Early pregnancy and seaside vacations. Pregnancy and the Dead Sea. Contraindications to travel to the sea during pregnancy

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then in the city baths and fewer and fewer were willing to unconditionally adhere to the recommendations of restrictive medicine. In the resorts of the Black Sea coast, as well as in Turkey, Cyprus, the Canary Islands and the Bahamas, resort women were seen with an unusually wide waist and a pigmented strip below the navel. Their number is growing from year to year and this is great - this means that the sun, air and water are in demand by the wide masses of expectant mothers and serve to improve their health and bear healthy children. The realities of today open up unusually wide opportunities for the recovery of pregnant women at resorts. With the development of means of transport and communication, the once distant resorts have become closer, the way to them is faster and more comfortable, and staying there is safer and more convenient.

Of course, pregnant women go not only on tourist trips. Often a pregnant woman goes to give birth to a specific medical center, domestic or foreign. There was even the term "civil tourism" - travel to Europe on a full-term basis, so that a newborn baby would automatically receive the citizenship of the European Union. Modern women are much easier on the possibility of long-distance travel during pregnancy.

The attitude of official medicine to this issue has also changed. If once travelers were only advised not to eat a lot of unfamiliar fruits and wear a panama hat, now there is an order of the Ministry of Health dated May 16, 2003, which defines the indications for spa treatment, as well as recommendations on how to organize rest and treatment of pregnant women in sanatoriums and dispensaries.

According to this document, the indication (that is, the matter is not only acceptable, but certainly useful) for referral to the resort is pregnancy in the period of 12-35 weeks (including the time of stay), and in particular:

1. Anemia of pregnant women, I degree;
2. Diseases of internal organs without exacerbation in combination with pregnancy;
3. Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD);
4. Multiple pregnancy up to 28 weeks. gestation;
5. A history of miscarriages;
6. Previous pregnancy history;
7. Birth of large (> 4000) or small (<3000 г.) детей в анамнезе;
8. Primiparas aged 28 and over;
9. Young primiparas aged 18 and under;
10. History of infertility;
11. Deficiency of body weight in a pregnant woman;
12. Work in hazardous industries, as well as the living of pregnant women in unfavorable conditions.

The same document defines the categories of pregnant women who are not recommended to travel to the sea. These are pregnant women suffering from:

1. Excessive vomiting of pregnant women;
2. Late gestosis;
3. Bleeding during a real pregnancy;
4. Threat of termination of pregnancy;
5. With placenta previa;
6. With a lot of water and low water;
7.With a scar on the uterus after a cesarean section
[for what?! - I.P.] ;
8. With induced pregnancy (for example, after IVF);
9. With defects and neoplasms of the female genital organs;
10. With anemia II and III degree, exacerbation of chronic diseases, tuberculosis, with exacerbation of herpes and cytomegalovirus infection.

The same order also formulates the requirements for the place of residence of expectant mothers on vacation. Pregnant women need to live in urban areas or in a suburban area at a distance of no more than 30 kilometers from the nearest maternity hospital, where there are good access roads and direct telephone communications, preferably settling on the 1st floor of buildings. If we are talking about a sanatorium or other institution that accepts pregnant women for rest and treatment, they must have medical transport, a 24-hour nursing post and an obstetrician-gynecologist in their state.

Thus, in order to go to a resort, it is highly advisable for a pregnant woman to visit her attending physician and make sure that there are no contraindications to a long move. After making sure of this, you need to decide which transport is best to get to your destination. All types of transport are endowed with both advantages and certain disadvantages, which it is useful to know about when planning a trip.

Modern airliners have a sealed cabin, into which air is artificially enriched with oxygen, so that there is no need to fear differences in barometric pressure and rarefaction of the air. But it is better to refrain from flying if the phenomena of early toxicosis are still disturbing (vestibular loads can significantly increase them). You should also not make your first acquaintance with air transport during pregnancy, it is better to be sure that flying is not scary and will not burden the nervous system too much. It is also useful to know that a woman with obvious signs of pregnancy, when boarding an airliner, may be asked to present a medical document certifying the gestational age (a good reason not to forget the exchange card at home, which the pregnant woman should always have with her!), And if the period is more than 36 weeks - then the "written consent of the doctor for the flight" ("Aeroflot"). This is probably not very legal, but for complete peace of mind it is better to stock up on the necessary papers.

Railway transport is practically devoid of drawbacks - this method of travel is quite comfortable and only slightly inferior in speed to automobile transport. In a personal car with a pregnant woman on board, it is better to travel relatively short distances, not exceeding 800-1000 kilometers, otherwise you will need to stop along the way for hot meals and a full overnight stay. Every 2 hours it is necessary to make a 15-minute stop, during which the traveler must get out of the car and do a short warm-up, and every 4 hours - an hour-long stop for lunch and a long rest. If the expectant mother herself acts as a co-driver (there are also experienced motorists among pregnant women!) - her driver's "shift" should not last more than an hour and be repeated no more than 2 times during the day (but not at night!)

After arriving at the destination, during the first day of the spa life, the pregnant woman needs the rest necessary for acclimatization - the body's getting used to new climatic conditions. This is especially true for female holidaymakers who moved in a longitudinal direction and crossed more than one time zone. In case of problems with sleep and wakefulness, it is better to decide in favor of sleep - go to bed early and get up later.

But the road troubles are behind and the time to think about how to properly spend your 14-24 (namely, this duration of rest and recovery is recommended during pregnancy) spa days.

First of all, you need to rest at the resort. A change of scenery, new experiences, travel and excursions, tropical nature - all this has tremendous therapeutic value for the health of mothers and babies. According to the famous Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlova, "it is necessary ... to tear a person out of his environment, free him from constant worries, interrupt the flow of obsessive thoughts and for a certain period of time make him the goal of exclusive attention to health and food." Although it should be said that, in pursuit of new impressions, pregnant women should refrain from extreme entertainment, such as rafting, diving, jeeping, paragliding, etc. sea ​​level due to the possibility of a sharp change in intrauterine pressure. For this reason, and also because of the inevitable vibration, it is worth postponing helicopter excursions and horse riding lessons for later.

Now let's talk about what, in fact, makes a resort a resort - about physical remedies. They are natural (natural) and preformed (hardware). Accordingly, the use of these factors for the purpose of recovery is called physiotherapy and physioprophylaxis.

The main natural wealth of most resort areas is the sea. Sea bathing - thalassotherapy- have a significant restorative and tonic effect. Ions of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, as well as proteins and phytoncides of algae in trace amounts penetrate the skin into the tissues of the body, exerting a manifold effect on the body. Sea waves produce gentle hydromassage, which reflexively affects all functional systems of the body. Recently, great importance has been attached to water-immersion compression- a phenomenon in which the pressure of water on the human body promotes the transfer of fluid from the subcutaneous tissue into the bloodstream, thus counteracting the formation of edema, which is important during pregnancy. This biological phenomenon has already found its place in the complex therapy and prevention of late gestosis.

When it comes to swimming, you don't have to overdo it with swimming. Moderate physical activity is very beneficial, but it is important that the exercise is habitual and not excessive (this also applies to walking). It is better to refuse jumping into the water, especially with "legs" under certain circumstances, water is capable of inflicting a water hammer directly on the cervix. However, practice has shown the safety of most water attractions for pregnant women.

Sea air is rich in negatively charged ions. Such air has a beneficial effect on redox processes, blood pressure, and the volume of circulating blood. Being outdoors without clothes for medicinal purposes is called light-air bath.

Heliotherapy- therapeutic effect on the body of direct sunlight. Sunlight intensifies tissue metabolism, increases the resistance of the female body to environmental factors; by increasing the production of vitamin D, is a powerful factor in the prenatal prevention of rickets. Heliotherapy is especially important for mothers with immunoconflict pregnancies, as well as for residents of the northern regions, part-time students and other categories of pregnant women who lack sunlight.

Of course, care is needed when dealing with the summer sun. The danger lies in the possibility of sunburn and general overheating (heatstroke). The skin during pregnancy is quite sensitive to the sun, but the tan may turn out to be uneven, especially on the face, where long-term age spots may form. Therefore, the notorious Panama hat will not hurt, and with it - dark glasses. For sunbathing, it is better to choose the morning and early evening hours, and from lunchtime, when the sun is most active, stay in the shade.

There are many other healing factors as well. which are waiting for pregnant women at the resorts - these are mineral waters, and salt caves, and just new impressions and good mood. Unfortunately, despite the high effectiveness of physiotherapy and physioprophylaxis during pregnancy aftereffect period(the time during which the treatment received continues its beneficial effect on the body) in pregnant women is slightly shorter than in non-pregnant women and varies within 3-4 months, which, in general, is quite enough to bring great benefits to the unborn child. According to Russian scientists, in pregnant women who underwent a full course of physiopsychoprophylaxis, adverse outcomes of childbirth were 2½ times less common than in those who did not undergo it.


You are pregnant, it's summer outside, it's hot, you really want to go to the sea, what should you do? Whether to go or not depends on you and your well-being.
Before traveling, be sure to check with your supervising doctor. With good analyzes, no threat of miscarriage and a normal pregnancy, you can pack your bags.
When choosing a place of rest, it is imperative to take into account the change of time zones and the acclimatization period, which may not affect the state of pregnancy in the best way. Also, make sure there is a hospital near the resting place. The best time to travel is between 2 and 5 months of pregnancy.

Benefits of a seaside vacation for a pregnant woman:

Sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D in the body, which regulates the metabolism of trace elements in the body - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. But do not sunbathe in direct sunlight, especially at the very peak of the heat.
The sea, the beach is an ideal natural source for recovery and rejuvenation and charge of positive emotions.
The iodine content in water helps to activate metabolism and burn fat.
And finally, walking along the beach in the morning or in the evening is recommended for pregnant women, as they allow them to raise muscle tone and help eliminate leg swelling and improve blood circulation.
However, care must be taken when at sea, it is better to go to the beach early in the morning or late in the evening and avoid the hot hours from 10:00 to 16:00. Remember, it is undesirable for a pregnant woman to appear in the open sun, be sure to cover your head with a hat, you need to be under an umbrella on the beach to avoid overheating. You should be aware that even under an umbrella, sun protection is essential: the sand reflects sunlight, which also passes through the umbrella cover.
Remember! Everything is good within reasonable limits!

Pregnancy is not a predictable condition, therefore, women who have:

There is a pronounced toxicosis;
The threat of termination of pregnancy;
Placenta previa;
A lot - or lack of water;
When protein appears in urine;
Bleeding is possible;
There is a scar on the uterus after caesarean section;
With diseases of the reproductive system;
Infectious diseases of the uterus;
As well as anemia of the second and third degree;
In case of artificial pregnancy, it is also better to refuse to travel to the sea.

Several summer rules for expectant mothers while relaxing in the water and the sun:

Watch your diet. In hot weather, it is better to limit the use of heavy meat foods. As for fruits and vegetables, there is no need to deny yourself.
Make sure to take time out for the day.
High air temperature contributes to fluid loss. You can restore it by drinking enough water.
Remember to take a high SPF sunscreen. Make sure it is approved for use by pregnant women.
Limit your time at the beach.

Under the sun, pregnant women should be more vigilant to avoid sunburn, fatigue, fainting, insomnia, and dehydration. Special attention should be paid to the face in order to prevent the risk of education age spots(chloasma), which appear mainly on the forehead and chin.

And a little about bathing:

when choosing where to go, stop at sea water. Swimming during pregnancy is very beneficial (just don't overwork yourself). The mineral composition of sea water improves the functioning of the heart and respiratory system, strengthens blood vessels, tightens the skin, and helps with varicose veins. Muscles become stronger, muscle tone rises, in addition, when immersed in water, the expectant mother can forget about the inconveniences associated with the gained weight and tummy. The load on the spine and legs decreases in water. And most importantly, mommy and baby get a lot of pleasure.

Do not worry, do not lift heavy bags, do not engage in extreme sports, etc., etc. The listing can be extended for another couple of hours. One solid "not". Well, pregnancy is a difficult period in a woman's life, and you have to come to terms with it. Well, can the expectant mother have a rest? Walk along the sandy beach, listen to the warm, gentle waves rustle? Can a pregnant woman go to the sea? Let's try to figure it out.

What do the doctors say?

In principle, new impressions and good rest for a pregnant woman will not only not harm, but will also be beneficial. The better the mother feels, the better the baby too. Therefore, most doctors support the decision of young parents to go on a journey and change the dust and rumble of a stuffy city for something calmer and more pleasant. But only if the pregnancy is proceeding well, without complications.

It must also be remembered that the first trimester of pregnancy is often accompanied by toxicosis, problems with appetite, insomnia and instability of the emotional background. By the second trimester, the state of the mother's body is gradually leveling off, so it is best to plan a trip for this period. The third trimester, like the first, is not very suitable for travel: the risk of premature birth is too high.

Is it okay to wear high heels during pregnancy? We will ask the specialists.

Can pregnant women drink chicory? Find out from our article.

By train, plane or car?

The best thing, of course, is to go to the sea by train. If only you don't have to go too far. And the conditions are comfortable, and if necessary, you can use medical assistance while stopping at a major railway station.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to go to the sea by car? It is possible, but not recommended by most doctors. The road is unlikely to be easy, perhaps exacerbation of toxicosis, bleeding or even the threat of miscarriage (roads in the CIS countries are far from always in perfect condition). And from a long motionless sitting in the car, the expectant mother's legs may swell.

Doctors also do not recommend flying, especially if this is the first flight. Unless it takes too long to travel by train. If the pregnancy is more than 36 weeks, airport employees have the right to ask the mother for a written permission to fly, signed by her doctor.

  • If you are going to the sea by car, try to move at a low speed. It is recommended to make short stops every 2 - 3 hours so that the expectant mother can just walk for 10 - 15 minutes.
  • The safety belt must be fastened below the abdomen so that it does not put pressure on the baby.
  • No rest for "savages"! Try to rent at least a room in a private house. During pregnancy, women are advised not to sleep on bare ground in a sleeping bag.
  • Monitor the temperature of the water. You can swim only if the water is warm enough, from + 22ºC.
  • You cannot sunbathe during pregnancy. This is extra stress for the body. Carry an umbrella with you to the beach.
  • Don't experiment with overly exotic dishes. During pregnancy, the female body is weakened, and poisoning will certainly not be your joy.

Who among us has not dreamed of a seaside vacation, especially on long winter evenings? And they saved money, and made plans, and then suddenly bam, and pregnancy. Is it worth giving up because of pregnancy from a trip to the sea, from the long-awaited rest and pleasant impressions, or still take the risk and go? Many expectant mothers are familiar with this situation. What to do? After all, you want, and inject, and fearful ... It is definitely difficult to answer this question, much depends on the condition of the pregnant woman and the permission of the attending physician.

Which of the pregnant women is not allowed to go to the sea?

It is important to remember about contraindications, in the presence of which it is not only undesirable for pregnant women to go to rest on the sea or somewhere else, but it is generally prohibited. So, who is not allowed at sea:

  • placenta previa and low placenta (when the placenta is located very close to the internal pharynx) - in these cases, expectant mothers are generally better off being close to the hospital and their doctor;
  • gestosis (late toxicosis, which is accompanied by edema, increased pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine) - this situation involves travel only to the department of pregnancy pathology;
  • habitual miscarriage - flights, travel, climate change and other factors can (and quite likely) provoke an abortion;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy - I think that any sane woman and her doctor will be categorically against travel;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease, allergies - it will not be rest, but the treatment of sores is far from comfortable;
  • pregnant women of a high risk group (diabetes mellitus, gynecological and other pathologies) - again, in which case where and who will deal with the woman (do not forget about the husband, he also needs rest, and not care and worries about the expectant mother).

And yet, in the absence of the listed contraindications, good health and mood, rest at the sea for "watermelons" is not only allowed, but also useful. The optimal time for travel is 14 - 27 weeks (up to 14 weeks all organs and systems are formed, and after 27 weeks the risk of premature birth increases).

Going to the sea remember

Yes, of course, the list turned out to be impressive, but do we want to give birth to a healthy child and not suffer ourselves? If it is difficult to comply with all the conditions, it is better to refuse a trip to the sea, but not to risk your own health, and, most importantly, the health of the child.

Benefits of the sea and sunburn for pregnant women

Well, and, finally, we got to the niceties. A trip to the sea has a beneficial effect on any person, especially on a pregnant woman. In addition to the pleasure of splashing in the waves of the sea, eating incredible amounts of fruit, pleasant sensations, walking in the sea air, changing the environment (you can endlessly list), there are many other benefits (from a medical point of view) for pregnant women.

First of all, I would like to say about tanning (well, what about being at the sea and returning pale-faced?). Yes, ultraviolet rays are useful for pregnant women, because under their action, the body produces vitamin D, which is involved in the exchange of trace elements, prevents the development of rickets in a child after birth and osteoporosis in a mother in the future. However, you should also sunbathe wisely.

Everyone remembers that the maximum benefit from the sun's rays is before 10 am and after 5 pm. The rest of the time the sun is very aggressive, and tanning will not be beneficial, but harmful. And, of course, having been burned from the back, it will be impossible to roll over onto your stomach during sleep or rest due to pregnancy. By the way, under the influence of the sun, especially the southern rays, the pigmentation inherent in pregnant women intensifies (that is why huge glasses and a wide-brimmed hat came in handy). The sunscreen, which must be applied 20 minutes before going out and then every 2 hours, must contain at least 30 SPF. Also, excessive enthusiasm for sunbathing provokes varicose veins and uterine bleeding (decreased vascular and muscle tone), and the risk of fainting very uncommonly increases (heat exchange in pregnant women is increased, and overheating in the sun is very, very dangerous).

Swimming in the sea is not only relaxation of all muscles, freeing a woman from a heavy abdomen, but also toning the nervous system, gymnastics, breathing exercises and muscle loads that prepare for childbirth. In addition, sea water has a beneficial effect on varicose vessels, and when bathing, sea salts and microelements are absorbed by the skin, which enhance skin respiration, normalize metabolism, and reduce blood sugar levels. Sea air, charged with negative ions, which improve metabolism, is no less useful.

Anna Sozinova

A trip to the sea has already become an annual tradition for many Russians. But at some point it turns out that the family is expected to be replenished. The expectant mother is at a loss: what to do? Refuse from such a desired and familiar rest, or still go on vacation? Pregnancy and the sea is a question that worries many women preparing to become mothers. On the one hand, it seems that maternity leave spent on the sandy shore is a great opportunity to improve your health and fully relax. On the other hand, there is anxiety - will the sun and salt water harm the unborn baby. Long-awaited trip, hotel booked in advance, but what to do? First of all, you need to understand the following: the state of pregnancy is not painful by definition. And in itself it cannot be a contraindication to such a trip; the most favorable for travel is the second trimester of pregnancy; moderation is the main condition in order not to harm the expectant mother and baby; however, there are a number of circumstances in which you will have to refrain from traveling. Most Russian women successfully travel, visit resorts and swim in the sea, not only without the slightest harm, but also for the benefit of the unborn baby. Observing all safety rules, you can minimize all possible risks. But you shouldn't forget about the risks. And, so all the pros and cons, is it possible for pregnant women at sea.

Before deciding on a trip, the expectant mother should consult a doctor at the antenatal clinic and carefully weigh the pros and cons. If the doctor does not ascertain any abnormalities in the condition of the woman and the fetus, then you can begin to prepare for the trip. First of all, you should study all the resorts and choose the most optimal route. If the expectant mother does not suffer from any chronic diseases and has an excellent condition in general, then she can safely send to the coast for rest. But a gynecologist who observes a pregnancy can forbid a woman from such a trip.

The reasons for this trouble can be:

  1. The threat of termination of pregnancy.
  2. Placental abruption or previa.
  3. Severe toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy (preeclampsia) with increased blood pressure.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  5. All kinds of allergic reactions.

If all of the above reasons, fortunately, have passed the expectant mother, then the rest at sea is guaranteed to her. But do not forget that the absence of threats to health and pregnancy does not yet give a red light for a trip to the sea. It is very important to take into account the peculiarities of the gestational age.

Is it possible to swim in the sea during pregnancy?

In the case when a pregnant woman is absolutely healthy and a vacation at the sea is even shown to her, another question arises - is it possible to swim? The beneficial elements contained in sea water (iodine, potassium, magnesium, seaweed) have a beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother, strengthen and tone it. Waves and splashing in the sea serve as a light hydromassage. Despite all these pleasant moments, it is necessary to remember about the health of the unborn child and adhere to some rules:

  • Before entering the water, assess its purity and the safety of the bottom.
  • Do not swim in too cold water.
  • Do not overwork yourself, do not do long swims.
  • Swimming in the sea is also sunbathing, which pregnant women need to limit. Therefore, do not stay in the water for too long.

Sea in early pregnancy

Early pregnancy and the sea are a dangerous combination. It is in the first trimester (from the first to the thirteenth week) that the most important changes take place in a woman's body. In particular, the internal organs of the unborn child are formed, clear outlines of the limbs and head appear. In the early stages, miscarriages or fetal pathologies occur most often. Therefore, despite the recommendations of doctors to be outdoors and swim as often as possible, it is advisable to refrain from going to the sea, or at least not to travel too far from home. With early toxicosis, you will have to give up the rest at sea.

Sea in late pregnancy

The most suitable period for a seaside vacation during pregnancy is the second trimester (14 - 25 weeks). At this time, all the internal organs of the future baby are formed, and the woman is used to her new state and feels calm and comfortable. But the third trimester (from 25 to 40 weeks) is an unsuitable period of pregnancy for a vacation at sea. The two biggest problems of this period are the possibility of developing late toxicosis and the danger of premature birth. If you feel good and for some reason you cannot refuse a vacation at sea, then remember that you definitely need to return home before the 38th week, because from this moment premature birth can begin.

Can I sunbathe during pregnancy?

If pregnancy and the sea nevertheless coincided, then you will not be able to avoid the open sun. Considering the fact that due to changes in the hormonal background, tanning on the skin of a woman in position lays down better and faster, the temptation to acquire a chocolate skin color before childbirth increases significantly. Doctors warn that it is very dangerous to be in the open sun at any stage of pregnancy. This is fraught with loss of consciousness, varicose veins, uterine bleeding, and unwanted pigmentation. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself and the unborn child, you need to consider the following points:

  • Sunbathe only in the shade: under an umbrella or canopy.
  • Do not be on the beach from 11 am to 4 pm.
  • Do not lie on hot sand or pebbles (only on a sun lounger).
  • Stay on the beach at temperatures no higher than 30 degrees.
  • Do not sunbathe with an empty or over-full stomach.

The expectant mother should rest only in comfortable conditions, where there is an opportunity to seek medical help at any time. A sharp change in climate is not recommended for women in position, therefore, the most suitable countries for a Russian woman living in the middle lane are countries with a climate similar to that to which she is accustomed: Croatia, France, Spain or Bulgaria. Turkey, Greece and Cyprus are also quite suitable resorts for expectant mothers, although in summer it is quite hot there. Dominican Republic, Cuba, Thailand, Mexico, Maldives - these are the resorts most preferred by exotic lovers. However, it is here that the expectant mother should think especially well and weigh the possible risks. The danger to the normal course of pregnancy can lie in a long flight, a sharp change in climate and air temperature, as well as in possible contact with local infections. For the sake of fairness, we note that in the resort cities of these countries all measures have long been taken so that specific diseases do not threaten tourists, and even no preventive vaccinations are required to enter these countries. However, the likelihood of infection cannot be completely ruled out, and vaccinations against hepatitis, tetanus, typhoid fever, polio and Japanese encephalitis, although not mandatory, are still recommended by WHO when entering these countries. And this suggests that the risk of infection, although small, is present.

Medical contraindications

There are a number of absolute and relative contraindications to travel while pregnant. Absolute contraindications are pregnancy complications that clearly threaten the fetus or the health of the expectant mother, in the presence of which a woman should be under constant medical supervision, right up to her placement in a hospital.

These include the following:

  1. increased uterine tone;
  2. the threat of miscarriage or premature birth;
  3. placenta previa;
  4. high or low blood pressure;
  5. grade 2 or 3 anemia;
  6. the presence of infectious diseases;
  7. early toxicosis or gestosis (late toxicosis) in the last trimester;
  8. genital neoplasms;
  9. predisposition to allergic diseases;
  10. bloody discharge from the genital tract.
  11. the presence of chronic diseases

With a normal multiple pregnancy, you can travel from 12 to 28 weeks. A scar on the uterus after a cesarean section in late pregnancy. With a well-to-do scar and no complications, you can travel up to the 30th week. Grade 1 anemia before 12 and after 35 weeks. It is interesting that in the interval from 12 to 35 weeks, in the absence of other pathologies, a vacation at the sea will even be beneficial.

Benefits of staying on a seaside vacation

A vacation by the sea for a pregnant woman is, fortunately, not just continuous risks and limitations. With the right attitude to your health, sea recreation has a beneficial effect on the condition of the expectant mother and baby. Sea water is rich in trace elements, and daily contact with it contributes to the saturation of the skin and the whole body with the necessary substances, which stimulates the metabolism. The air near the sea is much more useful than the city air, since it is more saturated with oxygen and ozone and does not contain harmful impurities. 2-3 weeks spent by the expectant mother on the seaside will benefit health, improve well-being and make pregnancy more comfortable. Swimming in seawater and measured swimming without exertion are excellent physical education for the expectant mother. Natural hydromassage improves the microcirculation of blood and lymph in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which helps to prevent and eliminate edema, improve the blood supply to internal organs, including the placenta, which ultimately increases the saturation of fetal tissues with oxygen. Air baths and outdoor walks have tangible health benefits. Even without sunbathing in the open sun, a woman will receive a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation, which will contribute to the production of vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for the proper formation of the fetal skeletal system, therefore, being outdoors on a sunny day is the prevention of rickets in an unborn child.

  1. give up excessive activity and stress (do not climb mountains, do not ride a bike, do not swim with scuba diving);
  2. inquire in advance about the availability of the nearest medical center and the possibility of calling emergency help during your stay on vacation;
  3. adhere to the diet - eat regularly, do not eat unfamiliar foods, be sure to wash fruits and vegetables;
  4. do not drink raw water;
  5. do not sunbathe in the open sun;
  6. swim only in specially designated places, preferably fenced pools with sea water;
  7. get medical insurance.