How to recognize pregnancy with a thermometer. How to check pregnancy with a thermometer: basal temperature measurement. Basal temperature measurement to determine a missed pregnancy

A woman who wants to get pregnant is looking forward to the coveted positive test.

But how to determine pregnancy if the test does not show its presence? In this case, a graph with basal temperature readings can help, which helps to give one hundred percent result, provided that all the rules are followed. Basal temperature in early pregnancy is a fairly reliable and accurate way to determine conception. A pregnancy test is effective only 3-4 weeks after conception, and basal temperature shows it almost immediately.

Therefore, many of the fair sex are interested in how to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy. It's not easy to do this, but the performance of the metrics is worth the time it takes to create a custom schedule.

In order to determine such signs as the onset of ovulation, a violation or change at the hormonal level, as well as the time for conception, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature - this is a low temperature indicator that is determined in the body at rest. Basal temperature is measured rectally, vaginally or orally.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy as correctly as possible?

Before you start keeping a schedule, you need to figure out how it works. The basal temperature graph during pregnancy, the photo of which is a scale with temperature indicators, will be most reliable if you follow a number of important requirements when measuring it. Any external and internal factors that affect a woman's life can distort the schedule indicators, including:

  • changes in diet, lifestyle;
  • violation of hormonal levels;
  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • change of climatic zone or relocation;
  • various diseases of internal organs;
  • colds and viral diseases.

In addition, constant measurement over several months allows you to identify possible hormonal abnormalities that prevent pregnancy. This allows you to take timely measures to normalize the hormonal background, which means that the possibility of getting pregnant increases significantly.

So, according to the graph, you can trace the estrogen deficiency in a woman's body. It manifests itself in elevated basal temperature in the period before ovulation. If on the graph you see decreased temperature readings during the onset of ovulation, then this indicates a poor production of estrogen. Timely identification of violations of the reproductive function of a woman's body can solve problems with conception. In this case, in this case, you need to contact a gynecologist and get adequate treatment.

If the graph contains the same readings that do not change over time, then they indicate the absence of ovulation. In this case, the woman is not able to get pregnant. The gynecologist, on the basis of examination, diagnosis, can give recommendations for eliminating violations that negatively affect a woman's ability to conceive a child. The basal temperature chart during pregnancy is not only an excellent opportunity to find out about your pregnancy, but also a reliable way to identify violations in the urogenital function of a woman.

Basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy will be most accurate and correct if the measurement is carried out:

  • early in the morning, before the woman got out of bed;
  • at the same time, while the error between daily measurements should not exceed half an hour;
  • at the same measurement site, therefore one measurement method must be selected in advance, for example, oral or vaginal.

In order not to get out of bed in the morning, it is necessary to put the thermometer so that it is always at hand. In this case, the duration of sleep should be at least 5 hours a day. This means that getting out of bed at night in order to drink water is undesirable, since the readings will be distorted. To get the correct readings, in this case, you need to take them after the first awakening of the night.

If you are interested in the question of what should be the basal temperature during pregnancy in the first few weeks, then this indicator varies between 37.1 o C - 37.2 o C. These indicators may change if the woman took alcoholic beverages the day before, had sexual intercourse, suffered from insomnia or suffered any disease, including colds, acute respiratory infections.

Also, the basal temperature readings are significantly affected by the intake of hormonal drugs, so the graph will be uninformative. Any factor can distort the data, so if you want to get accurate information, you must exclude all factors that affect the hormonal background.

There are several nuances with each measurement method. For example, with the oral method of introducing a thermometer, it must be kept under the tongue for at least 4-5 minutes. If the temperature is measured rectally, then the thermometer must be inserted into the rectum by 5 centimeters, while it must be lubricated. With the vaginal method, you need to insert the thermometer into the vagina by half. A regular thermometer needs to be kept for 5-8 minutes, and an electronic one for at least 10-15 seconds or until the signal.

Basal temperature during early pregnancy: indications and definition

To determine the onset of ovulation, temperature measurement must be started at the beginning of menstruation. On the 4th day after the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature is in the range of 36.4 o C - 36.8 o C. Such indicators indicate that there are all the necessary conditions for the maturation of the egg.

The period that lasts until the onset of ovulation is characterized by a decrease in temperature, and during ovulation, it sharply rises to 37.4 ° C. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy there is an increased production of progesterone, which ensures full and normal growth and development egg cells. In this case, progesterone increases the basal temperature, which suggests pregnancy.

Pregnant basal temperature charts are characterized by an increase in temperature during and after ovulation, if conception has not occurred, then the readings begin to decline. In this case, progesterone will begin to be produced in smaller quantities and will reduce the basal temperature on the graph to the minimum value, which will be observed until the next menstruation.

It helps determine the onset of pregnancy before menstruation is delayed. If you, having measured the basal temperature during ovulation, find increased indicators that will have stability over the next two weeks, then you can be congratulated on your pregnancy.

How to draw up a basal temperature chart correctly?

First, you need to figure out what data is needed for the graph. To obtain reliable information, the following data is required:

  • day of the beginning of the cycle;
  • date of the day of measurement;
  • the reading of the thermometer with which the basal temperature was measured;
  • the presence of discharge, as well as their nature;
  • a list of provoking factors that could change the readings.

Basal temperature during pregnancy should be increased before the delay. At the same time, its growth can be traced using a special graph, which reflects all the data and indicators. To draw it up correctly, you should adhere to clear rules.

So, while maintaining a schedule, a woman's vaginal discharge may change. For example, they can be bloody, viscous or slimy, with yellowness, as well as their complete absence. Taking notes about the nature of the discharge is necessary in order to present the complete picture. So, during ovulation, a woman has a watery vaginal discharge.

In addition, when drawing up the graph, you need to mark all factors that can change the temperature. If a woman did not sleep well, had sexual intercourse immediately before measuring the temperature, then such moments must be reflected on the graph. At the same time, the basal temperature during the day during pregnancy is unreliable, since the measurement must be carried out in the morning before the woman got out of bed.

Making a schedule is easy, the main thing is to do it right. All that is needed for drawing up is a sheet of paper on which you need to mark two lines: vertical and horizontal. This creates a coordinate axis. On the first axis, the days of the menstrual cycle are indicated, and on the other, the degree of basal temperature. Degrees are indicated from the calculation - 1 cell of the sheet is equal to 0.1 o C. On the sheet with the graph, the measurements must be indicated daily.

To obtain the most reliable and correct information, the schedule must be kept for at least 2-3 months, if necessary, this period can be increased. This will help to understand if there are any deviations in the woman's health and how the nature of the basal temperature and discharge changes.

What do you need to know to get your schedule right? First, in a healthy woman, the menstrual cycle is 21-35 days. If it is shorter or longer than the specified norm, then this is a good reason to contact a gynecologist, since a woman may have ovarian dysfunction or other disorders of the genitourinary system, diseases.

The graph reflects the onset of ovulation, which divides it into two phases. In this case, the middle of the graph is ovulation. The most optimal time for conceiving a child is the day of ovulation and a few days after it. There are situations when in the preovular period the value does not decrease before ovulation, but increases. You should not worry about this, since such a phenomenon is normal. Most likely, the onset of ovulation has already occurred.

Want to know what is the basal temperature during pregnancy. Each woman is individual and has her own menstrual cycle, so these values \u200b\u200bcan be observed in the range of 37.1 o C - 37.3 o C. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the difference in basal temperature between phases. If it exceeds 0.4 o C, then these increased values \u200b\u200bindicate a violation of the hormonal background. Therefore, you need to take a blood test for the level of progesterone and estrogen, which will help to identify the cause of the deviation, and therefore, increase the chances of conception.

Frozen pregnancy is extremely rare. But such a phenomenon happens. If you trace the readings of the graph in the early stages, then there are significant, visual differences between a normal and a frozen pregnancy. So, when the development of the embryo stops, the level of progesterone decreases, which means that the basal temperature will be significantly reduced. If it fell to 36.9 ° C and below, then this indicates a frozen pregnancy.

It can occur due to many unfavorable factors, including:

  • the presence of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • violation of the hormonal background, due to which the level of progesterone decreases;
  • increased production of male hormones;
  • stress;
  • bad habits;
  • in vitro fertilization.

This is the easiest way to diagnose hormonal changes in the female body. Measuring basal temperature to determine pregnancy is a long-term practice of identifying a favorable period when planning conception.

The principle of the method lies in the analysis of rectal BT parameters in different periods of the menstrual cycle (MC). According to the compiled basal temperature schedule, you can accurately determine the day of ovulation, determine the degree of fertility and the state of the woman's reproductive system.

The menstrual cycle is divided into two periods.

  1. Follicular phase - characterized by increased production of progesterone. It begins after the release of the egg, lasts until the onset of menstruation.
  2. Luteal phase - is counted from the last day of menstruation until the onset of ovulation.

It is important to do this procedure

Increased progesterone levels are accompanied by a rise in temperature. Rectal (or vaginal) indicators rise to an average of 37.3–37.7 °.

A short-term decrease in BT is observed on the eve of menstruation. During menstruation, moderately elevated temperature values \u200b\u200bpersist.

What is the essence of the BT measurement technique for determining a successful conception?

The first weeks of pregnancy are characterized by a stable increase in rectal temperature. The condition is due to the increased production of progesterone by the corpus luteum, formed at the time of conception in the ovary.

The release of a large amount of the hormone is necessary to maintain the viability of the embryo. A characteristic feature of progesterone is the stimulation of metabolic processes with a simultaneous increase in basal temperature.

An increase in blood flow to the genitals and activation of nutritional functions create favorable "warm" conditions for the normal development of the embryo.

Increasing the appearance of progesterone has a dual effect. In parallel, the hormone affects the uterus, preventing the rejection of the endometrium (inner layer) and relaxing the muscles of the organ.

Thanks to this effect, serious changes occur in the form of the absence of menstruation. This helps the normal bearing of the fetus.

How to correctly measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

We need indicators obtained rectally, that is, through the rectum. Due to individual nuances, it is allowed to measure BT by the vaginal method or in the mouth.

Basal temperature determination rules.

  1. In the evening, put a thermometer on the nightstand next to the bed, since all actions are performed without getting out of bed. Violation of the recommendation will lead to data corruption.
  2. The night's sleep should last at least 6 hours.
  3. Each temperature measurement is carried out in the morning, it is advisable to set the alarm clock to daily operation so that the signal sounds at a certain hour.
  4. The thermometer is inserted 2–3 cm inside the anus and held for 5 minutes. The action is performed in a state of complete rest.
  5. After waking up, no movements are allowed (getting up, spinning, turning), even the thermometer must be shaken in advance.
  6. Temperature measurement is carried out at 5-7 am, regardless of the further duration of the rest. This is due to the production of hormones from the adrenal glands and hypothalamus, whose daily biorhythms correspond to a given period of time.
  7. Actions taken later or in the afternoon are not included in the analysis.
  8. To correctly measure basal temperature, prepare a digital or mercury thermometer in advance. The thermometer must not be changed during the entire schedule.
  9. Select the measurement method in the same way - rectal, vaginal or oral. The first option is preferable.
  10. Temperature readings are immediately noted in the graph. Each menstrual cycle is drawn up on a separate chart.
  11. It will take at least 3-4 months to draw up a basal temperature calendar when planning a pregnancy.
  12. Each measurement must be accompanied by comments. These are profuse bleeding during menstruation, pain in the chest or abdomen, overwork, physical overload, stress, poor sleep, colds, drank alcohol the day before, etc.

Don't miss a day

How to determine pregnancy by basal temperature

What is a BT schedule? These are the lowest rectal scores recorded at home while maximizing body rest.

Only if all the measurement rules are observed can we talk about a reliable determination of pregnancy using the temperature graph.

How the BT card is drawn up.

  1. Draw two axes on a notebook sheet, each cell of which will be taken as 0.1 ° C.
  2. X - horizontal lines to indicate the day of the cycle and the date of the month.
  3. Y is the vertical axis on which you set the marks from 36 to 38 ° C.
  4. The intersection of X and Y is your basal temperature.
  5. Leave space at the bottom of the sheet to indicate excess bleeding during menstruation and additional comments.


Basal temperature chart phases

The first sign of natural conception is that rectal temperature indicators are kept above 37.3 °, without dropping before menstruation.

Calendar example:

This is an auxiliary diagnosis

After the IVF procedure, it is a common occurrence when the embryo transfer is accompanied by an increase in basal and total body temperature in the subsequent phase of the cycle.

After replanting a viable egg, the woman is prescribed hormonal drugs to increase the release of progesterone. For example, capsules "Utrozhestan" or "Duphaston".

The increase in temperature during IVF is mostly a confirmation of the correct therapy during the luteal phase. The accuracy of the conclusions is not recognized as sufficient when compared with natural conception.

However, the temperature graph belongs to an important auxiliary diagnostic tool, even in artificial insemination. With the help of it, it is possible to identify both successful conception and the manifestation of pathology.

Basal temperature measurement to determine a missed pregnancy

Anembryonia (death of the embryo) returns rectal indicators to the level of the first phase, that is, for the period before conception, accompanied by a decrease in temperature.

Sometimes, with the death of the fetus, BT can increase, which is usually caused by inflammation of the endometrium on the basis of the decomposition of the embryo. Any change in basal temperature indicators in the early stages of pregnancy can be assessed as pathology.

There may be problems here

The data obtained is often erroneous. The reason for this is non-compliance with the rules for measuring temperature, an outbreak of a chronic illness, severe stress, overload, sex, which is not recommended during the experiment.

In addition to fluctuations in rectal temperature, there are other signs that clearly indicate a cessation of fetal development.

  1. All manifestations of toxicosis, if any, suddenly disappear.
  2. The chest is soft, tension and high sensitivity disappear inside.
  3. The dark pigmentation of the nipples changes to a normal color.
  4. There are nagging pains in the abdomen, resembling contractions.
  5. Sometimes there is a bloody or brown discharge, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

A frozen pregnancy is a very dangerous phenomenon for a woman's life and health. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm any suspicions by timely contacting a doctor who will prescribe a diagnostic examination.

Get counseling

There are many ways to determine the onset of pregnancy, some of them are considered reliable - a pharmacy pregnancy test, blood test or ultrasound. But it is not always possible to use them, and it is important to find out about pregnancy as early as possible. Determine pregnancy with a thermometer can be done by measuring basal body temperature. To measure basal temperature, get a thermometer. It can be mercury or electronic. If you are going to use an electronic thermometer, then compare its readings with a mercury thermometer and take into account the existing error for further manipulations. It is important to always use the same thermometer. Before going to bed, place a prepared thermometer near your bed so that you can easily get it in the morning. In the morning, without changing position, take a thermometer and measure the temperature in the vagina or rectum. You can also measure the temperature in the mouth, but then the basal temperature values \u200b\u200bwill be slightly higher. Use only one temperature measurement method to avoid inaccurate results. Measure the temperature within 5 minutes. After that, write down the temperature readings in a specially designated notebook or calendar. You can also create a basal temperature graph with the date on the abscissa and the basal temperature on the ordinate. Repeat the steps listed above throughout the cycle, and then it will not be difficult to determine the onset of pregnancy. The fact is that the cycle is divided into two phases - the phase preceding ovulation and the phase of the corpus luteum. In the first part of the cycle, the basal temperature is kept at about 37 ° C. During ovulation, a jump in temperature occurs, and its value will be about 37.2-37.3 ° C. Before the next menstruation, the basal temperature again drops to 37 ° C. The corpus luteum phase is almost always around 14 days, while the pre-ovulation period can vary. Thus, if you find that the basal temperature remains high for more than 17 days in a row, you can already talk about a probable pregnancy. Pay attention Despite the popularity of this method for determining pregnancy, it cannot be considered absolutely reliable. Its effectiveness can be influenced by hormonal disruptions in the body. In any case, you should consult your doctor for a definitive diagnosis of pregnancy.

How to tell if you're pregnant without a test

Having asked such a question to the doctor, he will say that there are simply no such methods. Unless only to be tested for the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. But this does not apply to home diagnostics.

It is possible to determine pregnancy without a test, both by seeking the advice of a doctor, and by identifying its main symptoms that affect the female body. Anything you try to do at home to detect pregnancy without using a test may end up with far-fetched signs and symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the methods that can give at least some idea of \u200b\u200bthe veracity of your assumptions.

How can a woman determine pregnancy without a test? Perhaps everyone will answer that a clear sign is a delay in menstruation. It is as a result of this that the search for additional symptoms most often begins. Only sometimes menstruation (small bloody discharge) can continue during pregnancy, and its absence is caused by completely different reasons. Therefore, this sign of pregnancy is not reliable and it is better not to rely on it without a test.

How else can you check pregnancy without a test? One option is to learn how to measure basal temperature. Most often, its measurement is carried out to check hormonal levels, fertility, and is not used as a means of helping to recognize pregnancy without a test. In this case, it is necessary, starting from the first day of your menstrual cycle, to record the temperature change. And then display the obtained data in the form of a graph, which is built on the basis of two scales: X and Y. How, in this case, without a test, to find out about pregnancy by measuring the temperature? The menstrual cycle is divided into two phases: before and after ovulation. Both phases are relatively the same in duration, but the second phase (about 16-18 days) is due to an increase in basal temperature, which can be slightly more than 37 degrees. If its decrease closer to the beginning of menstruation is not noted, this may indicate pregnancy. It is necessary to hold a mercury thermometer either in the mouth (5 minutes) or measure the temperature in the rectum or vagina (3 minutes). Using this method, pregnancy detection is possible without a test.

Checking pregnancy without using a test may consist in "diagnosing" the woman's condition at home. So, the number of symptoms include pain in the mammary glands. This symptom is the most informative for those women who have never encountered mastopathy and are thinking about how, in addition to using a test, pregnancy can be determined. Sometimes it may be so, Checking pregnancy without a test that it hurts even to touch the breast. In addition, it is possible to almost double the mammary glands.

Another symptom of pregnancy is pain in the uterus (and / or ovary). It is similar to the pain that many women experience before menstruation, or in its early days. Only, despite her, the bleeding never begins. Sometimes this symptom is also evidence of an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, determining pregnancy by temperature, without a test, or for other symptoms is useful, but it is still better to immediately consult a doctor.

In the age of computerization, as soon as the mind of a person is not refined. It became possible to check pregnancy without a test through its online version. Of course, it is impossible to make such a diagnosis “through the monitor”. Moreover, it is a series of standard questions about your well-being. But, sometimes, what tricks women do not resort to to determine pregnancy, even without a regular test, so at least with the help of a virtual one.

Basal temperature measurement is more accurate.

The temperature measured in the rectum, vagina, or mouth is called basal. Indications of this type of temperature make it possible to determine the correct secretion of hormones by the ovaries in different phases of the menstrual cycle. An essential condition for correct basal temperature readings is the use of the same method of measuring it, using the same thermometer and at the same time.
The most common measurement is basal temperature in the rectum. The data of such measurements make it possible to compile a complete picture of the state of the reproductive system and identify the existing pathology of the menstrual cycle. The basal temperature measurement technique also helps to determine on which days the ovum matures, which allows you to plan both the desired conception and use this method for the purpose of protection.
Basal temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after waking up. In this case, you should not get up or sit down, and the thermometer must be prepared in the evening within reach so that you do not need to reach for it. In general, activity during basal temperature measurement should be minimal. Some experts advise taking measurements without opening your eyes, as daylight can increase the release of some hormones.
The prepared thermometer is inserted into the rectum with a narrow end and the basal temperature is measured for five minutes. After that, the thermometer is removed, and the readings are entered into the table. In addition to the columns "Date", "Day of the cycle", "Readings of basal temperature" and "Discharge", the table must contain the column "Notes". This column includes all factors that in one way or another could affect the change in basal temperature: diseases, including with an increase in temperature; drinking alcohol the day before; diarrhea; local inflammatory processes in the rectum; exacerbation of diseases of the female genitourinary sphere; stressful situation; intercourse the night before or in the morning; little sleep, etc.
The general rule of thumb is to measure your basal temperature after at least three hours of uninterrupted sleep. That is, if intercourse was in the morning and after that you slept a little, the basal temperature indicator will still be changed, due to non-compliance with the three-hour sleep.
Since the main purpose of measuring basal temperature is to determine the moment of ovulation, a graph is built for this, based on the readings. This takes into account the difference in temperature that corresponds to different phases of the menstrual cycle. Typically, during menstruation, the temperature is kept at 37 ° C. During the maturation of the follicle (the first phase of the cycle), the temperature does not exceed 37-37.5 ° C. Before ovulation itself, it decreases (the result of the action of estrogen), and after it the temperature rises to 37.6-38.6 ° C (the effect of progesterone). Until the next menstruation, the temperature remains elevated. If the basal temperature indicators in the first phase, relatively to the second, are high, then this may indicate a small amount of estrogen in the body and requires correction with medications containing female sex hormones. On the contrary, if in the second phase, relative to the first, there is a low basal temperature, then this is an indicator of a low level of progesterone and here drugs are also prescribed to correct the hormonal background. However, this should be done only after passing the appropriate tests for hormones and a doctor's prescription.
In order to use the basal temperature method to protect against unwanted pregnancy, it must be borne in mind that not only 13 and 14 days of the cycle can be considered dangerous, during which ovulation usually occurs during a 28-day cycle. Having calculated the individual ovulation juice with the help of the graph, you need to remember that every month various factors can influence this period, accelerating its onset or, conversely, delaying it. Therefore, in the period from the onset of menstruation to the evening of the 3rd day after the rise in basal temperature, which occurs after ovulation, it is better to use additional measures to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Thus, with the help of modern methods, a specialist will be able to determine the onset of pregnancy even at the earliest possible date.

Long-term observations of doctors convincingly prove: the more a woman is informed about her reproductive system, the more prosperous her female life is. For many women, the question is especially relevant: how to determine early pregnancy? In order not to fall into the trap of pseudoscientific recommendations, you need to know how conception occurs and what methods of determining pregnancy can give a reliable result.

How is conception

The male body produces over 200 million sperm. Sperm, once in the female body, pass through the cervix into the uterus and rise into the fallopian tubes. The woman's ovum, released from the ovary, is captured by the finger-like ends of the fallopian tube and begins to move along it. About one third of the length of the fallopian tube, the egg meets the sperm and fertilization occurs. The spermatozoa surround the egg and one of them manages to penetrate into its outer layer. At this moment, conception occurs, after which other spermatozoa can no longer penetrate the egg.

After conception, the chromosomes of the sperm and the egg fuse with each other and the fertilized egg becomes one. Then it begins to divide into two, four, eight cells, and finally a whole cluster of them is formed. This collection of cells continues to move up the fallopian tube into the uterus. After entering the uterus, the accumulation of cells is there in "free floating" for several days, and then implanted in the wall of the uterus, the mucous membrane of which is already ready for this thanks to the hormone progesterone produced by the ovaries. After implantation, the accumulation of cells is divided into two layers: one of them becomes the embryo, and the other becomes the placenta. The developing placenta produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG or hCG). By the presence of a certain amount of hCG hormone in a woman's body, you can determine early pregnancy.

The onset of pregnancy in a woman is strictly tied to her menstrual cycle. Conception can occur only after the mature egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube. This occurs around the 14th day of the cycle, with a cycle of 28 days. By the time of ovulation, a number of changes occur in the female body: the mucous membrane of the uterine wall is preparing to accept the ovum, the hormone progesterone is produced, without which the implantation of the ovum into the uterus and the maintenance of pregnancy is impossible, the basal temperature (temperature inside the body) increases to 37 degrees favorable for conception.

If conception does not occur, then the basal temperature drops, the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium), which never had a chance to accept the ovum, exfoliates and is excreted from the woman's body along with menstrual flow.

Video on how conception occurs

How to determine pregnancy: medical diagnostic methods

Given the mechanism of conception, it is possible to determine early pregnancy only after the ovum is implanted into the uterine wall and the hCG hormone is actively produced. This hormone from the placenta enters the blood of a pregnant woman, and from there it enters the kidneys and then into the urine. It is by the presence or absence of the hCG hormone in the blood or urine that early pregnancy is determined in medical practice.

You can absolutely accurately determine early pregnancy by donating blood for analysis on the seventh to tenth day after the intended conception. By this time, the ovum has already been implanted into the wall of the uterus and the hCG hormone began to actively enter the bloodstream, which is determined during the analysis. Previously, it was not possible to determine pregnancy in any way, since the body has not yet given any signals about its occurrence. Yes, it, in fact, has not yet come, because we can talk about the onset of pregnancy only after the ovum is fixed in the uterus and the placenta has formed.

Pregnancy tests also measure the amount of the hCG hormone, but only in a woman's urine. Modern tests are so sensitive that their accuracy is over 95%.

Tests determine pregnancy from the first day of missed periods. In order to get a reliable result, it is better to test the first morning urine, strictly following the instructions attached to the test. For greater confidence in the test results, two tests are done with a break between them for 1-2 days.

How to identify early pregnancy

There are three ways to determine early pregnancy: by a blood test for the hCG hormone, using a pregnancy test and by measuring basal temperature.

The most reliable way to determine pregnancy in the early stages - this is to donate blood in a antenatal clinic for the content of hCG hormones about the tenth day after the intended conception, that is, somewhere on the 24th day with a cycle of 28 days.

Determine early pregnancy can also be done using a highly sensitive test. It will show the presence of pregnancy even 2-3 days before the expected menstruation. Now on sale there are also tests that show not only the presence or absence of pregnancy, but also the period starting from one week.

Determination of pregnancy by basal temperature

Another way to determine early pregnancy is to measure basal temperature daily. Basal temperature is the temperature inside a woman's body. It can be measured in the mouth, rectum, or vagina. It is possible to determine pregnancy in the early stages by measuring the basal temperature quite accurately, but this method has a significant drawback: to obtain reliable results, the basal temperature must be measured and recorded daily for three months before the intended conception.

In order to determine early pregnancy by basal temperature, it should be measured every morning for three months. Thus, the time of ovulation is calculated. On the day of ovulation, the basal temperature, which before that was 36.4-36.8 ° C, rises to 37.2-37.5 ° C. The temperature stays at these levels for more than a week and drops a few days before the expected menstruation. The absence of a decrease in basal temperature 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation is an accurate sign that pregnancy has occurred.

Determination of pregnancy by basal temperature can be used as an auxiliary diagnostic method without preliminary schedules. After the onset of ovulation, a woman's basal temperature always rises to above 37 ° C, and after about 7-10 days it returns to normal. That is, 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature should already be normal if the woman is not pregnant. If pregnancy has come, then the basal temperature does not drop, but continues to stay at 37.2-37.5 ° C degrees. So, if there is a delay in menstruation, and the basal temperature is increased, then the likelihood of pregnancy is very high.

Using the method of measuring basal temperature, you need to keep in mind that its increase and stable preservation at around 37-37.5 ° C may be associated not only with the onset of pregnancy, but also with other factors.

How to determine pregnancy at home without a test

If for some reason it is not possible to do a test or be examined by a doctor, and you need to determine pregnancy in the early stages, then the best thing is to start measuring your basal temperature. The accuracy of the method can be quite high even if the woman has not kept the temperature schedule for several months. If there are fears that pregnancy has come, you need to start measuring the basal temperature and monitor what happens to her 3-4 days before the expected period. If the temperature has not dropped, and besides, there is also a delay, then these are fairly accurate signs that a woman is pregnant.

When using the basal temperature measurement method in order to determine early pregnancy, it is important to follow a number of rules:

The temperature should be measured after several hours of sleep, preferably in the morning without getting out of bed;
to measure temperature, you should use the same thermometer all the time;
the most accurate results can be obtained by measuring the rectal temperature (in the rectum);
with the use of sedatives, oral hormonal contraceptives and alcohol abuse, the data obtained may not be informative.

Determining pregnancy without a test at home

In addition to basal body temperature measurement, you can start listening to your feelings. So, in many women, the onset of pregnancy is accompanied by the so-called implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is a small bloody discharge that occurs when thin blood vessels are damaged during the process of implantation of fetal cell clusters into the uterine wall. Implantation bleeding is one-time, it is not profuse and is observed several days after the intended conception.

On the onset of pregnancy and without a testwe can say almost for sure, if symptoms such as the following are added to the non-decreasing basal temperature and bloody discharge a few days after ovulation:
increased fatigue;
pain in the lumbar region;
change in appetite and taste preferences;
swelling and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
restless sleep.

In different sources, you can also find all sorts of folk ways of how to determine early pregnancy. Most of them do not have any scientific justification and are akin to fortune telling on coffee grounds.

Definition of pregnancy with soda

The only way that has at least some explanation is the definition of pregnancy using soda. The essence of the method is that a teaspoon of soda is poured into a container with the first morning urine. There is no pregnancy if the combination of soda and urine begins to fizzle and foam, but if the soda calmly precipitates, the woman is in an interesting position. The method is based on the assumption that the urine of a pregnant woman, due to the presence of hormones in it, has a higher alkaline pH, so the soda does not fizzle, but behaves calmly and precipitates. When carrying out such a test, it should be borne in mind that a high content of alkali in urine is also observed if a woman has urinary tract infections, with renal failure, prolonged diarrhea or with prolonged vegetarianism.

tell me is it true that a girl's pregnancy can be checked with a thermometer and got the best answer

Answer from Matilda [guru]
One measurement cannot be determined, you need to measure the entire cycle, called basal temperature, read on the internet.
Basal temperature measurement is one of the main methods of tracking fertility, recognized by the world health organization (WHO). If you are thinking about having a baby and are going to consciously prepare for this greatest event in your life, if you want to know what is happening in your body in the period before conception, and also calculate the most favorable moment for this in your cycle, then you can try the method basal temperature. Basal temperature is the body temperature at rest; during the cycle, it changes under the influence of various hormones in the female body. By drawing up a basal temperature chart, you can not only determine when you ovulate, but also find out what processes are taking place in your body.

Answer from Valery and why[guru]
yes there .. the temperature is high ..

Answer from Heaven[guru]
Indirectly, yes, if the rectal temperature in the morning (before getting out of bed) is 36.9 - 37.4 degrees with a delay in menstruation.
But the temperature can be increased for other reasons.

Answer from Nasti sorkol[guru]
Yes, only the thermometer should not be put on the armpit. but in the ass.

Answer from Ўliya Lyubimova[guru]
this is how the basal temperature is measured - on the days when ovulation occurs, it is higher. pregnancy is usually established with the help of tests, ultrasound and examination by a gynecologist. Stop using the thermometer for other purposes !! ! this is dangerous in the end :-))

Answer from Solo[guru]
The truth is that after the release of the egg, after 2 days, the temperature in the rectum rises by 2-3 tenths of a degree and lasts until the onset of menstruation. So it doesn't have to be pregnancy. Better than a thermometer, tests that are sold in a pharmacy help

Answer from Natalia[guru]
can. on the day when menstruation should come, let him measure the temperature in the vagina without getting up in the morning ... if it is more than 37, then there is a possibility .. Although it is possible she just has inflammation ..

Answer from Pallas Athena[guru]
usually this is how ovulation is checked .. I have never heard of pregnancy so checked))

Answer from Galina Chadrintseva[guru]
no. increased temperature can be for various reasons

Answer from Daria Evtukhova[guru]
and to go to the residential complex is not easier than to put a thermometer in your ass?

Answer from Oksana[guru]
I guess, yes.

Answer from Џna Lukyanchuk[guru]
Yes, you need to check at a body temperature of 36.6, without getting out of bed in the morning (the main thing is not to touch the floor with your feet). If more than 37, then there is probably a pregnancy.

Answer from Amazon[guru]
yes .. put the thermometer in her ass and check

Answer from Linen@[guru]
Yes the temperature is mostly high

Answer from 2 answers[guru]