How to get your hair color back. Use the Concealer to cover the root zone of the hair. Home ways to bring back the color

From mistakes in experiments with hair color, no one is immune. In an attempt to change their style, to bring something new into the image, women paint curls in different colors. Sometimes this ends in disappointment: the shade is not the same at all, the hair becomes lifeless and weak. How to correct the situation and improve the hair?

How to wash hair dye

The procedure that allows you to get rid of hair coloring can be performed in the salon or on your own at home. Before choosing one way or another, remember:

  • Washing off the paint by the hairdresser is carried out with aggressive means that are very harmful to the hair.
  • Home remedies are gentle and gentle, but for a satisfactory result, they need to be repeated several times.
  • Black or red-pigmented hair dye is the worst to remove. Therefore, to get rid of such staining, you need to combine several methods.
  • Washing does not return your natural hair color. But it will give you the opportunity to re-dye your hair and be smart about the choice of color.

To get rid of red paint or light shades, use warmed kefir. You need to warm it up in a water bath. Then apply to your hair and walk around a bit, wrapping your head first with polyethylene, and on top with a towel. For a better effect, you can add two raw eggs and half a glass of vodka, shampoo and lemon juice to kefir.

You can wash off the paint with ordinary fat mayonnaise. Mix a glass of mayonnaise and three large tablespoons of vegetable oil. Apply this remedy evenly on the hair and keep it for three hours.

Perfectly washes off the paint mixture of vegetable oil and lard. Add two tablespoons of fat to a glass of oil and heat in a water bath. Now apply this mixture on the curls with a brush and wait half an hour. Then shampoo your hair several times.

How to get your hair color back

Returning your natural hair color after dyeing is not so easy. Literally every little thing matters here - what color the hair was dyed, what is its structure, what care products were used, what was the original color, and, of course, what color were painted curls.

The easiest way to return a dark shade is if the hair has been bleached. Here you need to choose the right tone that is most suitable for the natural hair color and just dye your hair with it.

You can do otherwise and use the ombre staining option. Such staining implies a smooth transition of shades from dark roots to light ends. As a result of this coloring, you will damage the hair structure less and gradually move on to natural.

The opposite option, when you need to get blond hair after dyeing it in a dark color, is much more difficult. Here you can not do without an aggressive wash. As a result of this procedure, the hair is almost always damaged, becomes dry and. To begin with, it is better to lighten the hair to medium blond, and already with the second procedure to achieve a shade of blond.

After that, the hair needs very careful care. Means should be used for damaged or bleached hair. At the same time, the shade that turned out as a result is not important in this case. The use of special care products will help restore hair and heal it.

How to grow your hair fast

For the rapid growth of curls, it is important to give the roots good nutrition and proper care. Give up your regular shampoo for a while and replace it with a sulfate-free one. Such a shampoo does not spoil the hair, does not dry the scalp, but rather moisturizes it. Comb your hair frequently using a natural bristle or wooden comb. Combing is also a scalp massage that stimulates the growth of new hair.

Use a quality hair growth activator. This tool allows you to stimulate the hair follicles and nourishes the skin. But a really good activator is an expensive pleasure. You can replace it with homemade masks based on red pepper or mustard.

Make oil masks at night. This nourishes the scalp and curls. However, oil-based masks begin to act only three hours after application. Therefore, it is best to carry out such a procedure before going to bed.

Experimenting with appearance is one of the favorite women's activities. Hair is especially susceptible to change. Brunette, blonde, redhead, and now bright green, purple and blue tones are at the peak of fashion ... Noble classic or bright extreme shades - the beautiful half of humanity believes that the new image will change something in other areas of their lives. But what if the experiment was unsuccessful or you missed your native natural tone? How to get your hair color back after dyeing? There are many ways to return to your original shade. But each of them is quite long and often expensive. A professional hairdresser will tell you that it will not be possible to achieve what you want at once. How long it takes depends on many factors - how you take care of your hair, whether you go to the pool, whether you are planning a vacation in the South. But the main thing in this process is the structure of your hair.

Change with scissors

Trimming your hair is perhaps the most painless way for your hair to return the natural color. At the same time, of course, he is the most cardinal. Not every woman will be able to calmly part with the length. Especially if it has been growing for a very long time.

Traditionally, two methods are used:

  1. Gradually trim the ends. Here the rule applies - the more often you cut, the faster your hair grows. But this process is long. After all, in order not to reduce the length, time must pass between haircuts, during which several centimeters will grow. And it will take several months to walk with regrown roots. This is not very beautiful, especially if your hair color was very different from the shade of paint;
  2. Dramatically short haircut. Not every woman decides on such an experiment. Yes, and this length is not for everyone. And if your haircut was originally short, this method suits you perfectly.

During haircuts, one important rule applies - in no case do not dye your hair. Even tinted shampoos and tonics. Without them, the process will last faster, and you will see the result better. If you choose this method of returning your hair to its native color, you should take special care of it. We will give examples of folk and professional means below.

Professional paints and washes

It is best to entrust the process of restoring your natural hair color to professionals. They will select the optimal program, taking into account the structure of your hair, their natural color, the paint that you used. The process is, of course, long and expensive. But the result is worth it.

In the arsenal of professional hair stylists, there are many tools that will restore naturalness to your hair. They also use different methods:

  • Selection of suitable paint and staining. With this method, regrown roots will not be so noticeable. But the method is not suitable for everyone - the natural tone should be darker than the one in which you painted;
  • Lightening agents- a great way for blondes. They clean well even persistent dark tones;
  • highlighting- a good way to gradually return to natural color for owners of their own light shade.

In this section, I would like to dwell on professional hair washes in more detail. They are on free sale. But it is better to do the procedure in a beauty salon, with professionals, so as not to spoil your own curls. The substances included in the emulsion penetrate the hair structure and neutralize the helmet pigment. Best of all, this method is suitable for natural blondes. For a permanent effect, the procedure must be repeated 3-4 times. Maybe more, depending on the durability of the paint.

home methods

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to visit a beauty salon several times a month. But do not despair! You can restore your natural shade at home. Experts advise washing your hair often. For example, special shampoos that wash out the paint pigment. This is the easiest, but also the longest of the ways.

There is also something in the refrigerator, garden or pharmacy that will help you get back to your roots. Here are some folk recipes:

  1. Citrus juice will help lighten the strands. Apply it up to 5 times a day. Keep the juice on the hair can not be longer than 30 minutes. You will not become a platinum blonde, but the tone will become lighter;
  2. Rinsing your hair after washing with strong tea leaves will make your hair darker;
  3. A mixture of honey, lemon juice and rid the hair of yellowness;
  4. Kefir and honey perfectly lighten hair. Make an overnight mask with one of these products. In addition, honey and kefir treat hair, make it voluminous and treat dandruff;
  5. A brandy mask can add a dark tone;
  6. A decoction of chamomile brightens hair well, it also removes yellowness.

With folk remedies, you should know the measure. It is very easy to overfeed the hair with natural ingredients, which then become dry and lifeless. Well, you need to be patient - it will take a long time to return the natural color with such procedures.

Back to blonde

Returning a light hair color after dyeing it to a dark one is the most difficult of the possible options. You will have to be patient - the process is not fast. Girls who decide to do this will have to face problems:

  • It is necessary to choose the means of washing very carefully - blondes have very weak hair, they are thin. Strong chemical emulsions can completely ruin curls;
  • Light strands against a background of dark length can look like bald patches.

Even if you didn’t like the dark color after staining right away, you have to be patient. At least two weeks. And only then begin the process of washing. By the way, washing is not the only way to deal with dark pigment. Stylists offer other options:

  1. Use the amber and bronding technique. This option will allow you to smoothly transition from one color to another;
  2. Coloring is one of the most painless ways for your hair;
  3. Highlighting will give a fashionable shade and allow you to gradually move to a natural light color.

Do not forget about home procedures. You can use special shampoos to remove paint. Refer to popular recipes. As mentioned above, chamomile, kefir, honey, lemon juice will help you lighten your hair.

Bringing back the dark shade of hair

What could be worse than regrown dark roots? But those who decide to become a natural brunette will have to come to terms with this. Here the procedure is much simpler. You can restore your color even in one procedure. But it will have to be repeated, because the paint is washed off. You can just buy a paint of a suitable tone and use it at home. In combination with brandy and black tea masks that make the tone darker, the process will not drag on for long. You can mix several shades of paint for a more accurate match to the natural color.

By the way, the easiest way to return your natural color to red-haired girls. This pigment is the strongest and it is completely impossible to kill it. In addition, it simply pushes the dye out of the hair.

It is worth noting that it is best to carry out these procedures in the summer. How to return your hair color after dyeing, the sun itself will answer you. Its rays affect the paint pigment, surviving it.

Video about restoring natural hair color

In this video you will learn how to get rid of blond hair:

Some girls tirelessly experiment with their hairstyle. Their hair manipulations often include dyeing in a wide variety of colors. But, tired of the acquired shade, the owners of naturally blond hair may want to return their color. Moreover, light brown is a fashionable shade today, creating an exquisite, natural look. There are a number of ways to get it back, from growing out your hair to color-washing treatments.

How to get blond hair back?

How to restore light brown color at home

The longest but most reliable way to get your native, natural hair color is to grow it out. Of course, for this you need to be patient, but you will have lively and healthy hair of your natural light brown shade.

To make growth faster, make hair masks. For example, dilute two large tablespoons of table mustard in a glass of kefir and add two egg yolks to the mixture. The resulting composition should be applied to the head. You don't need to wash your hair first. Hold the mask for one hour and then wash your hair with warm water.

From this procedure, the hair will grow faster, because mustard, due to its warming effect, stimulates the hair follicles.

And the beneficial effect on the scalp and hair of egg yolk has long been known. Kefir, like sour milk, is also a proven product that effectively helps to make hair thicker and longer.

So that the period during which you grow your hair is not so painful and detrimental to your beauty, make the border between dyed hair and regrown roots the least noticeable.

To do this, you can dye your hair in the color closest to your natural, or make highlights. If you are ready for a short haircut, you only need to wait until the hair grows to the desired length.

So at the same time you will get a natural light brown color, a new image and absolutely healthy hair that has not been affected by paint.

Bring back the color in the salon

A professional hairdresser will be able to restore your natural light brown hair color, even if you dye it in dark shades. The closer to black your current color, the more trips to the master you will have.

In the salon, you will have special procedures for the gradual removal of color. It's called flushing. Keep in mind that after washing out the acquired shade, your hair may get a reddish tint. Then there will be a need for a new painting, but in the same color that is identical to your natural one.

Often we paint, but in the end we get not what we wanted. Or the shade is right, but it doesn’t suit us at all. Therefore, we want to consider how to return your hair color at home after dyeing, lightening and highlighting.

Back from dark shades

The most difficult thing is for fair girls who decide to return to their natural hair color. You need to be prepared for the following troubles:

  • light roots from afar will look like bald patches;
  • you can not use chemical brighteners, blondes have very thin curls, they can simply deteriorate after bleaching;
  • this is a rather lengthy procedure.

First you need to wait a few weeks from the moment of staining, at least two, this is a mandatory requirement. After we make an appointment with the hairdresser, and he, based on the type of curls, their condition and general color, will draw conclusions and prescribe the procedure. Most often, it consists of a simple one in several stages, between which a break of a week is also taken.

We can advise at home to wet your hair with lemon juice, diluted with water, and dry it with a hair dryer. The paint from the oxidizer will wash off a little, the strands will brighten.

Become a brunette again

No less often, brunettes decide to radically change their image and become blondes. This, of course, is much easier, because at home you can buy paint that matches the color of the curls as much as possible and tint with it.

You can also return your natural hair color from a blonde using simple henna, but be prepared for the fact that she has very unpredictable reactions to perhydrol colors. You can become either brown or red, or green.

Perfectly darkens the hair mask of cognac and black tea. Mix the ingredients in half and rinse your hair with them, leave for an hour under a towel. You can repeat the procedure every other day.

Fighting gray hair

It is very difficult to restore gray strands after unsuccessful staining. Every day on the streets there are women whose curls have become yellowish-gray, and not ashy, due to prolonged coloring. Vinegar will help here (although our grandmothers believed that it also gives yellowness).

We can also recommend using lemon juice, it is completely without any chemistry.

A honey mask is also suitable for gray-haired women, it is done every other day for 40 minutes, and the effect will be noticeable after the third or fourth session, it all depends directly on the ingrained dye pigment in the hair.

Home ways to bring back the color

We considered the toughest options, but fortunately, not all girls decide on such a drastic step, and first they check their color type with different tint means. If you have touched up with henna or any other tint paint, then you can use the following to restore options:

  • kefir;
  • lemon;
  • orange juice;
  • chamomile decoction.

The principle of action is simple: wash your hair, then apply, for example, lemon juice, wait 20 minutes, wash your hair again and dry your hair. Let's see the effect. If necessary, you need to repeat, at a time you can carry out a maximum of 5 such procedures, each of which will help us become half a tone lighter, you see, the effect is not bad.

Photo - Two hair colors

WITH kefir we do exactly the same, but it can only be used once a day, it somewhat irritates the sebaceous glands, as a result, you can get rid of the hated hair color and get oily roots.

We recommend a very good recipe if the hair has turned yellow or darkened after repeated highlighting. We mix honey, lemon juice and a decoction of green tea, heat it up, use a very thick comb to spread the solution over the strands, leave it under a towel for half an hour, rinse with chamomile decoction or the same green tea.

Good folk remedies created based on burdock oil and lemon juice, this is a good mask not only for lightening, but also for giving strands shine and strength. We mix two tablespoons of ether and one chamomile, heat it up, apply it on the curls with a thin film, leave it for 40 minutes, you can do it every day.

The easiest way to deal with the consequences of such unsuccessful experiments is in the summer, since the sun itself washes out coloring pigments quite quickly, and if you also live near the sea, then salt water will greatly contribute to this. Of course, in three days you won’t return from black to white, but after about two weeks you will become much lighter without harm to curls.
Video: how to use Estel Color Off wash to remove hair dye

professional tools

Photo - Applying a hair wash

Home remedies are not suitable for everyone due to the fact that they take some time to manufacture, and the result will not appear immediately. How to return your natural hair color with purchased products? Very we recommend a wash from Londa, is a leading paint company that sells specialty color restoration products.

For example, if you need to quickly return the old hair color after bleaching, then simply swipe over the clarified or, conversely, darkened hairs with a sponge with lightening paint. Be sure to read the instructions before use.

Often after washing, you can not use a hair dryer or iron for a while, also try to avoid re-staining in the period of two weeks after the procedure. The advantages of this method:

  • after washing, the strands smell very good, and are absolutely not confused;
  • their structure is restored to some extent;
  • the only remark - do not use after henna, it can cause another unsuccessful attempt at transformation.
  • this is one of the few ways you can quickly return a white tint from a dark one at home.

The easiest way is to return the real red color and dark blond to the hair, the fact is that the red-haired beasts have a special pigment in the strands, which practically does not wash out at all and cannot be completely lightened. And after staining, you just need to wash your hair three or four times in a row, it’s checked - it works!

If you have found the best option out of all that has been proposed, how to return your hair color, be sure to try it, but first we recommend reading reviews on the Internet and viewing a photo of the effect. We wish you successful reincarnations!

Decided to radically change the color of your hair, but the result disappointed you? Or maybe you are tired of the endless staining of growing roots, and you want to return to a natural shade? To be honest, it is very difficult to do this, but it is quite possible. You just need to be patient and have an extensive arsenal of means to nourish and restore your long-suffering hair.

How to get your hair color back: Method #1. Use a wash.

A wash or emulsion to remove persistent dyes from hair is the most effective way to restore natural color. In case of emergency use of a wash, when very little time has passed after unsuccessful staining, 2-3 procedures may be enough to completely wash off the paint. If you have been wearing dark colors for several years and suddenly want to return to your natural blond, it may take from 5 to 10 sessions with breaks of 1-2 days.

Do not be surprised if the hair color that will turn out after the final removal of the paint will bear little resemblance to your natural one. The fact is that the effect of chemical dyes takes place in two stages:

    Removal of natural pigment to create a basis for subsequent staining;

    Applying cosmetic pigment to the hair.

After the removal of the natural pigment, the hair takes on a color from pale yellow to red. One of these shades you will see after washing. Next, you need to dye your hair in a color as close as possible to natural and take seriously the restoration of the health of your hair, which will significantly spoil the above procedures. Be ready for it.

Method number 2. Dye your hair a natural color

This method is more suitable for blondes who were brunettes or brown-haired in the "past life". If you belong to this group of girls...don't rush to get paint. First, consult with professionals who will advise you on the right tone. Uncontrolled staining can lead to unexpected consequences, and instead of flawless light brown, you will get a cheerful green color. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to paint more than once, because the paint is quickly washed off on blond hair.

For those girls who want to transform from brunette to blonde, an additional step is required - hair lightening. This procedure is quite aggressive and has a deadly effect on the hair, so it is better to use a wash or method number 3.

Method number 3. Do highlighting or coloring.

The gradual return of natural color with the help of highlighting or coloring is equally suitable for "former" brunettes and blondes. Color individual strands a darker color or lighten them and tone them to a natural shade. This method is less damaging to the hair and gives time to think about whether to return the natural color of the hair. In addition, coloring techniques that involve a combination of dark and light shades (ombre, shatush, balayage) are at the peak of popularity today. Therefore, feel free to go to the salon and get ready to appear in public in a new trendy look.

How to get your hair color back: Method number 4. Try to use folk remedies.

Until mankind invented dyes and washes, girls all over the world changed their hair color with the help of improvised means. For example, in order to lighten hair, rinsing with a solution of lemon juice was performed, and in order to give it a red tint, baths with beetroot broth were used. You can also use folk remedies, but do not count on an instant and drastic result. If the paint is firmly ingrained in your hair, kefir masks and honey wraps will not help, but such procedures will clearly benefit the health of your hair. Here are some recipes:

Kefir mask for lightening hair: lightly warm the kefir and apply to your hair, put on a shower cap on top and wrap your head with a terry towel. Rinse your hair with shampoo after 2-3 hours.

Honey wrap: melt 200 grams of honey in a water bath, judge a little and apply to the hair along the entire length. Put on a shower cap, wrap your head in a towel and go to bed. Wash your hair with shampoo the next day.

After washing, rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile or a solution of lemon juice. This will help lighten your hair a bit.

Rinsing with tomato juice - this is in case, during the experiments, your hair acquired a green tint.

Some sources talk about such means of restoring natural color, such as applying a mask based on soda and salt or washing hair with laundry soap. Such methods are only suitable for very oily hair and do not guarantee results at all. Dry or normal hair, they do more harm than good. So be careful.

Method number 5. Think short hair.

This method is the most cardinal, but at the same time the cheapest and fastest. It is not at all necessary to have a haircut “under the hedgehog”. There are so many options for short haircuts today that are easy to style and suit many girls. Perhaps you are one of them. Consult with friends, stylists, try to model a new image using the hairstyle selection program on the site. Maybe a short haircut is exactly what you need. In addition, there is an opinion that hair stores negative energy that is sent to us by ill-wishers, so it is necessary to cut it periodically.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is possible that in the struggle for natural hair color you will have to use several methods. The main thing is not to give up and confidently go to the goal!