How to choose the right perfume for women. How to taste flavors in a store. Classification of perfumery products

Anyone tends to trust their sense of smell. We automatically divide all smells into pleasant and unpleasant: the former cause instant sympathy, the latter - an acute rejection. To understand how to choose the right perfume that would be in complete harmony with your image, you will have to take into account a number of nuances.

Persistence and saturation are important criteria

Bath gels, deodorants, lotions and sachets give the body a scent that can only be felt with close contact. Need an exit? Then you have to decide how strong, bright and pronounced he should be. These characteristics depend on the percentage of odoriferous concentrate and alcohol base.

  • Cologne. The amount of fragrant substances usually does not exceed five percent. The product perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, but its smell disappears quickly.
  • Eau de Toilette. The delicate, light aroma can last for about three hours, then gradually disappears. This is due to the relatively low content of flavorings - about ten to fifteen percent.
  • Eau de parfum. After applying the product, the skin and hair are fragrant for about five hours. Clothes last even longer. In terms of strength, it is second only to perfume (the share of odorous substances can reach 20%).
  • Perfume. Leaders in terms of aroma intensity and persistence. Due to the very high concentration of plant essences, odorous oils and natural fixers, they can remain bright throughout the day.

What scent suits you?

The appearance of a woman and her scent are simply bound to be in harmony. For gentle blondes, for example, perfume with musk does not suit well, but soft, sweetish floral notes will be very appropriate.

Red-haired girls (as well as ladies with an even golden tan) suggest a warm summer, sun, flowering meadows. Citrus, honey-spicy and fruity aromas are ideal here. Brunettes visually seem brighter - in their case, a properly selected scent is designed to emphasize sexuality. Owners of black curls and dark skin can safely use perfumes based on sandalwood or patchouli.

But what if behind the appearance of a liberated tigress hides a tender and shy nature? Psychologists strongly advise: you need to focus on your inner feelings. The scent of a perfume will tell a lot more about a woman than her outfit or hairstyle. That is why it is so important that it matches the state of mind.

The secret language of aromas

With the help of your perfume, you send the world an "encrypted" message - for this purpose, you can try to match the fragrance by notes.
For example, the smell of patchouli is an effective aphrodisiac, it sharpens sensuality and attracts the attention of the opposite sex to a lady. Lemon speaks of vitality and self-sufficiency. Juniper is a subtle hint of intelligence and nobility.

Each season has its own fragrances

In the cold, you want to warm up, so the enveloping sweetish-warm notes of vanilla will be very appropriate. Along the way, they will serve as a preventive measure for colds. In summer, citrus range will perfectly refresh. In the fall, you can prefer the scents of fruits on honey, and in the spring, a floral palette.

How to choose a perfume for a woman as a gift?

It is extremely difficult to get comfortable with perfume by purchasing it “blindly”. The most convenient option is to ask the lady what smells she prefers in principle, and then look for something within the named range. There are many types of perfumes, classifications too. The French, in particular, divide their products into the following groups.

  • Floral - sweet, bright, based on the oils of ordinary and tea rose, violet, lilac, spring lily of the valley or jasmine. Smells are in the lead in the composition, but often they are set off by the fruit and berry range.
  • Chypre - invigorating, slightly bitter, with an emphasized aristocracy. "Cocktails" of this group combine aromas of bergamot, patchouli and oakmoss. This type of perfume is famous for its persistence and the obligatory presence of musky-woody notes.
  • Spicy (amber) - for fans of the East. The perfume is thick, very sweet and viscous. Usually they are created on the basis of sandalwood, patchouli, musk. Best suited to women who are passionate, exalted.
  • Fern - similar to chypre, but seem a little fresher due to notes of coumarin and lavender.
  • Woody - warm and smooth, not causing harsh emotions. A mixture of aromas of noble cedar, sensual patchouli and spicy sandalwood.
  • Citrus fruits - there is a huge choice here. Bitter grapefruit, sweet tangerine, aromatic orange and sour lemon are wonderful both on their own and in combination with each other.

The art of fragrant seduction

When deciding how to do it right, beware of counterfeits. You should not make a purchase in general-purpose supermarkets, where they sell everything in a row. Better to use duty-free services or visit a branded perfume shop with a high reputation. An expensive bottle without the slightest defects, high-quality packaging, the obligatory presence of a certificate is what will allow you to make sure of the authenticity of the product.

It is better to go shopping early in the morning - it is in the morning hours that the sense of smell is especially sensitive. In addition, the day before, you should not eat spicy, spicy and odorous products in order to exclude oxidation of the skin, and, as a result, distortion of the aroma.

For the effect to be in line with expectations, apply the perfume only to clean skin. Moreover, in those places where large blood vessels pass (on the wrists and elbow bends, under the knees, on the temples and neck in the area of ​​the carotid artery). It is not advisable to spray clothes - the fragrances "behave" in a completely different way on fabrics, and the thing itself will be saturated forever. But the hair keeps the smell perfectly during the day. You can put a little bit of perfume on the comb and run through the strands.

The main thing is not to overdo it! A fragrant trail should beckon, intrigue, but not knock those around you.

For a long time I have not written on my favorite topic, on which the soul rests)) - perfumery. The theme is so beautiful that even reading about it in general and about specific fragrances in particular, I get pleasure, and even looking at the incredibly beautiful bottles in which the same incredible beauty are hidden and inhaling this variety, I get doubly pleasure.

And is it worth limiting yourself to narrow boundaries? Although once upon a time it seemed to me that there should not be many perfumes, it should be one, "yours", and you are "recognizable" in it and this is the ideal))

But time passes and changes, changing us at the same time, now I am quite satisfied with the perfumery variety, because even the most beloved perfume does not get bored, no, it simply cannot be equally suitable for all seasons of the year, for different events taking place in life, for your own mood, after all ...

So I propose to make the goal not to choose one scent, but to determine which group of smells give you the greatest pleasure, which notes are especially loved and smell especially good on you, and, based on this, select more specific smells.

How to choose a perfume for yourself

The first thing you need to decide on is the fragrances from which group you like the most, and which ones you do not accept at all, if they exist, of course. There is an article on the blog about the division of fragrances: in it I gave two classification options, of which I like the second one more.

According to this gradation, you can, with more, determine which "direction" suits you.

Floral: floral-fruity is often chosen by cheerful energetic women, and floral-aquatic - amorous dreamers.

Citrus - bright, vigorous aromas, suitable for the same vigorous connoisseurs of an active lifestyle.

Woody: warm and soft scents will suit both a lady in a business suit and a lady in an evening dress. Their mistress is distinguished by her loyalty to tradition.

Leather: chosen by confident women or those who want to appear so, women with their own views.

How to choose the scent of perfume depending on the "type" of skin

But, no matter what they advise us virtually, no matter how many recommendations on the selection of a scent we read, no matter how intoxicating the description of the pyramid of the scent we like, it is not a fact that it will open up on you with these notes and will smell just as breathtaking as written in description.

For myself, I have long understood that the main thing is what kind of skin you have, how it “accepts”, and in what form it “returns” odors.

I figured it out a long time ago, because my skin is very capricious with regard to the "perception" of perfumes, she doesn't like everything, even complex wonderful aromas often smell like sweet cheap caramel on me. As an option - the smell of "grandmother's chest".

I still could not understand what miracles, why “tasty” in a bottle on me is not, until I met a good explanation about this and I am sharing.

Fragrances smell differently depending on the "temperature" of your skin.

It can be "normal", let's say "average temperature" (the definition is very arbitrary and has no relation to the usual normal body temperature of 36.6). There are very few owners of such skin, and these lucky women are suitable for almost any smell from all perfume categories.

The rest of the skin is either cool (more or less), or also more or less hot. It will depend on the name of this "type" of skin which scent is most likely to be yours, and which one will smell completely unsuccessful.

Cool skin

The aroma on it unfolds for a long time, while the first notes of the perfume are heard longer than usual, up to several hours.

Therefore, it is important not to buy a perfume in which the base suits you, but did not like the first notes in the hope that they will quickly disappear. Top notes will be heard on you for a long time and will also be annoying for a long time.

How to identify cool skin. Its owners:

Usually cold / cool hands, despite the weather and temperature around;

Low pressure;

They definitely prefer a hot climate to a cold one.

As additional characteristics, the absence of a bright blush and the fact that the skin is "reluctant" to tan are indicated.

I do not quite agree with the signs of tanning, I definitely belong to the owners of cool skin, but I tan quite easily.

Which will sound especially good on cool skin

1. Since it makes almost any aroma sweet, it is the savory ones that will be especially beautiful on it: fougere greens, chypre, unisex, as an option - men's perfumery.

2. Animalistic scents: civet, musk, leather and suede slightly lose their defiant notes on cool skin.

3. Citruses smell better than hot skin.

4. Floral fragrances which include "bright" flowers: rose and tuberose, jasmine, lily of the valley, lilac ... cool skin is able to restrain them and make them sound noble.

5. Aldehydes - perfumery "synthetics", it is beautifully heard on cool skin.

As the owner of such leather, I subscribe to each item, fragrances with these notes make it possible to feel the magnificence of perfumes and enjoy their "wearing".

What is most likely "will not sit down"

1. Fragrances in the characteristics of which the word "sweet" is in the first place.

2. Those that are called "gourmet", containing vanilla, honey, chocolate, caramel. It will be sweet, it will be just kitchen. But condiments like pepper, on the contrary, can please.

3. The smell of sweet fruits: peach, pineapple, apricots, they open for a long time on such a skin, thus becoming tasteless, sticky and unnatural.

4. Floral aromas of delicate flowers: iris, freesia, orchids. At best, their beautiful scent will not be fully revealed, at worst it will be distorted.

Hot skin

Its owner is characterized by warm hands and pressure closer to increased. The skin is usually dense and tans quickly.

This type is characterized by a very fast opening of the top notes, the base becomes almost immediately audible, so when choosing, focus on it, if you like the base, then the aroma will not irritate.

Most suitable notes

1. Sweet! Their excessive sweetness leaves the warmth of the skin.

2. Oriental. Frankincense, ambergris, patchouli, resins - on hot skin they open up beautifully and beautifully, completely surrendering themselves.

3. Flowers with sweetness - linden, osmanthus, honeysuckle, cherry. Or tenderness - iris, orchid, on hot skin they show all their subtle beauty.

4. "Gourmet" fragrances are not suitable for cool skin. Caramel and vanilla will not smell like "kitchen", but will become mysterious and attractive. Paradoxically, hot skin extinguishes the sweetness of these spices.

By the way, it is gourmand fragrances that are considered the most attractive for men.

5. Woody notes of sandalwood, guaiac, cedar, which hot skin helps to fully open, which usually cannot be cool.

Which is better not to use

1. Intensely scented flowers - rose, lily of the valley, jasmine are those that suit cool skin. They will smell too - stuffy, oily, thick.

2. Male perfume, possibly unisex - “male” notes may be too audible, which will make the smell rough.

3. Animalism, especially musk, which can give an unpleasant "animal", associations with dirty socks, mice, etc. Now there are synthetic musks that do not give such comparisons, but they still need to be tested first.

4. Powdery aromas of violet and iris roots. They powder themselves on hot skin as a result of giving out "grandmother's chest".

In general, something like that. Keep in mind that the skin can be very cold or very hot, and then the above rules will be especially relevant. But it can only be closer to hot / cold, then there will be more options to choose from.

What else influences the choice of perfume is the hormonal background, it is known that it changes often while changing your attitude towards the same scent. It is believed that the hormonal background is most stable at the beginning of the cycle, it is then that it is worth choosing a perfume.

Curiously, there is a "fragrant" indicator to check how good your hormonal background is, such an indicator is orange blossom oil (neroli). If inhaling it you do not feel discomfort, then everything is in order with the hormonal background)) if not, then the aroma of neroli will seem unpleasant to you.

A striking example of a neroli perfume is Chanel No 19 EDP from Chanel.

1. The blotter for testing perfume must be "correct". There should be no drawings and inscriptions on it, otherwise the alcohol and oils contained in the perfume, dissolving the paint, will distort the smell.

2. It is necessary to spray perfume on the blotter from a close distance, then wait twenty seconds for the alcohol to evaporate.

3. While sniffing, move the blotter from side to side a few centimeters from your nose. As you inhale the scent from the test paper, take short, neat breaths.

4. Coffee beans, usually offered in stores, do not help to "take a break" from a lot of smells. If all the smells are already merging into one for you, it is best to go out into the fresh air for a few minutes and then start testing again.

5. Try to leave no more than two especially liked copies, or even better one, which you apply on your skin in order to "live" with him and find out how much you match each other. This rule is illustrated by the phrase of professor-perfumer Roger Dov: "The choice of fragrance is similar to choosing a lover to find out if you really fit together, you have to spend the night with him. "

In conclusion, the words that I really like, they were said by Serge Lutens, founder of the Serge Lutens brand, this is an answer to the question of how to choose a perfume scent, how to understand whether it is your perfume:

"Very simple. Once he chose you in a perfume boutique. "

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"Tell me what you smell like and I'll tell you who you are." Approximately this is the reasoning not only for experienced perfumery sellers, but also for our interlocutors, who subconsciously classify us depending on what scent comes from us. How to choose a perfume for yourself? How do you determine your type of scent? Which scent is right for you? Determine this with a simple perfume test, which will allow you to find out which "scented" personality type you fit. During the testing process, when answering the questions, write down the answers. At the end of the test, you will need to identify the prevailing letter in your answers.

What kind of music do you prefer?
● A - dance, rhythmic
● B - melodic, with rich vocals
● B - rock music
● G - classic
● D - folklore
● E - Latin American
● F - jazz

What is your favorite dish?
● A - assorted fruits and berries
● B - homemade food made by mom's or grandmother's
● В - European cuisine: grilled salmon, juicy steak
● G - Japanese cuisine: sushi, sashimi
● D - Mexican or Indian cuisine - the more spices, the better
● E - desserts, ice cream at any time of the day
● F - fresh croissants and salad

What's your favorite drink?
● A - fruit juice or sports cocktail
● B - soothing herbal tea
● B - as easy as shelling pears: mineral water
● G - champagne with or without
● D - misted glass of white wine
● E - Coca-Cola, coffee - more caffeine!
● W - dry red wine

Choose your favorite color
● A - orange
● B - green
● B - yellow
● G - pink
● D - blue, light blue
● E - lilac
● F - red

How do you dress most often?
● A - warm sweaters, practical trousers, comfortable boots
● B - jeans and jackets
● В - feminine skirts and elegant blouses
● G - dresses, long coats, hats
● D - luxurious status items: suede, cashmere
● E - black urban ensembles
● F - leopard-like coat and stylish bright trousers

What is your favorite sport?
● A - extreme sports: snowboarding, kickboxing
● B - golf, tennis
● B - aerobics
● G - walking, jogging
● D - water sports: swimming, diving
● E - yoga, pilates
● F - dancing

What's your favorite weather?
● A - frost and sun, a wonderful day
● B - the beginning of autumn, when the leaves just turned yellow
● B - tropical humid heat
● G - spring: neither cold nor hot
● D - fogs, damp heat
● E - dry August heat
● F - just to keep it warm

What is your favorite vacation spot?
● A - mountains, kayaking trips
● B - rest house on the banks of a river or lake
● B - all inclusive resort
● G - dacha
● D - beach, no matter where
● E - European capitals, prestigious resorts
● F - uninhabited island

When do you use perfume?
● A - after sports
● B - on weekends
● B - every morning
● G - all the time
● D - only at home
● E - on a date or on special occasions
● F - in bed

It's time to take stock of the perfume test ...

If your answers are dominated by the letter "A" then your fragrances are sporty.
Your energetic, assertive nature admires natural beauty. Your fellow stars among the stars are Jennifer Lopez and Lucy Liu, whose dynamic and fresh style demands scents that are equally transparent and fresh. The aromas of sports brands (Adidas, Lacoste), the composition of which includes notes of citrus, white flowers (lily of the valley, freesia), herbs and white tea will harmoniously combine with your love of healthy food, a sports lifestyle and bright colors.
The following scents will suit you:
● Clinique Happy,
● Shiseido Energizing Fragrance,
● Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Girl,
● Lacoste Pour Femme,
● Burberry Brit.

If the letter "B" prevails in your answers then your scents are green.
Green herb are the words you can use to describe the scents you love. Naturalness is the basis of your charm. Like Julia Roberts and Jennifer Aniston, you can be casually elegant in your clothes, never go too far with makeup, always give the impression of freshness, innocence and prudence. Green, natural aromas with hints of leaves and stems combined with notes of hyacinth, tea rose and woody tones perfectly fit into your down-to-earth lifestyle.
Here are five herbal scents that might suit you:
● Chanel 19,
● Gucci Envy,
● Elizabeth Arden Green Tea,
● Cacharel Anais Anais,
● Guerlain L "Instant de Guerlain.

If the letter "B" prevails in your answers then your aromas are fruity.
Juicy, mature, sensual. Overflowing with sexuality - that is what characterizes the aromas peculiar to you. Like Halle Berry and Sherrill Crow, you are a bittersweet little thing that left the rainforest and found yourself in the harsh urban climate. Fruity notes of melon, raspberry, apricot combined with peony, rose and magnolia leave an indelible impression on both sexes. Your romantic nature is constantly in search of love, and the aromas bubbling with joy match it perfectly.
Try one of five fruity flavors in this style:
● Creed 2000 Fleurs,
● Ralph Lauren Lauren,
● Salvatore Ferragamo Incanto,
● Burberry Tender Touch Women,
● Gucci Eau de Parfum II.

If your answers are dominated by the letter "G" then your scents are floral.
Feminine and girly, these fragrances are equally suitable for Beyoncé Knowles and Brittney Spears. Here, too, everything revolves around romance and ooh-sighs, but in a more frivolous version. You like to dress up, take care of yourself, for you this is entertainment, not work. Your dream date is a dinner for two at the trendiest restaurant, your favorite outfits are slim and very seductive. Your blooming beauty does not depend on the season, and this is where floral scents help you. Notes of jasmine, orchid, santalum, musk and vanilla form a uniquely sensual combination.
Here are five floral scents you might like:
● Hugo Boss Intense,
● Yves Saint Laurent Paris,
● Estee Lauder Beautiful,
● Cartier So Pretty,
● Estee Lauder Beyond Paradise.

If the letter "D" prevails in your answers then your scents are aquatic, marine, oceanic.
Avant-garde and traditional, serious and caustic, you are constantly experimenting with your image. Like Gwyneth Paltrow and Sarah Jessica Parker, you are an irresistible blend of street and high style. You love to impress, but you don't fall victim to fashion. You smell like the future, but you don't give up on your past. Marine scents, which include notes of water, ozone, watermelon, grapes, cucumber, lily or honeysuckle, very accurately characterize your vibrant, artistic personality. Your scent is lively and brilliant, like mercury, but much more invigorating.
Try one of these marine scents:
● Shiseido Relaxing,

Perfume for a modern woman is the same wardrobe item as everything else. The right scent will multiply a woman's attractiveness at times, emphasize her style, and set the mood for the next day or evening. It is very important to know how to choose a perfume for yourself - even your most favorite products may be inappropriate at certain events or, conversely, too fanciful and bright for everyday use.

The choice of composition is a separate art, no less important and complex than the selection of clothing or accessories. If you treat this with attention and diligence, the result will pleasantly amaze you.

How perfumes differ from each other: how to choose your perfume scent

High-quality eau de toilette differs from cheap fakes in two factors: the duration with which it remains on the body and clothes, and the presence in one bottle of several levels of odors that are inaccessible at once in order to avoid confusion. This can be achieved only with the use of a special production technology, thanks to which the plume does not disappear immediately, but gradually. Thus, a quality product consists of separate blocks that are organically combined and do not interfere with each other. These blocks are called "notes" and are clearly classified.

How the notes are placed in a common pyramid

  • The starting (top) note. This smell is felt first, both by you and by those around you. It is often the most pronounced component, fresh and memorable. The action lasts only 15 minutes, after which this part will fade away, allowing the next, deeper one to appear. Standard flavors: citrus volatile oils, coriander, rosemary or rosewood.
  • Cardiac (middle). Based on the name, it is clear that this segment is perceived by the creator as the main one, as the meaning of the entire perfume composition. The components are usually persistent, woody or floral, last a couple of hours after initial weathering. Standard representatives: jasmine, verbena, geranium or rose essence.
  • Basic (bottom). This is what stays with you for almost a full day (10-15 hours). In high-quality eau de toilette, more attention is paid to the base. To keep the aroma, the base notes are based on the most persistent natural ones: vanilla, sandalwood, sage, oakmoss. Even a fleur of animal origin such as amber, musk and civet is not excluded.

With this knowledge, it will be easier to understand exactly what you want from your perfect bouquet. The understanding of how to choose the right perfume for yourself will come by itself. The main thing is to understand what scent you want to wear for a long time, and which one you don’t want to feel for more than an hour or two.

From the very moment of their invention, perfumes have been presented to the consumer in elegant bottles - these works of art often cost much more than the liquid itself. And if the original technologies were too expensive and imperfect, then with the development of the modern world in the perfumery community, a tradition has taken root to associate the color of water and the direction of the composition - this is how a signal is sent to a potential target audience.

Thanks to this unspoken rule, any woman can understand how to choose the right perfume for herself, focusing on its color. Here are some examples of how a manufacturer signals you:

  • lilac, violet and pink tones signal that the bouquet is suitable for young girls for romantic meetings or modest everyday wear;
  • deep blue and purple tones indicate that the aroma is strong and heavy in a good way, slowly fading away and is suitable for adult women for evening parties;
  • red color speaks of warmth and sexuality, often such bouquets give off sweetness or spice;
  • green eau de toilette differs in lightness, unobtrusive citrus, mint or herbal odors, great for everyday wear by women of all ages.

Thinking about how to choose the right perfume or perfume, do not forget about your companion, if he accompanies you. The choice of eau de toilette for men is no less wide than for women. Few pay attention to companion scent compatibility, but the couple who do it will be the undisputed highlight of any event.

There are separate pyramids for a man and a woman. Having studied them with minimal knowledge of your preferences and wishes, you will easily understand which perfume is better for yourself and your companion.

What perfume or eau de toilette to choose without making a mistake with the type

People who are not interested in perfumery may think that all the words used in everyday life for women's and men's fragrances are just synonyms, one way or another that have taken root in different countries and cultures, and now they are simply used in parallel. To think so is a big mistake, and the manufacturer writes the name on the package not from his own desire, but only from the composition.

Perfume (this is how the French word parfum is translated) is the most expensive type. They have the highest concentration level, 20-30%, which allows such products to be effective in cold seasons and appropriate for evening events. The last, lower notes are most pronounced - they are skillfully sustained, since they are designed for a considerable time of wearing. Their disadvantage is that wearing them in hot weather or early in the morning is not recommended. Strong bouquets in such conditions will be unpleasant for you and others.

Eau de toilette is a light, daytime perfume option. Suitable for use in hot weather, as it does not reach heavy lower chords, remaining on the upper and middle. It wears off quickly, but eau de toilette is designed for several uses during the day. Concentration only 6-10%, suitable for everyday use. How to choose eau de toilette for yourself - imagine the scent that you want to feel on yourself with pleasure even in the most stuffy weather or indoors, this will be the ideal option.

Eau de parfum is a cross between eau de toilette and perfume in concentration (15-20%). Designed for daytime use, lasts 5-7 hours. It has a pronounced "heart", it is the middle chords that last longer than all the others. You should not overdo it with it - attempts to apply such a product several times will not give the desired result, but will only spoil the successive steps.

Cologne is the lightest kind. Mostly used by men, but women's cologne also exists and is used at work, on trips, in very hot weather. The concentration of cologne is 3-5%.

What to choose - eau de toilette or eau de parfum? If you still can't decide, pay attention to oil products. Usually, the share in such body cosmetics (including body milk, oils or face skin care products) is small, but it feels bright, albeit not for long - the large application surface affects. Oily products rarely have heavy, persistent odors. Usually these are citrus, fresh notes.

How to choose your perfume for an important event

Perfumery is closely related to time. Using, for example, evening compositions is unacceptable in the morning - you will look like a person who has not got rid of yesterday's toilet. In everyday life, light bouquets are preferable, which will not interfere with your productive work or full rest, do not annoy others with an overly heavy or sweet flair, clearly intended for a public evening event. To keep your everyday look natural, choose citrus, forest, fresh or slightly spicy scents.

For an evening appearance (it can be a trip to the theater, to a concert, a buffet table or a film screening), any real composition with a strongly pronounced "base" and a concentration of 20-30% should be suitable. Use any option, no matter how tightly he holds - at an evening event, far from everyday affairs, this is permissible. Choose deep floral, woody accords.

How to choose the scent of perfume for yourself if you have dinner at a restaurant today? It all depends on your company. At a romantic dinner with your loved one, you can indulge in viscous spicy and sweet bouquets - vanilla, rose, fruit notes and spices. But at a dinner with business partners or family, such a flair will be inappropriate. Depending on the importance of the situation for you personally, make a choice between an everyday and an evening deep bouquet.

How to choose a perfume for the season

Alas, the peculiarities of weather conditions and seasons also dictate their own conditions to perfumery fashion. The weather directly affects how long your product will last and what it will turn into in conditions of high humidity or, conversely, unbearable heat.

In winter, any option will erode faster - this is how the cold acts on it. To make sure that your favorite product does not fade quickly, give preference to strong aromas in the morning. Sandalwood and rose, noble nutmeg will do - all these are tart and warm accords that will come in time for the cold.

In warm periods, everything is diametrically opposite. You will have to think about how to choose the right perfume for yourself and not interfere with these people around you. Your favorite sweet smells of flowers or spices can be spoiled beyond recognition by the heat. Anything harsh at first and strong over time, on a low note, will be too heavy for a hot day. In such weather, many hygiene products have to be used, the veil of which is sometimes mixed with the composition in a very unpleasant duo. For stuffy office hours, use refreshing options like mint, herbal, citrus. Anything that oozes freshness will do.

How to find and match your perfume scent

Not every woman has experience in the selection of perfumes. Finding the perfect creation is a whole art and there is nothing wrong with not mastering it perfectly. But this skill will not be superfluous, it will be useful for creating a harmonious image under any circumstances.

If you are seriously thinking about how to choose a fragrance for yourself, do it live. Find a specialized store in the city and find out everything you need for yourself - it is very convenient, because in any such salon there is a sales assistant who will gladly help with advice.

  • Before asking for advice, listen "blindly" without knowing the age category, gender recommendations and the big name of the manufacturer. Trust your taste.
  • In a day, you will only be well aware of 3-4 options. Ask the consultant to bring the perfume that best suits your preferences and choose from them. You can put your favorite ones on a special blotter (a thick strip of paper), but only one - on the wrist.
  • Do not rub the liquid into the skin - this way you will not speed up the process, only spoil the impression.
  • Spray the cloud over yourself. This creates a special "trail" that mimics the natural spread of the flair around you as much as possible.
  • Do not inhale the scent deeply and all at once. In this case, satiety will come, you will quickly lose your sense of smell, and further fitting will be ruined until the next day.

Take your time if you do not know how to choose the right perfume for yourself, especially if you are doing it for the first time. You should not take the first one that comes across if you can no longer distinguish subtle notes - it is better to postpone the visit until tomorrow.

Where is the best place to choose a perfume

"The First Moscow Store of Customs Goods" will provide you with a level of service that is no different from a salon with a corresponding theme. To figure out how to choose a perfume "Montal" or any others, we will certainly help. In the store, you are consulted exclusively by experienced specialists who have worked in the production and sale of perfumery for more than one year. Buying products from us, you acquire a sincere desire to help you find your scent and all the necessary conditions for the desired bottle to reach you on time.

Remember, your composition is an extension of your wardrobe. Choosing it requires good taste no less than any other item in your look. Respect the option you have chosen, do not abuse it, not allowing it to reveal itself in all its glory, and see how the perfume will transform you every day.