How dagestanis belong to constant mistresses. What is afraid of a Dagestan man

I met, I found out that I was from Dagestan. And as she wrapped everything on me, as if writing a statement in the police. And so that I take action. All such a white beam on the back of the head and blue lenses. Victim of Iberish.
At the end, I closed the eyes with your hand. Although it is better to close your mouth. I really wanted to laugh. But it was necessary to sympathize and explain the behavior of Ibragim's mental differences and the historical conditionality of these differences. It seems that I even said "Other Culture" and "Do not try to measure yourself." I kept my face for a long time. His and some Ibrahim. Keep me now.

Karoch! In the summer she flew to Dagestan to a business trip. There she met him and he was great. Gostechamen, Galanten, generous and ash stump - hot. And even this ... tireless. Its nordic body overheated, all gray substance burned in the brain. Yes, and hell with him. And she decided that Dagestan was her personal paradise. Ah Sea, oh fish, ah horses in the mountains. Which horses!
At the airport, he said that he would fly away for her almost the next aircraft. Fly in two months. Settled, put a kumbush in the toilet. I threw the sports bags next to the bed and began to run around the markets, shops and meetings "on business". Who will condemn it? The offer to "stay at home" responded with the statements of the type "I am not engaged in the light when I do not do, and what just to lie?" Actively attracted it to finding the parts you need and telephone business negotiations ("culturally speaking"). Then he was attracted to the running on European and all such places.

And so, I stretch him his bag, and he says: we have no bags bags!

And she is heavy!

After two hours it was compressed, I decided to help carry my bag. And then oh! Horror! Met someone!
Wood, got angry, explained all this inexplicable: this is my village!
- What does it mean?
In the restaurant (in which she led him) refused to wear her fur coat on her, said that Caucasian men do not do this. Basically. Then they met his friend. Friend was with his official girl.
- And this is despite the fact that I know perfectly well that he is married! His wife passed money with the bus, I met on the car at a market "Gardener", we called us ... and he also turns out and there is a girl.
Little of. He dressed her coat! How did this Ibrahka explained?
- He is Kumyk, they can.

Kumyk - Who is this? - I asked me a defenseless blonde, tired of the diversity of Dagestan ethno-palette.

Well, the climax. An important concert for her in the concert hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. She dressed up, preparing to demonstrate the Dagestan alpha-man to his colleagues (so that they all calm themselves from envy and suffocated in his feramons). And he seeing where it is (this is not a temple, this is a concert hall) accused her that she forces him to sin!

He drinks, smokes, lives with me, his friends are breeding girls with living wives and only my concert was a sin!

Tears, reconciliation, his departure ... promised to be soon, promised to bring brandy ...

She is preparing, buys new panties. Duro.

What could I say?

Well, once tolerate, it means there is for that ...

The concept of marriage has long been and all the circumstances arising from it played a special role in the life of any Dagestan. If not even say that the main thing. And also, for a long time, it happened that the Dagestanis, especially those who live in rural areas, prefer to marry their sons or give the daughter to marry "their" - close and distant relatives, fellow villagers, really, in extreme cases, per person His nationality. The era of the Soviet Union, the rapid growth of cities and the widespread distribution (especially in the cities) of unconventional to Dagestan, values, values \u200b\u200band obstacles slightly stunned this situation: more and more common marriages began to appear, sometimes binding their hearts even representatives of such nationalities that were considered in the republic. Not very friendly. Of course, all this was accompanied by the frequent cases of brides, the flight of beloved or even moving to another region, so that at least somehow "hide shame".

And yet, by virtue of the strict traditions, Dagestan marriages were always considered strong, based, first of all, on Muslim strata, where the wife was unquestioned by her husband, and her husband, a man, the head of the family answered his family, and above all, for honor of his wife. Apparently, due to these customs and concepts, still a rare Dagestan man wants to take a girl to his wife, who, how to say it is delicately, "a man has time to taste." Therefore, in order to get married and disambiguous in the first marriage night, who managed to warm up the girls after the stormy past hasty, to restore the chastity after the stormy past hasty. But this is all as they say, production costs.

In fact, the Dagestan marriage has a strong root, the divorces are extremely not welcome, relatives immediately begin to reconcile her husband and wife, so that children did not suffer, and that the woman did not remain alone - "We are trying to not marry that - threw the phrase one of our interlocutors, with whom we had a chance to speak during the preparation of this material. Writing about marriage in Dagestan is not easy - too much contradictions and clashes, but they still have. There are also divorces that they do not like to speak in Dagestan. But statistics are inexorable.

According to the head of the Department of Statistics and Health, the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics in the Republic of Dagestan, the number of divorces in the republic has increased, as a rule, the number of divorces in the republic has increased, as a rule, there is an increase in such cases: "Despite the fact that compared with 2012 In 2013, we revealed a certain decline in the amount of divorces, their very number is alarming - there was no such thing. Each fifth marriage in the republic breaks down, and it seems to be a small indicator, but is very not characteristic of Dagestan. For example, in 2013, 19471 marriages were registered, while the divorces were 4471, it turns out, almost 1 to 4. And this is only the current registration data. "

In fact, divorces would be much more, just to divorce in Dagestan is somehow not accepted. After all, to marriage, as noted above, here are very serious. "To play a wedding and get a family in Dagestan - this is the main event in a person's life, it is quite serious about it: since the choice of the future wife (and you choose the guys), ending with the wedding preparations and planning the future of the new social cell," says Sociologist Magomed Hasanov, - Weddings We always have a lot to say if banquet halls and musicians book a little more than a year before the wedding celebration. And as if someone did not deny, in Dagestan, they remain desirable marriages between representatives of one nation - our people are "programmed" with historical past.

Indeed, if you take a separate theme "Marriage" and classify it on various aspects and problems, then in Dagestan, it is the question of an interethnic marriage to the fore. Even though traditions are so strong, they still give their positions. Already, you will not see anyone here that the girl, half-kumka, half Darginka marries the guy, who has a father a crash, and mother Lezginka. Well, or vice versa. Interethnic marriages become the norm, and even begin to prevail, however, it happens in less archaic families, less conservative. And the higher in the mountains, the more conservative mom with dads. Of course, there is a lot of problems in this background, in particular, the problem of ignorance by children in such families of the native language: either the native language of the child has no time to learn at all, as you have to constantly speak Russian, or the husband oppresses his line and is trying to teach the child with his native Language. Here, not quite with us according to a psychologist, a specialist in family counseling of the private clinic of Amina Casibekova: "Our specialists have no small experience with families, and I can say with confidence that in most cases in interethnic marriages mothers better manage to teach the child to their native language, How to learn from the native language to Father. The fathers simply once once, and the mother is always there. I personally know the case when a child literally looked at the Avars and Tabasaranki family at Tabasaran language, while the father constantly complained that he could not teach the child to his native, Avar, despite the fact that their relatives of Avars were constantly going at home. From the child it was impossible and the words pull out! And it is completely and near us. "

Perhaps one-name marriage and have their advantages, but not in cases where they are married at a close relative, but this is also characteristic of Dagestanis. After all, most often parents or close relatives themselves become the initiators of the family life of young people. As a rule, they begin to choose the bride for a guy among cousins \u200b\u200bor secondary relatives, in turn, the side of the bride, having learned that relatives show interest in their daughter, having weighing everything "for" and "against" (meaning the family What opinion about them among other relatives or acquaintances, how much the future husband is provided and is able to contain a family, well, the rest are important (!) Trivia, up to the color of the diploma and the financial condition of parents of the future groom). But times are changing ...

Increasingly, young people themselves become blacksmiths of personal happiness, the benefit of modern technical means (official, but the truth) create all the conditions for this. Youth no longer looks at the nationality of the future satellite of life, and parents are increasingly expressing with the choice of their children: "At least in an interethnic marriage today and do not convince anyone and do not scare, still preserved certain stereotypes about marriages between some nationalities, and you know these Stereotypes are not disabled and only confirm themselves. For example, it is believed that marriage between Avars and Lezginka or Darginian and Kumychka knowingly doomed on the misfortune and divorce, "says Maya Muslimov, a lawyer for civil and family disputes, a candidate of law, - for example, now I have been leading one thing in which already Divorced husband and wife, he is Dargin, she is a kumka, can not share the child. The woman though violated her parental duties and shied away from their fulfillment to some extent, but she has the full right to ensure that the child remains with her. In turn, the father of the child with whom the girl has grown, completely refuses to give the child and is suiced for two years, runs on different instances. As a result, the personal life from both of them somehow did not work out, the child suffers, her parents suffer. Just apparently and in fact there are such unwanted marriages, let's say, obviously unsuccessful. But at the same time, this could happen in a one-national marriage, however, in this case, the conflict would be allowed much easier and faster, because it would be solved together, they would have connected common tummy (related) communications. Hence the commitment of most Dagestanians to create single-demonstration marriages - any conflict question can be solved much easier and with the "smallest loss."

But let's still understand what the opinion about the modern Dagestan marriage has developed at the current generation of Dagestanis, we decided to hold a small social skit among residents of Makhachkala and several mountain areas. So, respondents were invited to answer the following questions:

1. How do you think is it possible to call modern Dagestan marriage strong and reliable?

2. Do you (or, on the contrary, consider unwanted) marriage between a man and a woman of different nationalities?

3. How do you feel about interfaith marriage? Please briefly argue.

4.Grezhdannan marriage - Is it normal or unacceptable for Dagestan? How do you mean civil marriage?

Results speak for themselves.

Yasmin Cadirbolatova, an employee of one of the Republican TV channels:

2. I believe that it is good because it is a deterrent for impulsive sudden surges of emotions that often lead to the divorce. As a result, the spouses themselves won, and children born in this marriage. In principle, I have nothing against anything, but it adds additional difficulties in the family life of young spouses: they not only get along to each other, but also experienced all the customs of another people, whose representative is a spouse or spouse. In general, it is very difficult and often leads to conflicts. I married a representative of the same nation from another village only, and it was difficult: starting from the subtleties of some traditions and ending with the difficulties in translating another dialect. And if the person has another nation, it is generally hard with relatives to communicate.

3. Civil marriage is bad. The marriage should be fastened not only by the stamp in the passport, but also the rite of Nikiaha (Muslim brother of marriage - approx. Without it, such a relationship is a sin.

4.The Reconquitance is badly related to civil marriage. Even there are nicknames, but there is no stamp in the passport - it puts a woman in a difficult position, because in case of a possible divorce, a woman is deprived of his rights.

Zainab Alimirzaeva, Deputy Head of the Office of Information Policy of the City Administration of Makhachkala:

1. Not always, everything is individually.

2. I have the most international marriage, there is both positive and negative sides. If we talk about negative points, first of all, it should be noted that children in such marriages most often do not know their native language, the difference of cultures also affects, despite the fact that we live in the same republic.

3. Interfaith marriages force one side to be fully reformatted, it is hard. Perhaps at first, while the euphoria of feelings prevails over the mind, the parties seem to be easily overcome. Practice also shows that, almost at the greater half of the events, disappointment comes.

4. For many Dagestanis marriage, which is concluded on the norms of religion, but not registered legally, the usual phenomenon. Is it possible to consider such a civilian marriage, the question is controversial. As for civil marriage in the generally accepted concept of this word, hardly acceptable for Dagestanis.

Lilia Saidova, teacher of Pedubesessitte:

1. I think that today the Dagestan marriage is even stronger than before, because young people have the opportunity to communicate over the Internet or by phone, if there is no possibility to meet, and it is better to understand each other.

2.Orcess, if it is based on strong feelings.

3. Request positively and believe that youngsters themselves must decide which religion to confess.

4. I think it is abnormal. In my opinion, this is a forn. Of course, for Dagestan it is unacceptable.

Arsalanali Isaev, Feldsher Kumukh district hospital (Laki district of Dagestan): "Rural marriages are much stronger and more reliable than those that are in the city. Urban are more susceptible to treason and divorce, because life is too expensive, I think. Many hid and heard. In the villages, everything is much more stricter, it rarely reaches a divorce. I have nothing against interethnic marriages, but I do not understand when, say, Aguletz marries Darginka, or Tsakhurka marries Lezgin. Agules and Tsakhurstsev and so little, they even say that these nations have no increase, then why mix with others, if you need to replenish your population of problems here a lot, but before putting marriage you need to think carefully, so that there is no misunderstanding between spouses, and then Even worse misunderstanding between relatives. When Sneonical marriage - all these problems are leveled by themselves. Multicon confessional marriage is undesirable, I believe, since different views, mentality, worldview. Well, and, secondly, Muslims cannot be married with non-Muslims. "

By the way, here it is impossible to agree with the worker of a healthy rear. I remember how quite recently the chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia Ravil Gaindin in one of his interviews noted that "in the Quran, which is a law for Muslims," \u200b\u200bPeople of Scripture "- Jews and Christians are highlighted - and guidance prescribed to them. This is brightly manifested, in particular, in the fact that Muslims are allowed to marry with representatives of these religions, which is entitled to confess their faith in marriage. "

Surely readers noticed that most of our interlocutors and respondents expressed their categorical "no" civil marriage, and this is despite the fact that there are quite a few such pairs in the republic. For example, an entrepreneur from Makhachkala Naila Magomedova, believes that civil marriage is a long time for the republic. "I relate to such marriages normally," Naid comments, "the main thing is that it is not debauchery and did not turn around the treason of one or both" spouses "."

We spent a small survey and in gaining popularity of social networks - here the average Dagestan was somehow sincerely sincere.

Facebook user under Nick "Highlander Lee", Dagestan, now living and working in Dubai, shared his opinion on the admissibility of a civil marriage in Dagestan society: "I generally think that a civil marriage is a gloomy cohabitation. I will explain why. First of all, I am Muslim, and on all events and phenomena around, I have to look through the prism of Tauhid! (Monotheism - on Muslim terminology - approx. Marriage should be concluded in compliance with certain conditions: Makhram (relative of Muslim terminology - approx. Has), witnesses, etc. Other forms are already adultery. If, under the word "civilian" you mean the presence of such a marriage on Sunne (custom, an example on Muslim terminology -prim. Her)., But not registering it in the registry office, then this is another thing, for it is undesirable to give his wife his last name (the opinion of most scientists ), Because the surnames in Islam come from fathers, and the blood wife can not be a native of her husband, and so that there was no lie, it is undesirable. "

Patimat Bekeeva, Employee of the republican newspaper "Yuldash" in Kumyk language: I believe that Dagestan marriages have always been the most stronger and reliable, and I don't see anything wrong with the fact that young people of different nationalities enter marriage: why not? But I do not perceive interfaith marriages, maybe because I grew up in a family where such marriages are not welcome at all. If it was my case, I could go beyond the guy of another denomination, but provided that he would take my faith. As for civil marriage, it is a sin for Muslims, but if the laws of Sharia are observed, then I think it is permissible. "

User "Albina Gadzhimuradova", Dagestan, now lives and studies in Moscow: "I can say that the modern Dagestan marriage is strong and reliable with stretch, based on the experience of your peers / peers: I can say that only units, unfortunately, happy in marriage. In general, young Dagestanis in habit came to divorce and without reasons. Or, here I often hear this reason: "I did not agree with the character." Previously, for children, they tried to save the family, and now it does not even stop it. By the way, in the case of Dagestan, interethnic marriages are very good. All people are the same, regardless of nationality, races, etc. From nationality, little depends on the nationality. And in general, I am against to marry "in the blind", I think it is better to choose a guy of another nation, but knowing who he and that he actually represents that to marry some kind of relative, who is even never in his eyes in life did not see. Here, my classmate so came out, the parents insisted on this, but now they are on the verge of divorce, even on a one-year-old child. And there are a lot of such cases. The main thing is not a confession or nationality - the main thing is the person himself. I am only against civil marriages. For me, this is like dead cargo. It seems like married and not married, nor anything else. Although I know several families who live in a civil marriage, as in legal. I do not want to offend anyone, but I do not see the difference that civil marriage in Dagestan, that in some of the title peoples of Russia, when idle guy / girl live together. "

The user "Sabrina Gadzhieva" believes that modern Dagestan marriage can be considered strong, but provided that if moms, dads and the whole tumor (Rod - Avtor) do not interfere in the affairs of young. There is nothing bad in interethnic marriages, but interfaith is not quite good, because such marriages are early or late fall apart. "

Murad Abdullayev

Strict, proud, majestic and wise Caucasus are the breathtaking natural landscapes, impressive mountains and picturesque plains. Peoples that populate these territories are the same strong spirit, strict, proud, courageous, thoughtful and magic experience. One of these peoples are Dagestanis. They are characterized by their specific features that they distinguish them from others their customs and mentality.

Dagestanis are not a single nation, but a kind of conglomerate of peoples. What are their peculiarity, why Dagestan call the territory with a unique and specific people? What are they - Dagestan men and women? The article will deal with the specific features of the nature and mentality of the Dagestanis.

Features of Dagestan appearance

More than 30 nationalities live in Dagestan, half of which are indigenous people. Therefore, it is incorrect to characterize all the Dagestanis for a single standard. For example, the image of rural residents differs from the image of urban, mining representatives of the people differ from the low-alone residents.

The main features of the Dagestan appearance is:

  • High growth (more than 170 centimeters).
  • Straight hard hair from black to light chestnut hue.
  • Eye color - gray, black, karya.
  • The arrangement of the Eye "Overseas", or horizontal, the eye slot is narrow.
  • Eyebrows straight, very often fragile.
  • In men, the hair is developed normally, a beard and mustache are roasting.
  • The face is long and narrow. The features of the face are somewhat angular, with noticeable cheekbones.
  • The forehead is long, straight, narrow, tip sometimes raised. Often forehead and nose form one line.
  • Chubby lips.
  • The chin is not speaking, but high.
  • The back is convex. Ears are high with long urine.

On the Internet often discusses the beauty and external data of Dagestanis. It is very difficult to unequivocally say - beautiful Dagestan men or not. Beauty is a very relative concept. It should be noted that many representatives of this people have enough bright oriental features that give a certain charm.

Caring for house

Traditionally care for the house, children, family is one of the holy duties of Dagestan men. All their life is devoted to the arrangement and improvement of life. The people wish each other: "To help your home!" In this wish, all the essence of the attitude towards her and someone else's house: respect, reverence, careful attitude and prosperity of prosperity.


Dagestanis are holy than the traditions of hospitality and worship of the elders. Hospitality is custom, in varying degrees of many people in varying, but Highlanders have erected to the cult. No matter how much trouble would give it to the owner, regardless of the economic situation of the family, the respected Dagestanis will do everything to adequately meet the guests. There is a rule: all the best (bed, food, wine, room) - guest. Even today, children are asked if Delicates are found, it is or for guests.

Respect for elders

The national characteristic of Dagestan men and women is the worship of the elders. This is an ancient characteristic feature of household and family relations. Old age has its advantages: young people are always inferior to the old men, the one who's older is always beginning to say, in the presence of young people always stand, with olders you can not smoke and drink, they are first served water and food. Steel reverence is transmitted from generation to generation. The disrespectful attitude towards the old people is denied in society, such a person can shout in the trail.

Respect for a woman

Many researchers emphasize the printed and dysfun position of women in the Muslim East environment, but among them the Dagestan girls are relatively free. Women did not wear a barge, Chadru, there was no women's closer here.

Respect for a woman in society is expressed in customs and rites. For example, when the Dagestan girl passes by a group of men, they stop laughter so that she does not think that they laugh at her. When an adult woman appears in society (both in the past and at present), it is customary to get up in a sign of respect for it. The dignity and honor of girls and women are strictly protected. The encroachment on the honor of the woman served and continues to serve as a reason for blood revenge. At the same time, the punishment, mission, the murder is not performed in the presence of a woman.

If a woman without a head assistant and loose hair rushed into the center of fighting, Dagestanis VMIG stopped the bloodshed and the warring disengaged.

It should be noted that Dagestan male attitude towards a woman was formed on the basis of two historical prerequisites. On the one hand, the boys from birth raised respectful attitude towards the mother, they realized the need to take care of their relatives: mother, sister, wife, daughter or other relatives. Caring and protecting women - holy duty of a man.

But on the other hand, a woman always took a subordinate position in the family, that is, the last word always remained and remains for a man. Until now, the separation of duties on the house on the men's and women's, most often women do not work, but are engaged in domestic affairs (they are preparing, erased, they are cleaned, children grow). Men earn money and provide a family with everything necessary.

Interethnic marriages

Relationships in interethnic marriages are very complex due to the difference in mentalities, worldviews, cultures. As a rule, until now, Dagestanis is made to create marriage with representatives of their people. But there are exceptions when the relationship between the Russian woman and the Dagestan man converts into marriage. It should be noted that the relationship can be harmonious only if traditions and customs of each partner are observed if there is a valid attitude towards the culture of the people of their spouse or spouse.

  • respect to him and his relatives;
  • do not reckle my husband in the presence of outsiders;
  • do not provoke it;
  • do not create artificial situations in which his jealousy would show;
  • be hospitable;
  • responsibly refer to their home duties;
  • be modest and educated.

A responsibility

A feature of Dagestan men is responsibility. The word for them is more expensive than life: if he promised something - will do. But even the most responsible can forget about trifles, especially if it concerns domestic issues, for example, buy a light bulb, repair the cabinet, install the Internet and so on.

Like all Eastern Men, Dagestanis can talk a lot and beautifully, capable of opening their head with compliments. But everywhere there is our pitfalls: Dagestanis are very religious, not everyone can disrupt the traditions of the genus and marry a Christian. If he already has his own family, he will never leave her. The family is holy, although the novels on the side can be many.

Attitude towards money

Dagestan men love to carefully care, give gifts, make extensive gestures. They like to fulfill desires. But the disadvantage of such gestures is the transit, and the most terrible evil of many representatives of the people are gambling and casinos. Many Eastern men have complex relationships with money, and Dagestan representatives of strong sex are no exception.


Dagestan men know how to openly show their feelings - this is a positive feature that helps build relationships, because it is clear that it is a person who feels, you can adjust your actions to improve the relationship.

At the same time, if questions arise that relate to themselves or their health, they are very restrained. For example, when the hand fracture, a Dagestan man to a doctor's question about what happened, most often will be answered, which scattered. This is how restraint and sensitivity are manifested.

But it should be noted the negative side of emotionality - jealousy, most often absolutely unreasonable. In relations, men can constantly check mail, mobile phones, social networks. In the case of family disassembly, you can not withdraw a man from myself. Of course, each has its own temperament, but the manifold or defeat the room is the most common manifestations of the rapid temperament.


The peculiarity of the people is to follow the spiritual tradition, despite the fact that the population of Dagestan is very diverse. Almost 90% of the inhabitants profess Islam, the remaining 10% - Judaism and Christianity. Religion in Dagestan began in the VII century. Initially, it appeared in Derbent, then on the flat territory. But the dominant religion in Dagestan Islam became only in the XIII century. Such a long-term distribution is associated with and only after the invasion of Tatar-Mongols, Islam became the religion of all the nationalities of the republic. Among the inhabitants there are both shiites and Sunnis.

All is well, that in moderation. Among the Dagestanis there are also extent religious fanatics. They believe that they act in the name of God. Before you start a family with a Dagestan man, some moments should be clarified: his attitude to the woman and her role in the family, his attitude to religion, his attitude towards children. Largely religiousness affects other aspects of human life. For example, strict adherence to religious customs and traditions in everyday life, the subordinate position of the woman, and so on.

What are they are modern Dagestan men?

  • These are primarily the most hospitable people on the planet. At the meeting, they always smile and pumped the hand.
  • Respect for the elders is elevated to the cult and in the rank of the law. Any old man will have honors and respect among young people.
  • There are no kisses among men.
  • They do not like patronyony, always contact only by name.
  • Very talented, there are many dancers, singers and poets among them.
  • Very love to sing patriotic songs.
  • Love and external attributes: car, cabinet, bright clothes.
  • Men developed strong leadership qualities, always take the initiative on themselves.
  • They love to compete for any occasion and very painfully experiencing defeats.
  • They love meat on fire and chinki.
  • Easy losing self-control. If you want to withdraw the Dagestanz from the state of equilibrium, hindered its patriotism or point to weaknesses.
  • Open, they can safely say "soul to the displemp".
  • Do not love irony, abstract jokes. All of the said take for a clean coin.
  • They are very emotional, love to swing their hands, scream, express their thoughts loudly.
  • Many love horses and dogs, and they are fond of them seriously.
  • Know your birth almost until the 7th of the knee.
  • We are negligious about the law, consider themselves free people.
  • Generous, give the last neighbor.
  • They know how to be friends, for a friend will donate to all that is.
  • Very love their homeland, language, culture and customs.

The most famous Dagestan men

The peoples of Dagestan gave the country and the world of great poets, scientists, artists, athletes, composers and other artists and culture:

  • Abdugatov Ilmutdin - scientist of physical and mathematical sciences.
  • Aitbere Timur - historian, specialist in Dagestan historiography, medieval Dagestan, Persian and Arabic manuscripts, the history of Islam in Dagestan.
  • Aliques Yahya - the famous physicist.
  • Alders Albert - genetics in the field of grain crops.
  • Aliyev Shamil is the developer of space technology and missile weapons.
  • Apapass Magomed - Doctor of Technical Sciences.
  • Temirov Ruslan - a scientist in the field of nanotechnology.
  • Temirov YSUP - Radioelectrician.
  • Khalidov Hamid is a scientist, inventor.
  • Shikhsaydov Muzakir - the famous physicist, currently working as director of Dagtelecom JSC in Makhachkala (Dagestan).
  • Khangishiyev Musha Cage - aircraft designer, inventor.
  • Shikhsidov Amri Rzaevich - a historian, a specialist in Dagestan historiography, medieval Dagestan, the history of Islam in Dagestan and Makhachkala.
  • Magomedov Nabi is a famous chemist.
  • Magomedov Murad is an archaeologist, a specialist in history during the early Middle Ages.
  • Alexander Magomets - Linguist, Specialist in the Lezghinsky Languages \u200b\u200band Languages \u200b\u200bof the Dargin Group.
  • Makhov Magomed - Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.
  • Rockmodinov Haji is a specialist in the field of philosophy and the history of foreign philosophy, social cultural studies, anthropology.
  • Sultanov Kazbek is a specialist in culture and literature of the peoples of the Caucasus.
  • Taliban Bukar - Lezgin Specialist, Linguist.
  • Tarlans Zamir - literary critic, Linguist, specialist in Russian proverbs and literary language of the XVIII century, in the Agul language.
  • Batdalov Mukhtritdin - the famous architect.
  • Gamzatov Haji - literary critic.
  • Huseynov Abdusallas - Soviet and Russian philosopher.
  • Daidbeek Adilgerey - Professional Engineer Dagestan.
  • Kayaev Ali - Dagestan Religious Worker and Scientist.
  • Kurbanali Akayev is a silver medalist of the world championship in 2007 by kickboxing.
  • Sapiiulla Karachay - European Champion of 1978 in freestyle wrestling.
  • Medzhid Bektemirov - Russia champion on battles without rules (2007), world champion on battles without rules (2008).
  • Jamal Kasumov is a two-time champion of the world in kickboxing. World Champion (2005), Europe (2004).
  • Hajiyev Haji - Honored Coach of Russia.

In addition, Dagestan gave the world of such great poets: Gamzatova Rasul, Aliyev Phase, more than 60 heroes of the Great Patriotic War, for example, Ismailov Abdulhakim and many others. You can continue to infinity. The whole world became famous for the school of freestyle struggle. One of the best wrestlers in history, the three-time champion of the Olympic Games - Sitiyev Bujivsar, and Judoists and Haybulaev Tagir brought the country the first gold medals in the 2012 London Olympiad.

Dagestan men are so harsh that ... and however, is it really? In fact, the system of fears of Dagestanz is multipolar and quite stable. I will explain why.

Of course, any Dagestan, within the statistical error naturally, will say that he is not afraid of anything. But it will be a shower. Our brother is afraid. Not physical suffering, no ozone holes, spiders, atomic bombs, war on two fronts, information blockade. No no no! It's rather simpler. The fears of men lie completely in another plane.

I assure it in education, responsibility and feeling of self-esteem. Three whales that give us starting points. We do not need to invent new trajectories.

A shame. Contempt. The main fear. System. Huppied with blood. There is nothing worse for a man than disrespect and shame. You can lose an important dispute or match, battle, go all in the world, including the house, a girl (wife) and a car, but the main thing to stay in the eyes of othersman in black . That is, in the "Honor and Reshuh" mode. And if the word is miserable for you, and in the area they say that you are the right kid, everything is on the shoulder, everything is overcome. The image warms not only the soul. The image works for you. No matter how when. The reputation is easier to lose, than to create, Self Batler said. Today's Dagestan should blindly follow this rule and adds: "Do ok - it will be fine."

Tears. The man is pathologically afraid of tears. His own. Strangers. Especially female. With tears, he is completely not familiar and does not understand what to take to do how to react ... tears, it's more on the female part. The whole art with which a man is usually not familiar. A man can know what the Neapolitan "Camorra" is distinguished from the Latin American Mara Salvatruccach, about how in different ways the image of Kracchco Cresus, Chosecher, Robert Henrison and Shakespeare, extract the square root in the mind, and arguing about the dangers and benefits of autoimmune drugs, But he does not know anything about tears. Nothing.

Get into hell. A striking property! In Dagestanz, it gets along at the same time and the thrust (magnetic straight line) to the sammonation, tricklessness, desire to destroy and go beyond the scope (which is, that is, you agree) and Bravada ... and striking fear of otherworldly. We are terribly afraid to get to hell and this, the coldest shower that sometimes acts cut down. And a person thinks that he will say There at the topWhen he is asked about sins. Unfortunately, for the true Adepts of Chaos, this is not the strongest argument. "I want to be paradise, but in hell more acquaintances" - this is what, unfortunately, many people think in the morning on the porch. Especially knowledgeable citrate Shakespeare: "Hell is empty. All demons here. "

Lack of children. Thin mental setting in such cases gives a failure and all light becomes dark. The desire to be a father is that Dagestana does not need to be vaccinated. How he will play with his chad ("no matter what gender will be a child, the main thing is that the boy was healthy!") In hide and seek, football or go to watch the match for the stadium, Dagestan dreamers with 10, no from 15, Well, okay around the 18th.

Poverty.Her afraid of everything. Topography of the Consciousness of Dagestana gives a clear answer - family wealth is a priority concern ... Not to mention the car, which is dreaming of any representative of a strong sex. If all this is poured into a planted black prior and ride around the night city in search of adventure cataclysms and man-made disasters, then except about phonedism (one of the main vices of the Dagestan man, about which it is worth writing a treatise or scientific dissertation) is not coming. A man who seeks to subjugate time and money and thinks more about how to feed the family poverty is afraid of pathologically.

Women.On the one hand, what are they afraid of them? Yes, and who confesses it. However, in each there is a subconscious fear of being incomprehensible, rejected, unpopular ... And yes ... they sometimes behave so strangely ... They speak that the smallest tone of the "women of advanced looks". It is no longer a secret that in the presence of a woman a man often feels a fool. And this feeling is very lousy. The fear derivative fear is fear of family bonds. In my opinion here comments are superfluous.

Like a stupid. Dagestan man, with rare exceptions, a priori generous. Dubious quality for family budget and savings, exceptional luck for a girl who has views on a man. In addition, even a slight rumor between friends that the "magician of the joy" can completely destroy the reputation.

To be stupid.Probably it was necessary to start. After all, there is also a statement of fact (well, who is not afraid to be stupid - only a really stupid person) and the wish. That's nothing more shameful for a man than junning.