What helps when you burn out in the sun. Symptoms and effects of sunburn. Consequences and complications of sunburn

Overlapped on the beach? Chose the wrong sunscreen? Or applied the cream as needed? And now, let's guess, you're sitting with your epidermis tightened, all red as a tomato. I just want to exclaim: but we told you “All about sunscreens”! If you missed it, be sure to read it later.

Now, run into the shade and learn how to quickly fix a sunburn situation. Teaches Svetlana Romanova, dermatologist-cosmetologist at the Beauty Style beauty salon in Krasnaya Presnya.

  1. Immediately drink as many glasses of water (warm - not icy!) as you can. It will cool your body from the inside. And go to the shower, with the same intention - to cool off. (Our nutritionist tells about what is better to drink in the heat).
  2. Now your main goal is to reduce inflammation. If you have stocked up on a product with the neck of After Sun, feel free to put it into action. In general, regular body milk is also suitable. Just make sure it contains restorative ingredients like aloe vera and collagen. If you find moisturizing hyaluronic acid on the label of your copy, consider yourself lucky. Without hesitation, smear it on skin affected by UV radiation as often as possible. The doctor advises to give preference to creamy textures. It hurts to touch the body - save yourself with a spray.
  3. Whoever says anything cooling products, alas, will not save you. According to Svetlana Romanova, they do not cure, but only alleviate the symptoms, temporarily relieving discomfort. So don't waste your time on them.
  4. You feel that you can’t get rid of cosmetic methods - fly to the pharmacy for panthenol, which doctors prescribe for all types of burns. It contains vitamin B5, which accelerates the regeneration of skin cells. Actovegin will also cope with the problem with a bang: this drug is available in tablets and capsules.
  5. There was nothing suitable in the suitcase, and the nearest pharmacy seems to be just around the corner? Do not panic: the dermatocosmetologist advises to spread the affected areas of the body with ordinary sour cream. Or sea buckthorn oil: you can add it to your cream or apply it in its pure form.

1. After-sun balm SOS, Ambre Solaire, Garnier
2. Vitamin B5 Body Moisturizer, (Malin+Goetz)
3. Two-Phase After Sun Spray With Aloe, Special Perfect Tanning, Collistar
4. Moisturizing and soothing balm Aloe Vera Soft, Melvita


At the same time, we asked the doctor what you definitely should not do so as not to aggravate the situation.

  • Appear in the sun during peak hours (from 12:00 to 16:00), especially in a swimsuit. For outings from under an umbrella, choose light-colored cotton clothes for yourself - you'll see, your skin will like it.
  • Smother with perfume, especially with bergamot: it can provoke the appearance of age spots.
  • Smear with retinol cream and drink carrot juice in glasses. Remember, this couple seriously increases the photosensitivity of the skin.

Every person at least once in his life, but burned in the sun. This trouble can happen even if you have never been to the beach. After a long winter, everyone undresses, and snow-white skin is exposed to powerful sunlight. As a result, we get the following problems:

  • skin redness (becomes hot and dry);
  • the occurrence of edema (swelling) and hypersensitivity;
  • the occurrence of itching;
  • blisters form;
  • the temperature rises, the person begins to freeze;
  • headaches appear;
  • with improper care, infection of the skin occurs;
  • the body is dehydrated.

Many people who experience sunburn feel that the problem is a minor issue. Well, your shoulders will hurt, but in a couple of days the redness will turn into a beautiful tan. There is some truth to this, but not everyone knows that a severe burn can cause serious health problems.

For example, severe damage to the skin of the face and neck from sunlight can lead to extensive swelling, which will cause suffocation. In addition, ultraviolet rays can cause the development of diseases such as skin cancer.

We hope that we have convinced you that sunburn is not a joke problem and it needs to be prevented and treated if it occurs.

In order to understand how to correct the situation when you still have trouble, you need to know on the extent of skin lesions .

  • 1 degree. The skin is a little reddened, and pain appears, but apart from discomfort, there are no other symptoms.
  • 2 degree. The skin turns red, blisters form, which are filled with fluid. In addition, headaches and fever may occur.
  • 3 degree. 60% of the entire surface of the skin is damaged and the structure of the dermis is disturbed.
  • 4 degree. Dehydration occurs, which negatively affects the functioning of the heart and kidneys. If the situation is not controlled, it can lead to death.

The first 2 degrees can be treated at home, but having received 3 and 4, you need to seek medical help from a doctor.

Who shouldn't sunbathe

In order not to correct the consequences of severe sunburn, it will be interesting and vital for you to find out to whom ultraviolet rays are contraindicated.

  • Babies under 1 year old;
  • Elderly people;
  • Pregnant women;
  • People taking medications such as antibiotics, antidepressants, corticosteroids. These medicines can cause high skin sensitivity.
  • People with neurological and cardiovascular diseases, patients with tuberculosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.

What to do if the child burned out in the sun

If babies burn out in the sun, then a change in his behavior may be added to all the signs that were described above. The child may become lethargic, drowsy and weak, or vice versa, overly excitable. You can help the little man in the following way.

  1. Get off the beach.
  2. Rinse in a cool shower.
  3. Put on a bed in a cool room.
  4. Give a lot to drink.
  5. Lubricate the skin with external agents that will help the skin recover.
  6. Give painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines to drink. Ideally, consult a doctor so that he independently assesses the condition of your child and prescribes treatment.

It is necessary to treat children on their own when receiving a 1st degree burn. In other cases, it is better to show it to medical professionals.

Skin burned in the sun: first aid

Regardless of the degree of the burn, first aid should be provided to all victims. Signs of sun exposure to the skin may not appear immediately, but after a few hours.

Each person should know how to alleviate the general condition of the victim, and in severe cases, make every effort to save his life before the arrival of doctors.

The first aid algorithm for burns received in the sun is as follows:

  1. Transport the person to a cool place. It can be a shade, and ideally a cool room.
  2. Realistically assess the condition of the victim. If you understand that this is not a first-degree burn and the person's condition is deteriorating, call an ambulance.
  3. After that, try to remove the pain syndrome by applying clean gauze dipped in water to the affected areas of the body. You need to change the gauze every 10-15 minutes. An alternative to rags and gauze can be a wet sheet. Please note that the applied cloth and water must be clean.
  4. If possible, it would be useful to take a cool shower (the water should not be hot or icy, but cool).
  5. Give the victim water to drink to prevent dehydration.
  6. With severe skin lesions and acute pain, painkillers can be given.

If you have burned out in the sun, then first aid can be provided to yourself.

What should not be done in the event of a sunburn?

There are times when a person receives a not very severe burn, but due to improper treatment, the recovery period drags on for many weeks.

In order not to worsen the condition of a person who has been burned in the sun, you need to know what not to do with such injuries.


  1. Treat affected skin surfaces with ice. It may seem to you that ice is an excellent pain reliever, but in fact it injures the damaged dermis even more, which will lead to tissue death. Do not use ice compresses.
  2. Lather the skin with soap and rub it with a brush. Refuse to use cosmetics containing alkaline components. Don't scrub your skin with a washcloth. Just rinse in the shower.
  3. Use products containing alcohol. It has a negative effect on burnt skin. Alcohol will definitely not bring benefits and relief.
  4. Spread the skin with petroleum jelly and oily cosmetics. In severe burns, the use of such products can aggravate the general condition. All due to the fact that petroleum jelly forms a greasy film, as a result of which the thermoregulation of the skin is disturbed. It does not cool naturally.
  5. Treat the skin with urine. There are fans of urine therapy among people, but you need to understand that by lubricating the skin with urine, you can bring an infection.
  6. Puncture the formed blisters. Otherwise, you can infect the skin.
  7. keep sunbathing. If you have a first-degree burn and feel fine, it doesn't mean you can repeat sunbathing the next day. It is better to refuse them for the next few days until the skin recovers, otherwise the situation will worsen.
  8. Drink alcohol and strong tea, coffee. Their use will lead to dehydration.

sunburn treatment

If your back is burned in the sun, your arms or legs are red, but your condition is satisfactory, you can try to help yourself. All treatment can be divided into several stages:

  1. Treatment with medications that are taken orally.
  2. Treatment of the skin and relief of the condition with external means (use of ointments, sprays, creams, etc.).

Treatment with drugs intended for internal use

Few people know that in addition to ointments and sour cream, which are applied to the skin, it is necessary to help the body recover with medication. For this, doctors often prescribe the following medications:

  • Vitamins A, C, E- These are antioxidants that help the skin recover faster and prevent malignant cell degeneration.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal)- This is the well-known paracetamol and ibuprofen. These drugs reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. Used when the temperature rises.
  • Antihistamines These are allergy medications. Thanks to them, itching and swelling are reduced.

Take medications thoughtfully, but remember that self-treatment is possible with 1 and 2 degrees of burns, with 3 and 4, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Treatment with external agents

The affected areas of the skin will sooner or later begin to heal. But this process can be delayed if you do not help yourself with means in the form of ointments, creams or sprays.

If you do not know how to smear burns, then a selection of the most popular remedies that help with thermal injuries will come in handy.

  1. Panthenol- contributes to the rapid restoration of the skin and the removal of pain. If your shoulders are burned, this is the best remedy.
  2. Livian aerosol- a drug that has excellent antiseptic properties, anesthetizes and soothes the skin.
  3. Elovera ointment- a tool that promotes rapid healing of the skin. It cannot be used by persons under the age of 18.
  4. Karatolin solution- this solution prevents malignant degeneration of cells and accelerates their metabolism.
  5. Vinylin balm- is a powerful antiseptic, prevents infection of the skin. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  6. Zinc ointment- used for small burns (for example, if the nose burned out). It has a drying effect, and also disinfects the affected areas of the skin.
  7. Sea buckthorn oil- promotes rapid healing, has an antioxidant effect, starts the processes of skin regeneration.
  8. Olazol aerosol- a means of bacteriostatic action, promotes rapid healing of the skin.
  9. Solcoseryl gel- promotes rapid growth of skin cells.
  10. Psilo Balm- a gel that cools and anesthetizes the skin, relieves swelling, reduces itching and pain.

If you are not a supporter of medicines sold in pharmacies, then you can also alleviate the condition after a sunburn with the help of traditional medicine recipes. Based on the experience of past generations, you can understand how to remove redness or what to do if your head is burned.

Let's analyze the simplest and most affordable recipes, the preparation of which does not take much time.

Applying with a damp cloth

On damaged skin, apply a damp cloth that does not contain fragrances. Change after it dries. This helps to moisturize the skin and reduce pain.

Use of ice

Place the ice or frozen product at some distance (5-7 cm) from the damaged area of ​​the skin. In this way, you soothe and cool the skin, reducing pain. It is better to use with small burns, for example, if the lips are burned.

Application of egg white

With light movements, apply the protein to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and after it dries, repeat the procedure. After this manipulation, the pain will decrease, and the skin will calm down a little.

The use of dairy products

Take kefir or yogurt and constantly apply to damaged skin without letting it dry out. This will help minimize pain and soothe the skin.

Uses of watermelon juice

The tool is suitable if the eyes are burned and not only. Take watermelon juice, soak a napkin with it and wipe sunburns or use as compresses. Thanks to this remedy, you will eliminate redness and prevent infection.

Application of compresses from mint leaves or nettle flowers

Pour a handful of leaves or flowers with boiling water, and cool the infusion. After that, moisten a clean cloth and apply to the burn. Thanks to this procedure, you will get rid of itching and pain, the skin will cool and recover.

Applying gruel from fresh root crops

For such a procedure, potatoes, carrots, beets or pumpkins are suitable. Grate one of the listed vegetables on a fine grater and put the resulting slurry on the burn. Used as a compress. Relieves itching and discomfort, removes pain.

Using a soda solution

Take 1 tbsp. l. soda and dissolve it in a glass of cool boiled water. Wipe the skin with the resulting solution. Such procedures help to reduce swelling, relieve pain.

Application of cucumber

Cucumber will help to alleviate the condition after a sunburn. To do this, you can cut the vegetable into slices and apply in the form of compresses.

Consequences and complications of sunburn

Many women in pursuit of a perfect tan forget that the sun's rays are not only beneficial, but also harmful to the body.

Burning the skin leads to swelling, which can cause difficulty breathing.

If the legs or arms are burned, and most of the limbs are affected, the victim may feel numbness in these parts of the body due to impaired blood circulation.

If you are exposed to the sun for a long time and suffer from occasional burns, you may develop oncology (skin cancer).

Prevention and protection against sunburn

In order not to suffer from pain and regret the ruined vacation, it is better to make every effort so as not to injure the skin. For this you need:

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight from 11.00 to 16.00.
  • Wear clothes made from 100% natural fabrics. They attract less rays.
  • In the sun, you need to wear a hat with a large brim or a cap with a long peak.
  • In the first days of your stay on the beach, stay under the sun for no more than 15 minutes. After that, go to the shadow.
  • Use sunscreen.

Let's take a closer look at the last point.

All people are different, so some quickly burn out in the sun and get severe burns, while others can only turn red. Therefore, sunscreen must be chosen individually. At the same time, in the first days after arriving at the sea coast, products should have stronger protection (for example, a cream with a factor), and after you tan and your skin adapts, you can use products with a fact of 25 to 15.

A good sunscreen is coconut. It is able to protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, prevents it from drying out and helps to obtain an even tan.

Folk recipes for dealing with a burn after the sun.


No one is immune from sunburn. But you should not take such an injury lightly and rely only on the regenerative properties of your body. If you could not protect yourself, and your skin is red and sore, help it recover using traditional medicine or drugs bought at a pharmacy. Thanks to this, the recovery period will pass easily and without complications. And only good memories will remain about the time spent at sea!

Burning the skin in the sun causes a lot of inconvenience, especially if it happened while relaxing by the sea. In this case, you need to take a break from sunbathing for a week. If we assume that the vacation is so many days, then we can consider it spoiled.

Sunburn: symptoms and consequences

The first symptoms of burning begin to disturb after 30 minutes, and the following signs may appear in a day:

  • redness on the skin;
  • the appearance of dry swelling;
  • unpleasant itching;
  • the appearance of blisters;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • body dehydration.

If you get a sunburn, treatment must begin immediately.

Rules for the treatment of sunburn: what not to do

First of all, you should not be treated with fatty products, as they create obstacles to the normal supply of oxygen to cells.

Therefore, fatty foods do not contribute to recovery at all. Therefore, sour cream does not deserve the approval of doctors.

It is necessary to choose products with a minimum percentage of fat content. It is better to use light kefir.

First aid for sunburn

First aid for sore skin is a wet compress. It relieves pain and moisturizes. It is recommended to keep it on the affected areas for 10 to 20 minutes. You can also take a cool bath if possible.

If a burn is detected, you should immediately go into the shade. Then cool the body, but without significant temperature contrast. A compress or bath should be done several times a day. Refuse soap or scrub at this time, because of them the top layer of the epidermis may come off, and the burned skin will not be protected from infection.

Further treatment of skin with sunburn

First of all, you need to process the most problematic areas. For example, if you have a burn on your face, then it is better to treat it with a green tea compress. If it is not at hand, just take a damp towel.

You should be careful when using cooling gels on areas such as the face, ears, neck, and shoulders. Do not use ointments with petroleum jelly or lidocaine. It is also not recommended to use sunburn oil, as this remedy does not cure sunburn.

After the compress, you need to treat the affected areas with a special moisturizer or lotion. After that, the skin needs rest, so avoid direct sunlight on it. Better stay at home and drink more water. If you feel tired and weak after the sun, take an aspirin and rest.

In severe cases, the condition may worsen. If you feel hot or you feel chilly, nauseous, dry mouth, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. This mainly happens when a sunburn covers a large part of the body or the victim has spent a lot of time in the sun and has received heat or sunstroke.

Folk remedies if you are sunburnt

To alleviate the painful symptoms, folk remedies are used at home.

Before you go on vacation to the pond, or just going to sunbathe in the sun, do not forget about sunscreen. And remember that all creams are easily washed off with water, so you need to apply them after each stay in the water.

Many people forget about it and end up getting burned. So keep that in mind. And then the problem of sunburn will bypass you.

Sunburn is a nuisance that anyone can face. They are not as harmless as it might seem.

If help is not provided in time, and in case of a serious burn, serious treatment is not taken up, the consequences can be dramatic.

What to do if sunburnt? How to treat the skin?

What to do if burned in the sun: symptoms of a burn

Sunburns vary in the degree of damage to the skin. If the skin is slightly burned in the sun and the percentage of damage is small, nothing terrible will happen. The skin at the site of exposure will simply turn red, but after a few days this will pass, and a tan will remind you of a burn.

Severe lesions are associated with a large burn area and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. This can happen if a person sunbathed incorrectly on the beach. The consequences may be as follows:

Fluid-filled blisters appear on the reddened skin, the temperature rises, there is a severe headache, fever, the body hurts after sunburn;

If more than 60% of the skin burns, this can lead to disruption of the heart, kidneys, severe dehydration of the body (a condition so severe that a person can die).

Jokes with the sun are unacceptable. You can’t stay under the active sun for a long time, especially sunbathing. The peak of solar activity lasts from 12 pm to 4 pm. During these hours, you need to be in the shade, avoiding the sun on open, unprotected skin.

Symptoms of sunburn develop in the first minutes after exposure to radiation. However, a person may not pay attention to them. A day later, the symptoms become apparent:

The skin turns red, becomes dry and hot;

Touch causes pain;

Depending on the severity of the lesion, the skin is itchy or blistering;

The general condition suffers: the temperature rises, signs of intoxication appear, with severe dehydration, shock can develop.

If the child is sunburned, he can become lethargic, capricious. In babies, sunburn can cause drowsiness or, on the contrary, unhealthy excitement. As soon as the symptoms of a sunburn begin to appear, first aid should be immediately provided to the victim, and further serious treatment should be taken up.

First aid: how to spread the skin if burned in the sun

At the first sign of a sunburn, you need to take cover in the shade. The first signs are not at all a deterioration in the general condition or the appearance of blisters, but “just” reddening of the skin. If the face is burned in the sun, it is immediately visible, and it is not worth waiting for some other manifestation. The fact is that it is impossible to visually determine how strong the defeat is.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that burns on the face and neck can provoke swelling and result in suffocation. You need to be especially careful if the child’s face is burned in the sun: babies have especially delicate skin, and the immune system reaction is strong. At the first sign of trouble, you need to call an ambulance.

If your back is burned in the sun, the first thing to do is hide in the shade or go to a cool room. Apply a clean cloth soaked in cold water to the skin. It can be a bandage, gauze, a towel, a sheet - anything.

The bottom line is to relieve pain and moisturize the skin, preventing its severe destruction in the future. It is impossible to rub, crush, tighten a burnt body with a wet cloth. The cooling procedure is carried out for 20 minutes.

What to do at home if the skin is badly burned in the sun?

1. Immediately take a cool refreshing shower or just hold the burned feet, hands in the bath.

2. Drink any antipyretic pain reliever (paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin, etc.).

3. Prevent dehydration by replenishing the loss of moisture with a plentiful intake of drinking or mineral water (without gas) at room temperature.

No matter how much you want to drink ice water, you can’t. If you have a headache, clouding of consciousness, fever, nausea, you can not pull: you need to urgently call an ambulance.

What not to do if the skin is burned in the sun

The natural desire of a person who has discovered a sunburn in himself or a loved one is to quickly apply “something for healing” to the affected skin. An unprepared person, panicking, may act incorrectly and, instead of alleviating the condition, aggravate it and cause the sad consequences of such a “treatment”. It is strictly forbidden to use the following substances on burnt skin:

Vegetable oils, petroleum jelly, animal fats (including pork, badger, lamb fat);

Urine (urine therapy is a very dubious event, at least in the acute period);

Alkaline soap.

Oils clog pores, prevent cells from breathing, and alcohol dries out and provokes deeper damage to the skin. All this can cause not only the destruction of the skin, but its infection, which is fraught with hospitalization and serious treatment of not a burn, but the consequences of improper care for burnt skin.

If your face is burned in the sun, you can not smear it with some greasy or moisturizing cosmetic creams that are not intended for burns. Do not wipe your face with ice cubes. Although it will provide relief, extreme temperature changes can cause skin death, scarring, and dark or white spots.

Immediately after a severe burn, it is forbidden to take alcoholic beverages in order to relieve pain and relieve stress. This will lead to more dehydration of the body. The same applies to black tea and coffee.

If the skin is so badly burned in the sun that blisters appear, in no case should they be torn or pierced. In this case, an open wound will appear, into which the infection will penetrate instantly, inflammation or infection will begin. But even if there are no blisters, scrubs or coarse washcloths should not be used after a burn until the skin is completely restored. Otherwise, severe inflammation will occur.

Skin after a severe burn should be protected from the sun. Be sure to wear loose clothing made of natural fabric, completely covering the affected area, and after healing, use preventive protective creams and lotions.

How to treat sunburned skin

So, first aid is provided. What's next? The skin is badly burned in the sun, what to do at home? If the burn is not critical, topical agents should be applied to the skin. Regeneration can be enhanced by taking antioxidant vitamins: ascorbic acid (vitamin C), tocopherol (vitamin E), retinol (vitamin A). You can buy them at any pharmacy, apply according to the instructions for two to three weeks.

As for external agents, they are available in the form of ointments, gels, creams and sprays. You can apply them yourself, after consulting with a pharmacist and studying the instructions for the drug.

What to spread if burned in the sun?

For the treatment of burns, doctors recommend using aerosols for external use containing dexpanthenol, which has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Such a component is part of the medicinal product of European quality - "Panthenolspray" aerosol for external use. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves tissue regeneration, is quickly absorbed (absorbed) by the skin. There are no age restrictions, individual intolerance is possible, use in children should be done under the supervision of adults ** You need to be very careful when buying the drug in a pharmacy, because. there are a huge number of analogues on the market, the packaging of which is often visually similar to the packaging of the original drug - "Panthenolspray" aerosol for external use.

The original drug ("Panthenolspray") aerosol for external use is sold in white packaging, with orange letters and a smiley next to the name of the drug.

On the new packaging (since 2017) there is a sign "made in Europe"

Also popular are:

Vinylin accelerates healing, disinfects, helps to restore the epithelium, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;

Zinc paste or ointment dries the skin, relieves itching and inflammation, prevents the penetration of infection with skin lesions;

Sea buckthorn oil heals the skin, has an antibacterial effect, promotes rapid regeneration;

Actovegin stimulates regenerative processes, improves the supply of affected skin areas with blood, which accelerates healing;

Aekol (oily solution) is used to treat burns of II and III degrees, heals the skin well;

Solcoseryl in the form of an ointment or gel perfectly heals skin burns, accelerates regenerative processes in the skin;

Aerosol Livian anesthetizes due to anestezin, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, is easy to use;

Spray from burns Olazol accelerates regeneration, perfectly heals, contains sea buckthorn oil;

Elovera ointment based on aloe and tocopherol causes the skin to actively regenerate, prevents the development of triphic ulcers on the skin, but is contraindicated for children of any age;

Fenistil has antihistamine properties, relieves itching, allergic swelling, anesthetizes and acts quickly. If the skin itches and hurts after sunburn, it can be treated with this gel;

Floceta in the form of a gel or spray contains extracts of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula), so it relieves redness, itching, heals, and prevents the development of inflammation;

Psilo-balm relieves pain and swelling, perfectly relieves itching, pleasantly cools;

Eplan works well on burns, quickly heals, anesthetizes, accelerates tissue regeneration, and prevents the spread of a bacterial infection.

There are other pharmaceutical preparations that can be used to heal skin burns: ketocin, amprovizol, etc. You must definitely look at the composition and read the instructions. If the back is burned in the sun and the affected area is large, hormonal agents should be used with caution and only as directed by a doctor.

What to do if burned in the sun to blisters? In this case, antiseptic agents are required to prevent infection. It can be miramistin, chlorhexidine, silver sulfadiazine or ointments based on them. To prevent an allergic reaction, you can take antihistamines (fencarol, loratadine, suprastin, tavegil, etc.). They relieve itching and burning.

What to spread if the child's skin is burned? In the absence of direct instructions in the instructions, you can use the same tools as for adults. Aerosols are preferred as they are non-touchable. This is important if the skin is very sore after sunburn and the baby does not allow to touch it.

Folk remedies for the treatment of sunburn

What else can be done at home if the skin of the face and body is badly burned in the sun? Fermented milk products are leading in the arsenal of folk remedies for sunburn. Our grandmothers did not look for tricky answers to the question of what to spread if a child or an adult was burned in the sun. They smeared the burn with cold natural yogurt, yogurt, kefir, sour cream - they perfectly soothe and relieve pain. The main thing is to prevent the product from drying out: the resulting tightening film can damage the skin.

The raw protein of a cold chicken egg has a similar effect. It also needs to be applied in a thin layer and renewed as it dries.

You can alleviate the condition of the victim with ice or a freezer bag. They cannot be applied to the burn area: a cooling object can be placed at a small distance from the burned area of ​​the skin.

For severe burns, grated raw potatoes can be applied. This method is very efficient. It must be used if the child is burned in the sun, as potato juice instantly relieves severe pain and promotes rapid wound healing. If there is no time, you can not rub the potatoes, but simply cut into thin slices and apply to the burn. It is potato treatment that should be used even if the face is burned in the sun: there will be no traces in the form of spots or scars.

An alternative to the miracle potato juice can be such home remedies:

Juice of beets, carrots, pumpkins, watermelon. You can make a lotion out of them, soak a gauze napkin with it and apply it on a burn. The edema passes quickly, itching and pain are relieved;

Baking soda (a solution of one tablespoon per glass of clean water) helps relieve pain, swelling, redness and disinfect the skin. Treatment in the form of a compress is especially effective if the back is burned in the sun, the limbs are affected;

A decoction of fresh or dried mint (the action of the compress is similar to soda lotions);

An infusion of nettle flowers (two tablespoons per glass of boiling water) enhances tissue regeneration, is an excellent home antiseptic;

Fresh clover flowers, which need to be doused with boiling water, wrapped in a gauze napkin and applied to the burn;

A two percent solution of mummy, which is applied to the skin every three to four hours.

What else can be done if the skin is sunburnt? Today, cosmetic clay is popular as a home skin care product. So it can be diluted with water until it reaches an elastic mass resembling dough, put in a clean cloth or gauze and applied to the area of ​​​​severe sunburn. Such a bandage can prevent the appearance of blisters. The main thing is not to let the clay dry out, otherwise it will tighten the skin and cause pain.

Subject to the correct and timely provision of first aid, as well as adequate treatment, sunburn quickly disappears. In severe skin lesions, full recovery may take 5-7 days. And yet it is better not to treat the fiery "kisses of the sun", but to use prophylactic skin protection products in the form of special creams and sprays. In this case, you do not have to rack your brains over what to do if you are burned in the sun.

** Instructions for medical use "Panthenolspray" Reg. beats P No. 012187/01 dated 22.08.2011

What to do if burned? Summer sun, heat, prolonged stay in the solarium - all this causes skin burns. Sunburn is an acute inflammation of the superficial epidermal layers of the skin. The reaction of the body in response to ultraviolet radiation is expressed in redness of the skin, swelling, itching, severe burning and soreness. With a severe burn, the patient's general well-being worsens, body temperature rises, work capacity decreases, vomiting and nausea appear.

Usually, the burn does not appear immediately, but only 4-12 hours after exposure. The rate of occurrence of the first symptoms of a burn depends on the type of skin, its structure, the territorial location of the person, the time of year and the climate. Sunburn is not a long-term skin disease. A slight burn disappears 3-4 days after intense tanning (redness, swelling, soreness pass). In severe cases, recovery occurs after 14 days, and full recovery of the skin is a little later. If in mild cases the reaction of the body passes by itself, then in severe cases, corrective therapy may be required.

First aid

Usually, people cope with sunburn on their own, providing first aid to the affected skin. Only with a pronounced deterioration in well-being, with the addition of heat or sunstroke, it is necessary to call emergency care. It is impossible to visually determine the degree of skin damage during a sunburn, therefore, it is necessary to provide the entire necessary amount of ambulance:

    Shadow and chill. If the body is burned on the beach, you should hide in the shade or in an air-conditioned room. Resting, you should evaluate the degree of your well-being. If nausea, chills, dizziness join unpleasant sensations on the skin, then it is better to call an ambulance to rule out heat stroke.

    Cold compresses. On the damaged areas of the skin should be applied compresses, previously moistened with cold water. From the material it is better to use sterile gauze. Compresses must be changed as the tissue warms up. With extensive skin damage, you can wrap yourself in a wet sheet. The main condition for compresses is the accuracy of application without rubbing, pressing. After lotions, it is necessary to moisturize the skin with a cream.

    Prevention of dehydration. At the same time, you should drink liquid, preferably cool water without gas. You can not drink ice water, as the risk of a sore throat in the summer heat is quite high

    Anesthesia. If the pain is intense enough, aggravated by touching or rubbing with clothes, then you need to drink Ibuprofen, Analgin, Aspirin, Baralgin, Ketorol.

If blisters appear, severe damage to the skin, antiseptic treatment of the skin (Chlorhexidine aqueous, Furacilin, Miramistin) should be carried out to prevent infection. With overheating and mild skin burns, the patient's well-being remains satisfactory, so the usual measures to reduce discomfort are sufficient.

First aid for children

If the child is burned under the sun, you must follow these instructions:

    take to a cool shady place;

    assess general well-being (whether the child is shivering, whether he is sick);

    rinse with cool water in the shower;

    put to bed in an air-conditioned room;

    stabilize the water balance by drinking;

    lubricate the skin with local preparations to restore the skin.

For pain, painkillers can be given in accordance with the age dosage. Self-treatment of a child is best done with mild skin lesions. In all other cases, you must seek qualified help.

Medical treatment of burns

After providing first aid for damaged skin, it should be treated with preparations that restore skin structures, reduce soreness, swelling and redness. Local remedies stimulate the regenerative processes of the skin at the cellular level, which contributes to the speedy recovery without scars and scars (for example, with large blisters).


    The drug is used to restore the skin in children and adults. Contains vitamin B, which stimulates the healing of skin cells, relieves inflammation, strengthens local immunity. The use of the product is possible on the skin with any degree of burn. Side effects are practically absent.

    Zinc ointment.

    Drying agent against irritation, redness, inflammation. Zinc forms a protective coating that protects the skin from external negative factors. Zinc ointment is applied several times a day to cleansed skin. You can use salicylic-zinc paste, zinc paste or ointment. Pastes have one drawback - white color and soiled. When applying it is better to avoid contact with clothing. During sleep, you must wear old linen, and cover the bed with a bedspread.


    The cream has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Actively affects pathogenic microflora, especially in weeping wounds. The drug is relevant as a prevention of skin infection with blisters after burns. The cream creates a protective film that reliably protects against negative effects. The drug reduces the intensity of pain. It is enough to apply 3-4 times a day. The tool has no contraindications, except for an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the drug.


    The remedy is effective for mild sunburn. Restores damaged skin structures, moisturizes and protects the skin. From pharmacy chains it is dispensed without a prescription in the form of a spray, cream or ointment. The drug is used in pediatric practice for the prevention of dermatitis and other skin diseases. The only contraindication is an allergy to the components of the drug.


    The tool has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action. Against the background of the use of the drug, itching, swelling are reduced. The action of the gel begins after 10-15 minutes, which is expressed in a decrease in soreness, skin hyperemia. The effect of a single application lasts about 4 hours, so 2-3 times a day is enough for the full treatment of minor skin lesions. If the burn is generalized, spread to large areas of the body, then it is recommended to use Fenistil cream simultaneously with the tablet form of the drug.


    The ointment has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The vitamins and oils included in the composition stimulate the regenerative processes of skin cells in all layers of the epidermis. Sinaflan is used for no more than 5 days in the form of compresses at night and during the day. Used for burns of any degree.


    Ointment Actovegin enhances the energy metabolism of the skin, contributing to the speedy recovery of damaged epithelial layers. The ointment is applied in a thin layer 2-3 times a day. Not recommended during pregnancy, lactation. Simultaneous use with other groups of drugs is possible.

    Psilo Balm.

    The drug is applied to the skin after sunburn and thermal damage to the skin of a different origin. It is applied about 4-5 times a day with light massaging movements. Against the background of the use of the drug, the use of alcoholic beverages is not allowed. The drug is not used during pregnancy and lactation.


    The drug is widely used for all types of thermal skin lesions. The active composition contributes to the speedy recovery of the skin, improves metabolic processes in tissues at the cellular level. Before applying the drug, the skin is cleaned, treated with an antiseptic solution. The main contraindication is the likelihood of an allergic reaction and individual intolerance. Used to treat skin in children.

    Carotolin solution.

    The medicinal product is intended to restore the skin after thermal burns. Carotolin activates cellular metabolism, protects the skin from external negative influences, and has an antioxidant effect. It is applied to sterile wipes, after which it is applied to the affected areas of the skin.

After a burn, treatment of the skin with drugs allows you to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, reduce the risk of scar formation, scar tissue after blisters. Olazol, Solcoseryl cream, Floceta gel, Eplan, Radevit, Sudocrem, Rescuer gel and others can be effective remedies.

Features of treatment by localization

The main areas of skin lesions in sunburn are the face and neck, nose, shoulders, and back. If small children on the beach are often dressed in cotton suits, taking care of their delicate skin, then adults often neglect these rules, trying to tan as much as possible. In different parts of the body, human skin is represented by a variety of thickness and structure, so the severity of burn symptoms is also different.

Nose area

If the nose is burned under ultraviolet radiation, the skin acquires a rich red tint, puffiness appears, which can spread under the eyes. The main prevention of burning is sunscreen, a hat with wide brim or a visor. The following are considered effective means to eliminate the consequences of a burn:

    rubbing with pulp from fresh cucumber (5-6 times a day);

    aloe juice (freshly prepared composition);

    medications for restoring damaged skin (Bepanten, Solcoseryl, Zinc paste).

Usually, redness and swelling after a burn in the nose area disappears in 3-4 days. During this time, you should refrain from visiting the beach or solarium.

Shoulders and forearms

The skin on the shoulders is denser and thicker, so symptoms may appear later than 12 hours. A burn is indicated by severe redness, soreness when touched. To treat the affected surface of the epidermis, you can use the following methods:

    applying compresses from aloe;

    sour cream and fatty dairy products;

    milk compresses (milk should be fat, unseparated);

    soda baths, compresses;

    compresses with oatmeal.

If the shoulders are badly burned in the sun, then the redness is soon replaced by blisters and papules. A shoulder burn with blistering, severe soreness, and weeping discharge is a severe lesion and requires medical treatment.

Face and neck

With a slight burn, the skin of the face turns slightly red, but there is no swelling and soreness. With severe damage, the skin becomes purple, inflamed and swollen. Facial skin treatment requires a careful and competent approach due to the risks of unaesthetic complications: pigmentation changes, scarring, peeling.

What to do if the face is burned? After a burn of the face and neck, the following measures should be taken:

    cool compresses or baths (you should dip your face in baths with cool water);

    the use of special medications;

    restoration of water balance;

    applying compresses from sea buckthorn oil, fatty fermented milk products, green tea.

Preparations for the treatment of facial skin should be selected, taking into account the characteristics of the epidermis and the depth of damage to skin structures. If the skin is very thin and light, then it is better to treat a severe skin lesion together with specialists. Thick, oily skin usually tolerates ultraviolet well, and with proper care during tanning, it acquires a beautiful shade, eliminating oiliness and shine.

Prohibited actions in case of burns

Many people make mistakes when providing first aid and further care for damaged skin. With the right actions, the consequences of burns will remain a memory in a few days, and inadequate procedures will not only aggravate the condition, but can also lead to hospitalization of the patient. During treatment, you can not carry out the following actions:

    treatment of the skin with ice, rubbing with snow (such actions lead to the death of the epithelium, cosmetic defects in the distant future);

    washing with alkaline soap, scrubbing, using a washcloth (additional trauma to the skin contributes to prolonged healing of the burn);

    applying alcohol-containing products to the skin, even for antiseptics (alcohols create additional dehydration);

    skin treatment with lard, lamb fat;

    piercing blisters, papules;

    the use of alcoholic beverages.

With a slight relief, you should not immediately sunbathe again. Often this causes unnatural skin pigmentation. Layering of one damage on another becomes a common cause of skin cancer. The inept use of a solarium and an excess of sunlight often lead to oncological diseases.

It is better to refrain from sunbathing for young children, people with very fair skin, pregnant women, and the elderly. With diseases of the heart, blood vessels, oncological tumors, tanning in the sun is contraindicated.

Traditional medicine against burns

What can be done at home? To eliminate burns after exposure to ultraviolet radiation in alternative medicine, many different recipes are known. The effectiveness of many is not denied by official medicine, but in the case of a correct assessment of the patient's condition. With mild burns while maintaining a satisfactory state of health, almost all folk remedies are effective, do no harm, saturate the skin with useful vitamins and microelements. The main remedies for sunburn of any localization are the following:

    Fatty dairy products. Ryazhenka, kefir, curdled milk, cooked yogurt are applied to damaged skin several times a day. food must be refrigerated. The agent is applied in layers, not allowing the previous layer to dry.

    Egg white. Whipped protein is applied to the skin in layers. While one applied layer dries, it is necessary to apply another next. You should get about 7-10 layers. After the mass is washed off with cool water.

    watermelon juice. Watermelon juice can be applied with a brush or cotton pad, napkin. The product soothes the skin, relieves redness, reduces swelling.

    Potato. Raw potato pulp is great for burnt skin. Potato pulp instantly soothes the skin, relieves itching and irritation. Potato juice is often used to treat dermatoses, systemic skin diseases.

    soda compress. Lotions from baking soda help with severe reddening of the skin, swelling and itching. To prepare the composition, you will need 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of soda. You can sit in the bathroom for up to half an hour, while the water should be warm.

    Decoction of mint and nettle. Healing infusion is useful for damaged skin of any severity. Nettle and mint have a powerful healing effect on damaged skin. It is necessary to prepare a cool decoction of mint and nettle, cool it. Herbal lotions are made as a ready-made composition.

    cosmetic clay. You can use white, blue, pink clay. The clay is mixed with water and applied to the face. For first aid, ordinary clay from the sea coast is suitable.

If the funds do not bring the expected effect, then they will not cause harm for sure. When alternating folk methods with traditional medicine, recovery occurs much faster without complications and traces.

Oils and esters

The use of oils is effective for any degree of burns. Many dermatologists advise moisturizing the skin with oils, including olive oil. This will avoid allergic reactions during the use of a cosmetic moisturizer. The skin is severely damaged, so even the usual cream can cause an unexpected allergic reaction. Additional symptoms of irritation can lead to the formation of unaesthetic cosmetic skin defects, especially on the face, neck, chest. The following oils are used:

    aloe (used as compresses and treatment);

    coconut oil (coconut fats stimulate regenerative processes, heal damage);

    jojoba (used at the stage of healing or light burns);

    sea ​​buckthorn oil;

    linseed oil.

Essential oils are widely used in cosmetology and dermatology for the treatment of serious skin diseases. Care should be taken when selecting essential oils, as some can provoke serious disturbances in the healing processes of skin structures. So, tea tree oil, citrus esters have a high irritating effect and phototoxicity, so their use is advisable at the stage of burn healing.

UV burns can be avoided if you follow some rules of conduct in the solarium and on the beach. In the sun, you must wear a hat, stay no more than 4 hours. The best option is to tan in the morning and evening hours. If the shoulders turn red, you should cover them with a towel or throw on clothes. Before tanning, it is better to apply a protective cream to the skin.

Tanning in a tanning bed is time-controlled, so you should start with 2-4 minutes of tanning. It is important to use protective equipment, goggles.

Sunburn is often accompanied by heat stroke, especially in young children. Children should not be exposed to direct sunlight at all without clothing and headgear. The consequences of a severe sunburn can negatively affect not only the appearance, but also the future health of a person, up to oncological diseases of the dermis, intolerance to sunlight.