How to make a man think from a distance. Conspiracies and rituals to make a man miss a woman. how to make a guy miss you from a distance

You love him so much that you would do anything for him. His photograph is always next to you, sometimes you put your lips to it. If he is next to you, you start to stutter from excitement. You get nervous about all the girls who come up to them at arm's length. You always look through his page on social networks, waiting for his reaction to the posted new photo.

Only for him you choose an eye-catching dress, and in it, passing by the chosen one, you leave behind a wonderful aroma of perfume ...

But there are no results. Your chosen one is still indifferent to you, does not hold his gaze on you. You are sad and embarrassed. But there is no need to cry, because in the entire life of mankind, the female half has gained powerful experience in seducing the male. By applying some bait, you will be able to achieve your goal, and soon your chosen one will dial your phone number. Answer the call or not - it's only your decision.

You must become a predatory beast. Cunning can help kindle a fire in the heart of every man. This material discusses a situation where you know each other, sometimes you can spend leisure time together.

How to make a man think about you?

Here are a few recommendations for your consideration.

Don't let him forget about you. The most banal and easy method. The effect is small, but with tiny steps you begin to move towards the goal. Always stay in his field of vision, make a man think about your person. Wear sexy clothes, a short dress, an open neckline - this way of attracting the eye, any man will make you think of you.

Give a Gift of Something, it will always bring back memories of you, for example, a keychain, a photograph. Only your chosen one will take it, so he will immediately remember your last meeting. If you give a coffee mug, then every morning, waking up and pouring coffee for himself, he will indulge in memories of you. Thus, you will be at the very top of the list of people that he will remember in the morning.

Send text messages in the morning. Just wish you a good day, such a reminder of yourself will leave pleasant memories.

Don't be shy. Feel free to ask his friends about what your chosen one says about you. And one fine day, they will boldly advise him to turn their eyes on you. And then there is the possibility that he will think about dating you.

If you happen to meet- be sure to be interested in his affairs, flirt a little, ask him to evaluate your outfit. Feel free to get him to start a conversation. Look him straight in the eyes, be sure. Your goal - his attention should be riveted only to you.

You must leave a good impression of yourself with the friends of your chosen one. This method is very effective if you have mutual friends. It would be great if you could do them a favor. The opinions of friends are very important in a male society. Conquer them with your mind, beauty. You can also conduct reconnaissance, get to know your chosen one better.

Make him feel jealous. In itself, jealousy is bad, but sometimes it can be used, especially in our cunning plans. Give him the opportunity to test in relation to you, let him be jealous of any male representative. But do not go beyond what is permitted, this can lead to a negative result.

Put on a sexy dress and come to the party where he will attend. You will not only attract his eye, but also raise your self-esteem.

Dinner invitation. Take the first step yourself, cook your signature dish and invite your chosen one to dinner. Any man will gladly agree to a tasty meal. And if you attach a bottle of good wine to dinner, then it will turn into a date. With such actions, you can make a man think about you.

Play hot and cold with him. Turn the situation in such a way that the man believes that he has achieved the goal, then suddenly become indifferent to him. He will begin to reflect on what happened. Then do the opposite, after indifference, let him know that he is important to you. Build "eyes" for your chosen one, arouse interest in your person again, and play again "hot-cold". If the game takes place at a moderate pace, then your chosen one will simply be confused, constantly thinking about what is happening.

Find common ground. If he has a morning run in his daily routine, then keep him company. Learn about his habits, use new information in your plans. She will only benefit. First, you let him know that he is interesting as a person. Secondly, you do everything “for the company”, without imposing. He will draw attention to this, and will want to find out something new about your person.

Pay attention to him. Many girls usually talk without knowing how to listen. Try to listen to what he says, let him introduce you to his personal affairs. He will appreciate you as a listener. Support all his ideas and undertakings. Spend enough time for friendly communication, without flirting. Let him be comfortable and comfortable in your company. Even if you are now a friend for him, then soon he will consider you a mistress.

To make a man constantly think about you, put these recommendations into practice. The main thing is to purposefully move towards the intended goal, not turning off, showing patience.

Do not forget that a man needs time to accept the thought of what place you occupy in his life.

Love in the distance

Now imagine a situation where your chosen one is away from you. How to make a man think about you from a distance?
An elementary method - set the situation so that the chosen one begins to yearn for you. In those moments when a person is absent for a long period, you involuntarily begin to miss him. How to turn the situation in such a way that the chosen one begins to miss you? Get out of his sight for a while. He calls you, but you muster up the courage and don't pick up the phone. After such calls, the chosen one will begin to worry, look for reasons why you do not pick up the phone. And that is exactly what we are striving for.

Wait for a period. After a couple, three days, call the young man yourself. He will be happy about it. Ask if he missed you. Remember the past, joint walks, positive emotions will begin to act as a trigger. Such communication will help make a man think about you all night.

You can make a man think about you from a distance in such a way as to borrow money from him. Money must be taken, and not just ask if he can borrow. Set a deadline for repayment of the debt. For a man to constantly think about you, let this period be as long as possible. Don't forget to return the money on time. During the transfer of money, be sure to say nice words, showing him how nobly he acted. Make him feel like a hero. If he became a hero, then you should become his princess at least in the near future.

Your goal- draw attention to your person, make memories of you unforgettable.

You can use this advice even if you do not need money. In this way, you can learn something new about your chosen one.

This method has such a condition. Do not borrow from him, under any circumstances. Refuse under any pretext, such a situation can aggravate the situation. It is difficult for a man to perceive that his money, even borrowed money, went into the girl's pocket. You have to make a man think of you only as an object of love.

The power of thought

This technique requires hard work and faith in success.

Lie back and try to relax. Remember your chosen one. See with your mind's eye how your energy interacts. Your desires seek him. To make a person think about you with the power of thought, draw a picture in your imagination of how his and your desires are reunited and begin to dance in a single rhythm. In your thoughts, he remembers you. Did you feel the heat spread throughout your body? He's probably thinking about you right now. In your mind, he is now typing a text for you... Did you hear the incoming SMS notification? Your chosen one sent you an SMS, which means that you were able to make a man think about you.

Another extraordinary way. You and your chosen one are in the same room, imagine in your thoughts a beam connecting you. His beam comes out from his forehead. Mentally give a setting so that a man constantly thinks about you, think about it many times until you see the result of your installation.

Hook it subconsciously. Suppose you enter a daily ritual, for example, send SMS every day. Come up with your best option. Most importantly, do it constantly, daily, let him get used to such a ritual. It will take 1-2 weeks for this custom to be introduced. Then abruptly stop performing the ritual. Make a man think about what happened, knock him out of his usual rut. He subconsciously begins to analyze his and your actions. This technique is called the direct method of exposure.

There is also an indirect method. Let a familiar person whom you trust mention you in the presence of your chosen one. Mentions can be different, a call to you with him, a casual phrase thrown about you. There are many options, but here you need to define a clear line between imposition and mention, so that a man constantly thinks about you, and does not flinch when he hears your name.


The easiest way is to ask a psychic for help. Usually they help in such cases. For an independent love spell, we offer you several recipes.

1. You will need: a photo of the chosen one above the waist, a red needle and thread. Write your name and his name on the photo. Then, using a needle and thread, make a couple of stitches on the heart of the chosen one, while whispering the following phrases:

“Love spell, act, but love me, oh (name of the chosen one), son of God. Your heart is tied with a red thread to mine forever. Think of me, feel the prick in your heart, dear (name of the chosen one)”.

As soon as you finish sewing, the photo should burn, rub the ashes in your palms. Then dial the chosen one by phone, chat with him on a neutral topic.

The rite with a photo is the most effective, as psychics say. The inexplicable has always been relevant, even the older generation of women used to try to make a man think about the female half of humanity with the help of extrasensory perception. Why should we leave them behind?

2. To make a man constantly think about you, you can use another way. You will need: a decoction of lemon balm. Melissa is present in numerous rituals related to amorous themes. Psychics believe that this plant helps to attract love to the person using it.

Get up before dawn, wash with infusion, then take a couple of sips. While washing and drinking the infusion, imagine your man, remember him with the same strength with which he should dream of you. Whisper the spell at the same time: “Fly, fly, fire of love! Fly to the one with whom the heart beats. Let him think about me, let his thought twist like a ribbon.

From all of the above, it is clear that there are many methods to make a man think about you, they can be banal and original. Be confident in your own abilities, then a miracle will happen, but do not forget that at the same time you must maintain your dignity in his eyes.

We remember with a smile the people who brought us pleasant and positive feelings. It is the same with the opposite sex, in order to make a man think about you in a positive context, it is necessary that your communication gives him pleasure. The more unforgettable moments you leave about yourself, the more often he will remember you with a smile, fueling positive feelings.

Any man wants to see not only a sexy girl nearby, but also a true friend who can lend a shoulder in a difficult situation. Do not let yourself forget about it, always be there and offer your help in difficult minutes for him. You can help not only your chosen one, you can help everyone. Then the fame of your actions will indirectly affect him, this will make the man think of you as a girl with a kind and sympathetic character.

Sometimes it seems to a woman that her man does not miss her. Then she begins to doubt the sincerity of his feelings. Sometimes the wife does not have enough attention from her husband, he does not call her at all during the day. To solve these situations, white magic is suitable: you should read the plot so that the guy is bored.

With the help of conspiracies, you can attract the attention of a man

Features of the

These conspiracies are white magic, they will not harm a person, they will not bind a man forever, and this differs from love spells that drain energy. But in order to perform these rituals, certain conditions must be observed:

  1. They should be carried out only in case of urgent need. Do not entertain yourself with magical rituals.
  2. During the ritual, concentrate on the feeling of love or sympathy for the person. It is impossible to do a ceremony so that a lover or boyfriend is bored if you are angry with him.
  3. To make a guy bored, you need to read the text with an affirmative intonation. The girl can perform the ceremony at a distance.
  4. They can be done during the day or in the evening. It is not necessary to follow the lunar calendar.

Carrying out is possible in such situations:

  1. you need to push the partner to the first step so that he begins to care for the woman;
  2. it is necessary to refresh feelings in a long-standing relationship;
  3. it is necessary to return a loved one if the separation occurred as a result of a quarrel.

There are old and more modern versions of conspiracies: on the phone, Skype. If a girl has suffered for a long time, she should not perform rituals: with negative energy, she can bring misfortune to the person being spoken to.

Among the ancient rituals, there are appeals to the elements (for example, the wind) and a ritual with treating a loved one to a flour dish. It is important that a person himself wants to communicate with a woman, otherwise the rite will become a love spell, and this is already black magic.

At a considerable distance, the ritual may not work. You should not perform a ceremony on unfamiliar men or on a person with whom you have never communicated at least by phone: you will not be able to direct his thoughts in your direction and the ceremony will not work.

ancient rites

A conspiracy to make a person bored is carried out without the help of modern technology. It is based on an appeal to the male element (to the wind), which makes the chosen one think about you. For the first ritual with the wind, you need:

  1. go out into an open field on a windy day;
  2. sit on the ground and for a while (about 15 minutes) think about your man, visualize his image in your head;
  3. say words to the wind:

“Wind-wind, you fly around the world, you see everything, you know everything, you hear everything. I ask you for help, I conjure with a secret word - convey my feeling to (name), convey my longing to him, let him settle in his heart and make a nest for himself. Let any minute away from me seem endless to him! Let him think of me, yearn and love! I conjure you, wind, by a secret name! Yes, no one will open my conspiracy, no one will hear my request, except for you. May it be so! Amen!".

For another ritual, it is necessary to live with a man or achieve such a level of trust that you invite him to lunch or dinner. For the ceremony, a flour product is needed (even in ancient times, the dough was spoken, because bread was considered a ritual sacrifice). It needs to be baked by yourself.

The first time you say a conspiracy when you sift the flour through a sieve. You need to read 7 times, after each repetition add a pinch of cinnamon, "luring" the man:

“I grind, I sow flour, for my beloved to longing! Let the servant of God (name) yearn, worry about his blood! So that someone else's beauty does not embarrass the body! So that crafty eyes do not touch the thoughts of the brave! Let the servant of God (name) strive for the servant of God (name), for this I sprinkle cinnamon! Amen!".

The result of the ceremony is immediate, it is enhanced by the fact that a man is in your house and eats food prepared by your hands. You can also treat your beloved outside the home with other charmed foods: cookies, candy, nuts. But the power of this treat will be much less than from a pie or a bun.

For the ceremony, you need your own baked goods.

Conspiracies to make a guy miss

Conspiracies will quickly act on a photograph or on his thing. You can perform rituals so that the guy misses and yearns for you on a trip. But this is already a love spell, the girl takes on a lot of responsibility.

Such an impact can make a man drop everything and come to his beloved. It is contraindicated to carry out when a man is on a business trip or business trip. Keep in mind that longing exhausts a person, and a love spell leads to unpredictable consequences.

A simple hex on birds

This is a conspiracy to make the lover bored. Suitable for a guy with whom you do not yet have a serious relationship, but already have sympathy. To make him yearn, perform the following ceremony:

  1. select some bird (a dove will do - it is considered a "messenger");
  2. imagine that she flies to your chosen one and say the words:

“My call will fly by pigeon mail, scorched by passion. He will bring a request to you, beloved, stored in memory. He will tell you, in your thoughts he will lie down, as I am waiting for a call. You won’t be able to drink and eat, you’ll want to dial my number until you shudder. You listen to yourself, the heart cannot lie, do not waste time. Call me, dear, my call is full of power, you can not resist.

After that, wave your hand, as if sending a bird with a message to the chosen one. This is a very strong conspiracy to make a man bored.

Conspiracy to love a guy

Action with a candle

This ritual is more difficult to perform than the previous ones. You will need a candle, a piece of paper, a pen. Follow these steps:

  1. light a church candle;
  2. on a piece of paper write the name, patronymic and surname of the guy;
  3. start visualization, imagine in detail what the chosen one looks like, his movements, the timbre of his voice; remember the pleasant moments that you spent together; this may take 10 to 15 minutes;
  4. set fire to the leaf from the candle, while it burns, read the words 3 times:

    “I am reading a magic spell on the servant of God (name of the guy). To miss and yearn for me, so that he would not see his life without me. I bring sad sadness to him, strong longing. Let him walk around and around me, let him please only me, let him see happiness only with me! Amen!".

  5. the ashes should be scattered in the wind outside.

Burn the church candle to the end, and hide the cinder in a secluded place and do not throw it away until the ritual is completed.

This rite will take effect in a few days. He will make a man yearn and soon fall in love.

Magic words on phone or skype

For a man to call, rituals are performed on the phone or other means of communication. The conspiracy is carried out like this:

  1. put their hands on the means of communication (computer, telephone);
  2. imagine how a man calls, what is his voice, how he greets, what he asks;
  3. read the text:

    “(Name of the man), you are interesting to me, you are pleasant to me, but why don’t you call, don’t talk to me? I am stately, pleasant, unusual, pretty, kind to you, interesting to you. Take the phone, dial my (girl's name) number. My voice in the receiver will respond, and your heart will fill with joy.

  4. repeat the plot twice, and the man will contact you.

With this ritual, you can make a guy quickly write to you, call or come. If you read it correctly, the darling will definitely respond. You need to pronounce it in a whisper, in private and think about the guy with love.

Ritual for a call

This text is strong, accompanied by an additional ritual. You will need the following items:

  1. white sheet of paper;
  2. photo of a guy;
  3. a pen.

The ceremony, so that the guy is bored, must be carried out, clearly following the instructions:

  1. sit down at table. Put a sheet of paper on your right hand, a photo of a guy on your left;
  2. with a pen in your hand, read the plot:

    “As now your words are heard by the servant of God (name), so in reality these words sound. As in my dreams your voice (the name of the target) moves, so it will appear in reality. Let the loud bell wake the silence, let my innermost desire about your voice come true. Amen".

  3. write your number on a piece of paper and read the text again. Put a sheet of paper with a number on the photo and read the plot again to make the guy bored.

Remember that you can not talk about the success of the ritual. Don't share with your friends. Almost all conspiracies and rituals work. Over time, you will choose a ritual that will strongly bind the guy.

All call rituals are literally: your husband, boyfriend or ex will definitely call you, but the conversation will not always be about relationships.

It's up to you to get the conversation going in the right direction. In order not to get confused, prepare a conversation plan in advance. It is forbidden to carry out the ritual several times in a row if you could not keep up the conversation. The Higher Powers do not like to be disturbed on every occasion.

Conspiracy to make a loved one call

To make a man think of you

They are read so that the husband loves and misses. They return to the relationship the former love and passion. They are spent not only on her husband, but also on a guy whom they have been dating for a long time.

With photo and thread

For a husband to think a lot about his wife, you need to conduct such a well-functioning ritual:

  1. take a photo where a man is shown to the waist;
  2. bandage the picture with a red thread;
  3. embroider a heart in the photo of a man on the reverse side with red threads and read the plot:

    “Love spell, act, but love me, oh (guy's name), son of God. Your heart is tied with a red thread to mine forever. Think of me, feel the prick in your heart, dear (boyfriend's name)."

So you will strengthen relations in the family and you can wait for manifestations of feelings from your husband. He will often begin to say that he missed you.

Ritual with lemon balm infusion

It is easy to perform a ritual with an infusion of lemon balm, which has long symbolized strong bonds between a man and a woman. This is a simple plot to make your loved one miss you. For him, you should prepare a tincture of lemon balm. The girl washes her face in the afternoon or in the morning (she makes the girl attractive to men) and reads the plot:

“Fly, fly, fire of love! Fly to the one with whom the heart beats! Let him think about me, let his thought twist like a ribbon!

You should drink three sips of the decoction.

These rituals can make even a married man run after a girl. But before carrying out the rituals, one should think about whether she is ready to take responsibility for the destroyed family.

Melissa symbolizes the strength of relationships

For water with salt

In a glass of clean water, which they had previously held in their hands, they thought about a young man, add a pinch of salt and say:

“Like this water is salty, so let the servant of God (name) be sad without me. He will spend the day, spend the night, yearn and worry, he can’t find a place for himself without me (name). Let him see me everywhere - in the sun, in the wind, and in salt, and in water. My word is strong and strong! Amen!".

The charmed water must be drunk at a time. The salt should completely dissolve. She has magical powers and will bewitch a man to you.

So that the betrothed loves and misses

Spend a conspiracy so that your husband misses and loves you. It is necessary when the relationship has cooled down. So that the girl does not suffer, this light love spell is performed.

This strong text is read to tie the husband to the house, to make him want to return faster and be with his family on the weekend. Before carrying out the ritual, you need to clearly decide what you want to receive: so that the husband does not cheat or pays more attention.

Read the text alone, quietly but confidently:

“Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, help, bring harmony to the family! I do not take water, but return life. I do not give water, but I connect a husband and wife. So that, what pure water, so pure and the life of a slave (husband's name) with a slave (wife's name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for love

Prayers for a guy to think about a girl

Very popular are prayers for the boredom of a guy about a girl. These are non-canonical texts, but they are effective. Prayers belong to white magic, they can be read independently.

The following text is to be learned:

“I will go out, God's servant (my name), into the light - there is no one better and more beautiful than me. I will go to a clean field, a wide expanse, I will find 77 stone ovens there. On the stones of those cakes are fiery, oohs and sighs, love commotion. 77 ohs, 77 sighs, ahs and suffering, day and night experiences, impatience and love yearning. Get up and go, look for God's servant (dear name), drag him to me, God's servant (your name), lead. I will fill him up, I will lure him in, I will take him into constriction. An hour, half an hour, minutes, twist and mix, throw yourself at his liver and heart. Let him think about me, do not forget, do not drink in food and drink. He misses and yearns, cries and grieves for me, the servant of God (his name), laments bitterly when he sees - he does not let go of himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!".

Spell for good luck in love

How to get your husband's love back

To return love to the family, a wax ritual should be performed. Near the photograph of the husband, two church candles should be lit. Then the following manipulations are carried out:

  1. you need to drip wax from two candles opposite the photograph of your husband into a container with holy or spring water, preferably in one place to make a large wax lump;
  2. say these words:

    “I pour cold water, clean water, my vein, my blood, how it drains, how it stretches, tightens, so my husband, the servant of God (name) in his veins will feel the craving for me, the servant of God (name), will hear longing for me . As spring birds return to their old nests, so he will return to me, he will come back on a straight path, but with a pure heart, but of his own free will. He will not hear bad words about me, he will not wish languid kisses from others, he will not be afraid of loud cries. As the wax hardens, so will my husband, the servant of God (name), return to the threshold of our house.

  3. remove the wax ball from the water with bare hands;
  4. it is necessary to throw the ball into the house through the top of the door;
  5. cover the threshold of the house with a willow branch, saying the words:

    “I’ll sweep the dust, sweep, sweep, I’ll take my husband back. Willow pure meta, word true. As the willow dries up, so the servant of God (name) will yearn for me, and so he will return to our house. Amen".

  6. this ritual will help not only to return the husband to the family if he was taken away by a rival or he himself has already left the family.

Even close relatives and friends are not told about the ceremony, otherwise the magic of the ceremony will disappear, and the husband will leave the family. If the wife has suffered for a long time, the rite can turn into a debilitating ritual, and strongly bind a man on a karmic level. Sometimes this leads to severe illness or death.


Rituals must be kept secret. Revealing the secret destroys their power. Rituals will make a man quickly call or write. They can be carried out on the phone, skype, photography, lemon balm, water with salt, wax. True magical actions will make a man constantly think about a woman or even return to his family. They can greatly fall in love with the chosen one in you. If the girl is not near the sweetheart, then she can perform the ritual at a distance. But do not use magic on strangers. It is important that the partner wants to communicate with you.

There are different situations in a person's life. Sometimes, having met an interesting young man, you really want him to constantly think about you, or having a quarrel with your loved one, there is a desire that he misses you and takes the first step towards reconciliation. In this case, a special conspiracy can help you. To make a guy bored, you just need to carry out a simple ritual.

A conspiracy to make a guy miss (read at home)

For the ritual, you do not need any special magical props. You just need to use your imagination. Imagine that you and the young man you are interested in are standing opposite each other, and look intently into each other's eyes. Imagine how invisible ropes bind you together. After that, lightly biting the tip of the tongue, read the plot:

“I bite my tongue, I call on the thoughts of the servant of God (name). Think of me night and day, constantly imagine the two of us. Just as a person cannot live without water and food, so you cannot find a place for yourself without me. As I said, so be it. Amen".

A conspiracy to make a guy miss (read on photo)

If you have a photo of a young man you are interested in, then with the help of it you can also perform a ritual that will help you make the guy miss you.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony after sunset. You must be alone in the room. Sit at the table, put a photo of your loved one in front of you. On the right side of it, light a church candle. Looking at the photo, say the following words:

After reading, blow out the candle, put the photo under your pillow and go to bed.

A conspiracy to make a guy miss (read at dawn)

Another effective ritual that needs to be done in the morning. Get up early in the morning, go outside and stand barefoot on the grass, and now read the following plot:

A strong conspiracy to make the guy miss and think

This ritual should be performed on a full moon. When it gets dark, open the window and, looking at the moon, read these words:

Read the plot three times, then cross yourself and say:

“As I said, so be it. Amen!".

Another popular and quite effective ritual is the longing of a guy, which can be done at home using a ripe red apple for this. The fruit must not be wormy. Cut an apple in half and put a note with the name of a loved one in it. Then connect the halves together and, holding the apple in your hands, read:

“As this apple will dry, so will the servant of God (name) miss the servant of God (name). Amen".

Tie the apple with red thread and place it in the sun. The more it dries, the more the guy will yearn.

Video: a conspiracy to make your loved one miss you

Everything about religion and faith - "a prayer that the beloved thinks only of me" with a detailed description and photographs.

When love at first sight ignites between a guy and a girl, it is believed that such a feeling is the strongest. And, indeed, there are many examples that confirm this fact. But what if the feeling flared up only on one side, and the second did not even understand that someone had fallen in love with her without a memory?

It often happens that a girl suffering from a man writes to him, at a meeting meaningfully looks into his eyes, tries to find an excuse to be there. And he doesn't care. He does not even suggest that she cannot imagine life without him. Bitterness and resentment accumulate in the soul of a woman, because the feeling is not mutual. What to do? A conspiracy to make a guy miss, write, meet, or dream about him will help her change the picture of events for the better.

To make a guy yearn

In order for the conspiracy to have an effective impact on the object of adoration, and the beloved is bored, you need to clearly imagine the image of your loved one in front of you. Even better, if in the hands there is an object belonging to a man, his photograph. A white love spell will definitely work if you read it at dawn, at noon and at sunset for several days in a row. The text must be spoken in a whisper or aloud:

I, the servant of God (name), will go out into the light, more beautiful, there is no one better than me. I will go to an open field, to a wide expanse, there I will find seventy-seven stone ovens. On those stones are fiery cakes, oohs, sighs, love commotions, seventy-seven oohs, seventy-seven sighs, aahs, suffering, day and night experiences, love yearning and impatience. Get up, go, find the servant of God (name), drag him, lead him to me, to God's servant (name). I will fill him up, I will lure him in, I will take him into constriction. An hour, half an hour, minutes, twist, mix, throw yourself at his heart and liver. He would think about me, do not forget, do not drink in food and drink. He missed, yearned, wept and grieved for me, God's servant (name), lamented with bitter weeping, but as he would see, so that he would not let go of himself. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

This is enough for the beloved to miss the girl day and night.

What to do in order to dream about him

A plot to dream of a guy, and he yearned, can be read on any day except Monday. For the ritual, you need to take a small mirror and write the name of the chosen one on it with a cosmetic pencil, marker, felt-tip pen. This magical action will give results very soon. For a guy to write or come, the plot must be repeated 3 times before going to bed, and then put the mirror under the pillow with the reflection up. The words are:

Reflected in the mirror surface

I am in my beloved's dream.

(Name of the man) sleep and rest,

And see me in a dream. Amen.

Ritual for meeting a guy

A girl in love is languishing from the fact that the guy is not nearby, but in another city, or serious circumstances force him to always be out of her field of vision. What to do to make your loved one miss you, and then come? Simple actions will bring the long-awaited moment closer, and the beloved man will appear on the threshold, making her heart flutter excitedly. It is advisable to read the plot in the evening, with the curtains closed tightly. It is better to light the room not with the light of a lamp, but with the warm fire of a candle. The words are as follows:

Lord, take me on the road. And give me the green light for a relationship. Reveal to me the secret of my acquaintance. Give me everything I need. Give me the opportunity to be confident in (the name of the beloved) or give me the opportunity to be disappointed in him. Save me from wasting time. Arrange the meeting I need so that I understand my perspectives. My heart skips and worries. Sympathy arose and multiplied. Don't let me fall into torment. Bring on a date (name of a loved one). I will pray to you for this. My God, my Vizardas. I will praise you, greet you. Don't let me miss my chances. Khantaa upar.

The woman will not believe her eyes when she sees with her own eyes that he has come.

How to get news from him

A conspiracy for a guy to write must be read when dusk is falling. If there is a sheet on which there are lines written by the hand of the chosen one, it will also come in handy during the ceremony. It is necessary to light a church candle and, pronouncing the cherished words, burn on fire the paper that the man’s hand touched. Enchantment text:

My clear falcon, servant of God (name), desired, beloved and long-awaited! Let the straight path only lead you to me, and the voice of the Great Lord will call me to write. Remember me more often and don't forget to write (3 times)! May you not leave me for a minute, for my words are strong and sincere! Amen.

When reading any of the proposed conspiracies, you need to clearly imagine the desired image and believe that the plan will come true. If a girl allows at least a fraction of doubts about what should happen, the ritual will be ineffective and the result will have to wait a long time. And on the other hand, before resorting to the services of white magic, it is worth considering: maybe a sincere conversation with the chosen one will give much better results?

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How to make a loved one forget his ex-wife forever and miss only me. And he never left for his hometown.

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December 21, 2017 4 lunar day - Young moon. Time to bring good things to life.

How to make a man miss you very much?

There are many situations when you want to draw the attention of a man to your person, and make you think about you from a distance. For example, a colleague he likes does not want to make close contact, or does not accept other relationships at all, except for workers.

It happens that the feelings of the legal spouse have cooled, and now he does not spend evenings with his beloved woman, but prefers the company of friends in a bar nearby. Or a loved one leaves on a business trip, and is seized with excitement, but will his love stand the test of time, will he be interested in other girls, close and accessible?

Psychological ways

The best way out, in order not to be tormented by unsolvable questions, wasting nerves, is the solution push or even make a man think about you, preferably throughout the time that he is apart.

It remains only to decide how to do it most effectively, as they say, once and for all.

The means by which you can influence the subconscious of the desired object are divided into two types: psychological and magical. The first are based on provoking a man to the desired reaction through a certain behavior, for example:

  • always, in any situation, especially in the presence of other girls, look great so that he sees that you are really the best, and in separation from longing, he remembers and thinks about you
  • create a cozy and friendly atmosphere at home so that he strives to return to the mistress, knowing that he will be fed, warmed, relaxed and listened to
  • keep your perfume in the bedroom, and sprinkle them on his clothes so that the man has pleasant associations
  • when living apart delight in the morning with pleasant messages with a wish of a good day, in order to remind yourself and give pleasant emotions
  • surround a man with warmth and care and then show indifference so that he understands that he lacks your attention
  • But often with the help of psychological techniques it is not possible to achieve the desired result, or the process seems to be too long. Then comes to the rescue magic - it helps to fully achieve what you want in the shortest possible time.

    One of the most powerful conspiracies, acting almost instantly, is wind conspiracy.

    After pointing it in the next few hours, you can wait for an invitation to a date or another manifestation of the activity of the charmed guy.

    To speak to a loved one, you need to open the windows and create a draft, and then read the magic text:

    “A strong wind is blowing on the Buyan Island. Day and night he grinds stones. Go wind to my beloved, stream his heart, catching up with melancholy. Let the heart of the servant of God (name) cry, sob. His longing for me (name), waiting and waiting for a meeting with me. Beloved could neither live without me, nor be, nor drink, nor eat. Like a fish without water, like a baby without mother's milk, so would he (name of a loved one), without me (proper name). I could not live, neither be, nor drink, nor eat, neither in the morning dawn, nor in the evening, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, nor in the day with the sun, nor in the night with the moon. Amen, amen, amen."

    Another effective conspiracy for a long time is spell on apple.

    For its execution, you need to take a fresh, ripe, beautiful apple, so that with its appearance it reflects your feelings for your loved one to the maximum, and is just as beautiful. Above it you need to pronounce the text:

    “As the apple dries, so the servant of God (name) will be bored!”

    And after that, put it in the sun, for example, on a balcony, so that it dries. As it dries up, the charmed person will become more and more bored.

    The strongest conspiracy on a photograph or any other personal thing of a loved one, so that a man is very bored:

    “I will go out, God's servant (my name), into the light - there is no one better and more beautiful than me. I will go to a clean field, a wide expanse, I will find 77 stone ovens there. On the stones of those cakes are fiery, oohs and sighs, love commotion. 77 ohs, 77 sighs, ahs and suffering, day and night experiences, impatience and love yearning. Get up and go, look for God's servant (dear name), drag him to me, God's servant (your name), lead. I will fill him up, I will lure him in, I will take him into constriction. An hour, half an hour, minutes, twist and mix, throw yourself at his liver and heart. Let him think about me, do not forget, do not drink in food and drink. He misses and yearns, cries and grieves for me, the servant of God (his name), laments bitterly when he sees - he does not let go of himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!"

    Consequences of magical actions

    Before turning to magic, you need to decide for yourself whether you are ready for the negative consequences of its use.

    After all, interference in energy channels and a violation of the natural course of events will necessarily entail irreversible changes in the fate of the conspirator and the one who makes the conspiracy.

    Most often, disappointment occurs at the very first stage of a man’s manifestation of boredom.- it becomes clear that these are not sincere emotions that you so want to see from your loved one, but the obsession of your charms that drives them.

    The danger is that such a relationship can become a burden, especially for the executor of the conspiracy, who cannot come to terms with such a state of affairs, which is seriously different from what was imagined in dreams.

    The life of a person dying for you is rapidly destroyed - unable to think about anything else, he loses friends, becomes inattentive and is no longer able to build a career or run a business. He also subconsciously begins to feel hatred for you, because boredom is contrary to his will.

    The consequences for the conspirator are also inevitable, primarily of a psychological nature - after all, instead of natural energy channels with people whose attraction is mutual, everything is blocked by an artificially created magical channel of communication with a dependent person.

    Against this background, chronic health problems can develop, especially of a reproductive nature..

    Therefore, before resorting to the services of magic, it is worth weighing whether you really need it, or the game is not worth the candle.

    All lies. These spells don't work. No need to entertain yourself with vain hopes.

    I fully support. nonsense and lies. nothing ever helped. only the soul toils in vain with a stupid expectation

    A conspiracy to make a guy love me alone

    There are different situations in a person's life. Sometimes, having met an interesting young man, you really want him to constantly think about you, or having a quarrel with your loved one, there is a desire that he misses you and takes the first step towards reconciliation. In this case, a special conspiracy can help you. To make a guy bored, you just need to carry out a simple ritual.

    Is there such a conspiracy so that the beloved loves me very much, only yearns for me, does not change and only wants me. Yes, there is one that will protect against betrayal and the person on whom this conspiracy was read will only want the wife who made this light love spell on her husband and independently lamented a quick conspiracy to love and adore her wife. Want to make your loved one love and yearn only for you.

    If you want the love of a guy and yours to be long, perform a ceremony for love. You will need two simple rings, a red woolen thread of 30-40 centimeters will be enough.

    Begin the ceremony at 12 midnight on a full moon. Take one ring and putting on a thread say:

    “I call you a ring (name of a guy)”

    Take the second ring and putting it on the thread say:

    “And I call you a ring (by your name)”

    “I knit not just a thread with rings, I knit the love of hearts (boyfriend’s name) and (your name), I tie it tightly, I bind it with love for minutes and hours, for days and months, for years and centuries your hearts are fastened together, as (your name) loves (boyfriend's name), and (boyfriend's name) loves (your name) And be that now and forever and forever and ever Amen!

    Repeat the plot three times and tie the knots while you speak. Next, hide the charm of love in a secluded place and store it. If you burn this amulet, then you can destroy the love between a guy and a girl.

    Do not forget that when you call the guy's name, you must mentally convey his image to the named name, and your image to your name. In magic, it is very important to be able to work with images.

    Conspiracy on the fidelity of a guy

    You can also use a conspiracy on the fidelity of a guy. It will also help you keep the love and loyalty of your loved one. The spoken words are:

    “Mila (boyfriend’s name) will rise at dawn, and all thoughts about me (your name), as if the case doesn’t take everything about me, he will stir up, wherever cute (boyfriend’s name) stomps, wherever cute (boyfriend’s name) hangs out everything would come back to me (your name), he loved me alone (your name) night and day and morning and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    And these words are read in the early morning at dawn, go outside with a photograph of your loved one, look at the photo and read the plot 33 times.

    For love to flare up in a guy for a girl

    For such a conspiracy, you will need a photo of your beloved guy, three church candles and a mirror. Put the photo in front of the mirror and place three candles so that around the photo there is a triangle with an acute angle looking into the mirror.

    Light the candles and read the plot

    “I kindle love (boyfriend’s name) for me (your name), I kindle a fire of passion in his soul, let love and passion flare up in his heart for me a servant of God (your name) and stay there forever, let our bright souls come together and the bodies are intertwined. Go love in the heart of a servant of God (guy name), show him the way of love for me (your name), wake up the desire to unite with me (your name), to be with me now and forever and forever and ever with me alone. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Read the conspiracy at 12 at night, for seven nights, the seventh night should be - the new moon, that is, it will be the night of the birth of feelings of love in the charmed guy.

    And remember! To make a guy fall in love with you, you need to feel a bright pure love for him yourself, otherwise you can only harm yourself with soma.

    For a loved one to love

    This conspiracy is so ancient that it is familiar to many people who were fond of magic. However, although the conspiracy is old, it has incredible power. The action takes place over three days. The ceremony should be performed at night on the growing moon, because at this time the moon is especially powerful. The spell to be written on paper is as follows:

    “(Name of the beloved) my beloved come back to me,

    Let me dream you in a dream

    Let only me be in my thoughts

    Always love me alone.

    Moon please help me

    Bring back my beloved

    As soon as I say everything,

    I will bring you to me!”

    We are looking for an intersection consisting of four roads. With you you need to take in some thing a lover or his gift. Standing facing north, we begin to read the written text. Now it is important to read the text from bottom to top. After that, the sheet with the spell must be burned, and the ashes formed as a result of the actions must be scattered around the intersection. The thing of a loved one must be left on the road (although this is difficult to do, it is absolutely necessary). Returning home, read Our Father 3 times to remove the negative energy that arose during the execution of the conspiracy. Although the principle of magic is not known, but the rite works!

    white dryer

    In order to return the former love or attention of a person dear to you, you can attract some more higher powers to help you. There are many other conspiracies and prayers to hold two destinies together, but the most popular is the conspiracy below. It is intended specifically to speed up communication with a loved one, after it is correctly held, the person for whom the prayer was read will immediately try to call the girl. The main purpose of the conspiracy is also to increase the desire to hear the voice of the conspirator or to see her face. The plot refers to white prisushki.

    For the ritual, you need to get up in the morning before sunrise, open a window or window and, looking at the rising disk, read three times (you can whisper it so that no one else hears) the prayer:

    “The sun has just risen

    My heart is warm.

    Dear call urgently

    And love me alone"

    Approximately in a few hours, the desired person will call, calls and meetings during the day are also possible.

    Answer of love

    There were also cases when the girls no longer wanted to hear the voice of a man (so often he called and let himself know). In this case, you can read the answer. To do this, you need to find an old well and always with a lid on top, open it and shout twice deep into:

    "I'm going to the well

    Here I will drown my love,

    Don't love you anymore

    Go away my love"

    These words will sow indifference in the heart of a charmed person, and the girl will receive the desired peace.

    A conspiracy to push a guy to the first step

    The girl bites her tongue slightly and pronounces the words at sunset or sunrise: “I bite myself, I call on God's servant (the name of my beloved). I want him to miss me a lot, he didn’t know peace and rest, he missed me. To be bored in summer, and in winter, and in the daytime, and on a dark night. They read the plot 1 time per day, 7 times, during the week.

    The conspiracy is strong so that the guy calls the phone

    The plot is read alone so that no one knows several times:

    “Dear, anyone, (the name of the person you are addressing) is mine!

    Call me, tell me what's in your heart.

    Ethereal communication - mobile communication, unite us!

    I'm a virgin-queen, there is no more beautiful than me, you take the phone, you say "hello!".

    Pick up the phone, make a call.

    I will respond - I will break into your heart!

    A conspiracy to get a guy married to drink

    For the ritual, you can choose any liquid that the guy likes, except for alcohol. The drink is slandered, and it is given to the young man: “Like water pours into your stomach, through the veins to the very heart, so the path will lead you straight to my door. You will not linger anywhere, do not stumble and do not forget. I will shine for you on the path to me. Come, my dear. I will be your wife! Pecking, tongue, castle!

    The ritual is performed on the full moon. A red candle is lit, the girl sits on the floor in the lotus position and focuses her attention on the photograph of the man. You need to think about what your loved one is doing, remember the pleasant moments of the meetings and say the following words: “In the name of the fire energy of the red candle! I conjure and command (name) to desire me, look for me, run to me with all my might! So that he can not live without me! I command and confirm! After saying the last word, clap your hands loudly.

    Before going to bed, put a small mirror under the pillow and say: “As everything is displayed in the mirror, both light and darkness, so in the dream of the servant of God (name) her future will be displayed. May it be so. Amen". At night, you will dream of the future that you wanted to know.

    A conspiracy for a man that will definitely work

    You can return a loved one or kindle love with the help of a conspiracy for bread. Sprinkle a small piece with salt and put in the corner of the room. Open the window and say into the air: “My beloved, come back home, come to me like air to water. Need me like you need your daily bread. Yearn for me, as I for you. You will come to me, and I will feed you, and I will not let you go anywhere else! As soon as the beloved comes, he must be fed with this bread.

    How to make a guy miss you from a distance

    Pour holy water into a glass and lower a silver spoon there, thinking about your beloved, pronounce the words: “My beloved person (name), I want, a servant of God (name), so that you miss and yearn for me alone, And white metal and key water will help bring sadness and melancholy. Let you follow me on my heels, And I would visit you in my dreams, I would not leave you in my thoughts. I appeal to the forces of heaven, the forces of the earth, I ask for help, I repent and submit! Amen!".

    After completing the reading, leave the spoon in the glass until morning, and then hide it. Pour water on the threshold so that the guy steps over it.

    A very strong conspiracy to love a guy to read on an egg

    For the ritual, you need to prepare an egg. On both sides, punch holes with a needle to let the egg flow out. The resulting shell is strung on a red thread like a bead, tying a knot on one side. Draw water into a bucket, but not from a water pipe, but from a river or lake.

    Take the egg at one end and lower it into a bucket of water and say: “Through the distant mountains, forests, seas and oceans, my dear (name of the beloved), come to me and stay with me forever. With my strength and will, I conjure you. With magic words, I speak our love forever.

    The plot is pronounced 5 times, while a thread is wound around the finger, lifting the egg up. But it cannot be pulled out of the water until the end of the ceremony. Having finished reading, pull out the shell and go outside. Pull the thread, and bury the whole shell.

    A conspiracy if a guy left a pregnant girl, doesn’t call for a long time, doesn’t marry, cooled off, offended and doesn’t go, deceived, fell out of love, went to another

    If the guy has cooled off and there is a suspicion of the appearance of a rival, then they use a conspiracy for a photograph or any thing. Light a candle, put a thing and read the plot: “As a candle burns in front of me, so all other paths burn out before you. From now on, we have only one way. Leading us through life together. Amen!"

    7 great ways to make men think of you
    How to make a person feel bored from a distance
    How to make a guy think about you with the power of thought?
    - Three proven ways to make a man bored
    - How to force the stronger sex to yearn - dirty, vile ways!

    1.Keep a distance between you.
    Don't confuse distance with indifference. You have a life together and a personal life. Live them both.

    2. Do not impose on him, do not try to fill his whole life with yourself.
    Both of you should have your own life. This is completely natural and normal. And there is no need to put any other meanings here.

    3. Make sure your romance doesn't get too hot.
    Even in the old days, women conquered men, not giving what he wants, but forcing him to achieve it. And during the time he will constantly think about you.

    4. Write enticing messages.
    One hot message in the messenger, with a reminder of what awaits him at the next meeting, will make him think of you until the cherished evening. This is much more effective than flooding him with low-content SMS.

    5. Befriend his friends.
    If you become your own person in his company, your task will be greatly simplified. Everything is very simple - other people will remind him of you.

    6. Don't be comfortable.
    A girl who is obedient and docile will be remembered less often than a beauty who can sometimes hurt his pride.

    7. Don't be "not like that."
    You just need to be yourself and not build yourself into a kind of “not like that”, which you imagine with some difficulty.

    How to get someone bored from a distance

    In the life of happy stable couples, there are situations when you have to part for a while: for example, because of a business trip or an internship in another city or country. If people have been together for a long time, they trust each other and will worry because of the fear of betrayal. However, men are less emotional beings than their wives, psychologists have proven. Then the woman has a question about how to make a man bored?

    Here are the solutions: If you are in a permanent relationship, you should forget about the principles like "do not call first" and leave them to teenagers. If you miss a man, that's fine, and there's nothing humiliating about calling whenever you feel like it. Try to talk more about your life, about new acquaintances. Ask him what's going on. Then, when you meet, you will not have the illusion that you do not know anything about each other.

    If you're determined to learn how to make a man miss you, don't neglect meeting opportunities. For example, there is a chance to see each other at the weekend - great! Rare dates, especially of an intimate nature, will only inflame mutual desire and serve as an excellent prevention of adultery (unfortunately, this can happen if you don’t see each other for six months).

    You may be interested in the topic.

    How to make a guy think about you with the power of thought?

    This is already from the realm of fantasy or special training and daily training, but still - if you believe strongly, you will certainly succeed.

    1. Lie on your back and relax. Think about it...
    Try to mentally imagine the energy channel between you. How your thoughts slowly rise high into space and, in oscillating waves, descend to it. Thought streams join together in a sweet dance, just like you dance, with each other a slow dance. Imagine what he is thinking about you now. Is your heart getting warmer? Maybe he really did remember you. Imagine that he is now texting you... Do you hear the sound of an incoming message? It was your boyfriend who wrote to you, which means you succeeded!

    2) Another interesting method.
    When you are in the same room with a guy, mentally draw an invisible beam between your heads. As funny as it sounds, aim that beam straight at his forehead. Say to yourself the phrase “You will constantly remember me”, repeat it again and again until you feel the power of these words.

    You can make a great "anchor" on his mind. For example, teach a guy to text him every morning or walk past him in the office, saying hello and smiling. You can come up with more suitable options yourself. The main thing is to build them into a habit.

    Do this daily, so you get the guy hooked on a certain reaction from him. He gets used to these actions. This will not take much time, a week or two. Then abruptly stop doing it. You will knock the guy out of the so-called "comfort zone". He, perhaps, without realizing it himself, will begin to think about you and wonder what happened. This is called the direct method of influence.

    3) There is also an indirect method.
    This will require a proven person who communicates in the same circle with your boyfriend. The role of this person is to constantly remind the guy about you. There are many ways to do this without being noticed. You can say that yesterday you helped him a lot. Or say that you have the right disk. I can call you with some question in front of this guy. There are really a lot of ways. The main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, the incessant talk about you will set the poor guy on edge and he will shudder at your name alone.

    Three proven ways to make a man bored

    surprise him
    Don't be an open book. Warm up the man's interest in you, tell, for example, about the summer spent in Paris or that you can play the violin. Go to a karaoke bar and show off your singing talent. Never reveal all the information about yourself, let him learn something new about you every time he is near you.

    Be sincere
    Make a man feel that he has found a kindred spirit in you. To do this, just be sincere. Listen with interest to what he says, ask questions, remember who and what he is talking about. Next time, let the man know that you listened to him and remembered everything.

    Don't have illusions
    A common mistake every woman makes: she thinks that the man has a crush on her as much as she did on him, or that he is the same snotty boy as the previous boyfriend, but remember why you got rid of him. If a man does not stand at your doorstep every day with a bouquet of roses, this does not mean that he does not like you.

    How to make the stronger sex yearn - dirty, mean ways!

    Below are some really dirty ways to get a man to think about you more often.

    a) Hang up before the man.
    If you end the conversation before the man, then this will make him want more. Recognize that this happens to you all the time. Well, maybe such tough behavior will bear fruit.

    b) Don't accept a date offered at the last minute.
    This option is even trickier than the first one. Never, we repeat, never show that you just sat and waited for your loved one to give you time. Not only will this make you look like a loser, but it will also be taken for granted. Never be a fallback.

    c) Good perfume.
    Choose a good fragrance and remember: it should be subtle. You will know that the scent has worked when the man reaches out to you. But remember, do not flood yourself with perfume from head to toe. Leave your mark on the man so that he can smell your scent on the way home.


    Any woman is looking for a man with whom she can connect her life. But it’s not enough just to find it, you need to be able to keep it. To do this, you need to make him miss you. Success is guaranteed to you if a man is interested and communicates with you.

    There are a huge number of ways to attract the attention of a beloved man and make him think about himself. The most reliable of them is the method when a man reciprocates you and is ready for a serious relationship.

    The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site