Lack of parental love: consequences in adulthood. Problems of adult children

This one is more often unnoticed. Lack of parental love - how to evaluate it or not? When a child has little toys - everything is clear. It can be seen, toys can be fascinated, touch, attach their cost and quantity. Parental love, as well as feelings as a whole, is intangible, and only manifests itself in the form of some actions, words, taking different forms.

Parent and his support are very important for the child at each age. A shortage in a very small age - forms a child who has a feeling of mistrust to the world as a whole.

Another little older than the lack of parental love and support is turned into dependence, disassembleness, infantality.

Even a little older turns into disbelief in your strength and opportunities, to me for everything and everything. In the younger school age is fraught with a complex of inferiority and apathy to study and work.

In adolescence, the lack of adequate parental love and support creates difficulties with self-determination, understanding itself. In the end, in general, the overall isolation of the child, internal lonelyness also has a root in the shortage of parental love.

When I talk about a shortage. I mean exactly the form of parental love. I have no doubt that the parent loves his child.

But it is the form in which he expresses this love can be inappropriate on one or another stage or not to correspond to a particular situation. And then the child does not appear this love and "absorb."

For example, love in the form of sticking for the sake of education of a decent person or in the form of hyperteks in large quantities is very poorly absorbed by children and rather creates a deficit than fills.

In order to fill the emotional hunger and "reset nervousness", children find some facilities (or parents offer them) as "substitutes" of parental love. Comp.Great, social network, overeating, tobacco, care of fancy and so on.

It forms dependent behavior. When instead of a living warm, but inaccessible parent (for some reason), the child chooses an inanimate, but quite affordable object.

From how parents love the child formed his own attitude towards himself. A boy or girl learns to relate to himself - to love or dislike, more often scold himself, feel guilty, not to pay attention to his desires and needs, etc.

A child, deprived of love, that is, not one of which "build" or taught, but that which generally lost hope for heat from his parents, learns "dependencies on the contrary."

Those. He is so lonely and hurts that he does not let me in at all, whatever be "abandoned" again. It has a lot of mistrust and dignity and at the same time internal desire to be loved that in adulthood such children can be little legible in relationships.

"Leaveable", not receiving love in the right form of a child may be angry, protest in various (often incomprehensible parents) forms, can feel strong, chronic depression, which is stretched in some cases for several years.

It is impossible to fill the deficit of love that has already happened. That was not allowed once - no longer give now. You can certainly lose the situations in the mind and represent how you all changed then, or how well it would be ... But, nevertheless, help is possible only from the "real".

For example, through the awareness of the deficit that there is also an understanding how you are now fill it (food, alcohol, workolism, dependent relationships, etc.). And what do you have with those points about which I spoke at the very beginning - what do you think about yourself, how do you feel that they deprive. What is not satisfied with this? What you can change, and where the dead end and you need help.

By the way, many books are written about psychological assistance, but none of them will replace adequate therapy in which you will learn to understand yourself and take yourself, as much as none of the toys can replace my mother's or father's presence in the life of the child.

Encephalopathy is a non-inflammatory disease of the brain at which its fabric changes, resulting in its basic functions. Pathology may be congenital and acquired.

Congenital perinatal encephalopathy in children assumes the presence of various pathologies of the nervous system that have arisen during the period of their intrauterine development during childbirth or immediately after birth. The diagnosis is very serious, requiring medical intervention, a sufficiently long course of treatment and emergency attention from parents.

Since the child's perinatal encephalopathy acquires at the very beginning of his life path, attentive parents from the first days of his life can notice some deviations. Over time, they will enhance, grow and will distinguish a patient baby from other, healthy kids. The disease covers a fairly wide range of manifestations of nerve disorders and pathologies. Doctors allocate from them a number of the most typical, major symptoms of perinatal encephalopathy in children.

In infancy:

  • a weak or very late cry at the birth of a baby;
  • heartbeat problems;
  • lack of sucking reflexes;
  • anxiety;
  • frequent, dumping crying;
  • excessive lethargy or increased tone of muscles;
  • inadequate reactions to sound and light;
  • reflex shudders;
  • purateness, squint;
  • throwing the head;
  • frequent jeling during feeding and after meals (read more, why);
  • sleep disorders.

At an older age, you can note:

  • disorders of memory and consciousness;
  • inactivity, misinterpretation, apathy for everything;
  • constant;
  • depression;
  • fast fatigue, scattering, irritability, tear, general weakness, poor sleep, lack of appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • vagueness of thought;
  • narrowed range of interests;
  • verbosity;

The problem of perinatal encephalopathy in children is that the disease is too closely bordered by many other similar diseases of the central nervous system. Parents may miss the first signs in their ignorance. Even if a often child is lagging behind in mental and mental development from his peers, parents hope that over time he will catch them up. But with severe forms of congenital encephalopathy, it is almost impossible. Upon timely appeal to the doctor and correct diagnosis, therapy is assigned depending on the shape and severity of the disease.

Types of disease

The child can diagnose various forms of the disease, which are quite a lot. The classification is based on the genesis (origin) of brain disorders. Most often there are the following types of encephalopathy:

  • postgoxic perinatal - due to the lack of oxygen, even during intrauterine development or in the process of childbirth;
  • hypoxic-ischemic - brain lesion due not only to the deficiency of oxygen, but also a serious impaired of cerebral circulation;
  • transit - Transient disorders in the blood circulation of the brain, which can manifest itself in, a short loss of consciousness, temporary impairment of vision, violation of speech, weakness in different parts of the body, numbness, tingling muscles.

Each of these species differs not only by special symptoms, but also requires a certain treatment.

Treatment methods

The treatment of perinatal encephalopathy in children is long in nature. The doctor tries to take into account the severity and experience of the disease, the age of the child, concomitant diseases. Therapy is carried out outpatient or in hospital conditions, by decision of the doctor. Usually two or three courses of therapy are required during the year - it all depends on the severity of encephalopathy. The main methods of treatment are considered:

  • medical therapy (analgesics, NSAIDs, hormones);
  • blockades (injections);
  • metabolic, antioxidant, vascular therapy;
  • manual therapy (articular, muscular, root technique);
  • physiotherapy (SMT, UHF);
  • osteopathy;
  • therapeutic gymnastics (a well-known ledge);
  • operational treatment;
  • acupuncture (reflexotherapy);
  • fitotherapy: Treatment with the help of herbs Minimizes the negative consequences of encephalopathy in children - prescribed phytquias from a dispatch, dandelion, plantain, clover, a hunner kidney, mint, donel, lingonberries, hunters, melissa, the root of Aira, Castobus, souls - they contribute to a noticeable improvement severe or later consequences of encephalopathy (including when oligophrenia);
  • aromatherapy in such cases also comes to the rescue: improve the condition of sick children essential oils of ginger, chamomile, geranium, lavender, rosemary;
  • treatment with stem cells.

These therapeutic effects and techniques are applied depending on the causes, symptoms and severity of the disease of the child. Permanent monitoring of the doctor helps minimize hazardous consequences for the health of children who can and overtake already in adulthood.

The consequences of perinatal encephalopathy in adulthood

Many adult neurological ailments come from childhood. Doctors argue that their reason is in non-treated congenital encephalopathy. The consequences can be the most diverse:

  • early osteochondrosis;
  • severe migraines;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • impotence;
  • hypertension;
  • scoliosis;
  • attention deficit syndrome;
  • hyperactivity;
  • vision problems;
  • disturbance of shallow motility.

The disease itself and its heavy consequences are a real tragedy for parents. However, such dysfunctions of the brain and the central nervous system are not a sentence, many manifestations are healing. Moreover, the current development of medical technologies is rapidly progressing. Medicines and treatment methods become more perfect. Perhaps in the sooner the medicine will be found and from Encephalopathy.

Ecology of life. Children: This one is about what is more often unnoticed. Lack of parental love - how to evaluate it or not? When a child has little toys - everything is clear. It can be seen, toys can be fascinated, touch, attach their cost and quantity. Parental love, as well as feelings as a whole - Intangible

This one is more often unnoticed. Lack of parental love - how to evaluate it or not? When a child has little toys - everything is clear. It can be seen, toys can be fascinated, touch, attach their cost and quantity. Parental love, as well as feelings as a whole, is intangible, and only manifests itself in the form of some actions, words, taking different forms.

Parent and his support are very important for the child at each age. A shortage in a very small age - forms a child who has a feeling of mistrust to the world as a whole. Another little older than the lack of parental love and support is turned into dependence, disassembleness, infantality.

Even a little older turns into disbelief in your strength and opportunities, to me for everything and everything. In the younger school age is fraught with a complex of inferiority and apathy to study and work. In adolescence, the lack of adequate parental love and support creates difficulties with self-determination, understanding itself. In the end, in general, the overall isolation of the child, internal lonelyness also has a root in the shortage of parental love.

When I talk about a shortage. I mean exactly the form of parental love. I have no doubt that the parent loves his child. But it is the form in which he expresses this love can be inappropriate on one or another stage or not to correspond to a particular situation. And then the child does not appear this love and "absorb." For example, love in the form of sticking for the sake of education of a decent person or in the form of hyperteks in large quantities is very poorly absorbed by children and rather creates a deficit than fills.

In order to fill the emotional hunger and "reset nervousness", children find some facilities (or parents offer them) as "substitutes" of parental love. Comp.Great, social network, overeating, tobacco, care of fancy and so on. It forms dependent behavior. When instead of a living warm, but inaccessible parent (for some reason), the child chooses an inanimate, but quite affordable object.

From how parents love the child formed his own attitude towards himself. A boy or girl learns to relate to himself - to love or dislike, more often scold himself, feel guilty, not to pay attention to his desires and needs, etc.

A child, deprived of love, that is, not one of which "build" or taught, but that which generally lost hope for heat from his parents, learns "dependencies on the contrary." Those. He is so lonely and hurts that he does not let me in at all, whatever be "abandoned" again. It has a lot of mistrust and dignity and at the same time internal desire to be loved that in adulthood such children can be little legible in relationships.

"Leaveable", not receiving love in the right form of a child may be angry, protest in various (often incomprehensible parents) forms, can feel strong, chronic depression, which is stretched in some cases for several years.

It is impossible to fill the deficit of love that has already happened. That was not allowed once - no longer give now. You can certainly lose the situations in the mind and represent how you all changed then, or how well it would be ... But, nevertheless, help is possible only from the "real".

For example, through the awareness of the deficit that there is also an understanding how you are now fill it (food, alcohol, workolism, dependent relationships, etc.). And what do you have with those points about which I spoke at the very beginning - what do you think about yourself, how do you feel that they deprive. What is not satisfied with this? What you can change, and where the dead end and you need help.

By the way, many books are written about psychological assistance, but none of them will replace adequate therapy in which you will learn to understand yourself and take yourself, as much as none of the toys can replace my mother's or father's presence in the life of the child.published

This one is more often unnoticed. Lack of parental love - how to evaluate it or not? When a child has little toys - everything is clear. It can be seen, toys can be fascinated, touch, attach their cost and quantity. Parental love, as well as feelings as a whole, is intangible, and only manifests itself in the form of some actions, words, taking different forms.

Parent and his support are very important for the child at each age. A shortage in a very small age - forms a child who has a feeling of mistrust to the world as a whole. Another little older than the lack of parental love and support is turned into dependence, disassembleness, infantality.

Even a little older turns into disbelief in your strength and opportunities, to me for everything and everything. In the younger school age is fraught with a complex of inferiority and apathy to study and work. In adolescence, the lack of adequate parental love and support creates difficulties with self-determination, understanding itself. In the end, in general, the overall isolation of the child, internal lonelyness also has a root in the shortage of parental love.

When I talk about a shortage. I mean exactly the form of parental love. I have no doubt that the parent loves his child. But it is the form in which he expresses this love can be inappropriate on one or another stage or not to correspond to a particular situation. And then the child does not appear this love and "absorb." For example, love in the form of sticking for the sake of education of a decent person or in the form of hyperteks in large quantities is very poorly absorbed by children and rather creates a deficit than fills.

In order to fill the emotional hunger and "reset nervousness", children find some facilities (or parents offer them) as "substitutes" of parental love. Comp.Great, social network, overeating, tobacco, care of fancy and so on. It forms dependent behavior. When instead of a living warm, but inaccessible parent (for some reason), the child chooses an inanimate, but quite affordable object.

From how parents love the child formed his own attitude towards himself. A boy or girl learns to relate to himself - to love or dislike, more often scold himself, feel guilty, not to pay attention to his desires and needs, etc.

A child, deprived of love, that is, not one of which "build" or taught, but that which generally lost hope for heat from his parents, learns "dependencies on the contrary." Those. He is so lonely and hurts that he does not let me in at all, whatever be "abandoned" again. It has a lot of mistrust and dignity and at the same time internal desire to be loved that in adulthood such children can be little legible in relationships.

"Leaveable", not receiving love in the right form of a child may be angry, protest in various (often incomprehensible parents) forms, can feel strong, chronic depression, which is stretched in some cases for several years.

It is impossible to fill the deficit of love that has already happened. That was not allowed once - no longer give now. You can certainly lose the situations in the mind and represent how you all changed then, or how well it would be ... But, nevertheless, help is possible only from the "real".

For example, through the awareness of the deficit that there is also an understanding how you are now fill it (food, alcohol, workolism, dependent relationships, etc.). And what do you have with those points about which I spoke at the very beginning - what do you think about yourself, how do you feel that they deprive. What is not satisfied with this? What you can change, and where the dead end and you need help.

By the way, many books are written about psychological assistance, but none of them will replace adequate therapy in which you will learn to understand yourself and take yourself, as much as none of the toys can replace my mother's or father's presence in the life of the child.

If you failed to find a solution to your situation with this article, I will find a consultation and we will find a way out.

      • This is a description of the nature of the "unhappy" person

        His 2 main problems:1) chronic dissatisfaction of needs, 2) the inability to send his anger internship, keeping it, and together with it and all warm feelings, every year they make it more and more despairing: so that he will do it better, on the contrary, only worse. The reason - he does a lot, but not that. If you do nothing, then, over time, or the person "burns at work", loading itself more and more - until complete exhaustion; Either his own self will be empty and disinterested, unbearable hatred for himself, refusal to care about himself, in the future - even from self-fighting. The manner becomes like a house, from which bailiffs made a furniture. On the background of hopelessness, despair and depletion there is no strength , Energy even thinking. Full loss of ability to love. He wants to live, but begins to die: the dream is disturbed, the exchange of substances ... It is difficult to understand what he lacks precisely because it is not about the destruction of the possession of someone or something.

        On the contrary, he has the possession of destruction, and he is not able to understand what is deprived. It turns out to be their own self. He is unbearably painful and empty: it can not even arrange it in words. This is a neurotic depression.. Everything can be warned, do not bring to such a result.If you learned in the description of yourself, and you want to change something, you need to urgently learn to two things:1. To learn the following text by heart and repeat it all the time until you learn how to use the results of these new beliefs:

        • I have the right to need. I am, and I - I am.
        • I have the right to need and meet the needs.
        • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to seek what I need.
        • I have the right to crave love and love others.
        • I have the right to a decent organization of life.
        • I have the right to express discontent.
        • I have the right to regret and sympathy.
        • ... on birth right.
        • I can get a refusal. I can be alone.
        • I'll take care of myself anyway.

        I want to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of "learn the text" is not an end in itself. Autotraining itself will not give any sustainable results. Every phrase is important to live, feel, find it confirmation in life. It is important that the person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just as he got used to imagine him. What is from himself, from his ideas about the world and about themselves in this world, it depends on how he will live this life. And these phrases are only a reason for thinking, reflection and searches for our own, new truths.

        2. To learn how to send aggression on the one to whom it is addressed in fact.

        ... Then the opportunity to experience and express to people and warm feelings will appear. Realize that anger is not destroyed, and can be presented.

        Want to know what is missing a person to become happy?

        You can sign up for a consultation at this link:

        For K. Ageuya "negative emotion" is needed or desire, the satisfaction of which is the key to changes in life ...

        To search for these treasures, I invite you to your advice:

        You can sign up for a consultation at this link:

        Psychosomatic diseases (it will be correct) - these are those disorders in our body, which are based on psychological reasons. psychological reasons are our reactions to traumatic (complex) life events, our thoughts, feelings, emotions that do not find timely, correct for a particular person of expression.

        Mental protection is triggered, we forget about this event through time, and sometimes instantly, but the body and unconscious part of the psyche remember and send us signals in the form of disorders and diseases

        Sometimes the call can respond to some events from the past, withdraw the "buried" feelings outward, or the symptom simply symbolizes what we prohibit ourselves.

        You can sign up for a consultation at this link:

        The negative impact of stress on the human body, and especially the distress, colossal. Stress and the likelihood of disease development are closely interrelated. It suffices to say that stress is able to reduce immunity by approximately 70%. Obviously, such a decrease in immunity may pour into anything. And even well, if it is just colds, and if oncological diseases or asthma, the treatment of which is already extremely difficult?

Lack of parental love - how to evaluate it or not? When a child has little toys - everything is clear. It can be seen, toys can be fascinated, touch, attach their cost and quantity. Parental love, as well as feelings as a whole, is intangible, and only manifests itself in the form of some actions, words, taking different forms.

Parent and his support are very important for the child at each age. A shortage in a very small age - forms a child who has a feeling of mistrust to the world as a whole.

Another little older than the lack of parental love and support is turned into dependence, disassembleness, infantality.

Even a little older turns into disbelief in your strength and opportunities, to me for everything and everything.

In the younger school age is fraught with a complex of inferiority and apathy to study and work.

In adolescence, the lack of adequate parental love and support creates difficulties with self-determination, understanding itself. In the end, in general, the overall isolation of the child, internal lonelyness also has roots in the lack of parental love.

When I'm talking about a shortage, I mean exactly the form of parental love. I have no doubt that the parent loves his child. But it is the form in which he expresses this love can be inappropriate on one or another stage or not to correspond to a particular situation.

And then the child does not appear this love and get "absorb." For example, love in the form of sticking for the sake of education of a decent person or in the form of hyperteks in large quantities is very poorly absorbed by children and rather creates a deficit than fills.

In order to fill the emotional hunger and "reset nervosity", children find some facilities (or their parents offer), as "substitutes" of parental love. Computer games, social networks, overeating, tobaccoing, care in fancy and so on. It forms dependent behavior. When instead of a living warm, but inaccessible parent (for some reason), the child chooses an inanimate, but quite affordable object.

From how parents love a child formed his own attitude towards himself. A boy or girl learns to relate to himself - to love or dislike, more often scold himself, feel guilty, not to pay attention to his desires and needs, etc.

A child who is deprived of love, that is, not one of which is "built" or taught, but who generally lost hope for heat from his parents, learns "dependencies on the contrary." That is, he is so lonely and hurts that he does not let me at all in order not to be "abandoned" again. It has a lot of distrust and inquiry and at the same time internal desire to be loved that in adulthood, such children can be low-tech in relations.

"Leaving", not receiving love in the right form of a child may be angry, protest in various (often incomprehensible parents) forms, can feel strong, chronic depression, which is stretched in some cases for several years.

It is impossible to fill the deficit of love that has already happened. That was not allowed once - no longer give now. You can, of course, lose the situations in the mind and represent how you all changed then, or how good it would be ... But, nevertheless, the help is possible only from the "real".

For example, through awareness of the deficit that is, and understanding how you now fill it (food, alcohol, workolism, dependent relations, etc.). And what do you have with those points about which I spoke at the very beginning - what do you think about yourself, how do you feel about yourself? What is not satisfied with this? What you can change, and where a dead end, and you need help.

By the way, many books are written about psychological assistance, but none of them will replace adequate therapy in which you will learn to understand yourself and take yourself, as much as none of the toys can replace my mother's or father's presence in the life of the child.