How to clean red suede at home. Cleaning light-colored suede shoes. General rules for caring for suede

Cleaning suede at home has become easy and does not require any difficult procedures. Suede is an amazing material that has an unearthly beauty. Products made from it acquire nobility and are distinguished by style and sophistication. Outerwear, shoes, gloves and bags are made from suede. The only drawback is that such material is very delicate, as a result, it requires some care. It is not surprising that sooner or later the question arises of how to properly clean suede so as not to spoil the elegant look.

To cope with pollution, you can not turn to specialists, since you can fix everything yourself even with home remedies. Acquire the substances that will be required for cleaning, starting from whether your material is natural or artificial. Natural suede is made from goat or calfskin, while artificial suede is made from synthetic materials.

Suede does not tolerate liquid, because due to its structure it absorbs moisture well, as a result of which it swells and becomes hard over time, so dry cleaning should be preferred. It is necessary to clean the material according to a certain method.

Primary processing

In order for the product to last much longer, it is necessary to carry out primary processing. When purchasing a comfortable pair of shoes, an unusual bag or gloves, you must also buy such accessories and care items:

  • A brush for suede is better double-sided, so that it has a brush with a coarse little pile, and also a rubber comb.
  • A protective substance or spray, which is colorless and with coloring components.
  • Foam for cleaning suede - the tool allows you to instantly and effectively remove various contaminants.

With such an arsenal of tools, you can not worry about how to clean your favorite thing, since now everything is at hand. Before putting on suede shoes for the first time, it is necessary to treat them with a spray, as a result of which a protective film is formed that will repel water.

Cleaning foam for suede

With the help of this tool, it is easy to get rid of any pollution. Initially, it is necessary to send the foam to the dry surface of the material and after a couple of minutes get rid of the residue with a sponge. Next, you need to clean the suede with a brush and finish the procedure by raising the pile. For such actions, a clerical or special eraser is used.

Caring elements help to maintain the ideal condition of the material.

Folk remedies

  1. Milk. For this method, it is necessary to combine half a glass of milk, 1 tsp. soda and 1 drop of ammonia. A cotton pad must be dipped in the solution and wiped against the pile. Next, you need to rinse with liquid and dry well. This is ideal for light suede. If you have a dark color, then replace the milk with water.
  2. Ammonia is a very popular method, so several variations of its implementation are known. 8 tsp soda should be mixed with 2 tsp. 10% ammonia and wipe the stain, rinse well with liquid. It is also possible in 0.75 st. water add 0.25 tbsp. ammonia and the resulting solution, wipe the worn area and rinse with an acetic solution, which includes 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 liter of water. The next step is to dry the shoes.
  3. Steam is an effective remedy for heavy soiling. With this method, you need to hold the stain over the spout of a boiling kettle for several minutes, then clean it by any method. In addition, steam contributes to the return of the aesthetic appearance and relieves creases.
  4. Soap solution - used to clean faux suede, as such material wears out much faster. The contaminated area should be washed with soapy water, rinsed and dried well. In order to avoid drips, you need to get rid of the flowing water with a towel.

Can you wash suede with home remedies?

Cleaning is carried out both in dry and wet versions:

  • Natural suede can be washed in warm water with laundry soap. Be sure to rinse things in warm water. So that the material does not become rough, it is necessary to rub with glycerin with the calculation of half a teaspoon of glycerin per liter of water. You can not squeeze suede, it must be carefully placed on a flat area or twisted into a tube.
  • Faux suede can not be washed, it must be soaked in soapy water. The processed item must be hung by the hanger and treated with a soft brush, which is dipped in the solution. Once again you need to walk with a brush dipped in water. The remaining liquid must be removed with a terry towel and dried in a straightened form.
  • It is preferable not to wet suede with a pattern. The detergent must be well whipped into foam and distributed in the direction of the pile. Residues should be removed with a soft cloth and dried.
  • Before cleaning the gloves, put them on your hands, rub the dirty places with soap and rinse with warm water. Moisture must be removed with a towel and dried.
  • If the product has nevertheless become rough, then you can knead it gently with your fingers, and then go through it with a fleecy brush.

Grease stain removal

Meat fat, salads, body butter - these are serious stains that are difficult to get rid of at home, so most people prefer to take the contaminated item to the dry cleaners. At home, you can perform the following procedures:

  • The suede item should be placed with a greasy stain up.
  • 2 tsp cornstarch should be sprinkled on the stain. Corn starch acts as a poultice to get rid of oil, grease, or suede. The plastic film should be placed over the stain and pressed down with a heavy weight. In this position, you need to leave for a couple of hours. After this time, the stain should decrease or disappear completely. This procedure can be carried out several times. Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to get rid of the starch. If the stain still remains, then you should seek help from specialists.

How to restore light suede?

The most difficult thing is to return the attractive look of light suede. On this color, the spots stand out significantly, and with prolonged cleaning, stains appear. In order to clean light suede, you must use the following methods:

  • 1 tsp baking soda should be diluted in a glass of non-fat warm milk. The sponge must be saturated with this solution and wipe the contaminated area. With little effort, minor impurities disappear.
  • To get rid of persistent pollution, you need a solution of hydrogen peroxide (the ratio of peroxide to water is 1:4). The stain must be wiped with a solution and the residue removed with a rag.
  • The crumb of a loaf must be applied to the contaminated area, but not rubbed.

At the end of each procedure, it is worth using an eraser that will lift the pile, giving it an elegant, well-groomed look.

In order for suede products to please for a long time, you need to thoroughly clean them before putting them in the closet. On the eve of the new season, it is necessary to update over the steam or treat with protective equipment. Only by adhering to these rules, your favorite handbags, gloves, and shoes will last a very long time.

When wearing black suede boots, you should know that such shoes certainly require increased respect for their owners for their care. Usually, in order to bring their attractive product to a neat and healthy look, the owners tend to turn to specialized workshops, while not realizing that it is perfectly possible to properly care for and care for their shoes in simple home conditions.

In order to properly clean black suede on their own, everyone will certainly need shampoo, a rubber brush, a cleaning spray (usually sold with shoes), and in some cases refined gasoline or coffee grounds.

How to properly clean suede boots

  1. To begin with, it will not be superfluous to carefully clean black suede boots with a self-prepared soapy solution. It is necessary to pour warm water into a convenient basin, into which to shake an ordinary shampoo or liquid soap to form a foamy mixture. It is very important to know that the resulting composition should not have bleaching and coloring qualities.
  2. Next, you need to place the shoes in a position convenient for further work. It is necessary to start processing the suede surface carefully, in no case allowing it to become very wet, since when it dries, it will certainly become rough and lose its attractive hairiness. To do this, wiping should be carried out with a foam rubber washcloth, which should be lightly dipped into the solution and then squeezed out so that the sponge is slightly damp. After washing, wipe with a clean and dry cloth, and then leave to dry in a natural environment (not near electrical heating devices or batteries).
  3. You can also clean black suede shoes with steam, for which you need to bring the water poured into a kettle or a metal pan to a boil on the stove, then hold the boots over the formed clubs (for convenience, it is better to hang them so as not to burn your hands). Then clean with a rubber brush for nubuck.
  4. In the next method, we use coffee grounds, which we apply directly to overly soiled areas of suede, and then clean with a brush. After this treatment, you need to leave the shoes for a while to dry and then wipe them thoroughly with a damp, clean cloth or gauze. It's a good idea to have microfiber cloths on hand for a better wipe after drying.
  5. Grease stains can and should be removed with refined gasoline, which is easily purchased at a specialized store. To do this, moisten a cotton swab and gently wipe the lasa with it from the periphery to the center. There will be no damage from this cleaning method, since the gasoline will instantly evaporate, and the treated area should then be washed with a damp cloth.
  6. Usually, along with suede shoes, a special cleaning spray is sold in the kit when buying, which is of great help in maintaining the boots. The agent is sprayed on the surface and serves to form a water-repellent effect. If it is not included in the kit, then still be sure to buy a spray at any shoe store.

Video: how to clean suede shoes at home

Folk remedies for cleaning black suede from gloss

This material is very delicate and soft, and when fat gets on it, the villi stick together and the material loses its aesthetic appeal. To prevent this from happening, we present some important recommendations.
Here you will need chalk or talc, a finely fuzzy brush, ammonia, paper to absorb moisture, plain water, foam rubber and a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle:

  1. It is best to clean black suede from glossy stains dry, so as not to moisten the villi, which, after drying, will surely harden and shrink. It is necessary to sprinkle the oily area with absorbent potato starch, chalk or talc, which will remove the greasy substance. To do this, you need to keep the surface in this form for 40-50 minutes, and then thoroughly remove the absorbent with a special rubber brush.
  2. In the event that the specified method did not bring a positive result, it is necessary to use a special industrial mixture, which is purchased only for this type of cleaning of our material. Before use, it is necessary to test the product on the same material in order to prevent discoloration or other damage.
  3. Also commonly used are home remedies such as:
    - a mixture of powders (mentioned above) with ammonia, which must be applied to stains and, after drying, carefully cleaned with a clean rag or brush,
    - you can still prepare a composition of ammonia and plain running water in a ratio of 1 to 4 and wipe the greasy areas with this mixture. Afterwards, wipe with a cloth or cotton swab dipped in clean water. And then the dried villi that have settled then need to be lifted with a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment,
    - again, I would like to recall the effective use of refined gasoline.
  4. After caring for the product in all of the above ways, small imperfections may still remain on the surface. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a soapy, foamy talker for the care of delicate materials like ours, from detergent and water. When picking up the foam with a brush, you need to apply it in the direction of the pile, and after updating the shoes, blot the used foam with blotting paper.

IMPORTANT! To make the processing more useful, absorbent powders should be preheated in a frying pan, and after applying it to the lasa, pre-cover with blotting paper and press down with some kind of heavy press. In this state, you need to keep everything for a couple of hours, for better absorption of fat.

Proper care of black boots

In modern conditions, more and more boots are finished with materials made of artificial suede, which has a Teflon coating and is a durable, wear-resistant fabric that can be easily washed. If the purchased shoes are made of such material, then you can give some rules for caring for it:

  1. You need to know that greasy stains on this type of material need only dry cleansing. And they use purified turpentine.
  2. Stains of a vegetable nature are well removed with a foam rubber washcloth and soap suds.
  3. All contaminants caused by staining with strong alcoholic beverages can be cleaned with a composition of methyl alcohol in the ratio (half a glass of water to 20 milliliters of methanol) and any washing powder used. Wine stains are cleaned using a sponge soaked in acetic acid with the addition of laundry detergent.
  4. 10% ammonia in combination with a soap masher will perfectly cope with coffee, tea and milk stains.
  5. And turpentine helps in getting rid of traces of shoe cream and resin substances, as well as oil paints.
  6. Nail polish is perfectly removed with a specific solvent, and various women's cosmetics will be cleaned with a detergent composition. A mixture of 90% ethyl alcohol and 5% ammonia almost always copes with stubborn stains.
  7. And finally, very dirty areas on shoes are also perfectly cleaned with a finely fleecy brush, which is moistened with a solution of glycerin and ammonia (25 g each), to which you need to add a teaspoon of borax and half a liter of water.

Video: how to get rid of white stains on suede shoes

Suede clothing and shoes fit perfectly and are breathable. But, unfortunately, suede things tend to get dirty quickly. How to clean such a delicate material, we will consider in this article.

Material Features

Suede is leather obtained from the fat tanning of animal skins. In the trade, suede is considered the skin of a sheep or cow, obtained by soaking raw hides with fats. Silk fabrics, on which there is a pile on the front side, also belong to suede.

Suede has the following features:

  • softness;
  • subtlety;
  • ductility;
  • velvety.

With softness and good insulation property, suede material is used to make clothes, shoes and gloves.


Natural suede is made from animal skin and goes through a special process of dressing with specialized substances. Faux suede is made from synthetic materials and is not durable.

Suede items can be light, dark or colored. Each color has its own cleaning method.


There are many products that remove stains from light suede fabric and return it to its marketable appearance, and methods of their application:

  • Before cleaning light suede, prepare the surface by gently rubbing it with an eraser or salt. In this case, salt should be poured onto the soiled area and rubbed with a sponge to separate the crumpled pile.
  • To remove minor stains, you can take a crumb of wheat bread and roll it over the area to be treated. You can sprinkle the stain with starch, wait a while (30 minutes), and clean off the residue with a brush.
  • To remove dirt and dust, you will need: 250 ml of milk, 25 g of soda, a cotton pad, a dry cloth. How to use: mix milk with soda. Moisten the disk with the resulting liquid, then wipe the contaminated surface with it. Wipe the cleaned material dry with a napkin.
  • To instantly wash the stain from the surface, you will need: warm water (250 ml), ammonia (5 ml), hydrogen peroxide, a clean rag, a dry cloth. How to use: mix water with ammonia and add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Saturate a rag with this agent, clean the soiled surface with it. Wipe the treated area with a dry cloth and place in fresh air.
  • To get rid of greasy stains, apply: dentifrice powder or talcum powder, rubber brush, warm water, vinegar solution, dry rag. How to use: Pour powder or talc into water to obtain a consistency like sour cream. With a brush with the applied mixture, carefully treat the surface. After that, wipe with a cloth with a solution of vinegar and, after drying, walk over the material with a stiff brush.
  • Toothpaste will help to give a uniform color. A small amount of paste is applied to the suede surface, allowed to dry completely, after which the remnants of the product are removed with a brush.


There are several processing rules, the observance of which will return an attractive appearance to colored suede and save it from stains:

  • A wet suede thing should first of all be dried with crumpled newspaper sheets.
  • Pollution can be wiped off with a shop brush, or you can use a crust of black bread.
  • The salt left from the winter period is removed with a soapy sponge. The resulting foam is removed with a clean cloth.
  • When streaks and shiny spots appear, they resort to using a solution prepared from ammonia and water in a ratio of 1 to 3. The resulting product, applied to a soft rag, wipes the product, at the end it is removed with cold water.

  • Chalk or talc will help to cope with a greasy stain. It is necessary to cover the contaminated area with one of these substances and leave for 60 minutes, then clean the product with a brush. To make a more effective cleaning, you can pour a few drops of ammonia into talc or chalk. Put the resulting slurry on the treated areas, wait for it to dry, and clean it off at the end.
  • Suede items need to be washed occasionally. A warm soapy solution should be prepared, then the product should be treated with a brush. Rinse quickly with running water and dry by gently straightening.

If the thing is heavily soiled, you must first lift the soiled pile with a brush, and then wash it in warm water, to which a small amount of shampoo has been added.


To tidy up black or brown suede will help: coffee, brown bread crust, sandpaper or sulfur from matchboxes.

To completely get rid of dirt from suede items and give them freshness, apply a little coffee grounds with a sponge to a previously brushed product. Allow to dry, remove the remaining mixture with a brush.

A well-established way to remove dirt from dark suede is to scrub the stained area with breadcrust or zero-size sandpaper, combined with matchbox grey.

How to wash different things?

Before washing suede items, the information on the label is carefully studied. If machine wash is not possible, home cleaning will help to wash the products.

To wash a suede dress, you will need:

  1. Pour warm water into a large basin, adding a cleaning agent.
  2. Put the product in the basin.
  3. The most polluted places, for example from sweat, rub with a brush with soft bristles.
  4. Rinse the item thoroughly, changing the water in a timely manner.
  5. Press the washed item lightly.

When processing a faux suede dress, it is not recommended to soak the item entirely in water. The best way to clean is to do the following:

  1. Grate soap (household or baby) and add it to warm water.
  2. Beat the foam, and apply it with a sponge to the product.
  3. Gently rub the stains.
  4. Remove the foam with a sponge, rinse the product with water.

Washing a lined suede skirt is as follows:

  1. Soap solution is being prepared.
  2. A brush with soft bristles is dipped into the resulting liquid.
  3. The thing is laid out on a smooth surface and processed with the prepared solution.
  4. Then with a brush it is washed off with clean water.

A suede jacket, brown or black raincoat should be cleaned with coffee grounds. Sleeves and collar, as well as other areas in contact with the body, are lightly rubbed with a soft brush. From dried suede, coffee residues are removed with a brush.

Prior to the treatment of suede shoes (ugg boots, shoes, boots, boots and others) from dirt, the product is held over the steam for about 1 minute. The dirt is then removed with a brush. If the shoes have been deeply soiled, they must be cleaned with soapy water, to which a few drops of ammonia are added. Grease stains are removed with gasoline and talc. A little gasoline is poured onto the soiled surface, and then talc is poured.

After some time (no more than 5 minutes), the shoes are cleaned from the powder with a wire brush.

Suede hats (hat, hat, beret) are cleaned by the following means:

  1. A special brush that removes dust. It is necessary to walk with a brush over the entire surface of the dress, observing one direction - the villi should lie in the same way.
  2. Stationery eraser, coping with small spots. With the help of an eraser, the villi are slightly rubbed. After carrying out this cleaning method, it is recommended to shake the headgear to remove the remnants of the eraser.
  3. Steam generator or steam from boiling water. You can walk the steam generator on the surface of the product, focusing on problem areas. You can hold the product over the steam, and then walk over it with a brush.
  4. Salt and crumb of white bread, removing greasy stains from light-colored hats. Sprinkle table salt on the contaminated area, and leave for a few minutes. After shaking off the salt, walk through the problem area with a crumb of bread. Finish with a brush.

Before cleaning gloves for convenience, put them on your hands. Rub contaminated areas, especially between the fingers, with soap, then rinse with warm water.

Suede is a very beautiful material used for sofa upholstery, but it must be carefully looked after. Often it is impossible to wet suede upholstery, otherwise the filler will deteriorate.

  • Stiff brushes for suede, restoring color.
  • Vinegar solution to remove food stains.
  • Ammonia, removing stains of grease or oil.
  • A mixture of detergent and vinegar to remove tea and coffee stains.
  • Salt that removes wine stains from light-colored furniture.

Popular folk methods

With regular wear, various kinds of pollution appear on suede. You can also get rid of them at home. Consider several methods for cleaning different stains:

  • You can get rid of scuffs with steam.
  • Abraded surfaces will help remove starch. It is necessary to pour starch on the treated area, and after 30 minutes brush it off. You can add a little ammonia to the starch. After receiving the gruel, you should gently rub it into the problem areas, and then brush it off.
  • More stubborn stains, such as from a pen, will help to remove a special solution made from skim milk, baking soda and ammonia. In milk (100 g), half a teaspoon of soda and ammonia are added. It should be moistened with a rag, and it should be treated with pollution. The traces of the agent are washed off with a damp cloth.

  • An oily or greasy stain can be cleaned well with talcum powder, gasoline and salt. Before removing grease or oil from suede fabric, it is necessary to clean the surface of dust. Cleaning methods involve the following steps: moisten the stain with gasoline, then cover it with talcum powder, and after 30 minutes remove the remnants of the product with a brush. You can use salt. Heat salt in a frying pan, place it in a clean cloth bag, then apply it to the stained area for half an hour.
  • Light suede items are cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. Dissolve hydrogen peroxide (5 ml) in water (250 ml). Contamination should be wiped with a solution, and then with clean water. At the end of the procedure, the product must be thoroughly dried.
  • Soap solution will help get rid of mold.

In the washing machine

There is not always time to wash and clean suede clothing by hand at home. In this case, you can resort to two alternative cleaning options:

  • give suede items to dry cleaning;
  • wash them in the washing machine.

To determine the possibility of cleaning suede items in a washing machine, a careful study of the label on the product will help. Special signs on it warn about the permissible washing, drying and other parameters of cleaning and care.

If the label says not machine washable, it's best not to experiment.

If there is an icon indicating that machine wash is acceptable, then before sending suede items there, a number of actions should be taken to prevent the loss of their appearance after washing:

  • empty pockets by pulling foreign objects out of them;
  • fastening, turn the thing inside out;
  • pour powder;
  • start the "delicate" or "manual" mode;
  • set the temperature to 30 degrees;
  • turn off the spin;
  • You can’t wash a thing for a long time, otherwise the material will crack.

Immediately after washing, the product is slightly squeezed out, gently squeezing it. Then you need to wrap it in a towel, removing the remaining water. After that, the thing is laid out on a flat horizontal surface. The suede product dries for about 2 days.

Getting rid of difficult contaminants

Suede is a very delicate material that requires a conscientious attitude. In the process of wearing such things are contaminated. To properly clean suede from dirt, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • A glossy stain should be removed with a special eraser for suede material, a regular stationery eraser or sandpaper.
  • To eliminate the greasy appearance of prolonged wear, the accumulation of grease and dust, the use of steam or the use of a steam iron will help. After that, the fat is removed with a brush.
  • In order to clean suede with high quality, you can prepare one of the special solutions: a mixture of glycerin with salt or mixing water with a teaspoon of soda. Dip a cotton pad into the resulting product, and wipe the greasy place with it.

Suede can be dyed with an aerosol. Preference in the choice should be given to a dye with a water-repellent effect.

The best option is to buy a universal product suitable for all types of suede.

Before starting the process of directly staining, some kind of canvas or newspaper should be laid on the floor. Painting is recommended to be carried out in a ventilated area. Process flow for suede:

  1. Shake the pile with a brush.
  2. Shake the can well and spray at a distance of 30 cm from the product. Coloring should be done evenly.
  3. After waiting for a while (no more than 10 minutes), brush over the suede.

In order not to resort to serious cleaning of suede items, it is necessary to carry out the correct and timely care of such a capricious material. Proper care will be provided with strict adherence to the following tips and recommendations:

  • A new suede product must be treated with a water-repellent compound.
  • Suede items should be dried outdoors, away from sunlight, from fans and heaters that can cause the product to deform, for several hours.
  • It is recommended to store suede items in airtight bags.
  • It is strictly forbidden to remove stains from wet fabrics.
  • It is impossible to rub and soak the material, otherwise the thing will become completely unusable.

  • When buying special products, you should carefully study the instructions and check the expiration date.
  • For the first time, it is recommended to check the effect of the selected cleanser on a small piece of fabric that comes with a set of accessories, or on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product, hidden from the eyes.

In the 21st century, designers use a variety of artificial materials made from various synthetic fibers to sew fashionable clothes. The skills of furriers and other workers from the world of "beauty" allow you to create attractive outfits that captivate the minds of women and men. Clothing made from natural materials is especially valued in the fashion world. Designers sew things from the skin and fur of rare animals, achieving impressive results. Manufactured clothing not only looks attractive, but also pleasant to the touch. It is not surprising that such products are more expensive than artificial goods. At the moment, there is a small amount of clothing made from natural materials on the international market that has a synthetic alternative.

A high level of demand among the target audience is used for suede items, which are used to create shoes and outerwear, for fitting home furniture and sewing hats. Suede is deservedly considered a versatile material used to make things with different functionality. However, clothes that are pleasant to the touch, having a refined, noble look, need careful care, because a slight stain can damage the texture and visual image of such raw materials. The main problem is that suede items cannot be washed frequently, so owners of fine items have to use alternative cleaning options. Regardless of whether you wear a coat made of this material or purchased it, it is important to familiarize yourself in advance with the features of caring for the texture of such products.

Suede cleaning tools

Having asked in time the vital question of how to clean suede at home, you should first of all familiarize yourself with the structural features of such a material. First of all, it is important to distinguish between products according to the raw material composition, because artificial clothes are made from synthetic fibers, and natural things are sewn from cleaned skins of deer, calves and goats. Not surprisingly, real products are stronger and more durable than alternatives. The peculiarity of suede lies in the surface, consisting of small villi. When moisture gets on the coating, the material quickly swells, darkens and becomes rigid, losing its attractiveness. Given the structure of suede items, it is preferable to dry clean them. When purchasing such clothes, you should be prudent and buy the following auxiliary equipment:

a special double-sided brush for cleaning suede clothes, equipped with a rubber surface with a short pile and a rubberized comb;
a protective spray that prevents moisture from entering suede items;
special foam for cleaning suede products, corroding any dirt.

If you have not had time to purchase the above tools, then you can eliminate stains on suede with the help of improvised means. Instead of hard brushes, use sandpaper with a small grit level, and rubber products are a great substitute for a stationery eraser. The main thing is to use such items on time and correctly in order to remove dirt from suede clothes without damaging the elegant coating of your things.

Before cleaning a suede item, it is important to clearly determine the nature of the origin of the raw material - you purchased artificial or natural clothes

Features of cleaning suede things

When caring for things made of suede, you need to be especially careful, therefore, without sufficient informational “baggage”, eliminating pollution at home is an impractical solution. Experts recommend removing stains from suede items in accordance with the following rules:

to restore the texture of shiny areas on suede, rub the “problem” areas with a stationery eraser or a special brush;
to make the suede coating uniform, getting rid of worn areas, you need to hold the product over the spout of a hot kettle, exposing the clothes to steam (after such a procedure, do not forget to straighten the suede pile with a rubberized brush);
you can eliminate minor stains with a solution of starch and ammonia (the resulting mixture must be carefully applied to “problem” places, wiping after 15 minutes with a brush);
grease stains can be easily removed with talc and gasoline by moistening and sprinkling the contaminated area (after 10 minutes, wipe off the consistency from suede clothing);
difficult to remove dirt is recommended to be removed using a special solution consisting of 100 grams of skimmed milk, half a teaspoon of baking soda and the same amount of ammonia (wet a piece of fabric with the prepared mixture, washing off the remaining mass from the suede with a cotton swab);

for light clothes, apply a solution of hydrogen peroxide mixed with water and a teaspoon of ammonia (wipe the mixture from suede with a dry cloth);
it is worth noting that natural suede can be washed in soapy water, rinsing the thing thoroughly after washing (to restore the textural features of suede clothes, you need to rub the clothes after the procedures with glycerin);
if you are going to clean gloves, then before starting such an “event”, it is recommended to put them on your hands, gently rubbing the places of contamination with laundry soap;
after the procedures, you need to stretch the coarsened suede with your hands, not forgetting to rub the clothes with glycerin, which restores the structural composition of the washed product.

By following the simple rules above, you can easily remove various contaminants from suede products. "Armed" with the necessary tools and having useful information, you will choose the right way to clean suede.

Even fashionable and expensive things need to be properly looked after so as not to throw out clothes after the first stain that appears on it. Prudent owners of noble suede products should only learn in advance how to properly clean the material, avoiding unplanned costs for dry cleaning or purchasing a new item. Most importantly, do not delay the removal of stains by removing dirt immediately after detection.

January 2, 2014, 10:58

Choosing a product made of suede, you have to pay in return for elegance your time for a thorough cleaning of the product, because this material easily collects and retains dust and dirt.
Therefore, in order to wear your favorite suede item for longer, you need to learn how to clean it yourself in the right way so as not to spoil the “capricious” material.

Inventory to clean suede

  • Rubber brush.
  • Special brush.
  • Washing gum (eraser).
  • Foam cleaner.
  • Home care products.
  • Water-repellent spray (for protection).

More about a special brush, because it is a frequent tool for cleaning suede, which has rubber or rubber bristles on one side (to raise the pile), and on the other, natural bristles.

How to clean wet suede with dirt and scuffs

If the suede gets wet, you must first dry it before cleaning.

  • Do not dry a suede product with a heater, as it will lose its shape from uneven drying.
  • Suede items are best dried on hangers, and shoes on special blocks, or you can use plain paper for stuffing inside. To speed up drying, you can periodically change the paper.
  • When the product is dry, it is necessary to clean it of dirt with a shoe brush (directing the brush in one direction), then apply a foam cleaner and rub the contaminated area with a rubber brush.
  • If the suede villi are pressed in one direction, scuffs appear, to remove them, you need to lift the villi, to do this, rub with an eraser, scrape with a special brush or knife.

How to clean suede from various stains

  • From water stains. Wet the entire surface of the suede evenly with a brush, then leave to dry overnight, and the next morning lightly comb the villi to lift them up.
  • From oil stains. First rub the stain with a special brush, then with a nail file with warm water.
  • From sticky chewing gum. Put the product in the freezer for 6 hours, then break off the frozen chewing gum and rub it with a suede brush.
  • From blood stains. Take a cotton swab and soak it in hydrogen peroxide, then press it against the suede until the blood soaks into the cotton.
  • From ink stains. Immediately blot fresh ink stains with a towel, if the stains are already dry, try scraping them off with sandpaper or blotting them with a cotton swab and alcohol.

Other home care products for suede

  • When removing dry spots, a steel wool can help, but you will need to clean the entire product with it so that it acquires a uniform appearance.
  • A regular nail file can help if you don't have a special suede brush, and steam from an iron or kettle will also come in handy. To do this, gently rub the product in one direction with a nail file, then pour hot steam over it to open the pores of the suede. This will make cleaning much easier.
  • If the stain is greasy, corn starch will help. At night, sprinkle the stain with starch, the next morning, do the brushing itself, then steaming.
  • In some cases, a piece of cloth soaked in gasoline will help. Just rub the stain until it disappears completely.
  • A crust of black bread will remove salt stains, and a crumb of white bread will remove small spots.
  • To remove old dried stains, prepare a solution of 2 teaspoons starch and 2 teaspoons ammonia (10%). Apply to the stain and wait until completely dry, then rinse.

How to protect and clean your suede product effortlessly, tips and warnings

  • Before wearing the product, clean it with a rubber brush and apply a water-repellent spray.
  • Once dry, apply another coat of water repellent spray. This will create protection against dirt and dust, they will not be able to be absorbed deeply, which will greatly facilitate cleaning.
  • If you cannot get rid of the stains, it is not recommended to use suede dye, as this may damage the product.
  • If the water stain is fairly fresh, apply a paper towel quickly and apply pressure to absorb the moisture.
  • Aerosols should be used in a well-ventilated area.
  • Use only a shoe strut or paper towel when drying, not crumpled newspaper, because moisture will soften the ink and stain the product.
  • Do not use dry cleaning solvents because they contain hazardous substances that will not leach out of the room.