Emancipated women. Life with a modern emancipated woman What is women's emancipation definition

  1. emancipation - EMANCIPATION -i; and. [lat. emancipatio] Book. Liberation from some. dependence, subordination, oppression, smb. restrictions. E. from prejudice. E. women; women's... Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  2. emancipation - -i, f. book Liberation from some. addictions, withdrawal of smb. restrictions, equal rights. - They want to restore the rights of women, which should not be less than the rights of men. You see, this is called emancipation. Pomyalovsky, Philistine happiness. Small academic dictionary
  3. emancipation - noun, number of synonyms: 4 liberation 38 emancipation 5 suffragism 1 emancipation 1 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  4. emancipation - EMANCIPATION, and, g. (book). Liberation from dependence, oppression, inequality. E. women. | adj. emancipatory, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  5. emancipation - emancipation g. 1. Liberation from any dependence, subordination and humiliation. 2. Equal rights (usually giving women equal rights with men in public and labor activities). Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  6. emancipation - (from Latin emancipatio) - declaring a minor fully capable. in accordance with Art. 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a person who has reached the age of 16 can be declared fully capable if he works under an employment contract, incl. Large legal dictionary
  7. emancipation - EMANCIPATION and, g. emancipation f.<�лат. emancipatio. 1. Освобождение от какой-либо зависимости; свободы от того, что стесняет разум и деятельность человека. БАС-1. Католики.. Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language
  8. Emancipation - (from Latin emancipatio) liberation from dependence, oppression, prejudice; abolition of restrictions, equalization of rights (for example, E. women). In Russia right... Pedagogical terminological dictionary
  9. emancipation - Liberation from power, the granting of freedom Emancipation of women - equalization of their rights with men Wed. Emancipated. Wed. Chaly is looking for various tricks in order to present old and respectable people in a nasty way... Mikhelson's Phraseological Dictionary
  10. Emancipation - (from Latin emancipatio - liberation of a son from under paternal authority) liberation from any dependence, guardianship, oppression, equalization of rights (for example, E. women). Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  11. EMANCIPATION - EMANCIPATION (from Latin etapsgra-tio - liberation from dependence, subordination) - English. emancipation German Emancipation. Liberation from dependence, oppression, prejudice; the abolition of restrictions, the individual gaining independence and equality, social group. Sociological Dictionary
  12. emancipation - orf. emancipation, -and Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  13. emancipation - Emancip/atsi/ya [y/a]. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  14. EMANCIPATION - EMANCIPATION (from Latin emancipatio) - liberation from dependence, subordination, oppression, prejudice. Emancipation of women - providing them with equal rights in public, work and family life. Large encyclopedic dictionary
  15. emancipation - see >> deliverance, liberation Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  16. emancipation - complete ~ Dictionary of Russian Idioms
  17. Emancipation - Emancipatio. The release of a son from paternal authority was accomplished if the father, in the presence of the authorities, sold his son three times for show to a third party (the so-called pater fiduciarius, a father in trust who made a promise... Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  18. emancipation - EMANCIPATION, emancipation, many. no, female (Latin emancipatio) (book). 1. Liberation from some kind of dependence, leading to equalization of rights. Women's emancipation. Emancipation of the peasants. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  19. emancipation - Emancipation, plural. no, w. [latin. emancipatio] (book). 1. Liberation from some. dependencies leading to equal rights. 2. Liberation, freedom from what constrains the mind or activity of a person (for example, from prejudices, conventions, religious requirements, etc.). Large dictionary of foreign words
  20. emancipation - Emancipation, emancipation, emancipation, emancipation, emancipation, emancipation, emancipation, emancipation, emancipation, emancipation, emancipation, emancipation, emancipation Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  21. Emancipation - The release of children from parental authority, which had long been for life in various rights. In ancient Rome, to free a son or daughter from parental authority (formerly called manus; see Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron

The world of progress, insane speeds, frantic rhythm of life clearly favors truly strong-willed, decisive, bright people. An emancipated woman is one who is completely in tune with the present, so complex and constantly changing. She is capable of a century, so loving responsibility, bold actions, independent conclusions, to create happiness for herself and those around her. This is real freedom. Any person needs to be able to build his own destiny and not depend on someone else’s actions, opinions, or moods. The time has come for everyone to regain responsibility for their own well-being, gain personal freedom, and make their life truly successful.

Meaning of the word

It is worth first clarifying the term “emancipation”. What did this mean before? The word can be literally translated as “getting rid of someone’s care, recognizing legal capacity, providing the opportunity to defend one’s interests.”

Now this term has a very strong association with feminism - the movement for women's rights. It acquired a somewhat political overtones and began to mean “liberation,” the acquisition of truly equal opportunities with men, when ladies began to fight for their equality.

A little about the sad

In past centuries, a woman was simply a service supplement to a man. She could not manage her finances herself, even if she had them. For example, it was possible to open a bank account exclusively in the name of a brother, father, or husband. The girl's marriage partners were chosen by her relatives. Often the future spouses saw each other only shortly before the wedding; there was no need to dream of any love here. There was no real education for women, as well as normal education. All activities were limited to housekeeping, handicrafts, raising children, and behavior was very limited by strict moral standards.

A modern woman can hardly even imagine this. The inability to develop as a person, endless childbirth, debilitating dependence on men, wearing uncomfortable clothes that disfigure internal organs - this is an incomplete list of the horrors that homebound ladies had to endure.

Positive changes

The most ambitious project in the history of cultural modernization is emancipation. What difference has it made in the present? Forced marriages were made illegal and women were given many rights. Unfortunately, ladies are still considered the “weaker sex” and “guardians of the hearth,” their appearance is subject to excessively inflated and even fantastic demands, their merits at work are not noticed, and access to some specialties is closed. Intergender relations are imperfect; now there are still remnants of the past “dark” time, in order to eliminate them, it is necessary to change society as a whole.

The present offers enormous opportunities. A strong independent woman, even in modern harsh conditions, is able to fully reveal her talents and create a happy life. Finding freedom is a wonderful gift from feminists, who were able to greatly change the unjust position of women and achieved the removal of a huge number of shackles.

How did the changes begin?

1791 is famous for the release of the “Declaration of the Rights of Woman”, the main principles of which were equality, resistance to oppression, freedom to express their opinions and thoughts, recognition of a woman as an independent person who has the right to be actively present in society, speak openly about her problems and demand their solutions.

Olympe de Gouges, the author, predetermined the direction of further struggle, which was carried out by the first activists of the movement, incredibly brave representatives of the people. They managed to draw attention to themselves and force others to discuss the issues raised and take action. The movement gradually spread in the West, and then throughout the world.

Features of emancipation in Russia

Such events undoubtedly received a response in Russia, which accepted ideas and equal rights, but the ideas of feminism were alien to its traditional culture, based on male dominance in the family and a strict gender hierarchy in society. Family relationships were placed above the interests of the individual, who was only an insignificant component of an extensive, huge clan. An emancipated woman is a daring challenge to the patriarchal system, which does not provide for self-realization and development of its individual components.

After the revolution, the rights of citizens of both sexes were equalized by law, formally everyone became full participants in society, but this did little to improve the lives of women. Now, after a working day, working women and peasant women faced a “second shift” - all care for children and the house was the responsibility of the spouse. In the post-Soviet period, the situation worsened; now the working mother also lost state support.

Echoes of distant tragedies

The image of a modern woman is a heroine who chooses her own destiny, but the history of Russia of the last century has its influence on the sudden acquisition of freedom, hunger, labor feats, death around, caring for children in such conditions. It was really difficult. Lonely women began to dream of some kind of support, protection, so that they could be saved from these horrors. The shortage of men after the war forced us to tenaciously hold on to at least some representative of the stronger sex, fulfilling all his whims, so that he would not suddenly leave.

The return to a certain cult of the myth of “true femininity” observed today comes precisely from there. The tragic events were long ago left behind, but the habit remained and was passed on to granddaughters and daughters. This is what supporters of “women’s destiny” are trying to play on, forcing them to choose only raising children, serving their husbands, and housekeeping instead of self-development.

Opportunities of the new time

The era of enormous opportunities provides everyone with unlimited scope to create their own life. A strong independent woman is able to create a real personality out of herself, to become herself. She has enough responsibility to make her life exactly what she has always dreamed of. You just need to develop your own talents and acquire the necessary skills.

Unfortunately, when raising a girl, she is only taught to play with dolls, sometimes handicrafts or music, without trying to reveal her true abilities. It is better to discover the qualities of a businesswoman or mathematical abilities at an early age in order to have enough time to develop them. The limited nature of their upbringing prevents girls from making their own way in life. So they have to rely solely on a profitable marriage.

Social prejudice

Unfortunately, “thanks to” the widespread opinion about “true destiny”, girls and ladies for centuries were forced to abandon the important need for self-realization. It was believed that needlework and housework would be enough for them, and interest in “male” activities was considered abnormal and “sinful.” An emancipated woman was given the opportunity to choose her hobbies and profession. This raised her life to a different, better level - development stops if a person does not do what he is inclined to do.

Even now, the need to learn, determination, and strength of character are considered only masculine traits. A businesswoman often cannot achieve the recognition and trust of her partners due to stereotypes prevailing in society, which often leads to refusal to engage in business even before starting her career. Self-esteem can only be achieved through real actions; you must continue to move on, depending on the opinions of others.

Myths and misconceptions

The image of a magical prince on a white horse is the most dangerous dream imposed on girls since childhood. Subsequently, single women cherish this myth until old age. They were taught that they could achieve a happy life only through an extremely successful marriage, and that they simply did not need to study and achieve something themselves. A fairy-tale hero will definitely appear, who, captivated by beauty, will solve all problems, defeat enemies and wake you up with a magical kiss.

Gaining financial and creative independence with such a worldview is extremely difficult, or rather, impossible. Moreover, constantly counting on male help in exchange for her external qualities and love, a girl reduces herself to the level of a commodity and is deprived of freedom of choice. Now the man will decide everything, her opinion will no longer be important. A happy woman is a person who is in harmony with her environment and herself; it is worth learning to be the main character in her own life.

Weak true femininity

It is also necessary to mention the myths about the “true purpose” and “weakness” of women, which are filled with pulp novels, glossy magazines, and popular websites. They were created to clearly define gender roles in the society of the past and have remained in modern times as a harmful relic. Misconceptions deprive girls of self-confidence and prevent them from truly achieving success in life, revealing their real abilities, strictly limiting their choice of life path.

This opinion of society provides scope for manipulation in the family and creates a negative image in the team. An independent woman today hardly corresponds to such definitions. There are many ladies who are superior to some men in physical, spiritual, and vitality.

Harmony of life

Everyone is now given the freedom to shape their destiny in accordance with their own choices. A happy woman always moves forward confidently, without listening to the stories of “well-wishers” about her “true destiny.” Relationships, work, hobbies, knowledge are quite easy to combine harmoniously. There is no need to sacrifice one for the other, this will lead to a rather dull existence.

The life of a business woman who cares only about her own business and nothing else is the same mistake as vegetating as an “exemplary wife” between the stove, crib and vacuum cleaner. Any business woman knows that fatigue and fanaticism will not help in achieving the goal and certainly will not add happiness. To gain the joy of being present in your own destiny, you must maintain the golden mean and not devote all your time to just one activity. A walk in the forest, meeting with friends, hobbies will help you take a break from the everyday routine, and a skillfully planned day will help you find time for pleasant things.

High needs

Well-known psychology researchers have long noticed among human characteristics a certain instinct that encourages self-development. The desire to become a real person, by showing the will, to declare oneself, to do something important for the world in which you live, by changing it, is the same natural need as food, safety, sex. The lack of opportunity for self-improvement becomes the cause of depression, neuroses, and complexes.

In other words, everyday comforts and entertainment are not enough for any individuality; one must find oneself in life. The need for freedom and creativity is inherent in nature itself, and their absence leads to self-destruction, and this distinguishes a person from an animal or a machine. Devoting yourself to a distant, but achievable and desirable goal, making the world around you a better place, means finding a future. To live only for today, without thinking about the meaning of existence, is to lose yourself.

The need for creative search

The desire to find your own path is an integral part of personality. Self-expression is not at all a passive contemplation of one’s life. True development can only really be achieved through a conscious desire to create. An existence based only on fleeting pleasures cannot be called complete. Everyone is given special abilities from birth, which turn from a gift into a punishment if they are not used. Undemonstrated talents can seriously affect health - they simply begin to destroy the psyche and body from the inside, causing illness.

Ambition, perseverance, determination will help in choosing the necessary activity. An independent woman will definitely find her true calling. Her trump card is that inner strength that a society based on prohibitions and restrictions is incredibly afraid of.

Financial freedom

The power of money can forever hide a girl behind the “stone wall” of a dull marriage, force her to abandon her personality, creativity, and knowledge. A woman in modern society becomes successful, gains independence and financial stability if she manages to find her life’s work. You need to become a truly mature person, take responsibility, and join the rhythm of life.

Just for the sake of money, it’s not at all worth it to occupy all your free time with hard work devoid of any creativity. Such work does not decorate existence, but contributes to the loss of personality, develops complexes, and deprives one of will. It is much better to understand what is really interesting to do and learn this work, get the appropriate education, and take courses.

It is also important to be able to manage your own finances. If you carefully plan your expenses, you can save a lot of money; money will no longer “leak” from your personal budget.

Need for Education

Developing skills and accumulating knowledge will help you get out of a dead end in life. Education plays a huge role here. An emancipated woman understands this very well and does not take into account the advice of well-wishers regarding the unnecessaryness of education for the future wife of a wealthy husband. Additional skills and useful information will always be useful both for your own development and for quality professional growth.

Having become part of a new life program, gaining new knowledge can strengthen a woman’s determination in her future plans, help her see new facets of her chosen path, and avoid many mistakes. A good education will also allow you to start climbing the career ladder from the most advantageous step. In addition, you should additionally study the sciences necessary for your chosen business.

Possible problems

Unfortunately, a change in the attitude of loved ones can become an obstacle to finding a new life. Patriarchal society will always hinder women's independence. Having become part of this environment, relatives, quite sincerely wishing for the best, can, with the help of persuasion, threats, and censure, try to force a return to their previous way of existence. This test will be the most difficult obstacle on the path to yourself, because you will have to confront people dear to your heart.

Friends and family are the people who know all the ways of manipulation better than others. An independent woman is perhaps an unusual phenomenon for a husband or parents. They want to see the familiar image of a mother, wife, friend nearby and will not want to let him go. It is worth explaining to relatives how important the changes taking place are for personal development and the overall success of the family. Loving people will always support you in difficult situations, and the successes of your daughter, wife, or friend will be the reason for their joy.

Possibility of choice

Of course, for the sake of self-improvement, you will have to take risks, sacrifice your old habits and step into the unknown, which is always scary, but the reward will be the joy and satisfaction of finding yourself. The new life of an independent woman is always the result of a difficult choice that only a real person can make, between cozy vegetation and the need for difficult every second overcoming the past self.

To better understand what changes are needed, what to give up, and what to gain, you can imagine your successful appearance in a few years. What associations arise with the words “happiness”, “harmony”, “luck”? A strict image of a business woman, the silhouette of an intellectual lady or the shadow of a reckless traveler on the desert sand... There are many options. Choosing who your new self will become is an incredible feeling. True creativity is creating your own life.


The modern woman can truly become independent, despite the remnants of the past that exist today. She will need determination, a desire to learn and her own willingness to change. Public consciousness today has retained many misconceptions regarding the abilities and role of women in society. A girl should not listen to other people’s opinions about herself; she must develop the ability to resist manipulation and attempts by the environment to hinder her development. Freedom of expression is the highest need of any person. The courage to take full responsibility for your own destiny is necessary for the creativity of your life.

If we imagine such an option that all women of working age will leave their jobs and begin “originally female” work - giving birth to children, doing laundry, cooking, etc. then what will happen? In hospitals and clinics, patients will be left without doctors and nurses, because... about 80% of health workers are women.

Schools will be left without teachers, because... more than 70% of teachers are women. And, even in a profession such as engineering, women account for more than 55% of workers.

And, of course, the emancipation of women could not take place without a number of family and psychological consequences related to modern marriage. Emancipation changed her psychological and spiritual makeup as a woman, her range of interests expanded, her material and spiritual needs increased. Women's emancipation made the woman in the family an economically independent person, very often not economically dependent on her husband (in 25% of cases a woman earns even more than her husband). Now it’s relatively easy, because they have the opportunity to independently provide for themselves and their child. It is no coincidence that in almost 70% of cases it is a woman’s initiative. The great role of women in... The family budget, and, consequently, its financial condition, is largely determined by the woman’s contribution to the general fund.

The result of such a “one-sided” upbringing is obvious. The woman doesn’t like to cook or clean and doesn’t know how. And she will be very lucky if she finds a wise, understanding husband who helps in all matters. After all, such an “overly emancipated woman” is “a professional only at work,” but at home she is simply incompetent.

“I have daughters, girls. And I want them to be happy in their profession, just like me. But I also want them to remember that they are also women” - these words were said by a colonel, a test pilot of the first class, candidate of technical sciences and holder of several world records and... mother, Marina Popovich.

And many working women have forgotten that equality with a man is not identity. The emancipation of women gives rights, but does not remove women’s responsibilities from them, because only through the efforts of the mother will the baby’s diaper be soft, lunch tasty, and, although the man’s contribution to family happiness should be in no way less than the woman’s contribution.

There is no need to abolish the independence of women and challenge their rights to vigorous creative or professional activity, not at all! Moreover, this is impossible not only because they will oppose it, but also because many areas of activity, such as medicine, education, trade (salespeople, cashiers, etc.) are represented predominantly by women. And we cannot abandon these areas.

It's about something else. The complete freedom of a woman and her dedication to professional and social life often becomes the same as the complete freedom of a man. And a spirit of competition often arises between spouses, which leads to a kind of jealousy of the husband and wife for each other’s successes. And these successes are perceived not as common, but only as their own. Hence the desire to ridicule the successes of the other spouse and belittle his efforts.

It is necessary to clearly separate the concepts of equality and equality. A woman has equal rights with a man and that’s right. But a woman is not equal to a man; it is impossible to put an equal sign between them. And motherhood is a purely female function, no one can argue with this; motherhood cannot be separated from female nature.

So, when we say the words “emancipation of women,” we mean equality of rights and equal opportunities, but not equality with men. In fact, the formula for family happiness is simple. And it looks like this: "Man + Woman = Family Happiness". There is no need to equate men and women. And there is no need to put “more” or “less” signs between them and try to be a leader in everything. Everyone has their own responsibilities. The only sure sign between a man and a woman that allows you to end up with a happy family is the plus sign. Those. a man and a woman should complement each other, go in the same direction, and not in different ones, combine their strong skills and qualities, and not oppose them to each other. And only by putting their efforts together will they become a happy family and, by their example, raise happy children.

Feminism and emancipation - what are these concepts, how do they differ and what relationship do they have, and is there any relationship at all? The way society and relations between representatives of different sexes have developed today has been shaped by the history of the whole world. The idea, voiced long ago, that gender inequality owes its origin to the forced subjugation of women by men gave rise to such a phenomenon as emancipation. Let's talk about this in more detail.


The emergence of the women's movement for liberation from oppression, any dependence and restrictions originates in distant and wayward France. In 1830, at the height of the July Revolution, the term “émancipation de la femme” itself appeared. During the development of emancipation, special women's clubs were created, where participants in the movement defended their rights in special printed organs. Leaders of the women's movement even suggested that representatives of their sex wear men's suits in order to get rid of external differences between the sexes. With such a gesture, the women in trousers completely infuriated the men, which provoked the adoption of a resolution to deprive women of the right to have their own meetings. Soon the women's clubs were closed as well. It would seem that they should have calmed down their ardor, but the French women decided to continue this unequal battle.

After women were given freedom and the “right to vote,” they demanded full equal rights. In the future, we can assume that emancipation gives rise to such a concept as “feminism.” If the process of emancipation involves liberation from oppression and dependence, then feminism is a socio-political movement whose goal is to provide women with full civil rights. Here's the story.


Somewhat later, the movement for freedom and women's rights honored Russia with its presence. The revolution of 1917 was the largest event for the emancipation of Russian women. The experience of the Bolshevik struggle shows an effective example of overcoming the oppression of representatives of the “weaker” sex. The industrial development of society has radically changed the views on the family and the consciousness of Russian women.

The old family economic model was based primarily on the production of goods for family consumption. Ladies spent their lives within the confines of the house. The only society with which they had to communicate was the family. However, in the future, the machine industry completely destroys individual home production, forcing women to look for work outside the home. This is where they begin to realize and feel the full degree of oppression that was not felt in the family. The truth is revealed about having fewer rights than men. All this makes them strive to protect their interests. It should be noted that they succeeded.

Let's sum it up

Under emancipation originally (from lat. emancipatio) understood the liberation of the son from his father's power. Then this term began to be used in sociology to define the concept of liberation from dependence, oppression, and prejudice.

Women's emancipation- providing women with equal rights in public, work and family life; striving for equal rights for men and women. For what? Historically, the idea was that a woman should sit at home by the hearth, take care of the house and children. By the way, this behavior is inherent at the genetic level of women, they just forgot about it. With the development of humanity, women began to develop along with it and “sitting by the fireplace” became an uninteresting activity.

Women asked for equal rights with men to lead an active public life, but at the same time forgot that they were no one didn't release from their usual responsibilities of bearing and raising children, preparing food, running a household and caring for a man. The load has become two or even three times greater, but the hormonal resources are the same. It’s just that now these resources have been redistributed and began to serve the social needs of women.

With high social aspirations and a high level of stress, the hormonal asset will be redistributed to hormones for maintaining homeostasis (to survive) and fight hormones (androgens) to take a position in society.

There will be no resources left for female hormones and all the gynecological diseases known to us will begin: menstrual dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, lack of ovulation, infertility, miscarriage, abortion, divorce, single-parent families, female unfulfillment.

Entering male territory, starting a career, getting an education, doing business, competing with men in anything, a woman must understand that she is doing this at the expense of her progesterone, which will be used to produce male sex hormones, that Always will be to the detriment of her feminine purpose, and, consequently, her health.

If her choice of social realization is conscious, then she should do it exclusively feminine and always stay the same woman, preserving yourself and your feminine nature and energy.

If a girl has problems with menstruation since the onset of menarche, the mother needs to pay attention to what is actually happening with her child, how much stress the girl’s fragile brain and body receive, how much she sleeps, what she eats, how she spends her time, how much the burden of responsibility for grades at school is great and many people experience various stresses. The further attitude of the girl, and then the woman, to her feminine destiny, to the fact that she is a woman, depends on how the formation of menstrual function proceeds.

Pay attention to what changes occur in your body when the amount of stress goes off scale. The condition of the skin changes, acne appears (the influence of androgens), irritability appears, and there is always a disturbance in the menstrual cycle in the form of sudden bleeding, delay of the next menstruation, disruption in the rhythm of cyclic bleeding, along with all the somatic manifestations of stress - increased blood pressure, edema, disturbance in the cardiovascular system and other vital organs.

When stressed, the female body always receives a “blow from below”, as a reminder that it’s time to reduce stress and take care of yourself, just relax.

Any functional disturbances quickly pass and the menstrual cycle is restored.

With long-term stress, strain, and disturbances in the hormonal system of women, functional changes develop into diseases such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, endometrial pathology and gynecological oncology.

By declaring her freedom, a woman received not freedom and equality with men, but freedom from her own!

We have been “enjoying” the result of such freedom recently in the form of a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in the number of abortions, an increase in gynecological and oncological pathologies, people’s dissatisfaction with their lives and the lack of a sense of simple human happiness in both men and women.

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