What does dry lips mean. What diseases can dry lips be a sign of?

During beriberi and the onset of cold weather, our lips often begin to dry and crack. Most girls face this problem. But it is also common among children and men. In order to forget about cracked skin on the lips forever and effectively “cure” this ailment, it is worthwhile to understand in more detail the causes of increased drying of the skin.

Causes of dry lips

  • Dehydration. The first and most common reason for the appearance of cracks on the lips is an elementary lack of fluid in the body. In this case, the skin becomes inelastic and cracks quickly appear on it.
  • Allergy. Another common enemy of healthy skin is eczema of the upper layer of the epidermis. Most often, it is associated with food allergies or reactions to contact with chemicals or other irritants. In such cases, the skin also very often becomes dry and sensitive, and in some cases it is even prone to crusting and redness.
  • Eating disorder. A complete diet is the key to healthy skin and a healthy state of the whole body. After all, with food we get most of the vitamins and minerals. With their deficiency, a person has a decrease in immunity and general malaise. Which is reflected primarily on the skin and appearance (fragility of nails, dry hair).
  • Viral or infectious diseases. Prolonged malaise of the body with debilitating symptoms can deplete any body. Which also gives a noticeable failure in all body systems.
  • Bad weather. With the onset of a sharp change in temperature, strong winds and adverse weather conditions, the body needs time to adapt and rebuild. And at this moment, unprepared skin, especially on the face, is most exposed to external factors and is the most vulnerable.
  • Taking medications. Not all medicines can boast of the absence of side effects. And for example, when you have to drink antibiotics, along with viruses in the body, most of the beneficial bacteria that support the normal functioning of the stomach and other organs die.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol. The abuse of cigarettes and alcohol is very clearly reflected in the condition of our skin and the whole organism as a whole. Because he spends huge resources on the processing of "harmful substances", and does not have time to regenerate healthy cells of the epidermis in time and restore the normal functioning of all internal systems.

Dry lips in children

It would seem that in childhood the body receives all the necessary vitamins, and the skin is fully provided with collagen and does not need additional moisture. However, this is not entirely true, and if the child’s lips are constantly dry, or vice versa, dryness and peeling have suddenly appeared, then you should pay special attention to this. Indeed, in addition to the main reasons, cracks on the lips in children are also formed due to:

  • fungal diseases,
  • difficulty in nasal breathing (with a runny nose or allergies),
  • lack of important trace elements in the body.

To quickly and accurately determine the diagnosis and cause of dry skin, it is better to seek the help of a competent specialist (dermatologist, immunologist-allergist or otolaryngologist).

Effective methods for preventing dry lips

Even if the cause of cracks in the lips is established and it is associated with a specific disease, it is still better to take a comprehensive approach to restore the health of the skin of the lips. And in addition to treating the underlying disease, it is worth taking a course of vitamins and cosmetic procedures to moisturize the skin. For the first two types of treatment, it is worth consulting with a doctor, but each girl chooses care products for herself individually.

The most beneficial components for skin health are:

  1. a complex of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K);
  2. components that have an anti-inflammatory effect (chamomile, aloe);
  3. elements that create a protective layer and strengthen the immune system (beeswax, C vitamins, honey);
  4. oils that moisturize the skin in the mouth area. For example, vegetable or essential (sea buckthorn, peach, almond).


A very effective prevention of cracked lips is massage. Only it should be carried out during a period when there are no cracks and wounds on the skin. Since there is a risk of infection or further injury to the skin.

To massage the lips, you need to use a toothbrush and take a small amount of honey or any vegetable oil (olive, sunflower). By making massage movements, all the old keratinized particles are exfoliated and deep hydration occurs due to the oil.

homemade masks

For lip skin prone to permanent cracks, it is useful to make homemade masks from natural products that are easy to buy at a pharmacy or find at home.

Benefits of natural lip masks:

  • moisturize;
  • soften;
  • nourish;
  • protect from frost, sun, wind;
  • make lips healthier and more attractive.

honey mask

Honey is a natural nutrient and is also good for moisturizing dry skin. Apply a small amount to your lips and spread evenly. Keep it on your lips for 5-7 minutes, and then rinse with warm water massage movements. After such a mask, the skin of the lips will be soft and smooth.

Olive oil

This is the most popular lip skin product that has unique properties. Regular application of a thin layer of this oil will allow the skin to recover and acquire a healthy look. Since it contains the main component for the beauty and health of the skin - vitamin A.


This remedy contains a complex of vitamins A and E and is sold in pharmacies in capsules or liquid form. At a fairly budget cost, it has a wide range of beneficial effects on the skin. In addition to the antioxidant action, it perfectly restores capillary circulation, tissue respiration and increases the resistance of tissues to oxygen starvation. Applying this miracle remedy several times a week will quickly get rid of dryness and make the skin of the lips soft and healthy.

  • Use hygienic lipstick to quickly moisturize your lips at any time.
  • For the period of healing the skin of the lips, it is better not to use cosmetic gloss and lipstick. Because, if the cracked lips are caused by a fungus, the skin will re-infect from the use of these products.
  • Give up smoking and alcohol. After all, they not only delay the process of skin restoration, but also adversely affect the health of the whole organism as a whole.
  • Get out of the habit of licking your lips. After all, they become weathered even faster from this, even in the summer.

Our lips, like all facial skin, constantly need care, regardless of the season. Therefore, with proper care, the skin of the lips will always remain healthy and smooth.

Video: We read diseases on the lips

About what diseases are associated with dryness and cracks on the lips, see the video

Dryness of the skin of the lips in the first place occurs, as a rule, due to exposure to some environmental factors. Windy weather, sun rays, low air temperatures - all this can cause discomfort on the lips. The skin constantly dries, flakes and even.

In some cases, dry lips can be caused by a person's personal habits, such as biting or frequent licking. In addition, on your own, you can harm the skin on your lips by eating too hot or cold drinks, as well as food.

Dry lips as a symptom of diseases

The cause of dry lips can be some changes in the human body. First of all, the skin, including on the lips, suffers from a lack of fluid, which in medicine is referred to as "dehydration". The norm is to drink at least two liters of water per day. Otherwise, problems may arise not only with the lips, but also with the skin on other parts of the body. For example, on the hands and face.

If you notice that the skin on your lips often dries up, then you should pay attention to your diet. The fact is that such a symptom may indicate a lack of vitamins of categories A, B, C, D and E in the body. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, supplement your usual diet with special fortified supplements.

Allergies can even occur to cutlery that you use. For example, on nickel, which is part of the metal for the manufacture of forks and spoons.

Dry lips can be a symptom of some oral diseases, such as periodontal abscess. It is almost impossible to get rid of such a disease on your own. In this case, you should visit the dental office as soon as possible to eliminate this manifestation.

Dry lips are caused not only by improper oral hygiene, but also by the use of poor-quality toothpaste. Sodium lauryl sulfate is a component that can not only cause skin changes on the lips, but also cause a serious disease - perioral dermatitis.

Dry lips can be a consequence of the chosen profession. For example, musicians playing wind instruments most often suffer from such a manifestation.

Dry lips and allergic reactions

The skin on the lips can peel and crack due to an allergic reaction. In this case, it is better to undergo a course of examination by a specialist and identify the irritant. Allergies can be caused by both individual food products and environmental elements - dust, animal hair, pollen. Most often, dry skin of the lips occurs after the excessive use of antibiotic drugs.

If the lips dry out in women, then cosmetics may be the cause of this manifestation. Allergy is not always meant in this case. Lipstick from different manufacturers contains different components. Each person may experience incompatibility with one or another element. Propyl gallate is the substance that most often causes discomfort and causes allergies.

In the cold season, it is better to give preference to those lipsticks, which include balms and moisturizers. At the first manifestations of dry lips, try changing the cosmetic product, and if the symptoms do not disappear, then the cause should be identified in your lifestyle or health.

Lips- this is a part of the face that can instantly refute or confirm the beauty and grooming of every woman. Since the skin of the lips is devoid of sebaceous glands, it is quite susceptible to the effects of wind and sun, and is capable of peeling and drying out. So why do lips crack and how to protect them from this problem?

Icy gusts of wind, dry air and low indoor humidity can lead to dehydration of the lips. When the cells of the lips are deprived of moisture, the membrane becomes brittle, so small cracks appear. It is they that cause unpleasant pain, because of this, the lips begin to react sharply to acidic foods and the sun. Harmful to the skin of the lips, not only in the wind and frost, but also persistent lipstick. The reason lies in the fact that lipstick pigments penetrate deep into the skin of the lips, ensuring color fastness. Accordingly, in this case, even deeper layers of the skin become dry. Do not lick your lips and do not apply gloss with a light watery structure. If you have chosen the perfect lip skin care products, but they still continue to crack, in this case you should pay attention to a number of other reasons that can cause cracks to appear. Often the consequence of dry lips are diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. To exclude this kind of cause, consult a gastroenterologist and undergo the necessary examination. Dehydration is the next cause of cracked lips. If you do not consume enough liquid, you can easily provoke such a problem as dry lips. Have you already guessed this situation? Of course, by restoring the water balance in the body, which will help ensure the normal condition of the lips and the proper functioning of the whole organism as a whole. Try to drink pure water, do not replace it with soda or coffee. If your lips are dry, treat them regularly with special balms, moisturizers or oils. Hygienic lipstick, which can be bought at any pharmacy, can be a preventive measure. It contains petroleum jelly, it remarkably softens the skin of the lips and retains moisture in them. If moisturizers do not help, then try treating the lip area with synthomycin ointment. Take vitamins A, as well as a complex of vitamins B and C. Include foods that are rich in these vitamins in your diet: oatmeal, meat, butter, liver, dairy products, rye bread, blackcurrant, parsley, egg yolk and lettuce.

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Lips are always in sight, so they are most often exposed to external factors (wind, heat, cold), as a result of which they become weathered, dry and begin to crack.

This is due to the fact that the skin of the lips does not have sebaceous glands, as a result of which it is prone to drying out. It is necessary to choose the best means to give the lips sexuality and grooming. Proper lip care involves constant hydration and nourishment of the skin, as cracks appear on them due to insufficient moisture intake.

Modern cosmetic lines offer a wide range of lip care products. The effect is achieved due to the content of vegetable oils and vitamin complex. It is also recommended to use, which is applied to the surface of the lips half an hour before going outside. In the absence of a special lip product, you can use a gel for skin care around the eyes, since the products have a similar composition.

Masks are recommended to nourish the skin. For example, from sour cream, which is applied in several layers. A mask of kiwi pulp with the addition of olive oil also helps to achieve good results with regular use. Various fruit or vegetable masks are also used, which have nutritional properties and help eliminate dry lips.

Honey masks, masks made from butter or vegetable oil effectively help. Of course, hygienic lipstick should become an indispensable tool, which is easy enough to take with you and apply if necessary on the lips.

The resulting cracks lead to the appearance of painful sensations and the development of the inflammatory process. In this case, it is recommended to lubricate cracked lips with tea tree oil or a bag of green tea soaked in hot water. And in no case should you lick your lips on the street, as in this case moisture evaporates and the protective layer is lost.

Windy weather can have a bad effect not only on the hairstyle, but also on the face: the question often arises, “What should I do, lips dry?”

The skin of the lips is quite delicate and easily amenable to negative influences, the lips are very dry, cracked and flaky, inflammation appears in the corners. To prevent this, you need to use a good hygienic lipstick, but it is good only as a preventive measure. If the skin is already damaged, you need to carry out a small treatment available at home.

Dryness symptoms and causes

When lips dry, crack and flake, it cannot but cause alarm. Symptoms include:
1. Cracks and peeling,
2. Difficulty swallowing,
3. Strongly reddened corners and contours,
4. The appearance of white saliva in the corners;
5. Painful sensations.
There are several reasons why lips become excessively dry and cracked.

This may be due to:
1. Lack of vitamins in the body, especially A and E, which are responsible for cell regeneration and hydration;
2. Smoking, the habit of licking or biting lips, eating too spicy or salty foods, tea or coffee;
3. Sharp fluctuations in temperature, gusts of dry wind, air conditioning, frequent exposure to the sun, an abundance of dust;
4. Frequent use of persistent lipsticks and glosses - they constantly degrease the skin, depriving them of their natural protection;
5. The use of toothpastes with fluoride - this element greatly dehydrates the skin;
6. Allergic reactions to any external factor or prolonged stressful situation.
The easiest way to find out the reason why lips dry is to gradually give up cosmetics for several days. This must be done until everything is fixed. It is also necessary to normalize nutrition, eliminating all harmful substances, take vitamins, constantly drink enough clean water.

alarm signal

Do not think that dry lips are a safe cosmetic defect. Behind simple peeling, serious malfunctions in the body can be hidden, which lead to diseases:
1. Inflammatory processes,
2. Diseases of the thyroid gland,
3. Diseases of the kidneys,
4. Disorders of the digestive system,
5. Dehydration of the body,
6. Diabetes.
If, in addition to dry lips, you have any other symptoms, you should undergo a medical examination.

If your lips are cracked and flaky, you need to follow these simple tips:
1. Try not to lick them once again, especially in the cold or in windy weather;
2. Adhere to a healthy diet and maintain the body's water balance;
3. Breathe through your nose, not your mouth;
4. Humidify indoor dry air;
5. Use hygienic lipstick before going out or applying decorative paint;
6. Constantly protect from exposure to sunlight, choose cosmetics with a high level of protection;
7. Make special lip masks regularly.
If the lips begin to peel off, you can not peel off the skin. This can lead to the formation of wounds and scars, as well as infections.

Rules for applying masks

Before you make mixtures and apply them, you need to learn the basic rules in order to avoid some mistakes.
1. At home, you must use only fresh, high-quality products and use immediately. Homemade masks are not stored for more than a couple of hours and immediately begin to lose useful vitamins.
2. It is better to make them in glass or ceramic dishes, since metal can adversely affect the chemical composition.
3. Do not use lemon, cucumber, glycerin and similar components in lip masks, as the skin of the lips is too sensitive to be affected. You need to choose more fatty and neutral: sweet fruits, vegetable oil, fatty dairy products.
4. Before applying, carefully clean the skin of cosmetics and dirt. You can use a soft scrub (cosmetics are not suitable for facial skin) or steam with hot steam.
5. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, then remove with water wipes. All movements must be careful and smooth, otherwise you can seriously damage the delicate skin of the lips and tear it off. After that, you can apply a balm to your lips, but hygienic lipstick will not work - it leaves a thin layer on the skin, preventing air from penetrating.
6. Some ingredients may cause irritation, so it is better to test before the procedure.
7. It is better to apply the mask in the evening before going to bed.

Mask Recipes

If the lips dry, peel and crack, you need to protect and nourish them, make masks.
1. For protection at home, you can use a greasy hand cream, for example, for children: it is applied in a thin layer, hygienic lipstick on top and, if necessary, decorative.
2. At night, apply vitamins A or E, they are sold in the form of oil solutions in pharmacies. After a couple of days of application, you will not even remember that the lips are dry.
The simplest mask recipes consist of one ingredient: honey, sour cream or butter. They are applied for 5-10 minutes in the evening. The first two can not be washed off - just lick it.
You can also use more complex recipes. The number of ingredients must be determined by eye: they should be enough exactly once, since the mixtures are not stored for a long time. Mixing is easy and accessible to everyone.
1. Mix raw pumpkin juice and soft cottage cheese, rinse with a napkin dipped in whey or kefir. The mixture is recommended to be applied twice a day to provide immediate relief to the lips.
2. Grate some carrots and squeeze the juice out of it, mix with melted butter or olive oil. You do not need to use a balm after such a mask. You can also use kiwi instead of carrots.
3. Mash a piece of banana and add milk and some honey.
4. Add a few drops of peach oil to honey. You can also use almond or olive oil.
5. Mix crushed cranberries and potato starch.
6. Cut the peeled sweet apple and boil in milk for 20 minutes. Then crush the fruit and mix the puree with vegetable oil. You can also grate a raw apple and mix with butter.
7. Add a few drops of grapefruit juice and twice as much olive oil to fatty sour cream, preferably unrefined.
8. Mix cottage cheese with heavy cream.
The next two recipes can be made in advance and stored in a dark glass jar to use when lips dry.
1. Pour 10 g of calendula flowers with 50 ml of linseed or corn oil and leave for a day in a cool place. The mask must be used three times a day. After application, it is better to get wet with a napkin, without wiping.
2. Boil dry chamomile flowers in a quarter cup of boiling water. Melt 20 g of wax in a water bath or microwave, mix with 30 g of petroleum jelly. Add decoction and 30 g castor oil or cocoa butter, whisk lightly to mix. You can use a mask before going outside as protection.
To make masks more useful and nutritious, you can add vitamins A to them. and E- 1-2 drops.

Simple home masks do a good job with dryness, peeling and cracks formed due to external influences. However, if the use of masks and balms did not bring any result, it is best to undergo a medical examination - perhaps the lips do not dry out due to external reasons.

If your lips often dry out, then you are doing something wrong. Explore the reasons for this phenomenon. You may be developing some kind of disease:

  1. Dry lips develop with dehydration. Even insignificant.
  2. Unfavorable environmental conditions, bad weather (dry, windy, frosty, high temperature).
  3. Prolonged stay in a stressful situation.
  4. Bad habits. These include smoking, biting and licking lips.
  5. Eating hot food.
  6. Allergic reaction to care products.
  7. Allergy to pollen, food, sun radiation is genetically determined.
  8. Deficiency in the body of vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, E.
  9. Side effects of drugs.
  10. Thyroid diseases (while the upper one also cracks), pregnancy, diabetes, fungal infections are purely medical causes, which, however, are the most serious.

Now you know why lips dry. These are the top 10 reasons, but there are others. Therefore, if the problem drags on and you feel excessive dryness all the time, it makes sense to consult a doctor. But first, try to practice proper care, use effective natural cosmetics, and eliminate factors that you can influence.

Proper lip care

If you notice dry lips, reconsider the process of caring for the delicate thin skin of this area. Here's how dermatologists and cosmetologists advise taking care of sponges:

  • Apply lip balm or lip oil before every outing. It is better to do this 15 minutes before going out so that the useful components have time to be absorbed. The balm can become the basis for lipstick, but you need to use it constantly.
  • Drink about 2 liters of pure water every day.
  • Make sure it's not allergic to cosmetics. The means used by a woman must be of high quality. Especially during pregnancy or hormonal surges due to other reasons.
  • The skin around the lips needs the same nutrition as the thin skin under the eyes. Do not forget to treat it 2 times a day with a cream, preferably nutritious.
  • Perfectly affects the regular performance of gymnastics for the lips.
  • Massage once a week with a soft, clean toothbrush.
  • Exfoliate once a week on average.
  • Make nourishing masks 1-2 times a week.

Many of these factors you can easily handle yourself. And we will help you with masks and scrubs.

How to quickly get rid of dryness

In the case when the lips dry and peel off, you experience discomfort on the skin around the lips, and there is sorely not enough time for deep therapy, you can quickly carry out rehabilitation measures that will help you last all day:

  1. Apply Vaseline to the skin of the lips, massage the lips for 1-2 minutes, remove with a handkerchief dipped in warm water. After that, apply any vegetable oil or fat balm.
  2. While making your morning coffee, apply a thick layer of fat sour cream or cream mixed with honey to your lips.
  3. Lubricate the sponges for a few minutes with a butter. Cocoa or coconut oil works great.
  4. If the problem manifested itself the day before or at night, lubricate the lips several times with almond oil. In extreme cases - olive or even creamy, or heavy cream.

If the lips are very dry, the scrub should be soft. Semolina with oatmeal or honey is ideal.

It is quite easy to remove dry lips and this must be done. Otherwise, soon you will have cracks.

Masks for dry lips

A mandatory item of self-care should be holding lip masks.

Your attention to the 3 most effective homemade recipes:

  1. Rub a small spoonful of fatty cottage cheese with a spoonful of cream, yogurt, carrot juice or any base oil (almond, olive, apricot, castor and even sunflower). Apply the composition for 15 minutes, remove with a napkin. Apply balm.
  2. Mix honey and melted pork fat (can be made from a piece of bacon by placing it in a spoon over the burner) in a ratio of 2: 1. Keep 15-20 minutes.
  3. Mix a teaspoon of apple, strawberry, banana, gooseberry, peach or melon pulp with the same amount of butter. Apply a thick layer on lips for 15 minutes.

The composition must be applied, covering the skin around the lips.

These masks are best used fresh each time, so the dosage can be reduced.

The products have a very mild effect, deeply nourish the skin and protect it. You will feel it immediately, but you need to carry out such a procedure once a week constantly.

Coconut balm for dryness and cracks

We are sure that you have a couple of store-bought favorite lip balms. However, you cannot be 100% sure of their quality. To check the composition and determine the presence of "unnecessary" components, you need to have special knowledge. We offer another option: a product 10 times cheaper, which contains only natural ingredients and the effectiveness of which can compete with the effectiveness of products from the most famous and expensive brands. This is a dryness balm with coconut oil and cocoa:

  • coconut oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • cocoa butter - 2 teaspoons;
  • avocado oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • almond oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • rosehip oil - half a teaspoon;
  • calendula oil - 1 teaspoon.

In principle, the entire range of essential and base oils (except cocoa and coconut butters) can be replaced with olive oil in the same amount. But if you want to get a remedy with amazing effectiveness, it is better to stick to the recipe.

Melt the first 2 oils on the list in a water bath, remove the container and gradually add the rest of the ingredients.

The product can be poured into empty lipstick bottles (they will turn out 5-6 pieces) or into any convenient container, and left to solidify. The balm can be used at any time of the year by all members of your family. It will save even when lips are very dry.

Properly care for sponges and forget about peeling, dryness and cracks. After all, there are so many pleasant things in the world that are worth thinking about.

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As a rule, the causes of peeling are external factors: severe frost,wind, dry indoor airin the cold season, which negatively affect not only the lips, but also the skin as a whole.

The area around the lips can also peel off. Sometimes this trouble can be provoked by various diseases.

Dry lips can be a sign of diseases such as:

  • Diabetes;
  • seborrhea;
  • Ichtosis (hereditary disease, expressed in violations);
  • kidney problems;
  • Eczema;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Avitaminosis or hypervitaminosis (lack of vitamins A, E or D in the body, or an excess of vitamin A);
  • Allergy to various cosmetic products and face care products;
  • fungal diseases;
  • Viral diseases (for example, herpes);
  • Improper functioning of the digestive system;
  • thyroid problems;
  • Cheilitis (an inflammatory process in which the mucous membrane and skin of the lips are affected, a red border).

2 Symptom of cheilitis

One of the most common diseases is cheilitis. It is customary to refer to it all diseases that are visually very similar, but nevertheless have a different origin. Its causes may be:

  • stress;
  • Hormonal failures;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Having bad habits.

Varieties of cheilitis:

  • catarrhal. Appears due to the presence of various injuries. There is swelling, dryness and itching. In this case, vitamin B is prescribed as a treatment.
  • Glandular. Appears due to the formation of infections against the background of infection of the salivary glands. Accompanied by such symptoms as: wet lips with droplets of saliva, which begin to dry very quickly, the appearance of cracks and erosion. Treatment with laser beams.
  • Exfoliative. Associated with thyroid disorders. The cause of the appearance is stress and depression. Accompanied by the appearance of a scarlet border, pain and peeling. Treatment is prescribed by an endocrinologist.
  • Meteorological. The causes of the appearance are external factors and irritants. It is treated with anti-inflammatory and wound healing ointments.

3 External factors

In addition to diseases, there are external factors that provoke peeling. It can be:

  • Constant stress;
  • Sharp temperature drops, especially in the southern strip;
  • Prolonged exposure to bright sunlight;
  • Long stay in dusty rooms, where most often very dry air;
  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Poisoning.

4 Methods of treatment

If peeling is caused by external factors such as dehydration and prolonged exposure to frost, it is necessary to moisturize them as often as possible.

For this, various moisturizing glosses and vegetable oils are suitable. Before going outside, you can lubricate with castor or burdock oil. You can choose any other that you like more. It is also necessary to lubricate them abundantly at night. Castor oil is very effective in this case. In a few days, the skin will return to normal. In addition, you need to drink more water.

If the cause of peeling lies in any diseases, then in this case you need to find out which ones, by contacting a doctor. As a rule, dryness is not the main symptom, so it is advisable to pay attention to the general state of health.

Symptoms to look out for:

  • The appearance of redness;
  • Severe itching causing trouble sleeping
  • The presence of wounds and ulcers, as well as slight bleeding;
  • Dryness does not go away for a very long time and the epidermis flakes off abundantly;
  • Strong thirst;
  • Pain;
  • The occurrence of a rash.

The above symptoms are a good reason to seek help from a doctor in order to find out their origin and make a correct diagnosis.

5 How to take care of your lips?

In order for the lips to always look healthy and not cause trouble, you need to constantly care for them:

  • With the onset of cold weather and in windy weather, instead of ordinary lipstick, hygienic or special balms should be used.
  • Before going outside, lips can be smeared with a fat cream.
  • If the cause lies in beriberi, then you can take a course of vitamins or eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • In the hot season, drink more fluids and green tea. It is better to refuse juices, carbonated drinks and coffee or reduce their consumption. This will help you deal with dehydration. And in the cold season, increase resistance to colds and viral infections.
  • Use indoor humidifiers.
  • You need to get rid of such a habit as licking and biting lips. You can not rip off flaky skin with your hands. So you can not only injure quite delicate skin, but also cause an infection.
  • Give up alcohol and smoking.
  • Massage with a clean toothbrush or fingers. This procedure improves blood circulation.
  • Do peeling once a week. To do this, you can mix sugar with honey or sour cream. You can use ground coffee instead of sugar. After peeling, you can apply a moisturizer or oil.
  • Before going to bed, generously lubricate with oil. You can use any.

Compliance with these simple rules will help maintain the health and beauty of the lips for a long time.

6 Conclusion on the topic

Proper care is the key to beautiful lips. Many factors are responsible for problems such as dryness, flaking, cracking and bleeding. To prevent this, it is necessary to take vitamins in the cold season. Eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more fluids. Constant stress and depression negatively affect the body as a whole and lead to the formation of various diseases, so you need to be less nervous and worried.