How to properly care for your face at home: mandatory procedures in the morning and evening. stage - Toning. stage - Cleansing

Facial care


16.01.16 20:12

Youth and beauty are not eternal, but there is an opportunity to preserve these gifts of nature for a long time, you just need to follow the rules for caring for your skin in the morning, afternoon and evening. Specific recommendations are based on the physiological characteristics of the human body and are aimed at preventing the occurrence of aesthetic defects, preventing aging, and stimulating basic biological processes in tissues. The main thing is not to confuse the sequence of manipulations, because some of them are inappropriate in the morning, not entirely effective during the day, and even dangerous in the evening.

Basic rules for skin care in the morning

  • Morning washing, which begins the day of each person, is distinguished by its specificity for different skin types. On the one hand, during the night, waste products of cells and keratinized scales accumulate on the surface of the face, which must be removed. On the other hand, an aggressive effect on the protective layer does not always have a good effect on the state of the epidermis.
  • If the skin is very dry, then washing with water is not recommended. It is better to treat the face with vegetable oil, which is removed with a cotton pad and treat with a moisturizer before applying makeup.
  • Oily skin will have to be treated with a special foam or gel, then with lotion. Otherwise, tissue permeability will be so low that the subsequent use of drugs or specialized products will not give the desired result.
  • A good effect is the treatment of the face with a piece of ice made from herbal decoction or fruit juice. This will cleanse the face, moisturize it, increase the tone of the epidermis, get rid of signs of puffiness.
  • If there are traces of rosacea on the face, then it is better to refuse cold exposure in favor of simply treating the face with warm water, possibly using soft milk or cream.
  • It is imperative to think about protecting the face from external factors. Depending on the specifics of the weather, you need to apply a composition with ultraviolet filters or a dense oil base.

Important rules for skin care during the day

  • During the day, most women have an impressive layer of cosmetics on their faces, so you will have to limit yourself to a matting napkin or a fresh layer of powder.
  • If this is the day when the epidermis is resting from cosmetics, you can make a natural mask, please your eyelids with herbal lotions, just treat your skin with tonic or thermal water. After that, it is worth pleasing the fabrics with a light cream.

The nuances and basic rules of facial skin care in the evening

  • Paradoxical as it sounds, it is the evening time that is optimal for fighting wrinkles and normalizing complexion.
  • First, cosmetics are removed from the surface of the epidermis. Depending on the type of skin, foam, milk or cream is used. With very problematic, dry or sensitive skin, cosmetics and dirt can be removed with oatmeal (fill the flakes with hot water and wait until they swell).
  • After such a manipulation, you need to wipe the skin with a tonic, this will get rid of the remnants of cleansers (this is especially important if they were oil-based).
  • Once or twice a week we apply a rejuvenating or profile mask. On other days, we use a night cream, the remains of which are removed with a dry cloth an hour after application.

Not every time we are satisfied with our reflection in the mirror in the morning. Paleness, puffy eyes and a dull complexion - all this suggests that the skin has not yet woken up. We have several ways to wake her up.

Contrasting wash

After washing your face, rinse your face alternately with warm (but not hot) and cold water. A change in temperature activates blood flow and lets the skin know that a new day has come and it’s time for her to wake up. Start and end the treatment with warm water.

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If your skin is prone to rosacea, you can skip this step. And immediately after washing, move on to the next one.

Moisturizing mask

The first thing to do after waking up is to drink a glass of water to speed up the body's metabolism and quench the body's morning thirst. This will invigorate the skin, and it will perceive the subsequent care with greater willingness and gratitude.

Apply a moisturizing gel mask with antioxidants. A good option is a sheet mask that fits snugly around your face, which means it won't get in the way of your business while it's working. The cool, refreshing texture that distinguishes moisturizing masks will serve as an additional source of vigor.

Our choice:

    Soothing and moisturizing face mask with calendula and aloe, Kiehl's- Based on aloe vera extract with calendula petals, it only takes 5 minutes to hydrate and invigorate the skin. Has a cooling and soothing effect.

    Hydration & Freshness Super Hydrating Cleansing Sheet Mask, Garnier, will give normal and combination skin everything you need to make the morning good and cheerful: the mask is impregnated with a moisturizing composition with hyaluronic acid and green tea extract, which narrows the pores. The effect of "compress" helps to quickly get rid of morning puffiness.

    Exfoliating face mask Énergie De Vie, Lancôme, with lemon balm, ginseng and cranberry brings the skin to life in 3 minutes, and soft abrasive particles polish it during rinsing. As a result, the face wakes up, shines with freshness and purity. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Eye Caffeine Treatment

Morning bags and circles under the eyes give the face a haggard and rumpled look. But, fortunately, there is an ingredient that will quickly solve this problem. Caffeine acts on the skin as well as on the whole body - it awakens. And the area around the eyes is also provided with a lymphatic drainage effect, which relieves puffiness and disperses blue.

Here are some decent examples:

  1. 1

    Eye contour cream Idéalia, Vichy- the awakening effect of a cocktail with caffeine, vitamins C and B3 is complemented by radiant particles that visually transform the skin of the eyelids.

  2. 2

    Eye care Revitalift Laser, L "Oréal Paris, contains caffeine and hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the skin and “straightens” wrinkles. Another advantage is the tube with a built-in cool metal applicator that creates an “ice cube effect” to get rid of swelling as soon as possible.

  3. 3

    Intensively moisturizing cream-gel Hydraphase Intense Yeux, La Roche-Posay, It features a refreshing texture as well as a moisturizing and draining action that makes for the perfect morning cocktail with hyaluronic acid and caffeine.

Here are a few more hacks to help your skin wake up and energize in the early hours of the morning.

Ear massage

Place your index and middle fingers on either side of your ears and vigorously rub these points: cheer yourself up, wake up your skin, get rid of morning pallor.

Eye mask

To quickly “open” your eyes and relieve puffiness, use a proven method - apply cotton pads soaked in a cool tonic to your eyelids.

Cheek exercise

Fix the lips with your fingers and puff out your cheeks at a fast pace. This is a simple exercise:

  1. 2

    improves blood flow

  2. 3

    stimulates drainage

  3. 4

    serves to prevent the formation of nasolabial folds.

  4. 5

    Takes a maximum of 30 seconds.

Stage 1: wake up right

This is important not only for the skin, but for life in general!

Don't jump out of bed right away.

You need to lie down a bit, enjoying the morning and enjoying the new day.

Ideal to start the day with meditation.

Stage 2: wash properly

Then comes the washing step. It is necessary to wash with clean water of summer temperature. The eyes are not strongly rubbed - the skin around the eyes is very delicate. The water must be clean - filtered, you cannot wash your face with ordinary tap water unless a special filter is installed.

A water filter must be installed - both for the beauty of the skin of the face, and for the beauty of the hair and the whole body.

We wash ourselves using special cleansers (foam, mousse, gel, etc.). We select the product individually to match your skin type. Such means for skin care in the morning should not contain alcohol.

Stage 3: how to wipe a wet face

Beauticians recommend not to wipe your face from water after washing (provided that the water is clean, filtered), but to wait until the face dries naturally. This is not a very pleasant procedure, but you need to get used to it in order to preserve youth and beauty of the skin of the face in the morning.

Another option is to gently pat your face dry with a non-rough cloth (a terry towel is not suitable), such as silk. Under no circumstances should you rub your face. Note: an interesting fact is that our grandmothers advise to wipe your face with a shirt to preserve the beauty of the skin at night after washing.

Stage 4: tonic is a mandatory morning attribute

After the skin is dry, apply an alcohol-free facial toner. Tonic also needs to be selected individually. Be sure to read on the package - is this tonic suitable for the skin around the eyes.

If the application does not mention that this tonic is suitable for the skin around the eyes, then it should not be applied to this area. In this case, for the skin around the eyes, you need to buy a separate tonic.

Note. If you have a problem of swollen eyes in the morning - see the article: (cosmetologists advice).

Step 5: Face cream in the morning

After applying the tonic, wait 7-10 minutes for it to be absorbed. Then apply the cream around the eyes and the main cream.

Eye cream

Cream (gel) around the eyes in the morning should be applied separately and preferably before the main application of the cream, and not after. Apply the cream around the eyes first on the fingertips, then rub it lightly. If it is a gel, then, as a rule, it is necessary to rub it, in any case - carefully read the method of application. Next, apply to the area around the eyes with tapping movements. Do not overdo it with the amount, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

Try this amazing cream Origins - GinZing Refreshing Eye Cream to Brighten and Depuff 0.5 oz.

Basic cream

What cream to apply? It is clear that we select the cream specifically for our skin type, but there are a few general rules.

Firstly, the cream should be just a day cream and suit your age type. Do not smear anything on your face. Secondly, the cream must be selected depending on the season. Cold weather is a nourishing face cream, warm weather is a regular moisturizer. If severe frost - a special protective winter cream. If we go sunbathing - sunscreen with at least SPF-30 protection.

It is very important - any cream, whether it be spring, summer, winter or autumn, must contain SPF protection. Like it or not, ultraviolet adversely affects the condition of the skin of the face. The only plus is that the sun dries out pimples, but it's not worth it, remember one single fact - the sun ages the face.

The main cream is not applied to the skin around the eyes, it will dry it out!

Done: you can paint!

After applying the cream, be sure to wait 15 minutes, carefully remove the remnants of the cream with a napkin and apply decorative cosmetics.

The so-called "morning ritual" is very important for maintaining a youthful face. But do not forget that the most important thing for the beauty of our skin is this.

Fresh look in the morning: a little trick

Makeup artists advise in the morning to paint over the mucous membrane of the eyes with a beige pencil to reduce redness.

The effect of a natural clear look! You can also add white eyeliner to the inner corners of the eyes in a V shape. This combination lifts the eyes and makes them look more open. It makes you look really fresh in the morning.

It will be useful for you:

Self-care is not only the morning hours for makeup. To a greater extent, skin care is evening care!

Evening beauty procedures are the most important and most effective, since at night the body is focused on restoring and renewing, skin regeneration processes are most effective and care products intended for use before bedtime are much more pleasing to us in their practice than daytime anti-aging.

Sleep heals in the truest sense of these words, which is why one of the main mistakes of many women is the neglect of evening beauty procedures due to fatigue, distraction and simply forgetfulness. Meanwhile, finding 15-30 minutes of free time in the evening is much easier than in the morning, filled with fussy rush.

1. The most important thing: do not postpone evening procedures until you fall asleep on the go. This is the most common mistake women make - washing their face in a couple of minutes (and some may even go to bed with makeup on). Take care of your face as soon as you change into your home clothes. Ideal time to apply night cream– 8-9 p.m.

It is at this time that skin cells are most actively tuned in to recovery. Therefore, the effect of it will be maximum. But after 11 pm it is better to just wash your face, wipe your face with tonic and go to bed without applying any cream. The thing is that by midnight, lymph circulation slows down and blood pressure decreases, and any skin care during these odd hours can lead to swelling or irritation.

2. Even if you do not paint in the morning, during the day a huge amount of toxins, dust and harmful substances from the city air accumulate on the skin - all this must be removed. So evening wash should be a ritual - it should be thorough, using water and a mild cleanser (to wash away all accumulated toxins).

Wash your hands thoroughly and only then remove daytime makeup. To do this, we put a layer of fat cream or cosmetic milk, cream on the face (but do not rub it, but lightly spread it). After 15 minutes, gently wipe your face with cotton.

For cleansing oily or combination skin face is better to use foam, gel or mousse, and for normal and dry skin- emulsion or cosmetic milk. Peeling gommage can serve as an alternative - it is suitable for any type of skin.

In these 15 minutes you can cook yourself water for washing and various cleansing and nourishing mixtures. For example, in 1 liter of boiled water we dissolve a quarter teaspoon of soda. You can also take milk and water in equal amounts and use this solution to cleanse and nourish the skin of the face.

3. After cleansing the face of makeup and pollution, it is necessary use tonic . It will restore the pH balance on the surface of the skin and improve the absorption of the beneficial components of the night cream.

4. Next stage exfoliation . Before applying the night cream, the skin can be further cleansed. It is in the evening that cleansing procedures are done, they are needed even for sensitive skin - just in this case you should replace abrasive peels with enzyme or acid ones. During the day, they should not be done due to possible skin reactions (temporary redness, for example).

1-2 times a week use a scrub face according to your skin type.

5. Use of masks It is also most useful in the evening: the skin becomes most susceptible to the effects of active substances at this time of day. A face mask is an important part of skin care before bed. The main function of the face mask in the process of skin care is to enhance the ability and deep moisturizing of the skin. Silk face mask as a second skin promotes the absorption and penetration of extracts into the deeper layers of the skin, accelerates blood circulation, which allows the skin to absorb nutrients faster and has a very effective moisturizing effect.

6. After washing, without drying the face, clap his hands. With vibrational movements of the fingertips, we will go from the chin to the forehead - from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Gently massaging the skin to relax it is helpful, but should be no more than three minutes to speed up the metabolic processes in the skin. This massage will also remove old dead skin cells, melanin and impurities and prepare the skin for subsequent care.

7. After one or two minutes apply night cream ( again with self-massage movements): apply the cream on the skin, starting from the cheeks and towards the ears, then up. The cream should be rubbed with light massaging movements. Apply eyebrow cream upwards on the forehead. On the chin and neck, apply the cream with the outer side of the palms from the bottom up. This is the simplest evening procedure.

Evening compositions contain a high concentration of actives and have a regenerating, restoring effect. When choosing a night cream, be sure to consider age, type and condition of the skin.

If you have normal, combination or oily skin, then you need a special moisturizing cream with flavones that remove toxins and trace elements.
If dry skin , then use nourishing creams with vitamins E, A, C.

At a young age, own reserves are enough to renew the skin, so the use of a night cream up to 25-30 years is not advisable.
Women who have crossed thirty year milestone recommended to use cosmetics with enhanced regenerative properties capable of producing collagen. After 30-35 years, the ability of tissues to regenerate slows down, for this reason it is recommended to start using products that stimulate the restoration of the physiological mechanisms of the skin. The composition of such funds should include vitamins, trace elements, fruit acids, hyaluronic acid.
Aging skin needs a cream with proteins, trace elements and vitamins, that focus on fighting wrinkles. Night cream for skin after 45 years should contain antioxidants, vitamins and regenerating components - fruit acids, glycolic acid, retinol, phytoestrogens, peptides, marine DNA.

Evening skin care tips

Cleansing Blend Recipes

The above tips are simple, but in less than six months, you will notice that you look visibly fresher, and your skin has cleared up and become much more elastic.

Each of us takes care of our skin in our own way, especially the skin of the face. But not all of us do it right. Of course, you need to take care of the skin, taking into account its type and characteristics, but still there are universal principles that are best followed. And, regardless of skin type! About how to properly care for the face in the morning and in the evening, and will be discussed below.

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Photo gallery: How to properly care for your face in the morning and evening

1. Care must be systematic and constant.

Regularity is the most important point for maintaining healthy skin. So do not forget to apply creams, cosmetics every day and exfoliate from time to time. Limit yourself, if possible, from drinking coffee or smoking. Caffeine and nicotine not only damage collagen and elastin in the skin, but also negatively affect the functioning of the entire skin of the body. What is the result? Terrible wrinkles appearing too early. In addition, the skin becomes sallow in color, with visible enlarged pores (at the mouths of the hair follicles) and red, transparent near the blood vessels. Alcohol, in turn, while good for the heart (it is good to drink a glass of good red wine from time to time), leads to multiple inflammations and skin lesions, as well as swelling of the face, which can increase over time. Want to have beautiful skin? Give up harmful influences and take care of yourself systematically and constantly, and not from time to time. Only constant facial care in the morning and evening will provide you with an impeccable appearance.

2. Moisturizing is a must!

We all know that a person is 80% water. But where is this water? For the most part - in the skin. Thanks to moisture, the skin retains its elasticity and healthy color. Over the years, the skin loses moisture (like the entire body as a whole) and begins to age rapidly. Use an absolute care moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type and age. Dehydration of the skin contributes to the appearance of stress, since free radicals are generated in it. It can even cause serious depression. Also, the lack of moisture weakens the action of enzymes - as a result, the body "works" much more slowly and the skin looks gray, its structure is disturbed, wrinkles appear. Without moisture, wrinkles not only appear faster, but they are more visible. Valuable ingredients to prevent dry skin are shea butter, petroleum jelly, or - if you have acne - silicone. Do everything to prevent evaporation of water from the skin. Glycerin, hyaluronic acid and acidic salts such as lactate also provide invaluable help in moisturizing the skin. Moisturizing cream should be applied to the face in the morning and evening every day.

3. Proper nutrition is the key to beautiful skin

The most harmful thing for the skin of the face is fat. But not everyone, but only harmful, contained, for example, in fried foods, chips and other filth. Avoiding this kind of fat is not only good for your diet, but even more so for the beauty of your skin. There are so-called "good" fats rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as avocado, fish oil, or flaxseed. The content of linoleic acid in them is an important building material for the skin of the face and body. Deficiency of these essential fatty acids causes a weakening of the epidermal barrier, which increases skin sensitivity and contributes to dehydration. If you want to look young and beautiful for a long time, eat foods with a lot of antioxidants - fresh fruits, vegetables and berries. Providing antioxidants in the diet is just as important as using them in special creams. They will protect your skin from aging and you will look just great.

4. Don't forget to protect your skin!

Your skin is stressed every day. The skin of the face is especially affected - it is affected by free radicals from exhaust gases, smog, cigarette smoke, and arising under the influence of solar radiation. Therefore, it is important to properly care for the face, providing daily protection. Preferably with antioxidants. They neutralize free radicals and prevent the accelerated destruction of collagen. This helps the skin retain its youthful appearance for longer. In addition to the well-known and most widely used substances today, vitamins C and E, which act as antioxidants, protect the skin well. Whichever type of antioxidants you choose, it's important for you to remember to apply sunscreen in the morning and evening every day.

5. Clean your skin regularly

Fat and dirt accumulate over time in the skin - also in the pores (the mouth of the hair follicles). If they are not removed in time, they can become inflamed and abscesses, pimples and other unpleasant phenomena will appear on the skin. Oily skin is especially susceptible to clogging. For oily skin, cosmetics with salicylic acid are excellent as a cleaner. Use it at least once a week. The acids they contain not only help remove oil and dead skin cells, but they also have an anti-inflammatory effect. If, despite treatment, painful pimples appear on the face, you should see a doctor. He may recommend treatment with oral medications in combination with a chemical peel. Sometimes the cause is not in the condition of the skin at all, but in the metabolism or blood diseases. Peeling should be carried out regularly, preferably in the salon under the supervision of a specialist. Cleansing your face properly is very important - it will save you a lot of problems in the future.

6. Don't forget sun protection!

Ultraviolet is the main enemy of the skin. It contributes to aging, accelerating this process several times. At the moment, the best way to delay the appearance of wrinkles is to use sunscreen. In order to maintain a youthful appearance for a long time, you should not use protection less than SPF 30. Choose a product that protects from the entire spectrum of ultraviolet radiation. Also remember that the layer of cream applied to the skin should be sufficient to provide protection. The formula is as follows: a spoonful of protective cosmetics on the face and a whole glass on the body. Only then will there be effective protection. Use a filter cream every day. Use it before you leave the house - even if you are driving a car.

7. Look after the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest and most sensitive area on our body. Unfortunately, there are victims of negligence and improper procedures. The biggest mistake is to apply face cream on the skin around the eyes. Under no circumstances should this be done! There are special tools for this area, and they were not invented by chance. Every time you put cream on the skin around your eyes and then remove it incorrectly, you run the risk of damaging very delicate capillaries and, therefore, getting lifelong circles under the eyes. You must not forget to apply an eye cream with special protective ingredients. If retinol is too strong for you (you notice irritation), then use a cream with peptides and zinc, which increases the production of elastin. The skin around the eyes ages first, and then needs special protection.

8. Accelerate Skin Recovery

With age, the exfoliation of dead cells and their replacement with new ones is slower. "Excess" skin cells accumulate on the surface, preventing the penetration of the active components of creams and disrupting the normal complexion. The face starts to look tired because it lacks brightness. Therefore, you should regularly use creams containing glycolic acid. This acid helps speed up the process of exfoliation and skin renewal. The stratum corneum becomes thinner, and the skin regains its healthy color and luster. However, in order to "work" in this way, its concentration in the product should not be less than 4%. Served in small amounts, it will take care of your face in the morning and evening for you, accelerating the process of skin regeneration. This is the same peeling for home use, but its application is not as difficult as treatment in beauty parlors. In addition, these tools are easy to use and reliable. When choosing them, we should only pay attention to the pH level - it should not be too high.

9. Fight pigment spots!

Wrinkles are the main thing that worries women and occupies their attention. Meanwhile, studies show that people without wrinkles but with spots always look worse and older than everyone else. Fortunately, since the invention of hydroquinone, the problem has definitely lessened. Although this compound is currently not commonly found in cosmetic products, there is no cause for concern. It is successfully replaced by arginine, kojic or phytic acids. Most topical products brighten the complexion within 3-12 weeks, and 4% of them start working after a month. But most importantly, you will protect yourself from the sun by using the best possible filters. Whitening creams should be used every day. If this does not help and develops into a problem, consult a doctor. Perhaps the reason is not in the skin, but in other problems of the body. In any case, if properly cared for, your face in the morning and evening will only delight you with its reflection in the mirror.