How to stick long hair by a Chinese wand. Chinese hair sticks

For laying and fixing long hair, a friend of fine sex uses many different devices. But sometimes there are situations when you need to do it quickly. Here are the indispensable Chinese hair sticks.

Light, thin, they do not occupy a lot of space. Therefore, they can always be kept at hand, just throwing into cosmetic bag, pockets bags or even school pencils. One of the best advantages - they fasten the hairstyle securely, hold even a large mass of hair.

Accessories came to us from Asian countries, where they are called Kanzashi. But today they have become very popular and in European countries, turned into a stylish accessory, with which you can not only twist curls in a bundle, but also create festive, evening hairstyles.

A little training, ten-fifteen minutes of free time, and you will quite independently make new notes in your appearance.

Chinese hair sticks: several facts from history

The legend says that several centuries ago the concubine of the Chinese emperor Zhou was responsible for tasting all the dishes supplied to the imperial table. Once she did not have time to sue meat, and that the emperor did not dive, instantly snatched the decoration from the hair and helped him Majesty, who did not understand that the meat was hot.

But he drew attention to the wonding decoration, he really liked it. After that, the imperial decree, who commands all women to wear such wands, decorating their hairstyles with them.

Yes exactly. Initially, Asian women wore them only as an accessory, decoration. They recorded their hairstyles with the help of wax and aromatic oils.

European women, especially today, appreciate the convenience and save time.

Therefore, Chinese sticks like nothing better suitable for everyday use:

  • they will help get rid of curls that hang and fall on the face, thereby interfering with focus. The most inventive, if not at hand accessories, use an ordinary pencil or handle;
  • they will add charm and style to any laying, let it be even the simplest beam;
  • they are easy to use, every time creating a new image.

Today, these Chinese inventions are sold in any specialized department. They are produced from different material, with different tips and decorations.

They can be:

  • wooden;
  • jade;
  • metal;
  • bone;
  • plastic;
  • glass.

Can be decorated with a variety of rhinestones, flowers, ornaments, etc.

With Chinese sticks, excellent curls, braids, beams are obtained. They can simply catch the curls so that they do not interfere, did not fall on the eyes.

Make it very easy, however, remember several nuances:

  • in order to learn how to use them quickly, a small training will be required. You must learn deftly and quickly push sticks inside the beam so that they hold firmly;
  • thin hair is more complicated, so you need to use a pair of accessories to keep liquid strands;
  • if you are the owner of a thick and long chapels, then easier to remove the hair into the bundle. Such a hairstyle will be simply beautiful, and so that the tight lug is held, secure her with chopsticks;
  • if you go to a party or a solemn event, then the hairstyle, decorated with chopsticks, you can also add a decoration in the form of a flower, as the Asian women are often made.

Chinese hair sticks: variety varieties

So, a few minutes of patience, and your hairstyle is ready. Of course, it all depends on what length and volume your curls, what you want to get in the end. Do not forget to take into account the shape of the face and ears, the length of the neck, other nuances when choosing one or another stacking. Otherwise, no accessory will not decorate your appearance, does not hide disadvantages.

Hairstyles can be inventing a lot. To do this, you need a mirror, several Chinese accessories and a few minutes of free time. Experiment, fantasize, you will definitely work out. As long as traditional hairstyles.

How to make an ordinary beam:

  • locks should be clean and dry, you can use the foam or mousse for laying. Try to be the texture of them lightly, did not lose laying;
  • distribute and collect in a horse tail. It can be done on the back of the head, but you can lower below. It all depends on your preferences and today's mood;
  • then twist your mane and wrap around the gum. Try to lay the beam smoothly and looked neat;
  • now one wand shake through a bundle, making it with zigzags for better mounting;
  • if there is a second one in hand - encourage her cross-crosswise;
  • if the strands are short - do not lift the tail too high, otherwise the neat beam will make it difficult.

Braided beam from Kos:

  • this hairstyle was considered traditional in China's women up to the middle of the last century. It will take only one Chinese accessory for its laying;
  • you need to braid two braids in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Makushka, trying to be near;
  • fasten with rubber bands;
  • weave them with each other and wrap around a bunch around the macushk;
  • wand copp braids, pierce it horizontally, try so that she captures both braids;
  • if necessary, fill the ends of the brass and strengthen them with a simple stilette.

We make a French shell with Chinese accessories:

  • it turns out a purely French hairstyle can also be quickly strengthened by Chinese chopsticks, and not traditional studs. It turns out beautiful, original and stylish;
  • to do this, collect strands in a horse tail on the back of the head;
  • place it in one direction in the form of a shell in a vertical position as possible;
  • hair tips hide in the middle of the roller;
  • create two accessories by trying to make it with zigzags to keep stronger;
  • if you are going to the you, then decorate the laying of the flower.

Chinese sticks: Create a style of the fifties

  • for this, two sticks will be needed and a lot of hair varnish. And a little bit of skill;
  • wash hair, dry, comb;
  • devide into two parts;
  • upper greatly combat;
  • the lower twist into the bundle and fasten with two wands stronptically vertically;
  • then the upper strands can be carefully coated on the tips of the sticks and secure the large amount of varnish.

Original beam:

  • this exotic hairstyle is suitable for those girls whose hair has grown to the blades or below;
  • to clean the dried hair, apply a little laying gel;
  • it is necessary to collect them in a horse-tail in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nape, using a slim thin, but strong enough;
  • on both sides of the tail, stick vertically sticks. Let them crosses a little from above;
  • divide the tail into two parts;
  • each of them thump for a wand, which is near;
  • then connect both parts as if you make a node and turn into a bundle, strengthening with spills;
  • try to do it carefully, curl tips hide inside the node;
  • you can use a small amount of varnish.

If you are the owner of long hair and you do not have Chinese sticks, you will surely buy them. You will not regret it. They cut out you in everyday life, create a unique image during a holiday or party. A little patience and skill - and you will definitely cope.


Chinese hairstyles are very beautiful and unique. In China's culture since ancient times, the hair had an important symbolic meaning. According to the one, a person is both combed, it was possible to determine his social or civil status, belonging to the profession and religion. Non-dimensional and unclean hair was a sign of illness. Chinese girls have thick hair, hard, usually black.

Excursion to history

Traditionally, for hairstyles, a large number of jewelry was used. These were products from expensive metals and stones, from feathers and colors. The hairpins were diverse, big hairpins, tiaras. Silk cords, pearl threads, garlands of flowers were woven in the strands.

Multi-tiered hairstyle decorated with additional symbolic details, rank decorations. Chinese hairstyles of those times could weigh more than 5 kg. The big hairpin was the main attribute of the female hairstyle. There was a rite when the girl did a special hairstyle and stile in her hair, this meant that the girl reached a mature age and her could get married.

What is the case today?

Currently, expensive studs with stones were replaced by ordinary Chinese sticks (studs), with their help you can create many variations of hairstyles in the Chinese style. Chinese hair sticks are called "Kanzashi". They are like traditionally straight and curved, and wavy. Used as a fixer and as an ornament. They perfectly replace studs, ridges and clips. Basically, all hairstyles in the Chinese style are designed for medium and long hair. If they are not very thick, it is better to use 2 studs for greater stability hairstyles.

Several variations for girls:

  1. Simple option. Combine strands, twist in the harness and lay the turns in a circle. Swirdown curls to be crossed with a cross-lodge sticks.
  2. Second option. Combing your hair and assemble in the tail on the back of the head, securing them with a rubber band. Sticks crosses, arrange them for rubber band. The tail is divided into two parts, put the left strand for the left wand, and the right side is for the right. Locks need to cross each other, tight them to pull them out and fasten with studs.
  3. We brake two braids, close to each other and ends them to tie them with a rubber band. Both braids twist together and put on the top. Insert wands in a horizontal position.
  4. Option with one stud. Collect strands with hand, wind them on a wand, as if going to make a shell. Form the knot and grind a Chinese stud.
  5. Clean curls are collected in a high tail, stretching the tail through a gum, you need to pull out some of the hair. It should be a bundle, the remaining hairs wrap around the gum and fasten with one or two chopsticks.
  6. Combing your hair, gather their hands as if going to make a high tail. Start twisting curls, forming a roller, then fasten them with a wand, the remaining strands tighten with curls.
  7. From both sides to braid two French pigtails, reaching the end to cross them between themselves and insert the sticks crosswise.

Elegant hairstyles

If you decorate sticks with additional accessories, you can use them in evening elegant hairstyles.

They may be bone, metal, plastic. It is best to hold the hair sticks made of metal.

A large range of jewelry allows us to make an ordinary hairstyle. For evening exit you can use bright shiny hairpins and studs.

Beautifully looks at wands, decorated with flowers, for a solemn event, flowers can be larger and bright.

  1. Split braids into 2 parts. The upper part twisted in the harness, roll it with a shell and fasten with an elegant wand. The lower part can be twisted with large curb.
  2. For this, long curls are needed. They need to carefully comb, twist and tie a node, stretching the free part. Two hair again and, again, tied the knot, pull out the remaining strands. Sticks stick into the first knot at an arbitrary angle.
  3. The hair is going downstairs and twist, lifting the hairstyle. A roller is formed, which is fixed with one Chinese stud, vertically from top to bottom. The remaining tail, you can hide under the roller, or bring it on the side and twisted it.
  4. Clean hair is collected in a high tail. Spit is brazed, the end is tightened with a rubber band. Collapsed around the base of the tail and is fixed with two Chinese chopsticks. It is possible instead of one braid to braid 2. They also put them in a spiral, in this case the beam looks more original.
  5. Make 2 tails, one below the other. Each twisted with a shell and fasten with chopsticks.
  6. Form the tail on the top of the top. Two thin strands from the bottom, and two pigtails are molded from them. Tail, twisted tight harness and laid around the base. Crossed pigtails rise upstairs and are attached with chopsticks, they must hang beautifully.
  7. The hair is collected in the tail and tighten with a rubber band. A separate strand wrap the gum and fasten the hairpin. Then the tail tie the knot and the Chinese pin to carry out a rubber band.
  8. Elegant beam. Locks are collected in the tail, it is necessary to allocate one strand from the tail and start wearing a weak pigtail in a circle, it is inserted into it small strands from the tail. The pigtail must back to the beginning, to this stage the hairstyle will resemble the fungus. Koshechka must be fixed with studs, forming a beam of hair. Next, from the rest of the hair, it is necessary to braid the usual braid, the end to grind with a rubber band. Wrap a bunch of oblique and fix with studs. You can soften the image, if you leave 2 strands on the sides.

Chinese haircuts are characteristic of the east of the subtlety and beauty. They are suitable for everyone, and it does not matter what a girl has an appearance - Asian or European.

Every woman can find his highlight, this is the whole charm of Chinese hairstyles.

Hair sticks are a rather original accessory, with which you can do intricate hairstyles. But such wands will look much more interesting if you decorate them with polymer clay flowers. Such an accessory will be an excellent gift for any fashionista, and alive flowers will help to supplement it. Congratulations will be especially original if you pick a bouquet of living colors look like these hair sticks that make it easier.

Wands for hair with their own hands. Materials and tools:

  • pink, red, light green, yellow, white, lilac color;
  • acrylic paint gold color;
  • polymer clay varnish;
  • sequins of gold color;
  • green satin ribbon 1 cm width;
  • universal quick-drying glue;
  • wire 1mm;
  • wire thick 0.3mm (preferably green or golden);
  • mold with texture of lifetime sheet;
  • round catter with a diameter of 0.7 cm.
  • brush;
  • small scissors;
  • toothpick;
  • pliers;
  • thin knife for polymer clay;
  • polymer clay rod;
  • dumbels;
  • narrow stack;
  • foil;
  • paper;
  • rubber gloves or attacks.

How to make hair sticks

Another hair wands can be found here:
Stages of work:

1. Think up the polymer clay of pink color and give it a 5cm long paler shape, 2 cm and 1.5 cm thick.

2. Red clay roll into a layer with a thickness of 0.5 cm and cut out a strip of 5x2cm from it. Put the red stripe from above on pink shelter. The knife for the polymer clay wrap the bumaga, and then sell them in a paler several horizontal recesses. Sleep the lover of the lump almost all thickness.

3. After pressing the grooves, the bar will become more flat and wide. Therefore, carefully squeeze it along the long sides so that all recesses on its surface disappear.

4. Cut it into two identical parts.

5. Both parts fold together side parties. Now again, make a deep horizontal deepening with a knife, wrapped with a knife. After that, again squeeze the bar on the sides, cut into 2 parts and fold them together. Repeat it several times, until a pattern appears in the form of thin red streams on the section.

6. In the middle of the bar, make a horizontal incision, giving up to the middle of its thickness. Slide the edge of the cut slightly to the sides.

7. Insert a thin strip of red clay in an incision. Excess edges Flat cut.

8. Roll from white clay a layer thick 0.3mm. Cut out the strip from it the same length as the length of the bar. The width of the strip must be a little more width of the bar. Place the strip on the bar on the bar, its edges should close the BROK BROK until its lower side.

9. Now this workpiece is tightened and stretch in length so that the sausage is 1 cm thick. Cut the sausage to 5 identical parts.

10. Fold all 5 parts together, white edges outward, so that the cane is in the form of such a flower, as in the photo.

11. I cut this cane on a piece of 2-3mm thick. In this example, 10 blanks turned out - 5 pieces for each stick.

12. Take the flower and press it with your fingers around the edges so that it become more and thinner. The middle should remain thicker. A narrow stack roll the edge of the flower on the index finger to make them even thinner and more wavy.

13. Hold the flower with your left hand and put it slightly with a dumbel in the center so that its middle become concave, and the petals raised up. You can handle the flower not in hand, but from above on an elastic sponge. Thus, process all colors.

14. Wire a thickness of 1 mm, cut into pieces with a length of 4 cm, their quantity should be equal to the number of color billets. At the ends of the segments of the wire, replace the loops of the pliers.

15. From the twisted yellow clay, roll the balls with a diameter of 0.5 cm. Put on the balls on the loops of wire segments. The balls need to join the loops so that they do not scroll. On the surface of yellow balls toothpick make small grooves.

16. Roll out a thin layer of lilac clay and cut the strip 1cm wide and 15 cm. One long edge of the strip makes a thin knife a lot of cuts. So that the cut parts do not stick together, the strip on this edge can be coated with a thin layer of potato starch.

17. Cut from the lilac strip part of about 2 cm and wrap it with a yellow ball on the wire with cuts up to get such stamens.

18. After making the stamens for all yellow middle, put the flowers on the wire with the middle and slightly press the flowers from below to the middle so that they do not fall down the wire.

19. Now our pink colors need to make awesome. To do this, roll in a thin layer light green clay and a small round boat cut the circles from it (as much as how many colors).

20. Put the circles on the elastic sponge or on a rug made of soft rubber and treat them with a small dumbel.

21. Near the cups on the bottom side of the colors. Then insert the flowers in the romel foil.

22. Roll the light green clay into the reservoir with a thickness of 0.2 cm and cut out leaves from it with 2 cm. With the help of the Molda, give the leaves texture of the residences. At the edges of the leaves, cut off the jar with small scissors.

23. Near the founding of the leaves, pinched through the hole in them.
Now flowers and leaves bake in accordance with the instructions.

24. At the ends of baked leaves, apply a little gold acrylic paint with a semi-dry brush. After that, cover the leaves with a varnish for polymer clay.

25. Take a wire thick 0.3mm and cut off a piece with 4 cm long. Insert this segment in the hole of the sheet, bend the wire in half, clamp its ends of the pliers and twist the sheet clockwise so that both halves of the wire tightly twisted together. Similarly attach all other leaves to wire segments.

26. At the ends of the stamens, apply varnish for a polymer clay and immediately sprinkle them with gold sparkles. Turn the flower and the stake did not stick on the paper.

27. When sparkles on the stamens of all colors are dry, you can start assembling the composition. Take hair wand, glue her top end long satin ribbon green. Wrap the end of the stick ribbon. Take the smallest flower, lubricate its stem quick-drying glue, attach to the stick and take a ribbon. Then, winding the wand all below, take half of all your colors and leaves to it. The end of the tape cut and fix glue. In the same way, take the second half of the colors and leaves to the second stick.

Now you know how to make hair sticks do it yourself.

How to stick hair with chopsticks

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Romantic in the soul of girls can make themselves Japanese hairstyles.

However, styling with chopsticks will suit all female sex, seeking to look original and pleasantly surprise their surroundings.

Residents of Europe always paint in their imagination the next portrait of Japanese: she is dressed in kimono, and her dark color hair is removed into hairstyle with a wide comb and spills with flowers.

There are women among Japanese women who prefer ordinary hairstyles. Some girls even briefly stand.

But on the days of the holidays, all girls of Japan dressed in national clothes and create traditional Japanese hairstyles as in the photo below.

Classic styling appeared in the seventeenth century. But even after so many centuries, the girls make these unusual hairstyles for a wedding or other solemn events. Japanese styling helps to create a unique appearance.

To take a Japanese hair, you need to use a number of accessories, including studs, ridges and hairpins.

Also necessary attributes of Japanese styling are clamps, artificial colors, origami and chopstones (long or short).

Using all these details, really create a hairstyle of any style. Japanese styling all over the globe perceive as the most exclusive and non-standard hairstyles.

In recent years, the creation of Japanese hairstyles began to turn more and more.

Traditionally, when creating Japanese styling, they use special wooden chopsticks called "Kanzashi".

Sometimes the material for their manufacture does not serve a tree, but bones or an inverting shell.

Japanese stying is performed according to certain rules. So that the hairstyle corresponded to the Japanese, it should be done on the hair painted into a rich red or black color.

In addition, the girl is desirable to have bangs and asymmetrical haircut.

Long hair is better stacked in the Japanese hairstyle, but there are suitable options for girls with strands of medium length.

Japanese styling are performed in different ways. Some ways to create them are easier, others are more difficult. For every day it is more expedient to choose the usual Japanese laying.

Locks, length below the blades, can be removed upstairs, in the roller (see photo). Also very popular to put strands in the hairstyle in the style of "Anime" or "Geisha".

Instructions for the implementation of Japanese styling

To fulfill such a Japanese hairstyle, like a lug, you need to use chopsticks. But first you should collect all the strands, except for thin side, in the tail.

Then the tail of the tail, tightened with a rubber band, must be twisted into a very dense harness and wrap around the base.

The ends of the harness are definitely hiding inside the hairstyles. On both sides of the ridges stick one wand.

Free side strands so that they obediently lay, handle gel or wax.

Another stack with chopsticks is a bundle. The process of performing this hairstyle is not different, so it is very popular among girls.

The first thing curls are cleaned back and collected in a high tail, which should be located on the scalp. From the strand of the tail form a bundle.

So that he keeps well, inserted into it diagonally decorative wand. It is desirable to stick closer to the head.

Now you can insert the second wand into the beam. It is immersed in laid strands from another side, they are also diagonally. A bundle can be made slightly careless and fluffy or, on the contrary, very tight.

The beam can be created on the basis of weaving. This is more traditional. In addition, the woven rod is done with just one stick.

It is better to take this decorative part made of metal, as it will be better fixed by laying.

Long curls need to braid into two braids located nearby. The tips of the finished brand need to tighten with rubber bands. Then these braids need to twist with each other in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown.

A wand decorated with decorative elements, you need to immerse in the roller between two braids. Kos' tips must be removed under the bundle and fix the pair of studs.

Now Japanese sticks enjoy even when forming the French seashell. Wooden wand insert into the harness of this hairstyle.

How to make a Japanese hairstyle of this kind, a real fashionista know. It is necessary to remove the entire one-way technician by fixing it in this position in the invisible (in the middle of the head).

Then the hair vertically twisted. The hairstyle is fixed by two canzashi, located crosswise. This gives the styling asian accent.

In the middle of the 20th century, many ladies in Japan wore the hairstyle "hive" on the head. +.

Those who make this laying today combine Japanese sticks with exotic details to make the hairstyle.

To create such stacking with your own hands, it is necessary to divide the hair on two strands to the horizontal vev.

From the top strand you need to make nosh. And the curls at the bottom of the head must be twisted, drawing up a bundle.

Inserted sticks in the made bundle. They must be placed horizontally. Then these wands need to wind all loose strands.

Hairstyles of different styles in Japan

In the 10-12th century, Japanese women rose a very long hair and had a thick bang. If the bangs were not, then the French representatives lowered forward strands with both temples.

Modern girls took it on their note.

Also today, many women make styling in the style of "Hego" (see photo), which appeared several centuries ago.

At that time, the lap was removed into a high tail and made a loop aimed forward. The tips of the hair wrapped around the base of the loop.

Other girls prefer Japanese hairstyles of "Kusuyama". The creation of this laying refers to the 17th century, when everyone collected strands in tight tails.

Now this hairstyle is no different from the one that was before. The only, curls connect the rubber band below and form a small loop of them.

The tail is fixed using wooden sticks or ribbons. A varnish or gel is used to straight out of hairstyles.

Hairstyles in Japanese style called "Shimada" were also relevant in the 17th century. Since then everyone collected strands in the tails, then on its basis there were many variations of styling.

The style of "Shimada" suggests that the loop of the hair is directed forward, and the middle of the tail is fixed at the base of the ridge.

Laying in the style of "Shimada" with two loops looks very original. Free hair ends are usually wrapped around the base of the tail. After that, on top of the twisted strands tie the ribbon.

And hairstyles in the Japanese style "Kogai Maghe" (see photo) can be created by several technologies.

To do this, the ordinary tail must be laid as a loop, and its tips wrap around a special flat stud "COAE" in the form of the figure "Eight".

Such styling is intended exclusively for married women and mothers. Previously, the lap was laid so madam of their maid.

They did it through wax, since the hairpins and scallops were not yet invented. It will be difficult to make this hairstyle yourself, so it is better to turn to an experienced hairdresser.

Traditional Japanese Haiste Hairstyle has become popular around the world. The European view of Japanese suggests such an image of a Japanese woman - long black hair and luxurious ridges and studs with flowers in a hairstyle. However, this is not the case. Modern Japanese prefer simple hairstyles for every day and short haircuts with long bangs, which covers eyebrows.

However, in Japan there are holidays that are accepted to dress in traditional costumes and make spectacular hairstyle (for example, a wedding). By this case, an elegant traditional Japanese hairstyle makes even young girls and put them in kimono.

In Japanese hairstyles, all sorts of expensive hair accessories are widely used - ridges, studs, sticks, hairpins. Long hairpins, decorated with flowers are called kanzashi (Kanzashi). Kanzashi hairpins can be learned to do on their own at home, and to create colors to use Origami technique.

Use of Japanese and Chinese hair sticks cannzashi. With the help of Kanzashi, the Japanese hairstyle of the beam, a double knot or rod is most often fixed. For this, the hair is collected in the beam on one side of the spyers, and then shifted them on the other side and pushing the canzashi sticks again. Such Chinese and Japanese hairpin is well holding a hairstyle for long hair throughout the day.

Master class and step-by-step photo lesson how to make a Japanese lulk with kanzashi for a girl

Second option Japanese hairstyles "vintage" also involves the use of Kanzashi. To make a hairstyle in the second way, bangs or the upper part of the hair are driving up and make nobody. Side strands are also combed and removed back. On the bottom of the hair also make a nobody. All the hair strands smoke to give them shine. Then all parts are assembled on the back of the head or the top of the beam, they are fixed in invisible and decorated with ridges, canzashi studs and other hair ornaments.

For the full image of the Japanese Geisha, not only the Japanese hairstyle must be made, but also pick up the appropriate elegant costume of kimono, backpacks, slippers and fan.