Cuticle and nail oil, which is best to use at home

Hello dear readers!

Beautiful, well-groomed hands are a woman's calling card. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that they always remain in excellent condition.

Today we will talk about the miraculous effect of esters for nails, skin of the hand, cuticle. We will also find out which nail oils are useful and what effect they have. You will learn recipes for baths, wraps and masks. Stay tuned and enjoy your reading!

Benefits of esters for hands and nails

Our hands are constantly exposed to various influences: household chemicals, cold temperatures. Most often, the back side suffers, it can give out our age, when we do not need it at all, it is subject to irritation, redness and chapping.

Therefore, you need to constantly take care of your hands so that they always look well-groomed and beautiful. Essential oils can help with this.

They will become your faithful companions in personal care. With their help, you can make various creams, lotions, wraps, baths. The main advantage is that they are completely natural and do not harm the body.

Esters have a number of nutrients, vitamins, and trace elements. They are able to penetrate deeply into the epidermis, saturating it with oxygen and rejuvenating it.

You can notice the effect of using oils after just a few applications. The skin will become elastic, smooth, soft, velvety.

Very good means with the use of oils soften the cuticle. This makes it easy to remove. It also has a beneficial effect on the nails.

Esters help to whiten them, give them a healthy color, prevent fragility, delamination, and accelerate their growth. In this article, we'll look at many different uses for oils that can help you maintain the beauty of your pens and nails.

We constantly draw your attention to the fact that only proven products should be used for self-care procedures. We already know how to choose a quality product.

Now on the cosmetic market there are many fakes that carry one harm. If there is no store near you where you can buy high-quality essential oil, use the oils of the online store 4fresh.

Here you can find not only essential oils, but a lot of eco-products at reasonable prices. All of them have a natural composition and perfectly help to take care of yourself without harm!

The format of the online store is gaining momentum, as it is very convenient, you do not have to waste time on trips, queues and stuffy shops. Now let's take a look at the main benefits of using oils.

Pros of using hand esters:

  1. Strengthens the structure of nails, aligns the plate, and prevents brittleness.
  2. Eliminate dryness, irritation and redness of the skin of the hands.
  3. Softens the cuticles and helps remove them.
  4. Rejuvenate, saturate with useful trace elements and vitamins.
  5. Combines with base oils to help protect against chemicals, frost and weathering.
  6. Helps prevent corns.
  7. Small wounds and cracks are treated.
  8. There are a lot of positive sides, and all this is due to the healing composition of odorous liquids.

Regular use of esters will help you maintain the beauty, health, youthfulness of your hands for many years.

You can also enrich ready-made creams or lotions with them. This will significantly increase their effect and the effect of the application will be much faster.

Ways to use essential oils in hand care

Salon treatments are not the only ones that can restore dry and irritated hand skin. If you are faced with such a problem or are simply keeping them in good condition, then we recommend that you use the home methods of using ethers.

We have compiled for you a rating of the best oils, as well as prepared excellent methods and recipes for baths, masks, creams, etc. Regularly following the recommendations and following our advice, you can arrange a spa treatment for your hands at any convenient time and without leaving the apartment ...

Rating of the best esters for hand care:

  • Sandalwood- strengthens the nail plate, smoothes it, gives a healthy, natural color without yellowness. Protects the skin from the effects of various chemicals, prevents chapping and dryness.
  • Ylang-ylang- an amazing product that has a rejuvenating effect, eliminates fine wrinkles, makes the skin of the hands well-groomed and velvety. Saturates the epidermis with moisture and oxygen.
  • Tea tree- is a natural antiseptic, has a pronounced antibacterial property.

Helps to protect hands and nails from household chemicals, frost. Rejuvenates, makes the skin velvety, smooth, well-groomed. Works great with lavender and rose ethers.

  • Eucalyptus- refreshes, tones, relieves fatigue and redness. An excellent tool for strengthening nails, eucalyptus prevents delamination, accelerates growth and makes them strong.
  • Myrrh- prized for its moisturizing properties. Nourishes hands and nails, softens cuticles.
  • Lavender- is an excellent universal remedy that is used in literally all areas. And for good reason!

Lavender has excellent soothing, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory properties. Takes care of the handles, softens the cuticle, smoothes the nail plate, and prevents dermis aging.

Regular use of ester will help you always have a great manicure.

  • the Rose- has a gorgeous aroma, and any procedure with this ether can be equated with a mini-session of aromatherapy.

Rose perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. Penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, it saturates them with oxygen and useful elements. Prevents skin aging and protects it from negative effects.

  • Fennel- relieves redness, irritation. Perfectly moisturizes the skin, makes it smooth. Softens cuticles and prevents burrs.
  • Lemon- helps to whiten nails, removes yellowness. It has a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands, tones up and rejuvenates. Works great with other citrus aromas.
  • chamomile- perfectly moisturizes, heals small wounds, cuts. Soothes the skin, saturates it with useful microelements, prevents dryness, chapping and irritation.

Can be enriched with chamomile creams and base oils. It is a universal hypoallergenic agent.

  • Cinnamon- Penetrates deep into the skin, heals it, softens it. In combination with other esters, it has a powerful anti-aging effect.

There is a great online store Zeitun... Here you will find a huge variety of wonderful oils that have a beneficial effect on the body without any harm to health.

I love that they offer both mono oils and mixtures of essential oils, for example to relieve joint pain ... You can also purchase excellent natural cosmetics for body, face and hair care.

Quality control is carried out constantly, the recipe is exclusive. Take care of your health!

Let's take a look at the most effective ways to care for your hands, cuticles, nails at home. Remember that only regular carrying out of these procedures will give an effect.

Methods of using oils (dosage of ethers in drops):


This is a great way to strengthen your nails and moisturize your hands. As a basis, you can take not only water, but also decoctions of herbs (chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, etc.) and even potato broth. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

It is advisable to do baths at least once a week, but if time permits, you can 2 or even 3 times. It all depends on the condition of the skin and nails. If they need more complex and long-term care, then more often, if to maintain beauty - less often.
Recipe number 1:

2 liters of warm (38 degrees) water or herbal decoction + 3 lavender + 2 myrrh + 1 mint + 1 capsule of vitamin E + 1 teaspoon of milk.
Recipe number 2:

1 liter of water + 1 liter of potato broth + 1 teaspoon of almond oil + 1 rose + 1 cinnamon + 2 eucalyptus + 3 chamomile.

Wrap / Compress

It can be used not only for cosmetic, but also for medicinal purposes. Prevents dry hands, strengthens nails, and fights some dermatological diseases.

The resulting mixture should be applied to hands, then wrapped in cellophane wrap or put on cosmetic gloves. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. Regularity 2 times a week.

Recipe number 1:

Avocado oil 30-40 ml. + 2 roses + 1 cinnamon + 2 tea tree

1 capsule of vitamin A.

Recipe number 2:

Coconut oil 30-40 ml. + 3 ylang ylang + 1 lavender + 1 fennel + 1 eucalyptus.


The homemade cream has a natural composition and does not contain any impurities. Its action is more effective compared to those products that we see in the store. But as a base for a homemade product, you can use a ready-made cream, but only of the proper quality!

Recipe number 1:

50 gr. Butter + 20-25 ml. coconut oil + 3 geraniums + 2 sandalwood + 1 chamomile + 1 lemon + 1 teaspoon of honey.
Melt butter and honey in a water bath, add ethers. Mix / beat thoroughly. Store in a cool place in a dark glass jar.


They perfectly cope with dryness, irritation, relieve inflammation and redness. Rejuvenate the skin, strengthen the nails. Apply the mixture evenly, leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water.

Recipe number 1:

Chamomile decoction 100 ml. + 15 ml. jojoba oil + 3 oranges + 3 lavender + 1 orange + 1 vitamin E capsule.

Recipe number 2:

Milk 1 tablespoon + 15 ml. olive oil + 3 cinnamon + 1 sandalwood + 1 eucalyptus.

Today, dear readers, we have learned about the care of hands and nails using ethers. Recipes for fragrant mixtures will help you complete care without leaving your home. Our pens are our pride! Be beautiful and see you soon!

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Ilona was with you

The woman decided to give up nail polish for a while, which means that this is “zhzhzhzh” for a reason, as the cartoon character reasonably said. This means that there are problems with the condition of the nails, and they need rest. But you should not do with one rest, when there is an opportunity for effective treatment.

Causes of nail problems

Painful phenomena - fragility, delamination, dullness, roughness - can be caused by various factors:

  • - exposure to the same varnishes and enamels, nail polish removers, detergents, nail extensions;
  • - metabolic disorders;
  • - lack of vitamins.

First of all, it is important to find out the reason for the unwanted changes. If the problem lies in the medical plane, with proper treatment, the condition of the nails will also normalize. If you suspect vitamin deficiency, it is enough to take a course of vitamins for nails and hair, while switching to the so-called “smart” medicinal varnishes, which are sold in abundance in pharmacies.

Often nails "fly" after pregnancy, after intensive treatment of any disease, after prolonged use of hormonal drugs. Here vitamins and time will help - you need to wait until the body recovers.

In the case when the nails have lost their structure, shape and color due to excessive chemical exposure, there is nothing more effective than essential oils for strengthening nails in any form - baths, applications, rubbing.

Choosing an essential oil

The easiest and shortest way to heal is to regularly rub in pure aroma oils or mixtures of them into your nails. Eucalyptus, bergamot, lemon, rosemary, and ylang-ylang oils are called among the most effective "healers" for nails and hair. Basic, or transport, oils are:

  • - olive;
  • - almond;
  • - jojoba.

Usually 2-3 drops of the selected essential oil are added to 10 ml of the base. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the nail plate and the skin around it until it is completely absorbed. This is both rubbing and massage at the same time: let's not forget that many active bio-points are concentrated at the fingertips, which are responsible for vital organs.

It should be borne in mind that different nail strengthening essential oils are used for different problems. For example, in case of fragility, it is recommended to focus on oils:

  • - eucalyptus;
  • - chamomile;
  • - patchouli;
  • - sandal;
  • - bergamot;
  • - tea tree.

For layered nails, lemon, rosemary, myrrh will help. 2 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base is the standard ratio. There is an excellent universal recipe for a mixture that can be prepared for future use, for one course of treatment, and for a course of prophylaxis: for 50 ml of jojoba oil - three drops of rose, fir and lemon oils, use the mixture until it ends. Apply it like a varnish with a soft brush every day. The effect will exceed all expectations.

Since each of the essential oils has its own universal properties, it will not be superfluous to know which oil to use in a particular case.

Ylang Ylang will help to cope with the thinning of the nail plate. Bergamot helps wonderfully when nails become weak, break, seemingly for no reason. If you regularly use grooming masks and rosemary baths, you will soon notice that your nails begin to grow faster.

Geranium oil will affect not only the nail plate itself, but also the cuticle. When doing a manicure, we either cut or move the cuticle. However, we can only treat this way with its surface layer, which contains already dead cells. Deeper layers "lie" behind the nail socket. They need care and regular hydration. The cuticle plays the role of a "protector" from the penetration of pathogens and bacteria. Therefore, you also need to "look after" her. Celandine oil has antiseptic properties - this is exactly what we need. Geranium oil moisturizes well.

Burdock and castor oils stimulate the growth of marigolds, make them stronger and more resistant to external influences. And if you start using orange oil on a regular basis, you will notice that your nails began to shine, and without the use of any "special means".

Effective recipes

Masks for marigolds can be done at home often, because they do not require the purchase of expensive funds and do not take much time. While you are sitting, immersing your fingers in the nutrient mixture, you can dream and relax: so a mask or bath will have a double effect, strengthening both the nails and the nervous system.

An excellent mask is obtained using three components - oils:

  • - red pepper;
  • - lemon;
  • - myrrh.

To them you need to add a teaspoon of sea salt (or ordinary, if there is no sea salt) and rub the composition into the marigolds for 3 minutes. A couple of times a week will be enough to strengthen your nails.

You can take a ripe tomato, knead it, add a teaspoon of olive oil and 3-4 drops of rosemary oil. Sit with your fingers in the mixture for about 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

Is it boring to sit just like that? Then we will give our nails a mini-massage: take a pinch of sea salt and start rubbing it into the nails. Then we melt a piece of beeswax and, combining it with 4 drops of grape seed oil (you can do more, because this is a base oil, it can be used in its pure form), we continue the massage. This procedure can be done every 15 days.

Essential oil baths

Women who take proper care of themselves regularly pamper their nails with baths with the addition of aromatic oils. There are a lot of recipes, here is one of them. Pour a tablespoon of almond oil into a bowl and add 2-3 drops of grapefruit, ylang-ylang and bergamot. Hold your fingers in this mixture, then put on cotton gloves and do not remove for two hours. It can be even easier: dip your fingers into warmed olive oil and sit for half an hour. Nails will be grateful for such care.

You can make a sour cream bath. To do this, dissolve 3 drops of any oil (depending on the problem that needs to be dealt with) in fat sour cream. After holding it in the hand for about 15 minutes, rinse off, apply the cream.

You can make baths with sea salt. They have a firming and healing effect.

To make your nails transparent, even, squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into a spoonful of olive oil and hold your hands in the mixture for a while.

In your daily routine, nail strengthening essential oils can simply be found in your favorite hand cream. One of the options: add three drops of lemon and eucalyptus and five drops of lavender to a jar of cream, mix and use as usual in the morning, afternoon and evening.

When planning your grooming procedures, try to choose a time when no one bothers you, because you need to stand for at least 15 minutes so that the beneficial components of the mask or bath can be absorbed and begin to work. Before using the masks, it is imperative to remove the varnish, treat the cuticle, prepare a moisturizing cream, with which you will lubricate your hands after the caring procedure.

And a few more tips for every day.

Poor nail condition often signals a malfunction in the body. Malnutrition is bound to leave its mark. In case of problems with nails, it is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in calcium - cottage cheese, milk, cheese, natural gelatin is very useful - these are everyone's favorite aspic, jellied meat, jelly.

Foods with a high content of iron, iodine, silicon, sulfur, vitamins A and B are vital - these are absolutely all green vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, liver, vegetable oil, egg yolk. Tasty and healthy, and most importantly - nothing special, this is a familiar set of products for our table. Cheers.

Nail care is an integral part of every woman's daily routine. If you do this with natural vegetable oils, you can avoid many problems, as well as help the nails acquire a shiny, well-groomed look. As a rule, the effect of using oils is visible almost immediately, after the very first application. They greatly nourish the nail plate, soften the cuticle, help to strengthen the nail plate, and help against delamination and fragility. In addition, they protect against fungal infection. It is best to trim your nails before starting treatment, they should not be long. The effect will be even more noticeable if you try to eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, as well as foods with calcium content.

Almost all vegetable oils are very useful for nails: olive, almond, castor, linseed, burdock, nut, peach, avocado, jojoba, lemon, tea tree, as well as essential oils. Let's consider them in more detail.

Castor oil

This tool is obtained by hot pressing the seeds of castor bean plant. You can find such a product at any pharmacy. The triglycerides of oleic, ricinoleic and linoleic acids included in its composition help the nails to maintain health and beauty. The restorative properties of castor oil are enhanced when used hot. It can be heated in a microwave oven or in a water bath up to 40 degrees. Next, the product is rubbed into the nail plate. For greater effect, the procedure can be done daily at night. With cotton gloves, the result will be even more convincing. This product can be rubbed into the cuticles and skin of the hands. It leaves the skin hydrated and soft.

Oil mixtures can be made from castor oil together with other oils. For example, take 7 parts castor, 3 parts soy and a few drops of bergamot oil, mix and rub into your nails and skin. This mixture can be stored for 8 months in a dry, dark place, but first pour it into a dark glass bottle and close the lid tightly. The oil can be applied using the same brush. Castor oil baths with the addition of sunflower and olive oil are also very productive. Everything must be taken in different parts, but so that in the end you get 80 ml of the finished mixture. Add a few drops of 1% iodine to this and heat in a water bath. Next, we lower the nails into the bath for 15 minutes, after which we rinse off the remnants with warm water. You can also use jojoba, avocado, or tea tree oil as additives to castor oil. These trays prevent delamination and brittleness and level the surface. It is very helpful to add castor oil to hand cream.

Avocado oil

It is great for nail care. With its constant use, the nails are strengthened. In addition, it prevents inflammation. This tool also excellently softens the cuticle and moisturizes it, it is very convenient during manicure.

To strengthen nails and cure brittleness, you need to massage the nail roller with the application of this tool and only then apply varnish. Massage can be done with the following mixture: 2 tablespoons of avocado oil, 5 drops of lemon juice and 5 drops of rosemary, patchouli and lavender esters. A mixture of avocado oil with 2 drops of chamomile or eucalyptus is excellent for wound healing. When mixed with almond or olive, it makes a good tonic.

Jojoba oil

Copes well with problems such as delamination, brittleness, uneven surface. To overcome these troubles, it is enough to add liquid vitamin E, which can be found at the pharmacy, to it. The product is applied to the plate and rubbed into it. Next, you can cover the nail with vitamin E. Jojoba oil helps the nail to better absorb the vitamin, since it contains it itself. The procedure can be repeated 2 times a day. In case of contact with water, gloves must be worn. You can also make a balm. This will require 10 ml of jojoba oil, 2 drops of rose, 3 drops of lemon juice. Mix everything and apply overnight on the nails and nail roller.

Lemon oil

It is extracted from the peel of ripe fruits by cold pressing. It has been used as a nail care product for a long time. It strengthens and protects the nail and the skin around it. The brightening properties of this agent are also known. To do this, it is enough to regularly make baths of lemon oil or juice, or simply rub them into the plates. In addition, lemon oil is excellent for softening the skin around the nail and cuticle and helps the skin to regenerate. It also has antiseptic properties, so you can easily protect yourself from inflammation and infections in these areas. It is also advised to use it after a manicure, as its wound healing properties are known. To improve the result, experts advise using lemon in combination with other oils and certain foods. For example, with olive, as well as honey, iodine or with solutions of vitamins E and P. However, it must be used very carefully and not for long, since it tends to dry out the marigolds.

Tea tree oil

This product is extracted from the leaves of the melaleuca ordinary-leaved tree by steam distillation. It has long been scientifically proven that tea tree oil is effective against fungal nail infections. It is very strong in concentrated form, so it is dangerous to use it in its pure form. However, it is the concentrated product that is used to treat the fungus.

First you need to wash and clean the nail, cut and file it, be sure to dry it. On a dry surface, you need to drip a few drops of the product and use a cotton swab to distribute it over the entire surface of the nail, trying to penetrate deeply under the nail plate. It is imperative to grease the edges as well, since the fungus is destroyed only by direct contact with oil. Everything must be done as carefully as possible so that the product does not get on the skin. Next, you need to bandage the nail with sterile bandages. The procedure should be repeated in the morning and in the evening. If redness or pain occurs when using this remedy, then you can mix it in equal proportions with olive.

Linseed oil

It is used both independently and together with others in equal proportions. A good result is a mixture of a spoonful of flaxseed oil and 2-3 drops of eucalyptus, lavender or lemon. You can mix linseed with lavender, chamomile, rosemary or patchouli and thyme essential oils. Massage the mixture into the nails and skin of the hands, preferably from the bottom up. You can prepare a medicated ointment. To do this, you will need 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil, raw yolk, 1 tablespoon of honey and the juice of one lemon. Mix everything, wash your hands in the water in which the potatoes were boiled, apply ointment and put on gloves for 3 hours.

Almond oil

Rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. They help strengthen nails and eliminate flaking. In addition, this remedy is very beneficial for the skin of the hands, moisturizes and nourishes it. The oil should be rubbed into the nail itself, cuticles and skin. For preventive purposes, you can use it after a manicure, and to restore the plate, you can use it several times a day. For a greater effect, you need to use oil warmed up to body temperature. To make it convenient to apply the product to the nail surface, you can use a brush, cotton swabs or gauze. Now on sale you can find ready-made bottles such as varnish bottles. The healing properties will be more noticeable if you make the mask at night. Apply the product all over your hands, put on gloves and leave it overnight.

If you combine almond with essential oils, the effect can be complex. For example, for faster nail growth, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of almond and a few drops of lavender, lemon, ylang-ylang, chamomile, bergamot, eucalyptus, sandalwood, grapefruit, tea tree esters. Store this mixture in a dark place in a dark glass bottle. The mixture is rubbed into the nail plate and cuticle. Each nail must be massaged for half a minute. With daily use, the effect will be noticeable in the shortest possible time.

In addition, almost all vegetable oils are antiseptics and promote rapid wound healing. Therefore, it is highly advisable to use the mixture after the manicure. The procedures are best done at night before going to bed, after applying the oil mixture, you can not do homework. In addition, almond oil is added to your daily hand cream. The cream should be applied directly to the hands and rubbed into the nails. And most importantly, masks should be used regularly, not periodically. Temporary treatments are not at all effective.

Burr oil

Burdock oil contains a huge amount of vitamins, proteins and mineral salts. Also in the composition are palmitic and stearic acid. This affordable remedy perfectly restores and strengthens marigolds. To achieve tangible results, you need to rub it into the nail and cuticle 2-3 times a day. You can also soak in warm oil once a week.

Olive oil

This remedy can be used every day. This can be done with a regular soft brush. This method helps to cover the entire surface of the nail and at the same time save product. But it should be applied not only to the nails, but also to the skin around them. We leave for 15-20 minutes, then you can rub the product into the nails and skin, and smear the rest on your hands or just rinse off. You can also apply the oil and leave it overnight by wearing natural gloves. For the entire duration of treatment, it is better to refrain from using varnishes, even strengthening ones. It is better to wash dishes with gloves to avoid interaction with detergents. It is best to use gloves when doing work that may get your hands dirty. If they are not there, you can simply scrub the soap so that it gets under your nails, in this case, dirt will not be able to penetrate there. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to olive oil, it is very rich in vitamins. We apply this mixture overnight, put on cotton gloves and leave it until morning. Such procedures should be done 1-2 times a week. For growth and strengthening, it is necessary to nourish the nail fold and cuticle. Therefore, do not forget to rub oil into these areas, and, of course, into the nail plate too.

Peanut butter

Sooner or later, each of us faces the problem of delamination. The main prerequisite for this is inadequate nutrition of nails, cuticles and growth zones. In addition, the breakage can be caused by a violation of the protective properties of the nail. Walnut oil can have a good restorative effect. It is extracted from the nutshell and is one of the strongest and most concentrated natural foods. Has a long lasting effect after the first application. It nourishes nails, refreshes, improves their appearance and strengthens them. You just need to cover your nails with a small amount of the product. These procedures can be performed 2 times every day.

Peach oil

Extracted from peach pits by cold pressing and filtration. Despite the fact that this product is maximally saturated with vitamins and nutrients, it remains quite light in consistency. Its vitamin complex is ideal for marigold care. The composition contains micro and macro elements, iron, potassium, calcium and more. It also contains the so-called beauty vitamin - B15. Peach oil nourishes, protects and repairs the plate. Thanks to it, the nails will acquire a healthy appearance, shine and strength. However, in addition to the nails themselves, it is necessary to nourish the cuticle and the periungual plate. If this is not done, then their condition can deteriorate sharply.

This product also perfectly disinfects the surface and prevents the appearance of fungus. You can massage daily with this remedy to help strengthen your nails. For greater effect, you can prepare an oil mixture. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of peach ether and 3 drops of eucalyptus, lemon, lavender. Massage with this mixture, 3 times daily, 15-20 minutes before staining the nails. For severely weakened marigolds, you can prepare a mask. To do this, melt 4 grams of beeswax in a water bath. The yolk of a hard-boiled egg is ground with this wax and peach butter added in portions until a thick, homogeneous mass is formed. This mask can be applied every day.

Essential oils

The essential oil can be added to nail baths and masks. Before using such products, you need to prepare your nails - do a massage with a soft toothbrush. The brush helps to gently cleanse the surface of dead cells, later the mixture is absorbed even better. Also, after the baths and masks, you need to wear gloves made of cotton materials, this will allow you to achieve a greater effect. Trays can be prepared according to several recipes:

Cedar. For the bath you need 10 grams of cream, 5 grams of jojoba oil, 2-3 drops of cedarwood ether. All this is mixed until the components are completely dissolved. Next, this mass is applied to the nail with massage movements, and gloves are put on. The mask must be kept for at least 2 hours, after which the remnants are gently wiped off with a cotton pad. This mask strengthens nails and nourishes them with vitamins.

With sour cream. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of sour cream with two drops of grapefruit and rose ethers until smooth. Apply this mixture on nails for 2-3 hours and put on gloves. The remains are removed with cotton wool.

Mix with bergamot... 1.5 tablespoons of almond oil should be mixed with 2-3 drops of grapefruit, bergamot and ylang ylang esters. Apply to nail for 3 hours, wear gloves. Remove residues with cotton wool.

Essential oils for nails and cuticles are used quite often today. They are added to base oils, they are used to make baths for hands, nails and cuticles, compresses, sometimes used in pure form. For you, we have compiled a description of 22 essential oils that will be useful in caring for nails and cuticles.

Do not forget that when using essential oils for nails and cuticles or for any other purpose, the scent plays an important role. By using essential oils for nails and cuticles, you will get a greater effect if the scent is to your liking.

2. Essential oils: descriptions and recipes

Essential oils for nails and cuticles. What is it for?

The long list of essential oils for nails, presented below, will help you choose the one that will suit and please you. But for convenience, first, essential oils for nails and cuticles are divided into groups according to useful properties:

For delaminated nails: cedar, bergamot, pine, patchouli, myrrh, thyme, incense, ylang-ylang, lavender

For brittle nails: rosemary, sandalwood, lemon, bergamot, thyme, pine, patchouli

For whitening: lemon, grapefruit

Against fungus: tea tree, wormwood, sandalwood (as an adjunct), chamomile (as an adjunct)

To moisturize the nail and care for the cuticle: myrrh, geranium, sandalwood, patchouli, sage, chamomile

For growth: tea tree, rosemary, chamomile

Essential oils for nails and cuticles Top-22:

  • Ylang-ylang essential oil strengthens nails, eliminates delamination, and is used for polishing. With regular use of ylang-ylang oil, nails become stronger, healthier and smoother. This essential oil can be used in pure form on nails. To do this, you need only 1-2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil, they need to be evenly distributed on the nail plates and cuticles and rubbed in. This usually takes only 1-2 minutes. The oil is quickly absorbed.
    When polishing Before the procedure, you can apply ylang-ylang essential oil to the nail plate. This will help strengthen and more gentle sanding.
    Fortifying essential oils for nails and cuticles: 1-2 drops of ylang-ylang oil are mixed with 5 ml of jojoba oil. The resulting mixture is applied to both the nail and the cuticle, rubbed thoroughly with massage movements. The rest of this mixture can be spread over the inside of your hand.

  • Lavender essential oil softens the cuticle, promotes healing of minor injuries, and strengthens the nails. Lavender essential oil for nails, cuticles and hand skin will be most useful in the winter season to restore skin and nails after sudden temperature changes and stay in heated rooms where the air is often too dry.
    To restore and strengthen nails 1-2 times a day, you can apply and massage in 1-2 drops of pure lavender oil.
    - Mix 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil with 10-15 ml of any base oil, for example, apricot, peach or grape seed oil. You can also use macadamia oil as a base. This mixture can be applied to the surface of the nails and rubbed into the cuticle, or just keep your hands in the resulting composition for 15-20 minutes.
    For hand and cuticle care- you can add lavender essential oil to the cream at the rate of 5 drops of oil per 10 ml of cream.

  • Tea tree oil

    Tea tree essential oil from fungus nails are considered one of the most effective natural remedies. Also, tea tree essential oil will do. to restore and strengthen nails, stimulating their growth and softening the cuticle.
    To fight fungus Tea tree oil is applied in pure form to damaged areas of nails and skin several times a day.
    Also against nail fungus it is effective to make compresses with tea tree oil. To do this, the oil is applied to a cotton pad, the disc is pressed against the damaged area of ​​the nail, and wrapped with a bandage on top for a tighter pressure. It is recommended to keep such a compress from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Such compresses should be done every day or every other day, in the latter case, instead of a compress, tea tree oil is applied several times a day to the damaged areas of the nails and the surrounding skin.
    To restore, strengthen and grow nails Tea tree essential oil is mixed with one of the base oils suitable for nails. It can be olive oil, macadamia oil, apricot kernels. The mixture is prepared at the rate of 5-7 drops of essential oil per 5 ml of base. The composition is applied 1-2 times a day by rubbing a small amount into the nail and skin.

  • Lemon essential oil for nails and cuticles is used as a firming and whitening agent. When applied to the skin, it stimulates blood circulation, which ensures the supply of essential trace elements, moisturizes and whitens.
    For whitening the nail plate is used or rubbing or aroma bath. In the first case, a small amount of pure oil is rubbed in with massage movements 1-2 times a day. In the second, 10 drops of lemon essential oil is mixed with 5 ml of any base oil. We keep our nails in the bath for 15-20 minutes. Lemon essential oil will help restore the natural color of nails after removing varnish, working with spices or any other dyes.
    !Important! Make sure that the sun's rays do not come into contact with skin treated with lemon essential oil. It is recommended to apply this oil at least 1-2 hours before sunbathing.

  • Grapefruit

    Whitens, adds shine to the nail plates, prevents the appearance of burrs, and cares for the cuticle.
    For whitening and for severe delamination and fragility the oil is used in its pure form. (For recipe see description 4. Lemon)
    To strengthen nails grapefruit essential oil (5 drops) is mixed with almond oil (5 ml). The resulting mixture can be used both for regular rubbing and as an aroma bath.

  • Rosemary

    An excellent natural remedy for nail brittleness and flaking. In addition, rosemary essential oil promotes the acceleration and growth of nails, gently cares for the cuticles. When in contact with the skin, rosemary essential oil activates and accelerates blood circulation. For methods of use and recipe, see 2. Lavender.
    To strengthen nails essential oil of rosemary and accelerating their growth, the most effective remedy is a bath with sea salt. For her you will need
    -2-3 drops of rosemary essential oil
    -1 glass of warm water
    -1 teaspoon sea salt
    The bath is used for 20 minutes, 2 times a week, for a month.

  • Bergamot

    Bergamot essential oil eliminates flaking, strengthens thin and brittle nails. Bergamot oil is especially effective for the restoration of nails after extension. The result will be noticeable after 1 week of daily rubbing 1-2 drops of bergamot essential oil into the nail plates. You can also use aroma baths (see 2. Lavender-For nails and cuticles) and a salt bath (see 6. Rosemary)

  • Geranium

    Geranium essential oil is suitable for strengthening nails and moisturizing cuticles. Geranium oil also has healing and anti-inflammatory effects. The most powerful recipe:

    5 ml almond oil
    3-5 drops of geranium essential oil

    Rub in the resulting mixture by grinding until it is absorbed. This composition is also suitable for cuticles. After using geranium essential oil, the nails become stronger and healthier, the cuticle looks neat and well-groomed.

  • Orange

    Orange essential oil helps to strengthen and restore nails, nourishing cuticle care, can be used for whitening together with lemon essential oil. And so are the recipes.
    to strengthen: simply rub a few drops of essential oil into your nails with massage movements until absorbed several times a day. Or we mix orange essential oil with one of the main oils, you can take olive oil, wheat germ or coconut oil. The ratio of 5 ml of base oil and 5 drops of essential oil.
    for whitening: 7 drops of lemon essential oil and 5 drops of orange essential oil are mixed with 5 ml of any base oil. We keep our nails in the bath for 15-20 minutes. After that, massage the rest of the oil into the cuticle, nail and skin around for a few more minutes.

  • Sandalwood

    Sandalwood essential oil soothes the skin, moisturizes the cuticles, strengthens nails, gives them a well-groomed appearance and healthy color. It is sometimes used in combination with other oils to fight fungus. When it gets on the skin and cuticles, sandalwood essential oil promotes healing of cracks, softens and moisturizes.
    For strengthening and moisturizing: just rub a few drops of essential oil into nails and cuticles with massage movements until absorbed several times a day.
    Against fungus: 4 drops of tea tree and lavender essential oils, 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil are added to 2 liters of warm water.

  • Mandarin

    Mandarin essential oil is similar in properties to essential oils of other citrus fruits. It strengthens nails, helps to grow healthy nails, and gives a healthy color and a well-groomed appearance. The most effective tangerine essential oil in a salt bath:
    -2-5 drops of mandarin essential oil
    -1 glass of warm water
    -1 teaspoon sea salt
    The bath is used for 20 minutes, 2 times a week.

  • Patchouli

    Patchouli essential oil strengthens and moisturizes nails and cuticles, and prevents the appearance of hangnails. Eliminates brittle nails.
    For strengthening and moisturizing: Simply massage a few drops of essential oil into each nail and cuticle until absorbed several times a day. This oil can be added as a moisturizer to any nail oil formulation.

  • Pine

    Pine essential oil for nails is not used as often as other oils on this list, but it can be just as effective.
    To strengthen nails the following recipe is used:
    -20 ml wheat germ oil
    -10 drops of pine essential oil
    The nails are immersed in the mixture for 5-10 minutes, then the rest of the oil is rubbed into the nails and cuticles with massage movements until absorbed. It is recommended to do such aroma baths no more than 2 times a month. And in between, you can use any other essential oil to strengthen your nails.

  • Thyme (Thyme)

    Thyme or thyme essential oil is effective for brittle and flaky nails, giving them shine and care for the cuticles. This oil is applied by simply rubbing a few drops of essential oil into the nails with massage movements until absorbed several times a day. You can make oil masks or aroma baths: 5 ml of jojoba oil and 10 drops of thyme oil.

  • Sage

    Sage essential oil gently moisturizes the skin of the hands and cuticles, heals minor wounds and scratches, and strengthens the nails. Sage oil baths are recommended to be used after a manicure. To do this, add 5-7 drops of sage essential oil to 5 ml of base oil (jojoba, macadamia, olive). For nails and cuticles, this composition is a real miracle!

  • Myrrh

    Myrrh essential oil strengthens and moisturizes nails, cares for cuticles, and has antiseptic properties. Rub it a couple of times a day into the nail plates and cuticles, the result will be after a few days. Myrrh essential oil is ideal for daily grooming. It can also be used as an additional active ingredient with any nail, cuticle and hand skin care product. To do this, you need to add essential oils for nails only 2-3 drops to each serving, for example, hand cream or oil for nails.

  • the Rose

    Rose essential oil is suitable for permanent nail and cuticle care. This oil moisturizes and nourishes, helps to strengthen nails and prevent brittle nails. Moisturizes cuticles and helps get rid of hangnails. Rose essential oil for nails can be used in the same way as geranium oil (see # 8 Geranium)

  • Palmorosa

    The essential oil of palmarosa is effective in caring for the cuticle and restoring damaged nail plates. It prevents burrs. Great to use at the start of the day. Palmrosa essential oil for nails and cuticles can be used in the same way as geranium oil (see # 8 Geranium)

  • chamomile

    Thanks to its soothing and healing properties, chamomile essential oil is suitable for removing burrs, moisturizing cuticles, strengthening nails and accelerating their growth. Chamomile essential oil works well together with lemon essential oil. You can apply them in turn, or you can prepare the following composition: 5 ml of coconut or almond oil, 5 drops of chamomile and lemon essential oils. This mask will return your nails to a natural healthy color, relieve cuticles from dryness, if necessary, relieve inflammation, prevent fragility and flaking of the nail plates.

  • Sagebrush

    Wormwood essential oil is used mainly in the fight against nail fungus. To do this, pure oil is applied to damaged nails in the morning and evening. And also make baths 2-3 times a week, add 10-15 drops of essential oil to 2 liters of water. For aroma, you can add any oil you like.

  • Cedar

    Essential oil of cedar actively strengthens nails, moisturizes the cuticles, prevents delamination and the formation of burrs. To maintain healthy nails, cedarwood essential oil (5 drops) mixed with 5 ml of almond oil is applied to nails a few hours before applying varnish. Cedarwood essential oil can also be used neat, mixed with other oils and in nail baths.

  • Incense

    Frankincense essential oil or incense has been known since ancient times. It is great for strengthening nails and preventing delamination.
    In pure form: 2 drops are distributed over the surface of nails and hands, rub in until completely absorbed, usually 1-2 minutes. It is enough to do this procedure with frankincense essential oil 1-2 times a week.

Essential oils for nails and cuticles application

How to apply essential oils for nails and cuticles? This question is asked by many girls and women when they start using natural remedies. Essential oil is a rather specific product that, if used incorrectly and ineptly, can cause more trouble than good. Below is a list of recommendations to get the most out of it and avoid trouble.

  1. Choose the nail essential oil that works best for your particular goal.
  2. When buying oil, give preference to 100% natural oil. The bottle should be made of dark glass and have a dispenser.
  3. A sensitivity test must be performed before using any essential oil. Apply 1-2 drops of essential oil to a sensitive area of ​​the skin (wrist, bend of the elbow) and evaluate the effect of the oil. If no discomfort in the form of itching, burning, redness, etc. occurs within 20-30 minutes, the oil can be used.
  4. Apply oil to clean and dry nails.
  5. Close the jar tightly after use to prevent the ether from evaporating.

You can compose a composition of your favorite oils, which will contribute not only to health improvement, but also to raise your mood and vitality. Essential oils for strengthening nails can be beneficial for overall health as well. For example:

1. 2 drops of cedarwood, grapefruit essential oil - will invigorate, set you up for optimism;

2. 2 drops of sweet orange essential oil, 1 drop each of sandalwood, neuroli and incense - will help get rid of tension, cheer up;

3. 1 drop each of ylang-ylang oils, sandalwood, 2 drops of Neuroli essential oil - will inspire, give strength, create an atmosphere of romance

Essential oils for strengthening nails have all the necessary components created by nature itself. Take care of your beauty with natural essential oils. Be healthy and beautiful!

Every woman of the fair sex has at least once faced the problem of brittle or peeling nails. This problem especially torments us with vitamin deficiency. But there are other reasons. In this article, we will discuss why nails become weak and brittle and find out which nail oil is suitable.

We will also consider the stages of nail care and easy recipes so that the manicure remains perfect. Using the recommendations, you will not only make your nails beautiful, but also the skin of your hands.

By using oils, you will get rid of nail problems. But knowing the reason for the fragility, the use of popular councils will be much more effective. In addition, the reason may lie in internal diseases. Remember, treat not the symptoms, but the cause.

  1. The first reason is vitamin deficiency. If the body lacks vitamins and minerals, the nails exfoliate, become weak, lose color. This often happens in the spring and fall.
  2. Diseases are the cause. This topic is extensive, the shape of the nails, color, relief, foliation indicate problems with organs, hormonal imbalance.
  3. Exposure to the nail plate with chemicals, acetone. This can be nail polish remover, detergent, dishwashing detergent, etc.
  4. makes nails brittle, lifeless, yellow. As corny as it sounds, smoking is also harmful here.
  5. Permanent coating with bright varnishes, gel varnishes, acrylics negatively affects the nails.
  6. Improper or insufficient care will create many problems for you. This includes the wrong file, nail care products. Don't forget to take care of your cuticles. And you don't need to do this.
  7. Heredity is the cause of brittle nails.

Nail care oils

Use oils in their pure form or as an additive to creams, masks, c. Know that each oil is famous for its effect and solves certain problems. There are a lot of oils used in cosmetology.

Let's dive into this fragrant and healing world of oils. There are essential oils that strengthen the nail. These are oils of tea tree, myrrh, rosemary, verbena, lemon, chamomile, bergamot, eucalyptus, sandalwood.

Tea tree helps to get rid of nail fungus and other diseases. Lemon whitens the nail, gives shine, has an antibacterial effect.

Bergamot restores thin nails, nails after extensions and other procedures. Rosemary aids growth and is an antiseptic. Eucalyptus retains moisture in the nail and has anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition to essential oils, vegetable oils are used. In addition to strengthening the nail, these oils provide many more beneficial effects:

  • Olive fights nail flaking.
  • Castor oil moisturizes and softens the cuticle.
  • Jojoba oil will save from delamination and brittleness, fights against unevenness of the nail plate.
  • Lemon protects the nail.
  • Almond oil nourishes marigolds with vitamins and fights flaking.
  • Burdock restores nails.
  • Hazelnut restores, fights brittleness, lamination, gives protection and stabilizes the growth of the nail.
  • Peach protects, nourishes and regenerates the nail. In addition, the nail immediately acquires a shine and healthy appearance.
  • Orange nail oil - protects against fungus.

Essential oil is rarely used in its pure form, it can cause burns, as it penetrates deep into the tissues. Therefore, they are often used with vegetable oils, which are called base oils.

As we have already said, the oil is rubbed in its pure form into the cuticle and nail plate. Take any oil that suits you and massage it into the nail itself, cuticle and growth zone.

Baths for nails with oils

Do hand baths with oils on a regular basis. You will need a little oil, 3-5 drops of any essential oil from the list will be enough for a bath.

Remember that the water temperature is about 40 degrees, and do the bath for 15 minutes, then you will achieve a good effect. In addition to strengthening nails, hands will become velvety, soft and pleasant.

Such baths are done 1-2 times a week. The course lasts 3 months, because the nail plate is renewed during this time. Check ingredients for allergic reactions before the procedure.

After the bath, apply a moisturizing cream to the nails and skin of the hands, this will enhance the effect.

Iodine baths are also popular. Add 5 drops of lemon juice and 3 drops of iodine to vegetable oil. The liquid should be warm. In no case do not use iodine in its pure form, it will only harm, and so it will be beneficial.

Add vinegar to the vegetable oil. Take a quarter cup each of oil and apple cider vinegar, stir, and dip your nails into the mixture. Do the bath for 10 minutes.

For a bath for brittle nails, take 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, a glass of water and 2-3 drops of essential oils from the list.

Remember that if you have cuts, abrasions or wounds near your nails, do not take a bath with salt or fruit juice.

Compresses with oils

Use mashed potatoes to make the compress. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and 5 drops of essential oil to it. Apply the mixture to a napkin and apply to the nail, hold for 15 minutes. You can remove potatoes from such a compress.

Ointments and creams with oils

The cream is prepared quickly at home. The creams are tested and the ingredients are easy to find.

  • For the cream you will need 50 grams. butter, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tsp. base oil. Melt the ingredients in a water bath. When the cream has cooled, drip 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang, rosemary, geranium oils. You need to store such a cream in the refrigerator, and use it 2 times a day.
  • For the second recipe, mix 1 tsp. petroleum jelly and 0.5 tsp. olive oil, mix and add 5 drops of vitamins A and E to this mixture. Rub the ointment into the base of the nail 3 times a day. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months. Such a mixture will strengthen nails, accelerate growth, and eliminate flaking.

Nail masks with oils

  • Remove the pulp from one tomato and add 1 tsp to this mass. almond oil and 1 tsp. l. olive oil, 4 drops of rosemary oil. Apply the mask to your nails and rinse off after 15 minutes.
  • Prepare a cream mask. To do this, boil the egg, you only need the yolk. Melt some beeswax in a water bath. Add the crumbled yolk and peach butter until a thick paste. You need to rub your nails before bed.

Nail care rules

  • The first rule is regularity. It's like in a gym, if you do it at random, there will be no effect.
  • Don't choose iron nail files. Glass or ceramic nail files will do. You need to file the nail in one direction, otherwise it will begin to exfoliate.
  • Keep track of the length of your nails. Reaching a certain length, they break and exfoliate, every girl notices this. Trim your nails in a timely manner, and smooth sharp corners with a file.
  • Pay attention to the color of your nails and bleach regularly, but not more than 7 days in a row. For such purposes, a lemon is suitable.
  • Do the nail baths and procedures we talked about today.
  • Monitor the condition of the cuticle, lubricate with oil and massage. It is not recommended to move the cuticle aside, let alone cut it, because it protects the nail from infection.
  • Let's take a break from nail polish and build-up.
  • Exercise with your fingers. This will improve the blood flow and nutrition of the nail, accelerate growth. If you are typing on the keyboard, this is great, if not, tap your fingers on the table.

When you talk to someone, come to an interview, or go to the store, people pay attention to your hands and nails. I bet that you yourself felt uncomfortable more than once when you realized that you forgot to get a manicure. Take care of the nails in a timely manner, and the oils will help you in this.