How to grow nails at home with acrylic. How to build acrylic nails. Step-by-step description of building on the lower forms

Acrylic is the first material used to create artificial nails. Back in the 60s of the last century, a dentist, who had previously made dentures from acrylic, pleased his wife with artificial nails. Gradually, the material gained popularity. Unlike gel, acrylic nails do not require a UV lamp. This material cures perfectly in air in a few seconds.

Acrylic nail extension methods

Let's help you choose!

If you do not know what to choose for building - gel or acrylic - read in which we described in detail the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

There are several ways to work with the material. When choosing, you need to take into account the fact that this is a quickly hardening material. Therefore, the procedure must be performed quickly and it is advisable to practice several times before proceeding to the "control" attempt.

Acrylic extension techniques:

  1. On tips;
  1. On forms.

Nail extension on tips is a very fast way: you can get beautiful nails in less than an hour. The disadvantage is that you cannot make thin pointed claws. Of course, if you wish, you can try, but the process of cutting out tips will be long and painstaking. Most often, tips are used for wide nails of a square-oval shape.

When building on forms, you can get nails of absolutely any kind.

Forms for building are:

  1. Upper. The material is laid out on a recess inside the mold and then pressed against the treated nail.
  2. Lower. Small balls of acrylic are laid out with a brush, and a nail of the required shape and length is made.

The technique of laying acrylic with a brush on top of the mold is the most painstaking and time-consuming. If a beginner chose this method, then he will have to practice many times. An alternative is the upper forms. The technique is easier, the nails are smoother.

What you need for acrylic nails

After choosing the right technique, you need to study in detail,. Otherwise, there is a risk of acquiring unnecessary things or forgetting to buy something.

Necessary materials:

  1. acrylic powder
  2. Monomer (liquid)
  3. Disinfectant
  4. primer
  5. Glue for tips
  6. Brush cleaner
  7. Finish coat


  1. Special brush
  2. Nail files
  3. Forms or tips

It is more convenient for a beginner to purchase a ready-made kit with everything you need. Then there will be no such problems as the incompatibility of some materials or their shortage.

Important! There are contraindications:

  • Diabetes
  • fungal diseases
  • Herpes

It can also cause individual allergies. If there are such problems, then it is better to make a manicure with a safer material - gel.

Acrylic nail extension step by step video

You can get acquainted with various techniques for creating artificial nails and be inspired by the results of working with acrylic by professional nail artists and just amateurs by watching our photo and video tutorials.

Extension technique on tips

As already mentioned, applying acrylic to tips is the easiest and fastest technique. An experienced master needs 40 minutes to make a build-up. If you plan to make a pointed shape of the tip of the nail, then it is better to immediately purchase blanks of this type.

Video lesson:

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. As at the beginning of any other type of manicure, the hands of the master and client are first cleaned and disinfected.
  2. With a pusher or an orange stick, the nail plate is freed from the cuticle, and the pterygium (a film under the cuticle covering a small part of the nail) is also removed from the surface.
  3. A fine file removes the upper glossy coating. Movement should be without pressure, in one direction. The nail should be completely white.
  4. Given the bulge and width of the nails, tips are selected.
  5. Glue is applied to the inside of the tips and the prosthesis is pressed against the natural nail.
  6. The free edge is corrected.
  7. Tips are polished with a file to a white matte color, then dust particles are removed from the nail with a brush.
  8. Nails are degreased and treated with a primer.
  9. The brush is dipped in liquid, then dipped in acrylic powder.
  10. The ball is laid out in the center of the plate and a nail is formed with a brush.
  11. The surface is sawn to give the desired bend. Filing start from the sides, then adjust the top and tip.
  12. Buff removes small scratches; the surface is polished to a shine.
  13. Oil is applied to the cuticle and rubbed.

As you can see, the technique is simple. And after a few workouts, you can make beautiful nails on your own.

Important! For adhesion strength, a primer must be applied. Otherwise, the nails will not last long. When applying, make sure that the primer does not get on the skin.

Nail extension on the lower forms

Nail extension with acrylic in this way requires some skill and skill. It is convenient in that you can show all your imagination and make nails of any, even the most intricate shape.

Step by step description:

  1. Hands are cleaned with a disinfectant.
  2. The file removes the fatty layer from the surface of the natural nail.
  3. The nail plate is freed from skin formations and cuticles.
  4. The surface is lubricated with a primer.
  5. A form is put on the tip of the finger, then the necessary bend is given to it.
  6. The surface is re-treated with a primer.
  7. The brush is dipped in liquid, then in acrylic powder. The resulting ball is laid out on the form. In this case, a French is performed, so the ball is white.
  8. A white tip is being made.
  9. Again, the brush is dipped in liquid, and then in pink acrylic powder. The ball is distributed in the center, a joint is formed.
  10. Then the second pink ball, it needs to be smeared closer to the cuticle area. The surface is leveled with a brush.
  11. The third ball is applied to the stressed area, to strengthen the most vulnerable spot.
  12. After complete drying of the material, the molds are removed.
  13. The sides of the nail are ground, and then the tip is shaped.
  14. The surface is buffed to a glossy finish.
  15. Apply cuticle oil.

Tip: To make nail modeling easier, it is better to use less acrylic powder and more liquid with a brush. The thinner the consistency of the ball, the better and smoother the nail will be.

Important! The form must be placed under the nail so that it is completely under the corners. Otherwise, the nail will not last long and will break in this place.

Acrylic nail extensions on upper forms

Unlike the previous method, this technique is not as painstaking and takes much less time. In addition, the surface of the nail plate is more even and smooth. This method is ideal for beginners.

Step by step description of the technique:

  1. Hands are cleaned with a disinfectant.
  2. Similar to the previous methods, the surface of the nail plate is prepared for extension.
  3. The nail is degreased.
  4. Appropriate forms are selected.
  5. Inside the mold, 2-3 acrylic balls are distributed with a brush, depending on the desired length of the nails.
  6. The workpiece is pressed against the prepared nail, the excess material is squeezed out.
  7. You need to hold for 7 seconds, then the nail is shaped from the inside with a brush.
  8. After complete polymerization of acrylic, the form is removed.
  9. With the help of a file, the free edge is processed.
  10. Oil is applied to the cuticle.

Important! Forms for top building and tips are completely different devices, do not confuse them. Our material will stick tightly to the tips, it easily lags behind the forms. Forms are reusable, but tips are not.

Upper forms can be combined with tips when performing a jacket. To do this, the tips are glued to the natural nail, then the extension is made according to the above technology.

How to make a jacket using the upper forms:

Artificial manicure is the most unpretentious, it is enough to correct the regrown part once every few weeks and remove the cuticle once every two weeks and, if desired, cut off the excess length. But you should be aware that acrylic has a specific smell, so you need to build in a ventilated area and always away from children.

Acrylic nail extension has become an integral part of the life of the vast majority of the fair sex. For various reasons, many of us do not visit salons, so it is important to know how to carry out this procedure yourself at home. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this, you just need to follow all the rules, and over time, both practice and experience come by themselves.

What you need for acrylic nails

In fact, the choice of materials needed for building is very large. It is worth saying that it is better to choose the products of one manufacturer, since their compatibility with each other will be maximum, and thanks to this, the manicure will last much longer.

List of funds needed for the work:

  1. Nail file of medium hardness, buff.
  2. Depending on your preferences, shapes or tips.
  3. Acrylic Powder. It can be chosen transparent or different shades of beige.
  4. Liquid monomer, called liquid, which is best chosen by the same company as the powder.
  5. Primer. Needed in order to treat the nail before applying a layer of acrylic.
  6. Acrylic brushes. It is better to stock up on options with different sizes, because a small one will be inconvenient to apply on the thumbs, and vice versa. You also need a large brush to remove dust after sawing off a smooth layer.
  7. Two glass containers into which the liquid will be poured.
  8. Finishing gel polish. It is necessary to complete the extension procedure.

Tip: Choose brushes with natural bristles as they are even, smooth and absorb liquid well. This will ensure comfortable application and achieve maximum results.

Advantages of the method

Acrylic extensions have a lot of advantages. The most obvious ones are:

  • due to the composition of the coating, acrylic nails have a rather high strength: they are difficult to break, so with such a manicure you can safely do household chores and perform other active actions;
  • in case of any damage, they are easy to fix: you do not need to perform a new extension from scratch, it is enough to add a broken piece using the form;
  • Acrylic nails have good elasticity, which makes them look like natural ones. Also, they do not have a deforming effect on their own nail plate;
  • one of the main advantages is the ease of removal: it is enough to hold the nails in a special tool, and they will soften.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners to build at home

Before you start building acrylic at home, you should consider this process step by step. The instruction will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced craftsmen, to make sure that every time they did everything correctly or just to repeat the information once again.

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On forms

Acrylic extensions on forms are well suited for those girls who have at least small nails of their own. This is necessary so that the free edge protrudes a little, because it is under it that the form will be glued. If the nail is too long, it should be trimmed or filed, otherwise the extension procedure becomes more complicated. With the help of forms, the manicure turns out to be more natural, since this method involves an individual selection of the form for each finger. It is only worth noting that to carry out this procedure, you need to have at least minimal experience and skills, otherwise you risk not getting the result you expected. But no one bothers to resort to the help of relatives and friends.

  1. The first thing to do is wash your hands with soap and then disinfect with a special spray. It is necessary to remove the cuticle and remove the burrs. Then the nail plates are polished until the shine on them disappears. But note that this must be done with extreme caution so as not to cut off too much of the layer. Next, the forms themselves are glued under the nails, which can be made of various materials: plastic, metal or paper.
  2. The next step is to apply a degreaser, and after it dries, a primer. Next, the nail itself is modeled: the product is applied with a brush in small strokes. Movement should be directed from the cuticle to the edge. Please note that the layer of acrylic gel should be thicker in place of the natural nail, and thinner on the plate itself.
  3. Each layer dries in about 4-5 minutes. It is recommended to perform at least 4 applications in order to form a nail of sufficient strength. It depends not only on the thickness of natural nails, but also on the quality of the gel used. Once all layers are dry, you can start filing and grinding. You can apply powder that has a color in order to create a jacket. Next, a transparent gel polish is applied and dried in a lamp.

Acrylic nail extensions are done. If desired, you can apply colored gel polish and do a manicure.

According to the same principle, weakened and thin nails are strengthened. At home, you can carry out such a procedure by doing the same steps, only without forms. Natural nails will thus become denser and stronger, will break less and spoil the manicure.

Carrying out work on video

For tips

Tips are plastic templates that are glued to the edge of the nail, thereby creating a surface for applying acrylic. They are different in the presence of a contact zone, in shape and in color. Tips have three parts: the free edge, which is usually the thinnest, forming a tip and a recessed space that overlaps the nail itself. It is important to choose exactly those templates that are suitable for your type of nail, otherwise the procedure will not work.

So, let's consider the process of building up step by step:

  1. Before starting the procedure, you must disinfect your hands with an antiseptic spray. This is necessary in order to protect yourself from various infections caused by bacteria and fungi. Next, the cuticle is softened with an emollient or bath and removed with an orange stick. The nail plate is degreased.
  2. A nail file forms the free edge of a natural nail. Keep in mind that it should not protrude much, 1-2 mm will be enough. The nail plate is polished until it becomes matte. This must be done with extreme caution so as not to cause damage. The resulting dust is shaken off with a large brush.
  3. The most crucial stage is the choice of tips. There is a rule that their width must be the same as in the central part of the nail. Also make sure that the shape of the free edge matches the notch on the plastic template. Tips must necessarily overlap the nail plates from one corner to another. After choosing the best option, they are glued to the nails. The fixing agent is applied to the reverse side of the template. Then it is slowly applied and firmly pressed against the plate at an angle of 45 °. After 15-20 seconds, the tips are already firmly attached. If there are adhesive residues, they are removed with a lint-free cloth.
  4. With the help of a tip cutter, the desired length is formed. You need to trim the templates with a small margin, because when filing they will shorten a little more.
  5. The nail file is given the desired shape. The edge of the transition of the template into the natural nail must be carefully cut off so that it is not noticeable that the tips have been glued. There should be no gaps when running your finger across the plate. The nail is smeared with a primer, which evaporates after a few minutes. After this step, you can proceed to the next one.
  6. Acrylic is carefully applied with a brush. Layers must be done at least 4. After the plate reaches sufficient strength, a final gel polish is applied and dried in a UV lamp. The sticky layer is removed with napkins.

Thus, nail extension on tips is performed at home.

Video instruction

Which is better: gel or acrylic

Recently, there has been more and more controversy about the harm of acrylic coating. There is a myth that its composition, unlike gel, harms the nail plate. In fact, this is not true, since they are the same in effect.
Many people choose an acrylic coating because it is easier to apply because the gel tends to spread. In its consistency, it is similar to ordinary varnish, which is sometimes not very good for forming a thick plate, since you have to do too many layers. Also, for its hardening, a catalyst is needed - the light of an ultraviolet lamp. The main advantage of gels is the absence of any smell.
Acrylic is a powder that is mixed with liquid and monomer, as a result of which it turns into a viscous, thick mass. It dries quickly in the air, it does not need special tools to harden. But this adds inconvenience to the application: you need to work with it quickly. Acrylic has a strong enough, not for everyone, pleasant smell.
Everyone will be able to answer the question which is better on their own, since everything is determined purely by the convenience of working with one or another tool.

Photo gallery: choose a design

The requirements for the appearance of a modern woman who wants to play a leading role in life are quite high. Manicure has become one of the most important components of a fashionable image today. To make the nails look perfect, they are modeled with the help of special synthetic products. Now it is possible to purchase the necessary substances and tools, and then make acrylic nails at home.

The history of the emergence of nail modeling technology

Even in medieval China, the shape of nails was corrected with silk and varnish. In Europe, nails were modeled in similar ways in the nineteenth century. Even then, we thought about how to build up nails and make them more beautiful.

For the first time, acrylic was used to correct the nail plate in the middle of the last century. Then, in order to repair the nail, dental material was used for the first time. This compound was highly toxic. The shape of the nails that could be obtained with its help was far from ideal.

Modern compositions for modeling nails no longer cause such harm to the health of the master and client. And nails that have grown with acrylic are durable and elastic.

Preparation for the nail extension procedure

What do you need to have on hand for nail extensions?

List of materials and tools:

How to behave so that the nails that have grown with acrylic last longer?

What you need to know for those who decide to build acrylic nails?

Types of nail modeling

On tips

This extension option is suitable for those who would like to do without gel and acrylic. Tips are plastic linings in the form of nails. They are glued with a special compound to the natural nail. Then the tips are given the desired shape. A suitable material overlaps the natural nail with tips. This is followed by polymerization. Finally, the artificial nail is filed and polished.

This option is the easiest to perform and does not have the disadvantage of an unpleasant odor. Therefore, even children over 12 years old can grow nails in this way.

On forms

Here, paper or plastic templates are used for building. They are called forms. The template is applied to the nail or under its free edge. A composition is laid out on it that builds up the nail. The form is removed after polymerization. Then the artificial nail is polished.

on the top forms.

This is the most popular way to perform at home. It is simple and does not require special skills and experience. The whole process won't take long.

Step-by-step instruction for modeling nails on the upper forms:

If you want to study the rules of nail extension in more detail, you can watch the video that is presented at the end of this article.

How to remove artificial nails from acrylic?

You can remove acrylic from nails not only in the salon, but also on your own.

After removing artificial nails, you need to pay attention to caring for your natural ones. There are special vitamin pastes that are rubbed into the nails. You can do salt baths for them.

This substance is a special synthetic fiber produced by synthesizing and mixing acrylic and methacrylic acids. Acrylic is used in various fields, including the production of toys, bed linen, decor elements. This material does not cause allergies. In addition, it quickly dissolves under the influence of special liquid liquids. All this has allowed acrylic to become an important component in the field of beauty.

Acrylic nails, first of all, are distinguished by their unsurpassed strength, therefore even women, whom nature has already awarded with outstanding natural nails, tend to install them. Acrylic well resists the effects of various negative conditions and environments, is quickly applied and removed. The extension will be inexpensive, and a huge number of design options for manicure will allow you to stay at the peak of modern fashion.

Multi-colored acrylic nails are very popular.

So, acrylic nails allow you to safely perform any household and work chores without worrying about your beautiful manicure. This is a good option for all owners of an overly miniature nail bed that does not allow you to create natural nail art. At the same time, with acrylic, you can easily correct any shortcomings of your own nails, and after building up, you can forget about daily filing and tinting for a long time.

However, this type of extension has certain disadvantages:

  • persistent specific smell of artificial acrylic nails;
  • the need for periodic removal of acrylic to ensure the normal growth and health of natural nails;
  • difficulties in applying varnish on acrylic nails and removing it;
  • frequent correction as natural nails grow.

Otherwise, with proper care, the tips with acrylic deliver exceptionally positive emotions to their owners, especially since you can independently come up with a different design for them, constantly experimenting with your image, trying out unique colors, shapes and all sorts of novelties.

What is needed for acrylic building

The procedure is performed in the salon, and it must be done according to the instructions by an experienced master who has completed special courses and has the appropriate certificate. Depending on the shape and design of the selected sample, modeling and building up can take from one to several hours. If desired, you can perform the procedure at home, independently passing the courses of the master. In addition, you will need a special set of items with which professional modeling of artificial acrylic nails is performed. This includes:

  • acrylic Powder;
  • liquid solution;
  • a set of files of grinding and polishing type;
  • manicure brushes for applying acrylic on the nail plate and creating drawings;
  • liquid for removing nails and washing brushes.
  • dihydrate for degreasing natural nails;
  • primer for connecting acrylic with nails and strengthening them;
  • paper molds or tips;
  • cuticle oil.

Also, when modeling, one cannot do without glue, forceps and scissors, with the help of which artificial plates are attached to the nails.

The big advantage of contacting a professional nail artist is that he will recommend the most trendy nail designs.

Acrylic extension on tips

Tips are an artificially formed nail plate attached to the nail, which is the basis of extension technology. It is important to choose the tips correctly: they should slightly compress the native nail plates, and also completely cover them in width. Normal-shaped nails are suitable for classic tips, while tips of special shapes are combined with convex plates.

During and after the extension procedure, it is important to monitor the body's reaction to the components used.

After selecting the materials, the master proceeds to the processing of the nails: cuts off their excess length and cuts off the outer layer with a buff. The cuticle is also gently shifted, and its thin ptegyrium layer, which remains on the nails during their growth, is cleaned. This step should be taken with all seriousness, as improper processing of the ptegyrium can lead to early replacement of acrylic nails. Next, liquid and cleansing liquid for the brush are poured into separate containers.

Acrylic building requires good ventilation and compliance with sanitary standards. The substances used must be kept away from the eyes and respiratory organs.

The stage of gluing tips begins. Glue is applied to them, as well as to the nail plates, after which the products are applied to the surface at an angle of 45 degrees and carefully glued with a gradual inclination towards the middle of the nail. After gluing, the tips are trimmed with a tips cutter. It is also necessary to go over each nail with a buff to ensure optimal adhesion to the material. Finally, the nails are covered with a primer and dry for a few minutes.

Now comes the stage of applying acrylic. A small drop of liquid is applied with a brush to the nail and smoothed over the surface to create a suitable shape. After that, the nails must be dried. The protruding ends are cut off, and the nails are polished with a buff. Then you can proceed to varnishing and forming the desired design.

Acrylic extensions on molds

This procedure consists in the use of special forms. Most often they are made of rigid paper, but in some cases foil, plastic and even metal are used. When compared with building on tips, forms have their advantages. For example, they are more suitable for application if the nails are irregularly shaped, too short or severely damaged. If you build up with tips, in such cases the appearance of bubbles will be inevitable.

The extension process is in many ways similar to the procedure for gluing tips. After processing the nails, the gloss is removed. A uniform is put on each, after which the nails are treated with a primer. Next, the surface is covered with a small amount of acrylic, and nails of a suitable length are formed. With the help of a file, the final look is created. After drying and polishing, the procedure is considered complete.

It is important not to forget about the correction of nails, which is required a few weeks after extension, depending on the growth rate of natural plates. The procedure is carried out on the basis of the same means and tools as the extension itself. The master erases the varnish, pushes back the cuticle, processes the ptegyrium and degreases the nails. Excess length and thickness are cut. A primer is applied to natural plates, after which a standard step-by-step extension is performed.

The process of removing acrylic nails has a slightly different step-by-step sequence. After removing the old varnish and trimming the nail, the acrylic layer is removed. The first way to clean the surface is to soak the nails in a special solution. The second involves applying this solution to a cotton pad, applying it to the nail and holding it for 20 minutes. The client is free to decide what is more convenient for him. After the acrylic has reached the right degree of softness, it is easily scraped off with an orange stick. Next, the nails are polished with a buff, and in a few minutes their usual natural appearance is restored.

Before you learn how to build acrylic nails, it will not be superfluous to figure out what kind of material it is and what its features are.

Initially, such a thermoplastic polymer was used in dentistry, so its smell is familiar to almost everyone.

Due to its components and structure, acrylic is very plastic, hygienic, resistant to various loads and mechanical stress.

The main components of the material are acrylic powder (it is called a polymer) and a liquid acrylic composition (it is called a monomer).

The extension of artificial nails involves the combination of a polymer and special catalysts, as a result of which a soft mass is obtained, which is very plastic and hardens in a short time. After that, the base can be shaped, sanded, coated on top and painted on extended nails.

In order for the extended nails to turn out beautiful, it is necessary to strictly follow certain recommendations and perform the work sequentially, stage by stage.

How to build acrylic nails step by step:

First of all, the master removes the natural gloss with a nail file, after which the nail plates must be dried and degreased. For this purpose, a dehydrator is used.

In order for the artificial material to securely connect to the nail plate, it is necessary to use a primer, which is a primer. Recently, acid-free primers have been mainly used in salons, which give the effect of a reliable coupling and are also safer.

At the next stage, the master forms the so-called ball, combining acrylic powder with a monomer for this. It is very important for this to use only high-quality and proven materials that will not harm health.

It is worth noting

It should be borne in mind that the use of a large amount of monomer can cause various allergic reactions, so the master must be able to correctly pick up a ball from the material.

Powders for work can be used transparent or colored. When using transparent powders, the ball is more liquid, since the monomer and powder are used in a 2: 1 ratio. When using colored powders, the ball turns out to be drier, since two parts of the powders and one part of the monomer are taken for this.

When the structure is formed, the workpiece is filed, and the desired shape is given to the free edge. If you use the services of a professional master, he will spend only a minute on filing each nail. In order not to damage or scratch the surface of the artificial nail, they are filed with special nail files of 180 grit.

To give a glossy sheen, the surface is ground and polished.

To remove stickiness from the skin, before the client washes his hands, the master lubricates the cuticles and the skin around the nails with oil.

Properly extended acrylic nails, in addition to looking beautiful and immediately making your hands neat and well-groomed, have a number of advantages:

  • Unlike gel nails, acrylic nails are more durable and easier to fix.
  • They are easy to remove, for this it is enough to use a special liquid.
  • It is not necessary to use a UV lamp for drying.
  • Unlike gel nails, acrylic nails are thinner and therefore look more natural.

Acrylic nail extension technology at home: secrets and recommendations

Acrylic nail extension technology is constantly being improved, so that today the extension process is harmless.

This procedure can be done at home.

To simplify your work, you can purchase a special acrylic set for nail extension.

To perform the procedure at home you will need:

  • transparent or colored acrylic powder and monomer;
  • a primer that securely fastens the artificial material to the nail plate;
  • liquid that cleans and dries the surface of the nails;
  • a little solvent for acrylic (you can also wash brushes in it);
  • brushes, nail files, as well as tools for grinding and polishing;
  • tips, as well as tools for shortening them;
  • glue for fixing tips;
  • prep and primer.

It is worth noting

The easiest way is to build up your own nails on tips or forms. The first method is simpler and also takes less time. In addition, those who have sensitive cuticles should also give preference to this method.

There is also another option for improving your nails with acrylic - a simple coating. The acrylic nail extension technique in this way is suitable for owners of good nails of their own, since they can be lengthened due to the coating. Many girls prefer to perform summer extended nails in this way, since many different nail art options can be performed on long nails.

For a simple coating, acrylic should be applied to the nail plate and carefully filed down the places where it comes into contact with the natural nail. If this is not done, over time, the junctions will look sloppy. When choosing this coverage option, a correction should be carried out every three weeks. During the correction, it is necessary to cut down the length and half the width of the coating, and then apply a new layer. To prevent the nails from breaking, the coating on the free end and cuticle should be thicker than in the middle.

Independent acrylic nail extension: step by step instructions

How to build acrylic nails at home?

In fact, it is not very difficult, such a process consists of several stages.

Perhaps at first you will have some difficulties, but with each subsequent time the result will be better and better.

So, step by step instructions for acrylic nails:

  • At the first stage thoroughly clean the skin of the hands and treat it with a disinfectant. After that, remove the remnants of the old nail art, sand the nail plates and carefully remove the dust.
  • At the second stage take care of the cuticle, which must be pushed back with a nail file or a special wooden spatula.
  • At the third stage a form is put on the finger, and the finger itself is bent. The form should be located exactly under the corners of the nail plate, otherwise the nail may break or crack. When fixing the form, press it firmly and connect the ends (you do not need to close them, as this will make the nail irregularly shaped).
  • At the fourth stage prep should be applied to the nail plate, and after it the primer and wait for them to dry. Apply the products carefully so that they do not get on the skin.
  • At the fifth stage the formed white acrylic ball is applied to the mold and distributed over it. In addition, you need to form a smile line (for this, the brush is wetted in liquid).
  • In the next sixth step Apply a pink acrylic bead to the natural nail. This should be done so that the white and pink colors intersect a little. A pink ball is also applied to the cuticle area. Try to apply the material carefully so that the surface is even. In this case, filing will be much easier.
  • At the seventh stage, after the acrylic has dried, the form can be removed, and the surface of the artificial nail can be leveled. To do this, first, the side surfaces are ground with a coarse-grained nail file, after which the free end is processed. At the end, you can grind the surface with a fine-grained file. This is done starting from the cuticle towards the sides. In this case, the nail file is directed from top to bottom.
  • At the eighth stage cuticle oil is applied, which is distributed over the entire surface. After grinding is carried out, eliminating the scratches left from the nail file. As a result of the final grinding, the surface should become smooth and shiny.
  • At the ninth stage a layer of clear lacquer is applied.

At home, you can also perform extensions on the upper forms. To do this, the hands are first treated with an antiseptic, and after the nails have dried, the cuticle is removed. Then an antiseptic is applied to the nails, and the forms suitable for your nails are selected. Next, the prep is carefully applied, and after it - the primer. An acrylic ball is also placed in the center of the nail plate and evenly distributed over the surface. After that, the form is pinned to the nail and pressed a little. When the material becomes solid, the form can be removed and with the help of a nail file, give the nails the desired look. And don't forget the cuticle oil!

How to properly build acrylic nails on tips

To grow nails on tips on your own, you first need to choose tips that are suitable in size and file them from above with a coarse-grained nail file. The place that will be in contact with your nail must also be filed. Then disinfect your hands, remove the cuticle and treat the nail plates with a disinfectant.

Apply prep to the tips, after which you can glue the tips using a special glue for this. The length of the nails in this case can be any, since the tips can be easily trimmed. To make the border of the nail and tips invisible, you can cut it off or apply a special liquid to it. The further process is similar to building on forms.