Nod development of speech kolobok. Synopsis of nodes for the development of speech for the first junior group of dow. Lesson material

Purpose: creating conditions for the development of children's speech when they get acquainted with the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man" staged by a table finger theater. Tasks: - to teach children to listen carefully to a fairy tale in a staged version, to arouse a desire to play finger theater on their own; - activate the speech of children; - develop fine motor skills of the fingers; - enrich the sensory and motor experience of children. Material: doll, basket, characters from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" - finger theater, pictures with illustrations for the fairy tale, a small bowl of pasta, bowls of primary colors, balls of primary colors according to the number of children. Vocabulary work: gingerbread man, grandfather, grandmother, hare, wolf, bear, fox, red, cunning. Children come in. The teacher invites them to sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle. Educator: - Guys! Katya doll came to visit us today. Hello Katya! And she brought something for us in a basket. Let's get a look. The teacher takes out a stand with the characters of a fairy tale. - These are the heroes of a Russian folk tale. What do you think? That's right, "Kolobok". Let's name them. The teacher shows, and the children call. -Clever! Now listen to the story. The teacher plays the story. -That's the end of the tale, and whoever listened - well done! The teacher asks questions, showing the children pictures with illustrations for the fairy tale. -Who asked grandma to bake a bun? - From whom did the bun roll away from the house? - Who did the bun meet in the forest? - Who ate the bun? -What fox? Well done guys. You are probably a little tired. Get up, let's dance. Physical education minute: (the teacher sings with musical accompaniment) Yellow, with round sides ("Springs", hands on the belt) Made by grandmother's hands. (“We make snowballs” with our hands) Only this is not a ball. (“We wind the threads” (“motor”)) And a wheat bun. (Stomp our feet) He is scraped along the box. (“Scrape” with both hands) He is mixed with sour cream, (Circular movements with both hands) He has a ruddy side, (Tilts to the sides, hands on his belt) He is a cheerful bun. (We stomp our feet, hands on our belts) He left his grandmother and grandfather, (We put our feet on our heels in turn) So as not to become dinner for them, (We stroke our stomach with our right hand) Jump and jump along the path, (Jumps on two legs, hands on our belts ) The bun rolled away. (We stamp our feet, hands on our belts) He sang a song to the animals, (We make “flashlights”, “springs”) And no one ate him. (Clap your hands) Sat down on the chanterelle's toe, (Three fingers of the right hand touch the tip of the nose) So the bun is eaten. (Stomp our feet, arms spread apart) -Oh, guys, how well you dance! Well done! Sit on chairs. Let's play with your fingers. Where are your fingers? Here they are. Finger gymnastics: Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, (We “make snowballs” with our hands.) This is the case. (Hands to the sides with palms up.) He left grandfather, (Alternately bend the fingers, starting with He left the grandmother, little finger, on the left hand) He left the hare, He left the wolf, He left the bear, And the fox ate. (The fingers of the right hand - “the muzzle of the fox” “eat” the fist of the left hand - the “bun”) - Well done! -Kate! Did you like how the guys dance and play? -I liked it very much! Just great! But…I've had a nuisance here… -What is it, Katya? What's happened? -I was playing with balloons and accidentally dropped them into the pasta. Can you help me? You need to find the balls and arrange them in bowls of the same color as the balls themselves. -Katyusha! Of course we will help you! Can we help guys? Children alternately find the balls, name their color, put them in a bowl of the corresponding color. -Clever! The teacher puts four balls of different colors on the palm. -And now, guys, tell me, please, which of these balls looks like a kolobok? (The teacher shows a picture of a kolobok.) Children's answers. -How are they similar? What color is the ball? And the bun? That's right, yellow. So they are the same color. What ball shape? And the bun? That's right, round. So they are the same shape. Well done! - Well, here, Katya, everything is ready! -Thanks guys! You helped me a lot! Children say goodbye to the doll.

GCD in the 2nd junior group





SUMMARY OF CONTINUOUS EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH ON THE TOPIC: "JOURNEY THROUGH THE TALE OF GINGULES" 1 YOUNGER GROUP. Program content: Contribute to the development of the child's speech. Ability to classify vegetables and fruits, pets. Orient yourself in space. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate attention, stimulate imagination. Technical support: music center. ICT Preliminary work: reading and retelling the fairy tale "Kolobok". Developing environment: a toy - a bun.
The course of continuous educational activities: Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Children: Yes! Educator: a fairy tale, a fairy tale appear A fairy tale, a fairy tale show yourself! 1 slide house on the Kolobok window Educator: guys, what is the name of this fairy tale? 3 slide - a bun roll with a song. Educator: guys, look who rolled up to us? Children: bun! Educator: what kind of bun? Children: round, ruddy!
Educator: Oh! Oh! Guys, the bun is hot! Oh, just out of the oven, let's blow on it and it will cool down. Breathing exercises. Educator: guys, the gingerbread man invites us on a journey through a fairy tale. Shall we go with a bun? Along the path we will go straight into a fairy tale. Where did we come to? Children: in the forest. Finger gymnastics. 4 slide bunny and bun 1 task: classification of vegetables, fruits
6 slide wolf and bun 2 task: collect the picture. Educator: Well done, the guys helped to complete the task, and now let's have a rest. Fizkultminutka: "forest dwellers". Educator: Guys, have a rest? Let's go on traveling. 8 slide. Bear and bun. Task 3: “name the fairy tale” 1O slide: fox and bun. Task 4 "Who is screaming?"
Teacher: Well done guys. So our journey ended. Let's remember who the bun met. And now it's time for us to return to the group.

Abstract on the development of speech "Journey through the fairy tale bun"

Target: introducing children to oral folk art.


Educational : to teach to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; to teach children to remember a familiar fairy tale - "Gingerbread Man" based on visual images, to form the ability to hear and understand the questions asked about the plot of the fairy tale, to answer them; to enrich the vocabulary of children - to distinguish animals by their appearance, to name them correctly;

Educational: develop attention, memory, thinking, motor activity; fine motor skills; the ability to solve riddles about wild animals; activate speech.

Educational: to cultivate friendly relations, interest in fairy tales, in joint creative activity; the desire to help a friend in trouble.

Material and equipment : a chest, soft toys: a gingerbread man, a fox, a hare, a wolf, a bear; clothespins, cardboard sun, napkins, plasticine, boards, oilcloth, pictures based on the fairy tale bun.


All the children gathered around

Yatvoy friendmy friend

Let's hold hands together

Let's smile at each other

Look how many guests have come to us. Let's say hello to them.

Guys today I met a bunny at the door of the group.

The bunny says that he is lost and does not know where he is, where he is from. He only remembers that they are from some kind of fairy tale, but forgot which one. He says that he is very cold, very scared, everything around is so unfamiliar.

Let's help the bunny get home? (Children's answers.).

But before helping the bunny, we must get into a fairy tale.

Oh guys look something is worth here.

Yes, this is a box. Let's open it as soon as possible. But it doesn't open, I wonder why?

(There is an inscription on the box: To open the box, you need to read the magic words:

Fairy tale, fairy tale come to us,

Bring friends with you.

Fairy tale, fairy tale, hurry up

Refer your friends.)

Let's close our eyes and say these magic words and see if the box opens. (magic words).

(A gentle melody is heard from a music box.)

Oh, guys, where does this wonderful music come from?

(Pay attention to the box).

And ..., this is our magic box comes to life. That's where miracles begin.

I wonder what lies in this box!

(In the chest, an illustration for the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".)

You probably guessed that this is a fairy tale ...

Children: "Kolobok".

The bunny guys remembered that they were from this fairy tale.

Guys, here is another note:

"To get into the fairy tale you need a type of path."

Look at the track, they probably don't need to go.

We are walking along the path.

One, two! One, two!

We clap our hands together.

One, two! One, two!

We raise the handles

To the sun and clouds.

The bunny says thank you for helping me get into the fairy tale.

Guys, I propose to go on a journey through this fairy tale.


There is a house in the clearing, But, but the path to the house is closed, We open the gates, We invite you all to visit, The table stands on a thick leg. Nearby is a chair by the window, Two barrels under the table, This is how we see the house.

The actor lives in this house.

The teacher exposes the heroes of the fairy tale grandmother and grandfather.

So the grandfather said to the woman: - “Bake me a bun”, and the old woman did just that, basted, scraped and rolled up the bun, fried it and put it on the window to cool.

The grandmother put the bun on the window to cool.

Fidget Kolobok

To stand on the window,

But he decided: "I'll run away,

I'll loosen up a bit."

The gingerbread man rolled right into the forest, and we'll go,

Along the path, along the path

Very fun, playful

The bun rolled.

And the wind blows in the forest. First quietly (the children and the teacher represent the wind), and now strongly (the children and the teacher represent the wind). Look, someone's ears are long peeking out. Who could it be?

Children: Hare.

Guys, the bunny invites you to turn into a bunny and do exercises with him.

Physical education minute

It's cold for a bunny to sit

Need to warm up the paws

Paws up, paws down

Pull up on your toes

We put our paws on the side,

On toes skok-skok-skok

And then squatting

So that the paws do not freeze

jump hare much

He jumped 10 times

So, you and I recharged with energy, turned into guys and go further for a kolobok

He rolled there

Where he has never been.

He rolled, did not get bored

Suddenly, from behind the bushes, he came out to meet them:

He is in a cold forest. He walks, angry and hungry. Who is this?


In this clearing, a wolf meets us, because the second bun met him in a fairy tale. (a wolf toy appears) guys, the wolf wants to ask you to help him .. He froze, and the sun hid its rays.

You and I need such a sun (showing a circle of cardboard) to put on such rays (clothespins). And what color are the clothespins? (yellow) So let's attach rays to the sun. (children attach clothespins to the circle). Well done, how many rays have been attached to the sun, let's give it to the wolf.

Who walked through the puddles?

He is in a berlogespitzim

Under a big pine tree.

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep.

Who is this?

Children: Bear.

The guys want the bear to play the game (the game "The bear is walking through the forest ...").

Teddy bear goes through the field.

He collects cones in his pocket.

Here is a plowball right on the forehead.

The bear got angry with the foot.

Here to meet, guess who?

It's a red cheat

Kolo barrel ate deftly.

right fox

Chanterelle to draw a picture, but something is missing in her picture and she wants us to help her. So she doesn't eat the kolobok. Look at the picture?

(house, grandmother, grandfather and gingerbread man) you probably guessed which fairy tale the fox wanted to draw? (kolobok).

Let's complete this picture by “laying” a path of pebbles for the kolobok.

But first, let's do finger gymnastics.

Quickly knead the dough (open and close the palms)

Divided into pieces (imitated pinching)

Rolled out all the pieces (three palms on palms)

And they blinded the balls (we show two cams).

We will lay a path of pebbles (a picture with an image of a pebble). Pebbles look like small balls. We will roll small balls and with their help we will make a path for a kolobok.

In order to make balls, we will use brown plasticine. We take a lump of plasticine and knead it, put it on a board and roll out a ball in circular motions with the palms of our hands. And press it onto the surface of the sheet. Look, while we were passionate about helping the fox, the gingerbread man rolled further into the forest! Goodbye guys, see you soon!

Well done, it's a beautiful picture. The fox is very happy.

Guys, it's time to go home. We'll go along the path.

We are walking along the path.

One, two! One, two!

We clap our hands together.

One, two! One, two!

We raise the handles

To the sun and clouds.

Here we are, did you enjoy traveling?

But our journey did not end here in this chest of many fairy tales, and we will definitely set off to travel through these fairy tales.

Whomwere helped today

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Abstract on the development of speech "Journey through the fairy tale bun"

Target: introducing children to oral folk art.


Educational: to teach to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; to teach children to remember a familiar fairy tale - "Kolobok" based on visual images, to form the ability to hear and understand the questions asked about the plot of the fairy tale, to answer them; enrich the vocabulary of children - distinguish animals by their appearance, correctly name them; form roll out small lumps of plasticine and press them into the surface of the sheet, instill the ability to work with plasticine.

Educational: develop attention, memory, thinking motor activity; fine motor skills of the hands; the ability to solve riddles about wild animals; activate speech.

Educational: to cultivate friendly relations, interest in fairy tales, in joint creative activity; and the desire to help a friend in need.

Material and equipment: a chest, soft toys: a gingerbread man, a fox, a hare, a wolf, a bear; clothespins, cardboard sun, napkins, plasticine, boards, oilcloth, pictures based on the fairy tale bun.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together

And smile at each other

Look how many guests came to us. Let's say hello to them.

Guys, today I met a bunny at the door of the group.

Bunny says that he is lost and does not know where his house is, where he is from. He only remembers that he is from some fairy tale, but from which he has forgotten. He says that he is very cold and he is very scared, everything around is so unfamiliar.

Let's help the bunny get home? (Answers of children.).

But before helping the bunny, we must get into a fairy tale.

Oh guys look something is worth here.

Yes, this is the box. Let's open it soon. Why doesn't it open?

(There is an inscription on the box: To open the box, you need to read the magic words:

Fairy tale, fairy tale come to us

And bring your friends with you.

Fairy tale, fairy tale, hurry up

Refer your friends.)

Let's close our eyes, and I will say these magic words and see if the box opens. (magic words).

(A gentle melody of a music box is heard.)

Oh, guys, where do you hear this wonderful music?

(Pay attention to the box).

Ah... it's our magic box coming to life. This is where miracles begin.

Wonder what's in that box!

(In the chest there is an illustration for the fairy tale "Kolobok".)

You probably guessed. what a fairy tale...

Children: "Kolobok".

Guys, the bunny remembered that he was from this fairy tale.

Guys, here's another note:

"To get into a fairy tale you need to walk along the path."

Look at the path, we probably need to go along it.

We are walking along the path.

One, two! One, two!

We clap our hands together.

One, two! One, two!

We raise the handles

To the sun and clouds.

Bunny says thank you for helping to get into a fairy tale.

Guys, I propose to go on a journey through this fairy tale.


The house stands in the clearing, But, but the path to the house is closed, We open the gates, We invite you all to visit, The table stands on a thick leg. Nearby is a chair by the window, Two barrels under the table, This is how we see the house.

Who lives in this house?

The teacher exposes the heroes of the fairy tale grandmother and grandfather.

So the grandfather said to the woman: “Bake me a bun,” and the old woman did just that, basted, scraped and rolled up the bun, fried it and put it on the window to cool.

The grandmother put the bun on the window to cool.

Fidget Kolobok

To stand on the window,

But he decided: "I'll run away,

I'll loosen up a bit."

The bun rolled right into the forest, and we will follow it,

Along the path, along the path

Very fun, playful

The bun rolled.

And the wind blows in the forest. At first it is quiet (the children and the teacher represent the wind), and now it is strong (the children and the teacher represent the wind). Look, someone's ears are long peeking out. Who could it be?

Children: Hare.

Guys, the bunny invites you to turn into a bunny and do exercises with him.

Physical education minute

It's cold for a bunny to sit

Need to warm up the paws

Paws up, paws down

Pull up on your toes

We put our paws on the side,

On toes skok-skok-skok

And then squatting

So that the paws do not freeze

jump hare much

He jumped 10 times

So, you and I recharged with energy, turned into guys and go further for a kolobok

He rolled there

Where he has never been.

He rolled, did not get bored

Suddenly, from behind the bushes, he came out to meet them:

He is in a cold forest. Walks, angry hungry. Who is this?

In this clearing, a wolf meets us, because the second bun met him in a fairy tale. (a wolf toy appears) guys, the wolf wants to ask you to help him. . It froze, and the sun hid its rays. What color is the sun?

You and I need to put on such rays (clothespins) for such a sun (showing a circle made of cardboard). What color are the clothespins? (yellow) So let's attach rays to the sun. (children attach clothespins to the circle). Well done, how many rays of the sun have been attached, let's give it to the wolf.

Who walked through the puddles?

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a big pine tree.

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep.

Children: Bear.

Guys, the bear wants you to play a game with him (the game "The bear is walking through the forest ...").

A clubfoot bear walks through the forest.

He collects cones and puts them in his pocket.

Here a bump fell right into the bear's forehead.

The bear got angry and top with his foot.

Here to meet, guess who?

This is a redhead

Kolo barrel ate deftly.

Correct fox

Chanterelle draw a picture, but something is missing in her picture and she wants us to help her. And then she won't eat the kolobok. See what is in the picture?

(house, grandmother, grandfather and bun) you probably guessed what fairy tale the fox wanted to draw? (kolobok).

Let's complete this picture by "laying" a path of pebbles for the kolobok.

But first, let's do finger exercises.

Quickly knead the dough (open and close the palms)

Divided into pieces (simulate plucking)

Rolled out all the pieces (three palms on palms)

And they blinded the balls (we show two cams).

We will lay a path of pebbles (a picture of a pebble). Pebbles are like small balls. And we will roll small balls and with their help we will make a path for the kolobok.

In order to make balls, we will use brown plasticine. We take a lump of plasticine, knead it, put it on a plank and roll the ball with circular movements of the palm. And press it onto the surface of the sheet. Look, while we were passionate about helping the fox, the gingerbread man rolled further into the forest! Goodbye guys, see you soon!

Well done, it's a beautiful picture. The fox is very happy.

Guys, it's time to go home. We will walk along the path.

We are walking along the path.

One, two! One, two!

We clap our hands together.

One, two! One, two!

We raise the handles

To the sun and clouds.

Here we are, did you enjoy traveling?

But our journey did not end here in this chest of many fairy tales, and we will definitely go on a journey through these fairy tales.

Who did we help to get into a fairy tale today?

What fairy tale did you travel?

Whom did we meet along the way? (hare, wolf, bear, fox).

Chelnokova Svetlana Viktorovna

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group "Journey of the Kolobok"

Educator: Naumenko L.A.

Program content:

    Clarify the knowledge that the gingerbread man is a flour product, the dough is kneaded from flour, sour cream, eggs ...

    To consolidate the ability to convey the contents of a familiar fairy tale based on a mnemonic track.

    Learn to invent an ending to a fairy tale, encrypt a fairy tale using geometric shapes.

    Develop colloquial speech in children - learn to use verbs, adjectives, coordinate them with nouns in number, gender, case.

    Develop fine motor skills in finger games.

    Raise interest in Russian folk tales. Build social representation.

On the path we will go

Let's go straight to a fairy tale

Let's play a fairy tale

Do you like to listen to fairy tales? I also love fairy tales, and you will help me tell them.

Game "fairy tales with holes"

1. I went to the forest with my girlfriends

Berries, mushrooms……. found.

Separated from friends

In the middle of the forest……. got lost .

I saw the house - I entered,

I ate and slept there... lay down.

And didn't know about

That bears lived in it. (Three Bears)

2. Who liked to play and sing?

Two mice Cool ...... and Vert.

Who woke up the mice in the morning?

Who is at the mill ... .. walked.

On a sack of flour

This is Petya….. Cockerel. (Spikelet)

3. From flour, he was baked,

On sour cream was ……. mixed,

On the window, he was chilling,

And then he….. rolled away.

He was cheerful, he was brave,

And on the way he song…. sang.

Who is this...? (Kolobok)

We consider the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" (triz)

I pay attention to the kolobok.

This is a bun! (showing the middle square)

Which? (children's answers)

And in the bag? (first square)

And what was the bun before?

What kind of flour? (we consider flour)

And in the fairy tale, where did the grandmother gain flour? (explanation of the word - barn)

Can you make a bun out of flour alone?

What else did grandma add to the dough? (sour cream, egg, etc.)

Knead the dough (liquid - thick)


Grandma kneaded

No bun, no pancakes,

Taken out of the oven

No pancakes, no kalachi.

As I put it on the table

He left his grandparents.

Who runs without legs?

It's a yellow bun!

Where do you think the bun rolled? Children's answers.

Who did the bun meet in the forest? (mnemonic track)

The game "we will conjure fairy-tale heroes"


How many animals were there?

Whom did the bun meet first?

What was the bear like? (third)?

What did the bear say to the bun? (bun, bun, I'll eat you!)

And who did the bun meet last? (Fox)

What song did he sing?

Finger game "kolobok"

I'm a bun, a bun

Scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

By the barns methen,

Mixed with sour cream

planted in the oven,

It's cold on the window.

I left my grandmother

I'm from my grandfather

And left the hare

And left the wolf

And left the bear

And the fox will leave you.

From whom did the bun run away? (grandmother, grandfather)

Who is the bun grandfather and grandmother? (parents)

I compare children with a bun.

The good-bad game

(ran away - good - ...... .., ran away - bad - ......)

Did the bun run away from the fox? (No)

- Do you like being praised?

Let's help the kolobok, figure out how to change the kolobok so that the fox does not eat it.

TRIZ TV (third square)

Green bun - like ... ... grass

Burnt - like ………..the earth

Prickly - like……….. hedgehog

I propose to dream up and compose a new ending to the fairy tale.

Children make up stories

We were like a fairy tale

Everything about her has changed dramatically.

We stamped our feet

We clapped our hands

They will remember us in a fairy tale.

We leaned over,

We climbed two.

Everyone smiled.

And sank again

And they clapped again.

Here are some daredevils!

Here are some good fellows!

Find the difference game (two koloboks)

Draw a bun.

Summary of the lesson.