What is the belly of pregnant women at different periods. First month of pregnancy: symptoms

Usually, the first month of pregnancy is completely invisible for the expectant mother and is called the "month of not knowing" about her new position. Of course, internal changes are quite global, but there are no pronounced changes in the appearance and well-being of a woman. The fact is that the beginning of pregnancy occurs with the maturation and release of a mature egg and its fertilization in the genital tract of a woman. Fertilization takes place about two weeks after the beginning of the last menstruation, and starting its division and growth, the fertilized egg goes through a difficult path from the fallopian tube to the uterus, where implantation and reliable fixation of the embryo in the uterus takes place.

Symptoms and signs of pregnancy in the first month

The implantation process takes place approximately one to two weeks after fertilization, and the development of the baby begins, which will be born in less than 9 months. Now you are pregnant and a new life is developing inside you, every month you will feel more and more new changes in your body. Now in your body there is an embryo, which will soon become an embryo, and then a fetus, but so far it is just a group of cells.

How to identify the signs of pregnancy this month?

First of all, there is a delay in menstruation, as in the next eight months of pregnancy before the baby is born. Usually, it is the delay in menstruation in a woman of childbearing age who is actively sexually active that is one of the first signs of pregnancy. But the delay may have other reasons, therefore, this sign alone is not enough.

In the first month of pregnancy, the first manifestations of toxicosis may occur - nausea, less often with vomiting. The severity of these symptoms can vary, from almost imperceptible to severe. There may be slight nausea in the morning on an empty stomach, or there may be repeated vomiting of food or even water. Usually toxicosis begins a little later, but maybe in the first month. It will stop closer to the third month. Treatment will be needed only in case of its severe course, in other cases it is worth just going through it.

A sign of pregnancy can be breast enlargement and engorgement, in the first month it increases in size and becomes sensitive, painful, especially in the nipple area. At the same time, the breast can become dense, full with wreaths protruding under the skin. In the first month, there may be a feeling of bursting of the breast, its fullness, soreness, and unpleasant sensations when touching it. This is due to the action of pregnancy hormones and is quite normal.

There may be an increase in both basal and general body temperature above 37 degrees, but not more than 37.3 degrees without signs of a cold. During the first few weeks, body heat may be felt, and there are no manifestations of any colds or chronic diseases.

There may be an increase in vaginal discharge, clear and liquid, and there may be stretching and soreness in the abdomen. In this case, there should not be any bloody discharge or blood on the underwear, pulling back pain (during menstruation). You may also experience such sensations as loss of appetite or its increase, increased urination, severe drowsiness and fatigue, irritation and nausea from strong odors, motion sickness in transport. An accurate determination of pregnancy in the first month is possible according to the test and blood test for hCG, as well as an ultrasound scan with the identification of the ovum.
There may also be sudden mood swings and increased emotionality, a desire to cry, eat unusual foods and a constant desire to sleep.

What happens to the body in 1 month

The first month of pregnancy is the most crucial time - the moment of conception of a child, the process of fertilization and implantation of the formed embryo into the wall of the uterus. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, from the first day of menstruation, an egg matures in one of the ovaries, which by the time of ovulation (about 14-16 days) leaves the ovary and enters the cavity of the fallopian tube. It is in it that she meets with sperm, which move towards her from the uterine cavity. The ovum has a half set of chromosomes and the second half of them it receives when fused with a sperm, which also has a half set of chromosomes.

As a result, a full-fledged cell with a full set of chromosomes is formed, which begins to move towards the uterine cavity, simultaneously dividing into cells and growing. As the fertilized cell moves towards the uterus, the walls of the uterus prepare to meet it - the endometrium grows and forms a network of blood vessels to feed the embryo. Three days after conception, the embryo has 72 cells, and then gradually grows, reaching by the end of the first month the size of 0.1-0.2 mm, while the embryo looks like an empty ball inside.

By the third week of pregnancy, a fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus, while it must attach along the back wall as close to the bottom of the uterus as possible. With reliable fixation of the embryo, you can already speak with confidence about your pregnancy. The end of the first month marks the transformation of the ovum into a small embryo. Now it looks like a flat disc of three words of different cells, from which all internal organs and systems will gradually form. Now the embryo is still very small and sensitive to all negative influences.

Discharge in the first month

Normal discharge in the first month of pregnancy is considered to be an abundant transparent discharge that has practically no color and odor. If there is an unpleasant odor or the color of the discharge changes, this could indicate a sexually transmitted infection, thrush, or bacterial vaginosis. This must be quickly treated so that inflammation does not cause abortion and fetal development problems.

Bloody discharge is also considered abnormal, especially the discharge of dark or scarlet blood, this indicates an abortion. During the implantation period, the appearance of bloody smears in the third - fourth week of pregnancy is permissible, but they are very scarce and light. In case of abdominal pain or pulling sensations in the lower back, with an increase in temperature, an abortion may form - you should immediately consult a doctor.

What tests to take

In the first month of pregnancy, routine tests are not yet assigned, since many expectant mothers find out about their situation later than this period. But one of the tests that can be carried out in this period is a blood test for the level of chorionic gonadotropin hCG, the level of increase in which will reliably speak about the onset of pregnancy. This hormone begins to progressively increase from the second day of implantation of the egg into the wall of the uterus, and increases daily approximately twice.

By the end of the first month, the level of this hormone reaches such a value that can be determined by conducting a pregnancy test, which is also based on determining the level of hCG. If the data is uncertain, it is worth waiting a week or two and repeating the analysis.

Colds and fever

In the early stages of pregnancy, a cold is very undesirable, and it is absolutely impossible for the expectant mother to get sick. The presence of a viral or microbial infection in the first month of pregnancy really threatens the further development of pregnancy and can lead to the formation of miscarriages. Often, a cold can disrupt the process of implantation, formation or further development of the embryo. According to observational data, the development of ARVI in the first month of pregnancy can most likely result in abortion and miscarriage. Even before the onset of a delay in menstruation, without thinking about the possible onset of pregnancy, a woman treats a cold, resorting to traditional medications. These drugs can have an extremely negative effect on the development of the fetus and on its further existence as a whole.

At the same time, a woman may well mistake an upcoming miscarriage for the next menstruation that has come with some delay. The condition will be no less dangerous if a woman knows about pregnancy, with a delay in menstruation and a positive pregnancy test. The fears are fully justified - the whole point is that there is an active division of the cells of the embryo and its formation from the very first weeks of pregnancy, when viruses enter the body, they can significantly disrupt the process of forming a future fetus, giving vices and deformities that are incompatible with life. Many of the drugs that can be used in the treatment of colds and acute respiratory viral infections can affect the development of the embryo no less actively, and without treatment, complications during pregnancy and fetal development are also likely.

Usually in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and colds in the first month of pregnancy, herbal preparations are usually used, which are prescribed in consultation with the doctor. Some of the herbal medicines can also be dangerous for pregnant women. Naturally, you need to try to avoid colds in the first month of pregnancy, since the immunity of expectant mothers is physiologically reduced. To prevent colds, you should avoid crowded places, engage in hardening, strictly observe the regime of the day and rest, eat and consume fluids fully, avoid communicating with people who have symptoms of a cold.

High fever will be no less dangerous in the first month of pregnancy. Such a property of high temperature during pregnancy is known - to lead to a stop in the development of the fetus and the fading of pregnancy with miscarriage. Also, fever provokes miscarriages by itself and can lead to abnormalities in the laying of organs and the birth of a child with developmental defects.

The difficulty will be that most of the antipyretic drugs will be prohibited during this period of pregnancy, they also negatively affect the fetus. When the temperature rises, it is important to consult a doctor for help, and usually the temperature during pregnancy is brought down with the help of non-drug drugs - bed rest with abundant drinking of herbal teas and decoctions, raspberries, linden blossom, weak tea with lemon and honey. But with herbs, as well as with medicines, you need to be very careful - they should not be used without the permission of a doctor. It is important to remember that fever is accompanied not only by colds, but also by many other diseases - these can be exacerbations of somatic diseases that require a decision on the fate of pregnancy.

Stomach ache

The most dangerous are the first months of pregnancy by the development of spontaneous miscarriages, and sometimes it is impossible to prevent them due to the fact that the embryo has severe chromosomal or gene mutations, pathologies that are incompatible with life, and then it is simply "rejected". This usually happens in the early stages, when the mother may not yet know about pregnancy, and then it is perceived as another menstruation. But often at the end of the first month, signs of miscarriage can already be noticed, having positive results of a pregnancy test.

Usually, there is no abdominal pain in the first month, since pregnancy develops quite normally. With the threat of interruption or miscarriage that has begun, pains occur in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, similar to pain during menstruation. This is especially alarming in the presence of smearing or bloody discharge, spasmodic pains or constant pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

There may also be severe abdominal pain arising as a result of an ectopic pregnancy, they are localized in the lower abdomen, closer to one side of the abdomen, increasing in intensity. With such pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diet and vitamins

In the first month of pregnancy, it is very important to eat right, since a lot can depend on the supply of nutrients in the conception and development of the baby. When certain nutrients are lacking, pregnancy may simply not develop. On average, an expectant mother in the first month of pregnancy needs 200-300 kcal more than before, while calories should be from protein and plant foods, vegetables and fruits, so that there is no weight gain. Pregnant women need about 2500 kcal per day.

The intake of folic acid is especially important in the first month, it is needed for the correct formation of nervous tissue, it is usually given to pregnant women additionally, since it may not be enough in the usual food. Also, green vegetables and fruits should also be a source of it. Also, in the first month of pregnancy, additional intake of vitamin E is necessary. It is worth giving up alcohol, semi-finished and fast foods, foods with an abundance of food chemistry at this stage of pregnancy, in a word - to switch to proper nutrition. It is worth drastically reducing strong tea and coffee, sweets and fatty foods, salt and sugar in the diet. It is important to eat in small portions and often, avoiding hunger pauses, which will help in the fight against toxicosis. It is also worth increasing the amount of calcium-rich foods - milk and dairy products.


In the first month of pregnancy, sex is quite acceptable, since it is due to intimacy that conception occurs. In addition, for a fairly long time, the egg is even outside the uterine cavity, and in no way intimacy, whatever it may be, will not affect pregnancy. In addition, an orgasm will help improve blood circulation in the pelvic region and help create full-fledged conditions for implantation and further development of the embryo.

The opinions of experts regarding sex in the first month of pregnancy differ - from categorical no to unconditional yes, and each of the parties will have its own motivation. It is possible to fully practice intimacy, if there are no problems in the conception of threats to pregnancy. If this pregnancy is initially problematic, previously there were infertility or miscarriages, it is worth giving up for a while from intimate life.

The first month of pregnancy for most women passes almost imperceptibly, because they will know about their position by the end of this or even the beginning of the next. But it is during the first month that the most global events take place in the development of the embryo. Although you do not even realize that a new life is being born within you. In obstetrics, the gestation period is considered to be from the day of the last menstruation, although ovulation and conception occurs about 2 weeks later than menstruation. Therefore, pregnancy is considered an average of 40 weeks (280 days) or, as we are more accustomed to, 9 months.

Changes in the mother's body in the first month of pregnancy

In the first week of the month, a woman is menstruating, and the brain is already actively rebuilding the woman's body to meet with the baby. One of a thousand oocytes begins to ripen, and the mucous membrane of the uterus rejects its already obsolete mucous layer and begins to form a new one.

In the second week, the leading egg cell is outlined, located in a special bubble, on the surface of the ovary. By the end of the second week of pregnancy, ovulation occurs, the bubble ruptures and the egg is released into the abdominal cavity. It is immediately caught by the "paws" of the fallopian tube and gets inside it, remaining there intact for about 1-2 days.

That's it, the moment has come - it's time for my father's sperm to set off on a long journey, the result of which will be the birth of a new life. On the day of ovulation, some women may notice stretching in the lower abdomen, and an increase in basal temperature (in the rectum) occurs.

If a meeting of sperm with an egg has occurred, the corpus luteum of pregnancy begins to form at the site of the egg that leaves the follicle. It is very important in the process of maintaining pregnancy at first - it releases progesterone and estrogens necessary to maintain pregnancy. In addition, the appearance of toxicosis is also associated with the work of the corpus luteum; from the moment the powers of the corpus luteum are transferred to the placenta (by 14-16 weeks), toxicosis usually passes.

At 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo is introduced into the thickness of the uterine mucosa. Then the cervix changes, it becomes softer and thicker, the lumen of the cervix is ​​closed with a thick plug of mucus, reliably keeping the baby from infection. In addition, your entire body begins to actively rebuild itself to the miracle that happened in your body - life has arisen, now you need to give it the opportunity to grow and develop!

Feelings of the expectant mother in the first month of pregnancy

Many women in the first month do not even know about their position, although with careful attention, an increase in sensitivity and a slight swelling of the breast can be noted, sometimes there are slight stretching in the lower abdomen, and at the time of implantation, a slight smearing discharge may appear.

However, the body is already rebuilding its work with might and main - it increases the volume and fluidity of blood, the kidneys work more actively. And progesterone makes a woman go to the toilet more often in a small way. There may be a metallic taste in the mouth or a desire to eat new foods - salty, spicy, sensitivity to smell may change. Fatigue and drowsiness often appear, especially in the transitional seasons of the year, nature gives a signal to reduce the frantic rhythm of life and allow the barely born life to take root in the mother's body. sometimes in some women, the onset of pregnancy is manifested by an increase in body temperature to 37-37.5 degrees (however, there should be no signs of a cold).

For women who have not planned a pregnancy, psychologically, the first month passes calmly, they simply do not even suspect about their situation. But the moment the second line appears on the test with a delay can become real stress - joyful or not.

For a woman who has carefully planned conception, waiting for the result at the end of the month can become difficult - nervous about the result. A woman increases the level of adrenaline and stress hormones in the body, which can place normal implantation and the formation of a corpus luteum - therefore, doctors often advise a couple to take a "day off" during the planning period and go to a resort. But don't protect yourself. Often the three of them come back from there!

Your baby (fetal development in the first month of pregnancy)

At the moment of conception, the egg and sperm, each containing half of the genetic information, merge and give rise to a new organism, where 50% of the signs are received from the father, and the same amount from the mother. But in what combination they were mixed is a matter of chance - therefore, the eyes may turn out to be mother's, and the hair and nose of the father's. Both external features and character, developmental features and even a tendency to certain diseases or disorders are inherited.

In addition, only the dad determines who will be born to you - a boy or a girl, since the sperm carries information about the baby's gender. If it will Y-sperm- a boy will be born if X-spermthere will be a girl.

From this moment on, your baby, still unicellular, will make a grandiose journey - in a day there will be two. Then 4, 8 and 64 cells, they will quickly begin to divide exponentially. By the end of the week, the embryo resembles a ball with a liquid inside; it moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus and penetrates into its wall. It protrudes special villi, penetrating into the lining of the uterus, giving rise to the germ of the placenta. Now he will feed on the supply of nutrients to the uterus, and when the placenta is formed, it will deliver food to the baby.

If everything went well, the baby will begin to grow and develop. If a woman is sick, the embryo was affected by harmful substances or something is wrong in its structure, nature triggers the rejection mechanism - menstruation begins and an unviable embryo emerges.

From the third week, when the embryo has settled in the uterus, the mother's body begins to intensively produce a special hormone - hCG, which progressively grows according to the gestational age until about the second trimester. By its level in the blood, you can determine the duration of pregnancy, and by its appearance in the urine, the presence of pregnancy is determined using a test strip.

By the end of the first month of life, the embryo becomes an embryo. In it, three special "leaves" are already distinguished, the rudiment of tissues, from which organs and systems will then be formed. The ectoderm or outer part gives rise to the skeleton, muscles and skin, the mesoderm or the middle part is transformed into a circulatory system with the heart, kidneys and genital area, endoderm or internal part gives rise to digestion and respiration.

In addition, at this time, two more important organs are formed - the chorion - from which the placenta grows, and the amnion - from which the membranes are formed, without them the development of the embryo is impossible. Your baby is still very tiny, and does not yet look like a person - more like a worm 0.5-1 mm in size.

Dangers of the first month of pregnancy

The first month is one of the critical periods in pregnancy, therefore, you need to be aware of the possible difficulties. The most dangerous of them is an ectopic pregnancy, which occurs if the implantation occurred earlier than the term, and the embryo did not have time to reach the uterus. the conditions for the development of the ovum outside the uterus are unfavorable and such pregnancies are interrupted, sometimes with a threat to life. Therefore, if you suspect the development of pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor and conduct an ultrasound scan to clarify the position of the ovum and the timing.

Medical supervision of the first month of pregnancy

In a normal pregnancy, no medical manipulations are required during the first month; the fact of pregnancy is established by a pregnancy test carried out at home. In them, the main principle is the determination of hCG in a woman's urine, and it is possible to accurately confirm pregnancy at an early stage only by ultrasound. The main thing that the doctor will recommend is to take care of yourself, start taking multivitamins - vitamins A and E, and folic acid are especially important. Walk a lot, eat well, give up bad habits and get positive emotions - you still have a whole 8 months ahead of you before the meeting!

Wow! I am pregnant!

So this important event has come. Maybe this is a surprise, or maybe the result of long-standing expectations and efforts. The woman still leads the same usual way of life, works and rests, but in reality everything is completely different ...

Changes in the body in the first month of pregnancy

The baby is still so small that it is not yet possible to notice the pregnancy outwardly. The figure does not undergo any changes, the tummy is not rounded, the weight remains the same. But internal changes have already been launched and are working at full capacity.

Perhaps the woman noticed a slight increase in heart rate and respiration, which indicates an acceleration of blood flow and metabolic processes of the whole body - high alert mode. Many mothers say that they felt some changes in the body even before the delay in menstruation.

The third part of pregnant women talks about unpleasant, slightly painful sensations in the breast, an increase in its sensitivity, an increase in size due to swelling. Some mothers describe atypical sensations in the lower abdomen.

In the weeks of pregnancy, minor, spotting spotting may appear, which should not cause concern, since it indicates the transplantation of the baby into the uterine wall.

Habitual tastes and habits can also change. For example, your favorite dishes are disgusting, you want to close your nose from the smell of coffee, and the perfume has become so disgusting that the expectant mother is surprised how she put up with all this before. There may be a constant feeling of hunger, a desire to eat something inedible, a metallic taste in the mouth.

The nausea and vomiting with which most mothers associate early pregnancy is not yet available.

A large percentage of expectant mothers complain of very rapid fatigability and decreased performance, as well as constant sleepiness and fatigue.

If a woman wants to have a baby for a very long time, then it is at this time that she experiences the greatest psychological stress. Constantly wonders if it worked out this time or not? These shocks are not only harmful to the baby, but can also destroy him.

Baby's body at 1 month old

The embryo resembles a tadpole rather than a human in the first month. Its size is very small, a grain of rice is even larger. Over the next two weeks, the spinal cord, spine, heart and esophagus, some large vessels, and the rudiments of future limbs will begin to form.

The baby received all its genes from the parents through the DNA of the egg and sperm. Each of the 23 chromosomes of these germ cells brought the baby more than 2000 different genes, which will determine in the future the color of the eyes and hair, height and blood type, musical abilities, habits and character.

The sex of the unborn baby depends on the "main" daddy sperm chromosome - the Y-chromosome. If there is one, then a boy will be born, if instead of her there is an X chromosome in the sperm set, then the birth of a daughter should be expected.

- a responsible process, as a result of which a fertilized egg moves along the fallopian tube towards the uterus, while continuing to divide and grow very actively. At the beginning, it reaches the inner wall of the uterus and is tightly attached to it (this process is called implantation). A very close connection is established with the mother and her body.

- the time of laying the foundations of all future organs and systems, differentiation of cells and tissues occurs. The process of formation of the child's cardiovascular system has already begun. At first, the heart is single-chambered, it will acquire the main features of the heart of an adult only after 5 weeks. The bookmark of the nervous system, formed in the second week, is transformed into the dorsal and head regions, which in the future will form the baby's central nervous system.

The fourth week is the time of the appearance of the eye sockets, i.e. places of formation of organs of vision. The development of arms and legs also becomes very active, the formation of the child's internal organs is accelerated.

By the end of the first month, the embryo has a "growth" of 4 mm.

Registration: first conversation with a gynecologist

Usually, the initial appointment lasts three times longer than the usual visit to the antenatal clinic, because there is so much to tell, to ask so much, to make many appointments and measurements. The doctor will collect an anamnesis of life and illness from a newly-made expectant mother in order to correctly and timely assess the risk of complications, to do everything possible for the successful course of pregnancy and the health of the baby.

The scheme for examining a woman during pregnancy is usually standard, it changes only in special cases. The main purpose of the first visit to the doctor is to make an accurate diagnosis, that is, to confirm the pregnancy, if any.

To do this, he must find out the date of the last menstruation, ask about the possible symptoms and sensations of a woman, the result of a pregnancy test, if one was carried out at home. Having found out the date of the last menstruation, the gynecologist will determine the approximate date of birth using a special technique.

The next stage of the examination is a gynecological examination in a chair, during which the condition of the cervix, the size of the uterus and its consistency are assessed. By the degree of enlargement of the uterus, you can also judge the approximate duration of pregnancy. The doctor can also diagnose complications.

The first month is the richest in all kinds of violations and failures. Thus, our body will only maintain a healthy and viable pregnancy. Often, improper development is detrimental to the embryo, and, unfortunately, it is forced to die, because "mistakes" at such an early stage, as a rule, are incompatible with life. In the worst case, the pregnancy will end without the woman even knowing about it. Symptoms may include a bizarre period with a couple of days' deviation.

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on other, very serious complications:

  • Ectopic pregnancy... It occurs when the embryo is implanted not into the wall of the uterus, but into the mucous membrane of the tubes, abdominal cavity, ovary, etc. shock). I need an emergency operation.
  • Corpus luteum cyst... At the site of the formation of the corpus luteum of the ovary, a pathological formation occurs - a cyst. The danger lies in the possibility of rupture and severe bleeding. As a rule, it goes away on its own by mid-pregnancy. Treatment, if necessary, is also prompt, but the pregnancy can be saved.

Analyzes: General and biochemical blood tests, urinalysis, for HIV, syphilis, herpes, rubella, toxocariasis. Consultations of an ophthalmologist, surgeon and therapist, neurologist and ENT doctor are also required. The rest of the appointments are made by the doctor individually.

Specialist appointments

Vitamins are the companion of any pregnant woman throughout her long and difficult journey. The main one is. Deficiency in the early stages is very dangerous, the likelihood of developing serious complications is high. Vitamin E is also needed, which is important for the baby.

Iodine is also required. But you cannot take any drugs on your own, only a doctor makes appointments!

Usually, the first month without pathology does not require medical supervision.

After conception, a woman's body undergoes rapid hormonal changes. The results of this process often affect the well-being of the expectant mother, as well as changes in her menstrual cycle. By the end of the first month of pregnancy, the changes that have taken place in the body rarely go unnoticed, and having backed up her guesses with tests and analyzes, a woman will find out that she is expecting a baby.

Hormonal changes

In order for the ovum to successfully develop in the uterine cavity, the woman's endocrine system begins to produce certain concentrations of hormones, on which the preservation of pregnancy depends. If they are not enough, then the gynecologist prescribes an additional correction of hormones with synthetic analogues.

Progesterone- the level of this hormone increases by the end of the first 4 weeks and is 10-30 ng / ml. It is necessary to maintain pregnancy, causes an increase in basal temperature, the absence of menstruation and general malaise in the form of weakness and drowsiness.

Testosterone- during the carrying of a child, the concentration of the hormone in the blood gradually increases. After the first 4 weeks, it increases by about one and a half times compared to the norms for a non-pregnant woman.

Estradiol- with the onset of conception, there is a sharp increase in the amount of the hormone. So, before pregnancy, the rate of estradiol in the follicular phase is 57-227 pg / ml, and at the end of 4 weeks of gestation, these indicators rise to 380-680 pg / ml.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)- this hormone begins to be intensively produced after implantation of the ovum into the uterine cavity. Every two days, its concentration in the blood doubles and by the end of the first month reaches 1500-5000 mIU / ml.

An imbalance in hormonal levels while carrying a child can provoke a miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy. Therefore, in the first weeks, it is better to monitor the concentration of hormones using tests.

Changes in symptoms

Some women by the end of 4 weeks of pregnancy still do not feel the signs of their position, but some expectant mothers already have the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of nausea, vomiting
  • Increased fatigue
  • Increased sleepiness
  • Irritability or vice versa - excessive calmness
  • Unstable psycho-emotional state
  • Addiction to a certain type of food
  • Disgust for certain scents
  • Breast tenderness (mainly on the sides)
  • Darkening of the nipple areola
  • Tingling sensation from one side of the lower abdomen
  • Cessation of menstruation

A pregnant woman may experience all of these symptoms or only a small part of them.

Required examinations

The first month is not yet burdened with a large number of tests and examinations. Many gynecologists are in no hurry to register for such a period (as a rule, they try to wait 6-8 weeks). But there are procedures that must be completed already at this stage.

Monitoring hCG over time - involves the periodic collection of a blood test to determine the concentration of the hormone in the blood. Such manipulations will allow you to track a frozen pregnancy in time, find out about the presence of twins or triplets, determine that the ovum is attached not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube.

Ultrasonography - is carried out no earlier than 21 days after ovulation. In a shorter time frame, the device will most likely not see anything yet. Ultrasound will determine the presence of pregnancy in the uterus, the number of babies, the size and shape of the ovum, the place of its attachment, as well as the presence of tone in the uterus or detachment.

Changes in the development of the embryo

Throughout the first month of pregnancy, the embryo will develop continuously. Immediately after conception, it is just a few cells that will constantly divide. The implantation of the ovum occurs 3 to 12 days after fertilization, and by this the number of embryonic cells reaches 100-120. If we count the time in obstetric weeks, then implantation will take place only at 3 weeks.

At this stage, the future placenta is formed - the chorion. This organ begins to be responsible for the nutrition of the embryo, for the formation of a network of blood vessels connecting the ovum with the mother's body. Of the three germ layers, visible only under a microscope, within a month the embryo rapidly increases in length and becomes visually distinguishable, the size of a poppy seed. There is no division into the main parts of the body yet, but during the first four weeks of pregnancy, the laying of the heart, spine and central nervous system occurs.

What should i avoid?

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the life and health of the embryo are very vulnerable, mainly due to the fact that most expectant mothers still do not know about their situation and continue to lead their usual lifestyle, which involves the influence of factors that are unfavorable for the development of the child. Among them are the following:

  • X-ray examination.
  • Bad habits: alcohol, smoking.
  • Taking medications prohibited during pregnancy.
  • Increased physical activity, which can tone the uterus.
  • Eating unhealthy foods that are high in nitrates and other harmful chemicals.
  • Contact with people or animals with severe acute infectious diseases.
  • Being in places with high levels of radiation and other atmospheric pollution.

When planning pregnancy, most of these factors can be avoided, however, if conception occurs unexpectedly, then the embryo is at risk at first.

  • The first weeks are the period when you need to intensively enrich the body with vitamins, especially folic acid. Then toxicosis may begin (in some cases, severe), as a result of which the concentration of nutrients will rapidly decrease.
  • If you know in advance about the insufficient production of progesterone, then you need to find out about conception as early as possible (analysis of hCG, starting from the 7th day after ovulation) and start taking a synthetic analogue of this hormone - Duphaston or Utrozhestan. Lack of progesterone can provoke detachment of the ovum in the first four weeks of its development.
  • Do not postpone your visit to the ultrasound office until a later date. The examination does not pose any danger to the baby, therefore the first visit to a specialist should take place even before the onset of the second month of pregnancy, in order to exclude the possibility of implantation of the ovum outside the body of the uterus.

The first 4 weeks of pregnancy is the most important stage in the development of the embryo. The less negative factors will affect a pregnant woman at this moment, the more chances she has to bear a healthy baby.

Video 1 month of pregnancy

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