How a child develops 34 weeks of gestation. Low water, placental insufficiency, large fetus. Necessary research. Analyzes

6 weeks before the upcoming birth, many women turn on the nesting instinct. The desire to equip your space and prepare the house for the arrival of a baby leads to a sudden renovation or even a move. What is the reason for this condition, and what other surprises await the expectant mother at 34 weeks of pregnancy?

Fetal development

At 34 obstetric weeks, the baby continues to gain in weight and height. His body length is 44-45 cm, and the weight reaches the mark 2200 g... The size of the fetus at this time is very variable and depends a lot on heredity. A large fetus is more common in women of tall stature and strong build. The health of the mother, including the functioning of the endocrine system, also affects the height and weight of the fetus.

At the end of the third trimester, the baby takes a stable position in the uterus. The fetus can be located with its head or buttocks at the entrance to the small pelvis. The cephalic presentation is considered the most favorable for the upcoming birth. In this position, the baby can go through the birth canal without any problems and be born without complications. In the breech presentation, the likelihood of injury for both the woman and the newborn is significantly increased. The location of the baby's legs or buttocks at the entrance to the small pelvis is one of the indications for a cesarean section.

At 34 weeks of gestation, the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the fetus continues. Calcium is deposited in the bones of the fetus - an important element necessary for the normal development of the child. The baby receives nutrients from the mother's body. Lack of calcium during this period can lead to disruption of ossification processes, and its excess can lead to premature closure of the skull bones. In the latter case, the likelihood of serious injury at the time the baby is born increases significantly.

The development of the fetal nervous system continues according to the plan laid down by nature. At this time, the baby is already quite good at distinguishing external sounds, highlighting the voices of the parents and the immediate environment. The child perceives intonation and hears speech addressed to him. Perinatal psychologists advise the expectant mother to talk to her baby out loud as often as possible and talk about an imminent meeting. It will also be useful for the child's father to establish contact with the child during this period.

At the end of the third trimester, the fetus establishes its own metabolic rhythm. The endocrine glands work in full force, synthesizing the hormones necessary for the body. Individual biorhythms are formed, the time of sleep and wakefulness is determined. The established physiological rhythms will remain with the baby even after his birth.

At 34 weeks of gestation, the aging of the placenta begins. The fruitful place thickens, calcifications and other foreign inclusions appear in it. Despite this, the placenta continues to function fully until the very moment of delivery. During the same period, the production of hormones begins in the placenta, which are responsible for preparing the mother's body for the birth of a child.

Woman's condition

The total weight gain at 34 weeks of gestation is 8-10 kg. The increase in body weight is gradual, from 300 to 500 g per week. Weight gain at this time occurs mainly due to the active growth of the fetus. The expectant mother is recommended to weigh herself daily on an accurate electronic scale so as not to miss the development of gestosis and other possible pathology.

A woman's tummy at the end of the second trimester reaches its maximum size. The uterus is 34 cm above the bosom and almost reaches the xiphoid process of the sternum. The rapid growth of the abdomen affects the well-being of the expectant mother. Heartburn intensifies, flatulence occurs, heaviness appears in the epigastric region after eating. Many women at this time suffer from constipation and associated pain around the navel and in the lateral parts of the abdomen.

The high standing of the uterus also affects the work of the respiratory system. The diaphragm shifts upward, shortness of breath and a feeling of shortness of breath occur. Dyspnea worsens with any physical activity. Climbing stairs or covering long distances on foot at this time becomes quite difficult.

At 34 weeks, the female body experiences the maximum load for the entire pregnancy. Significant weight gain and an increase in the size of the abdomen primarily affects the condition of the musculoskeletal system. There is pain in the lumbar region, pelvic bones, hip joints. Wearing a prenatal brace, gymnastics, yoga and swimming will help alleviate the condition.

Fetal movements at the end of the third trimester are still felt well. On average, the expectant mother can feel 8-12 baby movements every hour. For 3-4 hours the child can calm down. At this time, the baby is sleeping and gaining strength. Fetal movements can be very painful and lead to increased heartburn and other digestive problems.

Nesting syndrome

Nesting syndrome is a special condition that occurs in most women late in pregnancy. Such a phenomenon is nothing more than an exacerbation of maternal instincts. This mechanism is provided by nature so that every woman can prepare for motherhood and can create the most favorable conditions for the existence of a newborn.

At 34 weeks gestation, nesting syndrome can manifest itself as follows:

  1. Sudden repair... Quite often, nesting syndrome is accompanied by a strong desire to make repairs in the apartment. The expectant mother feels an unprecedented surge of strength and is able to quickly organize everyone around her to help. During this period, a woman has many new ideas for rebuilding the premises. Ideas, as a rule, are global and involve the demolition of walls, the removal of all existing furniture and a complete change of colors. Such decisions are not always within the power of a woman in late pregnancy, which leads to nervous breakdowns and bad mood until the very birth.
  2. Moving... Some women do not think about renovating an old apartment, preferring to move to a new house. The desire for a change of scenery becomes so strong that it often does lead to a change of stop. Not all expectant mothers decide on global changes. Many women calm down after a short trip out of town to a recreation center or a summer cottage. Even spending the night with a friend can save the situation.
  3. spring-cleaning... Women who do not dare to make a global renovation or relocation start a general cleaning. The people around have a hard time, because a pregnant woman obsessed with the idea is able to infect everyone with her enthusiasm. Many mothers-to-be overestimate their strengths and take on difficult and almost impossible work. Instead of resting and taking time for herself, the woman rushes about the house with a rag and carpet cleaner at the ready. Relatives should take on some of the house cleaning work, or this pursuit of cleanliness can end up sadly.
  4. Buying a dowry for a baby... The safest manifestation of nesting syndrome is the desire to stock up on things for the newborn. A shopping trip can negatively affect the family budget, but it will not lead to a nervous breakdown against the background of overwork. A pre-made list of necessary things, as well as the presence of an alert spouse or girlfriend, will help to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Possible problems

All pregnant women at 32-34 weeks undergo the third and final ultrasound screening. During an ultrasound scan, the doctor necessarily determines the weight and height of the fetus and compares the data obtained with the norm. The lag in size from the norm by 2 or more weeks indicates a delay in its development. In this situation, the risk of giving birth to a small baby (less than 2500 g) and the appearance of various health problems in the first days of life increases. To improve the condition of the fetus, drugs are prescribed that activate the uteroplacental blood flow and prevent premature aging of the placenta.

A large fruit is an equally serious problem. The birth of a baby weighing more than 4 kg is often accompanied by the appearance of the following conditions:

  • abnormalities of labor;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • serious injury to the perineum and cervix;
  • massive bleeding during childbirth;
  • birth trauma of a newborn (fracture of the clavicle, skull bones, hemorrhage into internal organs).

The estimated fetal weight of more than 4 kg at full-term pregnancy is one of the indications for a cesarean section. Women with chronic heart and vascular diseases are at high risk of injury during childbirth. An anatomically narrow pelvis, combined with a large fetus, also significantly increases the likelihood of poor labor outcomes.


At 34 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother will have two important examinations:

  • Ultrasound III screening;


At 32-34 weeks, all expectant mothers are advised to undergo ultrasound screening. Ultrasound at this time allows you to assess the weight and growth of the fetus, the state of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid. A timely study makes it possible to identify the following pathological conditions:

  • fetal growth retardation syndrome;
  • a tendency to give birth to a large fetus;
  • polyhydramnios or low water;
  • entanglement with the umbilical cord;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • some fetal malformations.

Simultaneously with the ultrasound, dopplerometry is performed. This examination allows you to assess the state of blood flow in the mother-placenta system of the fetus. If the blood flow is disturbed, the baby suffers and, first of all, his central nervous system. Having detected any changes in the blood flow rate, the doctor can prescribe adequate therapy to prevent the development of fetal hypoxia.


At 34 weeks of gestation, CTG (cardiotocography) is performed. This method allows you to assess the work of the fetal heart and identify possible deviations in time. CTG is performed once a week until the very birth.

General rules for conducting CTG:

  • The study is performed in the morning or in the interval from 19 to 24 hours. This time is considered the most favorable for assessing fetal cardiac activity.
  • CTG is not recommended to be done on an empty stomach or immediately after a meal. The optimal interval between the study and food intake is 1-1.5 hours.
  • CTG is performed with the woman on her side or sitting. The supine position is not recommended.
  • The duration of the procedure is 20-40 minutes. During this time, the baby must necessarily make itself felt by movements. If the child is asleep, the study can take up to 1.5 hours.

When conducting CTG, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • heart rate (HR);
  • basal heart rate;
  • variability of the basal rhythm;
  • the number of accelerations (heart rate acceleration);
  • number of decelerations (slowing heart rate).

The result of CTG is estimated in points:

  • 8-10 points - a satisfactory condition of the fetus (norm);
  • 6-7 points - initial signs of fetal hypoxia;
  • 5 points or less - severe fetal hypoxia.

Upon receiving an assessment of 6-7 points, CTG is repeated every other day. If the result does not change, the woman is sent for an ultrasound scan and dopplerometry. With severe fetal suffering, early stimulation of labor or caesarean section is possible. CTG indicators of 5 points or less are a reason for emergency delivery.

Week 34 - time to pack the bag to the maternity hospital. Normally, in a healthy woman, labor can begin between 37 and 41 weeks, at which point everything should be ready for hospitalization. Collecting things between painful contractions is not a pleasant experience. It is better to take care of this in advance and prepare a package with everything you need.

A list of things that will come in handy in a maternity hospital:

  • documents (passport, medical policy, exchange card, generic certificate);
  • phone and charger for it;
  • removable shoes (washable slippers);
  • shirt and robe;
  • mug and spoon;
  • sanitary pads for discharge after childbirth;
  • disposable postpartum linen;
  • disposable diapers for the baby;
  • baby clothes (hat and socks);
  • personal hygiene items (shampoo, soap, toilet paper);
  • clean drinking water without gas (in a bottle).

Most maternity hospitals provide clothes and diapers for the baby for the first days of life. Before hospitalization, it will not be superfluous to clarify whether you need to bring clothes for the newborn with you. All questions can be asked by the head of the postpartum department or the head nurse.

A bag with things for discharge deserves special attention. Prepare in advance:

  • set for the discharge of a newborn;
  • clothes and cosmetics for discharge for you;
  • camera.

Inform your spouse or relatives about where the items will be stored for discharge. On the right day, your loved ones will bring the pre-assembled package to the discharge room and give it to you. Remember that all clothes for the baby must be pre-washed using a special hypoallergenic product for children. Discharge clothing must be appropriate for the season. If you are taking your baby home in a private car or in a taxi, take care of purchasing a category 0+ child car seat.

Braxton Hicks contractions are becoming regular. The baby has grown another 1 cm and is now the size of a butternut squash. There is less and less space for activity, so the baby does not make sudden movements and somersaults, but only stretches and tosses in his mother's belly.

Sensations at 34 weeks of gestation

A woman this week may experience severe contractions, and their frequency increases every day. The spasms occur in the upper part of the uterus.

All also continue to disturb pain in the chest and pelvis. The uterus grows upward, pressing on the stomach and adjacent organs. The woman still has heartburn and belching. Breathing is difficult and shortness of breath occurs after exercise. Another week or two and the stomach will go down - the woman will feel much easier.

As a result of disturbed intestinal peristalsis, the expectant mother is worried about constipation. The child presses on the bladder and the woman has to go to the toilet often. For the same reason, her sleep is disturbed, it is more and more difficult to find a comfortable position. You cannot sleep on your back, it is advisable to lie on your left side.

The baby no longer pushes the mother so hard - there is less and less space in the uterus. He has his own daily routine. When mom walks, she rocked the baby in the tummy and he sleeps. Conversely, the child prefers active activities while the mother is resting.

Changes in mom's body at 34 weeks of gestation

The figure of a woman at 34 weeks of gestation has changed a lot. The expectant mother is getting round every day, gaining 300-400 grams weekly.

The fundus of the uterus is determined 13 cm above the navel and 34 cm above the pubic joint. The uterus is preparing for the upcoming birth - more and more often, the expectant mother feels false training contractions. Kegel exercises are helpful - they can help prevent tears during childbirth and make them less painful.

As a result of the shift in the center of gravity, the back and legs may hurt, especially in the evening. Some mothers are also worried about swelling of the legs at the end of the day, which disappear by the morning during the normal course of pregnancy.

The double-enlarged breast already contains colostrum, which will become breast milk after the baby is born. The expectant mother already has more than 5 liters of blood, which is 1 liter more than usual.

Baby at 34 weeks. Fetus 34 weeks

At 34 weeks gestation, the gestational age of the fetus is 32 weeks. Its organs and systems are finishing their active development. The child becomes more and more well-fed - he has folds and cheeks. The fat layer has not yet accumulated enough under the skin. It accounts for only 8% of the total weight of the child. Such babies are not yet able to keep warm.

The child is no longer so active, he has less and less room for movement. He quickly gains weight, taking it from the mother's body. The primary fluff rolls down on his body, the amount of original lubricant increases, the baby's skin becomes paler.

The child adds 200-400 grams each week. Now his weight is about 2200-2400 grams, and his height is somewhere around 43-44 cm. Most of the children finally settled in the mother's stomach in the exact position in which they are to be born.

What's new?

The kid most likely has already taken the final position - head down. Also this week the following events take place:

  • all systems are functioning;
  • internal organs are fully formed;
  • the baby has a daily routine - most often he is active when the mother is asleep, and rests when the mother is awake;
  • the child reacts to the sounds of music, distinguishes the intonation of voices;
  • the baby's visual and taste perceptions are improved;
  • the child sees dreams.

If the baby was born at this time, he would no longer be considered premature. Rather, he would have been recorded as prematurely born. Such children can already breathe on their own.

External development of the fetus

The following events can be attributed to the external signs of a child's development at a period of 34 weeks:

  • all parts of the body are proportional to each other;
  • skin color becomes pale, redness disappears;
  • the baby accumulates subcutaneous fat, cheeks and skin folds appear.

All children develop and grow in different ways, so all of the above signs are relative.

Internal fetal development

The internal signs of fetal development at 34 weeks include the following phenomena:

  • the brain is fully formed;
  • all systems of the body are also formed;
  • the lungs are ripe;
  • in boys, the testicles descended into the scrotum.

The baby's bones become denser, and the baby takes calcium from the mother's body. Therefore, it is very important for mom to consume enough of it.

Weight gain at 34 weeks gestation

At 34 weeks, a woman can gain about 400 grams per week. By the end of 34 weeks, the expectant mother is gaining weight up to 10-11 kg. At the end of her pregnancy, she may weigh 15-16 kg more than her pre-pregnancy weight.

Detailed information about all types of discharge during pregnancy can be found!

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 34 weeks

Many women at 34 weeks may experience the following symptoms:

  • pain in the pelvic area, chest, back;
  • indigestion;
  • constipation and other digestive disorders;
  • bleeding gums;
  • frequent urination;
  • dyspnea;
  • headaches;
  • varicose veins;
  • short sleep;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands, colostrum leakage.

Many mothers may feel numbness and pain in the pelvic area while walking during this period. This is because the child presses on the nerve endings. And also there is a weakening of the pelvic ligaments and joints before childbirth.

What happens to the belly at 34 weeks of gestation

The belly is large enough. The child props up the chest and the mother sometimes finds it hard to breathe. Soon the stomach will drop down and become much easier.

The dark line on the belly clearly divides the belly into two halves. The navel protrudes outward.

The skin on the abdomen is a little itchy, as it is very stretched. To relieve itching, the skin is lubricated with olive oil or an anti-stretch mark moisturizer.

Many mothers clearly feel how and what the baby is pushing. Now he is located upside down and beats mom in the ribs. His movements are no longer so active due to the small space. You can feel the hiccup of the baby. Usually, by 34 weeks, the baby is completely laid down in the position in which he is to be born.


At 34 weeks, the size of the uterus reached 30-32 cm. It increased 500 times and became 10 times heavier than before pregnancy. From the pubic symphysis, the uterus rises 34 cm and its upper point is 14 cm above the navel.


As a result, a shift in the center of gravity and an increase in the abdomen increases the load on the legs and back. By 34 weeks, it can hurt in the perineum and sacrum. Thus, the body prepares the woman for childbirth, the pelvic bones slowly spread and soften. In addition, a child who is positioned head down and pushes mom in the ribs can give mom a little pain.

You should be careful about pain. Preparatory contractions - pulling in the lower abdomen, not intense and not frequent, which pass quickly, should not bother. In the case of cramping and frequent - you should call an ambulance, since most likely this is the beginning of labor.

Pregnant women often experience constipation, as the enlarged uterus presses on the intestines. For this reason, it can hurt in the pubic area and, in rare cases, develop hemorrhoids. The main symptom of hemorrhoids is pain in the anus.

Discharge at 34 weeks gestation

It is important to control your discharge. They are normally moderate, without a pungent odor, having a light or milky shade. At this time, the discharge may become more slimy. Do not worry about this, as mucus can be released from the vagina, which covers the uterus throughout pregnancy.

A change in color to yellow or gray, curdled, and even with a pungent odor should be the reason for seeking medical attention. Infection of the genital tract is possible. The most common cause of these symptoms is thrush. After the examination, treatment will be prescribed. It is imperative to get rid of the infection, since there is a high probability of infection of the child while passing through the birth canal.

In case of bloody discharge, you should go to the hospital, as this may indicate a placental abruption. This condition is dangerous due to the occurrence of hypoxia in a child. Another reason for the appearance of blood from the vagina is the onset of premature birth.

Watery discharge in abundance at the 34th week indicates an outpouring of amniotic fluid. An immediate ambulance doctor is required.

Necessary medical observations, analyzes and examinations

For a period of 34 weeks, an ultrasound scan is usually prescribed, if the woman has not done it before. Ultrasound will provide complete information about the ongoing pregnancy and the development of the child. The examination determines the presence or absence of defects and developmental pathologies. They can also prescribe dopplerometry and cardiotocography, which will provide complete information about the development of pregnancy.

As a result of the examination, the doctor makes the necessary measurements of the fetus, determines its location in the uterus, listens to the heartbeat, sets the expected date of birth. All organs of the baby are examined, the blood supply system is assessed. The examination will determine whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The doctor will measure the parameters of the uterus, determine the amount and composition of amniotic fluid.

Before a scheduled visit to the antenatal clinic, a pregnant woman must undergo clinical blood and urine tests. If necessary, urine for protein and sugar. At a doctor's appointment, a woman will measure the height of the uterus, weight, blood pressure, and abdominal circumference.


Sexual intercourse at 34 weeks of gestation is quite possible, but it must be very, very careful. At this time, it is certainly better to postpone sex with sex. There is no need to bother the child, especially since the uterus is already preparing for the upcoming birth with might and main. The genital tract is now very vulnerable and you can get an infection even if a woman is protected.

Male sperm tends to relax the cervix, stimulating labor. Therefore, during intercourse, you need to use a condom to prevent ejaculate from entering the vagina.

Abrupt movements are also excluded, and the posture must be safe - no pressure on the abdomen should be applied. It is considered safest when the partner is behind. Any painful sensations and discomfort are excluded.


The expectant mother for a long time should not overeat. You should distribute your diet so as to avoid unpleasant consequences. It is recommended to eat a little, in small portions 6-7 times a day.

The consumption of the following food products should be minimized: muffins, sweet and flour products, cakes and pastries. The menu of a pregnant woman should be the same as a child's diet - no fried, smoked and too salty foods. You can not eat allergenic foods: dark chocolate, nuts (peanuts), citrus fruits in large quantities. Seafood is also undesirable. Otherwise, the child may become allergic to them after birth. You can not eat spicy food, exotic fruits. Food known to the area of \u200b\u200bresidence should be eaten.

It is recommended to consume as much fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, soups and borscht in vegetable broth as possible. It is recommended to drink compotes, not strong tea, plain water, non-carbonated drinks. It is desirable to give preference to dairy and cultured milk products, low-fat fish and meat and other healthy foods.

Mom needs to keep track of her weight. It is better to plan the whole day so that there is time for a walk in the park, attending antenatal clinics and courses on pregnancy and childbirth. It's better to instruct your loved ones to buy food.

What to do this week

  • do the last scheduled ultrasound scan, if the woman has not done it before;
  • attend courses for pregnant women to prepare for childbirth;
  • choose a maternity hospital and the procedure for admission to it;
  • prepare all the documents that will be needed at the hospital;
  • collect things and documents in the hospital.

Dangers and complications

At 34 weeks of gestation, the following complications may occur:

  • toxicosis, which are characterized by high blood pressure, headaches and dizziness;
  • spotting from the vagina (placental abruption or presentation);
  • polyhydramnios or low water;
  • premature birth.

The cause of all pathologies during pregnancy is anemia in the expectant mother, kidney and vascular diseases, as well as smoking during pregnancy, too much weight gain or, conversely, malnutrition.

Weight at 34 weeks must be carefully controlled; the maximum weight gain should not exceed 300 grams. Large weight gain can cause toxicosis or gestosis. The amount of liquid you drink should not exceed 1.5 liters per day.

If the above complications of pregnancy occur, you should consult a doctor. Most likely you will have to go to an inpatient department or a maternity hospital.

At 34 weeks of gestation, it is advisable to observe the following recommendations:

  • you should protect yourself from stress and irritation;
  • it is necessary to maintain a positive attitude;
  • monitor the amount of baby's movements (10 times in 12 hours);
  • control your weight;
  • monitor the condition of the arms, legs and abdomen;
  • do not have sex in the last weeks to avoid infection of the birth canal;
  • try not to get sick with colds and other infections;
  • wear a bandage - a belt supporting the abdomen;
  • be in the fresh air;
  • it is recommended to make a list and prepare the necessary things and items for the hospital.

In the normal course of pregnancy, some 5-6 weeks remain before it ends. There is practically no time left, so the expectant mother needs to carefully prepare for the upcoming birth.

The 34th week of pregnancy has gone, which means the birth is getting closer. From the beginning of this period, a woman should be especially careful about her well-being. Not the least role is played by close people who are close to the expectant mother, who must monitor the condition of the pregnant woman, and in case of any violations (amniotic fluid, premature contractions, bleeding), quickly respond and take the expectant mother to the hospital.

34 obstetric week of pregnancy is the end of the 8th month of pregnancy, the last, third trimester, and approximately 32 embryonic week.

Feeling a woman at 34 weeks

The baby continues to grow and gain weight, along with the uterus and the belly of the pregnant woman. At 34 weeks, the uterus measures up to 32 cm and is located 14 cm above the navel. It compresses more and more internal organs, which manifests itself in constant trips to the toilet, the presence of digestive problems (heartburn, nausea, constipation), shortness of breath and shortness of breath.

At 34 weeks of gestation, the norm for the weight of a pregnant woman is +12 kg. If the woman has gained more, the doctor will advise how to reduce the intensity of the weight gain. Extra pounds for such a period will not lead to anything good, this is just an additional load on the spine and legs. For pregnant twins, the permissible weight gain is 14 kg.

Most expectant mothers at 34 weeks notice that it becomes difficult for them to move, they quickly get tired of walking, they are pursued by a constant feeling of heaviness in the lower back and legs. Some can no longer put on shoes without assistance. At this time, expectant mothers are recommended special physical exercises for pregnant women, you can sign up for gymnastics or yoga classes. Exercise can help reduce discomfort in the lower back, pelvis, and leg pain.

At 34 weeks, the breasts increase in size and colostrum production begins. There is a hormonal surge: the mother's body begins to prepare for childbirth and subsequent breastfeeding.

If colostrum does not begin to be secreted, then there is nothing to worry about, because each organism is individual. Some mothers are afraid that if there is no colostrum, then then there will be no milk. This is not so, for many colostrum begins to be secreted only after childbirth, and after a couple of days milk arrives.

The approaching birth makes the corresponding changes in the woman's body: the pelvic bones diverge, which causes pain in the expectant mother. The amount of amniotic fluid increases, their volume reaches 1 liter. From the beginning of 34 weeks of pregnancy, Braxton Hicks' contractions increase. When they appear, the woman feels pain in the upper abdomen, which, spreading throughout the uterus, gradually subsides. These training contractions are necessary to prepare the body for the upcoming birth, which is only a few weeks away. You shouldn't worry about them at all.

The appearance of edema, leg cramps, and the development of varicose veins is still possible. In case of severe edema, a woman should consult a doctor.

What's going on with the baby?

At this time, the fetus is already developed. There are cases when women give birth at this time, while the born child is not considered premature, but is born prematurely. He is quite viable, can breathe on his own and does not need special care.

At 34 weeks gestation, the amount of lubricant that coats the baby's body increases. Now she protects him from the effects of amniotic fluid, and in the future it will help him pass through the birth canal more easily.

The development of the fetus ends, its weight at 34 weeks already reaches 2-2.2 kg, and its height is 40-44 cm. At this stage of pregnancy, the child begins to grow hair, replacing the fluff. The baby is in need of calcium, which he should receive from his mother.

Fetal movements at 34 weeks

The mother begins to feel the movement of the baby inside the womb at 18-22 weeks of pregnancy, by 25-27 weeks the baby's movements are felt most clearly, sometimes causing the mother inconvenience and even pain. By the 34th week of pregnancy, the baby becomes large, and its movements are limited to the placenta. Changes in the baby's behavior are noticeable, but you should not be afraid of a decrease in his activity. The movements of the fetus at this time become smoother. A pregnant woman should listen to the movements of her baby, they should be regular and daily, although not as active as in earlier periods.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

Q: Why does the stomach turn to stone at 34 weeks?

A: The abdomen can be stiff for several reasons: uterine hypertonicity or training contractions. The tone of the uterus can cause premature birth, while false contractions are completely safe. With increased tone, the lower abdomen remains firm for a long time, this sensation can be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, he will prescribe drugs that reduce tone. With contractions according to Braxton Hicks, the abdomen becomes stony for a short time, in most cases such contractions are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, but women do not experience obvious pain.

Q: What should be the norms of CTG at 34 weeks of gestation?

О .: The norms of KTG are as follows:

  • BCSS (heart rate) - 110-160 beats / min (calm state of the fetus) and 130-190 beats / min (active state of the fetus).
  • Heart rate (height of deviations from heart rate) - 5-25 beats / min.
  • Increased heart rate - from 2 beats in 10 minutes.
  • Reduction of heart contractions - absent.
  • Uterine activity - no more than 15% of contractions from BChS, duration - no more than 30 seconds.

Decrypt cardiotocography using a point system. Each of the above criteria is scored from 0 to 2 points. According to the final assessment, we can talk about the state of the fetus: 8-10 points
- the norm; 5-7 points - oxygen starvation of the fetus, without threats, it is recommended to repeat CTG; 4 points or less - severe fetal hypoxia, emergency delivery is recommended.

Q: 34 weeks the belly sank. This is normal? Is not it too early?

A: In the first pregnancy, the belly very often drops 3-4 weeks before delivery. Thus, lowering the belly at 34 weeks is normal. With the second pregnancy, the belly drops, as a rule, later, 1-2 weeks before delivery.

Analyzes and ultrasound at 34 weeks

At 34 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a routine examination by a doctor, pass general blood and urine tests. On examination, the gynecologist will measure the weight and circumference of the abdomen, compare the patient's weight with the previous ones. If the patient has gained a lot of weight and has severe edema, she may be admitted to the hospital.

Also, the woman will have to undergo a scheduled ultrasound scan, if this has not been done before. The specialist determines the position of the fetus, the state of the placenta and the approximate size of the child. In 94% of cases, the child is located correctly in the womb - with its head to the birth canal, and only in 6% of cases the fetus is located with its legs down. In the case of breech presentation, doctors note that delivery should be done by caesarean section. However, about half of these 6% babies will take the correct position before 36 weeks.

At 34 weeks gestation, the gynecologist can determine the following disorders:

  • detachment of the placenta (symptoms include bleeding, muscle tension in the uterus, and a rapid heart rate);
  • hematoma on the uterus (it makes itself felt with pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, low blood pressure);
  • polyhydramnios (the expectant mother has high blood pressure, may have diabetes mellitus, the child's heartbeat is poorly heard);
  • lack of water (its signs are dry mouth of a woman, nausea, weakness, less volume of the uterus, compared with the norm).

Norms of ultrasound at 34 weeks

Fetal size (norm)

Amniotic fluid


What should mom do?

Pregnant woman's nutrition

Proper nutrition is the key to the health and well-being of mom and baby. At 34 weeks, the baby needs calcium, therefore, the expectant mother is advised to consume more food containing this element:

  • all dairy products (hard cheeses, cottage cheese, yoghurt, sour cream, milk, fermented baked milk and others);
  • vegetables (white cabbage and cauliflower, parsley, celery, garlic, peas, beans);
  • berries (figs, cherries, strawberries);
  • fish (sardine, salmon, carp, etc.).

It is better to take food in small portions. The number of such receptions can be about 6-7 per day. During breaks, the feeling of hunger can be quenched with berry fruit drinks, fresh fruit or a light salad of fresh herbs.

Preparing for childbirth

At 34 weeks of gestation, it is worth deciding on the choice of a maternity hospital and a doctor. The emergency bag that mom will take with her to the hospital should already be collected. Depending on the conditions of the maternity hospital, the list of necessary things may differ.

An approximate list of things in the hospital is as follows:

  • documents (passport, policy, exchange card, birth certificate, results of the last ultrasound scan);
  • 2 shirts, bathrobe, underwear, slippers;
  • postpartum pads;
  • toilet paper;
  • dishes (plate, spoon, fork, mug);
  • personal items (phone, charger, cosmetics, shampoo, etc.);
  • things for the child (sheets, undershirts, blanket, cap, diapers, wet wipes).

Intimate life

After 34 weeks of pregnancy, sex is not recommended. Sex carries a certain danger to the fetus in late pregnancy. There is a high probability of introducing an infection into a woman's birth canal. There is also the possibility that sex can affect the position of the baby in the womb. Having previously taken the correct position with the head down, the baby can turn over and sit on the ass.

In the question of whether it is possible to have sex in late pregnancy, an important factor is the course of the pregnancy itself. If the expectant mother does not have any abnormalities, and the gynecologist gives permission, then you can live a sex life. If a married couple nevertheless decides to have sex during this period, then the movements should be unhurried and smooth, and the pose should be as comfortable as possible for the woman.

On 34 obstetric week of pregnancy you may feel tired and tired from your condition. Due to the large abdomen, disturbances of night sleep are not excluded - calmness is interrupted by urges to use the toilet and sudden movements of the baby.

The child is almost ready to be born... Its organs are finally formed, and the lungs are able to work without outside help. The movements of the baby at 34 weeks of gestation are not as frequent as before, but now they are made with greater force.

Fetal size and development at 34 weeks gestation

Now your child is literally growing by leaps and bounds. Baby weight at 34 weeks of gestation is already 2100-2400 grams, length from the crown to the sacrum it ranges from 31-32 cm, and the total height is 43-44 cm. Now the amount of subcutaneous fat is increasing, and its part of the total mass is 8%.

The baby at the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy grows up and begins to shed the germ fluff. The skin becomes lighter and the redness gradually disappears. Lubrication on the body is now even more abundant: this is necessary to ensure maximum protection of the skin from softening by amniotic fluid. In addition, a large amount of lubricant will help the baby to pass through the birth canal more easily in case he wants to be born early.

Facial features children have already become completely honed and correspond to the lines laid down by genetics. The cheeks have become round and now they are quite plump. The hair on the head is actively growing and becoming thicker, and the ears bulged out and became like an ordinary person.

By 34 weeks the fetus takes a position in the abdomen, which will remain unchanged until the birth itself. In the overwhelming majority of cases, we are talking about the cephalic presentation: this is laid down by nature itself and facilitates the process of the baby's birth.

Although it happens that the baby is still in pelvic or even horizontal position... By the way, the last option suggests that the child may be anxious and uncomfortable. You should not worry in advance, because there is still time before giving birth, and special exercises will help the baby to take the right position.

At this stage fetal organs almost completely formed. In the case of the onset of childbirth, the baby will already be considered not premature, but prematurely born. Such children can breathe on their own and do not need resuscitation.

Organs and systems are at the final stage of formation and now, what's happening now:

  • The process of strengthening bones is actively going on and for this the baby needs calcium.
  • The adrenal glands work in full mode, producing a hormone that helps prepare the mother's body for lactation.
  • The surfactant substance has reached the required amount so that the baby can breathe without assistance in the event of childbirth.
  • Active activity of the kidneys is noted - they constantly renew the amniotic fluid.
  • The gastrointestinal tract is also formed and ready for independent living.
  • A unique pattern of lines has formed on the palms, and the marigolds already protrude beyond the edges of the fingers.
  • The hearing organs are also well developed, and the child is able to hear sounds well.

At 34 weeks old there is a certain regime... There is less and less room for somersaults in my mother's belly, and the tremors are getting stronger. The child actively "pushes" the internal organs of the mother in order to get comfortable.

Goes preparation for breastfeeding - your baby's favorite activity is thumb sucking. Also, the baby is still hiccuping, and this can be seen by the rhythmic twitching of the mother's abdomen. Recall that you do not need to worry, since this is just the result of swallowing amniotic fluid.

Your child is empathetic reacts to external sounds... He relaxes when he hears melodic music and native voices and is frightened by a sharp noise.

Twin development at 34 weeks pregnancy is no different from singleton pregnancy. Babies also have developed organs and have all the skills, like an ordinary child. The difference is, perhaps, in body weight - the weight of the fetus at 34 weeks of gestation is about 2 kg or a little more.

What happens to mom at 34 weeks

At 34 weeks stomach already so large that you may feel discomfort in the back and lower back, as well as constant pressure on the bladder. The height of the day of the uterus is 32-34 cm, and above the navel it rises by 14 cm. You can see a photo of the belly at 34 weeks of gestation above.

Concerning weight, then since pregnancy you have gained up to 8-12 kg. Now it is necessary and try not to allow excess of more than 200-300 grams per week. After all, otherwise you run the risk of "feeding" yourself and the baby, which will cause difficulties during childbirth.

Baby wiggle became less frequent, since the baby is simply cramped. But his tremors have acquired great strength and are capable of causing pain in a woman.

Some mums-to-be may have felt relieved this week. The thing is that baby goes down, and the impact on the diaphragm becomes smaller. It relieves shortness of breath and heartburn.

However, others remain and even intensify. discomfort:

  • Pubic discomfort and compression of the sciatic nerve. This is caused by a sprain but is normal.
  • Braxton's training contractions... They become more frequent and cause a "petrification" of the abdomen. A warm shower and no-spa will ease the pain. ...
  • Rash and itching. It is caused by stretching of the skin. You can relieve the situation with creams and moisturizing oils.
  • Swelling of the face, arms and legs. It worries almost every mother, and the main thing here is to make sure that the phenomenon does not become permanent.
  • The mammary glands are preparing for lactation, and is actively configured in them. This happens under the influence of hormones.

The 34th week of pregnancy is still important. Recall that normally they should be milky in color, of a uniform consistency, a sour smell is possible. It is assumed that mucus may be released from the vagina, which enveloped the uterus throughout pregnancy. Also, due to examination on the chair, weak ones may appear at this time.

Emotional condition the expectant mother is often left vulnerable. And although the period when a woman was disturbed by frequent mood swings and bouts of nervousness is already far behind, new anxieties come to replace this state. They are associated primarily with the approaching birth and the birth of a baby.

The expectant mother begins to wonder if she will succeed, if everything is ready for the birth of a child. However, looking ahead, we note that there is no reason to be nervous, and at the most crucial moment you mobilize all your strength and knowledge so that the result is successful.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound at the 34th week of pregnancy

As before, it is necessary visit an obstetrician-gynecologist and take urine for analysis Once every 2 weeks. The doctor will record your weight, measure the pressure and height of the fundus of the uterus, exclude it, and also listen to the baby's heartbeat. You may need to be examined on a chair and take a smear for analysis.

Usually everything at this point has already been passed. However, your doctor may recommend an additional procedure. This will help determine:

  • maturity of the placenta;
  • presentation of the fetus;
  • general condition of the child;
  • possibility ;

We invite you to watch a video of an ultrasound of the fetus at 34 weeks of gestation, and also consider the baby in the photo above.

Possible deviations from the norm

As throughout pregnancy, now more than ever you need to monitor your condition and note the points that alert you. Consider which dangerous situations possible at 34 weeks:

  • Breech presentation of the fetus. This means that the baby has not turned upside down and is sitting on the bottom. At this time, do not despair - the doctor may recommend a set of special exercises that will help the child to take the correct position. If this cannot be achieved, then you will be assigned a planned caesarean section.
  • Premature birth. Despite the fact that the child is already quite developed and the percentage of a favorable outcome of childbirth is almost 100%, premature birth is now still undesirable. In order to react in time, you need to know what symptoms may indicate the onset of labor. This is a weakening of the intestines, regular contractions, the release of the mucous plug, the outflow of amniotic fluid. If you find these signs, you need to seek help.
  • Are still dangerous specific discharge... These are greenish cheesy formations with a pungent unpleasant odor. In this case, visit your doctor immediately.

Mom's diet at 34 weeks pregnant

Food at 34 weeks plays an important role. Throughout pregnancy, the baby receives calcium and other nutrients from your body, and now you need to replenish its reserves for quick recovery after childbirth.

In general, the principles of nutrition remain the same. That's what you need to pay special attention:

  • Adequate intake of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.
  • Do not forget about foods containing calcium: the baby's bones are strengthened and he takes this element from you in large doses.
  • The liquid now does not need to be consumed in large quantities, as this can contribute. Limit 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • Do not overuse flour products and sweets if your baby is already large enough.
  • Avoid foods with artificial additives and flavors.
  • Try to keep your diet balanced and contain the necessary substances and trace elements. Replenish stock if necessary.

Skin care and exercise for pregnant women

The last months of pregnancy are characterized by increased sweating, which creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes. To avoid this, you must maintain hygiene and remember to shower twice a day.

Skin follows moisturize thoroughlyusing creams, oils and lotions for these purposes. Choose products designed specifically for expectant mothers, as they contain the minimum amount of harmful additives.

Do not forget about the tools that help in fight against stretch marks... You don't have to wait for childbirth to do this: it is important to solve the problem right now for the greatest effect.

Very important: they will help prepare the body for childbirth. Here's what will help you:

  • strengthen the pelvic floor.
  • Tailoring or sitting cross-legged will support your back and hip muscles.
  • Water aerobics will improve the general condition and tone the entire body.

Also, do not neglect morning warm-up - even 10 minutes will be enough to feel better. Take a few hours a day for outdoor walks. Now this is especially important for mom and baby.

Sexual relationship at 34 weeks

In the absence of contraindications, you can save. However, it is recommended to moderate the ardor and choose gentle posturessince the birth canal becomes very susceptible.

At 34 weeks gestation is encouraged unprotected sex, as sperm has a positive effect on the cervix and makes it elastic, thus preparing for childbirth.

If you are expecting twins, or you have a risk of premature birth, it is better to refuse sex.

Choosing a maternity hospital

By law, if you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, you have the right choose a maternity hospital yourself... The reviews of friends, as well as your own maternity hospital pages on the Internet, where you will find useful information about doctors, wards and other conditions, will help determine which institution is better to choose.

It is also widely practiced now contract for childbirth with a specific doctor. It will also be useful to draw up a birth plan. This is especially necessary if there are any complications of pregnancy.

  • If a pregnant woman has already practically got used to the role of a mother, then with the future dad the situation is different. You should not blame him for this: men have a different psychology, wait until the birth to make sure of his love for the baby.
  • Already now it is worth taking care of the dowry for the baby. Do not postpone this moment, because after giving birth you simply will not have time.
  • Try to get more rest and sleep, you need to stock up on strength before a new stage in your life.
  • Future dads would like to wish to be as attentive as possible to their pregnant wife. Don't forget that she is carrying your baby and needs support and care.

Video about 34 weeks pregnant

We offer for viewing pregnancy video guide, which will talk about the main points of the development of the baby at 34 weeks. You will also learn about the problem of this trimester - edema, and how to deal with it, and information about the signs of premature birth, if something happens, will help you react quickly.

Dear future mothers, most of the way has already been covered, and we can congratulate you on reaching the finish line. You have already done a great job - you followed your diet and lifestyle, regularly visited your doctor and followed his recommendations. Now it remains to tune in to a successful birth and enjoy the last weeks of your excellent condition.

34 weeks pregnant is a time when the expectant mother can relax a little. If childbirth occurs now, the baby is considered premature, not premature. The child breathes on its own, but its thermoregulation is still imperfect, it is necessary to prevent hypothermia. But the most correct thing would be, if the baby is in no hurry to be born, he will wait another month and a half. Obstetricians have their own method for determining the duration of pregnancy. corresponds to the thirty-second from the moment of the birth of life or the full eight lunar months.

The middle of the final trimester has come, 34 weeks of pregnancy are in progress, what happens to the baby during this period? The development of the baby continues, its growth can reach 45 centimeters. For the remaining time, the baby can grow another 5-10 centimeters. The weight is also growing, the weight of a child at 34 weeks of gestation usually exceeds 2 kilograms, large babies can have a weight of 2500 grams. Changes in the appearance of the baby are noticeable. He already has a sufficient layer of subcutaneous fat, his body is rounded. The eyes are edged with cilia, the eyebrows are clearly visible.

A baby at 34 weeks gestation is in full swing preparing for the postnatal eating process, he regularly sucks his fingers. Thus, his facial muscles are already sufficiently trained. Hair grows on the head, they already have pigmentation. The skin has thickened, has taken on a natural pink tint. A layer of subcutaneous fat smoothed out all wrinkles. The lanugo fluff disappears, the original lubricant is located mainly in the folds of the skin. Marigolds have grown, they extend beyond the edge of the fingers. The child is completely individual, fingerprints and lines on his palms are fully formed.

Physiological changes

It is 34 weeks of pregnancy, there is not much time left before the birth, what happens to the baby, is he ready for independent life. All the systems and organs of the baby are already laid down, their further development and improvement is underway.

The digestive system and kidneys are working. This is expressed in the fact that the baby constantly swallows amniotic fluid and excretes it through the kidneys. Within one day, the baby's body produces up to 500 milliliters of urine. The pancreas synthesizes all the enzymes that will take part in the process of food digestion, including insulin.

The baby's skeleton is strengthened by taking calcium from the mother's body. A woman's diet must include products that have this element in their composition. Check with your doctor if you need special medications. No medicines and vitamins can be used on your own. An excess of calcium will lead to hardening of the baby's skull bones, which may result in birth injuries in a woman in labor.

The respiratory organs have completed their development. The lungs have synthesized the required amount of surfactant, it will not allow the alveoli to stick together during the baby's first breath. If childbirth occurs at 34 weeks of gestation, the baby can breathe on its own, without the help of an artificial respiration apparatus. The child has been hearing sounds for a long time and reacts to them. He is able to distinguish between benevolent intonation. Communicate with the baby more often, talk affectionately with him.

The maturation of the reproductive system is complete, in male infants the testicles have already descended into their place, in the scrotum. If this has not happened now, they will sink during the first year of life. In girls, the genitals are fully formed. The movements at the 24th week of pregnancy became less noticeable, as the free space remains less and less.

The kid pushes often enough, but not very hard. Normally, the baby should remind about himself 2-3 times within an hour. If a woman does not hear the baby's movements for several hours, it is worth contacting a doctor.

A steroid hormone is synthesized in the adrenal glands of the fetus, its purpose is to stimulate lactation in a woman. In most cases, the fetus at 34 weeks of gestation lies head down, he has taken the most comfortable position for childbirth.

Well-being of the expectant mother

Most likely, the 34th week of pregnancy will be remembered for a feeling of heaviness. A further increase in body weight has led to the fact that it becomes increasingly difficult to perform the simplest actions. It is not easy to put on shoes, bend over, go down the steps without assistance. Most pregnant women suffer from unpleasant sensations in the stomach, heartburn bothers them. The grown uterus presses heavily on the digestive tract, gastric juice from the stomach can enter the esophagus. Due to compression of the stomach, appetite has worsened, constipation is annoying. From above, the uterus is pressed against the lungs, aching pain appears under the ribs, breathing becomes difficult. The woman breathes frequently and shallowly. The woman goes to the toilet "for little" more and more often.

The load on the legs has increased, the manifestations of varicose veins are intensifying. Due to the large abdomen, a woman has to bend in her lower back when walking in order to maintain balance. Many have come to terms with the fact that during pregnancy, their back and lumbar region hurt. These pains at 34 weeks of gestation can be reduced by wearing a special maternity band. It will support the stomach, relieve the lower back and spine. Training false contractions appear more often, but you shouldn't worry about them. Many will remember the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy because the baby's movements are felt less often, but much more noticeable. The baby can cause noticeable pain to the mother, for example, resting on the stomach or under the ribs. Be sure to control the amount of movement.

The belly at 34 weeks of gestation became even larger. It can cause insomnia, it happens that a woman cannot choose a comfortable position at night. It is especially difficult for those who are used to sleeping on their stomachs. While sleeping on the back, the vena cava may be squeezed, this will cause dizziness in the woman and hypoxia in the fetus. You can sleep only on your side; for many, choosing a comfortable position is facilitated by a pillow for pregnant women.

Pregnancy progress

The development of pregnancy causes changes in the physiology of the woman's body. The uterus is now under the ribs, its bottom is 34 cm high. The ligaments soften at this stage, causing pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Some discrepancy of the pelvic bones is noted. Weight at 34 weeks of gestation can increase by 8-11 kg, sometimes more, the weekly increase should be 0.3-0.5 kilograms. This increase is mainly due to the growth of the baby.

In a healthy woman, discharge at 34 weeks of gestation should remain the same as before.

The main characteristics of the discharge:

  • the discharge is quite abundant, this is due to hormonal processes;
  • can be transparent, have a yellowish or milky tint;
  • no smell, let's say a slightly sour aroma;
  • do not cause itching or burning sensations.

The appearance of impurities of blood, mucus or pus in the discharge, an uncharacteristic odor, a feeling of discomfort should be a signal for immediate medical attention. These are symptoms of infection and must be treated immediately to rule out the possibility of infection in the newborn.


Swelling at 34 weeks of gestation can be symptoms of late toxicosis. Also, their appearance causes squeezing of the ureters by the heavy uterus, which leads to urinary retention in women with kidney pathology. Edema can occur due to excessive amounts of fluid, excessive salt intake.

It is necessary to control this situation, limit the use of salty foods, establish a drinking regimen, do not eat foods that slow down the excretion of fluid from the body. Do not underestimate the severity of what is happening; at the first sign of edema, contact your doctor. The specialist will determine the presence of protein in the urine, and, if necessary, will select the necessary treatment.

Problems, risks

It is worth stopping sexual intercourse, sex at 34 weeks of pregnancy is fraught with unpleasant consequences. The birth canal is preparing for childbirth, the cervix is \u200b\u200bsoftened and very susceptible to any infection. The baby is in the correct position, head down. If you accidentally disturb it, it can turn over, which is very undesirable.

Half of pregnant women encounter hypertonicity of the uterus, which means excessive muscle tension, accompanied by soreness. Most often, the tone at 34 weeks of gestation is due to the so-called training contractions. This is not a pathology, thus the body prepares for an early birth. If there is a threat of childbirth, the doctor will prescribe antispasmodics. Decrease in physical activity, adequate rest, leisurely walks in the fresh air, elimination of all negative emotions helps well in the fight against uterine tone.


Most likely, the woman has already undergone an ultrasound examination. If for some reason this did not happen, an ultrasound scan at 34 weeks of gestation will provide the gynecologist with a lot of information. The doctor examines the volume and condition of amniotic fluid, the condition of the placenta and the umbilical cord. This examination makes it clear whether the fetus is correctly positioned in the uterus, the likelihood of natural birth. Doctors pay attention to whether the baby is wrapped around the umbilical cord.

If necessary, a biochemical examination is performed, the main indicators of the baby's development are determined:

  1. The doctor studies the activity of the baby, counts the number of movements for a certain period of time.
  2. The respiratory rate is studied, the baby's chest expansion is monitored.
  3. The tone is determined; for this, the movements of the arms and legs are studied.
  4. The volume of amniotic fluid is measured, it is assessed whether it is enough for the normal development of the fetus.
  5. The baby's heart rate is measured.

Having studied all these indicators, the specialist assesses the condition of the baby.

During a planned visit to the clinic, the woman's body weight and blood pressure are assessed, and the baby's heartbeat is heard. The doctor measures the height of the uterus and the volume of the abdomen. Urinalysis is mandatory. The presence of protein in it can signal a danger to the course of pregnancy. A woman may be prescribed Doppler ultrasonography. This type of examination allows you to study the blood flow in the placenta, umbilical cord.

If necessary, a woman is given cardiotocography (CTG). This exam examines the baby's heartbeat and movements and the contraction of the uterus. The results are presented on the ribbon in the form of a graph. For CTG, 34 weeks of pregnancy is not the most common period, usually this examination is carried out in the middle of the term, at 19-20 weeks. The frequency of contractions of the baby's heart is studied, the acceleration and deceleration of the frequency of contractions. The activity of the muscles of the uterus is studied in a woman. CTG results are evaluated on a ten-point scale, for 34 weeks the normal score is 8-10 points. If the indicator is less than 5 points, the fetus is experiencing oxygen starvation. A re-examination is prescribed and, based on its results, the question of delivery is decided.

Childbirth at 34 weeks

The due date has not yet come, it is still about a month and a half before them. But it may happen that the baby will be born now. This is undesirable, but labor at 34 weeks gestation usually ends well. All organs of the baby are ready for independent activity, now they are being improved.

Signs of the development of labor:

  • lower abdomen hurts;
  • pulls and aches the lower back;
  • increased tone of the uterus, "fossilized" abdomen;
  • contractions;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid.

The symptoms of preterm labor are similar to those that occur when giving birth at the right time. If at 34 weeks of pregnancy the lower abdomen pulls, contractions become more frequent, the water has receded, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital. The child that appeared at this time is viable, he breathes and eats on his own. Due to imperfect thermoregulation, most likely the first time he will be in the incubator.

The 34th week of pregnancy with twins can be the last week of pregnancy. With multiple pregnancies, the average duration is 36 weeks. Mom needs to try to carry her children as long as possible. The more body weight twins have for childbirth, the more likely they will not need specialized medical care after birth. Most likely, the mother of the twins will spend the last weeks of pregnancy in the hospital under the constant supervision of doctors.

The moment of childbirth is approaching, the woman is looking forward to the moment when I press my baby to my chest. It is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations, eat right, get enough sleep, and walk in the fresh air. Avoid crowded places, especially if there is an epidemic of any disease at this time. The best thing you can do now is take care of your health.