On what day of pregnancy the test shows the result. When to do a test if the menstrual cycle is irregular? How to use methods for determining pregnancy

Waiting for a happy day when you become a mother can cause a huge range of feelings: from quivering excitement to anxiety. To quickly find out whether conception happened, it will be useful to deal with the question of when you can do a pregnancy test. Thanks to modern technologies in the field of medicine, now you don’t have to wait for many months and sit in line for an appointment with a gynecologist to get news of an upcoming addition to the family.

Pharmacy options of this kind measure the amount of hormones in the blood, most of the methods for early detection of conception are aimed at indicating the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin. In short, doctors often call it hCG, this abbreviation is familiar to many patients. Its level can change 10 days after fertilization. If a woman has an average cycle of 28 days, then she can confirm the birth of a new life with a test 5 days before menstruation. That is, even before it becomes clear whether there is a delay. As a rule, they indicate pregnancy when it is still impossible to see during the examination on the ultrasound machine.

In general, it should be borne in mind that 14 days pass from the moment of ovulation to the next menstruation with a cycle of 28 days. So each woman can independently calculate from what day before the onset of regular bleeding she is able to recognize that the transition to a new state, waiting for the appearance of an heir, has occurred.

It is easy to improve the accuracy of the check if you perform a number of simple steps:

  • check in the morning, before meals and before going to the toilet;
  • check the sample after 5 minutes or after the amount of time indicated in the instructions, not earlier and not later;
  • Diuretics should not be taken 3 hours before the test.

The first tests for the presence of an interesting position can be made on the ninth day after contact with a man has occurred, insufficiently protected or aimed at a targeted fertilization. By this time, the fertilized egg has already invaded the uterus, and the chorion that forms the placenta begins to secrete the hCG hormone. Its presence in the blood and urine is considered the main sign of an interesting situation.

When conducting an inspection at the earliest possible time, it is necessary to be especially careful follow the instructions for use products. You can not overdo it in the urine, as well as take it out too quickly, too. During this period, the concentration of hCG in the body is small, it is important use the most sensitive samples. The second stripe on them may be rather weakly expressed. The more time passes since conception, the brighter the second strip will be. And the easier it will be to detect the fact of motherhood with the help of different brands, including not the most sensitive products.

Up to 6 days after the birth of a new life, this fact cannot be revealed by any method. At this time, the embryo not yet attached to the uterine cavity, is in free movement. Only after introducing it into the endometrium, you can find out if it is. And this happens on the 21st, 22nd or 23rd day after last period. A fertilized egg does not implant in the uterus for up to 6 days. But its fusion with spermatozoa is possible not immediately after ovulation, but within a couple of days. From here, such approximate dates are taken when you can do a pregnancy test in order to understand whether the birth of a child has occurred. And is it worth prepare for the long-awaited birth of a baby.

After ten days, the most sensitive and expensive brands can already show two cherished stripes. If there is great impatience, and they show the second strip barely noticeable, you can donate blood for analysis concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin. This will have to be done by a doctor, but the data will be even more accurate.

However, if it is possible to wait and there is no urgent desire to urgently find out whether the long-awaited miracle has happened, you can wait until the fourteenth day since ovulation. Experts believe that at this time all tests have the ability to detect the presence of a fetus without errors.

If the test is carried out as soon as possible after conception, it is especially important to observe the following conditions:

  • carefully study the instructions on the package, follow it unquestioningly;
  • do not take any drugs on the eve of the procedure, if this is not possible, reschedule it;
  • when consulting a gynecologist, pay attention to whether there is a disease that can lead to false positive or negative tests.

The exact parameters of pharmacy strips should be studied in the instructions that come with them. Usually 10 days after the release of a mature female germ cell, the most sensitive analogues already show whether the conception. Their accuracy is 99%. Cheaper and less sensitive products can reveal the interesting position of a woman at the earliest possible date only with a probability of 80-90%.

Manufacturers recommend wait for the first days of delay menstrual flow and only after that measure something.

Outcomes may be influenced by external factors. Some of the main ones include:

  • hormonal drugs can change the amount of hCG in the blood, if they were taken before conception, the data may be inaccurate;
  • some fertility drugs lead to false positive tests;
  • a previously terminated pregnancy, if it happened recently, may distort the sample.

The ability of pharmacy funds to determine the presence of an interesting position before the delay is not the same. Important read the manufacturer's instructions not to be mistaken. It is also worth choosing the most sensitive options that measure the slightest concentrations of hCG in the urine. As a rule, they are not cheap, but they can indicate 5 days before the expected menstruation that fertilization has occurred.

The number of days before the delay, during which it is possible to understand when you can do a pregnancy test and detect the presence of an embryo, you need to calculate in depending on the average cycle of a woman. So, for those whose cycle is standard 28 days, the most early detection of conception can take place in 5 days. And if the menstrual cycle is 24 days, then only 1 before the delay.

The factors that can distort the picture have already been listed above. If you also have them, you should play it safe, conduct tests several times over a number of days. Desirable use products from different manufacturers and with different sensitivities. And sometimes you still have to go to the doctor to make sure that it's time to prepare for the birth of the baby.

Sometimes during an interesting position menstruation does not stop, although becoming less pronounced. So if the test is negative, this can sometimes be cause for concern. For example, this happens when kind of dough with weak sensitivity to the concentration of the hCG hormone in the very early stages.

The degree of sensitivity of the product is indicated on the packaging. The more accurate it is, the more it usually costs. The lower the number, the more sensitive the test.. For example, if two products are displayed on the showcase - for 20 and 25 units, then you should choose the first one. It is more suitable for early periods, since it has a higher sensitivity to the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. The most sensitive brands on the market help to fix the concentration of hCG up to 10 mIU / ml.

The earlier in pregnancy, the more important at what time of the day to carry out the procedure. For longer periods, the content of the hormone in the urine is high, so the check can be done without looking back at the clock. And if you can’t wait to find out about an interesting situation as early as possible, then it’s better to diagnose in the morning after sleep. It is important to perform this procedure before going to the toilet. Because at this time hormone levels are highest for the entire time of the day.

If follow all of the above recommendations, use a sample of the desired sensitivity, do not violate the instructions for use, then the emergence of a new life in the early stages can be unmistakably recognized. And if time endures and there is no acute impatience, then you can wait 14 days from the moment of ovulation to save on the purchase. At this time, most varieties, even inexpensive ones, are no longer mistaken. So it will be possible to get a reliable answer to a juicy question at no extra cost.

Do you now understand when you can take a pregnancy test? The forum will advise. Read more about the numerous cases.

Almost every woman at some point in her life wonders about her condition - is she pregnant or is the delay associated with any abnormalities in the body? Pregnancy test - what day to do it? For some, this question is connected with a wonderful feeling of anticipation of alleged motherhood. Someone, on the contrary, expects only a negative answer.

What is conception? A female egg is fertilized. The emerging embryo is in the uterus, starting to produce hCG hormone. The hCG hormone is human chorionic gonadotropin.

For a long time, it was possible to determine pregnancy only by visiting a gynecologist. The gestation period could already be 2-3 months. Science does not stand still, diagnostic methods have changed, and you can get an answer to this question much earlier.

After how many days the test will show pregnancy when using regular strips

The modern way, which allows you to find out with a fairly high probability whether a woman is pregnant or not, is simple. This pregnancy test which can be purchased at every pharmacy. But the question often arises: after how many days the test will show pregnancy, if you count from the time of PA.

After how many days will the test show pregnancy using conventional strips that almost all modern women have used in their lives? As is known, in this case Analysis of urine. This method is good because it simple, no need to go anywhere, you are doing the test at home.

Every woman knows that there are practically seven days to conceive a child: five before ovulation and two after it. So what day to take a pregnancy test? Even having determined the exact time of ovulation (which is quite difficult to do), it is useless to test after a couple of days. Until the secretion of hCG has started, it is impossible to detect pregnancy.

Test makers say a woman can do it a day or two before the expected delay.

  • Only about 25% of women find out that they are pregnant two days before the expected menstruation.
  • In one day - about 40% of women hope to become future mothers.

Statistics give the following figures: on average, only in two weeks (13-14 days) women will be able to see two stripes on the test if conception has occurred. Those. the most likely result is manifested on the day of the delay of menstruation.

Why is this data provided here? Asking the question - on what day the test shows pregnancy - women cannot get an exact answer. A positive result can only appear three weeks after ovulation. If the issue is very important to you, then on the first day of the delay, do analysis for hCG. Then get 100% result.

Therefore, the question: “A pregnancy test - what day to do?”, - remains open. If you do it at the wrong time or not in accordance with the instructions, you can get a false negative result. The woman will consider herself not pregnant, and then this issue will be resolved positively. For some, this will be a moment of joy, but for others it will only bring grief.

On what day to do a pregnancy test - gynecologists still advise you to wait 3 weeks after ovulation. Then you can achieve 99% of the result. Only after such a period does the hCG level reach a concentration sufficient for analysis.

Blood test: what day the test shows pregnancy

In addition to such a test, there is another accurate way that allows a woman to find out about her pregnancy or her absence. It's special blood analysis. Here is a little background information on this pregnancy test.

  1. On what day does the test show pregnancy with this method? The analysis can be carried out from the seventh day intended conception.
  2. How long to wait for a pregnancy result with a blood test? The result will have to wait about a day.
  3. Is it possible to determine the exact gestational age through a blood test? The presence of the hCG hormone is determined and exact date pregnancy. This pregnancy test will determine both the qualitative and quantitative indicator of hCG.

Expectant mothers want to know that the family will soon become larger as soon as possible, so often on the forum and in the antenatal clinic they are interested in when they can take a pregnancy test. You can find out about conception by visiting, donating blood or doing an ultrasound. However, women often prefer the test - it's a quick, easy and budget option to find out if pregnancy has occurred. However, many are concerned about how accurate the test is, and on what day of delay does the test show pregnancy?

Test Options

One of the most popular options is the strip test. It is a strip on which hCG antibodies are applied. From the 1st day of delay, the Evitest No. 1 or FRAUTEST Express test (made in Germany) can already show the correct result.

Tablet tests work in a similar way. They look like a small box with 2 windows. If in the first version the strip is dipped to a certain level in a container with urine, then in this case, with a pipette (it is in the kit), it is necessary to apply 4 drops of urine into one window - after a few minutes 1 or 2 strips will appear in the second window.

Inkjet tests are characterized by high accuracy. They are simply substituted under a stream of urine. You can determine that conception has occurred with the Clearblue, Frautest Comfort, Evitest Perfect pregnancy test. These are good tests, they are reliable. How soon can I take a pregnancy test using these products? Already on the 1st day of the delay, the test will show pregnancy. Their only drawback is their high price.

Working mechanism

You can buy an express pregnancy test at a pharmacy. To understand when you can do a pregnancy test, you should know how they work. The tests are produced by different manufacturers, but the principle of operation is the same for all: they detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine.

Note. Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that is produced after the embryo attaches to the uterus. The reaction to the presence of a hormone is manifested by the appearance of a second strip on the test.

On the forums you can often find the question on what day the test showed pregnancy. Answers vary, but experts insist that in case of conception, the test will show pregnancy after a delay - before it, the probability of a reliable answer is low. The effectiveness of the test is also related to the period that has passed since the day of conception. Immediately, the level of hCG in the urine is low, so no reaction occurs, however, this level gradually increases, which leads to the fact that when the test interacts with the test material, a second strip appears.

Despite the fact that the principle of the tests is the same, the day from which the result will be reliable differs. This is due to the fact that they are characterized by different indicators of sensitivity. Most tests indicate an indicator of 25 mUI hCG. On some - 10 mUI hCG, but most experts insist that this is just a publicity stunt. You should also not buy tests whose manufacturers insist that you can do a pregnancy test before the delay with a 100% guarantee of reliability.

How to conduct the test correctly?

The accuracy of the test depends on the timing of the test. Of course, it is impossible to find out about pregnancy immediately after sex. It is necessary to count a certain number of days after ovulation.

Note. In many ways, the reliability of the result will depend on whether it is regular.

Expectant mothers, even before the delay of menstruation, want to know if conception has occurred. To this end, they buy tests from firms that have the best sensitivity reviews. However, not always even the most sensitive sample can recognize the presence of hCG before the delay.

Therefore, if you want to get the necessary information as early as possible, you need to understand on which day of the delay the test will show two strips. Typically, the duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. If you do a test on day 23, then none of the tests, even those characterized by the highest sensitivity, will not show a reliable result, since the level of chorionic gonadotropin is too low. It is not always possible to find out about pregnancy on the 26th day - it all depends on the day of conception, the duration of the cycle.

How long to carry out the procedure? Test manufacturers claim that after a delay, the procedure can be carried out already on the first day, since the level of the hormone reaches the level that is detected by the tests. However, experts recommend waiting another week, then the test will accurately show pregnancy.

After how many days can I do a pregnancy test if the date of ovulation is known? With a regular cycle, the egg is released in the middle of the cycle. Accordingly, if menstruation comes on the 30th day, then the egg is released on the 15th, if on the 28th, the egg is released on the 14th day. Fertilization of the egg takes place over the next 2 days. However, after this, more time must pass: for 4-5 days, the fertilized egg will attach to the uterus. Therefore, a blood test for hCG will show changes on the 22nd day of the cycle.

On which day of the cycle can the test be used? The use of a highly sensitive test can show an elevated hCG level no earlier than 4 days before menstruation. Therefore, with a 30-day cycle, it is not advisable to analyze earlier than on day 26. Although there is a fairly high probability that at this point the test will be negative. With a cycle of 28 days, you can do a test on the 24th day of the cycle.

With an irregular cycle, you can try to determine the earliest moment for testing if the exact date of ovulation is known. You can determine the day of ovulation in several ways:

  • using a special ovulation test;
  • tracking basal temperature;
  • based on the occurrence of a sign of premenstrual syndrome.

If the exact day of ovulation is known, then 12 days should be added to it - after this period, hCG is detected in the blood. Correctly done tests can show the result on the 15th day. Now it is clear for how long the test can be reliable and why.

Note. However, all these figures are very conditional and focusing on them cannot guarantee a reliable result. An accurate answer can be obtained by waiting 3-5 days after the delay.

Sometimes, even when pregnancy occurs, menstruation does not stop. It is advisable to perform a pregnancy test after or during menstruation, especially if the menstruation differs in volume and duration from the usual. A pregnancy test during menstruation can be done on any day - the presence of blood will not affect the reliability of the result.

Testing during lactation

Regardless of the test result, if you notice any symptoms that are quite characteristic of pregnancy, then it is better not to postpone going to the doctor.

The absence of pregnancy in the first months after childbirth is a normal phenomenon from the point of view of physiology. However, there are cases when a woman became pregnant while breastfeeding. For a woman, this situation may come as a surprise. To avoid it, experts recommend conducting a test every month until menstruation begins.

Insemination and IVF

Pregnancy does not always occur naturally. If certain difficulties arose at the planning stage, then the conception procedure can be carried out without sexual contact, by insemination of active spermatozoa into the uterus, or by planting an already fertilized egg (IVF). Women who become pregnant after the insemination procedure can carry out a pregnancy test after 18 days, since all processes are similar to natural fertilization. A blood test can show pregnancy as early as day 14.

Sometimes pregnancy is stimulated, in which hCG injections are given. It is clear that in this case, the hormone will be detected during the test, so it is not advisable to conduct an analysis earlier than 15 days later.

When using in vitro fertilization, no differences from the natural process in subsequent development are also observed. When the embryo takes root after IVF, hormone production will begin, therefore, after implantation, the test can be carried out after 2 weeks after the procedure.

Conducting a test

Manufacturers do not give information when it is better to take a pregnancy test. It is believed that the result will be the same regardless of time. However, experts advise doing a pregnancy test in the morning, using urine collected overnight for analysis.

A pregnancy test during the day can not always be done. Basically, the restriction concerns the test at the earliest possible date, since during the day the urine is less concentrated, and the test may not respond to changes or show a very weak, almost imperceptible second strip. If you are wondering if it is possible to do a pregnancy test in the evening before the delay, then you should not, because. the result will be negative.

Note. To improve the accuracy of the result, it is necessary not to go to the toilet for 4 hours before the test, and also try to drink less liquid - then the urine will be more concentrated.

As for the later dates, when the hormone level is already quite high, the effectiveness will not be related to the time of day. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to do a pregnancy test in the afternoon or in the evening is positive.

Negative result

Any woman planning a pregnancy wants to see a positive test result as soon as possible - 2 strips. However, these expectations are not always met. Can the test be negative if pregnancy has occurred - a question that often interests women.

Such a situation is possible. The simplest option is low hCG in the mother's body. This is an individual indicator, so even for several weeks after the delay, the test may not show a second strip. Such situations should be taken seriously: they may indicate either a hormonal failure. However, pathology should not always be suspected. Sometimes the test simply does not have the necessary sensitivity to determine the hormone, while the development of pregnancy is normal.

There are also opposite situations: when the test indicates pregnancy, but the result is not true.

This can happen in the following cases:

  • the woman took the test within two months after giving birth;
  • dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • the presence of a hormone-producing tumor;
  • using an expired test.

Ectopic pregnancy

In an ectopic pregnancy, the fetus is attached outside the uterus. However, this does not affect the production of the hormone, although it is produced more slowly. Therefore, the test can still be positive. An examination or ultrasound will help to exclude the development of an ectopic pregnancy. There is also a special Inexscreen test that will indicate that there is an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.

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A pregnancy test is a modern and simple way to find out about the onset of conception. There are many different tests that differ from each other in terms of accuracy and sensitivity. A woman should know what tests are, how they differ and how to do the test correctly.

How does a pregnancy test work?

Using the test is a convenient way to find out about pregnancy as early as possible. The reliability of the obtained results is approximately 98%. The definition of pregnancy is carried out due to the interaction of the reagent located on the test strip and hormones.

HCG is a hormone that is produced in the body almost immediately after the onset of conception. As the fetus grows, its amount in the urine increases.

It is enough to lower the strip into a container with urine, and the area with the reagent substance is colored - stripes appear on the light part.

What does the bar show

A pregnancy test will show a positive result if 2 strips appear. One of them always appears and almost immediately after lowering the test into the urine. It is painted in a bright blue-crimson tone.

The appearance of the second line is possible only if the hormone hCG, which is responsible for the onset of pregnancy, is present in the urine. If conception did not occur, only one band will be visible on the test after a few minutes.

What does a positive pregnancy test look like?

The result should show 2 straight lines. Color intensity can vary greatly. In this case, the control strip responsible for the positivity of the result may be paler.

What does a negative pregnancy test look like?

If 1 single strip is visible on the result, this indicates a negative test. The same result is indicated by the weak color intensity of the second stripe or its strong blurring. The white color of the strip means that a lot of liquid got on it and it did not have time to react.

The pregnancy test has a 98% reliability of the results obtained.

Weak second line on a pregnancy test - what does it mean

Such a reaction is possible with a short gestation period, or a negative pregnancy test. If the test is done before the delay, too little time has passed since conception. Doctors recommend in this case to do repeated tests after a while.

What are pregnancy tests - types of tests

The tests differ in appearance and in the degree of sensitivity. Some allow you to find out about pregnancy after a very short time after conception.

test strips

These tools allow you to quickly diagnose. They are very easy to use, decrypt, cost up to 100 rubles. Such tests are a strip with a reacting substance, one end of which is placed in a container with urine. After 5 minutes, you can already see the result.

The appearance of a second line on a pregnancy test is possible only if the hormone hCG, which is responsible for the onset of pregnancy, is present in the urine.

Usually, when determining pregnancy in this way on the first day of delay, the result is 97% true. But even he can make mistakes if you do not follow the recommendations for use.

To conduct the test, you need to take a clean container and collect urine in it - it is best to do this in the morning, when the hCG hormone reaches its maximum concentration. For half a minute, you need to lower the strip into it.

A control line will immediately appear, indicating that the test was performed correctly. After 5 minutes, a second band may appear, which means a positive result.

Advantages of this type of test:

  • affordable price;
  • a wide range of.


  • low sensitivity;
  • the need for a separate container for testing;
  • with a strong concentration of urine may show erroneous results;
  • with insufficient impregnation or, conversely, with a strong immersion of the strip in a container with urine, it can give erroneous readings.

Inkjet pregnancy test

This type of testing refers to the modern method of determining pregnancy and is considered more reliable. The tests are very different from previous generations of similar research methods.

Such tests have a complicated device and increased sensitivity. This allows you to show reliable results even with a low level of hCG.

The test has a special layer. In the presence of hCG, the reagent reacts with the hormone and shows an accurate result. Already after 60 seconds, the test is ready to show reliable data. The cost of such tests is much higher than other less accurate analogues.


  • the possibility of using such a pregnancy test under any conditions;
  • no need for a container for measurement;
  • applicable at any time of the day.

Inkjet test cassettes have a more complex design. Through their rod, which consists of smaller channels, urine reaches the test area with the reagent. On this part is a latex layer with antibodies that actively react to hCG.

Even at a very low concentration of the hormone, the reagent will show the correct results. This way can be used from the first day of the delay of the menstrual cycle.

Electronic (digital) test

Such a test has a similar mechanism of work as the rest. He actively responds to the presence of hCG. It can be carried out at any time of the day, regardless of the degree of concentration of urine.

Able to show accurate information from the first day of delay. The accuracy of indicators is within 98%.

Despite the low cost, it is able to show the correct indicators within a few days after the onset of the intended conception. The closer the day of delay, the higher the percentage of reliability of the results.

According to the results of the surveys, even if before the day of the delay he showed a negative result, then on the first day of the delay he could already show the onset of pregnancy.

It is recommended to repeat such a test several times for greater confidence in the performance.. As soon as urine is absorbed into the reagent strip, a clock image appears on the screen. This indicates the health of the device. After 3-4 minutes, the screen displays the results with a plus or minus sign.

Tablet tests

Similar meters are also are quite sensitive and able to fix the onset of conception already in the early stages. To obtain the result, a drop of urine is applied to a special window with a reagent strip.

This type of test is more modern and more expensive than conventional strips. It is often used for analysis in medical clinics.

The set includes a special pipette. After the urine reacts with the reagent, the window displays the result. At the onset of conception, the reagent becomes colored. This type of definition of conception is the most reliable among analogues.


  • no need for a special container;
  • the presence of a pipette for analysis.


  • difficulty in collecting the required amount of urine;
  • high cost compared to analogues.

tank test

This test is equipped with a urine reservoir. A window is located on the front side of the device, and the area with the reagent is built into the reservoir. The accuracy of the result is independent of the volume of urine. The reagent is able to absorb only the right amount to determine the likelihood of conception.

How many days after the delay of menstruation, conception, you can do a test

Pregnancy test can be used from the first day of delay. But many women have an irregular menstrual cycle and cannot correctly calculate the onset of this period. After the onset of conception, the woman's body begins to prepare for the upcoming process of gestation.

Immediately, the restructuring of the entire hormonal system begins, the level of hCG grows many times. It is on him that all systems for determining pregnancy react.

To confirm the result, at least 4 tests must be done, preferably with an interval of several hours at different concentrations of urine.

Pregnancy can occur after the egg is released from the ovary - this period is called ovulation and takes place approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Thus, when calculating the probability of fertilization, 2 weeks after the last cycle and the release of the egg, conception is possible.

A few days later, implantation takes place. The hCG hormone begins to be produced after the fetus attaches to the wall of the uterus. And every day its level increases.

Within a week, hCG reaches a level that can be determined by tests. This allows you to do testing after the start of the expected delay.

A delay does not always indicate pregnancy, it can be caused by stress, hormonal failure and the presence of chronic diseases.

Will the test show pregnancy before the delay

Tests with good sensitivity are able to show the result even before the expected date of the next cycle. This is about 3 weeks after the previous last day of menstruation.

By that time, fertilization is already taking place and the level of the hormone produced is already able to be displayed on supersensitive tests.

When the pregnancy test will show the exact result - from what date

Approximately 13 days after the end of menstruation, an egg can be released and fertilized. Another 3-4 days are given for the attachment of the embryo and the start of hormone production.

Thus already 3 weeks after the last menstruation, it is possible to determine pregnancy in the early stages about a week after conception.

Sensitivity of pregnancy tests

All tests to determine pregnancy indicate the minimum value of the hormone level to which it is able to respond. It usually varies from 10 to 30. The lower the value, the more sensitive it is, which allows you to do tests as early as a week after the expected date of conception.

Which pregnancy test to choose

When choosing a test, many women rely on the factor of affordability and ease of use. For test strips, a special container is required, but for the tablet version, this is not necessary.

Evitest pregnancy test (Evitest)


  1. It is considered one of the most accurate methods.
  2. Allows you to apply it from the start of the delay.
  3. In a few minutes you can already get the result.
  4. Application at any time of the day.

According to reviews shows accurate results ranging from 94 to 99%. Sterility is recommended. Prices start from 80 rubles.

Frautest pregnancy test (Frautest)


  1. Affordable price.
  2. Possibility to get the result from the start of the delay.
  3. Quick way to determine.

According to reviews, it is considered a quality product and allows you to get the result just a few minutes after the procedure. Prices start from 75 rubles.

Pregnancy test "I was born"


  1. Low cost.
  2. Quick way to determine.

Considered a test with medium sensitivity and not always able to determine pregnancy in the early stages. Prices for the test start from 95 rubles.

Clearblue (Clear Blue) - reusable test


  1. Oversensitive.
  2. Definition of pregnancy before delay.
  3. Several types.
  4. Highly accurate.

The determination accuracy reaches 99%.
Convenience in different forms of release. Prices start from 95 rubles.

Early pregnancy tests

To determine pregnancy in the early stages, tablet, inkjet and reusable tests are used.

What is the most accurate highly sensitive test

According to research, the most accurate tests were:

  • clearblue;
  • Frautest;
  • Evitest.

How much does a pregnancy test cost in pharmacies

Depending on the degree of sensitivity the cost of tests in pharmacies starts from 25 rubles (one-time test strip).

How to do a pregnancy test - features and rules

When carrying out the method of determination using tests, it is recommended to observe sterile conditions. It is not recommended to keep the strip in the urine for less or longer than the prescribed period..

Tests show any pregnancy, including ectopic.

Is it possible to take a pregnancy test in the evening

You can test in the evening if it has highly sensitive reagents. Other tests require a high concentration of urine (morning) for reliable results.

Can a pregnancy test show a negative result?

The test does not show pregnancy, but there is a delay

It is recommended to repeat the test after a few days. It should be borne in mind that the delay may be caused by anxiety conditions, concomitant diseases.

Ectopic pregnancy: the test will show or not

Tests show any pregnancy, including ectopic. This is due to the fact that they only respond directly to hormone levels.

Can an ovulation test show pregnancy?

No, because such tests are focused on determining the presence of a different type of hormone, and not on hCG.

Home pregnancy test - how to check pregnancy without a purchased test

There are several ways to determine pregnancy at home.

Pregnancy test with iodine and paper

A small sheet of paper is dipped into the morning urine. Next, a few drops of iodine are applied to the wetted edge. A violet-blue tint indicates a positive result, a brownish one indicates a negative one.

soda pregnancy test

To do this, you need to collect about 200 ml of urine in a container (preferably perform the procedure in the morning) and put a teaspoon of soda there. Hissing indicates a negative result.

How to take a pregnancy test:

Pregnancy test with soda at home:

On what day does the test show the result of pregnancy? This question worries both those who planned the child, and those for whom the delay came as a surprise. We will tell you when a pharmacy pregnancy test can show the result and what to look for both when choosing the test itself and when conducting it.

Pharmacy tests

All commercially available pregnancy tests work on the same principle - they react to a certain level of hCG, or pregnancy hormone, in the blood. They have working modules with a special reagent that either changes color or activates the corresponding indication on the digital display. To understand when to use a pregnancy test, you need to understand the features of pharmacy models.


Such a test is made in the form of a strip model, in the center of which there is a zone with a reagent. Upon contact with urine, it turns purple, which gradually brightens. Against this background, a control dark strip appears and, with a positive result, a diagnostic one. The second strip may be barely noticeable, even a pale strip indicates that the pregnancy has come.

Pros: affordable cost, simple instructions. Cons: the need to collect urine, a possible violation of the instructions, errors and difficulties in reading the result.

How it is performed: the strip is immersed by the applicator in a container with urine to a certain mark for 10 seconds, after which it is laid out on a horizontal surface. The result will be ready in 3-5 minutes.

On which day of delay the test shows pregnancy: the average sensitivity of such tests is 25 mIU / ml, so the result will be reliable already on the first day of delay.

Strip tests are best done in the first days of delay.


The cassette is essentially the same "strip", but closed with a plastic case. It has openings for applying biomaterial and checking the results.

Pros: low cost, hygiene, minimum chance of violating the instructions.

Cons: urine must be collected in a separate container.

How it is done: urine is collected in a special pipette that comes with the test. After that, a few drops of biomaterial should be dropped into a special window. The result will be displayed in adjacent openings.

On which day of delay the test shows pregnancy: such tests, like strip models, usually have a sensitivity of 25 mIU / ml. They can be used the day before the delay or on its first day.

What does a cassette test look like?


Such tests are considered the most hygienic and convenient, since they can be carried out anywhere, and there is no need to collect urine for analysis.

Pros: convenience, reliability of design, accuracy.

Cons: higher price compared to "strips".

How it is performed: the test has an applicator that needs to be substituted for 3-5 seconds under the stream of urine. While the result is being determined, the applicator can be closed with a plastic cap for greater hygiene.

On which day the test can show pregnancy: usually inkjet tests can recognize hCG at a concentration of about 20 mIU / ml, so you can even do it 2-3 days before your period.

When to buy an inkjet pregnancy test?


Electronic models - the latest generation of tests with maximum sensitivity. They work in the same way as other options, but the result is not displayed as reagent strips, but as a simple and clear indication on a digital screen.

Pros: the possibility of early diagnosis, the absence of errors in the interpretation of the result.

Cons: high cost.

How it is performed: the test can be substituted under a stream of urine or immersed in a container with biomaterial. When the result is ready, an audible signal is activated, and the corresponding information appears on the digital screen - usually this is the result and the actual gestational age in weeks.

On what day pregnancy is determined by the test: electronic tests have a sensitivity of 10 mIU / ml, so they can be bought already 5-6 days before the expected delay.

The best test for early diagnosis is electronic

What day does a pregnancy test show results?

Since any test recognizes chorionic gonadotropin, you can roughly calculate from which day the test shows pregnancy. The figures below are for reference and generalized. They are adapted to a normal cycle of 28-30 days, when ovulation occurs on days 12-15.

So, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs. At this time, an egg is released from a mature dominant follicle. If unprotected intercourse has taken place, the oocyte meets and connects with the sperm. This may take up to 2-3 days. The embryo after the fusion of germ cells divides and moves into the uterine cavity through the fallopian tube. There, the villi of the chorion of the embryo begin to grow into the endometrium of the uterus, this process is called implantation, and it can take from 1 to 5 days before it starts. It is with the onset of implantation that the body begins to intensively produce chorionic gonadotropin, which is also often called the pregnancy hormone. In the absence of conception, its level in the urine does not exceed 5 mIU / ml. If pregnancy has come and begun to develop, the concentration of hCG until the end of the first trimester will double every 2-3 days.

How does hCG change?

On what day does the test determine pregnancy and show the exact result? Let's say implantation took place 7 days after ovulation. On the 8th day, the level of hCG in the urine will be 2-9 mIU / ml - this is not enough even for an expensive pharmacy test with high sensitivity. On the 9th day after ovulation, hCG will reach 3.5-10.5 mIU / ml. Those. about 6-7 days before the delay, you can do an electronic pregnancy test with a sensitivity of more than 10 mIU / ml. Approximately on the 12th day after ovulation, hCG will rise to 11.5-32.5 mIU / ml. If a woman has a 28-day cycle and conception took place approximately in its middle, then already at the 1st week of actual pregnancy, a test with a sensitivity of 10-20 mIU / ml can be done.

On the 14-16th day after ovulation, that is, on the first day of delay, the concentration of hCG can vary from 19.5 to 135 mIU / ml, which means that almost any pregnancy test, even an inexpensive strip model with a sensitivity of 20- 25mIU/ml will show a positive result.

Why is it best to do a pregnancy test in the first days of a delay?

HCG blood test is the best pregnancy test

For those who are interested in when a pregnancy test will show an accurate result, it should be borne in mind that pharmacy tests give a one-time assessment. Those. they can show whether conception and implantation took place - no more, even if several tests are carried out in a row. A blood test for hCG will be much more informative and accurate. This survey has many advantages:

  • such a pregnancy test can be done on the first day of delay or even a few days earlier;
  • repeated delivery will allow you to track the growth of hCG in dynamics, and this, in turn, reflects the correct course of pregnancy;
  • an analysis for hCG, unlike a pharmacy pregnancy test, can be done at any week and at any time of the day;
  • the results are evaluated by a specialist, errors are excluded, for example, with incorrect “recognition” of the second strip or with incorrect test performance.

Get tested or take a test?


When a pregnancy test shows a positive result, you need to contact a gynecologist. During the examination or with ultrasound diagnostics, he will make sure that the conception really took place. In addition, only a specialist can exclude an ectopic pregnancy, which develops when an embryo is implanted in the fallopian tube and can become a threat to the health and life of a woman. With the development of such a pathology, pregnancy tests that were carried out in the first days of the delay will show two strips. Without consulting a doctor, it will be difficult to prevent serious problems and delayed consequences.

When the test accurately shows pregnancy and the woman decides to keep it, it will be possible to register early in the antenatal clinic. Such a measure will allow you to comfortably pass all the necessary primary tests, provide ideal conditions for the normal development of the baby and receive some state payments.