lies in the fact that at high temperature a wet broom releases essential phytoncidal substances inherent in the plant from which it is made. These substances destroy pathogenic bacteria and heal the skin, activating its metabolism and helping to cleanse and rejuvenate it.

When massaged with brooms in the steam room, the person being massaged takes a prone position. Firstly, in this position, you can completely relax the muscles and thereby reduce the load on the cardiovascular system. Secondly, in this position, the entire body is exposed to the same temperature, which improves the quality of this procedure.

Massage with brooms, as well as, includes a number of techniques that are performed in one sequence or another. Below is a video of massage with a broom and a video of the main techniques.

Broom massage: stroking and whipping

Stroking. This technique, like the one of the same name in a conventional massage, is performed first.

It is made with two brooms at the same time. Massaged lies on his stomach. The massage therapist starts with light stroking movements of the feet, then gradually moves along the legs, buttocks, arms extended along the body, and back.

Having reached the base of the neck, it continues to move in the opposite direction. The massaged lowers his hands from the bench, giving access to the sides, the massage therapist moves down the side surfaces of the body to the pelvis. When it reaches the lower back, the massaged person needs to raise the lower back, hold for a few seconds, then lower it.

If during the massage the temperature in the steam room is very high, the movement of the brooms should be smooth, they should not be raised high and the movement should not be forced so that additional heat is not pumped up.

whipping. This is the main method of bath massage with brooms. Massaged still lies on his stomach. The masseur whips the back with light movements in all directions, then gradually descends to the lower back, buttocks, thighs, calf muscles, and feet. In total, the reception should take about 1 minute. After that, do a quick stroke.

Then the massaged person needs to roll over on his back. The masseur again starts moving from top to bottom - makes light whippings of the chest, arms, abdomen, front of the thighs, shins, feet.

The duration of the reception is also about 1 minute. The reception ends with a quick stroke.

If during whipping the massaged feels too hot, the brooms should be dipped in cool water for a few seconds to remove excess heat from the surface of the body.

Massage with a broom in the bath: stretching, compress and rubbing

Stretching. This technique is carried out with pain in the lower back. After its implementation, the pain recedes or disappears completely.

To perform stretching, brooms are placed on the lower back, then they are spread in different directions - one up, towards the head, the other down, towards the feet. Stretching is performed 3-4 times, after it 2-3 strokes are done.

Venom compress. This is another of the main techniques that is performed, alternating with whipping. Begin execution from the back (massaged, respectively, lies on the stomach). Brooms are slightly lifted, they capture hot air, then make 2-3 light whips. After that, the surface of the brooms is pressed tightly against the back for 3-4 seconds. Similarly, this technique is performed on the lower back, buttocks, thighs, shins, feet. At the same time, the knee fossa is not touched, since the skin on it is very sensitive.

If there is a need for deep heating of the knee joint, a broom is simply placed on it, and then the leg at the knee is bent several times with springy movements.

After performing the technique on the back of the body, the person being massaged turns over onto his back. Reception is repeated on the chest, abdomen, front surface of the thighs and lower leg.

Such broom compresses are especially useful in places where various types of muscle pain occur, for example, after an injury or with sciatica.

Trituration. The final method of massage with brooms is rubbing. It is performed with one broom.

The masseur holds it with one hand and puts it on the body. With the other hand, lightly presses the broom to make the touch tight. Then he begins to rub the body in all directions.

First, the reception is performed on the back of the body, then the person being massaged turns over and the reception is continued on the front.

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The Russian banya has kept the traditions of steam procedures since ancient times. People go to the bath for various reasons. Someone wants to wash, someone to take a steam bath, the majority wants to relax and take a break from hard, stressful working days. Regardless of your wishes, a massage after the bath will never be superfluous.

About the Russian bath

Bathing traditions were inherited from the peoples of the Ancient East. The rapid construction of baths began in the 4th century AD. Read more in the article about the history of the Russian bath.

In the life of a Russian person, the bathhouse played an important role. Many chronicles mention Russian baths. They were called differently: soap, move, move, steam room, vlazny.

The word "bath" comes from "balneum" and means in translation - "chasing away pain and sadness." For the first time, I. R. Tarkhanov and V. A. Manasein began to study the effect of bath procedures on the human body.

Bath procedures allow you to keep the body and soul clean. All the important events that take place in his life are connected with the bath for a Russian person: weddings, birthdays, funerals. Visiting guests were always invited to "light" couples. For many centuries, the skill of soaring has been honed, turning bath procedures into a healing process.

Being in the bath, a person feels a change in the temperature regime, a group of irritants begins to influence him: heat, steam, temperature changes. Thanks to this, the body's activity improves and resistance to various diseases increases, vitality and working capacity increase.

Bath procedures are used for prevention, recovery and hardening means.

Bath heat activates sebaceous and sweat glands, gas exchange, protein metabolism, etc. Therefore, with the correct use of bath procedures, you can lose about two kilograms per visit. The heat helps to cleanse the skin of fat, sweat, dust, the skin becomes firm, smooth, elastic, and a healthy shade appears.

Bath procedures stabilize blood pressure: in hypotensive patients it rises, and in hypertensive patients it decreases. People suffering from hypertension in the initial stage tolerate the bath well.

The bath has an impact on the entire cardiovascular system of a person and the loads resulting from the increase in steam and temperature, which are beneficial to her.

Bath procedures also have a positive effect on the human nervous system: emotional activity decreases, nervous tension is relieved. A person calms down, plunges into a state of rest, thereby restoring his strength.

Bath procedures distract from daytime worries and experiences. A person adapts to troubles more easily, is charged with positive and energy.

The breathing of a person in the bath becomes rapid and deep, and oxygen consumption increases.

Read also: The influence of the bath on the cardiovascular system of the human body

Hot air and steam - relax the muscles, relieve symptoms of fatigue, improve flexibility and elasticity, and workability returns.

A more effective result can be achieved by combining bath procedures and massage. You can try to learn how to massage after a bath on your own, without resorting to the services of a massage therapist. Read more in the article about the benefits of the bath.

The technique of massage and self-massage

The massage is carried out in a room (usually a soap room is used), where there are no drafts.

Before starting the massage, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures: prepare a bench on which the person being massaged will lie. The bench must be doused several times with hot water to keep it warm. The masseur's hands should be clean, with short-cut nails, and warm. For a better glide over the body, you need to lather your hands.

During the session, you need to relax, which will achieve the greatest effect. If you can’t relax, you can use verbal settings (self-hypnosis formulas). For complete physical relaxation, verbal attitudes and images should be selected based on personal experience, which will give a greater effect.

Trying to relax, imagine the images mentally. Recall moments when you felt comfortable. Perhaps, walking along the seashore, you felt a light breeze blowing around you or basking on the beach, hiding your face from the sun. The more clearly you imagine the memory image, the faster you will be able to relax.

You can also use self-hypnosis: lie on your stomach and take a sharp deep breath, tense up, and then exhale and relax.

Massage technique and self-massage

Massage and self-massage in the bath is carried out in a complex, consists of the following techniques: stroking, squeezing, kneading, shaking, moving in the joints.


This technique is performed with the palm of your hand. To cover a large surface area of ​​​​the body, it is necessary to connect 4 fingers of the hand together, and move the 5th to the side, firmly pressing the body of the person being massaged with the palm, but trying not to put pressure on it. At the same time, making light, slow and rhythmic movements. Stroking can be done with both hands or one, in turn: one hand should follow the other, performing and repeating other movements. In this case, for example, one hand makes zigzags, and the other - rectilinear movements. Reception of strokes must be performed within 2-3 minutes.

Applying this technique, it has a great influence on the nervous system of the person being massaged. Thus, performing strokes: nervous tension is relieved, the body relaxes, breathing slows down, and he falls asleep.

Among other things, this technique increases blood flow in the vessels, improves skin nutrition, after which it becomes smooth and elastic. At the same time, dead epithelial cells are removed, the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands comes into activity.

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This technique has an effect on muscle and skin tissue. There are several ways to squeeze.

  • Pushing with a fist. This technique is typical for massage in the bath. It is necessary to grab the thumb with one hand of the other hand, then clench the hands into a fist, not allowing the fists to separate the hands, performing the reception.
  • Squeezing with a brush. In this technique, the palm must be placed across the massaged muscle: the thumb performs a squeeze and is pressed against the index finger.
  • Squeezing with the edge of the palm. In this technique, movements are made towards the nearest lymph nodes. Squeezing is placed across the massaged muscle.

The choice of method largely depends on the part of the body that the massage therapist is massaging: you can massage the muscles of the hand with the pad of the thumb, and the muscles of the thigh with the forearm.

This technique of squeezing leads a person to tone, redistributes blood, nourishes muscles, makes them strong and hardy. It is carried out for 4-5 minutes, after which they again proceed to stroking.


The basis of this technique is a bath massage. Both the lower and upper layers of muscle tissue are warmed up here. Thanks to the bath, the respiratory system of the human body, the cardiovascular system are affected, the functions of muscle tissues are restored, and the body is prepared to perform new physical activities.

There are several types of kneading that need to be used depending on the massaged area.

Ordinary kneading

This is the easiest kind of stretching. With it, you can massage the muscles of the chest, abdomen, shoulder, forearm, thigh, buttocks, calves. With straight fingers, it is necessary to tightly grasp the muscles and squeeze it, making a rotational movement with the whole hand.

At the same time, the movements should be rhythmic, not cause pain. If the technique is performed incorrectly and ineffectively, bruises may occur on the body, so the fingers cannot be bent at the joints.

Double neck

This technique is similar to performing an ordinary kneading. It must be performed on large developed muscles of the back, buttocks, thighs, calves. On the massaged part of the body, you need to put your free hand on the massaging one, and increasing the force of impact, place it crosswise: put 4 fingers of the free hand on 4 fingers of the massaging one, and place your thumb on the thumb.

Double ring kneading

It is used in violation of the blood supply to certain parts of the body. With this method, the massage therapist's hands are at a brush's distance from each other, while the fingers remain straight. It is necessary, with your hands, to tightly grasp the muscle across and slightly lift it, then pull it up, after which, shifting to knead, without releasing, shifting in one or the other hand. So that the hands move smoothly and slowly along the entire muscle.