How best to make up the eyes. Bulging and large eyes. Learning how to paint eyes with shadows correctly

The eyes are considered the reflection of the soul, so they need constant care. Often women pay special attention to their eyes before any event - a corporate party, a date or going to a restaurant. And they are interested in how to paint eyes with shadows and a pencil at home.

According to stylists, making good eye makeup is not difficult - it takes no more than five minutes if you have the right cosmetics and professional advice at hand. There are very few recommendations.

  • Prepare your eyes. Apply concealer or corrective pencil. Such products eliminate dark circles and shade age spots.
  • Place a few drops of corrective cream under the eye and gently rub into the skin, moving towards the outer corner. Perform the procedure delicately, as the skin here is very delicate.
  • Apply an eye base to the eyelid, which will provide the shadows with durability and strength. Otherwise, the eyelid will begin to shine, and the shadows will roll into stripes.

Many women make makeup mistakes. I think you are not in danger, since you have already learned the rules for preparing the eyes. Next, I will take a closer look at the use of pencils, shadows and eyeliners.

If you are just starting to take care of your eyes or decide to change the approach to bringing your eyes in order, continue reading the article. She will delight you with a huge amount of useful information that will help make your eyes flawless.

We paint the eyes with a pencil

Applying a pencil is a universal makeup technique that is easy to learn. It helps to easily change the shape of the eyes and visually "open" the look. If you have not used a pencil before, it will be a little difficult at first.

Use a high-quality and sharpened cosmetic pencil. Fortunately, getting good cosmetics at an affordable price is not difficult. We are talking not only about a pencil, but also about powder, foundation and other means.

When choosing a pencil, be guided by the type of appearance, eye shade, hair color and other factors. Black pencil is universal. I propose to consider its use.

  1. Apply a base on the upper eyelid using shadows . The shade directly depends on the type of makeup. Correctly and beautifully make up your eyes with a pencil, if you slightly pull the skin of the eyelid to the end of the eyebrow. This simple technique will stretch the bumps and wrinkles that prevent the smooth application of cosmetics.
  2. Gently apply tiny dots to the eyelid along the eyelashes . Make sure that the intervals between the points are the same.
  3. Connect the dots one by one . I advise you to start from the inner corner of the eye. The correct connection of dots in a line will make the shape of the eyes attractive. The line can be slightly moved around the corner of the eye by making a thin tail.
  4. Lower eyelid work . To apply a pencil along the lower lash line, slightly pull the eyelid with your fingers. When painting over the lower eyelid, make sure that the line is even and thin, and at the outer corner it should rise slightly.
  5. Applying a pencil close to the inner corner of the eye is not worth it. . In this place are the tear ducts, which secrete fluid throughout the day. As a result, this will cause the pencil to blur.
  6. An additional thin line can be applied to the inner eyelid which will visually enlarge the eyes. Pull the eyelid as far as possible, otherwise you can only dream of a neat and even line. If you want to become more attractive, apply another dark pencil to the inner eyelid, and use a silver or white pencil to make a neat thick line.

Guided by step-by-step instructions, you can easily and without outside help make excellent eye makeup with a pencil.

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Men won't be able to take their eyes off your face. To do this, you still need to make a fashionable hairstyle and pay a little attention to other areas of the face.

We paint eyes with shadows - step by step instructions

The eyes are the most expressive part of the image. No wonder they say that they are able to bewitch. The main merit in this is a woman who, through makeup, emphasizes the dignity of the eyes and hides the flaws.

In this part of the article we will talk about the use of shadows at home. With the help of this cosmetic, they emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, correct the shortcomings of the shape and location. Use only high quality cosmetics. The result directly depends on this. Cosmetics should hold well, lie flat and not roll over time. Cheap shadows will not be able to provide this.

How to choose shadows

Buy eye shadow in several shades. The base is the shadows with which to paint the entire surface of the eyelid. When choosing a color, be guided by the type of appearance and eye color. Most often, the base is light.

Contrast - dark shadows that will correct the shape of the eyes and make them more expressive. Choose a color slightly darker than the base. They must fit into the color palette.

Cosmetic companies offer shadows in a wide range of colors and textures. I will review the most popular options to make your choice easier.

  • Dry shadows. Pressed or loose dry shadows are sold. Easy to apply and hold up great. A wide variety of colors of dry shadows provides ample opportunities in creating high-quality makeup.
  • Shadow pencil . Provides a moist effect and natural shine. They are poorly shaded and can be collected in the traces of the eyelids. Painting their eyes is a little more difficult.
  • liquid shadows. The most resistant variety. They dry quickly, so apply as quickly as possible. If you apply a lot, they will gather in the folds of the eyelids.
  • Shadow mousse. Appeared recently. They are distinguished by a dry, thick texture and enviable durability. With their help, they create the effect of a sparkling satin. Easy to apply. It is necessary to paint the eyes with this kind of shadows with your fingers, since the brush or applicator does not cope well with the task.

How to apply shadow correctly

Now consider the technique of applying shadows. I think this can be sorted out quickly. It will be possible to put your eyes in order if you listen to the recommendations.

  1. Apply Foundation . Cover the entire surface of the eyelid with shadows of a light shade. Color is recommended to choose, guided by the type of appearance and shade of the eyes.
  2. Apply contrast . Use shadows that are slightly darker than the base. Strive to match the colors. Apply makeup to the outer corner of the eye and blend until the middle of the eyelid, moving towards the inner corner.
  3. draw a path . Use the shadows that were applied for contrast. Using a thin applicator, draw a thin line along the contour of the eyelashes. The only exception is the inner corner of the eye, where to apply a drop of mother-of-pearl shadows.

Perhaps at first there will be difficulties, but over time, having gained experience and learned the secrets of female beauty, you can easily and quickly cope with the task.

Video tips

Even when you need to quickly leave the house, you will put yourself in order in a matter of minutes. As a result, you don’t have to blush in front of other people for a unkempt appearance.

How to paint eyes with eyeliner - a step-by-step manual

Women who want to look attractive have to go to different tricks. Not the last place in the list of tricks is makeup. Let's look at how to paint the eyes with eyeliner. If you strive to become fashionable and beautiful, knowledge will definitely come in handy.

Cosmetics manufacturers offer liquid eyeliner in various colors. It is applied with a thin brush with a pointed tip. Liquid makeup is more visible and sticks better than a pencil. With its help, it is easy to achieve the effect of fluffy eyelashes and expressive eyes.

Liquid eyeliner is sold in the form of felt-tip pens and applicators. Such cosmetics are perfect for ladies who use false eyelashes. It makes the look mysterious, seductive and deep.

  • It is better to paint eyes using eyeliner in front of a large mirror in a well-lit room in order to clearly see all movements.
  • Powder your eyelid before applying makeup. Tilt your head back a little, and pull your eyelid with your hand. It is recommended to draw a contour from the inside of the eyelid with a thin line towards the outer edge of the eyes.
  • During the procedure, the hands may tremble a little. To solve the problem, lean on the table or chest of drawers with your elbow. Only in this way will you make a clear and even line.
  • On the first try, you may not be able to draw a line. In this case, make up barely noticeable strokes above the eyelashes that you connect. To make the eye contour more expressive, draw a series of additional strokes along the outer edge.
  • Make up the inner contour almost imperceptibly. Open your eye completely after 10 seconds. Do the same with the second eye.

During the application of eye makeup, sloppy strokes and smudges are often obtained. To avoid this, first use eyeliner, then paint your eyelashes and apply shadow.

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To make the makeup dramatic, draw a neat outline along the edge of the lower eyelid. True, this kind of makeup is not suitable for all women, and liquid eyeliner for these purposes is not the best option. Only a high-quality pencil will provide a good effect.

How to make eyes look bigger

Not every woman boasts a large eye size, as in anime. With the help of cosmetics and the right makeup technique, small eyes can easily be enlarged and made more expressive.

Men are crazy about big female eyes. Modern makeup allows you to masterfully model female eyes.

In each case, an individual approach will be required. Let's discuss the general rules of eye makeup. Guided by general recommendations and using cosmetics in fashionable colors, through experimentation, you will choose the perfect eye look.

  1. Highlight eyebrows using a pencil or shadow . The main thing is that the color of the cosmetics matches the shade of the hair. Remember, eyebrows are an essential element of proper eye makeup.
  2. Draw a line under the eyebrows with light matte shadows and be sure to shade. Apply light shadows in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye. For daytime makeup, a matte texture is best suited. If you are going to make an evening outing into the fresh air, use shades with mother-of-pearl.
  3. Apply light shadows to the middle of the upper eyelid .
  4. Apply dark shadows to the outer corner of the eye diagonally . The starting point should be the middle of the upper eyelid. Move the applicator to the outer corner, touching the fixed eyelid.
  5. Draw a small line with dark shadows under the eye . Then blend everything thoroughly. Otherwise, pronounced transitions will spoil the makeup. It remains to open the eyelashes wide and cover them with high-quality mascara.

The instruction will help you learn how to paint your eyes at home correctly so that they appear larger.

I will draw your attention to tricks that will visually increase the size of the eyes. As a result, you will have at your disposal a formidable weapon focused on conquering men's hearts.

  • To make the look open and the eyes seem larger, paint the eyelashes from the base to the tips.
  • With the help of liquid eyeliner, you will not be able to enlarge the eyes. For these purposes, a pencil of natural color or shadow is suitable.
  • Make the main bet during the creation of makeup on the eyes. Choose a pale lipstick. Bright lipstick draws attention away from the eyes.
  • Line the inner eyelid with a white pencil. This will visually enlarge the eyes. A black pencil will visually reduce them. Don't forget about it.

Take care of your face at home, pay attention not only to the eyes, but also to other areas of the face. Only in this way will you bring the image to perfection.

Decorative cosmetics is the most powerful weapon through which women fight for beauty. With the help of make-up, they emphasize the merits of appearance, hide flaws, place accents, which allows you to transform beyond recognition.

Eye makeup plays an important role. And no wonder, because the eyes are the calling card of a person. The type of makeup directly depends on many factors, including appearance, clothing, color and shape of the eyes.

Any woman can look charming if she masters the rules for choosing cosmetics and learns the technique of doing makeup.

  1. When choosing the color of eye makeup, be guided by the spectral circle. Only contrasting shades will provide the perfect combination.
  2. Light makeup visually expands the eyes, and dark cosmetics provide the opposite effect.
  3. For pale skin, shadows and light-colored pencils are ideal. Dark-skinned women should use cosmetics in saturated colors.
  4. Gray makeup is in harmony with all eye colors. Therefore, it should be present in the arsenal of any lady.

The use of eye shadow in makeup can completely change the image of a woman. With their help, you can easily correct the shape of the eyes, visually changing their size, cut and even shade. There are many different ways to apply shadows - from simple to complex. Let's consider the main ones.

Preparatory stage

First, we clean the eyelids with any cosmetic product approved by ophthalmologists. Next, moisturize the skin. If possible, we use a special base for makeup, but it can be replaced with any light cream. Then we powder the eyelid and proceed to applying makeup.

Methods for applying shadows

Depending on what effect we want to achieve with the help of shadows, there are several techniques for applying them:

  • classical;
  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • "bird";
  • "banana".

classical technique

This basic technique is suitable for owners of almost any type of eye and allows you to hide the overhanging upper eyelid.

Application principle:

  • Shade the upper eyelid to the eyebrow with the lightest shade.
  • From the middle of the eyelid to the lash line, use darker shadows.
  • The outer corner of the eye is accentuated with the darkest color.
  • All colors are carefully blended to make a smooth transition.

Vertical technique

It is used to correct narrow eyes. In this case, the shadows are applied vertically.

Application principle:

  • Highlight the inner corner of the eye with white shadows.
  • Until the middle of the century, apply a slightly darker shade.
  • From the middle to the outer corner, paint over the main color that will most attract attention.
  • We put the darkest accent on the outer corner.

Horizontal technique

She is the most difficult to perform. Suitable for women with round eyes, visually stretching them wide. Shadows are applied horizontally, as if in stripes one above the other.

Application principle:

  • We subtly paint over the moving eyelid along the eyelashes with the darkest color, over which we blend the shade a little lighter to the crease.
  • We paint over the crease of the eyelid with the darkest shadows from the selected palette, and under the eyebrow we use the lightest color.

Technique "Bird"

It got its name due to the fact that the result of makeup resembles a checkmark placed at the outer corner of the eye. Its peculiarity is in the contrasting use of light and dark shadows without shading with a clear definition of color boundaries. Suitable for close-set eyes.

The principle of applying shadows:

  • We begin the application by highlighting the zone of the inner corner with the lightest shadows.
  • Further, until the middle of the eyelid, paint over with a more saturated, but not dark shade.
  • From the middle to the outer corner, use shadows even darker.
  • In conclusion, with the darkest color at the outer corner, draw a clear “tick”.

Technique "Banana"

Makes the eyes stand out. Depending on the chosen color scheme, it can be used both in the daytime and in the evening.

Application principle:

  • We start creating makeup from the center of the eyelid by drawing a light circle.
  • We paint over the inner and outer corners with slightly darker shadows.
  • Shade the crease of the eyelid and the outer corner in a dark color and draw a rounding with the most saturated shade, passing from the crease through the outer corner of the upper eyelid to the edge of the lower one.

Applying shadows only at first glance seems to be a complicated process. Each time you will get better and better, and the procedure itself will begin to take 5-10 minutes. The main thing is to choose the right color scheme so that the makeup always looks appropriate.

Every girl wants to look perfect. And not only on weekends, spending hours in a chair with a make-up artist and hairdresser, but every day. This requires preparation, but it is quite possible. One of the most difficult moments is how to make up your eyes beautifully. A girl's eyes are the mirror of her soul. Each girl is bright and beautiful in her soul. Therefore, eye makeup should be discussed in detail.

How to make up today

When choosing makeup, the same rules apply as when choosing jewelry. Do not overdo it, choose shades that are combined with each other, think over the whole image completely. Be sure to consider the features of your appearance and where you are going. After all, for example, a light daytime make-up will be lost at a party, and a dark evening make-up will be out of place in the office in the morning.

invisible makeup

The main task of makeup is to make a girl more beautiful. That is, it is beneficial to shade the advantages and make the disadvantages invisible. At the same time, it may not be noticeable at all.

Nude makeup does not create decorative accents. But, it will mask imperfections and fatigue:

  1. Even out skin tone with toner. Do not create too thick a layer of cream, this will make the makeup noticeable.
  2. On the lower eyelids, spread a couple of drops of concealer, slightly going beyond the borders of dark circles, if any.
  3. Powder your face.
  4. Paint your lashes a little. Touch the ends with a brush and comb them immediately.
  5. Add some skin tone shadows.

So you will make your eyes fresh and radiant and spend a couple of minutes on beautiful eye makeup.

Simple makeup for every day

If you are going to wear makeup during the day, then you will have to paint in bright sunlight. You can go to the window with a mirror, or equip a beauty corner on the balcony. So you can beautifully make up your eyes with shadows and will not worry about the appearance of your face.

There are other make-up rules that should not be forgotten:

  • Arrows are very popular now, but this is a component of evening makeup, during the day they are not very appropriate.
  • If you are striving for naturalness, try to line your eyes not with a pencil, but with dark shadows, using a thin brush.
  • Matte shadows make the eyes radiant and fit well on the skin. And they look much more advantageous than shiny ones.
  • If you do makeup before work, choose shades that suit your color type, and add black or gray to the corners.
  • In sunny weather, bright and bold colors look great. Choose a shade that best suits your eyes and add some color. Don't overdo it.
  • In bright light, heavily colored lashes create the appearance of a gloomy look.

Exquisite evening make-up

To create a beautiful holiday make-up, prepare:

  • Favorite shadows
  • Eyeliner. You can choose black or play with shades. But take delicate colors close to natural.
  • Ink. It is better to choose waterproof, it holds better.

The algorithm is very simple, but requires accuracy and training:

  • Apply base as usual.
  • Highlight the upper eyelids with a thick layer of shadows, a uniform wide stripe.
  • With a pencil, work out the entire contour of the eye.
  • Blend the pencil line with a brush.
  • Paint your eyelashes with mascara very thickly. After each layer, comb them with a clean brush and let dry.
  • Add some shimmery pearl shadows at the inner corners - at the base of the bridge of the nose.

Stylish "Smoky eyes"

Smokey ice is now very popular, so there is a huge selection of ready-made eyeshadow palettes for this type of makeup on sale. It remains only to choose a combination and apply, observing the laws of the genre. When choosing an eyeshadow color, choose shades that harmonize with each other, with the color of your eyes and with your clothes.

The basic rule of smokey ice is that shades should merge, creating the illusion of smoke. The colors must blend completely.

To get a real smokey, you need to follow a strict algorithm and correctly paint your eyes with shadows.

  1. Retouch the unevenness of the skin with corrector and concealer, apply tone.
  2. Do not ignore the base under the shadows. Cosmetics on it lays down better and crumbles less.
  3. Line your eyelids thickly with a pencil. Blend with a stiff brush.
  4. Paint over narrow triangles in the corners of the eyes with black shadows. Use a flat, thick brush and small driving motions. Draw a line along the edge of the eyelid with them. Blend.
  5. Apply the next, slightly lighter, shadows over the first ones so that they merge.
  6. Apply the lightest ones even higher.
  7. For beautiful almond-shaped eyes, arrange the colors so that the outer corners have more dark, and the inner ones are filled with a very light, well-blended shade.
  8. The base of the bridge of the nose can be emphasized with subtle, very light shadows, matte or pearlescent.
  9. The final touch - you need to make up your eyes with mascara correctly. Eyelashes should be completely dyed in several layers. Be sure to comb them, removing lumps. Ink is better to take black.

We paint the eyes, taking into account their shape

You can learn how to beautifully make up your eyes for a lifetime. Indeed, in the image of a woman, details are constantly changing, both fashion and ideas about the ideal appearance are changing, and all this must be taken into account.

But most importantly - eye makeup should match their shape. After all, each individual eye has its own rules.

  • For little ones: Shadows are applied to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid, from eyelashes to eyebrows. Shades should be chosen light, pastel. Darken the outer corners, and in the inner corners apply a very light, shimmering color. Carefully emphasize the upper eyelid with a thin pencil line or eyeliner, paint over the space between the eyelashes. Tint the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with white.
  • For large ones: Gently draw them with a thin line along the entire contour. Spread a moderately dark color over the entire eyelid. Apply mascara in one layer, its excess will catch your eye.
  • For too round: Make up the upper eyelids widely with light shadows, and darken the inside of the crease. With the same shadows, highlight the outer corners of the eyes. It is better to paint eyelashes with reinforcement to the outer corners, leaving the inner ones without mascara.
  • For those planted too deep: Do not get carried away with mascara and arrows. Use natural shadow colors. Lighten the inner corners with an approach to the bridge of the nose, apply darker colors to the outer corners, shade, achieving smooth transitions.
  • For too wide-set: Shade the wide area between the eyelashes and eyebrows. Paint the outer corners with the same shadows as the entire eyelid, or a little darker.
  • For close-set ones: Create a smooth transition from shimmery white at the bridge of the nose to darker outer edges. Draw the corners with a pencil. Eyelashes should be painted with reinforcement to the outer corners.
  • For swollen eyes: Treat the lower eyelids with concealer and do not paint with anything else. Use light shades without shimmer. Darken the crease of the upper eyelid. Draw small arrows, paint the upper eyelashes.
  • For eyes with overhanging eyelids: With light, non-shiny shadows, make up the upper eyelid at the eyelashes, darkening the color to the crease. Blend. Approximately two-thirds of the space from the eyelashes to the eyebrow should be painted.

Choosing shadows according to eye color

To highlight the eyes, you do not need to use wild shades of shadows. Choose colors that go well with your eye color. Makeup can even change it a little if you correctly make up your eyes with shadows of suitable shades.

  • For brown. Pink and orange look good on dark skin. Any brown eyes suit shades of purple, green, gray, as well as transitions from peach to brown.
  • For the greys. Shades of gray color will look best, you can shade them with black. The eyes will be more interesting, and their color is cleaner, if you choose shades of the same color, but a little more saturated.
  • For the greens. Shades of green can be played with eye color for beautiful effects. Properly selected purple enhances the brightness of the eyes. Blue, yellow colors look great in the original makeup.
  • For blue. Bright colors must be handled with care. Gray shadows emphasize blue eyes and look perfect in the morning and afternoon. Suitable silver and gold shades, purple, turquoise, and, of course, beige colors.

The main components of eye makeup

Everyone's eyes are very different, and makeup looks completely different on them. However, in order to beautifully make up your eyes, you need to know the universal rules and subtleties. And, of course, be able to use tools and cosmetics.

Learning to paint with shadows

This eye makeup looks best when the entire eyelid is painted, using different shades of shadows. At the same time, they can be located in different ways, but there are important rules on how to make up your eyes beautifully.

  • The shape of the eyebrows is brought to perfection, applying mother-of-pearl next to them, on a large area below - a little darker, the area near the eyelashes is painted even a little more saturated.
  • Before you make up your eyes with shadows, cleanse the skin and apply a primer.
  • The darkest shadows are always located at the outer corners of the eyes.
  • The inner corners must be made lighter than the outer ones.
  • Shadow transitions should always be smooth.
  • The lower eyelid is usually painted with the same colors as the upper one, but much less. Often only the light part of the palette is used.

In addition to the classic, there is a wet technique for applying shadows. The eyelids are treated with a primer base and powdered, and colored shadows are applied to them with a slightly damp brush. After that, the cosmetics must be allowed to dry so that nothing is smeared when blinking. So the shadows lay down in a denser layer and look much brighter.

If you don't know how to use facial concealer, then follow this link - to learn more about it.

To make your look even brighter, you can make a beautiful bun on your head. He will emphasize your image, give self-confidence.

You can make curls on your head, but for this you need to know which hair curler to choose. It has been written about.

To tell you how to properly paint your eyes with shadows, we have prepared a step-by-step instruction for beginners with photos and videos. It has everything you need - from tips on choosing the necessary brushes to the intricacies of dry and wet methods that all lovers of bright and spectacular makeup need to know. Get ready to memorize in order to demonstrate a stunning result later.

The basis of the basics: which shadows to choose

You have to choose between two types:


Light mousse consistency. The texture is good, but applying it is problematic. In addition, such a tool quickly rolls up on the delicate skin of the eyelids - from a bright uniform tone there will be one memory.


This is a universal option for those who like to experiment, combine different colors and even mix them, connecting close shades. If you apply them correctly, they will not crumble from the brush. To do this, shake off the excess before proceeding with the application. A more intense make-up will turn out if you use the wet method - we'll talk about it later.

Among the latter, they rightfully enjoy special popularity. They are surprisingly persistent, do not roll like cream counterparts, they can be used without fear - they will not cause irritation, since they are hypoallergenic and consist exclusively of natural ingredients.

Let's reveal the secret of their impeccability:

    They have a soft texture - they are practically not felt, weightless.

    They last all day - do not roll, do not crumble on the skin under the eyes and do not leave marks on the upper eyelid.

    They are distinguished by an amazing variety of shades - they can be matte, satin, mother-of-pearl, with a metallic effect, both pastel and muted, and saturated, bright.

    They do not harm the skin - not a single synthesized component in the composition is a great achievement in itself. This cosmetic is safe and does not cause allergic reactions.

    Preserve saturated colors given by nature itself - based on ultra-resistant coloring pigments of minerals - ocher, ultramarine, lapis lazuli, etc.

Plus, they're easy to mix and apply. But more on that later - after our advice.

    Is it worth it to equalize the tone

Some people think that before you start your eye makeup, you need to start by evening out the tone and applying the foundation. The answer is: if you use mineral shadows, this is not necessary. The tone is not put on the eyelids - they simply will not fall on it.

    The base is everything

A good primer will help the shadows stay steadfast and flawless throughout the day. We impose it on the skin of the eyelids, give it such a shade that we want to see in the end.

    Rescue beige

Beige is your lifesaver in any situation. Whether you are going to work or going on a date, he will always help you create a simple, but incredibly elegant and easy eye make-up. You can choose that range. which is closer to you: for dark-skinned women - with a peach tint, for those whose skin of the eyelids confuses with a bluish tint - with a slight yellowness. And if you look like a porcelain figurine, stop at pinkish-beige - this is a must-have for all pale beauties.

    Even tone under the eyes

This is also important. You can correct the area around the eyes with a concealer (we recommend mineral). Then you don't have to worry about dark circles that can spoil even the freshest face.

    O color, you are the world

The whole universe, to be exact. To choose the right shade, you will have to find out your color type. For winter girls, the ideal option is colder tones, without warm ones - in brown or chocolate tones. "Spring" can afford peach, coffee, soft green, and "Summer" - gray, lavender, soft golden. “Autumn” is more suitable for the color that will be combined with the shade of hair and skin - old gold, bronze, copper.

    Let's add some pearl

Some avoid it, but we are not one of them - we advise you not to be afraid and make your eyes shimmer. These can be applied to the inner corner of the eye - this way you can easily highlight it. Also their place is under the eyebrow itself. But on a moving eyelid, they turn into a makeup artist's nightmare - it's better not to risk it.

    Working with the form

If the eyelid droops, shadows of a calm shade will help in tandem with a dark tone, which should be applied to the crease between the upper and mobile eyelids. Are your eyes wide apart? It doesn't matter - make the outer corners darker without crossing the border - from the middle to the outer edge. Closely planted? It is also easy to fix - just shade a more saturated color towards the temples.

    Magic number 3

How to apply

    The applicator is not always convenient, but with ordinary compact shadows, it is he who is most often used. Minus - often of poor quality, not suitable for applying the product to larger areas.

    Professional brushes - with not too long pile. It should also not be too thick - this will make staining difficult. This is the perfect option for those who want to learn how to do the perfect eye makeup.

We paint eyes with shadows step by step

    First, cleanse the skin, remembering to moisturize it to achieve an even application in the future.

    The second stage is the application of the base. Then you can use concealer to hide dark circles under the eyes. Some makeup artists advise applying it after eye shadow as it can flake off. Use this tip if you want to get the perfect makeup.

    "Golden mean" place on the mobile age. We shade a calmer tone over it, saving bright colors for last.

    A dark color can be used to stain the crease between the mobile and upper eyelids. To do this, it is better to use a special brush - rounded, with a natural smooth pile.

Do not forget:

    Do not leave the borders clear and deliberate - be sure to carefully shade them so that the transition is smooth, not sharp.

    The most saturated shade can be applied not only to the outer corner, but also along the lash line.

    The tone accent always resembles the letter V lying on its side. This is the classic version.

How to apply eyeshadow wet

This technique can come in handy if you want to make the color more saturated and intense. The secret is that before applying the brush is wetted with water. Shading should be carried out immediately after the particles fall on the eyelid.

The bristle of the brush should be damp, but not wet - water can ruin even the highest quality decorative cosmetics.

To help you, photos and videos are given with a story about how to beautifully and correctly make up your eyes with shadows. Now you know how to make flawless makeup and keep it lasting throughout the day. It is enough to use mineral makeup - it does not irritate the skin and does not clog pores, leaving a feeling of a "mask". And the variety of shades allows you to choose exactly the tone that you need - lighter or darker for a spectacular accent. Change and do not forget about the rules of the perfect make-up.

In order to get a beautiful make-up, it is absolutely not necessary to contact professional makeup artists on this issue, it is quite possible to do it yourself, having the necessary cosmetics and at hand. So that you can cope with this task, let's figure out how to make up beautifully.

What should be considered before applying makeup?

To make your makeup look good, you should consider a few nuances. In particular:

  • What occasion are you doing makeup for? If you are preparing for an event: a banquet, a wedding, a party, make-up should be done in the evening, which allows the use of dark shades of shadows and eyeliner or lipstick. If you go to work or a business meeting, you need to get by with a light daytime makeup with light beige or brown shadows, as well as nude lipstick - this option will always be appropriate.

  • What is the condition of your skin. If you have a large number of rashes, redness, do not forget to use special corrective agents and dense textures of foundation creams in order to hide such imperfections, in this case, bright red lipstick should be discarded - it will focus on existing inflammation. If there are no problems with the skin, you can decide how you can make up, at your discretion. It is allowed to use bright colors of lipstick or shadows, as well as light textures of foundation.

  • What will you wear. Remember that makeup should be in harmony with your outfit.

You should also take into account the features of the shape of the lips, eyes, chin, choosing one or another makeup scheme. Remember that there are recommendations on how to do makeup for different types of faces, eye and lip shapes, which will help you hide existing flaws and emphasize your virtues. Be sure to study them and apply them so that your makeup looks beautiful.

Video: beautiful daytime makeup:

The main stages of creating makeup

It’s easy to figure out how to learn how to paint from scratch. To begin with, you should collect the main cosmetics, among which there will be: either a foundation base (girls with oily skin should use both of these products), powder, shadows (it is advisable to choose basic brown shades first), eye and lip pencils, mascara , means for eyebrows, lipstick. You need to gradually perform makeup with them as follows:

1. To begin with, it is worth cleansing the skin and applying a moisturizer to it. A few minutes after that, you can gently apply a tonal foundation with a brush, sponge or fingers, spreading it over the entire face. If you have problem areas of the skin, such as rashes or redness, as well as bruises, you need to apply a corrector to these areas.

3. The next step is eye makeup. You will need to gradually apply the shadows, blending them on the moving eyelid, apply liquid eyeliner, and then apply mascara.

5. The last step is to apply blush on the cheekbones, as well as veil powder. If you have rather oily skin, you should use a compact powder that gives full coverage.

Important: if you are making a bright make-up, you need to focus on the eyes or on the lips (but not on the eyes and lips at the same time). Let's take a closer look at how to do it right.

How beautiful to make up lips?

If you are going on a romantic date, you should focus on the makeup on the lips. Step by step they will need to be drawn like this:

1. First, apply a special one to your lips. It will ensure long-lasting make-up for the whole evening. Please note: you only need to use a special lip primer, face or eye make-up products will not work for you.

2. Take a contour pencil, carefully outline the contour of the lips. If you don't have a pencil that matches the shade of your chosen lipstick, you can take a thin lip brush, put some lipstick on it and draw the outline of it.

3. Using a brush, gently apply lipstick to lips.