How to recalculate pension working. Terms of appointment and calculation of size for various laws. Latest News and Fresh Changes in Pension Provision

What is the procedure for indexing pension payments provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation? What will happen to indexing pensions for working pensioners in 2018? Indexing or recalculation of pension: What is more profitable?

Pension working retirees in 2018:

will there be a pension

At the moment, in connection with the instability of the economic situation, the level of negative impact on the income of the population increases inflation increases. The annual recalculation of pensions makes it possible to reduce the influence of inflation on the level of welfare of citizens of the retirement age. Annual indexing pensions It is aimed at stabilizing the income of the elderly citizens, the preservation of their purchasing power. It is expressed in the form of an increase in monthly payments of labor pension percentage of their total amount.

The procedure for conducting indexation of pensions

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides the following the procedure for indexing pension payments:

  • With a sharp increase in the average price level, more than 6% is carried out quarterly - 4 recalculation per year.
  • With a significant, but not such rapid price increases, more than 6% are also held every six months. Often, in the first days of February and August.
  • If the price increase does not exceed 6%, one recalculation of pension payments in the first days of February is carried out.

In 2018, it was decided to change the procedure for indexing pensions - Now the first interest rate will be produced on January 1, which will allow to get a new amount of pension payments at the very beginning of the year.

Increasing the labor pension, both the insurance part, and the accumulative, possibly only when recalculating, which is executed in the declarative or in progressive form.

When indexing, it is most often not required to provide a special application, a change in the monthly payment is carried out in accordance with the legislative acts currently operating at that time and the order of the Pension Fund.

Latest news on the cancellation of indexation of pensions

working retirees in 2018

In a recent statement by the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov, it was agreed that raising pensions working retirees in 2018 Due to the indexation of monthly payments is not provided. Such a policy is determined aimed at maintaining primarily persons who do not have an additional source of earnings in addition to paying the Pension Fund. At the same time, citizens of the retirement age, continuing to increase their work experience, are deprived of the following interest in indexation:

  • From January 1, 2018, pension payments to non-working citizens of retirement age were increased by 3.7%.
  • From April 1, 2018, an increase of 4.1% is predicted.

A low price percent of the growth of pension insurance payments is associated with a low inflation rate over the past year. According to statistical studies, its average value in 2017 was equated with 3% and in the current will be a little more than 4%.

According to the latest news, except indexing, the government provides an increase in the price of the Pension Bala - in 2018 it must be equated with 81.49 rubles. For working retirees in 2018 it is planned to accrue the scores of the employment experience - maximum 3, the total cost will be 244, 47 rubles. There is some minor increase in cost - recalculation of retirement on August 1, 2017 provided for the price of three points in the amount of 235,74 rubles.

The head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov stressed that in 2018 the general widespread increase in wages will be implemented, "the increase will be higher than inflation." Based on this information, we can conclude that not accrual indexation pensions working pensioners It can be replenished with a general increase in wages. According to official information on salaries in 2018, it is planned to increase for employees of the budget sphere within 23%. On average, there will be an increase in payments to employees of other spheres by 4.1% of 2017 levels.

Cancellation of indexation for working pensioners in 2018

Bill Oboy cancellation of indexing pension payments Employed pensioners it was proposed and implemented by the "pension reform" together with a number of others in early 2016, which was associated with the difficult situation of the country's economy. It should be noted that all restrictions on the accrual of percent of working retirees concern only the insurance provision. For persons who receive pensions from the state or social recalculation of interest is mandatory.

At the moment it becomes clear that indexing pensions working retirees in 2018 It remains in the same long-term freezing, in which it was introduced in 2015. The question will be the renewal of interest accrual on pensions it is planned to re-discuss the government again only when the budget is revised for 2020. Until this time, the resumption of accruals is unlikely.

It should be noted that all restrictions are valid only at the time of the employment contract. Pension recalculation, taking into account accumulated points and interest in indexation, it will be possible to dismissal from the place of work. Recalculation is carried out within three months from the moment of the completion of employment without prior applying and is issued on the documentation transferred to the employer to the insurance fund.

Recalculation of retirement August 1, 2018

Accrued pensions from August 1 For employed retirement agers, the system of points introduced in the Russian Federation in the 2015th year will be held. It provides for the accrual of monthly payments individually. So, the bonuses are assigned to the experience, a certain kind of driving, service in the army, decree on the birth of a child, care for the disabled person of the 1st group, etc.

In 2018, all pensioners employed will receive a fixed monthly allowance for the year of employment - within three points. Their quantity will depend on the volume and frequency of the corresponding payments of their employers to the Pension Fund.

In the present year, the cost of one pension ball is 81.49 rubles, it will be equal to the minimum prigaqa. The maximum will not exceed the 3rd length of the experience and will be within 244.47 rubles.

Indexation or recalculation of pensions : What is more profitable?

If the interest accrual is carried out by the state periodically and, accordingly, the current level of inflation, then we can talk about their significantly greater benefit. This is primarily due to the fact that in this case the payments are carried out by the Pension Fund, do not depend on the employer who accrue payments for recalculation, from the relation "White" and "black" wages. In addition, the indexation is charged annually not fixed periodic payments, and interest to the total pension monthly payout, which makes it possible to increase the amount of charges in the future.

For example Calculation It can be clearly to see how different payments on indexing and recalculation are different. So, if a citizen has a pension of 8,000 rubles, indexing for January (3.7%) and April (4.1%) of 2018 will generally be equal to 636 rubles (296 + 340 rubles, respectively). The preparation of the monthly increases on the accrued recalculation points (245 rubles) will not cover the cost of interest, but will be less than half of its amount.

It is easy to imagine the above example, how much will be the benefit from annual indexations from the benefit of the balloral recalculation with increasing pension to levels of 15,000 or 20,000 rubles. At a pension in 20,000, the percentage of indexation for 2018 will be about 850 rubles, which will be incomparable above the maximum amount of payments to recalculate and will exceed them more than three times.


Thus, summarizing all this, you can draw the following conclusions about the situation with the indexation of pension payments for working pensioners:

  • Indexation is aimed at improving the financial position of the population of the retirement age. It is held annually and is one of the methods of combating inflation associated with the difficult economic situation in the country.

With the continuation of labor activity, pensioners receive not only pension payments, but also wages. At the same time, the amount of pension contributions is slightly lower than in ordinary pensioners. But after dismissal, the pension increases through the recalculation, which is produced for the entire period of work. About how the recalculation of payments is made, in more detail in this material.

Indexing procedure after dismissal

Before determining the procedure for indexing among dismissed pensioners, it is worth determining who are such working retirees? Find out right now:

  • Citizens older than 55 (women) and 60 years old (men) that continue their career activities.
  • Persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities.
  • Lawyers, notaries.
  • Tutors (with the official design of activities).

According to the law, working citizens cannot claim the annual February recalculation of pension deductions (until 2019). But after the cessation of labor activity, the FIU (Pension Fund) produces automatic recalculation of pension payments for the entire period of operation.

In addition, points and pension coefficients are accrued to the retirement account, the volume of which depends on the amount of insurance premiums. Thus, after dismissal, all the additions, recalculations and missed indexes are taken into account.

Earlier, a citizen was supposed to visit the FIU after dismissal for the recalculation of payments. In 2017, the employer independently submits a new reporting form on workers and dismissed retirees. It is according to this information that the FIU defines the status of a valid pensioner (working or unemployed). Consequently, the citizen does not need to visit the FIU after dismissal.

If errors are detected in the reporting provided, recalculation is made with extra charges as a non-working pensioner.

Terms of recalculation

After submitting reports on the dismissal of a citizen of the retirement age, recalculation is made within 3 months and more.

Let's give a visual example.

A citizen quit in July 2017. The process will be as follows:

  • August - the FIU comes in information that the employee is still workers.
  • September - information comes to the Foundation that a working pensioner ceased to work.
  • October - Employees of the FIU decide on the recalculation of pension payments.
  • November - the actual allowance for pension deductions. At the same time, the allowance will be taken into account only from November. Consequently, the FIU does not compensate for the amount for 3 months of expectations of recalculation.

Calculation of indexation

After dismissal, the amount of indexation and premium depends on the following indicators:

  • the amount of insurance premiums from the employer;
  • period of labor activity when retirement age achievement;
  • pension points;
  • personal coefficient.

In addition to the main recalculation, working citizens of the retirement age are entitled to claim indexation of pension payments in August of the current year. The recalculation is made by the PFR department at the expense of the employer's insurance deductions. This recalculation is negatative.


All questions on indexing pension payments are governed by the following laws:

  • Federal Law No. 385 (hereinafter refasses) dated December 29, 2015;
  • FZ-400 dated December 28, 2013;
  • FZ- 27 dated 04/01/1996.

Stock foot

In conclusion, I would like to note that more than 14 million retirement citizens continue to work actively after registration of pension payments. The main reason is the low level of pension payments. In addition, citizens working are deprived of the possibilities of indexing until 2019. But the authorities have developed a law, in accordance with which working pensioners have the right to claim recalculation of pension payments after dismissal. On the peculiarities of the recalculation of pension deductions after dismissal, read more in this material.

Since 2015, the retirement began to count on the new formula. But the other is much more important: to obtain the right to it requires not less than 30 pension points. This condition, first of all, hurts the rights of young: those who have a little work experience. Consider several examples of calculating the individual coefficient that will help to understand the mechanism of action of the new law and consciously plan their future.

New principle of calculation

To understand what is the essence of the changes, we give a brief historical help. From the table below, it can be seen that only two conditions for prescribing pension were required:

  • the occurrence of the law established by law;
  • the presence of the required labor (insurance) experience.

Its size was calculated from two quantities: experience and wages. At the same time, for the period from 2001 to 2014, it directly depended on the amount of insurance premiums listed in the FIU. They accounted for 14-16% of earnings. Pension Calculation Formula Since 2015 contains a new indicator: IPK- Individual pension coefficient

It represents the amount of points for each year of work, and actually reflects a new condition: to obtain legal payment, it is not easy to develop the required experience, but also with such a salary so that the amount of paid contributions is not less than the value established by the law.

Terms of appointment and size calculation for various laws

Most people who pay for retirement in the near future began to work at the time of the USSR. During the period of action of each of the three laws, its size is calculated in different ways. From the experience, earned until 2001, salaries and insurance premiums will use the amount of the insurance part of the pension. Then it will be translated into points. Let us give an example.

Example 1. Vladimir Ivanovich worked all his life with an average income engineer. As of December 31, 2014, he received the average Russian pension: 10030 rubles. It consists of their fixed payment (the same in all) - 3935 rubles. and the insurance part - 6095 rubles. How many points do he have?

IPK \u003d 6095 / 64,10 \u003d 95

It is clear from the example that it is necessary to have about 100 units to obtain an average of pensions. If IPK Vladimir Ivanovich was equal to 30, then he would receive only 5858 rubles.

For those who still work, the formula for calculating the pension acts as follows:

  1. Individual coefficient:IPK \u003d IPC until 2015 + IPC after 2015 until 2015 - we already counted on the example; after 2015 - It is considered as the amount of indicators for each year of work
  2. Size of the insurance pension: SP \u003d IPK × SEC, where:SEC - the cost of the score on the day of the calculation
  3. Total size: FV + SP, where:FV - fixed payment (established by law)

How points for pension are credited

The federal law is annually set two quantities:

  • wage limit value for the deduction of insurance premiums;
  • the cost of the pension score (indexed at the inflation level).

Limit (maximum) Salary value for 2015 - 711,000 rubles, that is, 59 250 rubles. per month; with greater - contributions do not take. Such insurance premiums, calculated at the rate of 16%, will be: 113,760 rubles. We calculate how many necessary units can be earned.

Example 2. Vladimir Ivanovich continues to work and receives a salary monthly: 25,000 rubles. With the amount of earnings, insurance premiums are expelled - 16%, or 48,000 rubles. per year. Then:

IPC 2015 \u003d (48 000/113 760) × 10 \u003d 4,22

As a working pensioner, he has the right to recalculate from the amount of contributions listed for the work, but will be taken into account no more than 1.8 units.

The number of earned points depending on the size of the salary

Thus, the higher the salary - the more points. The maximum amount of - 10 corresponds to the limit size of the salary with which contributions are listed. But the law establishes the transition period during which the conditions requiring the conditions will gradually increase. The given table shows that fully earned rights will be taken into account only six years.

Examples of calculation

Before bringing a few examples, we note that the pension units are charged not only for work. The law establishes several periods for which contributions are not paid, but are reimbursed by the state in the following sizes.

What does pension calculation formula in 2015 look like for hired workers, we saw on the example of an ordinary Russian engineer. But there are other categories of citizens, they are also interested to know about what they are waiting for them.

New procedure for calculating pensions from January 2015 (plot 1 channel)

Example 3. Young successful top manager Sergey.

Works since 2010, salary - 100,000 rubles .. It has 5 years of experience, his insurance premiums for 2010-2014. Recalculated in points (10). Another 20th earn for the period 2015-2017: 7.39 + 7.83 + 8.26 \u003d 23.48. But we already know that the amount of payout will be minimal. In addition, according to the law, it takes 15 years, so we work further: from 2018 to 2025: 8.70 + 9,13 + 9.57 + 5 × 10 \u003d 77.4. Total for 15 years - 107.44. In the prices of the current period, this is about the same middle pension as Vladimir Ivanovich (95 points).

Example 4. Former military, now - individual entrepreneur Dmitry.

Until 2015 - Army, 5 years of service in the police. Total: 7 years of experience, or 7 × 1.8 \u003d 12.6 points. IP with income up to 300,000 rubles. Pay fixed amount of insurance premiums - 18,611 rubles. (for 2015). IPC 2015 \u003d (18611/113 760) × 10 \u003d 1.6. He needs to work for almost 11 years to earn the missing 17.4 points and minimal retirement.

The number of units earned in each period will be different. After all, it depends on both the personal salary of the employee and the limit size for the calculation of contributions that annually changes. And it grows noticeably faster than income. So, in 2015, it increased by almost 14% compared with the previous one, and the average salary for this period - increased by only 9%. So, even with good earnings, you do not have to count on a big pension. Therefore, you need to take care of other ways of saving capital to old age.

Every year, since May 2003, working pensioners file applications to the FIU on the recalculation of pensions in accordance with the individual information provided by the employer and the insurance premiums actually paid by them. The FIU makes recalculation, but it is not clear which rules. How to recalculate pensions to working retirees? How is the expected period of pensions?

Before answering the question, explain the procedure for the primary appointment of a labor pension.

Pension fund and its territorial authorities - insurers in the system of compulsory pension insurance. Since 1997, the territorial authorities of the FIU register citizens in the system of compulsory pension insurance as insured persons and open individual personal accounts (ILS). Since 1997 (or from the date of registration of a citizen in the FIU) to December 31, 2001, information about wages and period of work in all reporting years of this period is taken into account on the entire reporting year on each employer (insurer) separately.

Since January 2002, insurance premiums accrued and paid to the ILS are taken into account, provided that during the reporting period (year), the employer submitted to the territorial body of the FIU at the place of its registration as an insurer, reliable individual information on each employee. All information reflected on ILS from the moment of registration of a citizen (pensioner, the future pensioner) is taken into account when appointing and recalculating the labor pension.

Information of the period 1997-2001 Considered before the appointment of a pension during the assessment of pension rights on the basis of Art. 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Law No. 173-FZ).
According to this law, labor pensions are appointed for old age, disability and on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.


Pension appointed in 2007, t 2007 \u003d 174 months. After 12 months. In 2008, the right to recalculate. Of T 2008 \u003d 180 months. Deduced 12 months. The difference is 168 months. Considered when recalculating pensions.

In 2009, from the indicator for calculating the pension T 2009 \u003d 186 months. It will be deducted 24 months. (two years from the date of the pension) and when recalculating, T \u003d 162 months is taken into account.