How to make the skin of the face clean and even. Eliminate bags under the eyes. Video: Face mask recipe for fine wrinkles

Smooth facial skin is a universal beauty secret for every girl. A fresh face without pimples and acne does not require a thick layer of foundation and careful masking. A girl with even skin does not need to draw an accent on her lips or eyes - her skin already attracts the attention of others. But what about those whom nature has deprived of such a gift?

The effect of healthy skin will help to create high-quality care and decorative cosmetics. You should not be complex, because many models "from the cover" in their teens also suffered from acne and blackheads. In 30 percent of women, even after 25 years, skin problems such as comedones, increased oiliness and red spots from acne persist. And each of us wants to look beautiful and well-groomed - a model, a business woman, and a nurse.

Mandatory exfoliation

Don't dream of perfect makeup application if you don't use deep cleansing peels. A regular two-time wash is not enough to wash off the remnants of cosmetic parabens and silicones (especially if you use such a hit on the cosmetic market as BB cream). For some reason, many people generally forget about lotions and tonics to complete makeup removal.

Buy a peeling with fruit acids or a scrub with small polymer granules. Twice a week (preferably before applying the mask), massage damp skin thoroughly with fingertips with a small amount of peeling. After freeing the epidermis from dead cells, wash your face with cool water and blot your face with a terry towel.

Bases for make-up and leveling essences

Serious flaws like acne dimples and post-acne can only be hidden with a makeup base. Unlike powder and foundation, it does not have colored pigments, so you do not have to scrupulously select the right shade. To correct the complexion, it is better to choose dense textures - a fixing base in the form of a powder, gel or mousse.

Make-up base is applied to clean skin, moisturized with a day cream. The easiest way to spread the base is with your fingers or a wide flat brush. A layer of foundation should be applied only after 10-15 minutes: during this time, the base will dry out and fill fine wrinkles and enlarged pores.

However, makeup bases can create cosmetic problems for those with oily skin. To prevent sebum production from increasing, use an essence or serum that evens out complexion instead of a foundation. The composition of such serums includes only fat-free components that do not have comedogenic properties - just a godsend in the summer heat!

Know-how of decorative cosmetics - make-up bases with hyaluronic acid microcapsules. Among other useful properties, they visibly tighten the oval of the face and "erase" such signs of fatigue as circles under the eyes and gray skin tone.


For girls with oily and combination skin types, a tinting gel or spray labeled "oil-free" (without fatty oils) is suitable. Ladies with dry, irritated or normal epidermis can buy cream powder, foundation or foundation stick.

Whatever format of tonal cosmetics you choose, you need to purchase at least two shades. No matter how fast you are, squeeze a small amount of cream onto the back of your hand each time just before applying. Apply a lighter tone to problem areas, a darker tone to smooth areas of the face. Blend the borders of the shades with a foam sponge.

If you don't want to mess with several creams at the same time, buy foundation pigments. They are usually released in the form of a thick mousse, packed in a small box. The required amount of pigments is diluted with a regular day cream and used instead of a tinting agent. The more pigments you add to the mixture, the richer its shade will be.


The corrector is used on particularly problematic areas of the skin - fresh inflammation, deep wrinkles and swelling under the lower eyelids. For the sake of convenience, try to get a corrector in the form of a pencil or a tube with an applicator. Girls who are experienced in color grading usually buy professional palettes of several shades. Do not be afraid of the presence of green, purple, yellow and dark brown tones in them. Bursting vessels and bruises are masked in green, circles from lack of sleep are masked in purple, cheekbones and chin are modeled in yellow and brown.

The fight for perfect skin must be waged on several fronts at once. Cosmetics will take care of her condition, and makeup will help hide imperfections and improve her appearance.

The basis of the beauty of the skin is its impeccable purity. It is necessary to remove the remnants of makeup, dust, dead skin particles daily. Do it in several steps.

Washing in the morning helps to quickly refresh the face and even out the water-lipid balance. Enough cool water, soft foam with plant extracts and flower hydrolat spray. Before going to bed, a more thorough cleansing is necessary. First, remove makeup with milk, emulsion or hydrophilic oil, and then wash off the residue with foam, gel or special cosmetic soap.

Replace your regular cleanser with a gel or foam with polishing beads two to three times a week. Products with cosmetic clay are also good, they deeply cleanse and smooth the skin. It is important that cleansing cosmetics also contain moisturizing ingredients, otherwise the skin will begin to peel off and you will have to forget about a perfectly smooth face.

Once a week, a session of home peeling based on fruit acids is recommended. Typically, such products are available in the form of a gel, which is applied to cleansed facial skin for 15-20 minutes. After washing, the skin becomes silky, acquires a pleasant healthy color, dark spots disappear, and pores become less noticeable. The concentration of acids in home peels is low, so they can be safely used all year round.

A very convenient product is a night cream with a peeling effect. It deeply moisturizes the skin, nourishes it and removes dead cells. In the morning, the face looks very well-groomed. This cream is suitable for owners of sluggish, devoid of tone and prone to irritation of the skin. Creams with a peeling effect should be applied in courses of 2-3 weeks. Then take a break, and after a couple of weeks, return to your favorite remedy again.

In the struggle for a perfectly smooth face, pay attention to leveling and smoothing serums with plant peptides and amino acids. Serum is applied under day or night cream, and also used independently. It is quickly absorbed, instantly smoothing and softening the skin.

Decorative cosmetics will also help to align the face. Pay attention to the silicone-based makeup base. It fills in pores, folds and wrinkles, creating a photoshop effect. A cream-lifting foundation can be applied over the base. It will make the oval of the face more clear, remove swelling and unevenness.

For those who suffer from too porous skin, special pastes are suitable that smooth out unnecessary relief. These products do not contain fat and do not clog pores. Pastes and bases can be used every day. The main thing is to carefully remove makeup before going to bed. And then your skin will be perfectly smooth!

We, all women, are not perfect and sometimes do not have smooth skin due to sudden acne or wrinkles, however, our facial skin looks impressive and amazingly beautiful not only on holidays, but every day. Because we skillfully and deftly hide our skin imperfections, they simply become invisible and "go into the background." Thanks to a few simple tricks, our facial skin is always fresh, smooth and even, with a beautiful matte color.

Before applying daily makeup, we wash our face in this way: squeeze a small amount of soapy shaving cream into a cup, add one teaspoon of hot water and beat until foam appears. Then add a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide and stir. Then we put a little soapy cream on a small sponge and lather the whole face, starting from the chin. Leave the lather on your face for five minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cold. The face becomes impeccably clean, all spots and pimples on the face are whitened.

Then we make an instant mask on the face: beat one egg white into foam and add a few drops of lemon juice, mix everything and apply a thin layer on the face with a brush. As soon as the mask begins to tighten the skin, wash it off with warm water and rinse with cold. The skin on the face becomes smooth and even.

Then we moisten the skin with such a mask: dilute a piece of yeast with cream to the consistency of sour cream, apply on the face and rinse with warm water after ten minutes, then wipe the face with an ice cube from tea leaves and leave to dry. The skin of the face becomes soft and fresh, and the tea brewing gives it a shade of light tan, thanks to which all pimples and spots become invisible.

After that, squeeze a little moisturizing cream into the palm, rub it and press the palms smeared with cream to the face, so the cream is distributed over the entire skin, separately drive the cream under the eyes with the fingertips and slightly moisten the eyelids. Lightly pat your face with your palms, then tap with your fingertips as if playing the piano. The face acquires a fresh look and a light natural blush.

Then we proceed to toning the skin of the face with the help of foundation, or rather two shades of foundation - one is slightly lighter than our skin, the other is darker. Squeeze out a little cream of both shades from the tube onto the cheeks, mix them and distribute them all over the face with soft circular movements from the center to more distant areas, otherwise wrinkles and pores will absorb a lot of cream and become clearly visible. After applying the tone to the entire face, do not forget about the neck, and at the same time the décolleté area. We recall with horror that terrible sight when the face was tinted, and the neck was left as it is, it looked strange and ugly. Now we do not do this, and be sure to apply the tone on the face, neck and décolleté so that they do not differ in color.

If, under the foundation, pimples, spots or redness are still noticeable, and also, if there are circles under the eyes, we apply a camouflage corrector of the shade that is one tone lighter than our skin. We apply it to the place that needs to be hidden, and gently rub it with the tip of a finger so that the masked places do not stand out on the skin with spots. So that the face does not become shiny in a few hours, we evenly apply loose powder on the face with a thick brush, it falls on the foundation with a transparent layer and our facial skin becomes a beautiful matte color.

Then we give the face a fresh light blush, for this we mix a small amount of powder with blush and apply a thin layer on the cheekbones, then on the tip of the chin. We fix the makeup by lightly sprinkling the face with thermal water from a spray bottle.

After that, we lightly tint the eyes and lips, and our face becomes beautiful and charming, with smooth and delicate skin, of a beautiful matte color.

After returning home, be sure to remove all makeup from the face with a cotton swab dipped in cosmetic milk, then wash the face with warm water and soapy cream, rinse with cold water, lubricate the face with a good nourishing cream, driving it into the undereyes with your fingers, and remove the rest of the cream with a paper towel.

So, we are women, we take care of our facial skin and hide its imperfections. Thanks to these simple rules, we look beautiful, elegant and attractive, and our facial skin is always perfectly smooth and delightfully even, with a fresh healthy color!

The main component of female beauty is clean, well-groomed skin. The body is usually hidden under clothing, and we allow only very close people to see it. And the face is open to all winds and views. And what woman would not like to have perfect, radiant and smooth facial skin without pimples and age spots, without annoying wrinkles and spider veins?

All of these properties belong to healthy facial skin. But in life so often you have to experience stress and eat on the run, during a work break. All these factors have a destructive effect on the skin of the face, leaving traces on it, causing concern to both young beautiful girls and mature beautiful ladies. How to make the skin of the face clean and become the most charming?

Skin types are distinguished depending on the secretion of the sebaceous glands and are divided into:

  1. oily - it is distinguished by its brilliance, often enlarged pores. She is more prone to acne and acne;
  2. dry - thin, with small pores. Her main problems are dryness and irritability, peeling, lethargy and wrinkling;
  3. Normal is the best skin type. It is smooth and velvety, without excessive fat and black dots;
  4. combined, in different parts of the face having different fat content.

The problems inherent in each type can be exacerbated by poor care, improper selection of cosmetics, poor nutrition and insufficient rest, environmental influences and work in a stuffy office. But it allows you to make your face clean and smooth using the same simple methods:

  1. thorough care and cleaning;
  2. the use of cosmetics suitable for a particular skin type;
  3. balanced diet;
  4. full rest at night;
  5. protection from ultraviolet or frost;
  6. physical exercises in the fresh air and a contrast shower.

Cleanliness is the key to health

At home, it’s quite easy - the modern market is replete with personal care products. The main rule should be the obligatory washing off of makeup in the evening, before going to bed. The skin of the face at night needs rest no less than its beautiful owner. How does the face itself?

Oily skin requires especially thorough cleansing. Any pollution contributes to the appearance of acne and inflammation. Owners of this type will have to wash at least 2 times a day using products for problem skin. You can dry out acne that popped up at the wrong time with preparations with salicylic acid (salicylic-zinc paste). It is better to use face creams that have been repeatedly tested on yourself and avoid experimenting with new brands of cosmetics.

Various scrubs will help both from dead cells and make it visually more even and smooth by narrowing the pores. At home, you can clean your face with a steam bath. To do this, boil 2 tbsp in a liter of water. l. chamomile herbs and hold your face over the steam for 20 minutes. The use of a scrub after such a procedure will be especially effective.

For dry, sensitive skin prone to irritation, tap water may not be suitable. Such a face will have to be washed with distilled water. It is better not to use soap - it will degrease the top layer of the epidermis. How to clean the skin if it is dry? Only with the help of milk or gel, which have a neutral reaction and a pH of about 7.

Regenerating and fortified creams will help to renew the cells of the epidermis, increase metabolism and give the skin elasticity. Nourishing day and night creams will provide the missing fats to the skin. Masks from berries will be very useful.

Normal skin can be cleansed by any means. But it should be remembered that products for the treatment of problem skin dry it out very much. In normal skin, these products will cause a reaction in the form of increased sebum secretion, which can lead to acne. The main direction of care for the normal type is moisturizing. Choosing a good moisturizer is not difficult at all, using the advice of a consultant in a cosmetics store.

Exfoliating with scrubs will give your skin a radiant look. To prepare a scrub at home, you only need salt (1 tsp) and sour cream (1 tbsp). The ingredients must be mixed and used for washing.

Clearing combination skin is a very responsible business. You will have to separately clean areas with one type, then moving on to others, changing in accordance with the type of cleanser.

You are what you eat

Saturated with essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, food is not only good for good health. A delicate complexion, the absence of acne and rashes directly depend on the diet. The exclusion from it of fried and smoked "goodies", chips, fast food and sweets can in a short time get rid of many problems on the face.

Eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits, whole grains and greens will saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, remove toxins from the intestines, which will immediately affect the cleanliness of the skin of the face.

sun, air and water

This triad is necessary for all living beings. A small amount of ultraviolet light can fight oily skin problems. You just need to remember that its excess is harmful, because it leads to drying out and contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. This property of sunlight is especially dangerous for. With prolonged exposure to the sun, protection with special creams is required. The level of protection against UV rays is selected individually.

The same applies to exposure to fresh air - walking and sports will bring visible results on the face. But in frosty weather, the skin will need protection in the form of a nourishing cream applied before a walk. Moisture saturates the skin cells and makes it more elastic, improves tone and protects against early aging. Water should be consumed in the amount of 2-3 liters per day, in rooms with radiators in winter, you need to humidify the air or use face sprays to avoid overdrying.

How to make the skin of the face clear?

You can clean your face and make it beautiful at home with the help of folk remedies that contain natural products and herbs.

  1. Honey and lemon will help get rid of blackheads: a few drops of honey are applied to a circle of lemon and rubbed on the face, paying attention to areas where there are comedones. You need to hold the honey mask on your face for about 5 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. This mask will also help lighten the spots.
  2. Dark acne marks are treated with a mask of cinnamon and honey: they are mixed in equal proportions, the mixture is applied to the spots and left for 20-25 minutes. You can make such a mask every other day and the spots will quickly disappear.
  3. Bay leaf (20 g) is boiled in 100 ml of water. The broth is cooled and the face is wiped with a swab dipped in the infusion. This infusion helps to make the face fresher and younger at home, without visiting salons.
  4. To get rid of acne, this recipe is useful: 3 tbsp. l. grated cucumbers pour 1 cup boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Strain, add honey (1 tsp) to the decoction. Wipe your face with this solution after washing.
  5. You can also reduce the number of acne at home with the help of viburnum juice, if you wipe your face 3 times a day with a swab dipped in it.

Keeping the face clean and caring for it, nourishing and cleansing it, you can become the owner of healthy, radiant skin. Be beautiful and love yourself.

Do not miss! Valuable information:

Absolutely every self-respecting woman wants her face to be the most beautiful and smooth. And so all women do their best to achieve their goals. To do this, it is enough to use natural, and most importantly, quite affordable products.

To begin with, I would like to remind you that in order to bring the realization of your dream closer, you need to start with proper nutrition. In addition, it is necessary to regularly moisturize and cleanse the face. You can make your skin clear only with an integrated approach. And it is not necessary to visit a beautician. Since there are many different ways, thanks to which you can easily make your skin even and smooth without leaving your home.

The basic precepts of a beautiful face

It is no secret that the basis of health is, of course, a healthy lifestyle. In addition to beautiful skin, you will also get a slim figure as a bonus. Remember that a healthy lifestyle involves a complete rejection of coffee and even drinking strong tea is contraindicated. The best solution would be to replace these drinks with juice or plain water. Also, you should not eat fried foods, chocolate will also have to be abandoned.

But to maintain the so-called healthy diet, the most common double boiler will help you perfectly. As you have already noticed in a healthy diet, there are absolutely no difficult and impossible tasks.

In addition, you need to regularly care for your face at home. Especially if it is not possible to lead a healthy lifestyle. After all, most women in their lives have regular busy working days, and after work they also take care of their families. As a result, a woman goes to bed long after midnight, and already at 6 in the morning she begins to get ready for work, and so on every day.

It is in this situation that exceptionally regular facial skin care can help you. Moreover, this does not require a huge amount of time and money to afford to go to the salon. After all, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Where to start to achieve a smooth face? And everything is very simple, you need to start your day with such a procedure as wiping your face with ordinary cosmetic ice cubes. You can even cook it yourself.

To do this, you need to take 40 grams of rosemary, add 50 grams of pharmacy oak bark, a little lime blossom, 30 grams of chamomile and about 15 grams of eucalyptus to it (you only need to use dried). All these herbs must be mixed and poured with boiling water, after which it should be put on the stove. You need to boil this broth for 20 minutes, no less. After that, you need to close it and let it brew for at least an hour. As soon as the broth for the future ice has cooled down, it must be filtered, for example, through cheesecloth. That's all almost ready, it remains to pour into molds and wait until the broth freezes. As a result, you will get an excellent cosmetic ice that can be used twice a day.

Moisturizing the skin of the face

To achieve your goal and make your skin as even as possible, moisturizing will help you, but only if it is regular. To do this, it is mandatory to drink during the day, at least 2.5 liters of the most ordinary water. In addition, do not forget freshly squeezed juices, it is advisable to drink them at least half a liter a day. It is also recommended to drink fresh juices, such as carrot, cabbage, which will help smooth the skin, thereby making it smoother.

It is strictly forbidden to drink absolutely all carbonated drinks, store juices and even compotes. Since such drinks significantly remove fluid from the body, as a result of which the face will be rumpled and look tired.

Do not forget to eat the so-called seasonal fruits as often as possible. They can be eaten fresh or made into a variety of salads.

Cream use

Proper and regular care of your face is, of course, very important. This is especially true for the use of special cosmetics. Since neglect of care threatens you with premature aging of the skin. And this is not to be allowed. But besides this, please note that creams and various serums must be chosen taking into account the time of year.

So, for example, for the summer period, it is best to choose serums based on liquid protein. It is desirable that these serums include medicinal herbs, as well as that they contain as much water as possible.

But your main task should be to protect your face from the cold wind. Even the most ordinary baby cream is perfect for this.

You can also use the so-called folk recipes. Especially if you have skin peeling, and at the same time, no creams help you. In this case, a self-made mask is exactly what you need. To cook it, you need to take a banana and chop it in a blender, then grate a small piece of cucumber (you need to rub it right with the peel), add 30 grams of corn oil and the same amount of rye bran to the mixture. All this must be mixed well and the whole mask is ready. Now you can apply it on your face. Wash off the mask no earlier than an hour later.

Thermal water

This kind of water is gaining particular relevance in the summer, because the face suffers from extreme heat, resulting in a lack of so-called subcutaneous fluid.

You can buy thermal water in absolutely any cosmetic store. Most often it is sold in bottles of 600 ml, but if desired, you can also find 250 ml.

If this kind of moisturizing method does not suit you, then you can buy a special humidifier for the room. But this method is best used only when it is not possible to wash your face at least every hour.

How to choose the right cosmetics

The choice of so-called decorative cosmetics is quite an important aspect in facial care. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference only to real professional cosmetics. Since it does not clog pores, it also contains a lot of plant extracts in its composition.

It is not advisable to use foundation. As a substitute, you can use BB cream. Moreover, it evens out the tone of the face, and also nourishes the epidermis.

Pimples on the face

One of the basic rules necessary to achieve such a desired, even and, of course, smooth facial skin is an absolute ban on squeezing acne. It is also not advisable to touch your face with dirty hands.

Remember, in order to get rid of acne or so-called black spots, you need to use only specialized products. Otherwise, you will never achieve the desired result.

How to even out complexion using cosmetics?

Very often in the life of modern women it happens that there is almost no time for sleep, there is no time to go to the beautician, but it is necessary to put yourself in order. What to do in such cases?

The answer to this question is quite simple: urgently need to get your cosmetic bag. After all, properly selected products will help to give the face tenderness and cheerfulness.

So, initially it is necessary to wipe the face with a cube, the so-called cosmetic ice. After your face is dry, apply moisturizer. Next, you need a foundation. It is very important that it matches your body color. It must be applied in a very thin layer on the face. Well, at the end of the whole image, use a little powder.

On this, the process of giving a person a presentable appearance can be considered complete. In addition, if you consider it necessary to make up your eyes and lips, you can safely paint. But just do not forget that the more cosmetics you use, the older you will seem. So don't get carried away. Moreover, there is nothing better than natural beauty.

All the methods given in the article will help you quickly achieve that your skin is clean, even and very smooth. The main condition is to keep it in this state constantly. Moreover, today it is quite possible to look beautiful even when you are no longer young.