How to arrange a romantic date: ideas. romantic date ideas

What thoughts do you have when the phrase "romantic date" is said? Candles, slow lingering music, subdued lighting, roses, wine in glasses immediately come to mind for many. Or maybe it's a petal bath for you or a picnic by the lake in a secluded place with a beautiful view?

Why do we need romance?

To dates, each of the people has his own, characteristic attitude for him. Someone considers a romantic date to be attributes of the beginning of a relationship or even non-binding flirting. And it happens that the strong half of the couple shows indifference to the woman's attempts to bring romance into the relationship, considering it superfluous.

Of course, men by nature are more focused on serious "male" actions. But when romance disappears from a relationship, tenderness, sensitivity, a subtle feeling of the partner’s state disappear with it, as if glued - those small particles that fill, like putty, the gaps between the bricks of male actions, making the relationship strong and indestructible. Yes, and our personalities, after all, are made up of little things, for which we subsequently love each other more and more.

So it is worth forgetting about what romance and tenderness are - and the relationship from this as a whole becomes less tasty and more insipid, ordinary, the feeling of celebration and emotional upsurge disappears.

Women are the first to feel it, of course, because of their sensitivity and subtlety of perception. But sooner or later, the lack of romance is reflected in a man, especially if he does not live exclusively by work and his own interests.

What to do?

We propose to arrange a romantic date. Some women get upset because they think that a man might not want "such nonsense." However, men are the same children in this regard. The main thing is to interest them, and when a man is interested, and even if you yourself enjoy it, he will most likely want to arrange such surprises for you in the future.

Some ladies, by the way, mistakenly assume that it is their man who is not at all prone to romance. However, first check if this is true, or if it's just your speculation. You can ask a man to invite you on a romantic date, tell you what you would like. But there are also cases when it is useless to force a man or wait for initiative from him. Then you don’t need to be angry with him, because he also puts a part of himself into your relationship, just in a different aspect. And it will be easier for you to take on romance. Don't be afraid to take the initiative!

You may be afraid that the man you love will reject your initiative, calling your act stupidity, and this may hurt you. However, if you do it right, a romantic date can rediscover each other's personalities and breathe fire into an already established routine.

What should be considered when preparing a date with your man?

The most important thing when preparing to spend time together in a romantic setting is not to be selfish. As women, we often forget that relationships are not just about satisfying our own needs. Surely you are aware that there are two of you in a relationship.

You certainly need to get pleasure, but the interests of a man should not be neglected either. In addition, when you strive to create something for your soulmate, in addition to enjoying the process, you will also be rewarded with his gratitude for taking care of him. But you must admit, to please loved ones is an extremely pleasant experience.

Do not forget, please, that a man, like us, has only 24 hours in a day. And during this period, he still needs to earn money in order to provide for you. It is a good idea to take into account the preferences of the man. For example, if he hates sushi, there is no need to spoil his impression of the evening. Eliminate everything that makes him dislike.
It will be absolutely wonderful if you manage to include attributes of his hobbies in a date. Does he get tired of driving all day long? Hire a driver or order a taxi as your transport. Does your loved one like football? You can have fun by dressing up in a jersey of the club that he supports - if, of course, this form of clothing is appropriate. We will talk about ideas below.

How to choose the time?

Take into account the busyness of your lover, for example, you should not plan a date for the evening when he is overwhelmed with work or is so tired that he wants to spend the evening at home. It is best to agree in advance and choose a day when both you and he have a calm, relaxed state - for example, on Friday evening or Saturday morning.

How to invite a man?

You can directly communicate that you want to spend time together in a romantic setting. But it will be much more interesting to hint that you are preparing "something special", as well as to add "a few" spoilers, dropping a phrase like "I'm sure you will never forget this evening." If you are preparing something themed, you can make an invitation card. Also, a funny idea with the overtones of intrigue can be an SMS or email sent to his mobile phone, informing him in the James Bond style of the place and time of the meeting (call signs and passwords are optional).

The invitation should leave some intrigue, without this a romantic date can turn into something ordinary. So connect your imagination, but first - plan the event itself.

Decide on a theme!

It's a great way to say "I love you" in action language. In the sitcom The Big Bang Theory, this is exactly how Amy evoked Sheldon's feelings - she organized a hated Valentine's Day in a train compartment, because her boyfriend loves trains.

The theme of the date sets the tone for him and predisposes him to the direction of the conversation. It is for this reason that many men hate gatherings among candles and roses - they have no idea what to talk about. After all, not everyone can cheerfully quote Yesenin or shower the object of adoration with compliments.

And besides, in a familiar environment, a person is more liberated and more strongly manifests himself as a person. On a romantic date, this also means expressing feelings towards you - after all, feelings are also part of the personality of your loved one.

Break stereotypes - devote a romantic date to getting to know each other better, to become a little closer. This can be done by choosing a topic of interest.

  • Football date
    In addition to putting on the appropriate form, you can set the table using sports attributes. Napkins, plates, figurines of players. You can also rent a board game and have fun - of course, if you are also interested in it.
  • tourist vacation
    A picnic in nature is wonderful. In this case, nature itself forms a wonderful atmosphere for you. Well, what if it's winter? Or there is no time to go out of town, or you cannot use the car for any reason?
    Have a picnic at home on the floor. Build a tent out of chairs, place potted plants around it - that's the natural environment for you. Candles and a crackling campfire track or forest sounds will add naturalism and a sense of presence.
  • Car enthusiast picnic
    And how do you like the idea of ​​​​arranging a picnic right in the car? Of course, not everyone will like it. Again, do not forget to ask the man how he will react to this.
  • Sea of ​​lights
    Is New Year's Eve coming soon? A romantic date with a bunch of candles will help add festivity to the relationship. In this case, you need to take into account that candles actively burn oxygen, so make sure that you can open a window or otherwise ventilate the air.
    Candles can be replaced with electric candles, as well as garlands to decorate the Christmas tree, hung here and there. It is important not to overdo it with garlands: you should not choose flickering bulbs that are too colorful, take calmer and more monophonic ones - otherwise the flickering lights will quickly annoy you.
    Lights, by the way, are a great material to make a symbolic gift by laying out a heart or, for example, your names on the floor or under the window.
  • Date 18+
    Here we are not talking about banal intimacy. Find out in advance which image seems attractive to your chosen one, as well as to you. Adult stores now offer a huge selection of attributes for themed dates. It is also a great choice if you have been mired in everyday life or worries lately. The role-playing game will entertain you and you will have a pleasant and fun time.
    If you feel a little uncomfortable, just imagine yourself as the heroine you are portraying. Don't take the game too seriously, relax, feel like a child, don't focus on seducing your man, rather be funny. Erotically, you will turn him on anyway - after all, he himself has already told you what exactly he would like to see in bed (in the kitchen, on the balcony, etc.).
  • For intellectuals
    Men who love riddles may like some kind of intellectual game. You need to choose the degree of difficulty in advance.
    Variants of such activities include: searching for a “treasure” using notes with tasks, quests, games for undressing, for the development of intuition.
  • Give sensations!
    Touch is an extremely valuable thing in a romantic relationship. If you are missing them, try an interesting date option that also activates the growth of trust between you.
    The idea is that one person puts on a blindfold while the other feeds him. You can show in advance what you are going to treat your loved one to. And you can play taster. You can then switch roles if you wish.
    Checked: this game allows you to look at each other as if with new eyes.
  • Meeting place change: need to!
    For those who have noticed that life has switched to a “home-work” mode, we advise you to arrange a date in an unusual or simply not typical place for your couple. An example would be a city park, a rooftop or even your own balcony! You can decorate everything according to your preferences.
  • Winter fun
    In winter, do not neglect such a wonderful material as snow. Go to the ice city. Or build your own mini-cafe in the open air - make chairs and a table (do not forget to cover it with warm capes so as not to catch a cold), and after drinking coffee from a thermos, go for a ride on an ice sled. Falling into childhood is guaranteed.
    Such a date is more to the liking of a girl. However, let's say if you choose an interior that takes into account the taste of a man, he can also enjoy it. For example, a photo session in a karting club or, for example, while playing billiards, can become original. Another example of such a date would be horseback riding.
    The main thing is to dress appropriately and tune in to get positive emotions not only from the shooting process, but also from the game. You can shoot both on your own and hire a photographer - here already proceed from the budget.
  • extreme romance
    Ideas about romance, as already mentioned, everyone has their own. Perhaps the most romantic place for you is the sky. Then go jump with a parachute, ride a small plane or soar on a paraglider. Such a joint adventure will charge you with adrenaline to the eyeballs, add passion for a long time. And yet - these are unforgettable extreme sensations experienced together!
  • Joint relaxation
    Had a tough week? The sensitive hands of masseurs and body wraps in the spa will help you discharge and make room inside for a new energy flow. Girls know this firsthand, but men do not understand everything, how you can perfectly relax together in the salon.
    It is advisable to exclude from the list of procedures those that cause discomfort to your man. For example, if he categorically does not do a professional manicure, do not insist on varnishing his nails. After all, your goal is not to strain it, but to help relax.
  • New me
    Let the man discover himself from a new side. Learn a dance, such as strip or oriental. Write a song for him. Or give him some special massage. Any man will appreciate a woman's attempt to learn how to please him. No one expects you to do it at the highest level, it is enough to show care and how you present it.
    Dating brings variety to relationships, deepens mutual understanding and sensuality. This is the part of the relationship that should never be neglected, no matter how long you have been together - 2 months or 2 years. Love each other and find new ways to enjoy life together.
  1. A date in the museum (at an exhibition, in an art gallery). Cultural growth, a topic for conversation, there will be something to tell your friends - you will catch three birds with one stone.
  2. Long walk in an unknown direction. If you get lost, then the two of you. Plus, it's an adventure.
  3. Go to a coffee shop instead of a bar. It's not so hackneyed, besides, no malicious coffee addict will stick to you, breathing the aroma of mocha and cinnamon in your face. And not start a fight with your boyfriend because he allegedly pushed him and spilled his cappuccino.
  4. Picnic. A good old picnic with a basket of delicious food and a plaid blanket.
  5. Go picking strawberries. There is something uniquely touching in this. (Even if the idea remains only words, go up to the girl and say: “I have long wanted to ask you ... Would you like to pick strawberries with me?” - this will be remembered for a long time).
  6. Ride horses. It's just an illustration from an English romance novel.
  7. Take a pottery lesson. Romantic, like in the movie Ghost.
  8. Take a drawing lesson. Then you can repeat the scene from the Titanic (or just smear each other with paint).
  9. Fly a kite. It is always fun to remember childhood, besides, you will become the heroes of the court: everyone will come running to see such an undertaking.
  10. Play badminton. Great game, undeservedly forgotten hit of the 80s. Bonus: you can moan seductively with every hit of the shuttlecock, just like famous tennis players.
  11. Go to the theater and then all movies and movies.
  12. Go to the hookah imagine yourself participating in an oriental fairy tale.
  13. Sit in the back seat of the car and start kissing passionately. This is classic Hollywood for teenagers - and if you are adults, why should it interfere?
  14. Climb into the abandoned haunted house. Fearfully? It brings you closer.
  15. Go observe the habits of the robin in the wild. Get bored - just make love.
  16. Engage in cooking a complex dish for dinner - four hands. Even if you don't get duck stuffed with hares and baked apples, you'll have fun.
  17. Go to the zoo. Yes, I feel sorry for the animals, but they are so cute! And where without cotton candy. Terribly tasteless, but fun.
  18. Circus. When was the last time you were at the circus?
  19. Go to the bookstore(“What? How could you not read this book?”) or to a music disc store(“What? How could you not hear this band?”).
  20. Go to the botanical garden. Magic smells and atmosphere of the fall.
  21. Play board games. You can undress.
  22. Ride in a hot air balloon(just be careful not to fly to the Emerald City).
  23. Play paintball or airsoft. What could be better than getting hit in the forehead with a charge of orange paint or a plastic ball from the subject of your romantic love.
  24. Roller skate. You fall, he catches you... A great occasion for hugs!
  25. Visit an amusement park. It's the simplest, uncomplicated, and safest way for a couple of townspeople to share a much-vaunted adrenaline rush.
  26. Go to a furniture store to lie on sofas and armchairs. An unpurchased sofa is always softer.
  27. Paint each other with watercolors. No face painting? Take gouache.
  28. Enjoy the sunset. Or dawn.
  29. Watch the fireworks. Or arrange fireworks yourself. Or watch the firefighters at work.
  30. Go to a nude beach. As they say, to see people and show yourself.
  31. Go on a couple date. Invite a friend and girlfriend to join you, select any of these items - and the number of options will immediately double!

What should be the perfect date at home? Certainly not the first, and not the second. For a man, an invitation to your house is like saying: "Take me, I'm all yours." Subconsciously, he expects a lot. And he is not at all to blame for this - after all, he was influenced by various magazines and books, conversations of friends boasting about their victories, films and just imagination. Be sure that he will choose his underwear with great care. Not that he absolutely counted on sex .. Well, just like that, just in case .. what if, a ride?

Be sure to consider all this when you invite a man home. And first of all, decide for yourself what you expect from your romantic date at home. If you are ready to fall into his arms, then difficulties are not expected. And if you haven’t gotten to know each other enough yet and just want to get to know him better? If you just want gentle words, deep glances, communication? Then it is not superfluous to insure yourself. For example, let someone else be in the house, your parents or sister. But let's assume that there are no disagreements between you and your lover and your only desire is to spend an evening that would bring a little romance to your relationship.

First of all, you have to take care of clothes and makeup. Be sure to wear a dress or skirt, and even better - a seductive peignoir. And no slippers! However, high heels will also look ridiculous. Pick yourself up in advance pretty shoes with low heels. As for make-up, you should not apply a thick layer of foundation, a light powder will be enough. It is better to use lipstick to a minimum - anyway, it will be erased during dinner. But with arrows and eye shadows, you can experiment to your heart's content. Be sure to wear some jewelry: a chain, a bracelet, long earrings, a couple of rings. It is these "female things" that excite men the most. Do not forget about perfume: a drop on the earlobes, on the inside of the wrists and on the hollow between the breasts. Spray a couple of drops on the pillow, just don't overdo it.

The ideal date at home involves the so-called romantic dinner. The food should be very light, otherwise the man will quickly begin to fall asleep. But this is not included in your plans? Make small sandwiches with different snacks, decorate with herbs. The menu should not contain onions, fish, anything that emits a pungent odor. From drinks, of course, champagne! And be sure to juice or mineral water. Complement dinner with a box of chocolates and strong coffee - and nothing else is needed.

A mandatory attribute of a romantic dinner is candles. Just put them on the table, turn on and dim the light - and your mood, as if by magic, will become light, exciting, mysterious. Subdued lighting will help hide figure flaws and reduce embarrassment. And the reflection of the lights of candles in your eyes will literally hypnotize your beloved, awakening in him the primitive instincts. Pick up also slow music, you can your favorite, but not in Russian. Otherwise, it will divert attention from the conversation. Let only your mutual confessions sound this evening.

What to do on a date, what to do after dinner? One option is dance. Invite your own gentleman, but do not insist if he starts to refuse. If you have beautiful vacation photos, you can look at the albums together. Just make sure that nothing superfluous gets in there, especially the faces of your "former" ones. Or offer to arrange a photo shoot right now. Any game will be a great pastime - from card games to chess. Look together at the movie CDs that you have in your home. If it turns out that you both like the same movie, do not deny yourself the pleasure of reviewing it.

You can often find advice to dance your favorite striptease.. Decide on this only if you are really good at dancing and confident in yourself. Otherwise, your movements will look more comical than seductive. You should also not offer to take a bath together, even if you have rose petals and gorgeous foam at the ready. But massage can be a great transition to more intimate communication. However, it's up to you to decide.

You can read a lot about how to arrange a beautiful date at home. But nowhere for some reason does not say how to finish it. Again, you yourself must decide in advance whether you will offer a man to stay with you for the night. If you are not yet ready for this, then at the appointed hour, tell him that it is already late, you need to go to bed. Thank him for a wonderful evening. In fact, it will not be superfluous to tell him the telephone number for calling a taxi, especially if you live in a disadvantaged area, and the time is long after midnight.

If you ventured to spend the night together, then take care of hygiene items. Provide your man with a fresh towel (preferably two), it would be nice to have a new sealed toothbrush as well. While he is in the bathroom, it would be nice to quickly wash the dishes. You do not want to have breakfast at a dirty table or meet in the morning with the remnants of dinner, do you? Save up for yourself a cute house dressing gown so that in the morning light you look no less seductive than in the evening twilight. Remove all makeup before bed. And in the morning, be sure to get up at least 10 minutes earlier than your lover to put yourself in order and take care of breakfast.

Make something easy: scrambled eggs, toast with jam, coffee or tea. Better yet, buy several types of croissants or cookies, a couple of yogurts and a bunch of bananas. Then you don't have to cook anything. The "wrong" morning can spoil all the charm of a romantic evening. The main advice is: be relaxed and tune in to rest and have a good time. And then your romantic date will be successful, and you will be in a good mood and stunning memories.

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If a serious date is planned ahead - the birthday of your girlfriend, March 8 or February 14, New Year or the anniversary of your relationship, then there is an urgent need to arrange a romantic dinner for your beloved lady of the heart, a kind of romantic date for two in a pleasant atmosphere. How can a guy organize a date with a girl so that she will definitely like a romantic evening (dinner).

15 ideas:

  1. If you have been dating a girl for only 2 weeks, then it makes sense to invite your chosen one to a romantic evening in a restaurant. If you choose the most pretentious place, then you can take a walk for glory for not very big money. Do not forget to take a bouquet of flowers for a date with a girl - tulips or daisies, orchids or lilies (but not roses). In the case of your correct behavior, she can go to spend the night with you.
  2. She does nothing - dinner was prepared and served by you! Just bring the girl to your home and seat her at the set table, beautifully serve delicacies prepared by your own hands (or ordered from a good restaurant), pour her favorite dry wine into a glass. Put a bell on the table, ringing with which she can call you to her carpet as a waiter, and fulfill all the desires of your Lady - massage her neck or legs, kiss her eyes, sing a song ... Pleasant pastime in a playful way is guaranteed.
  3. Go to the ice skating rink, or even better - go to the ski resort. Sport brings together, and shared chocolate with cognac in half brings together even more.
  4. Visit the SPA salon together - this is a very romantic date for two, which will give both many unforgettable minutes of royal pleasure.
  5. If you are already planning to marry your beloved, then you have nothing to be ashamed of and lose - record a video about your innermost feelings and dreams, unusual fantasies! I don't mean the video you were thinking of. Just lying in bed, write down on your mobile your romantic wishes for each other, declarations of love, your dreams about how you will live together when you start a family. Then it will inspire you in difficult moments of marriage. By the way, parts of this video recording can later be made public at the wedding (and not on YouTube!), although personally I would not show it to anyone.
  6. If your girlfriend is pregnant and, for health reasons, cannot go outside with you, play a computer game with her at home, for example, Super Mario or some other.
  7. Take a trip to another city, book a hotel room, and celebrate the ease of being in some trendy nightclub.
  8. Organize a striptease for her at a romantic dinner. If you yourself can’t, then resort to the help of professionals - just don’t invite them home, discourage your beloved with the generosity and audacity of your gift in some fashionable restaurant with an entertaining, frank show program.
  9. Invite a girl instead of an evening of romance to a concert of her favorite band. She will be delighted! Especially if you don't tell her where you're going until the very last moment.
  10. Arrange karaoke at home, to the delight of all the neighbors, or in a karaoke club. But only if she loves to sing very much and she has not developed karaokephobia about this.
  11. Shopping as a substitute for a romantic dinner and the best option for a date has not yet been canceled. From buying 1-2 dresses your budget will not lose weight, and she will be extremely pleased to feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.
  12. Get out in a country cottage - rent a room or a whole house in a special resort country cottage town and enjoy the aromas of the forest and wildlife alone with each other. Stunning, primal romance, coupled with the comfort of the present century, will win her heart...
  13. If your girlfriend loves to cook, arrange an unusual date for her in the evening with you and... the chef! Visit culinary courses together, where she can not only see the skill of an ace chef, but also learn how to cook some yummy herself. Delicious, healthy, entertaining and educational!
  14. If the woman of your heart loves her dog or cat more than you, take her to an exhibition of these wonderful animals or buy them outfits. Or hire a professional trainer for them.
  15. Finally, take care of your figures! Lose weight! Rather than spend time on dates, organizing romantic evenings that smoothly flow into plentiful dinners, it’s better to go to the gym together, swim in the pool, run in the fresh air.

Arranging a date with your beloved girl is not at all difficult - you just have to listen to what she lives and what she likes to do. A romantic dinner is not necessarily the next trip to the same restaurant for 5 years in a row. A romantic evening is an unusual date with a loved one who always surprises and delights with its originality.

Of course, nothing sets you up for a romantic mood like a date. Organizing something unusual is not so difficult, it just takes a little imagination. In order for the evening to be remembered, it is not at all necessary to go to an expensive restaurant; a date at home is also a great option. It's even better, because no one will disturb you for sure, you can really enjoy each other's company and relax a little.

The idea of ​​spending the evening at home in a pleasant date will appeal to both married couples who have been living together for a long time, and those who are just starting to build their relationship. In both cases, everything goes according to approximately the same scenario. The difference is only in the effect produced. So, such a date will allow spouses to remember the old days, when life has not yet eaten all the romance. For young couples, a date at home will provide an opportunity to get to know each other better, take their romance to a new level.

Preparation is the key to success

Dinner in a cozy environment is a great idea, but sometimes it can be very difficult to bring it to life. How, for example, to organize houses in such a way as not to spoil the first impression, but, on the contrary, encourage a person to continue communication? It's actually very exciting. After all, not even the interlocutor himself can cause rejection in a person, but, for example, his apartment. Therefore, it is worth preparing for the first date with special care. You should not immediately reveal all the cards, showing all the rooms and every thing. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that she or he will want a tour of the house.

To avoid inconvenience, spend in your home getting rid of all the strange, distracting details. Another important point: do not be too assertive. Referring to the general rules of behavior on a first date, behave with restraint. No need to immediately rush to the embrasure. Also, if there is no desire to continue the evening until the morning, just say so.

Meeting with an ex

With the first date, everything seems to be clear. But there is another no less stressful situation for the fairer sex - a date with the former at home. Wanting to renew a romantic relationship, it is important not only to make the evening go well. It is also necessary to show your partner a willingness to go further, back. Something unexpected works best in this case. Not just, but, perhaps, some kind of themed evening, which can be supplemented with watching a good movie. To do this, you just need to find the right movie. Choosing a film, you should be guided not only by your preferences. It is unlikely that the former will appreciate the fact that he was forced to watch a hateful melodrama.

It doesn't matter if it's a surprise or a planned event. It doesn't matter who will be the organizer. Although, it still depends on something. If women always pay attention to details, try to create the perfect atmosphere, choose the right music and lighting, then men are much less likely to do this. They will think more about what to cook, what to wear, and what, in fact, to talk about.

clear plan

In fact, any evening with a loved one is an event that requires special attention, otherwise it is very easy to make a mistake. It would seem, what could be better than a home environment? However, it is actually not as simple as it seems to be. To minimize all the risks of failure, it is important to know exactly what is fraught with a date at home. The preparation of such an evening should be based on a clear plan. Do not take on everything at once, something can easily pop out of your head. And no wonder, because there is so much to do.

We think over the menu

It’s worth starting accomplishments with a shopping list, and for this you need to first think over the menu. It is good if it contains a lot of so-called aphrodisiac products, namely: seafood, mushrooms, almonds, avocados, strawberries, bananas, honey, celery and others.

With their help, you can cook a huge number of dishes. The main thing is not to forget that dinner should not be too heavy. The meal should bring a feeling of satiety, not abdominal pain and discomfort. It can be accompanied by absolutely any drink, to taste. True, strong alcohol, as well as cocktails consisting of several degree drinks, are not suitable for a romantic date. They can quickly turn your head, then you can no longer count on the continuation of the evening.


In addition to food and drinks, it is worth thinking about the surroundings. It can be cute candles, garlands, aromatic oils, balls or flowers. A date at home does not mean that creating the right atmosphere will not work, you just need to take into account some points. These are, of course, colors. For the most suitable shades that encourage active brain activity, exciting desires.

It is red, orange or bright yellow. However, an abundance of bright colors can lead not to excitement, but to the emergence of aggression. Therefore, it always needs to be balanced by something, for example, white. But it is better to refuse the use of black, as it usually causes negative emotions. In addition to tablecloths, matching napkins and dish sets, it sometimes makes sense to think about buying new bedding. It will come in handy sooner or later anyway.


It is worth thinking about Many girls and women for some reason forget about this point, especially if they are not the organizers of the date. It is very wrong to think that a date at home with a girl is a meaningless event for a guy. Men, as a rule, are picky about their own appearance no less than the fair sex.

They can choose the color of a tie for a shirt for a long time, especially if the girl is really nice to them. It is simply unforgivable for women to come on a date in jeans. The dress must be perfect, as well as what is underneath. Beautiful underwear and fishnet stockings are an indispensable attribute of the image. After all, you can never say for sure how it will end.


Arranging a date at home is not so difficult. You just need to follow a clear plan, step by step thinking through everything to the smallest detail. Of course, everyone wants something unusual, but here in the foreground is not the originality of ideas, but the approach to their implementation.

It is not at all necessary to arrange something intricate, simple romance is enough. The desire to please a loved one is quite feasible, you just need a little imagination. Taking the initiative, you need to be a little bolder. Then everything will work out and will go even better than a banal evening in a restaurant.