What does the baby breathe in the mother's belly. What to do if the child has hard, heavy or frequent breathing, wheezing is heard

Many are interested in the causes of heavy breathing in children. Any, even a slight change in the child's condition causes concern among parents. Babies breathe differently than an adult: they sigh during sleep, the tummy and chest move more often, but this is a physiological norm. Any is called difficulty breathing, and it is this factor that is decisive when choosing treatment tactics for this article. In this article, we will talk about what violations in the baby’s respiratory system you need to pay attention to and how to help if the child is breathing heavily.

Breathing process

Breathing is a complex physiological process. It includes two varieties: external and internal. The respiratory process is divided into the act of inhalation and exhalation. Inhalation is the active part, while the diaphragm, the respiratory muscles of the chest, and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall contract. At the same time, the ribs protrude forward, there is an outward movement of the chest and abdominal walls. The passive part of the process is exhalation. There is a relaxation of the respiratory muscles and the diaphragm, the lowering of the ribs down and inward. The physiological respiratory rate is directly dependent on the age of the child: the younger he is, the higher the frequency. With age, this figure approaches those of an adult.

It happens that a small child breathes heavily. Why is this happening?


If the breathing process is complicated by symptoms such as inconsistency, increased chest movements, unusual sounds, it is necessary to pay attention to this and clarify the reasons. Sometimes these manifestations can be caused by nightmares or a common cold, but sometimes heavy breathing indicates a much more serious problem and requires immediate treatment. In most cases, heavy and noisy breathing occurs with false or viral symptoms and treatment will be discussed below.

Children's infections

Sometimes it can be a manifestation of childhood infections such as measles, chickenpox, rubella, diphtheria, scarlet fever, whooping cough. The inflammatory process of the larynx and tracheal mucosa acts in such a way that the lumen narrows. The child begins to experience a lack of air when breathing. This is what causes heavy and deep breathing, the voice changes, becoming hoarse. There is also a barking cough. The defeat of the respiratory system always causes, but depending on the situation and on the nature of the pathology, the treatment needs to be different. Doctors categorically forbid self-administration of inhalations to a child. Such self-treatment can adversely affect the health of the baby and cause a crisis.


Allergy is a very common cause of hard and heavy breathing. In this situation, it is necessary to determine the type of allergen and try to exclude the child from contact with it. You should also consult your doctor about medications that can relieve seizures. The risk of allergic reactions is reduced if you adjust the diet and introduce as many vitamins and minerals into the diet as possible in order to strengthen the immune system.

In addition to painful conditions, the fact that a child breathes heavily can be a physiological feature of the body. This is typical for babies under the age of one and a half years. In this case, the reason is the high elasticity of the tissues of the respiratory tract. If at the same time the child eats normally, sleeps soundly and grows well, these features do not need to be paid attention to. Upon reaching one and a half years, the cartilage of the larynx will thicken and the heaviness of breathing will pass by itself. But still it is worth paying the attention of the doctor to this at the next appointment to make sure that there is no pathology.

Causes and Treatments

So, the child is one year old, breathing heavily, what should I do?

Naturally, the specialist selects the treatment depending on the causes that caused the respiratory pathology. In the event that the condition of the baby does not cause serious concern at the moment, you need to make an appointment with a pediatrician. If the baby's condition is rapidly deteriorating and he cannot breathe normally, then an ambulance should be called. This must be done without fail if the rigidity of breathing is accompanied by difficulty in passing air, the blueness of the nasolabial triangle, the inability to make sounds, lethargy and drowsiness.

If difficulty breathing is caused by a cold or a cold, it is usually accompanied by nasal congestion, cough, sore throat, and fever. It is necessary to call a doctor to confirm the diagnosis, before that the child is given plenty of warm drink and provided with bed rest. The doctor will prescribe treatment, and the severity of breathing will disappear in the course of treatment and the disappearance of other symptoms of the disease.


It happens that the child breathes heavily in a dream.

Another cause may be a disease such as bronchiolitis. It has a viral nature and affects the bronchi. Most often occurs in babies of the first year of life. The condition is accompanied by a persistent, prolonged cough, which not only makes breathing difficult, but makes this process very problematic. With this pathology, the child does not have breathing, but frequent and deep sighs. At the same time, appetite decreases, the baby is naughty, sleeps poorly. It is necessary to call a doctor who decides on the need for hospitalization. When the disease is cured, breathing returns to normal.

If a child has asthma, then his breathing will be difficult, he will cough and suffocate at the slightest exertion. As a rule, asthma or allergies are found in the next of kin of the child. In this case, only a doctor can prescribe an effective, and most importantly, appropriate therapy for the condition. With this disease, self-treatment is a particular danger.

Difficulty in breathing can be with croup. In addition, the condition is accompanied by a barking cough, hoarse voice and fever. Breathing worsens at night. It is necessary to call an ambulance, and before it arrives, try to alleviate the condition of the child. To do this, you need to pour hot water and close the door tightly, then introduce the child into the bathroom and let him breathe warm humidified air. This contributes to the expansion of the lumen of the airways. If this does not have a beneficial effect, you can take the child outside and let him breathe in the fresh night air.


Another common cause of heavy breathing is pneumonia. At the same time, the child very often sighs hoarsely, coughs heavily, the temperature can rise above 38 degrees. On inspiration, you can notice how the skin is drawn into the intercostal spaces. Urgent hospitalization is necessary here, at home treatment of pneumonia can give serious complications.

This is what hard breathing means in a child.

All of these causes are pathological conditions that require medical treatment, but there may be other circumstances in which breathing will be difficult. For example, as a result of hitting a child, it can become hard, intermittent and hoarse. This condition requires immediate medical attention.


There may also be diseases that interfere with normal breathing, in which surgical intervention is necessary. Adenoiditis is one of these pathologies. The larger the adenoids, the more they interfere with free breathing. With this disease, the child's sleep is accompanied by snoring and hoarse sighs. The kid breathes through his mouth all the time, due to the fact that his nose is stuffed up, in the morning, upon waking up, he looks sleepy and irritated, often suffers from colds.

In this situation, it is necessary to consult an ENT doctor, who prescribes treatment. If the child's condition is critical, then an operation is prescribed to remove the adenoids. In addition to all this, such a condition can occur due to the elementary dryness of the air in the room or inhalation of cigarette smoke. When a child is breathing heavily, how to help him? More on this later.

How to alleviate the condition of the child?

There are ways that can alleviate the condition of the child and help prevent drying of the larynx and relieve spasm:

  • humidification of the air in the room with the help of special devices;
  • inhalation of warm humidified air;
  • inhalation with mineral water, soda or saline.

For inhalation, you can use aerosol and steam inhalers, in a hospital - steam-oxygen tents. Once again, we remind you that you can do inhalations only after consulting with your doctor.

Croup in children: symptoms and treatment

Croup is characterized by a triad of symptoms:

  • barking paroxysmal cough;
  • stridor (noisy breathing), especially with crying and excitement;
  • hoarseness of voice.

In addition, the appearance of secondary signs of the disease is noted - severe anxiety, and palpitations, nausea, hyperthermia.

With an increase in respiratory failure, all signs are aggravated, the child's skin becomes gray or bluish in color, salivation increases, wheezing is heard already at rest, anxiety is replaced by lethargy.

Children with this diagnosis need hospitalization. The first thing doctors should do is restore airway patency. To do this, it is important to reduce puffiness, as well as free the lumen from the accumulated mucus.

Assign drug therapy:

  • The appointment of glucocorticoids is required to reduce laryngeal edema (through a nebulizer, for example).
  • Means that relieve spasm of the respiratory tract ("Salbutamol", "Atrovent", "Baralgin").
  • Carry out "Ambroxol" inhalation for sputum discharge.
  • If necessary, use antihistamines.

In difficult cases, tracheal intubation or tracheotomy with mechanical ventilation is needed.

If the child has difficulty breathing, now we know what to do.

A newborn baby raises a lot of questions from inexperienced parents. Among them, one can especially often meet bewilderment with the rapid and irregular breathing of a child. This is quite normal excitement, because adults are used to the fact that even breathing is considered normal for them. Having discovered that it is not like that, all newly-made parents are very worried, and many panic. But is it justified?

How does a newborn baby breathe?

Babies usually breathe by alternating short breaths with deep ones. Sometimes this scares parents, because. The child does not seem to be breathing at all. However, it only lasts a few seconds, so there is no reason to be afraid.

Sometimes children make uncharacteristic sounds when they breathe. This is absolutely normal. This is due to the fact that the respiratory organs of the child are not yet fully developed, and a large amount of air is already passing through them. All this will pass, and breathing will improve about a month after birth. But it has already been proven that breathing is adjusted a little more in time.

Newborns breathe about 2-2.5 times more often than adults. For babies, this is vital, because their lung volume is small, the blood is not fully saturated with oxygen. This is compensated by the child with his rapid breathing.

Other causes of shortness of breath

Sometimes the child's breathing is accompanied by all sorts of whistling or wheezing sounds. In this case, you must immediately show the baby to the doctor, because such breathing most likely means an infectious disease. In children, pneumonia occurs almost imperceptibly, so this change in breathing is one of the indicators in establishing this disease.

Increased breathing can be at elevated temperature and holding the breath during sleep. If there is shortness of breath in this case, it may turn out that the baby has a pulmonary or. Then the child needs to be hospitalized as soon as possible. Shortness of breath is also often present with bronchitis. With a decrease in respiratory rate, meningitis can be suspected, although this severe brain damage is less common in children than in adults.

If the child is interested in something, his breathing may become faster. But in this case, it does not require observation. Normal is the acceleration of respiratory movements in the manifestation of emotions.

At the age of one year, special attention is required for children. During this period, counting breaths is necessary. At an early age, it is most difficult to identify any diseases, and the respiratory rate helps to notice the disease at an early stage.

Disease prevention

Indoors, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 23 ° C and optimal humidity. Pay special attention to this in winter, when the premises are heated, which negatively affects the respiratory organs of not only adults, but also children.

When walking, take into account the temperature outside. It is necessary to dress the child so that the cold air that gets into his respiratory tract does not cause a cold. In other words, overdoing it in wrapping the baby is highly discouraged.

If the child has already caught a cold, you need to use a pear or a special device. If necessary, use nasal drops.

It is very important to take care of your baby's health. And you need to remember this from the first days of the appearance of the baby in the family.

You and I - people - are aerobic creatures, i.e. Our life depends entirely on the presence of oxygen in the air. We breathe with lungs, and the oxygen entering the blood is carried by a special protein to every organ and cell of our body, we live.
The fruit located inmother's womb, will be born, and will also breathe oxygen. H o while his respiratory system is in its infancy, it develops, oddly enough, in need of this very oxygen. Today a littlewe will reveal the veil of the secrets of mother nature and talk about howhow a baby breathes in the womb.

  1. Introduction
  1. Role of the umbilical cord and placenta
  1. Mechanism of intrauterine respiration
  1. hypoxia
  1. Tips for moms

Role of the umbilical cord and placenta

The first minutes of a newborn baby's life are always marked by a piercing cry, during which the lungs open, the respiratory system “starts up”. Being in a cozy mother's tummy, babyswims in the amniotic fluid naturally without using familiar to us breathing mechanism. But he still needs oxygen and really breathes, but in a slightly different way. How?

The child's place (placenta) plays the most important role in providing the fetus with the necessary nutrients and oxygen, including, which enter the body of the future man through the ornate umbilical cord. These two organsguarantee of successful pregnancy and fetal development.

The placenta is formed from the moment the fetal egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, developing and gaining strength. Already at the beginning of the second trimester R and she completely “takes authority over herself”, replacing the temporary structure - the corpus luteum. At the same time, the child's place until the very moment of childbirth will change, adjusting to the needsfruit and having passed four degrees of maturity.

What are the functions of the placenta?

  • barrier- prevents entry into the body fetal anism of harmful substances, toxins and foreign agents;
  • endocrine - produces hormones to maintain pregnancy, as well as for the growth and development of the baby;
  • immune - does not allow immunity mothers perceive the fetus as a foreign organism;
  • nutritional- Nutrients pass through the placenta through the umbilical cord from the blood mothers, as well as gas exchange.

That is why the intrauterine breathing process of a baby is often called placental.

The umbilical cord, on the other hand, plays the role of a kind of connecting link, a "wiring", through which nutrients and oxygen enter the child's body, as well as indecomposition products are removed. That is, if you thinkdoes the baby breathe on its own in the womb, then no - in in the usual sense, such a process with does not happen. The fetus breathes, but literally through the placenta.

Mechanism of fetal respiration

At first glance, it may seem that a pregnant woman should breathe more, because in fact it providestwo organisms with oxygen. In reality, this logic does not work: a woman breathes as usual, using her lung capacity, but the volume of blood in her body increases, a placental circulation occurs.The blood protein - hemoglobin - is known to be an oxygen carrier, and from the lungs the molecules of the "life-giving" gas enter the bloodstream through the placenta and umbilical cord to the baby.
That is, most of the portion of oxygen that comes with each mother's breath goes to the needs of the body growing in the womb, and already, as they say, what is left goes to the needs of the woman's body. A truly colossal amount of resources is spent by a mother while carrying a child under her heart.
So, oxygen molecules with the bloodstream enter the fetus through the placenta through the umbilical cord, and there they feed the cells through a network of small vessels and capillaries. The carbon dioxide resulting from metabolic processes returns to the umbilical cord through the bloodstream, reaches the maternal bloodstream through the placenta, goes to the lungs of the woman and is excreted from the body. Similarly, nutrients enter and exit from the fetus.


Now, having a rough idea of how and what baby breathes in the womb mothers, the value of oxygen and fresh air in general for the expectant mother is felt. In the modern world, very often in the ultrasound room or when examined in the antenatal clinic, you can hear the word "hypoxia".

Hypoxia is commonly understood as a state of acute or chronic lack of oxygen. Roughly speaking, in relation to the fetus, he simply has nothing to breathe. Such a condition is considered extremely serious and can have irreversible and most unfortunate consequences if measures are not taken in time or if they are not taken at all.

Moreover, as we remember, insufficient oxygen supply to the body is fraught with problems not only for the future baby, but also for the mother herself, because her body gives the lion's share of the incoming gas to the child. Dizziness, cyanosis of the skin, shortness of breath and shortness of breath should not be ignored by doctors.

How do premature babies breathe?

There are situations when childbirth begins ahead of time, some time before the planned date. The baby is not ready, but due to certain circumstances he is forced to leave the warm and cozy mother's tummy. But he has not yet "ripened", his respiratory system is not ready to work independently. How do they act in such cases?

The baby's lungs are ready tooh the first breath at about 34-36 weeks, not before, the lung tissue is completely sphorwas tolerated, there is a su in the lungs r f actant - a substance that helps them open up and function in the future.

Premature babies are forced to be placed in a spaspecial box, providing near kie to intrauterine conditions, and connect to the device With ventilatory breathing by injecting medicationozny maturation stimulants r f actant and lung tissue.

More oxygen and more fresh air! It should be like this h learn the mottodoy expectant mother, understanding the importance suffice the receipt of this vitalimportant gas in her body and in the body of the unborn baby.Naturally, the maximum distance from ecologically unfavorable areas, industrial zones is very desirable, smooth as well as walks in forests, parks and frequent exposure to fresh air.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the dangers of smoking during pregnancy. It has been proven that in the vast majority of cases, smoking women give birth to children with insufficient weight, chronic hypoxia, are born prematurely and infurther have problems with health, concentration and perseverance.

Therefore, it is extremely important to part with this impartial habit, not only for aesthetic reasons (a pregnant woman with a cigarette looksrepulsive, you will agree), but also for the benefit of the health of the unborn child.

Be healthy!

Barring a few exceptions, the average length of time a fetus stays in the womb is about nine months. All this time he eats and "breathes" in the womb. In this regard, many mothers, and even fathers, have a question, how does a child breathe in the womb? After all, the environment in which the fetus develops is not very suitable for the method of saturating the body with air, which is used by born children. In fact, everything is very simple.

Lungs that are not used

It is well known that during the nine months of pregnancy, the body of the child is formed. It is also known that the lungs of the fetus mature by about the seventh month of pregnancy. But, despite this, the fetus needs oxygen. So how does a baby breathe while in the womb? Or is he not breathing at all?

In fact, the body of the fetus is saturated with oxygen, even while in the womb. The fact is that between the fetus and its mother there is a closed circulatory system based on the placenta. As soon as the placenta is formed in the fetus, this system comes into action. Oxygen, like nutrients, enter the body of the fetus through special cells located in the placenta. Then they are delivered to the baby through the umbilical cord. In the same way, the fetus gets rid of excess carbon dioxide and metabolic products.

It is also worth paying attention to one extremely important fact that many future parents do not know. Mother's blood and baby's blood do not mix. For the exchange of products between them, there are special cells in the placenta. Therefore, a born baby may have a completely different blood type than his mother.

Thus, despite the fact that by the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus develops lungs, it does not use them while in the womb. The fetus receives everything necessary for development through the placenta. Today, experts say that the fetus can carry out false breaths, but then the intrauterine water reaches its nasopharynx and is released outside with a false "exhalation".

First real breath

But sooner or later, the fetus has to leave the environment in which it developed throughout the nine months of pregnancy. That is, sooner or later the process of childbirth takes place and the child comes out. At the same time, you should not think that the placenta immediately loses its function and becomes absolutely unnecessary. It's not quite right.

After the baby is removed from the uterus, the placenta will still function in the first minutes. Blood flow will continue through its vessels. This circumstance plays a very important role in the first breath. Inhaling oxygen for the first time, it is difficult for the baby to get the lungs to work. The placenta, which serves as a bond with the mother, makes this task easier in some ways.

This is the reason for the behavior of modern obstetricians in the first minutes after childbirth. Most of them do not clamp the placenta or cut it until it stops pulsing. But everything has its limit, and at a certain time after childbirth, the uterus begins to reject the placenta, which leads to the cessation of its pulsation and, accordingly, functioning. Once this has happened, the direct physical connection between mother and child is cut off. Next, the baby must breathe and eat on his own.

Breathing is the most important process in the human body of any age, along with the contraction of the heart muscle. Breathing removes carbon dioxide from the body and saturates the cells with oxygen. Without it, the existence of not a single living being on the planet is possible. The maximum a person can spend without access to oxygen is 5 minutes. The world record, recorded after a long period of preparing a person for existence in an airless space, namely under water, is 18 minutes.

The breathing of a newborn child is more frequent than in adults, due to the fact that the respiratory system itself is not yet fully formed

The process itself is divided into two stages. When you inhale through the respiratory tract, air enters the lungs of a person, which is divided into oxygen and carbon dioxide, passing through the circulatory system. When you exhale, carbon dioxide is removed from the body. Oxygen is carried to all tissues and organs through the arteries, and carbon dioxide is excreted through the venous blood back to the lungs. So wisely and functionally disposed of nature itself. The breathing of any newborn, like an adult, is an important rhythmic process, failures in which can indicate problems in the body and entail serious consequences.

Breath of newborns

The breathing of infants is of great importance both as an indicator of the health of the baby, and as the main life-supporting process of a newborn child, which has its own age characteristics, in particular, a very narrow respiratory passage. The child's airways are short, so a deep full inhalation and exhalation are not carried out. The nasopharynx is narrow, and the smallest foreign object that gets there can cause sneezing and coughing, and the accumulation of mucus and dust can cause snoring, sniffing and choking. For crumbs, even a slight runny nose is dangerous due to hyperemia of the mucosa and narrowing of the lumen.

Young parents should try to make every effort so that the baby does not catch a viral disease and does not catch a cold, because both rhinitis and bronchitis in infancy are very dangerous, they have to be treated for a long time and hard, because the little ones still cannot take most medications. Support, do to the baby, dose the frequency of guests and the duration of walks.

Frequent walks, fresh air have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby and his breathing.

The specificity of the infant's breathing

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The baby's body develops literally by the hour. All organs and systems work in an enhanced mode, therefore, the rate of a baby's pulse and blood pressure are much higher than in an adult. So, the pulse reaches 140 beats per minute. The body of a small person is physiologically tuned to rapid breathing in order to compensate for the impossibility of deep full-fledged inhalations-exhalations due to the imperfection of the respiratory system, narrow passages, weak muscles and small ribs.

Babies breathe superficially, often they breathe intermittently and unevenly, which can scare parents. Even respiratory failure is possible. By the age of 7, the child's respiratory system is completely formed, the baby outgrows, stops getting sick. Breathing becomes the same as in adults, and rhinitis, bronchitis and pneumonia are more easily tolerated.

Doing sports and yoga, frequent walks and airing the premises will help your child under 7 years old to more easily endure the imperfection of his respiratory system.

Rate, frequency and types of breathing

If the baby breathes often, but there are no wheezing and noises, then this breathing is a normal process. If any abnormalities are observed, then the child should be shown to the doctor.

If your little one does not have a stuffy nose, and his body is functioning normally, then the baby takes two or three short light breaths, then one deep breath, while exhaling remains equally superficial. Such is the specificity of the breath of any newborn. The child breathes often and quickly. In a minute, to provide the body with oxygen, the baby takes about 40-60 breaths. A 9-month-old toddler should breathe more rhythmically, deeply and evenly. Noises, wheezing, swelling of the wings of the nose should disturb the parents and force them to show the child to the pediatrician.

The number of respiratory movements is usually counted by the movements of the chest of the baby at rest. Respiratory rate norms are given in the list:

  • up to the third week of life - 40-60 breaths;
  • from the third week of life to three months - 40-45 breaths per minute;
  • from 4 months to six months - 35-40;
  • from six months to 1 year - 30-36 breaths per minute.

To make the data look more visual, we point out that the norm of the respiratory rate of an adult is up to 20 breaths per minute, and in a sleeping state, the indicator decreases by another 5 units. The guidelines help pediatricians determine the state of health. In the event that the frequency of respiratory movements, abbreviated as NPV, deviates from the generally accepted positions, we can talk about a disease of the respiratory or other system in the body of the newborn. The parents themselves can not miss the onset of the disease by periodically counting the NPV at home, according to Dr. Komarovsky.

Each mother can independently check the frequency and type of breathing

In the process of life, an infant can breathe in three different ways, which is physiologically provided by nature, namely:

  • Breast type. It is predetermined by the characteristic movements of the chest and does not sufficiently ventilate the lower sections of the lungs.
  • Abdominal type. With it, the diaphragm and the abdominal wall move, and the upper sections of the lungs are not sufficiently ventilated.
  • Mixed type. The most complete type of breathing, both the upper and lower parts of the respiratory tract are ventilated.

Deviations from the norm

The parameters of physiological development do not always meet generally accepted standards due to human ill health. Causes of deviations from the norm of breathing, which are not a pathology:

  • the baby may breathe too quickly during physical activity, play, in an excited state of a positive or negative nature, in moments of crying;
  • in a dream, newborns can sniff, wheeze and even whistle melodicly, if this phenomenon is infrequent, then it is due solely to the underdevelopment of the respiratory system and does not require the intervention of doctors.

The baby's breathing rate may change depending on its condition, for example, while crying.

Why can children hold their breath?

Until the sixth month of a baby's life, he may experience breath holding (apnea), and this is not a pathology. In sleep, breath holdings account for up to 10 percent of the total time. Uneven breathing can have the following causes:

  • SARS. With colds and viral diseases, the respiratory rate becomes higher, there may be delays, wheezing, sniffling.
  • Oxygen deficiency. It is manifested not only by holding the breath, but also by cyanosis of the skin, clouding of consciousness. The child gasps for air. In this case, the intervention of doctors is needed.
  • Increased body temperature. Lost rhythm and shortness of breath more often indicate an increase in temperature, this can be against the background of not only SARS, but also during teething.
  • False croup. The most serious disease that causes suffocation requires an immediate call for an ambulance.

If we are talking about children under 7 years of age, and especially of kindergarten age, then the cause of apnea can be adenoids, due to the large size of which the child holds his breath. Adenoiditis is a common disease that occurs in children attending preschool institutions, changing clothes in cold rooms and very often suffering from SARS. It characterizes difficulty breathing, especially at night, because overgrown adenoids prevent the baby from fully breathing through the nose.

Difficulty breathing in a child may be due to enlarged adenoids. In this case, breathing will return to normal only with the treatment of this disease.

Adenoiditis is treated with antiseptic sprays and drops in the nose, homeopathy is quite popular, a long stay at home in warm conditions. Medicines for swollen lymph nodes are effective. Treatment requires a long and continuous, in case of failure, removal of the adenoids may be recommended.

Has your baby suddenly stopped breathing? Parents should know what to do in this case. If you find a non-breathing sleeping child, then gently wake him up, while providing fresh air to the room. If after 15 seconds breathing is not restored, then call an ambulance, and do cardiopulmonary resuscitation yourself.

What is wheezing?

Ideally, the newborn's breathing is carried out without difficulty and wheezing. The appearance of noise indicates a malfunction in the body. Wheezing is difficulty breathing in and out through a narrowed airway and can occur with infection, bronchospasm, edema, or a foreign body. A symptom of false croup is a rough wheezing when inhaling, stridor (we recommend reading:).

When is medical assistance required?

If you hear wheezing, then analyze the general condition of the baby. Call an ambulance if you notice one of the following symptoms: blue skin around the lips; the child is lethargic and drowsy, the mind is clouded; the baby cannot speak.

Wheezing in a baby can mean a cold has begun. In this case, mom needs to call a pediatrician at home

Keep in mind that there are times when a toddler accidentally inhales a foreign body. Make sure that there are no small items, jewelry, toys, beads and rhinestones near the baby.

Let's summarize in a table the situations when wheezing is noticeable in the child's breath, possible causes and your actions (we recommend reading:).

The baby wheezing periodically occurs out of the blue, especially during sleep (we recommend reading:). It develops normally, a routine examination by a pediatrician does not show any pathologies.Physiological imperfection of the respiratory tract of the baby. There are no pathologies.Be calm about this phenomenon, the situation will change by the age of one year of your child. Consult a doctor if wheezing is too loud and frequent, sounds unusual for your ear, made by the baby during inhalation and exhalation. The main thing is to provide comfortable conditions for the development of the child's body, humidify the air, maintain the temperature in the children's room within 21 degrees Celsius, ventilate the nursery 2 times a day (see also:).
Wheezing on the background of SARS or colds. The little one has a cough and a runny nose.Viral disease.Contact your pediatrician and ENT doctor. Plentiful drink and comfortable conditions for the baby until the arrival of the doctor.
The child periodically has a cough or runny nose, which does not go away from anti-ARVI drugs, lasts more than 2 days (see also:). Relatives diagnosed with allergies or asthma.Allergic cough or asthma.Analyze what can cause allergies. First of all, make sure that there are no allergens in the mother's diet if the baby is breastfeeding. During feeding, undesirable substances can be transferred to him. The flowering period of ambrosia and other allergic plants, the dust in the room, the child's clothes play a role. See an allergist and get tested for allergens.

When do you need to call an ambulance?

There are situations when your child urgently needs to call a doctor or an ambulance. Let us denote in which cases wheezing is a harbinger of a serious illness of the baby. This may be the onset of a serious illness, a critical condition, or a foreign body entering the respiratory tract, which causes suffocation and swelling.

It is possible to alleviate the difficult breathing of a child with bronchitis with the help of a syrup that will be prescribed by the attending physician
Wheezing against the background of frequent excruciating cough, which lasts more than a day.Bronchiolitis is an infection of the bronchioles of the lungs, the smallest branches of the bronchi. More often seen in babies.This serious condition requires urgent medical attention. Possibly hospitalizations.
A kid of kindergarten age speaks through his nose, snores and wheezes during sleep, swallows, and is prone to frequent colds. The baby gets tired quickly and breathes through his mouth.Adenoiditis.Consult an ENT doctor. Keep the child warm, limit trips, do wet cleaning more often, humidify the room.
Wheezing and severe cough against the background of fever.Bronchitis. Pneumonia.Seek medical attention as soon as possible. If the child is no longer infancy, and you have experience treating him with SARS, you can give the child a suitable cough syrup and an antiallergic agent to alleviate the condition. Bronchitis and, especially, pneumonia may require hospitalization.
Wheezing against the background of a dry barking cough, high fever, hoarseness, strange crying.False croup.Call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, humidify the room, ensure the flow of fresh air.
Sharply arisen strong wheezing, especially after the baby was left alone for some time, and there were small objects nearby, from toys to buttons. The baby is crying hoarsely.A foreign body has entered the respiratory tract.Call an ambulance, only a medical professional will help clear the airways from a foreign body.

Why are wheezing more common in babies?

Most often, wheezing is diagnosed in children under 3 years of age. This is due to insufficient formation of the airways. They are narrow and easier to clog with mucus, dust, prone to swelling. It is more difficult for babies to be treated, because they cannot use many drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry, so SARS and colds are more difficult and longer. Why is breathing sometimes heavy and noisy? It's all about the dry and dusty air, according to Dr. Komarovsky. It is necessary to humidify the air and temper children to avoid breathing problems, colds, early adenoiditis and complications.