Master Class. Postcard in the Origami technique "May 9". Master class how to make origami on May 9

Galina Shineaev

On the eve of the wonderful holiday of Victory Day, I bring to your attention a postcard in Origami technique. Such postcards with the children of the preparatory group made veterans as a gift. It has become a good tradition on the eve of the Victory Day holiday inviting veterans to visit!

Carnations of white, blue and red.

Red carnations - a symbol of memory and grief, courage, courage and victory.

White color is a symbol of purity, nobility and frankness.

Blue color symbolizes honesty, loyalty, impeccability and chastity.

We need:

Color cardboard - for the background (we have golden);

Paper for origami or for a white, blue, blue and green printer - for the inscription and carnations;

Colored paper of orange and black, for the manufacture of St. George Ribbon;

PVA glue;


Getting to make a postcard.

Cut 26 red squares with a side of 2.5 cm.

1) We take the square and gear on the diagonals. (For the show I took one-sided colored paper)

2) We fold the base form "Pancake"

3) turn over the other side.

4) We fold again the basic form "Pancake".

5) turn over the other side.

6) Since the postcard of small sizes (1.2 sheet A 4, we fold the third time the base form "Pancake". The module turns out volumetric.

7) Similarly, perform all modules.

8) We will need several triangular details, for this cut the module in half diagonally.

10) Then, stick.

We proceed to the manufacture of carnations.

We will need wonderful squares:

8 white, 8 blue, 8 red with 3 cm face;

3 - green with a side of 3 cm;

3-green with a side of 6 cm.

1) We fold the square to the diagonal form "Kosyanka".

2) We fold the "Kosynka" in half.

3) reject the upper plane to the side.

Module is ready. Similarly, perform all modules with a side of 3 cm.

Collect flowers.

1) Insert the second module in the first

(so that the flower is stronger, we glue the details)

2) Thus, we collect 2 billets, out of 5 modules and from 3.

3) We glue the workpiece of 3 modules to the workpiece of 5 modules.

4) We stick a chashelistic - a green module.

Similarly, we perform white, blue and red flower.

Making stem

from green squares with a side of 6 cm, rolling into the tube from the corner.

We add to the stalks of the leaves.

The resulting carnations stick to the base.

Georgievskaya tape carry out the applique by the method of splen.

The last barcode is salted from silver paper.

Card ready.

Thanks for attention.

Happy Victory Day!

Publications on the topic:

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In this master class you will learn how to make a miniature of a tank from paper in Origami technique. The product will not only be an unusual and interesting handicraft for boys, but also come in handy as a bookmark for favorite books. In addition, this children's handicraft from paper by May 9 can serve as a useful school accessory. Such a tank can be done in school lesson at school and introduce children with the art of origami, since its manufacture does not take much time.

To create a paper tank in the Origami technique we will need:

  • green paper, preferably dense;
  • glue, better dry pencil;
  • brown, red and black paper;
  • gel handles, red and silvery markers.

Master class on origami "Tank - Children's craft for May 9 with his own hands"

1) Cut the main central blank from the green bilateral paper - a square of 20 per 20 cm square or so. The more the square will be in size, the larger the tank will turn out. The resulting main part be seen diagonally to obtain a rectangular isceived triangle. Initially, the prepared part should be perfectly even so that after the combination of two squares of the square (triangles), they clearly superimposed on each other.

2) On the hypotenneus of the resulting triangle, find the center and, focusing on it, bend the right and left side up.

3) After the previous operation, two folds on the green canvas will be traced, located at right angles. Focusing on these folds, bend the top triangle, lowering the corner of the top layer down.

4) Next, form a corner itself for the entire bookmark. Move under the folded special way a triangle first one part of the workpiece, then another. And make a pretty bend. The resulting square with a pocket should be turned into a tank. While it is still not at all similar to the planned object.

5) To make the caterpillars of the tank, take advantage of brown and black paper, scissors. From paper of the first grade, cut down the continued oval with a small stand for further mounting. From black paper - a few small circles of wheels.

6) Cut the wheels into oval tracks. Apply the Gel Handles of Silver Color Axis and Wheels, and also make a more expressive edge. Several modifies the shape of the green corner itself, with the help of scissors, so that it becomes more like a tank outline. Cut the upper part and round the tower.

7) Lubricate with glue protruding on the brown part, which we specifically cut out for mounting to the craft. Attach the caterpillars, lay the strip under the pockets of the corner, sciss the scissors.

8) Next, add important parts to complement the silhouette of the combat vehicle. First of all, this is a long blow. Cut a thin strip of paper and stick to the tower. Above the red banner from above. On the housing, draw a red star with handles or wovers and a number 22 - the number sign of the selected model.

The holiday of the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War, which we celebrate on May 9, celebrate especially touching and solemnly. Not much remained living witnesses of those terrible times. Therefore, the younger generation hurries to congratulate the veterans of the war and to give them souvenirs and crafts made by their own hands.

Schools and kindergartens hold various events that familiarize children with the history of those times, and also demonstrate movies and read books about the war. In memory of those who fought for the freedom of native land, and for those who survived in this war, children make crafts and postcards, as well as with senses of gratitude and respect, give them veterans.

In this selection, we present master classes - how to make crafts on May 9 with their own hands with step-by-step photos. These crafts on Victory Day can be done with children for exhibitions at school and kindergarten or as a gift to grandfather and veterans.

Crafts on May 9 do it yourself - master classes

The younger generation strive to express gratitude to everyone who did not regret themselves who miraculously survived and remembers their military feats and the fighting merit of their comrades. Age people will be very pleased to get crafts that contain a festive symbolism - it can be George ribbons or orders of them, pigeons of peace, cloves, eternal fire or stars, as well as tanks or aircraft.

Be sure to congratulate on the Victory Day of the members of their family. Children love to listen to the stories about the past and certainly know about the soldiers who have gone to the front, as well as their exploits. When these children grow up, they will tell about these exploits to the next generations, but as long as they invest their efforts and love in small crafts.

Children of younger preschool age can offer to create flat postcards in the form of appliqué. The topics of the postcard may be like this:

  1. festive salute over the Kremlin;
  2. composition with star and young foliage or with St. George ribbon;
  3. soldier helmet among branches of blooming apple tree.

If the child is still too small, then adults should help him and cut the necessary appliqué details, after which the child sticks them to the cradle.

Extremely popular are crafts with the image of various colors: carnations, tulips, daisies or roses. Such a gift can be performed not only in the form of a paper application, but also by design, painting, origami or plasticography.

A bulk red star looks especially solemnly, which symbolizes the victory of the Red Army. Pupils of high school will be able to cope with such a craft, as a tank of plasticine or cardboard. Plasticine is a very affordable material, but it allows you to realize any idea. Plasticine make airplanes, guns and other military equipment, the finished craft is decorated with colored foil or paint from the can.

For the kids, a dove of the world remains a constant beloved handicraft for many years. Thousands of small messengers from paper, plasticine or salted dough fly on the day of victory in the hands of veterans, symbolizing peace and good.

In this master class, I will show some options - how to make it yourself with step-by-step photos and video. Carnations are most often presented as crafts for the Victory Day veterans, as well as on the birthdays of grandparents. Carnations are excellent decorative flowers that please our view in parks, squares and on home lawns.

On the day of victory on all the main squares of the country, solemn parades are held on the next anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War. Someone will go along with the whole family to the parade to enjoy the majestic spectacle, someone will have the TV to watch the events unfold.

How to make a George ribbon in Kanzashi technique

Georgievskaya tape is the central symbol of an important holiday of Victory Day. Such a striped track must necessarily have a parade or procession of an immortal regiment, the scheduled celebrations will be held in every city on May 9.

To make a memorable gift for the Victory Day, learn the master class. It is described here and shown how to make postcards by May 9 with their own hands in different ways. This is an excellent lesson for elementary school. As part of patriotic education, such crafts are particularly relevant. You can spend an extracurricular event, to arrange a competition of cards, as well as to take some schoolchildren in the classroom of schoolchildren. See here.

In this master class, I will show some options how to make a star from paper with your own hands with step-by-step photos. Such a five-pointed symbol can be relevant and now. For example, the Red Star is perfect for the gift of grandfather and veterans. How to do Look here.

Here is a master class - how to make a tank on May 9 with your own plasticine hands with step-by-step photos. Such a children's dealing on the day of victory with her own hands will be an excellent gift of grandfather or dad. You easily and just make it, following our master class. How to do Look here.

The famous black and orange combination, symbolizing the infinite flame and smoke from him, is known to the modern generation, like Georgievskaya tape. This is a symbol of victory, which is made to give real heroes, brave soldiers, distinguished in battle, from the times of Queen Catherine. Today, such an order can try on everyone.

Old men and children, young people are different generations, but they are united by a single will to victory, pride in the feat, perfect by simple soldiers of the Red Army. An ordinary striped fragment also gradually undergo evolution. This is happening, thanks to the irrepressible creative fancy masters working in Kanzashi technique.

Among the traditional details that are taken to decorate postcards for war veterans, you can select the most commonly used: red star, St. George ribbon, spikelets, cloves, and so on. Each of these memorable signs carries an important semantic load, they are chosen in no coincidence.

The teacher will have to tell pupils, why the Victory Day is so important for us, which means all these memorable signs. And the children will be interested in creating such greeting cards for grandparents and dads.

Every year, veterans leave us into another world, so it is very important to keep this holy tradition to read the Victory Day and in the future and remember our story. This holiday and preparing for him causes us a sense of pride for their heroes and their country, as well as feelings of the inviolability and the unity of our people.

The postcard is designed to express your attention and raise the mood to whom it is intended. The postcards of the Victory Day acquired a special significance, because with their help we express our gratitude, respect and eternal memory, those who defended our homeland! We invite you to make solemn greeting cards by May 9 with your own hands in various appliances needlework.

Postcards by May 9 With Paper Flowers

The easiest option to decorate a postcard, with which even small children will be dealt - it is to make appliques from colored paper.

Cards with rainbow carnations

And such a child can do

Carnations are easy and simple can be made of colored paper or napkins.

... and napkins

How to make a carnation, incredibly similar to the real, look at the master class ABC TV.:

Postcards by May 9 in the technique of quilling

Quilling is the art of performing paper compositions, volumetric or flat. It consists in twisting long flat paper in the spirals. Completed spirals or "rolls" you can decorate postcards.

Starting with small, study of the main elements, of which the entire composition is formed:

Photo of the main elements of the queen from the site

Having mastered the twisting of the main elements, you can collect the simple, but original postcards:

Beautiful inscription from small elements

But the option with an apple branch

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine which decoration elements you have in stock. Perhaps you have old unused greeting cards by May 9 or it is possible to print items to decorate the postcard.

Strict postcard ...


... and retro

The red star can be cut out of cardboard or felt, you can glue a bulk star from paper and descending with other elements:

Star with leaves ...

... Roses ...

... Georgievskaya ribbon ...

... and other decor

Even a small wooden clove in the form of an airplane can be used to decorate the postcard. Everything is very simple and original!

Georgievskaya tape from any materials (tissue, paper) in combination with clippings, elements of floristic, copulated paper will always give brightness and symbolism of the author's postcard:

You can also use a ribbon with the colors of the Russian flag:

You can scratch both with glue and sew the items of your postcard history (on a sewing machine or manually):

Maps of battles, military documents, such as "act of unconditional surrender" and others - all this will attract the attention of children to our history when creating a festive postcard:

How and from which materials to make such a postcard clearly shows in your master class Master Forever:

How to artificially create military documents or cards can be viewed in the master class Ideas for DIY Creativity DIY HANDMADE:

Elements of the decor can be all that reminds us of the Great Patriotic War and the Day of Victory: Camouflage fabric, sprawers for pursuit, small sleeves, patriotic poems, old military letters or aged artificial records.

In his master class, shows how to make a scrap card with a gift using camouflage fabric:

Or photo of the heroes of war, perhaps your loved ones, grandparents, grandparents ...

Do not forget that May 9 is a holiday, so your postcard can decorate joyful moments of Victory Day

Drawn postcards by May 9

If you are well posted with brush and paints, as well as color pencils, you can draw a bright postcard yourself. For this you can use color pencils, watercolor or gouache paints, etc.

First you need to make sketches using a soft pencil. Next, draw clear the basic details of the drawing and start painting.

Children's drawing ...

... no worse ...

... Creation Masters

Postcards that can be sent by email

Nowadays no one will not surprise electronic congratulations. If you want to congratulate someone by e-mail or through social networks, these postcards will greatly cope with the task:

Happy Victory Day!