Laboratory analysis of a urine culture tank during pregnancy: why is it prescribed? How to pass? How to properly prepare for a urine culture tank

A urine test for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is prescribed for pregnant women several times. The analysis helps in time to identify and cure infections that may threaten the health of the child.

During pregnancy, the mother's well-being plays an important role in the formation and birth of a healthy child, therefore, during the planning and gestation period, a woman must pass a lot of tests. Checking the microflora of the vagina, cervical canal, bladder, nose and throat will help determine its composition, detect pathogenic microorganisms and immediately begin treatment. Therapy is necessary so as not to infect the baby during childbirth. A urine culture tank during pregnancy must be taken several times during the period of bearing a baby. Most often, this is the beginning of pregnancy, the first weeks of the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, as well as the period before the birth itself.

Urine culture during pregnancy

Bacterial culture of urine during pregnancy is one of the most important tests. It shows the state of the urinary tract, and can also be useful in diagnosing bacteriuria, sometimes asymptomatic. The study is carried out to identify acute and chronic infectious diseases of the excretory and reproductive systems.

In order to study the microflora of the genitourinary system in a pregnant woman, there is a good reason. In utero, the baby lives in isolation from bacteria. There is little effect on the sterility of the environment in which the fetus is located - the placenta diligently filters the blood passing there. Because of this, the child does not have enough white blood cells, antibodies to harmful microbes. There is no own flora.

Being born into the world, the baby receives the first beneficial bacteria from the mother, but, in addition to them, he can “capture” pathogenic microorganisms with him. Due to the undeveloped immune system, the child is not able to fight them, so infectious diseases in newborns develop faster, more often and more acutely.

Pathogenic bacteria produce toxic waste products. They threaten the life of the baby, can negatively affect further development. It is important to treat infections in a pregnant woman before giving birth so that she does not infect the baby during them.

How to donate urine to the sowing tank

It is necessary to give urine to the sowing tank, observing a few rules:

  • collect morning urine (the fence must be carried out immediately after getting up);
  • to pass urine, a woman needs to carefully block the entrance to the vagina with a cotton swab so that the urine is not contaminated with secretions;
  • before collecting the biomaterial, you need to wash yourself with soap for intimate hygiene and rinse it off thoroughly.

Urine is collected in a sterile container of 30-50 ml, which must be bought at a pharmacy. You can open the container only immediately before use, and after it you need to tightly close the jar. You need to give the sample to the doctor within 2 hours after collection. During storage of urine in non-sterile conditions, bacteria will actively multiply and sowing will reveal more colonies.

Compliance with these simple rules will help to collect a high-quality urine sample on the tank and get a real picture during a laboratory test. It is important not only to properly collect urine for the sowing tank, but also to prepare in advance for the procedure. Certain foods, habits, and medications may interfere with the test results. For example, 2-3 days before the procedure, brightly colored foods should be excluded from the diet. These are carrots, beets, sweet soda and so on, as well as fatty, floury and salty.

Urine analysis should not be carried out while taking potent drugs, a week before the delivery, you must stop using them. If the patient cannot do without medicines, the attending physician should choose an analogue that will have less effect on the result of the study.

When to take an analysis

Urine culture during pregnancy is done as a routine analysis several times during the period of bearing a child. But there is a list of indications for which it is carried out unscheduled:

  • persistent increase in body temperature in a pregnant woman;
  • pain, discomfort, or
  • violation of the urination regimen, a feeling of an overflowing bladder;
  • aching pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen;
  • suspicion of pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis;
  • suspected bacteriuria.

What crops still need to be handed over

Urine for culture is not the only study that is given to monitor the health of a pregnant woman. Flora is checked in the vagina, throat and nose. Sexually transmitted pathogens can multiply in the genital tract: chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, Trichomonas.

Microorganisms, getting on the mucous membranes or on the skin of the baby, will cause inflammation and suppuration.

An increased content of the Candida fungus in the woman's vagina during childbirth can provoke purulent eye diseases in the baby, as well as disrupt the formation of normal microflora.

Bacteria in the nose and throat, such as Staphylococcus aureus or different types of streptococci, are present in everyone. During pregnancy, their number increases. For a woman, this may be safe, but in a newborn, pathogenic agents cause acute conditions with high fever and severe intoxication, which sometimes end in death.

The swab method is used to collect samples in the cervical canal, vagina, nose, and throat. To do this, a sample is taken from the required area with a sterile cotton swab, and then bacteriologically sown on a nutrient medium. It is necessary to wait 5 days for the result, during which time the real number of CFU (colony-forming units) will be formed. They can be counted and based on this, a conclusion can be drawn about the woman's health.

Deciphering the results

The patient will wait for the result from 3 to 7 days after the delivery of biological material. The term depends on whether the presence of foreign flora is confirmed and how much of it will be in the sample taken. - an abnormal phenomenon, since this liquid is sterile. It undergoes cleaning in the kidney channels, unable to pass bacterial cells.

The detection of pathogenic microorganisms during urine culture indicates the presence of a focus of infection along the urinary tract.

An exception is the situation when bacteria in the urine are present in small quantities and the CFU norm is not exceeded. This is due to the fact that before taking the sample, the patient cannot create a sterile environment in the genitals and a small part of the flora still gets into the liquid, or if the donation is made in a non-sterile container. Less often, the appearance of bacterial colonies is associated with poor-quality inoculation of the sample on the substrate in the laboratory.

Norm and pathology

After the urine is submitted for analysis and the results are obtained in the laboratory, the third stage in the communication between the doctor and the patient begins - deciphering the results. The norm of bacteria content in this biological material is up to 1000 CFU/ml. If this value increases, additional testing is required. If the indicator is more than 100,000 CFU / ml, then the pregnant woman has a clear pathology of the genitourinary system, requiring urgent treatment.

When the rate of bacteria in a urine sample is exceeded, a pregnant woman needs urgent, immediate treatment. Otherwise, over time, the situation will only worsen, and it is much more difficult to treat an advanced infection during gestation, because most antibiotics are contraindicated. In therapy, medications with an antibacterial effect are used, if necessary, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic, as well as prebiotics.

Bacteriological culture of urine is an important analysis for a pregnant woman. It detects diseases of the excretory system that negatively affect gestation and recovery after childbirth. It is necessary to donate biomaterial, strictly following the rules for preparing and conducting the procedure. If the normal value of CFU / ml is exceeded, it is necessary to start treatment, since it is much more difficult to cope with an advanced infection.

Women in position need to take a whole range of tests throughout their pregnancy. A variety of laboratory studies allow you to quickly and timely detect pathological processes in the body. A urine culture tank during pregnancy is prescribed at registration, before childbirth, in diseases of the genitourinary system. This analysis is one of the main and effective studies of the urine of the expectant mother.

With its help, it is possible to identify and identify the causative agents of urinary infection, as well as to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics. Pathology can be present for a long time and asymptomatically in the mother's body, and during pregnancy become more active. In such cases, only a urine culture tank will help detect the pathogen. Based on the results of the analysis, doctors determine the onset of the development of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment for the woman.

Reasons to donate a urine culture tank

A urine test for tank seeding during pregnancy helps to find a chronic or latent form of an infectious disease of the genitourinary system. The study is mandatory for all women, including those who do not complain about their health and feel good.

In the absence of timely treatment, the infection spreads further, capturing the renal structures. As a result, a pregnant woman develops pyelonephritis - an inflammation of the kidneys of a bacterial type. This disease also occurs when the number of pathogenic microorganisms increases due to a decrease in immunity and stagnation of urine in the bladder.

Pyelonephritis often causes intrauterine infection of the child, leads to spontaneous abortion, and in the third trimester causes premature birth.

An obstetrician-gynecologist must prescribe a bacteriological examination of urine to the expectant mother if:

  • Slightly but steadily her body temperature rises.
  • A pregnant woman is worried about pain and itching when urinating.
  • There are dull, aching pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.
  • There are frequent urges to empty the bladder, often false or with minimal discharge.

It is better to cure the disease at the stage of incubation, to undergo safe and effective therapy, so as not to risk the health of the woman and the fetus. If even before conception there were diseases of the urinary system in the body, then during pregnancy bacteriological analysis should be taken much more often.

Indications for analysis

Women in position are assigned general laboratory tests of urine monthly. A pregnant woman is sent to the sowing tank when an increased level of leukocytes, sugar, erythrocytes, protein or bacteria is detected in urine.

During the course of a possible treatment, the patient needs to take a tank of seeding several times so that the doctor controls the recovery process in dynamics. Also, this type of diagnosis is carried out by pregnant women:

  • with hereditary pathologies;
  • working in hazardous production;
  • with past abortions;
  • having children with congenital abnormalities;
  • those in consanguineous marriage.

The purpose of the analysis is to determine the nature of the pathogen and its prevalence. This is necessary for optimal therapy to restore the microflora in the birth canal and relieve the inflammatory process.

Study preparation

In order for the results of bacterial culture of urine during pregnancy to be of high quality and reliable, you need to properly prepare and collect urine. For the study, you will need an average portion of morning urine, with a volume of at least 50 ml.

During pregnancy, the amount of discharge increases. Therefore, it is recommended that a woman cover the entrance to the vagina with a cotton swab or cotton swab so that nothing gets from the genital tract into the cup with the collected liquid. Otherwise, foreign microorganisms will be in the container, and the results will be incorrect. For this study, it is preferable to collect urine in a special sterile container, which is sold at any pharmacy.

A few days before collecting the sowing tank, the expectant mother must adhere to the following rules:

  • Don't overwork and get a good night's sleep.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Exclude sexual contacts.
  • Stop taking diuretics and other drugs.
  • Do not eat fatty, spicy, spicy, sour foods.
  • Do not drink compotes, fruit drinks, smoothies, you can only water or weak tea.
  • Do not eat citrus fruits, exotic fruits.
  • Refuse pickled foods (pickles, sauerkraut - a favorite delicacy of pregnant women).

The analysis must be submitted to the laboratory no later than 2 hours after collection. It is done from 4 to 7 days, which is why it is considered one of the longest.

Deciphering the results of the analysis

In the laboratory, test tubes with biomaterial will be placed in a thermostat. Favorable conditions for the vital activity of bacteria are maintained there, that is, "growing" is carried out. In the process of diagnosis, the main varieties of microorganisms or their absence are determined. The collected data is deciphered only by a specialist bacteriologist.

The measurement value of pathogenic agents is determined in CFU/ml. The indicator indicates one cell of the microbe, which will then turn into a numerous colony.

When the number of microorganisms in the decoding of the seeding tank is less than 1000 CFU / ml, then there is no threat to the pregnant woman. This is considered the norm for the body, and the woman is absolutely healthy. If the indicators are in the range of 1000-100000 CFU / ml, such a result is regarded by doctors as doubtful. Therefore, the expectant mother is sent for examination again.

Indicators over 100,000 CFU / ml signal the presence of an infection requiring urgent treatment. If the growth of harmful microbes is detected, a study is carried out to determine their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs - an antibiogram.

The results on the form are indicated by the following letters:

  • S - good sensitivity;
  • I - moderate stability;
  • R - absolute antibiotic resistance.

When the results of the analysis are poor, the pregnant woman is treated with antibacterial medicines with the sign S or I, and group R drugs are ineffective in such cases.

Actions in case of bad result

Bacteriological examination of urine is a reliable source of information about the health status of a pregnant woman. Thanks to this diagnostic method, doctors manage to detect the dangerous course of the disease in time, prevent it and minimize the risks of infection of the fetus.

Tank urine culture can show the presence of cystitis in a woman. Infection in a short time affects the bladder, disrupts its work. The main causes of this disease are bacterial vaginosis, weakened immunity, changes in hormonal levels. During the gestation period, cystitis must be treated without delay, because it is very dangerous for mother and child.

Poor urine culture results may also indicate inflammation of the urethra. This condition of the pregnant woman is caused by urethritis. Factors contributing to the development of the disease: urological infections, allergic reactions, impaired blood flow to the pelvic organs, lack of fluid, insufficient intimate hygiene.

The infection threatens to complicate the course of pregnancy, leads to various pathologies of fetal development and the occurrence of placental insufficiency. During childbirth, the baby, passing through the inflamed paths, can get pneumonia or conjunctivitis. Urethritis is treated with gentle, but quite effective drugs.

Physiological mechanisms leading to kidney inflammation

Poor tank culture results indicate the spread of infection in the kidneys of the pregnant woman. This is very dangerous for the expectant mother, as the filtration function of the organ is disrupted. Kidney failure leads to a failure of the water-salt balance, to a delay in the body of toxic substances and decay products. During pregnancy, there is an increased risk of inflammation of the kidneys, which is associated with physiological mechanisms.

Due to changes in the hormonal balance, the tone of the muscles of the ureters decreases, and fluid stagnation occurs. Consequently, conditions are created for the development of pathogenic bacteria. The expansion of the ovarian veins during pregnancy contributes to the violation of the outflow of urine. In the second trimester, the enlarged uterus compresses the urinary tract, which also leads to congestion.

Women with a narrow pelvis are more likely to suffer from this disease.

intrauterine infection

Renal inflammation of a pregnant woman has a negative impact on the condition of the fetus and has a bad effect on the well-being of the expectant mother. The outcome of intrauterine infection depends on:

  • type of bacterial pathogen;
  • maternal immunity;
  • the integrity of the placental barrier;
  • sensitivity of pathogenic microbes to fetal tissues;
  • the gestational age at which the infection occurred;
  • the presence of chronic diseases in women.

Main pathogens contributing to intrauterine infection:

  • coli;
  • golden staphylococcus aureus;
  • enterococcus;
  • mushrooms of the genus Candida.
  • trypanosomes, trichomonads, toxoplasma;
  • rubella, herpes, hepatitis, smallpox.

Asymptomatic bacteriuria

Asymptomatic bacteriuria occurs in almost 10% of pregnant women with normal urinalysis. This condition is called a latent urinary tract infection.

This disease leads to involuntary termination of pregnancy, to a violation of the development of the fetus against the background of severe intoxication, up to its intrauterine death. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to delay treatment, and you need to do everything that the doctor recommended.

Expectant mothers should not self-medicate, as this will only aggravate the situation and the course of the disease.

No alternative methods of treatment will save a pregnant woman from the consequences of a bacterial lesion of the genitourinary organs. Therapy is mandatory for pregnant women in all trimesters of pregnancy.

If, after the delivery of the urine culture tank, significant deviations were detected, the pregnant woman is prescribed appropriate therapy. The use of modern drugs ensures the complete recovery of the expectant mother, regardless of the degree of infection.

Thus, the correct approach to the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system of a woman eliminates the risks of infection of the fetus and prevents the occurrence of complications. A urine culture tank is a mandatory measure during pregnancy, and is not a whim of doctors.


During pregnancy, monitoring the health of the mother and child is of particular importance. To this end, every woman from the 10th week of gestation should register with an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic, regularly visit a doctor and undergo all prescribed tests and studies. Mandatory procedures include general clinical blood and urine tests, ultrasound, biochemical genetic markers, blood samples for HIV infection, syphilis and hepatitis, as well as a urine test for bacteriological culture during pregnancy.

What is urine culture during pregnancy

Bacteriological urine culture is a study that is carried out exclusively in a bacteriological laboratory and is aimed at identifying pathogenic microorganisms in urine. As a rule, seeding in pregnant women is carried out in conjunction with a study of the sensitivity of identified microorganisms to antibiotics, while it is possible to determine the sensitivity of microbes both to the main groups of antibiotics and to broad-spectrum drugs, including antifungal drugs.

Sowing urine for sterility during pregnancy, in addition to two mandatory examinations, is prescribed if there are suspicions of diseases of the urinary system or if bacteria are detected in urine during a general analysis. Normal urine is a sterile liquid and does not contain any microorganisms. Due to errors in the collection of the material or insufficient sterility of the container, some bacteria may enter the sample. For this reason, when a small amount of them is detected in the urine, the result is considered negative.

Why do urine cultures during pregnancy?

Bacteriological examination of urine in pregnant women reveals pathogens that cause diseases of the genitourinary system in patients. The study includes determining the sensitivity of pathogenic flora to various antibacterial drugs. Urine for sowing during pregnancy as a preventive study is given twice - when registering with an obstetrician-gynecologist of the antenatal clinic and before childbirth.

Who is assigned the analysis

Bakposev during pregnancy is a mandatory study and is carried out in the first and third trimester at 10–12 and 36–38 weeks. Apart from mandatory double analysis, there are specific indications for bacteriological urine culture during pregnancy:

  • back pain and/or urination;
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • subfebrile temperature (from 37.0 to 37.9 ° C);
  • the presence of an established diagnosis or suspicion of diabetes mellitus;
  • suspected tuberculosis;
  • atypical course of diseases;
  • spontaneous miscarriages in history;
  • children from previous pregnancies with congenital abnormalities;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of the prescribed drug therapy.

How to prepare for the study

Preparation for bacteriological examination of urine for sterility in pregnant women is not particularly difficult and is of great importance. The accuracy and correctness of the results of the study depends on the correctly performed preparation for analysis. In order for the analysis results to be accurate, the following rules must be followed:

  1. W and one week before the test, it is recommended to limit the intake of salty and fatty foods.
  2. 2 days before the test, it is necessary to stop taking diuretics, herbal remedies, folk remedies with a diuretic effect and the use of vaginal suppositories.
  3. Immediately before collecting urine for bakposev, you need to make a thorough toilet of the external genital organs.
  4. For the study, only the average portion of morning urine is collected.
  5. The material is collected before the appointment and administration of antibiotics.
  6. The container for the test material must be sterile.

How to take

Properly performed collection of material for bacteriological examination is the key to its reliable result. To collect urine, you will need a clean, dry jar or a special medical container for analysis. It is better to give preference to a medical container, since they are sterile, and this reduces the risk of inaccurate results.

Before collecting urine for bakposev, wash your hands thoroughly, wash your genitals with warm water and soap, and dry them with a clean towel. A sterile cotton swab should be inserted into the vagina to prevent vaginal secretions and microflora from entering the urine for culture. Only urine from the first morning urination is suitable for sowing. Urine collection technique for bakposev:

  1. The first stream of urine for about 1-3 seconds, the patient must pass into the toilet and hold the urination in order to flush the urethra.
  2. Open sterile container.
  3. Collect 50 - 100 ml of urine in a container and seal it tightly.
  4. Finish urinating into the toilet.
  5. Deliver the container to the laboratory 1-2 hours after collection.

It is not recommended to collect urine intended for inoculation from a vessel or urinal in order to avoid unreliable results. Urinary catheters should not be used when collecting material from pregnant women, as this may contribute to the promotion of infection through the urinary tract. The day before collecting urine for sowing, a pregnant woman should limit physical activity, as they can lead to increased protein secretion and thereby distort the results of the study.

Deciphering urine culture

Bacteriuria is 5 times more likely to develop in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women. At the same time, asymptomatic bacterial excretion is observed in 20–40% of patients, which does not have clinical manifestations. In the absence of proper treatment, very often this condition turns into pyelonephritis, an inflammatory disease of the kidneys, which is dangerous for the life of the mother and fetus, since there is a high probability of infection from the urinary tract to the reproductive system. When the pathogen enters the womb through the cervical canal, the fetus becomes infected.

With bakposev, pathogenic microorganisms such as enterococci, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are more often detected. Slightly less common are infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus, or fungi. PCR is required to detect extracellular pathogens such as E. coli, fungi, protozoa or cocci (staphylococcus, enterococcus).

The volume of excretion of bacteria in the urine is measured using a quantitative indicator - CFU (colony forming unit) in one ml of the test material. A colony-forming unit is considered to be one microbial cell capable of forming a colony on a nutrient medium. Determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen is made only when a doubtful or positive test result is obtained. Treatment is recommended only with a positive result of urine culture in a pregnant woman.


Number of bacteria



Negative result (normal)

Less than 1000 cfu/ml

≤103 cfu/ml

Bacteria accidentally introduced into the urine sample of a pregnant woman. There is no inflammation in the urinary system.

Doubtful result

1000 – 100000 cfu/ml

103 – 105 cfu/ml

There is a risk of an infectious process. Re-analysis is required.

Positive result

Not less than 100000 CFU/ml

≥105 cfu/ml

In the urinary tract there is a focus of infection caused by the identified pathogen.


Urine cultures for antibiotic susceptibility testing can have a variable price depending on the laboratory in which it is performed. The table shows the cost of research in various medical centers and laboratories in Moscow:

Name of the laboratory

The price of the examination with the determination of sensitivity to the main spectrum of antibiotics, rubles

The price of the examination with the determination of sensitivity to an extended spectrum of antibiotics, rubles


LLC "Medical Women's Center"

Medical Center "New Medical Technologies"

Medical Center "On clinic"

Paid medical center for dermatology and venereology

KDL group of companies

Clinical diagnostic laboratories

LLC "Laboratory Gemotest"

Clinic of Medicine and Beauty on Paveletskaya

IMC "Medkvadrat"

LLC "Treatment Center"

Medical center "MobilMed"

FBUN Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor


IBC "Pasteur"

LLC Clinic "Crede Experto"


To determine the many hidden bacterial infections that occur during pregnancy, a urine culture is examined. This study is carried out in gynecology quite often. This article will help expectant mothers understand when urine culture is prescribed and how to prepare for it in a quality manner.

In what cases is it carried out?

It is possible to determine the causative agents of various infections of the urinary tract and kidneys only with the help of a bacteriological study of urine. This analysis is currently carried out in almost every laboratory. You can donate urine for such a study both in a regular gynecological clinic and in a private medical center.

The risk of infection of the fetus with microbes is quite large. Bacteria, having a rather small size, perfectly penetrate the placental barrier. Getting into the systemic circulation of the fetus, they can lead to the development of various pathological conditions in it. Urinalysis in this case allows you to identify such pathogens in a fairly short time.

This study can be prescribed for future mothers who have various diseases of the urinary organs and kidneys.

In this case, it is not at all necessary that these pathologies proceed in the acute stage. In some situations, even latent pyelonephritis can manifest itself with characteristic changes in the general analysis and urine culture. In this case, as a rule, the appointment of special urological drugs is required to correct the violations that have arisen.

Even with the physiological course of pregnancy, which proceeds without various deviations, doctors may prescribe a double conduction of this study. They are necessary to exclude all "silent" pathologies that can lead to the development of various pathological conditions in the fetus. Usually this examination is carried out at 9-12 and 35-36 weeks pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman has been suffering from diabetes for a long time, especially with a constantly high blood sugar level, then in this case a bacteriological study of urine may also be required. Persistent hyperglycemia can cause damage to the kidney tissue. This condition is extremely unfavorable, especially during pregnancy.

A culture tank can also be prescribed by a doctor if protein was found in the urine of a pregnant woman during screening. In this situation, it is imperative to exclude chronic pyelonephritis in the expectant mother, which occurs without pronounced clinical signs.

If a pregnant woman had urolithiasis before conception, then in this case, bakposev will not be superfluous either. This disease is often accompanied by inflammation of the kidney tissue and urinary tract. A complication of this condition is the appearance in the urine of various pathogenic microbes. This can be easily determined by conducting a bacteriological examination of a pregnant woman.

The occurrence of suddenly developed severe pain in the lower back, an increase in body temperature to febrile values, the development of severe edema on the body - all these symptoms also require an extended diagnostic complex. It also includes bakposev. Quite often, these adverse symptoms are the result of exacerbation of pyelonephritis. In such a situation, an urgent consultation with a urologist and the appointment of uroseptic drugs that can be used during pregnancy are required.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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How to collect urine?

Before passing a bacteriological analysis, it is very important to follow a few basic rules. They are necessary to ensure that the result of the study was as informative as possible. Usually, gynecologists give small instructions and recommendations to pregnant women who come to see them on how to properly collect urine for research.

Dinner before the urine collection procedure should be made as light as possible. Fatty, fried or overly salty foods should not be abused. Such food may cause the obtained test results to be inaccurate.

Any physical activity should be avoided before donating bakposev. Only walking at a slow pace is allowed. It is better to postpone yoga classes for pregnant women, climbing stairs to several stairwells at once, or cleaning the apartment for a while after the procedure.

On the eve of the study, if possible, you should limit the intake of diuretic (diuretic) drugs. Before doing this, you must Be sure to consult with your doctor. In some situations, this cannot be done, as unpleasant consequences may occur. However, taking diuretics may cause the result of the analysis to be somewhat inaccurate.

The drinking regimen before the bakposev is kept the same. Pregnant women who are going to be tested should not limit their fluid intake.

The exception is women suffering from severe edema and preeclampsia. In this case, fluid intake should be strictly dosed.

Hygiene of the external genital organs is an important point of preparation before conducting such an analysis. It should be remembered that when collecting material for bacteriological sowing, compliance with hygienic rules plays an essential role.

Before taking the fluid, be sure to rinse the external genital organs well.. You can do this with ordinary running warm water. You should not boil water or use special antiseptic agents before collecting a urine test for bacteriological culture. After washing the genitals, they should be gently blotted with a clean ironed towel.

Collect urine for research should be in the morning. Usually doctors recommend doing this immediately after waking up. The container in which urine will be collected should be as clean as possible. If it is possible to use a sterile container, then this will be a great success. As a rule, such containers are used only in hospitals.

Currently, pharmacies sell special plastic containers in which urine can be collected for research. They are screwed on with a special cap. This helps to prevent that the collected liquid may spill during transportation to the laboratory or that some additional microbes from the environment will get into it.

Many mothers bring urine collected in a glass jar of baby food for examination. This container is not suitable for collecting bakposev. This is explained by a very poor-quality processing of dishes. Microscopic food residues remaining on the walls of such a jar can lead to inaccurate results after the study.

Collect for research should be an average portion. To do this, you must first urinate into the toilet. Such urination is called primary. Usually, 2-3 seconds are enough to pass the first portion. At the same time, the next volume of the allocated liquid is collected for research. Usually it is required for analysis of about 80 ml.

The next very important step is the transportation of the analysis to the laboratory. This should be done 1.5-2 hours after collection biological material. Longer transport times will cause the results obtained to be inaccurate.

In the hospital setting of a medical institution, invasive methods for collecting urine are also carried out. They include a suprapubic puncture, as well as catheterization. These methods are quite traumatic and should only be carried out by experienced professionals.

Improper technique for performing these studies can contribute to various types of damage. Usually, analysis is collected in this way only in situations where it is impossible to collect urine for research in the usual way. As a rule, these cases occur with various previous injuries of the urethra.


Most often, doctors try to detect various types of staphylococci, streptococci, anaerobic microorganisms, and fungal flora. Usually, these pathogens are quite well detected by urine culture. There are certain rules that apply during different periods of pregnancy. The attending physician will help decipher the analysis.

As a rule, the result of bakposev is evaluated with the help of "+" and "-". These signs are placed next to each type of microorganism under study. They indicate the presence or absence of them in the resulting sample. A large concentration of microbes can be expressed in two or three pluses. In this case, doctors say that this test is positive for identifying a certain type of bacteria.

The “-” sign indicates that these microbes were not detected in the obtained sample. Such an analysis is called negative.

For quantitative assessment, doctors use special units of measurement called colony-forming or CFU. They are calculated per 1 ml of the test liquid. Scientists believe that 1 CFU is one microorganism that contributed to the appearance of one large colony.

Evaluation of the results is carried out with a quantitative calculation. So, 1000-10000 CFU / ml indicates that the result of the analysis is doubtful. In this case, doctors will usually recommend that the pregnant woman retake this laboratory test.

Less than 1000 CFU indicates that there are no pathological disorders in the presented sample. Such analyzes are found in uncomplicated pregnancy, as well as in situations where the expectant mother does not have any signs of kidney and urinary tract diseases.

An increase in the index above 10,000 CFU / ml, as a rule, is an unfavorable sign. This situation develops in the presence of urinary tract infections or various pathologies of the kidneys. In this case, more detailed additional auxiliary diagnostic methods are required. Also in such a situation, a pregnant woman is necessarily sent for a consultation with a urologist.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman undergoes various examinations. Some of them relate to the growth and development of the fetus, others to the health of the expectant mother. It is impossible to neglect the assigned studies. The health of a woman and a baby depends on the timely detection of pathology.

Urine culture during pregnancy is one of the important tests. It is rented at registration and at 35-37 weeks. The analysis shows the presence of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, determines the type of pathogens. How to prepare for bacteriological culture of urine, collect material and decipher the data obtained? What to do with a bad result?

Types of bacteriological cultures during pregnancy

The analysis is necessary to identify the pathogen that caused the inflammatory process, and to quantify the degree of bacteriuria. For the fetus, infectious diseases of the mother are very dangerous, so it is important to determine the pathogen, to establish the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotic treatment. Tank sowing during pregnancy allows you to examine not only urine, biomaterial for research can be taken from the vagina, cervical canal, sinus and rectum.

During childbearing, sexually transmitted diseases are very dangerous. They can cause miscarriage. A smear for culture from the cervical canal reveals the presence of bacteria such as GBS (group B streptococcus), chlamydia, Trichomonas, Candida fungus, mycoplasma. Staphylococcus aureus can be detected by sinus culture. There is no need to prepare specifically for the test. The sampling of biomaterial is carried out from the mucous membrane in the laboratory.

Indications for a urine culture

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Every tenth pregnant woman suffers from a latent infectious disease that is asymptomatic. It can be Escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, enterococcus, fungal infections. In the absence or late treatment, pyelonephritis develops. In the advanced stage, the infection of the child occurs.

A urine culture tank during pregnancy must be taken by every woman. The analysis shows the state of the genitourinary system, helps to identify the latent and chronic forms of diseases. On the SGB, it is imperative to take the sowing twice for the entire gestation period - in the early stages and before childbirth.

An additional study is prescribed in such cases:

  • in the general analysis, bacteria, an increased number of leukocytes, protein, sugar were detected;
  • after antibiotic treatment to confirm the effectiveness of therapy;
  • harmful working conditions for a pregnant woman;
  • miscarriages in previous pregnancies;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • chronic pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • diabetes;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Conducting research

Conditionally pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms maintain the acid-base balance of the genital mucosa. When the elements of pathogenic microflora begin to multiply rapidly, an inflammatory process occurs. Bacteriological seeding is a research method effective for diagnosing infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by bacteria.

Urine examination begins with primary microscopy. The material is divided into several parts for studying in different environments, bacteria multiply in different conditions. A pure culture of streptococci is excreted in sugar water, staphylococci - in blood agar, pathogenic fungi - in Saburo's medium.

The bred bacteria are tested for antibiotic resistance for treatment. The total time required to study the material is 4-7 days. If there is a suspicion of kidney tuberculosis in pregnant women, urine must be taken daily for three days.

How to prepare?

The result of the seeding tank during pregnancy is distorted if the preparation rules were not followed. The collection container must be clean and dry. It is advisable to buy in advance at the pharmacy a special container with a tightly screwed lid. When using a glass jar, wash it with laundry soap and dry it. Do not wipe excess moisture with napkins or cloth. Fluff may remain on the glass.

A week before the study, salty and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. For two days, you can not eat foods that stain urine (for example, carrots, beets). The result of the study is affected by diuretics, antibiotics, taken even a week before the test. For two days, you need to stop therapy with vaginal suppositories.

The day before the examination, physical activity should be excluded. This leads to increased protein in the urine. Immediately before filling the container for the sowing tank, you need to wash the external genitalia without the use of special hygiene products, you can take ordinary laundry or baby soap.

How to collect material?

It will be correct to collect biomaterial after waking up. Urine should be collected immediately in a container that is intended for the laboratory. When transfused from urinals or other containers, extraneous bacteria enter the material. It is advisable to cover the vagina with a sterile cotton swab during filling to prevent bacteria from the genital tract from entering the urine. During pregnancy, the amount of vaginal discharge usually increases. The labia should not touch the edges of the container.

The amount of collected material should be at least 70 ml. For a tank of sowing on SGB, an average portion of morning urine is needed. The container with the material should be tightly closed with a lid and delivered to the laboratory within one and a half to two hours.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

Sowing of the biomaterial begins immediately after the container arrives at the laboratory. If you miss the time, third-party microflora will begin to multiply in urine. The laboratory assistant separates the material into several test tubes with a special medium (sweet liquid, agar, Sabouraud).

Each type of bacteria needs certain climatic conditions for reproduction. They are created artificially using a thermostat. In the incubator, the number of available bacteria rapidly increases.

After two days the container is opened. Under a microscope, the number of microorganisms is estimated. If bacterial colonies were not detected, the result is negative. With a positive culture, a clear growth of microorganisms is visible. They are evaluated using a special indicator - colony-forming units (CFU).

Deciphering the results of the analysis

The bacteriologist is engaged in deciphering the results of bakposev. The following indicators of bacteria are evaluated:

  • appearance;
  • properties;
  • reaction to antibiotics;
  • colony area.

A small number of microorganisms is considered normal. A significant excess of the indicator is a sign of a pathological process. What results are considered normal? It depends on the number of colony-forming bacteria detected per milliliter of fluid (CFU/ml). Possible values:

  • up to 1000 - negative;
  • from 1000 to 10,000 - doubtful;
  • more than 10,000 - positive, an inflammatory process occurs in the body.

If an infection is detected, a transcript of the bacteria found in the urine is attached to the form. It can be trichomonas, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, mushrooms, gonococcus, gardnerella, streptococcus, staphylococcus. Depending on the resistance of microorganisms to the action of antibiotics, they are labeled R (absolutely resistant), I (moderately resistant), S (susceptible). For treatment during pregnancy, drugs of group I, S are used.

What to do with a bad result?

If the colonies of bacteria in a smear from the cervical canal or urine culture grow, this indicates problems in the functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract, cystitis is possible. Often the analysis is re-scheduled. A poor result may occur due to a violation of the rules of hygiene and material sampling.

To clarify the diagnosis during pregnancy, additional diagnostics may be required. As prescribed by the doctor, it will be necessary to pass a smear from the vagina, ultrasound of the kidneys. Identified inflammation is treated with antibiotics. After the end of therapy, a second study is carried out to check the effectiveness of the treatment.