Beautiful haircuts for wavy hair. Haircuts for long curls. Extreme versions for short hair

Curly hair has an unusual look. They are distinguished by obstinacy, eccentricity, emotionality. Such curls look bewitching, but it’s not easy to take care of them and do the styling. There are many beautiful hairstyles for curly hair.

Cleopatra hairstyle for curly hair

Suitable for lush curly curls:

If done right, the curls should neatly frame the head. Hairstyle "Cleopatra" will look good with evening dresses, suitable for romantic meetings.

Scythe crown

Beautiful hairstyles for curly hair are mostly easy to create. A wreath of pigtails will serve as confirmation of this.

With it, a girl can emphasize a modest image:

It will not take much time to create a hairstyle. It is a good option if you need to get somewhere quickly.

"Cinnamon ring" from a pigtail for curly hair

This hairstyle is suitable for owners of long and strongly curly curls.

"Cinnamon ring" emphasizes the oval shape of the face.

It helps to remove hair so that it does not interfere and does not create discomfort in bad weather:

  1. weave a French braid from the ear, picking up strands in a circle of motion;
  2. braid hair to the ear opposite from the beginning of weaving;
  3. when weaving, move along the entire length of the hair and around the back of the head;
  4. braid the rest of the hair like a regular braid and fluff it with your fingers so that when creating a wreath on your head from it, cover a large area;
  5. fix the resulting ring with 2-3 hairpins;
  6. to keep the hairstyle better, spray it lightly with varnish.

Unfinished braids for wavy hair

Beautiful hairstyles for curly hair include pigtails that are not completely braided. They are suitable for girls with very curly curls.

With them, you can prevent the constant ingress of hair on the face:

  1. starting from an area slightly above the temple, weave a French braid in a descending line, along the way taking curls in the direction of their growth;
  2. when reaching the opposite side of the head, use the resulting French braid as the basis for a new weave, taking a few strands of hair from the other side of the head.
  3. after weaving half of the braid, interrupt the process, and so that the unwoven braid looks good with the remaining strands;
  4. use foam or gel to smooth wavy hair.

Twisted knot for every day

To create this hairstyle, you first need to make several loops, knots and braids from curls, after which:

Knots make the hairstyle voluminous without the use of hairpieces. Laying looks good on a girl going to a business meeting.

Bundles for curly hair

The bun hairstyle is becoming more and more popular due to its ease of creation, conciseness.

Suitable for:

  • strict working environment in the office;
  • any party;
  • for an evening or afternoon date with a guy;
  • for a relaxing holiday in nature.

To create such a styling, you do not need to have special skills.

You can make a bundle not only at home, but also in the car, at work and even on the go. A high bun looks better on girls with a swan neck and regular features. For others, it is better to make the beam a little lower so as not to focus on possible shortcomings.

You can make a bundle with a base of two bundles:

If a girl has long hair and no bangs, she can make a high bun:

  1. make a high ponytail;
  2. smooth the hair below the elastic band without separating the ends with a comb (2 hairpins can be tied to the ends of the elastic band used, which will weaken the grip, without the possible collapse of the tail);
  3. put a bagel over the gum;
  4. bring the ends of the hair under the donut, distributing them over its entire surface;
  5. fix the resulting circle with the help of invisibility.

You can resort to a low beam if you want to hide the bangs without doing the styling:

  1. separate the bangs and a small amount of front hair from the rest;
  2. collect the entire back of the hair in a ponytail using an elastic band;
  3. braid the hair from the forehead to the ear into a spikelet along its entire length;
  4. make a pigtail from the created bundle;
  5. Hide the unused ends of the hair using invisibility.

A low bun can also be arranged in a different way, forming not a spikelet, but a tourniquet from the front hair.

You can make a bundle of hair bundles:

  1. twist the side strand of hair into a tourniquet;
  2. form a ring from the ends of the tourniquet and secure it with invisibility;
  3. just below the ring, make another curl;
  4. repeat steps 1-3 on the opposite side;
  5. also make rings from unused hair.


Many beautiful hairstyles for long curly hair are created using beautiful weaves. They are suitable for girls of any age.

Weaving into various braids looks most harmonious just on curly curls, since with them a slight effect of negligence is obtained, which has gained great popularity recently. In addition, on curly hair, braids last much longer.

For long curls, a weave called a fishtail is suitable:

  1. if the hair is wet, dry;
  2. spray the curls with a small amount of spray or modeling wax;
  3. carefully comb your hair and move all the strands back;
  4. divide the curls into 2 identical parts, while taking one of the parts from the outside - in the temple area and throw it to the middle of the back of the head, as a result of which one part of the curl should close the other;
  5. all the above points should be repeated on the other side;
  6. the thickness of the strands for weaving should turn out to be approximately the same, otherwise the hairstyle will ultimately look careless;
  7. spray varnish over the braid to achieve a better fixation of the hairstyle.

This weaving will look brighter if you use a thread or ribbon of any color when forming it.

Ponytails for medium length curly hair

The simplest and most versatile hairstyle. You can make a ponytail in a few minutes, placing it on the side, on the top or back of the head. The ponytails are fixed both with their own curls, and with various devices such as hairpins, hairpins or crab.

They can be formed both at once from the entire head of hair, and from several strands:

  1. divide the hair into three groups;
  2. put those on the sides loose, and make a ponytail from the strands in the middle;
  3. twist strands of hair from the left side and wrap it in a ponytail, after which use invisibility to secure;
  4. repeat the previous paragraph with strands of hair located on the right side, only at the same time they should be wrapped up and into a ponytail, while securing with invisibility from below;
  5. the ends of the strands can be left in a loose state - they will mix with the middle strands;
  6. to highlight twisted strands, you can fix them with hairpins.

elegant hairstyles

The collected curly hair of medium length makes the image of the girl more sophisticated. They look harmonious with a dress that has a deep neckline. For greater beauty, voluminous tapes can be fixed under the collected curls.

This beautiful hairstyle for medium curly hair is created like this:

If the girl has short curly hair, then it will be somewhat more difficult to form a hairstyle that emphasizes their original shape. To make the structure of the hair smoother during styling, you should resort to using a hairdryer with a diffuser. Curls of curly curls will be more elastic and resistant if you use a special mousse or varnish.

For the celebration, a hairstyle made in the usual Hollywood style is suitable:

  1. Wash your hair, dry your hair with a towel, leaving the curls a little damp.
  2. Apply mousse to all curls (only a product with an average degree of fixation is suitable).
  3. Roll your hair in curlers with a large diameter from the ends to the roots.
  4. Wait for the hair to dry without using a hair dryer
  5. Divide the dried strands of hair into small groups and sprinkle each with fixation varnish.

If a woman has long wavy hair, then it can be neatly spread out.

You can make a hairstyle that will give the girl a romantic look:

  1. wash your hair;
  2. apply foam or mousse to all curls;
  3. twist hair on a curling iron;
  4. fix the curls located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples on the back of the head;
  5. decorate the hair with a hoop with bright stones or a diadem.

Hairstyles with decorative elements for graduation

Decorative elements can be used for many hairstyles, which will give the final image originality, femininity and sophistication. Hair decor elements can be small bright hairpins, floral applications, scarves, tiaras, special decorative hairpins, elastic bands and even real flowers.

If a girl has long hair, she can create for herself the image of a Greek goddess:

  1. take a wide strand of hair at the crown, comb it well and fix it with varnish, lift it up and fix it with 2-3 invisible ones;
  2. remove all hair on its side and fix with varnish.

As a decorative element, you can use a beautiful hair band.

It will not only decorate the hairstyle, but also provide it with additional fixation:

  1. on both sides, separate thin strands of curls;
  2. bring them to the back of the head, forming a tail, pulling it with an elastic band;
  3. wrap the tail inward;
  4. release the strands so that the hairstyle looks more magnificent;
  5. to fix the following strands, repeat the steps described above;
  6. curls that remain, turn to one side and make a ponytail corresponding to the entire length of the hair;
  7. at the end, everything must be treated with strong fixation varnish, spraying at a distance of 100-150 cm from the head.

If a girl has medium-length curls, her hairstyle will suit her according to the following scheme:

A short-haired girl can create a hairstyle with a ribbon or rim:

  1. throw wavy short curls back;
  2. fasten them all on the back of the head using hairpins or stealth;
  3. put on a bezel or tape (to keep it better, fix it with invisibility in 3-5 places);
  4. if desired, and use flower applications.

Hairstyle "Malvina" for girls

This hairstyle is well suited for curly long hair.

To create it, you need to follow these steps:

Tips for styling curls and curly hair

Here are some helpful tips to help you style and care for your curls:

  1. Do not use brushes. It is better to choose an accessory with rare teeth. She carefully combs each curl.
  2. Immediately after washing the head, do not dry it. It's best to wait a bit before blow-drying, or press a dry towel against your hair to absorb some of the moisture.
  3. When using a hair dryer, special attention should be paid to the hot air emitted by it. It should blow weakly. Direct air from the roots of the strands to the tips.
  4. In wet weather, it is better to braid braids.
  5. Curly curls split more than straight ones. They need increased care with the help of special conditioners and balms.
  6. When choosing a haircut, the best solution would be a multi-level option. With it, styling is easier, and the head will get rid of excess weight.

Based on the foregoing, in vain many people think that curly hair is bad. They are more difficult to care for, but at the same time they look very unusual and bewitching. In addition, there are many beautiful hairstyles for curly hair of different lengths, as we have seen.

Video: beautiful hairstyles for curly hair

Simple hairstyles for every day for curly hair, see the video clip:

Fashionable and beautiful hairstyles for curly hair in the video:

In this article you will find a lot of trendy haircuts, as well as professional tips for caring for curly hair of any length. Detailed instructions, recommendations, photos and videos will help you achieve the perfect result, even if your hair is very naughty.

Owners of straight hair with constant envy look at girls with curly hair. They believe that curly hair does not require styling, special care and other procedures that have to be resorted to in order to give a beautiful appearance to straight hair. In fact, curly hair sometimes requires much more serious care and attention. They need special tools, special haircuts. Performing a beautiful styling on such hair can be extremely difficult.

In order to choose the optimal shape of the hairstyle, it is necessary to take into account various parameters. For example, the type of curls. They are different: just curls, curls, springs, waves. The tighter and smaller the curl, the longer you need to choose a haircut. So, shoulder-length haircuts are suitable for owners of springs. Anything shorter than this length will fluff up too much, turning the head into an air cloud. Longer options will create a luxurious effect, but only with serious professional care. Curls of medium hardness are best grown to medium length. The result is a gentle romantic hairstyle, which is quite easy to care for. Wavy hair can be cut under the page, caret or bob. In each of these cases, a professional, experienced hairdresser should work on the haircut for curly hair, who can not only correctly choose the type of haircut depending on the type of hair and facial contours, but also be able to implement it on curly hair that is rather difficult to work with.

Before deciding on a haircut, try experimenting with your hair at home, pinning it up in different ways, lifting it up, changing the parting, etc. Such changes will give you a rough idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow you will look with this or that haircut.

Ease, lightness, simplicity are the hallmarks of short haircuts. Some time ago, the owners of curly hair could not even dream of cutting their hair short. Hairdressers persistently discouraged parting with curls. But today, such haircuts are considered fashionable, perky, stylish. They reflect the light disposition of those girls who wear them. Of course, in order for the head to look decent with such a haircut, daily care and proper styling is necessary. Best of all, such haircuts look on thin girls with delicate features. For styling, it is easy enough to fluff the hair with your fingers with a special tool applied to them. If you then pull out the strands one at a time, you will get well-shaped curls.

Many modern women have appreciated the bob haircut. It is quite easy to care for, looks appropriate in any situation, elegant and leaves room for festive styling. This haircut looks especially advantageous on triangular and oval faces. I must say that such haircuts for curly hair are also performed. Moreover, with curls or waves, the bob looks original, very feminine and sexy.

Fans of non-standard solutions will love the asymmetrical bob or bob. Owners of expressive facial features with the help of such a haircut will be able to favorably place accents and make the face more tender.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for curly hair, so today every girl has the opportunity to choose a haircut according to her own preferences, tastes, features and style. But do not forget that curls require special care. Keeping your hair in perfect condition is much more difficult than on straight hair. Your hairdresser should recommend the best care option for you, as well as special styling products. It is also worth regularly updating the haircut, keeping the lines and shapes in perfect condition.

Short haircuts for curly hair allow you to create a youthful look, but the average length is well suited for ladies of all ages. With the help of such a haircut, you can make a favorable emphasis on the merits of the face, as well as divert attention from its shortcomings.

Curly hair differs from straight hair in that it has a special shape of the hair follicle. Curly hair on the head is usually less than straight, and they are drier. Due to the peculiarities of the structure, such hair needs special care. They need to be regularly moisturized, provided and, of course, choose the best haircuts.

Medium bob with bangs is a great option for curly hair. This haircut is feminine and perfectly hides facial imperfections. It looks especially advantageous if the face is slightly elongated. In combination with a straight bang, the square takes on an original and playful look. Owners of medium-length curls can be recommended an elongated square or an elongated bean. The extension is created on one side. This hairstyle is good and comfortable in the everyday version, and also leaves room for creating solemn styling.

On medium length, haircuts in several layers look great. On curls, they fit perfectly, do not require additional effort to create volume, and also favorably focus on the beautiful shape of the curls.

So, bob or bob with or without bangs and layered models are the best haircuts for curly hair of medium length. An experienced hairdresser will help you choose the right shape depending on the type of face oval. Do not forget to visit the master in a timely manner to keep your hair in perfect condition and get rid of split ends, which can make your hair look unkempt.

Long curly hair is a real treasure. They look like a lion's mane and are a natural adornment of a woman. But with insufficient care, beautiful waves can turn into an untidy mop. Such hair requires regular hydration, since subcutaneous fat on such hair accumulates only at its very base, and the tips suffer from dryness. As a result, split ends, dryness, brittleness become frequent phenomena. In this case, home care products are not always enough. For the perfect appearance of hair, it is best to visit a professional regularly so that he selects the optimal effective care products.

On long hair, cascading haircuts look flawless. As a result of proper work with scissors, the hair falls in beautiful natural waves. The basis of such a haircut is an elongated multi-layer square. If you add multicolor coloring to such a haircut, the effect will be simply amazing! You can perform such a haircut on curls of any type.

Graduated haircut. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that layering is created only on the front strands. Thanks to this, additional volume appears in the front, and the back of the hair looks longer. But only a patient and experienced master can do such work competently. It is necessary that each curl looks natural and lies in its place without additional effort. You can style your hair with a gel that is applied to the entire length. After that, the hair is combed and whipped with hands. And you can also create volume at the roots with a hair dryer or fleece. As a result, the hairstyle will become more magnificent, solemn. Such hair gives the hairdresser full scope for the manifestation of imagination and skill. They allow you to create a unique style for their owner.

Femininity and style are the main points that need to be emphasized when performing women's haircuts for curly hair in the 2017 season. Among the models presented by recognized masters of hairdressing, there were many those in which the main emphasis was placed on curls. Another popular and stylish type of haircut is the cascade. It allows you to successfully correct the shape of the face: it will visually stretch the round face due to the fleece on the top of the head and the strands on the cheeks and cheekbones. Different types of bangs are suitable for this hairstyle: straight, oblique, long stepped, etc. At the same time, the cascade is quite easy to care for. It is enough to apply a care product to clean hair, comb and shape with your hands. It is ideal for both everyday use and special occasions.

It is easiest to leave curly hair loose. They keep their shape well, and when used with the right products, they do not fluff.

Another practical option is the classic square, which does not look boring on curls. It can be performed on both thick and thin hair. Variations of the caret are left simply for choosing one form or another. The length of the haircut is better to choose based on the growth of the owner of the hair. It is better for small girls to stay on a short version, and for tall girls it is recommended to leave their hair long. The final spectacular touch can be a bang. The basis for choosing one or another of its forms is the shape of the face, height and figure of the girl. Bangs can be milled, graduated.

Bob haircut has been a favorite among women for a long time. It is especially relevant for owners of curly curls. "Bob" will allow you to give your hair a fashionable, neat, beautiful and stylish look. If you prefer short or medium length hair, then the "bob" is exactly what you need. You can vary the shape by changing the bangs. "Bob" will be a godsend for those whose hair lacks volume. On soft curls, it looks especially great. Various accessories will help to make the image more festive. "Bob" suits ladies with a narrow or triangular face well. It looks no less good on square faces, and also allows you to divert attention from the slight asymmetry of the face due to a non-standard line. On medium hair, you can perform an option elongated to the side. This is an elegant form that does not require changes, even if you are going on a holiday. The only nuance that should not be forgotten is the regular visit to the master to maintain all hair lines in perfect condition. Hair should be moisturized so that dry ends do not spoil their appearance. With such a hairstyle, you will always stand out from other ladies.

The cascade is especially popular this season. This hairstyle is good because it involves a lot of variations without changing the basic shape. She hides the flaws of the face well and focuses on its strengths.

Often, the owners of curls complain about the naughty hair. Their splendor creates problems when creating a strict office styling. The way out of this situation will be a simple and effective haircut cascade. Bangs will help soften the strict style. It should be straight, which implies daily styling. But bangs do a good job of creating a complete image, smooth out sharp faces, emphasize an insufficiently formed face oval, make the image feminine and harmonious. Narrow-faced ladies should stop at medium length. The face will be framed with curls, it will become tender. With all its advantages, the cascade is easy to maintain. It's pretty easy to shape your hair and it will hold up well throughout the day.

Curls require special care to subdue their capricious structure. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a hairdresser at least once every one and a half months. We must not forget about the regular use of moisturizers.

If we talk about coloring, then highlighting of several strands looks best on curls. You can emphasize the beauty of curls by giving them an additional luxurious shine. Purchase special tools and use them when laying.

As you can see, the cascade is the perfect solution for medium length curly hair. This haircut will make you look elegant and stylish in any situation.

Beautiful hair is the pride of any woman. But owners of luxurious manes often complain that they are very difficult to deal with. Serious volume, density - all this really creates a lot of problems. But all efforts pay off when, as a result of proper care, you get a chic hairstyle that does not need additional decorations.

Short thick hair will pacify the caret well. In such a haircut, the curls will lie neatly. Hair care is also quite easy. For daily wear, simply beat the curls with your hands and fix a little with a special tool. Get a light image, not devoid of individual style. Among other things, this hairstyle will help you look young.

For medium length, an excellent solution is an elongated square, bob, cascade. The first two options are suitable for forming a romantic, but perky image. The third type of haircut allows you to change the images at will, it leaves enough freedom for imagination. With such a hairstyle, you will look perfect under any circumstances, without experiencing problems with daily styling.

Owners of long and thick curls should stop at the ladder and cascade. Coloring and a variety of styling methods will help to add variety and make a haircut individual. The original solution is multi-colored coloring with delicate tints. Whatever hairstyle you choose, always make sure that your hair is healthy. To do this, they need regular hydration. In modern salons, you will be offered a lot of useful procedures that will help preserve the beauty of your hair. An example would be "hot scissors". As a result of their application, the ends of the hair are sealed, as it were, which allows you to get rid of the section.

As you can see, in the care of thick hair, not only a haircut is important, but also impeccable professional care.

Many owners of thin hair believe that if they had curls, then the problem of insufficient volume would be solved. But girls with thin curly hair know how difficult it can be to give such curls a beautiful look. A well-chosen haircut and styling will help in solving this problem. With this, you can create an elegant, fashionable and harmonious hairstyle in every way.

A haircut that will solve all problems is a cascade. To perform it on thin hair, their length should reach the shoulders. You can leave the natural color or perform highlighting to visually add volume. This option is especially suitable for ladies with an elongated oval face. With such a haircut, you will not experience problems with daily styling. Clean hair is enough to dry in the direction of hair growth to create volume at the roots. You need to form curls with light finger movements. You can carefully lay the tips with the help of special fixatives.

If you prefer long hair, then you should stop at the "ladder". You will have to lay it daily, but this process is simple. You will need a hair dryer with a special nozzle to create volume. After that, the hair must be fixed with special means. You can play with haircut variations with bangs. Choose any option that suits your face - straight, oblique, elongated. Just like owners of thick hair, girls with thin hair need regular help from a professional hairdresser to monitor the condition of the ends, which are split due to lack of moisture. And split ends have never given charm and beauty to anyone.

It used to be that a square is not suitable for curls. However, this season the preferences of masters and clients have changed. Hundreds of perky images are created with a caret on curly hair. At the same time, it was noticed that such haircuts significantly rejuvenate their owners.

Kare is performed on short or medium length hair. Based on this hairstyle, you can perform a variety of styling. This haircut suits everyone. The short length only emphasizes the luxury and originality of curly curls. The length and shape of the haircut is determined by the structure of the hair. Properly chosen length allows you to correct problem areas of the face, give it harmony and softness. Short hair leaves an open neck, which looks very sexy.

When using a cascading type of haircut, the effect is simply wonderful. Curls of different lengths create a beautiful wave, in the lower cut of the hairstyle it balances the riot of curls. When styling such a haircut, the hair must be dried, lifting from the roots. Curls are formed with fingers and fixed with special means. To form a harmonious image, it is important to choose the right bangs. A stylish option is a short bang, slightly opening the forehead.

As you can see by looking at the above photos, the caret is very well suited for curls. It looks different on every woman, emphasizes her individual virtues and allows you to transform without any problems. An important plus is the ease of installation. As in all other cases, a bob on curly curls requires regular visits to the master, because the hairstyle will look neat and stylish only if the ideal shape of the lines is maintained.

Girls with curly hair often have trouble trying to shape their hair beautifully. They also believe that they cannot afford complex evening styling. The main problem is that curls limit the choice of styling and hairstyles. But to solve this issue is quite simple. Bang will help you. With its help, you can quickly change the image without resorting to changing the shape of the bulk of the hair. It is enough to learn a few simple secrets for caring for a hairstyle with bangs.

Stylists recommend to start with long hair with straight bangs. This is the main option that will give you an idea of ​​how you will look with this haircut option, as well as allow you to change the look depending on your preferences. You can achieve straight bangs with a straightener or hair dryer at home. You can resort to chemical straightening in the salon to avoid daily straightening procedures.

Long hair allows you to perform a variety of weaving, which can be decorated with a careless bang. From curls it is necessary to weave free volumetric braids. They look very stylish and feminine.

A beautiful model is a "bean" with bangs to the eyebrows. If it is too thick, thinning is required. This model looks best on dark hair. Bangs leave a lot of room for imagination. They can be left straight, removed behind the ear, stabbed. Short bangs always contribute to the creation of a younger and perky image.

None of us are born with a perfect face. All natural faces are slightly asymmetrical. But women have long learned to hide small flaws and emphasize dignity with the help of hairstyles. A well-chosen haircut will make your face perfect.

Owners of an oval face are suitable for many different models. These can be smooth symmetrical options or models with slight asymmetry. Bangs are welcome, but you can do without it. Do not abuse long loose curls, because they will give the face a strict and too adult look.

A round face requires visual stretching. Therefore, the hairstyle should be selected in such a way as to give the face the shape of an oval. Do not focus on the area of ​​the cheekbones and cheeks. It is recommended to abandon the straight bangs and parting. But the oblique bangs will bring a slight asymmetry, and the face will no longer look too round. This will partially cover the cheek. The best styling option would be combing the hair back to create volume. In general, the shape of the hair should tend towards a wide top and narrowed bottom.

There is nothing easier than softening the hard forms of a square face with a hairstyle. Stylish and you can always graduated caret perfectly cope with this task. Its length should overlap the line of the lower jaw to hide wide angles. The "bob" looks just as good. And you can also stop at the average length of hair with a light wave. A gentle hairstyle will soften the features of a square face well. Not the most successful options are symmetrical models. It is not recommended to wear straight bangs, which will make the face more rigid and its features coarse.

For a triangle face, the length of the hair should fall below the chin line. A good option is a bob with long or oblique bangs. It is worth refusing from a short bang, focusing attention on the frontal part. Also, do not wear a smooth straight side parting.

A full face needs lengthening. For harmony, he needs vertical lines. Therefore, asymmetric hairstyles and oblique bangs will be a good choice.

Haircut and hairstyle, hair styling - all this works every day to highlight the advantages of your face and hide its flaws. Any experienced hairdresser will help you decide on the best option that will cope with the tasks at the highest level. You can independently study the advice of professionals. For example, in our article.

When choosing one or another type of haircut, you should pay attention, first of all, to the length and structure of the hair. Then it is necessary to evaluate the shape of the face, its color, height and figure of the girl, her individual style. A bob, cascade, bob, ladder, garcon will help to emphasize the beauty of short curls. Strongly curly hair can be styled in an Afro hairstyle, which is perfectly complemented by various accessories.

Medium hair lies well in a caret, and it will also suit them. You can choose bangs that need to be straightened daily.

Long hair with strong elastic curls can be cut in a cascade, perform a multi-layered haircut. You should not leave your hair the same length, especially if it curls very cool. This option will always look sloppy, disheveled. It is better to choose a multilayer model that will create a uniform volume and emphasize the beauty of the hair.

Proper care of curly hair is very important. They need maximum hydration, because the tips always lack subcutaneous fat. It is enough to visit a good salon, where they will tell you how and by what means it is best to take care of your hair. The modern cosmetology industry offers a lot of excellent products that cope well with the problems of curly hair.

Curly hair, despite popular belief, requires daily care. They need to be laid, nourished, moisturized. Without proper care, such hair will look like a haystack, dry and unattractive.

It is important to dry your curls properly. To do this, you need to use warm air. When drying, it is necessary to ensure that each curl acquires the desired shape and takes its place in the hairstyle. The result obtained must be recorded.

  • face shape;
  • Hair length and color;
  • The image you are aiming for;
  • The amount of time you are willing to spend every day styling.

The answers to these questions will help an experienced hairdresser decide which haircut options to offer you. Remember that styling will need to be done daily, curls will not lie down on their own the way you want.

Bangs on curly hair also presents certain difficulties. It must either be straightened or hidden. So that your head does not look shaggy and sloppy, you will have to master the basic techniques of professional styling: drying, shaping curls, fixing. This process can be facilitated by using some cutting techniques, such as grading, milling, cutting with “hot scissors”. Thanks to this, the hairstyle will take on more defined forms and will require less effort when styling.

Cutting curly hair is done in seven steps:

  • Training. Wash your hair with a specially selected shampoo, use conditioner. Then dry;
  • Evaluation of the shape of the face, chin. The choice of the optimal type of haircut;
  • Studying the technique for performing this type of haircut;
  • Then the hair must be divided into seven rows, highlighting the main strands at the back of the head, crown, crown and sides. Then a guide line is formed, in accordance with which all further work is carried out. You also need to select two control points that will separate the top of the head from the top of the head. The main strand at the crown and the strands on the sides are combed and fastened with a hairpin. On the back of the head, two partings are performed. Then, one centimeter of hair stands out from each main strand;
  • Further, the actions are performed in accordance with the instructions suitable for the selected type of haircut;
  • All actions are performed clearly, accurately, without haste;
  • Then the hair is dried by about 85%, combed. Installation in progress. If defects are found, they are corrected.
  • If you have curly hair, then it is better to choose a haircut that will be as easy to style as possible;
  • Try to make a choice in favor of a model that will hide the flaws of your face as much as possible;
  • Cutting wavy hair is best done using the "hot scissors" method to avoid split ends.

If you can still manage long curly hair by choosing a layered haircut, then short curls always require non-standard solutions.

A sporty haircut is performed on short hair. The curls fall in an artistic random order, but are carefully shaped with fingers. The entire structure must be fixed with special means.

Profiled and graduated strands allow you to create a neat haircut. It is important that the hair is of different lengths. Thanks to this, your head will always look well-groomed and neat, and styling will be quite simple. Filleting can be processed bangs.

Graduated haircut involves shorter hair at the back of the head. As a result, additional volume appears in this part of the head.

Asymmetrical details look great on curly hair, for example, oblique bangs.

As you could see by reading our article, there are many options for haircuts, hairstyles and styling for curly hair. Now it will be easy for you to choose your own personal style and enhance the beauty of your hair!

While millions of girls wind their curls every day with curling irons, irons, curlers and in general everything that comes to hand, someone sits and sadly examines their recalcitrant curls, dreaming of getting rid of them ...

If you are one of them, down with decadent moods! Hairstyles for curly hair can be gentle, romantic, strict, bold, and all of them are beautiful without exception!

Your hair is very porous in structure, so they have their own rules for care and styling.

  • What is the strength? In volume! Girls with straight strands invent everything to achieve volume! And you have it by nature. Make the most of this advantage. The grunge style is insanely popular right now, so hairstyles in the form of careless braids, tousled tails and indomitable “malvinas” are suitable for lush curly hair!
  • A comb-brush is not your friend. She can fluff your hair so much that you turn into a dandelion person. There is no place for this on the Avengers team, so use a wide-toothed comb.
  • Learn to handle pins. They are not noticeable in the wavy mass and hold even the most naughty curls very well.
  • Curls are stronger than straight hair, prone to splitting and dehydration, so you have to take care of such a structure twice as actively. Refresh the tips often (preferably with hot scissors) and always use thermal protection and nourishing balms.
  • You should not get carried away with varnishes, mousses and other styling products. For stunning styling in 90% of cases, you just need to rub a little wax on your fingers and shape the structure of the strands.

Realizing your own attractiveness and accepting it, you will become a real curly princess.

Well, the basics have been passed, it's time to immerse yourself in the most interesting process of turning a recalcitrant curly mop into a stylish hairstyle!


This is perhaps one of the easiest hairstyles for curly short hair. The photo shows how she transforms violent short curls. After washing your hair, fluff up the curls with foam and comb them with a wide comb. Next, take a wide strand from the sides and collect them in a low ponytail at the back of the head. Decorate with a bow or pretty hairpin. Ready! Romantic "Malvinka" looks great on both short and long curls.

Headband braid

Naughty curls climb into the face? No problem! Here is the simplest method to not only remove them, but also to build an incredibly cute hairstyle! Separate a section of hair along the forehead and up to the ears. From them, weave a pigtail adjacent to the head, and fix its tip with invisibility. An open face and a kind of "rim" will surely please your reflection and conquer others.

The sly bunch

Such a trick for designing a creative hairstyle works on any length and structure of hair! It is necessary to collect strands from the face and ears into the tail at the back, as for the "Malvinka". Make a hole above the elastic in the mass of hair and wrap the ponytail there. Repeat the same operation with the rest of the loose curls. It should turn out such a creative beauty, similar to the hairstyle of a Greek goddess.

NON-braided braid

An incomparable braid without a single binding - what is it like? And what, not everyone can boast of manual dexterity, and this hairstyle will allow you to look your best, even if you have no idea which side to approach the weaves.

Still, some movements will have to be made. You will also need silicone rubber bands.

  1. Divide your hair into three sections and collect three tails, one above the other.
  2. Each of them, as you already know, turn into the "hole" above the elastic. You will get nice knots.
  3. Now slide the tip of each ponytail under the knot below.
  4. All! Spray on some nail polish and go collect compliments!

Stylish bundles

If you know how to twist bunches, then with your own hands you can definitely “wind up” such a beauty with which you are not ashamed to go even to a social event, even to a business meeting.

  1. Divide your hair into several sections. The very first one - from the forehead to the crown - twist into a bun and fix it with small hairpins, as in the photo.
  2. Also turn the section just below into a bundle.
  3. As a result, you should get several "dulekas", firmly and firmly fixed with hairpins invisible to the eye.

"Dinosaur Crest!" - flashes in the head. “Nothing like that, an original and very comfortable hairstyle,” an elegant reflection in the mirror will tell you.

Kingdom of harnesses

Approximately the same principle is taken into account in order to get an incredible “coufure”, as in the photo: a hairstyle for curly hair of medium length will help you feel like a true lady. Rub a drop of wax in your palms and run the strands through your fingers. This is done so that the hair does not fluff and retains its shape. Then separate the wide strands and twist them into bundles, fixing them with tight hairpins.

Asymmetric beam

Asymmetry is now in great fashion, so the curly-haired beast must have such an elegant styling in her arsenal.

  1. Divide the mane into two unequal parts, leaving the smaller one near the face.
  2. Form a low side bun.
  3. Braid the remaining strand into a spikelet.
  4. Tuck it under the bun and poke your creation with invisibles.

You can slightly modify the hairstyle if the second strand is not braided, but twisted into a loose bundle and wrapped around the bundle.

Roman matron

Antique beauties knew a lot about beauty and seduction of the stronger sex. If you want to feel the power and charm of Cleopatra in yourself, try to build a styling of that time. Of course, for walking the dog, it will not be appropriate, but for a solemn exit - very much so.

The priority is the length below the shoulder blades. Ribbon or braid required.

  1. Lush comb your hair and form a ponytail at the back of your head.
  2. Loosely wrap the ponytail around the elastic and secure with bobby pins.
  3. You do not need to smooth it, the silhouette should remain voluminous.
  4. Wrap a ribbon or braid around your head in two rows.

Modern Caesars and Mark Antony will not resist, verified!

Bundles in a bundle

They seem intricate, but in fact they are simple to disgrace! Not literally, of course. Take strands alternately from the side and lower the top of the head systematically twist them into flagella, fixing them with hairpins. As a result, you show off with such an intricate design.


Not all curls can be tamed. But it's too early to give up in impotence! If you are terribly tired of being like a crazy fury with a super-curly mane in your life, there is a way to quickly turn into a shy charmer. Weave an asymmetrical simple braid, fluff it up and wrap it along the forehead line around the head. The strongest invisibility will not allow it to develop.

Amazing in its simplicity hairstyle will help you to radically change the image in a few minutes!


The charming "basket" migrated from children's matinees to fashion catwalks and curly heads. The braid is woven in the French way in a circle and a very feminine image gradually emerges, with which you can, as they say, both in a feast and in the world! With the "basket" you will be stylish in the office and touchingly cute on a date. Another plus is that such weaving turns out to be very strong and holds securely all day.

3 in 1

I twist and turn, I want to confuse! Curly hair gives this elemental hairstyle an incredibly sophisticated look. Although in fact it can be built in just 5 minutes!

  1. Divide the mane into 3 parts. From the one in the middle, weave an ordinary braid from the back of the head.
  2. Weave the remaining parts into braids from the forehead.
  3. Now comes the fun part. No rules! Weave the three resulting pigtails together as your heart desires. You can stick them through each other or cleverly rewind ...
  4. Fasten the ends with an elastic band.

As a result, the braid seems incredibly intricate, no one will guess that you just gave free rein to your imagination and it was reflected in wonderful curls.


The name was invented by Gianni Rodari? No, but this hairstyle definitely evoked associations with Chipollino for someone ... Initially, the styling was conceived for street style, but now the “onion” flickers with might and main on star heads and many social events.

Curly hair is lucky, their curls are perfect for the mainstream. The technique is as follows: from the face, collect the hair in a muzzle, and leave the loose hair untouched. Beauties!


Shiny glossy like on the covers of Vogue, it may not work on your curls, but how is it worse than perky curly? Make a ponytail, hide the elastic band with one strand and fluff it as far as possible. By the way, Alisha Keys with such a ponytail, or even two, goes to Hollywood events and takes pictures on album covers! And, of course, the ponytail is an excellent option as a hairstyle for curly hair for every day.

low beam

From medium and not very thick curls at home, it is easy to wind such a pretty bunch. You just need to divide your mop in two and twist each part into a bundle. Twist them too and roll them into a bundle, which must be firmly and firmly fixed with invisibility. Exquisite and comfortable!


Curly curls are great friends with bagels and rollers. For example, the classic babette on wavy hair becomes more feminine and modern. It is necessary to make a tail at the crown, thread a foam rubber bagel into it and, in the middle of the length, start winding curls onto the foam rubber. If the length is average, then the donut is planted directly on the top of the head and the strands are simply tucked under it.

Girls with straight hair are afraid of “roosters” like fire, and you don’t need to lick curls, because they make babette charmingly careless, and this doesn’t spoil her at all!

Bundle with ribbon

Elastic bands become real magic wands when a neat hairstyle is required in 5 minutes. Put on the ribbon and tuck the strands under it. It turns out a gentle image in the style of the Renaissance.

Inside out

Smooth hair-to-hair braids are not in fashion now, which plays into your hands, because it is very difficult to turn a wavy mane into a perfectly smooth one with all the desire. Therefore, a French inverted braid a la “grunge” will suit you.

Women's nature left no choice. If your hair is curly, you need to straighten it. If straight - curl curls! But this is not the time to give up your nature! Nature has given you exceptional beauty and originality and it is impossible not to use it. Go ahead - storm and conquer your curls, study photo examples, invent your own hairstyles for curly hair and be unforgettable!

Always beckoned with its unbridledness. Fashion often changed its direction drastically in favor of straight or curly hair. Now it has become easy, because you can, without spending much time and effort, make curls out of perfectly even hair. Previously, to achieve a curly hairstyle, sometimes you had to spend until noon. It is worth noting that in modern times, owners of straight hair can make a hairstyle for the day from curls or, by means of curling, build curls that will last up to six months. It's just a matter of choice and preference.

Curly Hair Types

The first type is perhaps the most common among natural dark shades of hair - cool curls. This type of hair looks like spirals or springs. With any haircut, the hair is often tangled. Many people think that short curly hair does not look very attractive. The photo in the article proves the opposite to us. With proper care, such curls can become the object of envy, because the hairstyle with them seems super voluminous. But it takes a lot of time, effort and specialized tools to make such hair obedient.

The second type is Botticelli curls. These are, as a rule, curls mixed in volume, easily falling down. Caring for such curls is easier. Hairstyles for curly hair of this type are very romantic and elegant.

The third type is wavy hair. It is for people who get frizz when wet, or hair that dries naturally (without blow-drying) looks messy and a little frizzy. Such curls are easy to put into a hairstyle, and they do not need special care. Sometimes, even after washing, you can not comb them and dry them with a hairdryer. Hairstyles for curly hair of this type will always look spectacular. You can add just a little styling mousse or gel - and the image is ready.

How to choose a haircut for curly hair

Firstly, the selection of haircuts should come from the structure of the hair. As a rule, a short haircut for curly hair is not suitable, because the hair is soft, fluffy and easily absorbs moisture; the hair will bristle. With this structure, it is better to grow the length to the shoulders or below. For owners of thin curly hair, a length just below the back of the head is suitable. Too long hair of this type will make the hair stingy, and a very short haircut will look out of place.

When choosing a haircut for curly hair, you need to consider the type of face. Girls with a round face will suit a haircut with bangs or an asymmetrical haircut. With an oval type of face, a long or oblique bang will look good. If the face is elongated, then thick bangs will help soften its parameters. When the face is small, a ragged hairstyle with thin, thinned bangs will visually enlarge it.

Haircut options for curly hair

For curly hair, almost all haircut options are suitable. And if the selection is done correctly, based on the structure of the hair and the oval of the face, then the hairstyle will look fashionable, fresh, beautiful. It can be a garcon, square, bob, fouette, cascade, pixie, aurora. The main gradation of all haircuts is based on the length of the hair: long, short or medium.

Haircuts and styling for short curly hair

Short haircuts for curly hair surprise with their variety. There are a lot of options. For women, long hair is the most appropriate and preferred. Short hairstyles are considered youthful and not suitable for everyone. But if a girl has already decided on a short haircut, then she must be chosen thoroughly, having thought through the everyday option and the festive, more solemn one in advance. You can’t make a ponytail or a braid with short hair: they can only be styled with foam, varnish or mousse, giving an ordinary haircut a more evening look. A short haircut will look good on a very curly hair type - spiral. Here you can curb their natural disobedience a little. And if you turn on the imagination, then short haircuts for curly hair can be beautifully and creatively styled.

Hairstyles and haircuts for medium length curly hair

Curly hair of medium length is the best solution for women who want to always look stylish and beautiful. With such hair, you can easily make any conceived hairstyle, whether it's a ponytail or evening styling. With a medium length haircut, you can hide the flaws of the face or emphasize its advantages. Kare will suit curly (but not too) hair. This hairstyle will look very impressive with oblique or elongated bangs. And if you apply mousse or foam to your hair and dry it a little, you can achieve the effect of wet curls. Such styling was very popular in the 90s, but even now there are those who want to "remember their youth."

If curly, not too curly hair does not have enough volume, then you can make a layered haircut. A big plus of this option is the minimum time for daily styling. Light curls, cut in several levels, can simply be dried with a hair dryer against growth without a comb, and you get a slightly careless, romantic look. Also, for curls of medium degree of splendor, graduation with oblique bangs is suitable. Such a haircut is considered youthful. Most often, its long parts are shaded or lightened to further add asymmetry to the hairstyle. You can experiment with styling for such a haircut, the main thing is that there are no too short steps. Lush, thick and large curls can be cut to one length - this hairstyle will be trendy and comfortable for both everyday wear and evening styling.

Haircuts and styling for long curly hair

If nature endowed a woman with beautiful and obedient curls, then, of course, any owner of such a gift would want to have the maximum length. With such a shock, more time is spent on washing, drying and styling, but the result is worth it! Long curly hair has always been considered the standard of health and prosperity. In past centuries, few ladies could afford to wear long hair, since many times more care products and time are spent on them. By different standards, hair below the shoulders or to the middle of the shoulder blades is considered long. Haircuts for such hair are identical to haircuts for medium length. Haircut "ladder" from short hair near the crown to long to the bottom will help to acquire volume and not lose noble centimeters. Looks good oblique bangs on long curls. There are a lot of styling options for hair longer than medium length. The only thing you should not forget about is the care of curls of any length, because dull, split and bleached hair will never be fashionable.

Casual hairstyle for curly hair

Owners of curls of any degree of curl are very lucky, because they can not spend a lot of time on daily styling. Curly hair should be washed, dried, and that's it - the daily hairstyle is ready! Foam or mousse will help add volume, but varnish will fix the effect.

Curly hair: styling for the holiday

To create an elegant hairstyle, curls can be given one direction and streamlined. Even loose hair can look festive, you just have to straighten a couple of strands or bangs. You can add volume to curls with a curling iron or ironing. And if you fix the tail on the back of the head and spread the hair over the head, fixing them with invisible hairpins or hairpins, you get the image of a bride.

What not to do with curly hair

Any hair, especially curly hair, should never be over-dryed. Daily use of a hair dryer makes them lifeless. Therefore, it is worth giving your hair a rest twice a week and not forcibly drying it. Also, you should not go to bed with wet, highly curly curls - this can knock them into a ball that is difficult to comb. Many advise not to comb wet hair, but if it is spiral curls, then you should definitely not wait until it is completely dry, otherwise you may not comb it at all later. Long curly hair is best braided at night - so they do not get tangled. There is no need to get carried away with frequent straightening of curly curls: this also dries them out, and sometimes deprives them of genetic memory, after which the hair becomes straighter.

curly hair care

There are many shampoos, masks and balms specifically for curly hair, but this does not mean that conventional care products will not work. Curly hair is best washed no more than once every three days. To do this, it is better to use sparing shampoos without sodium LAURYL sulfate and ammonium LAURETH sulfate. Shampoo "two in one" will not work either. The owners of curls can not do without an air conditioner. It is the conditioner that will help make combing naughty curls easier. When the curls are elastic, spiral, you can additionally use indelible oil masks that will help in combing. The mask can be used 1-2 times a week; On this day, the air conditioner can not be used. Any styling products must be carefully selected. Studying the composition or starting from the popularity of the brand is a purely personal matter, but gel, varnish, mousse or foam should not burden the hair too much - it looks unnatural and makes the hair brittle.

Folk remedies for curly hair

Little tricks that will help your hair look even better and save your budget, every woman should know. Any shampoo can be transformed and enriched with useful substances. For half a liter of shampoo, you need to put two tablets of mummy. They will completely dissolve within a day or a day (it all depends on the consistency of the shampoo itself). Using this hair wash, you can avoid overdrying your hair. The mummy also stimulates the bulb, and the curls begin to grow healthy and silky. You can also add essential oil to the shampoo (the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the hair will become greasy after washing). The proven concentration of oil is 10 drops per half liter of shampoo.

Proper care will make curls of any structure elastic and silky, and the right choice of hairstyle or haircut will give the owner of curls self-confidence.