New Year's location for a photo shoot. New Year's memories: What photo studio to choose. Luxurious or "Typhanie in the pink haze"

Hooray! New Year holidays are approaching. Everyone has long been asked me about New Year's photo sessions. Let's see what the best photo studios of Kiev will be delighted in 2015.

Photo Studio XXL.

(Br Lepse, 8)

In the hall of Juliet
Already two New Year zones are available. For traditional New Year lovers - a chic big tree, dressed in red velvet toys and a golden decor. In the same style, the New Year's fireplace is richly decorated (as well as without him?). And the second location is a romantic snow-covered balcony in white and silver tones and a fabulous shop with reindeer and christmas angels. Candles, lanterns ... mmmm ... very gently and fabulously beautiful ....

In the cocktail hall Very exquisite new year. White fireplace, white Christmas tree, stylish blue, silver, purple toys and crystal chambers give a special charm by New Year's photos. And of course, big gift boxes with bows ...

Hall childhood Invites kids to celebrate the new year on the snow, yes in warm sledges ... with almost a real Santa Claus and a dressed forest beautiful Christmas tree:

Photo Studio Colors

(Br Lepse, 8)

Photo Studio Colors is also one of the best in terms of seasonal locations. As always, in every hall you will be waiting for stylish New Year's interiors.

Hall veranda Meet you a fairy tale and already in three (!!!) New Year locations!
Very gentle Mi-Mi-Mish New Year In the bright area with a cozy sofa and fireplace. White christmas tree with charming blue and pink toys. White candles and white fir branches with festive garlands, winter blue skates and miniature Mi-mi-teddy bear .... Well, in general, all such a straight Mi-Mi ....

The second location is the veranda itself itself. The traditional colors of the New Year holidays are dominated here: green and red. Magnificent elegant Christmas trees, red toys, cozy wicker chairs for the smallest models, snow-white porch with wooden steps and beautifully decorated railing, baskets with snowballs, - All this creates a very warm cozy holiday atmosphere, and you turn into a happy childhood with the smell of needles cones, mandarin and home cookies!

Fabulous treewhich loves the kids, too, not anywhere! It is here in all its glory: with almost real winter snow and fabulous lights ... It remains only to knock on the door - and call Santa Claus with gifts :)

In the hall grunge New Year's locations are made in pleasant brown tones. This is "a la retro". Wooden chest and slightly darned frame, carved sosoks with warm openwork plaid, vintage candle holders and lights, burlap boots and handmade napkins ... baskets with forest cones, toy bearings, and on the wall a big deer head ... It turned out a very warm, cozy New Year area ... . Here pacting forest and grandmother's fairy tales ...

Very beautiful New Year's corner turned out and in the Hall of Family (Photo Studio Color "S).The combination of retro notes in the design and traditional home coat makes this location very warm and newly hospitable ... So if you want something not expensive-pompous, and a simple, native, home coat - you here:

Photo Studio Provence

(Metro Vasilkovskaya, ul. Cossack 122)

Photo Studio Provence One of the first we pleased with the New Year's locations and, dare to see, also in the leaders in design. Here you are waiting for a cozy winter with a good fabulous snowman, lanterns, skates and a sosa ... Home Fireplace and a rocking chair ... Candles, trees, garlands and gifts ... And what else is needed for a warm family holiday. Guys from Provence Big respect! You are huge well done! New Year, as for me, well, very, very beautiful turned out ...

Photo Studio Fusion

(pr-t. Lesya Kurbas 2B)

In the photo studio Fusion also began the new year. This year you are waiting for a bright area with a homemade chair, fireplace, teddy bear and a deer pattern. This homemade comfort. And the second zone in more traditional red-green colors. Very Christmas tree and very new year ...

Photo studio studio

(Dneprovskaya Embankment, 18)

Blackberry, too, as always in the trend of New Year's holidays: A bright zone with snow looks very juicy and festively, and no doubt will delight kids. And the more delicate zone with a fireplace decorated in pastel colors - will decorate the family New Year's photos.

The article is the property of Denis Bright.

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Distance from home: 30 km.

Minimum level: 1

Christmas races - temporary location, which closes from all on January 3. Location microcole: decorate the main tree (award - New Year's penguin). Preparation for competitions: Find a deer, build and improve a stall for a deer, to take care of the deer (6 stages), restore the drive to workouts, clear the track from snow. For one workout, deer gives 6 festive decorations (needed to decorate the main tree). Santa's sleigh flock on locations, when you catch a reward. In the benchmarks of miracles on location you can create decor and energy. Gingerbread for crafts we get, decorating the main tree.

It is necessary to make as much children's toys as possible. Toys can be obtained by 2nd ways: produce in toy factories or get from Santa bags on location (up to 5 bags every 3 hours, generation to the end of the competition, strength 75). Results of January 3. Awards:

  • Golden Rank (enter 1% of the best) - 100 emeralds, a unique Christmas decoration of a sled (you can ride all year round), 5 New Year's penguins for home station, "Christmas ball" decor, buffs, materials, dynamite, happy coins and pocket singularities.
  • Silver rank (enter 5% of the best) - 50 Emeralds, 3 New Year's penguin for home station, Christmas ball decor, buffs, materials, dynamite, happy coins and pocket singularities.
  • Bronze rank (enter 10% of the best) - 20 emeralds, decor "Christmas ball", buffs, materials, dynamite, happy coins and pocket singularities.

New Year's Eve is the time to think about what was and what will happen. And this is a good time to create such memories from which a smile will appear on the face. The photo is valuable in that it retains the moment of the past and causes emotions in the present. The "poster" under the influence of the New Year's mood decided to figure out what the warmest and atmospheric New Year and Christmas locations are in the city.

Photo: from personal collections of photo studios


Concept: three new years

Photo studio opened in September 2015 in the building of the House of Culture of Himprom. The studios have preserved columns, balliness and a huge chandelier in the center of the hall. Mania has prepared three New Year locations as three types of new year celebration.


Option of classic christmas shooting. It is assembled here that for most people and turns the usual night in New Year's Eve: a cozy chair with a warm blanket, a cup of hot cocoa, reading a book in a family circle, crackling lamps in the fireplace, smell of tangerines and gifts under the Christmas tree in a shiny packaging. Special New Year's spirit arises from the magic brilliance of handmade toys and garlands.


Ladies and gentlemen celebrate New Year in accordance with their sophisticated taste. Exquisite fir, decorated with roses, and the snow-covered window will create an atmosphere of intimacy and beauty.

Luxurious or "Typhanie in the pink haze"

Luxury is not a vice, but style and lifestyle. For those who do not like to put obstacles, this location has been created. A huge sofa, a snow-white fireplace, candles, gifts in tender packaging - all this in pink-mint tones.

stakhanovskaya street 1st, 38

"Loft 360"

Concept: New Year in Loft style

The studio "Loft 360" opened in April 2015 and quickly became a sought-after studio. But the popularity of its location is not connected with fleeting firmness, but by the detailed idea of \u200b\u200bthe situation and convenience: both for the photographer and for models.

His first new year photo studio notes in its characteristic manner. The main qualities of the Lofst Space: Freedom and space for creativity manifested themselves in the New Year's design. For adherents of old good classics in Lofte 360, a beautiful Christmas fir is installed. For those who love creativity: Wooden Christmasssrafts.

In Lofte 360, do not like to limit their guests. The owner of a photo studio and photographer Pavel Nezdevakhin offers guests to create its locations from the elements of the interior. And the New Year's mood will task atmospheric music and bright lights.

demyana Poor Street, 1, 4th floor

7 923 511 1051


Concept: Light and warm

Photo Studio Gold opened in 2014. The owner of the studio and photographer Maria Gorbachev, together with the administrator, Kirill Baskov do not like to be in a state of statics, so the interior is sometimes changing several times per season. For the New Year in Gold, they recreated the atmosphere of the street and live surrounding world. A distinctive feature of several New Year locations, which act in the studio, the rate on realistic street survey in the format of a comfortable room.


Location is made with your own hands. The decorators have invested the part of their heart into the design, which is why it turned out to be warm and mental. In the daytime, the studio is flooded with a natural light of two four-meter windows. The left part of the location is a showcase of an old store of toys, the windows of which are listed in the way and through them are watching the toys of the Handmade Kemerovo craftsmen, who can also be purchased and pick up here. There are two carved doors between shop windows. The entire facade is covered with a very powerful warm backlight: the effect of fabulousness and golden reflections on the hair models are guaranteed.

Entrance to the store through a carved oak staircase, which leads to the door with a classic Christmas wreath.


Children's location in the form of a fabulous house with two real windows and roofs of the tile. Near the house is artificial snow, there are several firings and a decorative tree.


For those who do not represent Christmas without a dressed Christmas tree and fireplace, without gifts and candles, this bright location in red-blue-white gamma has been created. There are many white candles, cozy sheep skins and other little things.

oktyabrsky Avenue, 28, 4th floor
+7 923 480 80-88
9:00 - 21:00 (perhaps another time by agreement)