How to make a wall newspaper for an anniversary: ​​useful tips. Chic wall newspaper for a woman's anniversary

Newspaper basket with hares. For the anniversary of 55 years. + script

The idea was this. I spent my anniversary with my mother-in-law, and decided that at the end of the evening it would be nice to receive such a gift, a basket with hares. The hero of the day didn’t know anything about this surprise and I gave her a basket with these words: “And now our birthday girl will give each guest such a bunny, and giving the bunny she will say a warm word to each guest, these bunnies, which have absorbed all the warmth of this evening, the guests will take away from themselves, and take away a piece of our good, warm evening."

And here is the birthday girl.

and here is the basket

and boys

bunnies as a gift

well, the scenario of the holiday for anyone interested

To carry out the script for the anniversary of the mother for 55 years, we need:

1. 5 stars from gold self-adhesive or just from yellow paper, which we glue on the floor

2. bouquet of flowers

3. balloons and confetti for fireworks

4. pacifier

5. bonnet

6. bib

7. ears for cheburashka and the corresponding outfit

8. outfit for a gypsy

9. 3 outfits for Grandmothers-Hedgehogs (3 sundresses or robes, 3 scarves, 3 aprons, 3 brooms, 1 accordion)

10. gold medal

11. phonograms of the song of the crocodile Gena, Babok-Ezhek from the film "Flying Ship", "Gypsy Girl" and the song of the wizard Suleiman


Dear Tatyana Nikolaevna!

Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,

After all, you direct the reflections of your star on them.

So let your rays continue to endow us with affection,

And it seems to us that life is a big fairy tale.


To extend this fairy tale to us,

At least for a little

You are not in a hurry, now go to

Star track.

Every star is just a mystery

You only need one clue.

Get up on the star track

And guess something!

1. Each of us dreams of this,

I think that including you

Get out of the hands of a man

Now beautiful. (flowers.)

(gave a bouquet of flowers)

2. To remember later your biography,

We will do this one now. (photo.)


3. Pamper your grandchildren more often,

After all, they give you theirs. (kiss.)

(grandchildren kiss the birthday girl.)

4. For the hero of the occasion

At such moments,

We are ready to give endlessly. (applause.)

(Guest applause.)

5. And it's time to honor these minutes

Hear us here anniversary. (firework.) (We give balls and forks to children, confetti to my mother's girlfriends. The balls burst, they threw coffee).

toast May this evening last forever

And warms our soul with warmth.

Everywhere close, native faces,

We all gathered at one table,

To sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary,

Wish you love, health, happiness,

So that life is both better and brighter,

And never ceased to amaze!

Vedas. And I want to raise the first glass for our hero of the occasion.

You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,

Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.

You are the flame of the hearth and home,

You are the light on earth that never goes out.

Poems from children

Congratulations from the granddaughter:

Kolya: Why are we in the kitchen

Crowded in the morning?

All something, fry, soar

Adults and kids.

Here, peel the potatoes.

Milk here.

Because the birthday

My dear grandmother!

Kate: The table is set, relatives are sitting

Together at the big table

For beloved, for granny

We will dance and sing."

Misha: Grandma and I are very good friends.

We help each other.

She ... cooks dinner for me,

For her, I ... eat everything.

I take her by the hand.

A passer-by will not always understand

Whether my grandmother is my granddaughter,

Am I still a child?

Who leads whom to Molochny?

Who drags whom to "Toys"?

We live as a strong family

We are friends with true friendship! ( Tatyana Bokova.)

Andrey: My dear grandmother

I wish you tea

Delicious pies, sweets,

Know that there is no better than you! Toast.

Questions for guests, how well do you know our hero of the day.

1. What day of the week was our hero of the day born?

2. What time of day did this event occur?

3. What was your birth weight and height?

4. Where on the map was she born?

5. What was the name of the first teacher?

6. What was the name of her first love?

7. How did you study at school?

8. What is the best thing to do?

9. In what year did you meet your dear husband?

10. What day of the week did they get married?

11. What was the weather like on your wedding day?

12. Age of her children?

13. The growth of our hero of the day?

(Medal and certificate to the winner)

Retirement has come

The grandson runs in a skirt, ponytails, runs around the hall:


I ask: - Who are you?

shyly replies: - Pension, hee-hee-hee. (and runs away)

Dedication to pensioners

The granddaughter comes out as a midwife and says: - You cried into the world when you were born,

And everyone around was laughing.

But indeed we had a little pensioner. You all know how capricious little ones are, they are afraid of a cold, and they don’t have a little mind, therefore, so that they don’t puff out their ears, they don’t bake their heads, and also so that extra thoughts don’t get into their heads, we decided to give her a cap. (The host puts a cap on the hero of the day.) And also you all know that the little ones are so clumsy and so awkward that when they eat they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them, so that this does not happen, we give her a bib. (The host puts on a bib to the hero of the day.) And I also want to add to the above that little pensioners get upset for any reason, they have nothing to do, they worry about everyone, so their eyes are often wet. To prevent our pensioner from crying, we decided to give her a dummy. (The host gives a dummy on a scarlet ribbon. A cap is sewn in advance for an adult and an apron.)

Leading: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot to do!

Leading:(helping to take off her bonnet, apron and pacifier): Well, she is fed, she doesn’t blow anywhere, and most importantly she won’t cry. And now I propose to give an opportunity to congratulate ... brother, sister

Musical congratulations

Dear Tatyana Nikolaevna! Accept musical congratulations. Those who wish - sing along! (Hand out printed lyrics).

A granddaughter with cardboard ears, like Cheburashka's, sings a song to the motive of "Songs of the Crocodile Gena".

We didn't come in vain

It's clear to everyone

And sit down at this table.

Congratulate the hero of the day

And leave a memory

This song that we will sing!


Let the years not age you

In life, be in sight

Unfortunately, birthday

Only once a year!

We congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Stay the same:

Kind, sweet, beloved

patient, beautiful

We cannot count all your virtues.

Let the years not age you

In life, be in sight

Unfortunately, birthday

Only once a year!


fortune teller

During the feast, a gypsy appears in the hall and sings to the motive of a gypsy:

I am a funny fortune teller

I don't ask for a lot of money

I know the whole truth about you

I'll tell you for a chervonets!

Oh, one more time

Many, many more times!

Let me guess people

Let me lay out the cards

Give me a coin

I will tell the whole truth!

Well, beautiful, gild the pen, I'll tell you what will happen tomorrow! Oh, I see, I see everything!

You'll have a hangover tomorrow!

Wai, dear, you will feel bad tomorrow, you will have to go to work!

And you - I know for sure what tomorrow will be! Monday! (If today is Saturday.)

Oh, my rich man, in five minutes you will have to dance a gypsy girl, and tomorrow you will have to wash your trousers!

I see everything, I know everything, in the morning - you will run for beer, in the evening - for girls!

Oh, my dear, they will put their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then also the heart, liver, tongue, and on top of something long and thin ... it's hard to see ... oh, a herring!

You will sing so that the neighbor will cry. The rest - fall asleep!

You will sleep, curly, sweet, you will sleep softly until the cake is pulled out from under you!

They will give you two bags of happiness today, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!

Friends will be around you tonight. Friends are faithful, devoted. Can you tell me what to call them? Sharik, Bobik and Polkan!

The boundless gave you, the unknown gave. You will think for half a day until you understand where you woke up!

Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one that

you will lose today.

Waiting for you, young, different diseases, contagious diseases. No, not because the lines are bad, but because the hands are dirty!

A big loss awaits you. You will lose your tie. You will search all night, you will find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt.

Wai, what a heavy blow awaits you!.. In the morning, when you stand on the scales

A funny comedy will be shown to you on TV, funny, erotic.

It's called Today's Anniversary.

Give your hand, my golden one! I'll tell you a fortune, my dear, but I'll tell you the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. It goes uphill all the time, you will become a big man. Ah, my dear, I see the brilliance along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will build a house, you will celebrate your anniversaries there, you will invite all the guests to your place for every holiday, and now gild the pen, my rich one, for what I told you fortune.


Leading:"New" pensioners came to visit us for congratulations.

We came to this house

Wish you many years

You accept from us Tatyana

Pioneer greetings………

Just think,

Everyone is retiring

And now we will tell you

How to live in retirement

We wish you much happiness

This evening and forever.

Less clouds, rain, bad weather,

Tanya is a sweet person………

Worked a lot

All the hard work was not in vain,

That's for it dear

You have been given a pension.

You have become richer

Poverty does not return

And thanks to Medvedev

Takes care of everyone.

I would go to work

I'm tired of sitting

But I'm afraid of taxes

Better at home - I'll make a break. …

God grant that everything is fine,

Always behave yourself

Do not get sick, do not lose heart

Eat in moderation and sleep soundly

Never grow old

All men like it.

Leading: And now comes the solemn moment. From all of the above, the council of pensioners allows you, Tatyana Nikolaevna, to join the party of pensioners. To do this, you must take an oath.


Birthday girl: I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in the face of my relatives, friends, colleagues, and children, solemnly swear: fervently with the heat of my heart to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the obligations of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in spite of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

(The text of the oath must be printed in advance. Also here you can give a comic pass to the party of pensioners with a photo and a seal.)

Leading: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with duties and rights.

Responsibilities: Get up, wash up. Sit down, eat.

Receive guests, Do not forget friends.

Put the brazhonka for distillation.

Do sports this year. Be ready for defense and work.

Rights: When I want - then I get up.

As long as I want, I lie down.

And if I want to, I'll drink it.

I will go where I want.

When I want - then I sleep.

Whoever I want, I love.

(propose a toast to the new "pass".)

Host: With all our hearts we wish you happiness

And let it be joyful every hour.

Let misfortunes pass you by,

May your children and grandchildren love you more.

So, I give the floor to the children ……………..

Leading: And now I propose to move on to dancing, outdoor games.

(While the dances are going on, the host of the game brings in a large box, for example, from under the TV, on which "Package" is written. He also brings in telegrams.)

Leading: Now, while everyone was having fun, the postman Pechkin came. As you probably guess, telegrams and even a parcel came to the address of the hero of the day. He himself refused to come in, as he was afraid that the bicycle would be stolen and trusted me to read the telegrams.


Hello grandma, don't be sad

We're out of candy, mind you

I made a bow, I dry my socks,

I've been writing a letter to you for two days

And on the window there is a sparrow,

All right, I'm done.

Your grandson.

Moscow, Ministry of Finance.

Budget in deep deficit

Do not look for money in the Ministry of Finance,

Send me a translation

Yes, the Duma does not give money. Are you 55?

And you are fervent!

Happy birthday to you!


Saint Petersburg.

I send greetings from Petersburg,

I wish Luda many more years.

Here I would like your young age,

I would make a mess.

Love, Peace, Success

I wish you a happy anniversary.

USA, Washington.

All borders have been erased between us,

My words fly like birds.

Our States congratulate you,

You try to live richly,

Don't go for impeachment

Health to you, good luck and food!

I sip a glass for you. Happy anniversary to you.

Clinton Bill

Moscow, Headquarters of the LDPR.

Yes, definitely on this day.

Even the stump is obliged to love.

I wish you all the best,

Even though it won't be cheap.

Well, for starters, for example,

You all join the Liberal Democratic Party.

Sorry if the humor is flat.

Happy anniversary!



(Each gift must be accompanied by an instruction. The hero of the day opens the package, shows the gift and reads the instruction to everyone.)

So that there is happiness in the house,

So that you love all your relatives,

To make the house a full bowl,

Take a pot for porridge as a keepsake……….

Rewrite grandchildren,

So that you take them in your arms

And I heard them screaming…….

To keep good, warm,

Tanya, drink wine skillfully,

You know your limit

Don't grab an extra cup

The sobering-up station decided to help

He gave his gift

He will remind

How much should be taken. (Thimble.)…..

Throw an Orenburg downy shawl on your shoulders, dear. (A piece of gauze.)………

To know everything in the world, newspapers should be read. (Newspaper.) …….

After a glass of snack

The matter is very important

Here, Lyuda, instead of a sleeve

Paper napkin.

(Colleagues can also bring the parcel and read the text for all the gifts themselves.)

We wish the anniversary

It was a stage, not a result,

So that there is no end to the roads,

Leading us from days gone by

We wish you a good life

Health, happiness, long years,

Love, well-deserved victories,

And congratulations on your anniversary!

Surprise gift.

Leading: And now I want to give the answer to the hero of the day.

(The hero of the day thanks the guests.)

grandmother in retirement

Tatyana Bokova

Our grandmother has happy years -

Grandma has retired.

No need to go to work now

time to relax, take care of your health!

But she cleans the apartment.

Iron, cook, then wash.

When everything in the house sparkles, shines,

How much attention grandchildren require!

Until the night, granny does not know boredom

When he puts everyone down, calms down,

then grandma takes care of her health!

Parents of grandchildren come home from work

and their grandmother surrounds them with care.

Some kind of tired grandmother look,

but he seems to be retired, sitting at home.

to another, therefore there is a special attitude in society to the anniversary "round" dates.

A date such as 55 years has a special magic. Life gives a person two fives at once - that means there is something for it!


In a previous article, we told you about how to beautifully organize events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of a woman. The approach to organizing honoring women is slightly different from a similar event for men on their birthday. The celebration of the women's anniversary must be approached with special tact, because most women perceive the onset of the next birthday as a sign of the approach of inevitable old age, when former beauty fades.

Carefully crafted script the anniversary will provide the hero of the occasion with a sense of joy from the realization of the fullness of life,. It’s great if a person who knows the preferences of the birthday girl well knows the preferences of the birthday girl to be able to take into account all the nuances of the celebration of 55 years, because it is important for any woman to please in the smallest details!


Regardless of the chosen place where you decide to spend your holiday, it is necessary to take into account many organizational issues and prepare an anniversary script for the celebration in order to give a woman bright, unforgettable impressions on her birthday.

At the first stage of preparation, you should determine the number of guests and figure out in what form to carry out their invitation. The usual way will be calls with a personal invitation, or you can send postcards to guests. Invitation cards are harbingers of a holiday event; the form of postcards can be original, and the text can be promising. Standard inscriptions will save time, and guests will be pleased to see their full name and patronymic in the text of the invitation.

It is important to provide and arrange tables in the correct order, choose places for guests (name cards will help here). Try to sit next to people who will be pleased to be together at the table. For kids, it is better to allocate a separate table, on which dishes from a special children's menu are placed. Usually children are not interested in participating in an adult feast.

It is necessary to prepare for an abundance of toasts, for sure each of the guests will want to say special words of congratulations on this day. Often, a toastmaster is invited to lead a feast, or you can look for a skilled host among your friends who will gladly help you celebrate.

Another important factor is the festive decoration of the event, the options for which will create the right atmosphere. In this matter, everything is decided by fantasy, a sense of proportion by the organizers and the budget of the celebration.

The following have become traditional methods of registration:

the history of the woman's work path in photographs;

colorful posters and inscriptions;

bright garlands, flower arches, fresh flower baskets and topiaries .

The usual scenario for an anniversary with a date such as 55 years consists of an official part with the presentation of gifts to a woman and a festive dinner. First, all the guests, accompanied by musical accompaniment, congratulate the hero of the day, present gifts, give flowers. For numerous bouquets, it’s a good idea to prepare vessels with water in advance and find a worthy place for them, and not pile everything in a corner.

The second part of the celebration is a festive lunch (dinner). The order of toasts and various topics from the biography of the birthday girl are offered to the guests by the host (master of ceremonies). During breaks, you can hold fun contests and give symbolic prizes, as well as dance and sing your favorite songs. It will be very nice if the children perform. Grandmother will be happy to hear poems that her grandchildren will babble, and they will sing songs with pleasure and take part in amusing competitions.

Organization of an anniversary for mom

Mom's birthday is a significant event for both the birthday girl and all members of her family, so we have a special relationship with the family celebration of anniversaries. I just want to spend this significant day brightly, filling it with pleasant moments and gifts dear to my mother's heart.

Organizing a home holiday is just as responsible and requires preparing a scenario for the anniversary when mom turns 55 (however, like any anniversary celebration). You can arrange a magnificent or modest celebration at home.


If you conduct a survey, then many people of mature age will not approve of holding an anniversary in a restaurant, as they consider their birthday to be an exclusively family celebration. Save your mother from any hassle of arranging a celebration at home, take on both the preparation process and the actual holding of the holiday. Of course, the inevitable cleaning after the feast should also be done by family members, and not by the hero of the occasion. Your care will be the best gift in the world for mom!

An approximate scenario for celebrating a mother's 55th birthday might be as follows:

in the morning she is presented with a bouquet of her favorite flowers;

then mom is taken to a beauty salon (you need to think about the certificate in advance), where she can enjoy spa treatments, make up and do her hair;

the organizers at this time decorate the apartment, prepare snacks and set the festive table;

guests arrive at the appointed time and prepare for the meeting;

all together joyfully meet the rested and prettier birthday girl;

after all the gifts have been presented, the guests proceed to a family dinner.

An anniversary script for holding at home may contain such key points:

decoration of the apartment;

musical accompaniment;

poems and texts of wishes;

favorite dishes, birthday cake;


It’s good if several people take part in the preparation and think through the scenario of the anniversary to the smallest detail, so that this day becomes an unforgettable and touching holiday “with a capital letter” for mom.

For decorating an apartment you can use photos of different years from the family archive. Multi-colored balls and ribbons, funny posters will be appropriate, you can even publish a wall newspaper.

It will require preliminary preparation and it will take a lot of time to make a family album with your own hands, which can be decorated using the scrapbooking technique. You can make a calendar of memorable dates or mount a short film about events in the life of the family.


The role of music and poetry in the atmosphere of a family holiday.

Not a single scenario of the anniversary can do without suitable musical accompaniment. It is required to pick up pleasant background music that will sound throughout the evening. As musical accents for the anniversary, songs with words of congratulations glorifying a woman are suitable, and you also need to record your mother's favorite songs.

It will be very good if one person is responsible for the musical accompaniment - discuss the candidacy in advance with one of the relatives. And if someone in your family plays musical instruments, be sure to use this opportunity - a "live" performance will decorate any family evening!

It is desirable that all guests prepare their wishes for the hero of the occasion. Young children need time to memorize poems or songs that they can sing for their grandmother.

Touching memories from childhood will give special sincerity to the holiday - you can tell about funny cases that will be of interest to everyone.

As an entertainment program, try to organize contests (small prizes will make them even more fun and exciting), sing karaoke, dance a little. The main thing here is to take into account the age, preferences and tastes of the guests.

It has become a tradition to serve

Olga Starostina
"Jubilee - 55 years". Wall newspaper dedicated to the birthday of our boarding school

This we made a wall newspaper for the anniversary of our beloved school. Our school is our home. She is 55 years old. The newspaper was our school as a gift. IN our newspaper all the best what's going on in our class. holiday poem for schools we composed with the whole class. The stories of our guys about how they see our school in the future, we also put it in the newspaper. During the year we initiated into yoongi, we went to the Maritime Academy in Arkhangelsk, decorated our section for the Day birth school, held birthday parties, participated in school activities(won first place and received a diploma for participation in school scientific society with crafts from the mukosol "The Tale" Turnip ", went to Malye Korely, studied in school workshops, carried out school holiday"Health Day "Fast, dexterous, courageous". Our beloved teachers are always with us, always there. They are our support in life. They always help us, love us and never leave us in difficult situations. Our teachers want to make us friendly, kind, united, they are always ready to help us.

You can decorate your birthday in different ways. you can, for example. Hang balloons and colored ribbons. And you can prepare a surprise for the hero of the day in the form of a beautiful wall newspaper. What is the surprise here, you ask? And the answer is simple - there is a place on the wall newspaper where guests can write their wishes as a keepsake for the hero of the day. And besides this, the wall newspaper has a place for photographs and beautiful poems. In general, if you need just such a wall newspaper for a man's 55th birthday, then it is in front of you. Download it, print it, and make the hero of the day pleasant.

If your mother has an anniversary and she turns 50, then such a wall newspaper will be a pleasant gift and an unexpected surprise for her. An interesting and non-standard wall newspaper for mom's 50th birthday has two photo frames. You can insert both photos of your mother and photos of you and your mother into these frames. Or you can put a group photo of the whole family.
Two beautiful signatures next to each frame perfectly complement this wall newspaper.
Flowers, patterns and color combinations - your mother will remember such a gift for a lifetime.
But the main highlight of the wall newspaper is the inscription in the center. As you can see, it says: “Happy anniversary, the best woman in the world!”. And the inscription is made horizontally so that the word "MAMA" can be read vertically!
Did you like the wall newspaper? Then download it for free and use it to your health.

If you want to surprise a person who has an anniversary, then we know what to do. You need 55 year anniversary posters that will be your surprise. With the help of these posters, you can decorate the venue of the holiday, and the hero of the occasion will be pleasantly surprised. For you, we have prepared two posters, one for a man, one for a woman, which you can use in your work and your ideas.

Anniversaries, like any other holiday, should be celebrated this way. To make this day memorable for all guests. And you also need to create a pleasant holiday atmosphere and decorate the place of celebration. How to do it yourself with your own hands? take advantage of our ideas and "gifts"! For example, here you can download and completely free of charge these posters for the anniversary of a woman for 50 years. For your anniversary, we have developed two completely different posters in style. When you print them out and hang them on the wall, the hero of the day will be delighted with such beauty. And you can boast of the exclusivity of these posters. After all, they can not be bought in the store, they are only on our website and only for our beloved visitors.

Today it is becoming fashionable to mark all kinds of celebrations with the release of congratulatory wall newspapers. This article will tell you how to make a wall newspaper.

Preliminary preparation

It is very important to decide what the direction and style of the newspaper will be. The most commonly used official direction and comic-cool. But you can combine both styles into one. And therefore, before making a wall newspaper, you should determine its headings and select the necessary photos.

If a congratulation is being prepared for a fairly close person, for example, for a grandmother, then a little humor definitely does not hurt. For example, a wall newspaper for the anniversary of the ancestor may contain cool photo cartoons made using a collage, applications.

How to make a photo cartoon?

You can, for example, use a picture of a bird feeding chicks in a nest. You do not need to spoil the originals of the photographs themselves - it is enough to make photocopies of them and cut out only the faces. Then, in place of the head of the mother bird, the face of the hero of the day is glued, and in place of the heads of the chicks, the faces of her children. It will turn out very cool if the children have their mouths open. Therefore, even before the release of the newspaper, you can hold a photo session with a special posing. Although the surprise for all the guests is even more interesting.

Newspaper release highlights

The very design of the wall newspaper for the anniversary begins with the fact that the name is written on top, for example: “Congratulations!”, “The hero of the day is 50!”, “Half a century is not a spitting cat!” and the like. Be sure to cut out a beautiful bouquet of flowers from postcards or magazines and place them next to the name or words of congratulations. Somehow, you should arrange a figure showing the anniversary date. You should also make inscriptions for headings, for example, “Weekdays and holidays”, “My descendants are in my knapsack”.

Since it is simply impossible to make a wall newspaper without humor, it is necessary to approach this moment with special care. After all, mature people are often too touchy - this must be remembered and taken into account.

Just in the heading “My descendants are in my knapsack” material about grandchildren can be placed, congratulations to the grandmother of the day. A photo cartoon based on a picture of a kangaroo with babies sticking out of its bag would be extremely appropriate here. In place of the muzzle of the mother-kangaroo, the carved face of the grandmother is glued, and on the faces of the kangaroos - the photo faces of the grandchildren. The signature is quite suitable from a cartoon about a kangaroo, where the words come from the mouth of the "kangaroos": "Granny! Yum-yum. »

Cool congratulations

When thinking about how to make a wall newspaper, one should not miss such an important point as preparing congratulations. For this case, lyrical heartfelt poetic lines about love for a grandmother, mother, sister, and so on are suitable. But you can also remake the famous song, put the new text in the newspaper and, during the scenario of the celebration, perform it all together. It will not be difficult to do this, because the words of the song - here they are, before your eyes! For example, you can remake the well-known old song "Lada".

Under the iron clanging of dishes (2 times)

Relatives will sit at the tables.

After all, today Baba Luda (2 times)

Congratulations you and me.

No need to frown, baba!

For all of us, your laughter is a reward, (2 times)

Even though you've been a grandmother for a long time,

But for everyone you are forever - okay, (2 times)

There are a lot of options for anniversary wall newspapers. Only one of them has been presented here. And then not completely, but only fragmentarily, in the form of advice. After all, this is all strictly individual, and everyone will find their own unique way to create a masterpiece - a newspaper for the hero of the day.

Anniversary poster (collage)

Collageholiday poster, consisting of your photos, will tell about your life, happy years lived, about various life events (wedding day, birth of children, etc.). You and your guests will plunge into joyful memories and be able to relive the happy moments of the hero of the day. The number of photos can be any: from a couple of pieces to .... it all depends on the size of the poster and the design.

We will try to make the anniversary newspaper express your personality and give you and your guests a great mood.

Even on the very first anniversary, her children were dear to her - a collage from photographs of the first year of life is also necessary. After all, these are the most important first 12 months of a baby's life!

The dearest people are, of course, PARENTS! If you want to congratulate your dear mother (or father) on your anniversary beautifully, from the bottom of your heart, with love, then a congratulatory poster with photographs, warm and sincere wishes will definitely give an unforgettable feeling of happiness and pride in your family! This gift will decorate the wall for a long time even after the anniversary!

Congratulatory Collage looks more colorful if a large number of photos of the hero of the day are used: starting with the parents of the birthday boy, school years, youth, friends, loved one, wedding photos, small children, children grew up, grandchildren, colleagues, photos from the seas, family gatherings, etc. .

The site has sections with examples of collage samples: for a man, in Bashkir or Tatar. A photo collage can be a great gift for a business partner, work colleagues, family friend and wedding anniversary.

A gift look to a collage will give registration in a photo frame (baguette).

Production time from 2 to 7 days.

The cost of the collage (with print).

Size in cm(format)


30 x 40(A3) up to 3 photos

30 x 40(A3) any number of photos

40 x 60(A2) any number of photos

60 x 80(A1) any number of photos

It is possible to create a congratulatory wall newspaper "on-line" (without printing). Collage design costs from 600 rubles. The layout will be sent to your e-mail after payment for the layout approved by you. A popular type of work with other cities of Russia.

Bright congratulations in large format: do-it-yourself birthday posters

Ten years ago, wall posters or wall newspapers were extremely popular, especially in schools and universities. Now, of course, schoolchildren and students prefer computer presentations, but the wall newspaper genre has received a second life, and now it is a great and inexpensive way to congratulate loved ones.

Little tricks: what you need to know in order to make a good poster?

A birthday poster can be not only a way to decorate the room, but also a great addition to the main gift that will not leave anyone indifferent. The main thing is to decide what function it performs.

If it is not intended for a specific person, but becomes just a decoration of the room, then, in principle, one can confine oneself to impersonal congratulations. Otherwise, the task becomes more difficult. So, let's begin:

  • First of all, you need to decide on the chosen topic. For a friend or colleague, congratulations can be made in a comic form, in another case, for example, for a loved one or husband, a more romantic theme should be chosen.
  • Creativity must be bright. Do not skimp on paints, but at the same time try to combine colors that are suitable in shades, then your gift will please the eye and fit into any interior.
  • The inability to draw is not a reason to abandon the idea. You can find the necessary drawings and inscriptions in newspapers and magazines, and the letters can be printed on a computer. The main thing is to turn on the fantasy.
  • Use more memorable photos. Over a cup of tea, you can always remember happy moments and funny stories from your life.

Conventionally, all posters can be divided into several types.

  • Cool - for a birthday for a friend, sister or colleague.
  • Romantic - for a husband or boyfriend.
  • Photo products that can please anyone. In this case, you need to choose the right photos.

We do everything with our own hands

If you still decide to act independently, then for this you will need the following:

  • Large sheet of paper or whatman.
  • Brushes.
  • Pencils.
  • Paints (gouache and watercolor).
  • Old albums and newspapers.
  • Photos.
  • Markers.
  • Sequins.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.

These are just the basic tools for the job, you can add or remove everything else at your discretion.

For a girlfriend or friend, comic products are suitable. If you draw well, then you can draw a cartoon character that the birthday boy looks like. It would be great to do everything in the company of mutual friends and collect wishes from everyone. It is important in this case that each person writes a wish on his own. It doesn’t matter what handwriting you have, the main thing is that the congratulation comes from the heart.

Creative and tasty - a surprise for her husband

Such products with chocolate for a spouse are prepared quite quickly and simply. You can show originality. You can present a present in the form of a heart or a large planet. Perhaps you have a talent for needlework, then the edges can be treated with tape, this will be very attractive plus protect the edges from wear and tear. You should not write standard poems or compliments, it is better to write something from the heart and in your own words. Replace the end of the phrase with some sweetness, but only so that the meaning of the sentence is easily guessed. Such a congratulation will remain in the heart of a loved one for a long time.

Beautiful wall newspaper for a child

Photo posters will undoubtedly please the birthday child and his parents, and the collage, where you can trace how the baby has changed, will be a great addition to the main offerings on the holiday.

Best of all, if you make a congratulation in the form of a train. Place a photo of a child on each trailer: this way you can see what changes have occurred with the baby from birth to the present, how his facial features have changed or what he has learned during this time.

You can also attach the first drawings of the child or his prints to the photographs: arms and legs.

It doesn't matter how well you write or draw. The most important thing is that you made everything yourself and with love, with a special energy that can neither be bought nor ordered. What is made with your own hands brings love and warmth to the house.

In late spring and early summer, along with daffodils and tulips, flowers such as irises appear. How will they look in a bouquet? What is best to combine them to get an exquisite flower arrangement?

Beautiful handmade candlesticks will help create an exquisite spiritual atmosphere. Such decor will fill the house with warmth and comfort.

For the New Year, it is necessary to prepare not only the outfit, the menu and the script for the celebration, but also the room where it will take place. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the holiday itself, and what symbol the coming year has.

How to make an original design of a wall newspaper for a birthday with photos?

Someone wanted a wall newspaper to be published at home for a child’s birthday at 1 or 2 years old, while for someone the release of holiday wall newspapers in the family has become a tradition, and every time I want to come up with something original. Perhaps in these tips you can get some useful ideas for yourself. So, how to make an original design of a wall newspaper for a birthday with photos?

Instructions for designing a wall newspaper

1. Getting creative, consider which style of newspaper design is best suited to the character of the birthday person. For different groups of people, I offer several ideas that you can rework, supplement, so that they correspond to a particular person.

Come up with funny comments to them and congratulations. Reflect on some moments in which you can see what the child especially likes and what not.

For congratulatory words, take separate empty places where guests will leave their notes. It is important to make everything very bright and colorful. I recommend using the capabilities of Photoshop or downloading a template from the Internet.

Or maybe you yourself will be able to draw no worse? Combine photos with funny pictures from your favorite cartoons.

2. An interesting and unusual genre of comics. For a man, you can come up with a story about a superhero. Divide the area of ​​the drawing paper into equal squares, distribute them at the same distance from one another (six squares may be enough).

Each of them will contain one of the fragments of the story about the extraordinary heroic deed from the life of the birthday man.

Knowing well the biography of the hero of the occasion, it is not difficult to recall some events when he distinguished himself by his endurance, courage, and firmness of character.

If there was nothing like this, you can present it with humor, turning the most standard life situations into heroic ones, somewhat exaggerating. Or maybe you want to create your own story that didn’t exist (perhaps the birthday boy dreams about it). And, of course, all birthday stories need to be provided with photographs of the person to whom the newspaper is dedicated.

3. Separately sketch drafts of each episode. To make the sketches look, let half of the drawings contain images of heroes in the middle plan, and use close-ups in the remaining squares (for example, a part of the face expressing a vivid emotion; a defender's fist destroying enemies, etc.).

4. Draw the finished version on whatman paper, signing each of the fragments. To design a wall newspaper in a certain style, get ideas from viewing several issues of a comic book magazine.

5. If you doubt your artistic abilities, you can teach this idea in a different way. Instead of a comic book, have the poster show footage from a movie, such as an action movie or a western.

From a separate sheet of drawing paper, prepare several rectangles that will symbolize the frames of the film. To do this, draw darkened stripes on the sides of them, like on a film strip.

6. On the Internet, select screenshots of a movie that are suitable for this topic (for example, one where the hero saves his beloved from evil enemies). After enlarging the images to the required size of your "frames", print using a color printer.

Then stick on the prepared "film strip" in chronological order. Replace the face of the movie hero with the “photo face” of the birthday man, cutting out from the photographs prepared for this occasion.

7. For children, you can create a story based on a plot from a cartoon, a favorite fairy tale.

8. For a young man, as one of the options, there may be a story about the first meeting with his girlfriend, where old photographs would be used to recreate the history of the acquaintance.

Having stylistically designed them, for a greater impression, decorate the wall newspaper with little things (attach, glue) reminiscent of the pleasant moments of life. It can be a dried rosebud, a movie ticket, a small memento, etc.

How to design an anniversary poster with photos

  • Nik2018
  • 9-07-2015, 10:01

Wall newspaper for the anniversary of a man of 55 years. Wall newspaper with wishes

You can decorate your birthday in different ways. you can, for example. Hang balloons and colored ribbons. And you can prepare a surprise for the hero of the day in the form of a beautiful wall newspaper. What is the surprise here, you ask? And the answer is simple - there is a place on the wall newspaper where guests can write their wishes as a keepsake for the hero of the day. And besides this, the wall newspaper has a place for photographs and beautiful poems. In general, if you need just such a wall newspaper for a man's 55th birthday, then it is in front of you. Download it, print it, and make the hero of the day pleasant.

  • Nik2018
  • 22-06-2015, 11:21

Wall newspaper for the anniversary of my mother's 50th birthday. Wall newspaper for mom

If your mother has an anniversary and she turns 50, then such a wall newspaper will be a pleasant gift and an unexpected surprise for her. An interesting and non-standard wall newspaper for mom's 50th birthday has two photo frames. You can insert both photos of your mother and photos of you and your mother into these frames. Or you can put a group photo of the whole family.
Two beautiful signatures next to each frame perfectly complement this wall newspaper.
Flowers, patterns and color combinations - your mother will remember such a gift for a lifetime.
But the main highlight of the wall newspaper is the inscription in the center. As you can see, it says: “Happy anniversary, the best woman in the world!”. And the inscription is made horizontally so that the word "MAMA" can be read vertically!
Did you like the wall newspaper? Then download it for free and use it to your health.

  • Nik2018
  • 12-06-2015, 16:14

Posters for the anniversary of 55 years. Posters for woman and man

If you want to surprise a person who has an anniversary, then we know what to do. You need 55 year anniversary posters that will be your surprise. With the help of these posters, you can decorate the venue of the holiday, and the hero of the occasion will be pleasantly surprised. For you, we have prepared two posters, one for a man, one for a woman, which you can use in your work and your ideas.

  • Nik2018
  • 12-06-2015, 15:01

Posters for the anniversary of 50 years for a woman. beautiful anniversary

Anniversaries, like any other holiday, should be celebrated this way. To make this day memorable for all guests. And you also need to create a pleasant holiday atmosphere and decorate the place of celebration. How to do it yourself with your own hands? take advantage of our ideas and "gifts"! For example, here you can download and completely free of charge these posters for the anniversary of a woman for 50 years. For your anniversary, we have developed two completely different posters in style. When you print them out and hang them on the wall, the hero of the day will be delighted with such beauty. And you can boast of the exclusivity of these posters. After all, they can not be bought in the store, they are only on our website and only for our beloved visitors.

  • Nik2018
  • 3-06-2015, 16:51
  • 10601

Anniversary wall newspaper for a man and a woman

And one more interesting and even original wall newspaper for the anniversary of a man and a woman. Wall newspaper with a beautiful background and flowers. There are also three photo spots. And for a place for feedback and wishes. This wall newspaper will make the holiday bright and the kindest.

  • Nik2018
  • 3-06-2015, 16:46

Wall newspaper for the anniversary of 55 years. Wall newspaper with wishes

We made such an interesting and positive wall newspaper for the anniversary of 55 years. Wall newspaper with wishes and poems. We also left a space for guests to write something on their behalf. And on the wall newspaper there are places for 12 photos at once. And you can place on it almost all stages of the life of the hero of the day. Such a wall newspaper will greatly please the hero of the day, and he will be happy with such attention.

  • Nik2018
  • 3-06-2015, 16:36

Wall newspaper for the anniversary. Universal wall newspaper

We bring to your attention our first wall newspaper for the anniversary. This wall newspaper is universal, as it is suitable for both men and women. Beautiful background with festive curtains, a glass of champagne, flowers and gift boxes. And the highlight of the wall newspaper are three glass balls on top. You can insert photos of anniversaries into them, and in this way you will get an author's wall newspaper.

  • Nik2018
  • 3-06-2015, 16:17

Mom's birthday posters. Anniversary 50, 55, 60 years

Is your mom's birthday? then this event should be taken under your personal control! You have to organize a holiday and decorate it. regarding the organization of the holiday, you can see the information on our website, since our website is completely dedicated to anniversaries. But on decorating the anniversary, we will help you right here. We have such wonderful posters for mom's anniversary for different ages. All you have to do is download the posters, print them out and hang them in a prominent place. Then all the guests and your mother will see them. She will read poetry and kiss you.

  • Nik2018
  • 3-06-2015, 15:44

Posters for the anniversary of 60 years. Posters for woman and man

60 years is a respectful date. Therefore, on this festive day, the hero of the day should be reminded of his holiday. And you need to decorate the room for the holiday accordingly. Here are such interesting posters for the anniversary of 60 years for a man and a woman that will help you decorate the walls and the holiday itself. Print posters, hang them on the walls, and then both the hero of the day and the guests will be able to enjoy the beauty and celebration.

  • Nik2018
  • 3-06-2015, 12:03

Posters for the anniversary of 30 years. 2 posters for a man and a woman

Wherever you celebrate your anniversary at 30, you need to properly decorate the place of the holiday. How to do it? For example, you can hang balloons everywhere. Or even put the inscription with balloons - 30 YEARS ANNIVERSARY! You can also attach colored ribbons to the ceiling so that they go down and shimmer in the light. And also great for this occasion, posters for an anniversary of 30 years are suitable. We have prepared two original posters that will decorate the anniversary of the woman and the anniversary of the man. All you have to do is download the posters for free and print them out. Then you can beautifully decorate your holiday, and pleasantly surprise the hero of the day.

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