Children's sports sections for children of 4 years. Circles and sections for children

Good day, dear readers. Let's talk about where to give a child at 4 years old. Kids are becoming more independent, they already have a characteristic character, you crossed the recruitment period and unwillingness to obey. Surely, the child has already appeared preferences, it is likely that the baby is already asking him to write it on some kind of circle. Let's consider how to choose the right to choose the institution and directions for the development of the tendency of the child.

Basics of choice

When choosing a institution, you need to consider several factors:

  • if the baby is active - give it to the sport, if calm and amp - into a creative institution, in particular for drawing or laying;
  • choose a place as close as possible from home;
  • find out what time there are classes, it is important that they do not violate the familiarly promotion of the child;
  • find out how much time on the duration is one training or lesson, and how many times a week it is necessary to visit it (it is desirable for a four-year-old baby, so that time does not exceed half an hour, and it was more often three times in seven days);
  • make sure that the child is interested in no less than you in visiting the selected institution (often parents are trying to embody their children's aspirations).

I decide where to give a child at 4 years old, a girl, you need to take into account that the little princesses are well developed imagination, babies like to copy the elders at this age. Girls are quite active and full of energy. The best option to send the baby will be one of three options:

  • dancing;
  • gymnastics;
  • figure skating.

If you have a son, then the boys at a four years of age will be happy to go to the sports facility. There they will be taught endurance and discipline. Before deciding where to record the Son, ask him. Often the child is ready to make a decision. If there are some doubts or, for example, you cannot decide, give the Son on football or table tennis, you can sign up for a trial occupation. After that, the child will be easier to make his choice.

Determine in character

Good practice to determine the hobby of the baby taking into account its temperament. I think everyone is clear that sports sections are better suitable for mobile children, and calm and perfected, for example, laying from plasticine. Let's consider in more detail to whom and what is more suitable.

  1. The choleric is very active and moved, he does not sit in one place, very rarely brings started to the end. Such a kid often can be noticed in a fight for the toy favorite. The perfect option is a sport, namely martial arts or team species, such as football.
  2. Sanguines are less impulsive, but also like choleriks are very movable. Such babes are enough new information literally on the fly. They can be given to any sport, success will be obvious. But the work of creativity will not bring positive fruits, the vocals can be excelice.
  3. Phlegmatic is calm and balanced. It will slower will develop new classes, however, is distinguished by great preferably and attentiveness. Such a child will definitely bring the work started to the end. Give such a karapuza on light athletics, figure skating or chess. Phlegmatic is also well litient creative directions, for example, can manifest itself in drawing.
  4. Melancholik quickly gets tired, loses interest in his lesson. The sport is not much suited to him, the maximum of such Karapus can be sent to the riding ride, but it is better to post a couple of years. But drawing, modeling or vocals will suit much better.

We choose Sport

If, wondering where to give a child at 4 years old, you decided to choose a sport, then the first thing you need to take into account the following points:

  • watch for the baby, reveal what section to him most harmonize;
  • show the child clearly this sport, for example, on TV or come to workout, tell the story of its occurrence;
  • now you can choose a suitable institution if the baby still keeps interest;
  • give a child to the lesson, let it see how other children are practiced;
  • get acquainted with the coach;
  • bring the karapuz to the first training session, appreciate the result, as far as the baby is tired after classes, what are his impressions.

Where can I send a child in four years?

  1. Gymnastics. There are both positive and negative points.
  • acquisition of correct posture;
  • prevention of scoliosis;
  • development of endurance and strength;
  • proper coordination of movements.
  • crowded groups of children;
  • bad ventilability of the room;
  • unpleasant and fume odor.
  1. Ballroom dancing. The ideal sport is not only for girls, but also for boys. The child grows with the right posture and a strong spine. However, it is worth considering some minuses:
  • search for a partner or partner, it is especially acute a question with a shortage of boys;
  • expensive costumes and special shoes;
  • payment for participation in contests, tournaments.
  1. Figure skating. Baby harnesses, constantly rushing on ice, more raise. Training usually pass in the morning hours and on weekends, which is not always convenient.
  2. Roller-sport. It will be an excellent option for a child who loves. It is important to understand that this type of sport does not provide for the existence of competition, so it is suitable for kids who do not believe in their strength and are afraid to seem weak.
  • develops good coordination;
  • improves agility;
  • strengthens skeletal muscles.
  • the need to buy sports equipment, its regular replacement;
  • the sites for classes are located on the outskirts, therefore, it is difficult to get to them and for a long time.
  1. Swimming is perfectly perceived by girls and boys. However, it is not suitable if the child is panicing water. Choosing a swimming pool, be sure to find out which water temperature is in it and the way it is cleansing.
  2. Team sports will allow you to grow a strong, hardy baby, will teach it to communicate and command work.
  3. Martial arts will suit strong kids with good health. Such disciplines allow you to strengthen the child, both physically and morally. But I would advise you to wait at least at least a year.
  4. Table tennis develops speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, speed of the reaction.

Creative directions

If your karapuz is touched by relaxing activities, happily listening to music or sits and creates its masterpieces with the help of paints, then he is a straight road to the house of creativity or a visual studio, music school.

  1. The theater circle will help the baby becoming more sociable, the child will tell the child, do not be shy to speak in public. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the baby will be able to quickly tired physically, plus it gets tired of learning a lot of text. Although some kids do it with pleasure and cannot wait for the next lesson. So look through your karapuzu.
  2. Fine studio. Here the baby will teach not only to draw, but also sculpt, engage in applied art. As, in my opinion, this is the perfect option for a child of four years, if you do not plan to give it to the sport. The child develops the ability to think images. In addition, classes for the baby are ordinary drawing and flight of creativity, the ability to create what he himself has conceived.
  3. Music studio. Developing a child's rumor. The game on the instrument has a positive effect on the development of shallow motorcycle karapuz. However, it is important that at home was a musical instrument to perform homework, and this will incur considerable financial costs. Girls will like to taste the occupation of singing, they will gladly try on the role of the singer.

Now you know what options are possible if the question occurs, where to give a child for 4 years to do. Do not forget to take into account the personal interests of the baby. Remember that classes should only bring positive emotions, the Karapuz must be happy, going on the next lesson or training. If the child loses interest, take it from the mug, offer another option. And maybe the karapuzu is still hard to have additional load and you just need to wait for the year - two. The main thing is to follow the baby, how he feels in psychological and physical plane, visiting one or another circle.

From 4-5 years, you can seriously think about sports. In most sports, the principle works: the sooner, the better. This is due to the fact that the muscular system and motor skills have their own natural potential (everyone has its own). It must be developed in the right direction and to work as early as possible.

Choosing a sports section. As always, at this age, it is not important, the steepness of the gymnastic hall and the prestige of the sports school, but a good trainee teacher who will find an individual approach to your child. Therefore, look for a coach, not school. Perhaps in search you will spend some time. Listen to the reviews of those parents whose children are already visiting some sections. Do not rush to grab the "Stars from the sky" and sign up to the "Olympic" national team. Everything has its time.

Swimming. This is a universal sport that is equally well fits both adults and children. Classes in children's groups with a trainer are held from six years. And now the main thing is not the technique of "Brasse" or "Korol" to master, but to learn to stay on the water, trust the aquatic element. You can find an individual coach, sign up for an early development school, where workouts on the water are held, or to sign up with the child in the pool.

Figure skating. For professionals, even after four years may be late! In figure skating, it is important that the child is not afraid to fall and "felt" ice. This sport is well developing all the muscles of the body and excellent coordination of movements. Figure skating is considered one of the most beautiful, but also the most attendant sports.

Sports and rhythmic gymnastics. These are wonderful sports that develop flexibility, grace and beauty of the body. The boy will probably like the exercises on the bars, rings, rope, jumping on a trampoline, girls - dance movements with ribbons, balls and hoops. Children of this age are distinguished by natural flexibility. Therefore, for many of them, the gymnastics will be "native" and understandable.

Tennis. This sport can be engaged in five years. It is a prestigious, expensive and promising (if your child will give high hopes).

Be prepared for frequent training (minimum four times a week). By the way, it concerns any other sport.

Team sports. In hockey, football, volleyball, basketball usually take at least from 6-7 years. This is due to the fact that the child of preschool age is difficult to maintain the "Command Spirit", to perform what is important for everyone, and not just for him.

Oriental martial arts. The most popular among children's "eastern" sections - karate, wushu, judo, mixed types of martial arts, aikido. These sports require a conscious approach. By and large, they need to go from 12-14 years. East is a delicate matter. After all, two principles are important here: the development of the body and spirit. From 4-5 years you can only receive basic techniques, do stretching exercises and general strengthening of the muscles. Eastern martial arts are also useful because they teach proper breathing and positive thinking.

Skiing. To date, this is one of the most popular winter sports. Some children are on skis and three years old. From four you can safely start! Commier about high-quality equipment and about a good instructor. You can also go and snowboard. But remember that this sport is even more attendable than skis. If there is no possibility to ride on the mountain resorts, buy baby kids skiing. Joint skiing on the winter park will deliver the joy of the whole family.

Sports ballroom dancing. You can start with 4-5 years. Of course, the program for the smallest dancers is greatly simplified. At this age, children are difficult to do special dance passes. Classes by ballroom dancing are developing endurance, form a beautiful posture and self-confidence.

Go or not go into a big sport?

A child will go into a big sport or will deal with "for itself", the time and results of workout will show.

You think about it yet early. Of course, future champions are guessed with almost the diaper, and the experienced trainer "calculates" for sure. It is also important to pass a medical examination and know contraindications to different sports.

What are the circles for children from 4 years to choose for your own children? The choice is not so large here: most of the sports sections are taken from later age when the child will be more physically developed. In addition, it is difficult to decide, and what the child is more inclined and will the parents be mistaken in the assessment of his abilities? But the developing circles for children from 4 years are recommended by all psychologists without exception. And we agree with them.

Having survived a three-year crisis, the baby gradually acquires himself as a person. It becomes more organized, but his addiction continues to quickly change the constancy at this age - a rarity. The type of temperament is already clearly traced, and the choice of a mug for children is 4-5 years old should consider this feature. But in the same way as in school, everything is one in kindergarten - and cholerics, and melancholic. With the help of developing classes, you can give a child an excellent base for further training: develop research interest and "taste" to study and training.

Educational circles for children from 4 years

At this age, children have a stunning ability to imprint - imprinting. The possibilities of their memory are also huge. Children's circles for children from 4 years in the Club "Constellation" take into account this factor. We work according to the method of Montessori, the purpose of which is the development of the independence of the child, its innate qualities and abilities. At your service - a number of groups for children of 4-5 years, in which overseas classes are held, and additional circles.

In our children's circles for children from 4 years, the child will learn:

  • Basics of account, geometry and stereometry;
  • Reading and basics of diplomas;
  • Will receive extensive ideas about the world, properties of objects;
  • It will understand the basics of classification and logic.

Classes can be visited in kindergarten (full and incomplete days), or choose a flexible visiting system. In this case, it is possible to sign up for other circles for children of 4 years: music, rhythm, dancing, English. And our montessori groups will not leave any baby indifferent! On master classes, children will learn how to cook soap and make candles, burn out, draw on glass and unlock decoupage technique.

Choose mugs for children 4 years in "Constellation"

If you do not know what kind of children's circles for children from 4 years choose, come to visit the Montessori club. Our teachers, speech therapists and psychologists will offer you an optimal program and duration of classes. Attending the club "Constellation" can be daily, or 2-3 times a week. There is also an opportunity to organize individual classes for children with behavioral features or disabilities.

Want to know more about "constellation" and circles for children from 4 years? Sign up for a free trial!

The child is intensively developing in a four-year-old, grasping, as they say, everything is on the fly. He already requires not only ordinary games, but also specially designed entertainment for children for 4 years, cognitive classes or educational circles.

English for children 4 years

  • Secondly - when choosing a sports section, be sure to consider the opinion of the baby. Judge yourself who will like to engage in an unloved business.
  • Third, it is necessary to write a crumb of 4 years only in one section. The record of the child in two or more sections will negatively affect the health state of the baby, namely the nervous breakdown, overwork, disease.
  • In the fourth, if the baby is not a sports warehouse, and you see his tendency and talent in the class of creativity or English, then it is not necessary to record a child in sports, and it is better to maintain his physical form, a daily engaged in Morning Gymnastics.
  • In the fifth, given the fact that the four-year-olds are well enough to stretch and the threshold of fear is lower than in an adult, experts recommend writing a baby to gymnastics, a circus studio or figure skating. It turns out that precisely the complex elements are best learned at an early four-year-old age.
  • In the sixth, if the baby is not confident in himself, passive, and he needs to help liberate, then the sports struggle will help him in this. Such a sport contains respiratory gymnastics, teaches to control emotions, develops muscles, attach confidence.
  • In the seventh, many are recommended to give a four-year-old child, both a boy and a girl in a swing section. The pool for a child for 4 years has a positive effect on the general condition of the child, namely, the blood circulation is improved, the nervous system is strengthened, breathing and muscle mass develops, reflexes and skills are being improved. However, in a visit to four-year-old, the pool has its own minuses. This is what a child can be botheted due to non-haired hair or due to temperature drop when leaving the pool.
  • In the eighth, if you want to develop in the child the coordination of movement, plasticity and strengthen the muscles, then write it down in the capoeira section.
  • In the ninth, many recommend writing the baby to the dance circle. Choreography for children of 4 years will help develop flexibility, movement coordination and respiratory system. And also is a foundation for the development of a sense of rhythm, an understanding of beautiful, musicality and grace.

If first classes in sports circles will look like entertainment for a child of 4 years, then it may later be the meaning of his life. Therefore, parents need to seriously approach the choice of sport for their Karapuz. Be sure to take into account its temperament, desire, physical abilities, physique and much more.

"Of course, in the theater school for preschoolers. And you should not fear his early age, doubting the successes from classes. Do not think that you will deprive your child childhood and overload unnecessary information. Everything is not quite so in fact.

And how things really are

How to become an actor? Do not forget that the children are endowed with a very educated mind, and their energy literally interfers through the edge. It is children aged 4 to 6 years old are best able to absorb information, especially in a game form, as they are presented here. And besides, teachers - professionals will never put the task before the child, which he is not able to fulfill.

Typically, training is taking into account the following tasks:

  • an increase in the vocabulary;
  • emotional liberation;
  • improving the quality of speech and pronunciation of sounds;
  • development of imagination and disclosure of creative potential

Children's theater studios in Moscow - what are their tasks

Today, as you know, there is a sea of \u200b\u200ball sorts of sections and circles for children. Children's theater studios in Moscow are also no exception. However, not all of them are located directly with theaters. This is sad. After all, the real atmosphere of the theater can fully ensure the theater itself. Therefore, for children of a better option than a children's theater studio at the theater simply will not come up with.

Among other things, in the theater studio, the child begins to freely communicate with new friends and is studying for new skills, which will later be extremely useful to him in life.

The main tasks of such studios are the following:

  • scenic image;
  • horography lessons;
  • music discipline

Where to give a girl at 4 years old - the opinion of specialists

If you are puzzled by the question "Where to give a girl at 4 years? "According to the statements of specialists, this age of the child is simply optimal for the start of creative development classes, with any direction and genre. Fortunately, the baby has noticeable inconsistencies towards this age.

And if your daughter has clearly pronounced inclinations to acting skills, then why not give her the opportunity to start seriously in this area, giving it, for example, in the theater studio for preschool children.

Moreover, classes in such studios are built in such a way that the learning program helps to reveal a lot of useful skills:

  • improvement and formation of cognitive abilities by engaging them into theatrical activity;
  • development of imitation skills of characteristic actions of favorite characters;
  • the development of speech, the recharge of the vocabulary and the ability to properly build suggestions;
  • development of dramatization and dramatization skills at least small passages from famous folk fairy tales;
  • development of psychological processes, such as attention, memory, speech, thinking and imagination;
  • disclosure of creative abilities, namely, imitation skills, intonation progress and emotional attitude;
  • development of personal qualities, mean communication skills and partnership friendships

Without pondering, give your 4-year-old girl in the theater studio. And the results do not slow down to wait. Already after several classes, you will notice tangible changes in the child, because it will learn to communicate freely with other children and not only, he will feel more confident to feel in public, without fear of his mistakes. And why? Because classes will help him get rid of inner clamps, both physical and psychological.