What foods are good for breasts. Breast nutrition. What foods make breasts grow?

Many women are not satisfied with the existing bust size. But they are not ready to go under the plastic surgeon's knife to become more attractive to the opposite sex. In fact, there are effective means by which you can actually increase your breasts by several sizes.

The internal structure of the mammary glands

The device of the female breast explains why it is impossible to pump up this part of the body and make it more elastic and voluminous. Inside each mammary gland there are ducts, glandular and adipose tissue. Muscles are almost completely absent there.

Based on the physiological characteristics of this part of the body in a woman, it can be concluded that the bust can change in volume after the birth of a child, when the lobules of the glandular tissue are filled with milk, or after weight gain.

What affects the size and growth of the breast

The mammary glands begin to change from puberty, which occurs at 13-14 years. After 18 years, breast size does not change. In the future, the volume of the bust depends on the natural level of the hormone estrogen in the blood, due to which the breast tissue swells at the time of ovulation and becomes less elastic if pregnancy does not occur.

Different ways help to transform the bust, if it still turned out to be not big enough. The 25th birthday is considered an appropriate age when it is better to correct the mammary glands surgically. But you need to know what else, besides the operation, you need to do to increase the size of the breast.

Visual correction methods

It is important for women to learn about small subtleties that help in a safe way to increase their breasts:

  • The presence of a waist, regardless of the build and parameters of the girl's figure, noticeably emphasizes the bust.
  • Proud posture allows you to focus on the chest, which seems larger.
  • Loose clothing with drapery in the bust area makes it visually more voluminous. Wardrobe items in light colors and with large patterns on the chest have the same effect.
  • Bras with foam cups, anatomical inserts or push-ups lift the mammary glands, creating the appearance of a larger size.

These correction methods will always help out with insufficient bust volume.

Exercise system

Despite the fact that there is very little muscle tissue in the composition of the mammary glands, it is present in adjacent areas. Therefore, you can do exercises to lift the chest, from which it will appear larger. The change in size is achieved by working out the muscles with training and eliminating excess adipose tissue in the chest area.

There is a set of effective exercises, thanks to which the result will appear after 7 days:

  • Mahi. Stand up straight, close your legs. Alternately raise your hands, winding them as far back as possible. Do 5 repetitions.
  • Claps. Raise straight arms above your head, spread them apart and return to the starting position, clapping your palms at the top point. Repeat 10 times.
  • Martin. Lie on your stomach on the floor, stretch your arms and legs in one line. Bend the spine and raise your arms, fix the position for a few seconds. Perform 10 approaches. If this is difficult to do, then you can lean on your stomach on a small bench.
  • Raising the arms in the supine position. Take dumbbells, raise your hands above your face, spread them apart, return to the starting position, bring straight crossed arms behind your head. Perform 15 repetitions.
  • Lotus. Sit in a lotus position, fold your hands, as in prayer, press your palms hard against each other for 10 seconds. Repeat 10-12 times. This exercise guarantees the development of the pectoral muscles.

The best way to increase breasts is exercise. The growth of the pectoral muscles leads to a change in the volume of the bust.

Breast massage

You can make your breasts more elastic after childbirth by taking special care of the delicate skin of this part of the body. By massaging the mammary glands, they improve their blood supply and tone. After childbirth, you can return the previous shape of the breast and make it bigger thanks to the following manipulations:

  • Stroking in a circle from the nipple towards the base of the chest.
  • Light tapping with fingertips.

With the help of massage with the addition of essential oils, you can increase the size of the breast, paying attention to the area under the mammary glands and sides. Doctors do not recommend the use of cosmetics during lactation.

Nutrition for breast growth

The mammary glands, like the buttocks, can be enlarged without implants thanks to a diet rich in nutrients. The list of products that affect bust growth includes:

  • walnuts with honey and lemon juice;
  • cabbage, useful with valuable vitamins;
  • milk and its derivatives;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • fish and chicken meat.

To increase the bust drink a decoction with dill seeds. This infusion improves blood supply to this part of the body, stimulates tissue growth.

Pharmacy funds

You can change the size of the mammary glands at home using hormonal pills that increase the breast by changing the balance of substances in the female body. These funds stimulate the production of hormones - estrogen and prolactin, which are responsible for the growth of the bust.

Among the pharmaceutical preparations that increase the breast, there are:

  • Oral contraceptives, or COCs. The composition of birth control pills includes phytoestrogens, which are similar to female sex hormones. These drugs, combined with folic acid, promote tissue growth.
  • Compresses with heparin ointment improve the patency of the vessels of the mammary glands.
  • Vaseline massage stimulates blood circulation and changes in bust size.

Breasts can be enlarged with iodine. To do this, a mesh is drawn on the surface of the mammary glands daily with a cotton swab. This method is not suitable for thyroid problems and sensitive skin. The use of various drugs must be agreed with the doctor.

Traditional medicine

At home, you can increase the bust with folk remedies using creams with a natural composition and various decoctions:

  • A few drops of linseed oil are added to compresses. Dill seed oil is also used.
  • A mixture of honey, crushed walnuts and lemon stimulates breast growth.
  • Massage with aromatic oils gives the skin firmness.
  • Drink tea from helba seeds to improve blood circulation in the chest.
  • Among herbs useful for the mammary glands, mallow is distinguished. A decoction of the roots of this plant increases the volume of the bust. 1 st. l. dry preparation is combined with 1 glass of water, boiled for several minutes, cooled, filtered. Three times a day, drink a sip before meals. Ready infusion is stored in the refrigerator.
  • A compress with soda accelerates blood circulation in the mammary glands.
  • Brewer's yeast is diluted with plain water in a volume of 1 cup per 2 tsp. The product contains phytoestrogens, useful for tissue growth.

Alternative drugs can cause an allergic reaction. They must be used with caution.

Masks, gels and creams for breast enlargement

Cosmetics can increase breast size by 1 size per week if used regularly. Creams and gels are of two types:

  • hormonal are more effective, but the mammary glands will return to their previous volume after the end of the course;
  • natural creams take care of the skin of the bust and décolleté, but have little effect on breast enlargement.

You can stimulate tissue growth with the help of masks:

  • Potato - mashed boiled potatoes are combined with 50 ml of cream and vegetable oil, add 1 tsp. honey, applied to the mammary glands, washed off after 20 minutes.
  • With blue clay - dilute the finished product to the consistency of thick sour cream. Keep on the chest until dry.

All remedies can have side effects. If an allergic reaction occurs, then the use of the cream, gel or mask should be discontinued.

Surgical intervention

If the volume of the bust is too small or the skin is stretched after childbirth, breast augmentation is carried out by installing implants. Thanks to modern technologies, the seams at the incision sites are almost invisible, the breast looks like a real one.

The effect of surgery is visible immediately after manipulation. This method helps to increase the breasts for those who have already tried other methods to no avail.

Hardware methods

It is possible to change the size of the mammary glands without surgery using devices that create a vacuum environment. A silicone cap is placed on the chest, from which air is pumped out. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes every day.

The results after using the device will be noticeable immediately. Adipose tissue begins to grow actively after such stimulation. However, the method is not suitable for everyone, there are contraindications.

Bust shots

Breast augmentation can be done with hyaluronic acid injections. The drug is injected under the skin using a syringe with a needle. In this way, the mammary gland is changed by about one and a half sizes.

Hyaluronic acid injections are carried out after a doctor's examination. The procedure is repeated as the effect disappears.

Precautionary measures

Non-surgical methods of breast augmentation are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the means, high tissue sensitivity. If you want to change the mammary glands by installing implants, plastic surgeons recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • Breast surgery is not advised before pregnancy.
  • The increase is carried out no less than a month before the summer season.
  • With fibrocystic mastopathy, the operation can provoke the appearance of malignant tumors.

Girls under the age of 18 complete the list of those who cannot increase their breasts by any means. At this age, the mammary glands are still being formed. It is worth refraining from the use of external agents and tablets during pregnancy and lactation. With mastopathy, it is possible to perform various exercises, but the hardware technique is contraindicated. First of all, it is important to take care of women's health.

Beliefs and myths about breast augmentation

Some girls are contraindicated in changing their appearance surgically due to religious beliefs, for example, in Islam or for health reasons. These obstacles have provided fertile ground for a variety of misconceptions:

  • Using baby food, you can not change the size of the bust. This method is harmless, but will not bring results.
  • The use of mustard compresses is harmful to the delicate skin of the chest. This remedy often causes burns.
  • Existing mantras, conspiracies, prayers and witches' secrets for breast enlargement work through self-hypnosis, but do not really change the size of the breast.
  • Breast milk added to various drinks can enrich them with useful substances, but will not affect the volume of the bust.

There are many ways to change the size of the mammary glands: from the right selection of clothes, pills and creams to devices or surgery. When choosing an effective option, it is important to know about the presence of contraindications. You should not use folk remedies with a tendency to allergies.

If you want to enlarge your breasts, but do not want to resort to extreme measures (for example, plastic surgery), you need to find some harmonious alternative way. Fortunately, there are plenty to choose from in this case: you can do special exercises, use cosmetics, or simply eat special foods for breast enlargement that will help you achieve the desired result.

Food rich in estrogen

The growth and development of the mammary glands directly depends on the level of hormones in the woman's body. Estrogen is the hormone responsible for breast growth. Therefore, in order to increase breast size, you need to eat foods high in estrogen. This will also have an impact on the level of testosterone in your body.

These foods include soy and dairy products. One of the reasons soybeans and soybeans are so popular is that soybeans are considered a great source of natural estrogen. Dairy products are also the main sources of this important hormone for the body.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are famous for their beneficial properties for the human body, as well as the fact that they are sources of estrogen. You can include flax seeds in your daily diet. To improve the effect of their use, grind the seeds in a mortar or grinder in a coffee grinder and sprinkle them on food. You can put flax seeds in fruit smoothies.

If you can't find flax seeds, you can replace them with sunflower or pumpkin seeds. In addition to estrogen, they are rich in healthy fats, which play an important role in the development of adipose tissue of the mammary glands. Anise seeds are also great for this purpose.


Spices are the dried parts of plants used to flavor food, make medicines and perfumes. Some spices contain components that promote the growth of breast tissue. The spices used to increase sexuality are also used for breast enlargement. These include ginger, cloves, sage, oregano, and thyme. Pepper, turmeric and red clover are also great for natural breast enlargement.

Beans and peas

When it comes to products that promote breast enlargement, then beans and peas take first place among them. If you want your dreams to come true, make sure you eat at least some beans and peas every day. Lima and common beans, as well as red beans, are the most affordable of all legumes. You can also eat chickpeas, also known as chickpeas, as well as Turkish beans. Green beans are the best member of the legume family for breast enlargement. The same can be said about lentils and split peas.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables play a major role in this diet as they regulate testosterone levels in the body. Due to their rich fiber content, fruits and vegetables play an important role in breast enlargement. . For this purpose, it is recommended to eat red and Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli, blueberries and strawberries. . These vegetables and fruits also help fight cancer cells, and the berries also contain anthocyanins, which fight free radicals in our body.

In addition to the above fruits, you can also eat apples, cherries, dates, papaya, plums and pomegranates. From vegetables it can be alfalfa, beets, carrots, cucumbers and eggplants, olives, potatoes, tomatoes, rhubarb and pumpkin.


Herbs, as well as spices, are used to add flavor to main dishes. It is imperative that you eat a small amount of herbs if you want to enlarge your breasts. For many years, herbs have been used among peasants as medicines to treat various ailments. In fact, underdeveloped breasts were once considered a disease, and this may be true in some cases.

Fenugreek is one of the ancient herbs used for breast enlargement as it promotes healthy breast growth. Saw palmetto, as well as wild yam, were also used for this purpose.

Healthy unsaturated fats

Since the breast consists of adipose tissue, foods that promote breast enlargement also include those that contain healthy fats. You can get them from olives, avocados, nuts, seeds, and herring. Alternatively, you can use avocado oil or olive oil for cooking.

Many of these foods are found in our daily diet. and some to look for. Either way, it's worth it.

Most of the female half has always been unhappy with their small breast size. They secretly envy those girls whom nature (or a plastic surgeon) has awarded with a magnificent bust and, every day, sighing, dream of large forms of their breasts.

As mentioned above, plastic surgery works wonders, but not everyone can afford to enlarge their breasts in this way. We all know beautiful stories about miracle products that increase breasts. The main thing is to eat them every day in large quantities.

The way out for small breast enlargement is cabbage

Our grandmothers and mothers sometimes told us in childhood: “If you want to have big breasts, eat cabbage”, and strangely enough, many believed this. They diligently ate hodgepodges, heads of cabbage and cabbage salads every day. But for some reason, the effect did not appear for many.

Watching this, scientists, laughing, say that such a myth can have 1% of reality. The thing is that cabbage consists of fiber, vitamins and minerals and has a low calorie content. When a teenager grows, his body grows accordingly, which needs to empty its intestines regularly and maintain a supply of vitamins and minerals all the time.

Truths and lies about breast enlargement products

From this it follows that we need cabbage only to replenish our body with useful vitamins and minerals. With the same success, you can eat carrots, peppers and onions. In fact, breast size is affected by the hormonal and genetic program, which you cannot force to change with cabbage.


Most women know that the breast grows thanks to special substances that are produced by the follicular apparatus of the female ovaries - estrogens. They have a great influence on the body: they are responsible for the development of the mammary glands, uterus, pigmentation of the nipples and genital organs, growth and closure of tubular bones. But do not think that products containing phytoestrogens will help increase breasts. In order for this to happen, you need to eat like an elephant every day, and this can have a very bad effect on the body, up to cancer.

And many girls think: “here, I will eat special foods, and my breasts will grow.” Phytoestrogens are found in those foods that are very difficult for the body to digest in small quantities, and now imagine if you eat such food in kilograms. Your body will go crazy, stomach ulcers and obesity may appear. So remember - phytoestrogens do not affect breast size in any way.

Many people, without understanding, are advised to take products that can be fatal in the future for the acquisition of magnificent forms.


In no case should you eat dry or pressed yeast. They are talked about as a miracle that makes the chest big and round, but this is not true. If you start using them, then the only thing that awaits you is diarrhea. For the same reason, you should not eat yeast dough, constipation and bloating will be provided.

Light beer

Another drink that enlarges breasts is light beer. Firstly, these days it is very difficult to get real intoxicated beer, everything you see on the shelves is, roughly speaking, powder. But the hop itself can lead to breast growth. Secondly, the only thing that will grow from beer is a beer belly, and the liver will be very grateful when it dies under the influence of a large amount of alcohol. By the way, female alcoholism is practically incurable, so light beer is categorically not suitable for breast augmentation.


These are the very remedies from which mastitis can appear. You should not experiment with untested and dubious recipes in the form of rubbing plant juices, applying iodine and gluing mustard plasters.

Useful foods for breast growth

If you want to correct the shape a little, round the bust and increase it a little, then first start eating healthy and proper food. If you get in shape, then at the same time your chest, hips and stomach will get fat. With the help of special exercises, the chest can be lifted and made elastic, from this it will appear larger. To do this, there are several exercises for the chest muscles.

Try to include foods such as turmeric, soy, cloves, ginger, apples, pumpkin, papaya, and tomatoes in your daily diet. They are very useful for the beauty and health of the breast.

Folk remedies can also help increase breasts. Brew tea from strawberry or oregano leaves, add some milk and drink every morning on an empty stomach. Have a good breakfast afterwards.

Legumes such as lentils, beans and peas are good for breast augmentation. You can cook soups or main dishes from them, but be careful, legumes are very difficult foods to digest, so do not abuse them. It is enough to eat them once or twice a week.

Breast growth is also promoted by honey and nuts. We probably remember how mothers and grandmothers made this simple recipe for a cold. Peeled walnuts are placed in a jar, poured with honey and lemon juice. So, now you know that this substance also enlarges the breast. Take it twice every day, morning and evening.

Another good remedy is fish - salmon.. It is recommended to take it at least once a week. Oils such as olive, sesame and linseed also help. They can both lubricate the chest, and take a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

And finally, let's talk about porridge. Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn and wheat are all very nutritious, especially with milk. However, it is not necessary to buy cereals in the form of quick breakfasts, such cereals only clog the stomach.

Naturally, good nutrition and exercise will not increase your breasts by three sizes, but you can proudly have firm, elastic and well-toned breasts.

Every woman dreams of being beautiful and desirable. Large, high breasts have always been considered a sign of beauty. This axiom has its own quite physiological explanation.

The presence of a large bust in a woman is mistakenly regarded as an increased ability for long-term and full-fledged feeding of a child. According to various literature data, much more milk can be produced in a small breast than in a large one.

It all depends on the level in the mother's blood of the female hormones responsible for lactation - prolactin and oxytocin. The presence of large mammary glands rather indicates the ability of a woman to warm her baby in the cold season, and this feeling has been preserved in people since primitive times.

Among other things, large and high breasts attract the attention of the male population and, subconsciously striving for procreation, any lady would like to have breasts at least a size larger and achieve this on her own. It is embedded in the female subconscious.

Read in this article

What to eat to grow big breasts

The desire to increase the size of their mammary glands in a woman arises at the level of instinct. And to satisfy their dreams, most of the fairer sex is ready to go to great lengths.

The question of plastic surgery immediately arises. However, even if we do not take into account the cost of the operation, then for many women it is simply contraindicated for health reasons. Various allergic reactions, problems with the cardiovascular system, the inability to postpone business for a sufficiently long period, to cancel all family responsibilities often make the very idea of ​​​​operative correction impossible. And here diet therapy comes to the aid of the ladies.

Of course, there are no products of animal and vegetable origin that could increase a woman's breasts by 2-3 sizes. However, many dietary delights guarantee the size or even 1.5.

There is a widespread belief that cabbage and dishes from it should be the main food for ladies striving for excellence. Most experts are skeptical of such statements, believing that the use of white cabbage in large quantities is more likely to lead to gastrointestinal problems in lovers of experiments. This happens due to the fact that cabbage juice causes a sharp increase in acidity in the human stomach, and is a direct path to gastritis and ulcers.

However, this myth has its rational grain. Indeed, the cabbage leaf contains folic acid, which is responsible for the rapid growth of new cells in the female body, including in the mammary glands.

Substances that stimulate breast growth in women

For the growth of the mammary glands, it is necessary to provide the body of any woman with a sufficient intake of two main substances:

  • First of all, it is, of course, the already named folic acid. This substance in the human body is one of the most important growth stimulators of new cells. The main period of action of folic acid falls on the period of puberty of girls and the time of gestation by young mothers. Nutritionists include cabbage, carrots, liver, red fish, beans to the products that supply this cellular stimulant to a woman's body in large quantities.
  • The second group of foods that actively affect the growth of the mammary glands include nutrients rich in estrogen. This hormone regulates the processes of puberty and promotes the growth of female organs responsible for the normal birth and feeding of offspring. Estrogen is found in large quantities in flax seeds, as well as in any soy products.

Nutritionists highlight a certain group of nutrients that stimulate the growth of the mammary glands at home. Here it is necessary to return to the already mentioned estrogens. They directly stimulate breast growth in a woman.

Basically, in this case, products made from soy are recommended as the largest plant store of estrogens. Ostap Bender also said that "114 delicious and nutritious dishes can be prepared from soybeans." And he was not far from the truth.

Sufficiently pronounced effect will bring and daily eaten flax seeds. Methods of application are quite diverse: grind in a home mill and add instead of seasoning to liquid dishes, it is possible to use it together with various fruit cocktails. In the absence of these seeds, they may well be replaced by ordinary pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds.

In addition to these main breast growth stimulating ingredients, it is recommended to use a large amount of spices in the daily diet, as their components also promote breast growth. These include: cloves, red pepper, sage and ginger.

Often, to give dishes a certain taste, experienced chefs add various herbs to them. Many of these plants, even when dried, contain enough estrogen to stimulate the growth of mammary gland cells. The main one is the long-known fenugreek , which even our great-grandfathers used to treat various diseases, including for the growth of the mammary glands. Rarer herbal stimulants for rapid breast enlargement include wild yam.

The mammary gland is composed primarily of adipose tissue, so for its growth it is necessary to eat healthy fats of plant origin, which are found in avocados, nuts, olives and, oddly enough, in herring. And if a woman switches from vegetable oil to olive oil when cooking, this will help bring her dream closer.

First of all, these are various sets of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest. This includes regular swimming in the pool and open water, exercises with dumbbells and with an expander, and other sports available to any woman.

Each gym has enough methods for loading a certain muscle group of the female body. . Correct posture also gives the female breast visually at least one size.

Of course, there should be a complete ban on alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. Drinking alcohol stimulates the deposition of fatty layers exclusively in the abdomen and hips, and nicotine causes various lung diseases, which can lead to stoop.

It is strictly forbidden to use various ointments and tinctures for rubbing into the mammary gland. Such methods do not give any practical effect, and can also contribute to the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands, for example, mastopathy and mastitis of various origins.

AND . Of great importance for almost every first representative of the fair sex is the ideal shape and impressive size. Well, and, of course, all women are interested in the fact that the voiced part of the body does not cause problems in terms of health and well-being. All this can really be obtained if you eat certain foods for the breast.

breast foods

There are many diseases of the mammary glands in the world, but the most terrible, without a doubt, is breast cancer. Include in your daily diet foods that prevent the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

Berries for breasts. They contain many vitamins and other biologically active compounds with antioxidant activity. These are mainly carotenoids and anthocyanins. These substances perfectly fight free radicals that provoke oxidative processes in the cells of the body, including the breast. Berries richest in such compounds: cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries. You can eat them as much as you like, unless, of course, you suffer from a food allergy to such delicacies - we are dealing with a low-calorie product. Eat berries in their pure form, cook smoothies, compotes with them, add bright and juicy fruits to muesli, cereals, yogurt, ice cream, any desserts.

Citrus for breasts. These fruits, in addition to ascorbic acid, which is responsible for the production of collagen (it makes the female breast toned and elastic) and the destruction of free radicals, contain useful components with the characteristic name "limonoids". This group of organic substances has an anticarcinogenic effect on the cells of the mammary glands. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines - all of them will guard the health and beauty of your breasts!

Flaxseed and linseed oil. They are famous for the presence in their composition of colossal doses of vitamin E, which is responsible for the health of not only the mammary glands, but also the reproductive organs of a woman. In addition, flaxseed and oil are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Cruciferous or Cabbage. This group of products includes different types of cabbage: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, leaf, Beijing, white and red cabbage, kohlrabi, etc. These are champions in the content of vitamins A, E and C. Most types of cabbage can boast of having a large amount of trace elements Selena. These compounds are excellent, providing breast protection against breast cancer and helping to keep her youthful for a long time. An additional plus is the components of sulforaphanes and indole, which neutralize the toxic effect of carcinogens on cells.

What foods make breasts grow?

The choice of treats to stimulate the growth of the mammary glands is even wider. Based on the products that will be discussed below, you can create a complete menu for every day, useful for breast enlargement.

Legumes. Nature endowed them with special hormonal components - phytoestrogens. It is a plant analogue of the female hormone estrogen. Phytoestrogens stimulate breast growth at the endocrine level without harming the hormonal balance in a woman's body. Most of all, soy and its derivatives are rich in phytoestrogens. But a lot of these substances are also found in lentils, peas, and beans. Enter into your menu pea soups and cereals, lentil stew, salads with beans, lobio, tofu.

Cereals. In addition to phytoestrogens, they contain proteins, complex carbohydrates and vitamin E, which are necessary for the health and growth of the mammary glands. A nice bonus is fiber, with which you can clean the intestines and reduce excess weight. The most useful in terms of increasing the size of the mammary glands are rice, wheat, oatmeal and whole oats, barley and barley groats.

Oily sea fish. This refers, first of all, to valuable varieties of red fish, for example, salmon. They are the leaders in the content in the tender fillet of substances important for breast growth: polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3. In combination with vitamins A, E and D, these components give fairly quick results. True, for this you will need to eat sea fish for food at least twice a week. Alternatively, fish oil can be taken daily.

Nuts and avocado. These plant foods are very high in calories due to their high content of saturated fats, which, by the way, are also necessary for the natural increase in the female breast, since the latter is based on subcutaneous fat. However, the ingredient of these treats, which should pay more attention, belongs to the group of unsaturated fats. These are monounsaturated fatty acids. Unlike saturated fats, these fats are not dangerous for the figure.

Bee honey and bananas. What do such different foodstuffs have in common? The presence of a large number of complex carbohydrates. They perfectly saturate, digest for a long time, and therefore there is enough chance that the body will convert them into fats where it is really needed.

Lard. This is a treasure trove of saturated fats, the benefits for breast growth of which have already been mentioned. However, you need to eat it in moderation, since this product has the ability to increase the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and the number of body fat on the body and, without that, in problem areas.

Spices. There are only three plants that, when eaten, give an amazing effect in terms of increasing breast size. We are talking about fennel, fenugreek and hops. What they have in common is the content of phytoestrogens. In fennel, these organic substances are rich in leaves and stems, in hops - cones, and in fenugreek - young sprouts. You can combine dried hop cones and fennel herb, grind raw materials, select 1 tbsp. collection and brew 1.5 cups of boiling water. Infuse the drink for 20 minutes, then strain and drink warm twice a day. In some sources, you can find information that mint, oregano, ginger, thyme, clover, and cloves have a positive effect on breast size. This can only be verified experimentally.

Vegetables. Nature has supplied eggplant, pumpkin, red beet with a sufficient amount of phytoestrogens. The latter is also saturated with starch. This is a complex carbohydrate that, to one degree or another, also affects breast size. Eat these vegetables more often: stewed, baked, in salads and soups, stews and porridge (applies to pumpkin). It will be useful to drink every day vegetable juices prepared on the basis of these plant products.

You should not rely on cabbage - this vegetable can only take care of the health and elasticity of the chest, but will not give the bust the desired size. Don't skimp on confectionery and floury treats - stuffed with simple, fast-absorbing sugars, they will increase your weight, but not your breasts.