General analysis of urine urate. Urates in urine in large quantities what does it mean

Anatoly Shishigin

Reading time: 4 minutes


The composition of human urine during chemical analysis clearly shows which substances are retained by the body, and which are excreted as surplus. This process is not always justified from the point of view of physiology. If there are diseases or pathologies in the genitourinary system, then filtration fails and the loss of leukocytes, glucose and erythrocytes occurs.

Biochemical breakdown of many compounds leads to the loss of salts - phosphates, urates or oxalates in the urine. Phosphates in urine require identification of the cause of their precipitation. Salts in urine appear temporarily, due to diet disorders or excessive consumption of certain foods. Oxalates in urine are salts containing oxalic acid, in particular ammonium or calcium oxalate.

An excess of products containing these substances, as well as pyelonephritis or diabetes mellitus, can cause a sharp oxidation of the excreted fluid and the appearance of an oxalate sediment. With phosphaturia, you need to find out why the body seeks to excrete excess phosphorus.

What are urates?

In the analyzes, urate salts are often found in the urine salt, what does it mean in an adult, what are urates and are they dangerous for the human body? Urates are essentially salts of potassium and calcium, magnesium and sodium. With an excess of them in urine, crystals form from these substances, which eventually appear in the sediment of the excreted liquid. Urate in urine what does it mean in an adult?

The connection is found with the human diet, and urate salts in urine are not characterized by serious diagnostic indicators, normally they have a weak acid reaction. With the oxidation of urine for a long time, especially with a sediment with phosphoric acid substances, this symptom acquires an unhealthy etiology.

A large amount of the contained urate salts (uraturia) leads to the formation of stones and calculi in the kidneys, bladder and urinary ducts. A similar phenomenon often occurs with an excess of proteins in the diet, with prolonged fasting, diabetes mellitus, intense physical overload, as well as in febrile conditions.

How does pathology develop?

The main reason for the appearance of urates in urine is imbalance and nutritional regimen, excessive and monotonous diet, as well as irregular food intake. The reasons include the following:

  • prolonged stress and emotional distress;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • past infections of the urinary system;
  • hepatitis, thrombosis, pyelonephritis, pancreatitis, hydronephrosis and renal prolapse, leukemia;
  • diagnosed gout. In this disease, some urate leaves the kidneys, but the overwhelming majority accumulates in the blood and tissues, due to which the joints become inflamed and arthritis of a recurrent type develops;
  • long-term use of antibiotics, anesthetics and antipyretic drugs.

Urates in urine in large quantities what does this mean for the body? First of all, it provokes crystallization and the formation of stones, which significantly dehydrates the body. In case of poisoning and intoxication, frequent vomiting and diarrhea occur. With a long stay in the scorching sun, in cold damp rooms and with hard work (physical), urates are released much more intensively.

Some foods also cause an increase in salts in the human vital system:

  • products with salicylic acid, these are wedges and raspberries, linden in the form of tinctures or tea;
  • foods with a high protein content - veal and pork, preserves, offal, fish and meat broths;
  • smoked meats;
  • spices and some spices;
  • vegetable products - onions and cabbage, sorrel and spinach, all legumes.

An increase in urate is observed at any age. Urates in the urine of a child are excreted in the same amount as in an adult. There are some differences according to the patient's sex - in men they stand out much more often than in women. Moderate amounts of urate in urine are considered normal in pregnant women. But it is necessary to monitor their presence in urine regularly in order to prevent their excessive accumulation.

At the very beginning, with uraturia, the symptoms do not appear in any way. This means, first of all, that salt in urine can only be detected by laboratory tests. As soon as the formation of calculi begins in the kidneys or their pelvis, which appear when the composition of urine changes, the first symptoms may appear. All urine and salt formations are the nucleating agent for stones. Over time, their size grows and begins to move from the renal system to the bladder through the ureters.

The movement of kidney stones into the bladder leads to inflammation in the body. The infectious nature of this process is accompanied by the manifestation of the following symptoms in the patient:

In the acute stage, a person feels pain in the lower back or abdomen. At the same time, urination is extremely painful, with frequent urge up to 10 times a day. Urates in the urine of a child in large quantities cause vomiting and constipation, in the morning children feel sick, asthma attacks of unknown etiology occur. Children with such indicators are hyperactive, overtaking their peers in their physical development. Urates accumulate under the skin of a child, which often leads to the appearance of red spots anywhere on the body.

Amorphous urates, which color the urine in a pink-brown hue, stand out separately. The content of such substances in urine is single. Their excess of permissible values ​​indicates stagnation in the kidneys, renal failure or glomerulonephritis.

Diagnostic methods

In laboratory studies of biomaterials, blood or urine, specialists often detect proteins and leukocytes in an increased number, with pyelonephritis, bacteria are noted:

  • clinical analysis of urine is the most effective and simple way to detect urates. The appearance of a red-brown or bright yellow urinary sediment indicates the presence of crystals. The pH is usually greater than 7.0. Normally, this figure should be from 5 to 7, on average - 6.25. Chemical analysis shows the presence of sodium and magnesium salts, potassium and calcium in urine;
  • a clinical blood test reveals anemia, pyelonephritis, renal dysfunction or failure in their work;
  • X-rays and ultrasounds show the presence of stones and sand;
  • when conducting excretory urography, you can see changes in the anatomy of the kidneys and their functionality;
  • analysis on CT (computer tomography) provides the most complete information about stones, their size and shape, from the smallest to the largest formations. If urates are found in significant quantities, it means that the chemical composition of urine is changing. Such disorders are easy to correct with the right therapy and diet.

How is uraturia treated?

It is necessary to treat uraturia in a comprehensive manner, combining it with a diet. The main treatment is directed at the cause (called etiotropic therapy), and then at the processes of stone formation (therapy of the pathogenetic type). A drug regimen for combating uraturia is prescribed if the stones have already formed. When removing stones, both conservative treatment and instrumental and surgical treatment are used.

Drug treatment with drugs

The conservative course is selected by the doctor based on many individual factors of the patient, taking into account the type of stones and the reasons for their formation. Medicines change the composition of urine and blood, remove crystals up to 5 cm outside along with urine.

Drugs prescribed to combat urate formations:

  • Blemaren - neutralization and dissolution of salts. The excretion of calcium also decreases, which improves the solubility of oxalates and reduces the rate of crystallization. The urine becomes more alkaline;

It is forbidden to take Blemaren with phosphate formations !!!

  • Asparkam - dissolves urate formations even in infants, if you choose the minimum dosage. It contains magnesium and potassium, which remove salts and urates. Panangin can also be used for this purpose;
  • Allopurion - a decrease in the rate of synthesis of uric acid and its indicators in the body. Dissolves urates;
  • Renal collection - mild herbal diuretic, taken internally;
  • Vitamins B6, E, A;
  • Kanefron, Urolesan and Fitolezin - improve the outflow of fluid with salts. Herbal preparations have minimal contraindications and side effects, do not have a harmful effect on the body.

Surgical and instrumental treatment

You can crush stones remotely, at a distance, using ultrasound. Also, for large formations, laser lithotripsy will be effective.

Surgery is often performed to remove large masses. The indications for such surgery are the following symptoms:

  • intense renal colic, preventing the patient from leading a normal life;
  • problems with the outflow of urine, which deforms the kidneys;
  • anuria of the obstructive type;
  • hematuria for a long time. The blood can be just an impurity or clotted;
  • acute attacks of pyelonephritis;
  • the formation of a stone or stones in the ureter or kidney, while it cannot come out on its own.

The prognosis for the patient's recovery after surgery in the cavity is always favorable.

Diet is the same medicine as medication. Nutrition is very specific and should be agreed with the attending physician. The following products are capable of actively removing urates through the renal system:

  • all types of citrus fruits - grapes, lemons and oranges, juices from them;
  • any grapes;
  • all kinds of forest apples;
  • gooseberries, currants, figs and raisins;
  • cucumbers, eggplants and pumpkin;
  • any seaweed (most importantly, without salt);
  • curdled milk and its analogues.

Excessive quantities of meat products are prohibited for the patient. To get rid of toxins in raw meat, it must be marinated and processed in advance. For example, if a whole piece is boiled, it must be thrown into already boiling water.

The kebab is marinated in a salt solution for 4 hours. It is better not to eat minced meat patties, since the frying time is not enough to eliminate the toxins in the meat. When cooking broth, the first broth is drained, and in the second it is imperative to add an onion, which will absorb all the protein slags from the meat. You can't eat onions, you need to throw them away.


Urates in urine arise as a result of diet, excessive consumption of animal protein, and a deficiency of fiber and vegetables in the diet. Compliance with the doctor's recommendations and an adjusted diet can save you from uraturia and avoid possible complications in the body over time.

First you need to find out what urate in urine is. Let's turn to medical reference books to understand what this means. By definition, urates are potassium and sodium salts that precipitate in urine. These salt compounds are present in the urine of a healthy person in moderate amounts. The disease can develop in people of any gender and age and is most often a sign of the development of a pathology such as uraturia (). An increase in the concentration of salts to two pluses is considered the norm. However, if urinalysis reveals a significant excess of the urate norm, then you should consult a doctor and, possibly, revise your diet.

Urates in the urine of children are considered quite common, which is a signal of a violation of the water-salt balance in a young body. This is due to the fact that the child's body is simply not able to cope with the complete dissolution of salts that come with food (this is especially facilitated by a diet not enriched with plant foods).

The risk of this disease also exists during pregnancy, because a sharp hormonal explosion causes a strong load on the kidneys.

If you find an increased concentration of urates, you should not raise a panic, because this disease is quite easily treated, provided that the correct diet is followed, as well as the recommendations of the attending physician.

The reasons for the appearance of urates

The reasons why urates appear in the kidneys are varied. The main reason why urates appear in urine is unhealthy diet. If a person overeats, eats unbalanced and monotonously, takes food irregularly, then there is a high risk of urate formation in the urine. There is a list of products, the systematic and excessive use of which leads to the precipitation of salt.

These foods include meat, cheese, tomatoes, spinach (this product is famous for the fact that it contains oxalic acid), beans, smoked and spicy foods, chocolate and alcohol. In order for urine to contain no salt sediment, it is necessary to diversify the diet. It is important to remember that not only poor nutrition, but also prolonged fasting can lead to the appearance of urates.

The formation of urates is facilitated by various infectious inflammations of the urinary system, as well as diseases (pyelonephritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, etc.). You should also be aware that in case of diseases you should not get too carried away with taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, because under the influence of certain drugs, urate ...

Urate stones can appear due to various factors that impair the blood supply to the kidney.

The deterioration of the blood supply to the kidneys is facilitated by such reasons as living in a hot climate, the presence of atherosclerosis and hydronephrosis of the kidneys, as well as a prolapse of the kidney.

The loss of a large amount of liquid also leads to the formation of urates. Fluid loss occurs when a person suffers from bouts of vomiting or diarrhea for some time, has a high temperature, or the body is exposed to excessive and prolonged physical exertion.


In adults, the symptoms of this disease do not manifest themselves in any way. It is possible to detect the presence of an increase in the concentration of salt sediment, regardless of the cause, only by analyzing urine. According to statistics, men suffer from this disease much more often than women, and the detection of urates in the analysis of expectant mothers is considered quite common. Pregnant women should constantly monitor the concentration of urate and prevent its excessive increase.

Obvious symptoms appear only at the moment when, under the influence of a significant salt sediment, neoplasms begin to appear in the human excretory system. This is due to the fact that certain properties of urine are disturbed. These neoplasms become a support platform for the further formation of urate stones.

If the disease was not detected in time during the general analysis of urine, then over time the urate stone will increase in size and move throughout the entire excretory system of a person. As a result, against the background of this, a person will already physically feel the manifestation of the disease in the form of symptoms such as fever, high blood pressure, a feeling of weakness and exhaustion, the appearance of nausea and (in some cases) vomiting.

When the disease reaches its peak (acute stage), the patient begins to feel pain in the lumbar region and abdominal cavity, and patients also complain of frequent urination with pain.


Treatment of urate kidney stones is carried out only after accurate diagnosis. The simplest and most reliable diagnostic method is a general urinalysis. You can also diagnose the disease using a general blood test, ultrasound or X-ray. Specialists try to use a comprehensive method of treating patients. The complex method includes taking special medications in conjunction with the observance of the recommendations of doctors regarding nutrition.

Drug therapy is prescribed when the process of formation of urate stones under the influence of urate in the urine has already begun. The specialist prescribes the reception of Blemaren (the drug helps to neutralize salts), Panangin and Asparkam (ensure the removal of stones from the body). It is also recommended to take kidney tea and special vitamins.

Patients should limit the consumption of meat products, smoked and spicy foods and completely abandon alcohol and coffee.

Intensive removal of urates ensures the presence of citrus fruits, grapes, dried fruits, eggplants, pumpkins, yogurt in the diet. It is best to include plant foods in your diet, as it helps to remove harmful salts from the body.

Uraturia or urates in urine is an excess of uric acid salts, their accumulation in the form of potassium and sodium crystals. Excessive content of these compounds leads to the formation of sediment and stones, but does not always mean the presence of pathology. Urates in urine can appear at any period of life. This phenomenon is observed in children and pregnant women, so you should not panic. First you need to understand everything in detail.

9 main reasons for education

In a healthy adult, urates should not be present in the urine.

If a precipitate of urate salts is formed in the analysis, the laboratory assistant will write "plus" in the statement, the maximum number of such pluses is four. A variant of the norm is considered to be 1-2 plus on the test strip one-time.

Let's consider the sources of this phenomenon.

  1. This can be an improperly selected, irregular diet, overeating, or vice versa, starvation, monotony in the menu. Eating a large amount of protein products, chocolate, smoked meats, spicy foods, mushrooms, alcohol, black tea.

  2. Not drinking enough fluids throughout the day. After all, an adult is supposed to drink up to 1.5 liters of water per day. You should also take into account the amendment for a mobile child and a pregnant woman, whose needs are slightly different. Dehydration can be the result of intoxication of the body, prolonged increase in body temperature, exhausting physical overload. An imbalance in the replenishment / consumption of fluid in the human body can lead to the above picture.
  3. Prolonged stay in stressful situations.
  4. Pathologies of the urinary system of an infectious nature.
  5. Gout.
  6. Decreased blood circulation in the tissues of the kidneys (sclerosis and thrombosis of the renal arteries, hot climate, prolapse of the kidney, etc.).
  7. The use of certain medications (antibacterial agents, analgesics, contraceptives).
  8. Hormonal Disorders.
  9. The notorious genetic predisposition, which is transmitted to a greater extent through the maternal line, cannot be excluded from this list. An interesting fact is that a child whose mother suffered from urolithiasis has a 50% chance of having this pathology, and if the father has it, then 25%.

Where do urine salts come from?

Uric acid is the result of normal metabolism, in particular purine bases, which are sourced from certain foods (chocolate, meat, etc.). If their volume in the blood exceeds the critical level, they are excreted by the kidneys in the form of crystals. On a piece of paper with such an analysis, the inscription “urats in large quantities” appears.

Unlimited consumption of protein products, and even in the presence of aggravating factors (alcohol, stress) lead to the accumulation of a considerable amount of uric acid and its salts.

Such compounds do not dissolve in water. When the critical level of these compounds in the blood exceeds the baseline by 4-5 times, then the kidneys come to the rescue, by way of hyperfunction. As a result, uric acid salts are formed, crystals, which, in turn, form hard calculi.

Medicine has not yet identified an unambiguous cause of uraturia. Indeed, even if the analysis contains urates in large quantities, they may not precipitate, since there are compounds that dissolve them.

If two or more pluses are maintained with an appropriate diet, then an examination for the presence of kidney stones and gout is necessary.


In a mature organism, an excess of urate practically does not manifest itself, and the definition is a "laboratory surprise" for both the subject and the doctor. This is the insidiousness of urolithiasis, its initial stage is almost asymptomatic. A certain complex of signs is formed after a change in the properties of urine and the formation of solid calculi in the renal pelvis or urinary ducts.

Amorphous urates are a special class. They saturate the urine with a reddish tint. There are usually few of them and they accompany some kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, etc.).

The main manifestations of the presence of urate stones will be:

  • Determination of blood in urine.
  • Increased blood pressure, unclear etiology.
  • Painful urination.
  • Weakness, decreased performance, nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain in the sacrum area, radiating to the leg and groin area.
  • Fever;

Salts in the urine of pregnant women

Urates in urine during pregnancy are found quite often, while in the normal state they should not be there. And this is a variant of the norm, especially if it occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Such a deviation may be associated with periodic vomiting, toxicosis and, as a result, partial dehydration. In this case, it is necessary to make the correct calculation of the fluid intake, based on the increased body weight of the pregnant woman.

The uniformity of the diet can also play a role in this case. It is necessary to diversify the menu, reduce the consumption of chocolate, meat, fish dishes, spicy, salty, sour (!).

During this period of a woman's life, infections of the urinary system often occur due to difficulty in the outflow of urine. This fact can be confirmed by the leukocytes, squamous epithelium, erythrocytes, protein present in the analysis. In this case, an urgent need to visit a nephrologist or therapist.

The reason for the increased content of urate salts in the urine of a pregnant woman may be changes in hormonal levels.

If as a result of the test there are no more than two pluses and there are no other deviations, then it is necessary to retake the analysis in a couple of weeks, during this time you need to adhere to a certain diet.

In case of severe toxicosis, indomitable vomiting, it is necessary to be admitted to a hospital. This will improve the general position and condition of the kidneys, especially.

"Urate deviations" in children

The child's body produces an insufficient amount of enzymes that are involved in the excretion of uric acid salts.

Therefore, urates in the urine of a child are almost always present, which is the norm.

This deviation may appear after an illness, or the use of certain foods. Often, parents forget that the baby ate a lot of meat, fish, chocolate, drank strong tea, or overheated on the eve of the analysis. An increased level of urates can be with dysbiosis or helminthiasis.

However, with a significant increase in urate in the urine of a child, it is necessary to exclude such a disease as urine acid diathesis. This pathology is characterized by a violation of water-salt metabolism in the body, and is largely reflected in the condition of the little patient. Such children are often characterized by hyperactivity, rapid development, anxiety, and sleep poorly.

With repeated detection of a significant amount of urate in the child's urine, a course of treatment is necessary, since this condition is fraught with the appearance of uric acid diathesis and complications, such as:

  • Morning vomiting.
  • Recurrent constipation.
  • Itchy skin patches.
  • Salt deposition in joint tissues and under the skin.
  • Attacks similar to asthmatic, on the background of negative allergic tests.

Urate in urine - what is it?

Under the frightening term "urates" are hidden sodium and potassium salts of uric acid, which float in the urine in the form of crystals and form a sediment. If urate crystals are constantly present in the urine, they can combine and form stones, which are then detected by an ultrasound scanner - in the kidneys and bladder.

The main culprit for the appearance of uric acid in our body is purines. These substances are found in small quantities everywhere: in the cells of our body, in foods, ready-made meals and even medicines. But there are products where the amount of purines just goes off scale - these are meat offal, fatty fish, meat (including chicken) broth, cocoa, and also some vegetables.

During the preparation of food and when it enters our body, purines are destroyed, and uric acid is formed.


The presence and volume of uric acid salts is detected using a general urinalysis. On the form with the results, the number of urats is marked with crosses: from one to four.

Normally, urates in the urine of a healthy person (both a child and an adult) should not be detected at all. However, there are reasons that can provoke a short-term "surge" in the volume of salts, so a slight increase is considered the norm. If there are 2 crosses in the analysis, there is no cause for concern. But if the marks are 3 or 4, additional tests and examinations will be needed.

A healthy person excretes 23.8-29.6 mmol / l of uric acid per day, but it does not form a precipitate.

The maximum permissible indicators for patients of different ages are presented in the table:

In men, the amount of urea in the urine, corresponding to the norm, slightly exceeds that in women (210-420 μmol / l and 150 to 350 μmol / l, respectively).


The main reason for the emergence of potassium-sodium salts in urine is the active use of purines. 2-3 crosses in the protocol of the general analysis of urine can provide an excessive enthusiasm for meat products, cheese, tomatoes, pickles and smoked meats. And also taking certain medications: antibiotics, analgesics, antipyretics, etc. These reasons are usually called short-term.

In children

In children, the most common causes of urinary salt deposits are unbalanced nutrition and dehydration. In rare cases, leukemia, dysbiosis, the development of gout or urolithiasis become the culprit for poor analysis.

In a child under one year old, the main factor is not illness. It's just that the urinary system is not yet fully formed, and the kidneys are not able to fully process salts, which are excreted in the urine. In older children, salts can also form due to uric acid diathesis (disturbances in water-salt metabolism) and long stagnation of urine.

In pregnant women

During pregnancy, urine urates are usually diagnosed in the first trimester. Frequent reasons that there are many of them are unhealthy diet and dehydration (including after vomiting with toxicosis).

Another common cause is urinary tract infection, in particular pyelonephritis.

In adults

In adults, the most common causes of high amounts of urate in urine are high purine diets and medications. Gout, leukemia and other blood diseases can also cause increased urea concentration.

But the most impressive group of causes is renal diseases:

  • nephroptosis (prolapse of the kidney);
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • blood clots in the renal arteries;
  • nephritis (acute and chronic);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • uric acid diathesis.


The main method of treatment that doctors use when detecting urate in a patient's urine is a therapeutic diet. This is due to the fact that the cause of poor tests is often junk food, insufficient drinking regimen and medication. At the initial stage of the problem, for the prevention of urolithiasis, drug treatment is also prescribed. The diet is not excluded.


When the amount of uric acid salts in the patient's urine goes off scale, it is time for drugs. Their main task is to establish the outflow of urine, break up salt crystals and dissolve in water.

To do this, use:

  • natural diuretics (herbs and herbal preparations);
  • "Blemaren" (neutralizes the acidic environment in the urine to dissolve the urates);
  • "Allopurinol" (reduces the amount of uric acid and helps dissolve salt deposits);
  • "Asparkam" (gently removes potassium-sodium salts from the body) and other drugs.


Nutritional therapy is the first step to take when urinary urate occurs. In many cases, a two-week diet is sufficient to correct the composition of the urine and bring the tests back to normal.

The diet for urine in the urine is based on two basic rules. This is a full-fledged drinking regimen (at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day) and a menu of products with a low purine content.

This means that if urates are increased, then fatty fish and meat, smoked meats, sausages and sausages, cocoa and chocolate, canned food and even saturated broths (both meat and vegetable) will have to be deleted from the diet. It is required to seriously limit the diet of legumes (especially lentils), lean fish, sorrel and spinach, salty, spicy and spicy dishes.

Be sure to include in the menu:

  • foods rich in vitamins A and group B (orange-red fruits and vegetables, cereals, eggs);
  • milk and sour milk;
  • products containing potassium (dried apricots, bran, potatoes, bananas);
  • eggplant, pumpkin and zucchini;
  • citrus.

When the presence of urate in urine is only at the level of crystals, diet in combination with medications will completely get rid of the problem. The course ranges from several weeks to several months. But if it is found that the salt deposits have begun to turn into stones, a more serious examination will be required, and, if necessary, laser treatment or surgery.

Diet with a large amount of urate in the urine

Reasons for the increase in uric acid salts

Uric acid - a substance that is formed during the metabolism of protein and purines, determines the state of the excretory system and the stability of metabolism. It is in the form of urata. Normally, 12-30 g of it is released per day, and an increased level of it leads to a large accumulation of salts in the form of crystals that damage organs and systems, causing various pathologies. There are a number of reasons due to which urates in urine in large quantities fall out and are increased:

Other factors include:

  • increased physical activity;
  • a large amount of stress and psychoemotional disorders;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • taking certain medications;
  • dehydration;
  • infectious diseases.

Salts in the urine may fluctuate temporarily due to a particular diet.

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The rate of uric acid salts in urine

There is a maximum permissible norm - a single increase in these salts up to two pluses in the analysis of urine. With urate in the urine, if there are more pluses (three or four), it is necessary to follow a diet and undergo treatment, because neglect leads to serious consequences, such as gout or kidney stones.

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Urates and oxalates are salts that should not be present in urine. As long as urates do not exceed the norm and do not lead to the appearance of urolithiasis, there are no clear signs. You can only see any changes by passing a urine test for salt. In the future, it is not difficult to remove these salts from the body if you seek help from a doctor in time.

Unfortunately, the principle of the loss of such salts has not yet been studied, because urine is a rather complex liquid.

Uraturia is manifested by painful urination, the presence of blood in the urine, fluctuations in blood pressure.

Symptoms can be traced only when inflammatory processes develop in the kidneys, which are aggravated by increased acidity of urine. The symptoms of uraturia are:

  • urine with blood;
  • weakness in the body, nausea;
  • back pain or abdominal pain;
  • high pressure;
  • sharp pain when urinating;
  • heat.

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Urate during pregnancy

For women expecting a baby, they are pretty typical. This phenomenon is caused by dehydration at a toxicosis in the first months of pregnancy. However, in the case of a significant excess of the norms of urate in the urine during pregnancy should be taken serious measures. To avoid this, you need to adhere to three rules:

  1. the amount of fluid intake should be several times more during pregnancy because the body mass increases;
  2. diet should be varied and contain a smaller number of products such as tomatoes, meat, fish, spicy and smoked chocolate;
  3. be sure to keep an eye on the state of health and prevent the development of diseases of the urinary system.

During the period of gestation, the kidneys work at a faster pace. They provide a peak filter substances entering into the body to protect the fruit from damage. Urates in urine during pregnancy increase due to their diseases. Diet and therapy are discussed and prescribed by the attending physician. He will prescribe medications that help dissolve salt crystals and quietly withdraw from the body.

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Uric acid salts in a child

Urate salts in the urine of a child increase directly due to nutrition. Excess fish and meat dishes helps to salt loss due to the incompleteness of the urinary system in children, it is formed by several years. Urate salts in urine accompanied gout, goiter, the appearance of worms. If urate in infants appear when breastfed, mother prescribed a specific diet in which red meat is replaced by fish or poultry, includes a large number of fruits and vegetables.

Below are some of the symptoms based on which prescribed a general analysis of urine, which can then help get urate:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • lack of appetite;
  • abuse of chocolate, cheese, tomato juice, meat and fish products.

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Amorphous salts

Amorphous urate in the urine, precipitating, bring its color brown-pink tone. Unit amount of this type of urate is normal, and when excess is diagnosed:

  • fever;
  • glomerular nephritis;
  • renal failure.

Treatment for uraturia includes diet, medication, or folk remedies.

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Uraturia often a consequence of poor nutrition, so the first thing you need to adjust your diet and fluid and electrolyte levels in the body. Additionally appointed physiotherapy, physical therapy, and many other ways to overcome the disease. In case of unsuccessful drug treatment, a surgical operation is used.

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Folk remedies and herbal treatments

With timely detection of urate great help tincture grass half burns. It has a saline and diuretic effect. Composition half-saturated burns bioactive plant substances: saponins, flavonoids, polysaccharides, tannins, organic acids and coumarin. Due to its natural source, this herb does not have any side effects.

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Gomeoterapiya has the ability to optimize salt metabolism, reduces pain and helps the body to withdraw urate. Many people use it to prevent stone formation. Here are a number of medications that are recommended to prevent uraturia:

Taking homeopathic medicines is able to normalize salt metabolism.
  • "Likopodium";
  • Kalium carbonicum;
  • "Causticum";
  • Nux Vomica.

With homeopathy, bladder stones can be prevented. Homeopathic remedies put metabolic processes in order.

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The main way to combat urinary urate is through diet. But there are also medications that can help:

  • To prevent and dissolve uric acid salts, "Blemaren" is prescribed. It reduces the excretion of calcium, and thus improves the solubility of the oxalate in the urine composition, reduces the rate of crystal formation. It is forbidden to use with phosphate stones.
  • "Asparkam" fit to fight urate even infants at the proper dosage. The main components have potassium and magnesium, which help remove urate salt.
  • "Allopurion" gives the synthesis of uric acid and reduces its level in the organism, contributes to the dissolution of urate.
  • For the flow of urine, respectively, and accumulated therein salts are effective "Kanefron", "Phytolysinum" and "Urolesan".

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Diet with uraturia

Diet for uraturia in adults is effective at any stage of the disease. It maintains water and salt balance. In disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (exacerbation of cholecystitis, pancreatitis, intestinal dysbiosis) absorption of beneficial vitamins and minerals is disturbed and this leads to the formation of stones. Drinking two liters of water is good for improving your condition. On hot days, the rate rises.

We need a serious approach to your diet, eliminate all junk foods, long-term diet adherence to urate did not pose any danger. Just the wrong time found large urate stones mean that in deriving them from the body, they damage tissues and lead to major complications and can even require surgery.

What are urates

What are urates? Certain food products, drugs and other reasons contribute to the formation of uric acid. Under certain circumstances, which are taking certain medications, improper diet, certain diseases, genetic predisposition, the level rises considerably.

Uric acid is excreted with urine as crystals, they are called "amorphous urates." Exceeding the standards of its content of the urine is highly undesirable because it can lead to the formation of stones.

Urates in urine

Normally, a general urinalysis should not contain urates, like other salts. The presence of salts as a result of the study indicated ins from 1 to 4. A moderate amount of urate in the field of view is acceptable, it should not exceed two advantages. If the salt content in urine as a result of the analysis indicated three or four advantages - it is an alarming signal that tells about violations in the body. Important role in the emergence of urate crystals in urine removed and pH level - indicator indicating urine acidity.

Its sharp fluctuations lead to precipitation of salts as a result of urate crystals have the form of microscopic. For a correct diagnosis of urine acidity it is one of the important indicators on a par with others. When urate observed in large quantities, the urine looks like a cloudy liquid brick rusty tinge. This condition causes such diseases as uraturia or uric acid diathesis. In parallel with uraturia, the content of urate in the blood may also increase.

In children

The appearance of salts in the urine and in the child is often noted. In children, the cause of this condition often becomes unformed excretory system and an unbalanced diet provokes the deposition of urate in the urine. Eating large amounts of meat, fish, chocolates, tea strong negative impact on the results of the survey in children.

In some situations, a large number of urate in the urine of the child may be associated with the presence of worms, developing dysbiosis, gout and kidney stones. At higher salt content in urine of a child can be a problem and heredity. If the family were sick with diabetes, obesity, illnesses of the musculoskeletal system, there is a great risk of uraturia. In the case of diagnosis of high salt index in the urine of young children who are fed with breast milk, mother recommended a special diet to follow-up the status of the child. Frequent symptoms of this condition in a baby are:

  • decrease in activity;
  • lethargy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased body temperature;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

In this case, you must complete a survey, finding the root cause of the appearance of urate in the urine and holding therapy as needed, which prevent the risk of complications.

During pregnancy

The presence of urate in urine during pregnancy is a common occurrence. This is attributed to dehydration (dehydration), which occurs on the background of toxicity occurring in the first months of carrying a baby. But if a pregnant woman in the urine urate significantly higher than normal, especially in the second and third trimester, it is an alarm that requires immediate medical attention. A high salt index in the analysis means:

in the body there is a development of urinary tract infection, which greatly hindered the flow of urine;
improper feeding women, excessive consumption of meat products, smoked, spicy and salty foods;
violation of the water balance. If weight gain needs to be used more fluid than many women neglect.

Genetic predisposition can also play an important role. If relatives diagnosed with urolithiasis, is a woman during pregnancy can often be diagnosed by raising the level of urate. If this figure is slightly higher than normal and the woman does not feel any discomfort, it can help power adjustment. When the same amount of salt is very large, can not do without the treatment of medical drugs.


Why do urates appear in urine and what factors can lead to this? Salts appear in urine analysis for the following main reasons:

  • Unbalanced diet. Ingestion of large quantities of products such as meat products, acute and smoked food, alcohol, canned beans, tomatoes, and others, leads to the accumulation of salts.
  • Not drinking enough fluids throughout the day.
  • Kidney disease. The presence of inflammatory processes, the omission of the kidneys, circulatory problems and other illnesses.
  • Pathologies associated with metabolic disorders.
  • Certain infectious diseases and other past illnesses.

salts in the urine of the child may be due to hereditary factors. If the parents or close relatives have suffered such violations, the baby is a high probability of increased concentration of uric acid. In women, the cause of such a state, other than those listed, may become pregnant, especially the first trimester. In addition, the impact on the formation of uric acid diathesis may these additional factors:

  • some medications;
  • regular stress;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • too hot climate.

These causes for the formation of urate in the urine in the absence of treatment and the power correction can lead to the formation of kidney stones, gout and other disturbances in the body.


At the initial stage of the disease uraturia little manifests itself, the presence of sediment is determined only by laboratory tests. The first signs occur when calculi are formed in the form of sand or stones, causing inflammation, which is accompanied by symptoms:

  • high fever;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • violation of urination;
  • pain in the lumbar spine;
  • increase in blood pressure.

In some patients, swells the face, swollen eyes, blood in the urine may be an impurity. In children, disturbed sleep, baby is too active, appear nausea, vomiting.

If a lot of urine urate due to malnutrition, the main method of treatment is diet therapy. In case of detection of this disease from other causes medicamentous preparations are used, the main action of which consists in dissolving uric acid salts and prevention of stone formation. For these purposes, the following medicines are used:

  • potassium-magnesium preparations;
  • medications that affect the outflow of urine;
  • Medicaments which basified with urine, whereby salts are dissolved and excreted in the urine;
  • funds that support kidney function;
  • vitamins.

In addition, patients are recommended special exercises, physiotherapy. With timely diagnosis uraturia well help tools and recipes of traditional medicine. Doctors recommend intake of herbal decoction floor-burns, this plant is able to effectively remove salt and has a diuretic effect. Also well dissolves salts knotweed, corn silk, parsley and celery roots, fruits elderberry, black currant fruit compote, and so on. If there are stones, causing severe colic of the kidneys and urination difficulty, resorting to surgery.


Diet when urate is detected in urine is considered an effective therapy. Strictly prohibited in the presence of uric acid: canned food, alcoholic drinks, meat products, rich broth, chocolate products, strong tea and coffee, foods with yeast. It is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of meat, smoked meat and fish dishes, spinach, onion and cheese. When uraturia also recommend to stick to a diet with limited consumption of salt, spicy and fried foods.

With urate in urine, the diet should include:

  • seaweed;
  • dairy products;
  • melons;
  • dried fruits, nuts;
  • foods containing vitamins (citrus fruits, black currants, grapes);
  • eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkin, potatoes;
  • cereals.

During treatment also be included in the diet to 2 liters of water, especially in warm weather.

This condition is the first symptom of metabolic disorders. Continuous shift urine pH in the acid side - an extremely undesirable factor that can lead to the appearance of stones (stones) in the bladder, the kidneys. Be aware of the reasons for the appearance of urata. Find out what methods are used for the normalization of the pathologically inflated figures.

Why do urates and oxalates appear in urine?

Certain foods, medications have the ability to influence the nature of the discharge. Under certain conditions there is an increase in salt concentration level of uric (stone acid) or urate in urine. Exceeding standards is highly undesirable, since it contributes to the formation of stones. The mechanism of urate formation has not been thoroughly studied. It is known that purines digested by digestive enzymes to form uric acid, which is then excreted by the kidneys with urine.

When violation drinking regimen increases the acidity of precipitates, which entails a loss of sodium and potassium in the precipitate. The latter, sticking together, form stones. The formation of oxalates is due to the increased release of oxalic acid. Such a condition caused by insufficient production of kidney protective colloid substances supporting the organic substance in a soluble state.

Indicators of the norm of uric acid salts

With adequate operation of the excretory system of the body is derived of about 30 grams per day of organic salts. Single crystals of increased concentration of uric acid (urate amorphous) in the urine sample to two pluses is considered to be the norm. When a situation where the technician puts 3-4 plus, diagnosed urate diathesis, or uraturia. If the salt level is reduced after the power correction, the patient is sent for further inspection.

Causes of the appearance of urates in urine

The condition can be long-term or short-term. Inadequate fluid intake is a common cause of a single performance increase. Concentrated urine contains a limiting amount of urate. In order to ensure normal operation of renal person should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Amorphous urates in urine can be detected due to the following reasons:

  • dehydration;
  • prolapse or stretching of the kidney;
  • heredity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress;
  • taking antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • infections of the urinary system;
  • gout;
  • leukemia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • lack of vitamin B6;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • diabetes mellitus.

In children

Urate in the child's urine are mainly a consequence of an unbalanced diet or a recent infection. Overheating, excessive consumption of chocolate, meat, fish, taking antipyretics and antibiotics - Factors Affecting Results of the clinical analysis of urine. In the absence of these reasons, the excess of allowable concentrations of urate has a pathological nature and is a symptom of any of the following diseases:

  • dysbiosis;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • gout;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • urolithiasis.

In pregnant women

Salts of uric acid in the urine of women in position is a common phenomenon, which is caused by the processes of dehydration of the body, which is characteristic of the first months of gestation. In a situation where the analysis revealed a significant excess of urates (3-4 plus points), we can talk about infection of the excretory organs. In order to prevent the development of uric acid diathesis, a pregnant woman should observe a drinking regimen, limit the consumption of tomatoes, spicy foods, and chocolate.

Uraturia symptoms

As long as the level of salts in the urine remains within the permissible limits and does not lead to the formation of calculi, it is difficult to detect any signs of pathology. Severe symptoms appear when an inflammatory process develops in the kidneys, which is aggravated by increased acidity of secretions. At this stage uraturia is accompanied by:

  • weakness;
  • violation of the outflow of urine;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • high blood pressure;
  • painful urination;
  • high fever;
  • constipation;
  • urine with blood impurities;
  • asthmatic attacks;
  • back pain or abdominal pain.

Changing the color of the discharge requires separate consideration. Brownish-pink urine is the result of significant precipitation of amorphous urates. Normally, their number does not exceed a few units. A rapid increase in salt concentration can be a sign of chronic renal failure, glomerulonephritis, congestive kidney syndrome.


Uric acid is the main stimulant for the development of gout, osteochondrosis and other negative conditions, therefore, in order to avoid the onset of adverse consequences, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner. Uraturia often serves as a sign of hydronephrosis (a violation of the outflow of urine), which is fraught with expansion of the renal pelvis (pyeloectasia). Besides, an increased salt content in the secretions can lead to the following complications:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • bleeding;
  • inflammation of the excretory organs;
  • acute arthritis;
  • asthmatic attack;
  • the appearance of red spots on the skin;
  • renal failure.


The most accessible method for detecting urate in urine is clinical analysis. The first sign of the presence of amorphous crystals is a rich yellow or red-brown precipitate. A laboratory urine test usually reveals a pH level.

  • X-ray, ultrasound - these methods help diagnose the presence of calculi.
  • Excretory urography - the study reveals anatomical and functional changes in the kidneys.
  • Computed tomography (CT) - the method provides accurate information about the size of stones.

Treatment for the detection of urate in urine

If the cause of the presence of salts in urine is an unhealthy diet, the main way to solve the problem is diet therapy. In a situation where an increase in the concentration of urate in urine has a different etiology, medications are used, the action of which is aimed at dissolving salts and preventing the formation of stones.

In addition, the patients are shown physiotherapy exercises, visits to physiotherapy sessions. With the timely diagnosis of uraturia, when the process has not acquired a pathological character, it makes sense to apply the recipes of traditional medicine. The presence of stones, causing severe renal colic, impeding the outflow of biological fluid is a reason for surgery or teletherapy.


Diet for urine urate is the main treatment. Along with changing the diet, medications with an alkalizing effect are prescribed to patients. In addition, diuretics are prescribed. Patients are strictly prohibited from starving. The calorie content of the daily diet should be at least 2800 kcal. Nutrition with urate in urine is based on a limited intake of proteins (up to 80 g / day)... Fluid consumption is strictly regulated: at least 2 liters per day. A sparing diet should be adhered to until the results of the clinical analysis of urine are improved.



Limited consumption


Bottled water

Low-fat fish

Foods high in B vitamins (nuts, seeds, soy milk)

Fatty meat, fish

Sorrel, cabbage, spinach

Canned food

Dairy products

Strong broths

Pumpkin, cucumbers


Salt, seasonings

Sweet fruit

Spicy dishes

Sour berries

Smoked meats

Citrus (limited with oxalates)


Alkaline (mineral) water

Drug therapy

Conservative treatment is selected for each patient individually, taking into account the causes and mechanisms of stone formation. The use of drugs is aimed at changing the biochemical composition of urine, blood, removing urate calculi up to 5 mm in size. In order to improve the dissolution of uric acid salts, the drug Blemaren is used..

The medication effectively copes with the elimination of urates and oxalates, but is contraindicated in phosphaturia. Potassium-magnesium preparations, such as Asparkam, help remove salts. In addition, drugs are used to reduce the formation of uric acid and dissolve calculi. An increase in urine outflow is achieved by prescribing plant-based diuretic drugs.

Drug name

Operating principle

Mode of application

Duration of use


Magnesium is an inhibitor of calcium oxalate crystallization and aggregation

1 tablet twice a day after meals

2-3 months


Reduces the activity of xanthine oxidase, suspends the synthesis of uric acid

Taken in an individually adapted dose

2-3 months


Has a diuretic effect, promotes the excretion of salts in the urine

Adults - 50 drops three times a day, children (over 6 years old) - 25 drops, the younger age group - 15 drops 3 times a day.

At least 2 weeks


Facilitates the excretion of small stones in the urine

A suspension is prepared from the paste by dissolving it in warm, sweet, boiled water. Take one teaspoon 3-4 times a day after meals

2-8 weeks


Eliminates chlorides, urea from the body

1 capsule 3 times a day before main meals

5 days to 1 month

Surgical intervention

Surgical removal of kidney stones is a forced measure, which is resorted to in 3-5% of cases. Surgical intervention is inevitable if there are large coral formations that prevent the flow of urine. Crushing stones with ultrasound and a laser (lithotripsy) is also extremely rare. With urate stones no more than 2.5 cm in size, minimally invasive distance lithotripsy is effective. In addition to the size of calculi, indications for surgery may be:

  • persistent hematuria (blood in the urine)
  • severe renal colic;
  • obstructive anuria;
  • obstruction of the outflow of urine, leading to deformation of the kidney;
  • acute pyelonephritis.

Folk recipes

Alternative medicine can be used to enhance the effect of drugs. Traditional healers for urates recommends the use of diuretic, anti-inflammatory phytopreparations. An effective diuretic is a half-pala decoction, which is prepared in the proportion of 1 glass of water to 1 tbsp. l. dry grass. The mixture is simmered in a water bath for 20 minutes, then cooled and drunk 100 ml each before the main meals. The duration of the course is 10 days. You can resume taking the drug in six months. The following plants have the ability to dissolve salts:

  1. Parsley. 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs pour 400 ml of boiling water. Insist the composition for half an hour. Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
  2. Knotweed. Pre-grind dry grass in a blender. 1 tbsp pour a glass of boiling water over the dry raw material, then let the agent stand for half an hour. Take a 50 ml infusion before main meals. The duration of treatment is a month.

Prevention of urate in urine

Compliance with the drinking regime is the main measure to prevent the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys. The normal functioning of the excretory system requires the intake of at least two liters of fluid per day. Mineral water should be preferred. It is advisable to reduce your intake of animal protein. It is recommended to completely abandon baked goods, chocolate, cocoa-containing products. Besides, to prevent the appearance of urates in urine, it is necessary:

  • exclude offal, veal, sprats from the diet;
  • refuse smoked meats, pickled vegetables, canned food, sausages;
  • replace strong broths with vegetable soups;
  • take infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs with a diuretic effect;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • take a monthly urine test;
  • do an ultrasound of the kidneys annually;
  • timely treat inflammation;
  • abandon the uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, antipyretics.


Formed by unhealthy diets and certain health problems compounds of potassium and sodium salts are called urates... These substances, although in vanishingly small quantities, are still contained in the body of every person, which is not a deviation from the norm. And here significant increase in the amount of urates, which manifests itself in urine, is already considered a serious cause for concern and referral to a specialist.

Photo 1. Salt compounds turn into stones over time. Source: Flickr (Paul Beane).

Urata and uraturia

Urata are potassium and sodium salts, the appearance of which is most often due to poor nutrition, as well as a number of other factors and conditions. Improper nutrition consists in the monotonous use of a large number of foods such as:

  • meat, meat broths, offal;
  • canned food (mainly fish);
  • spicy and smoked food;
  • tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, legumes;
  • chocolate;
  • some berries (viburnum and raspberries);
  • strongly brewed tea;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Pathological conditions due to which urates appear in the urine:

  • kidney damage;
  • dehydration;
  • taking too much salt;
  • a course of taking certain medications (antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • gout;
  • certain types of leukemia.

The pathology in which urates appear in the urine is called uraturia., and this problem, if it has already declared itself, requires a serious medical investigation.

Normcontent in urine analysis uric acid salts(this is also called urates) by specialists is indicated by pluses - 1-2 pluses means optimal volume, 3-4 are already cause for concern.

Upon receipt of such results, it is recommended to first revise your diet, and if a repeated study reveals an increased level of urates, then you will have to undergo a medical examination to detect kidney stones or.

Manifestations of uraturia

Although urea salts may not show their presence in the human body in any way, uraturia still has certain symptoms.

They are usually associated with the already-formed calculi (stones) and the onset of inflammation in the urinary system organs, and appear on the background of increasing acidity of urine at the use of certain foods, ingestion of certain drugs and vitamins of group B.

Signs of the condition are as follows:

  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • lower back pain;
  • pain when urinating;
  • a state of general weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • excretion .

Urates in urine by themselves do not cause concern to a person and are most often discovered by chance, after passing an analysis for completely different purposes. In this case, the further development of the state uraturia can be extremely dangerous, as fully formed stones (urate calculi) in the kidney can inhibit and block the lumen of the ureter, which is why further cases of acute retention of urine outflow, uremia, purulent inflammation and blood poisoning.

Diagnostics and treatment

Physically, the presence of urates in urine does not appear in any way until those until an excess of urea salts begins to form calculus formations that will be the first step towards urolithiasis. Until this moment, clear symptoms and specific manifestations can not be expected - urata in urine at this stage can only be discovered by chance during clinical analysis.

If the composition of urine has undergone strong changes towards the accumulation of potassium and sodium salts (3-4 plus), a specialist for further diagnosis will prescribe ultrasound examination, during which the condition of the kidneys will be cleared and the presence of stones will be detected.

The first therapeutic measure in detecting an increased content of urate in urine is correction and normalization of nutrition, including limiting the consumption of meat and other foods that overwhelm the body with protein. If urate calculi have already begun to form in the kidneys, therapy consists in taking medications that have properties to dissolve stones and prevent their re-formation.

They are used as traditional and folk-medical drugs, thanks to which is possible to establish urination and accelerate the elimination of the dissolved entities.

Diet with uraturia

Correct and rational nutrition is a guarantee of healthy vital activity of people with urates found in urine. A diet is needed by patients with a problem that was identified in the course of 3 or more, taken at intervals of 7 days in 1 month.

In clinical nutrition core set of nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates - remains the standard, however, adjustments are made in terms of fluid use. It is necessary that the patient receive not less than 2 liters of liquid, since it is the increased water balance that helps prevent the precipitation of potassium and sodium salts with their subsequent formation of kidney stones.

  • drink as much as possible and throughout the day;
  • once a week take water shots, that is, drink at least 1 liter of juice, water, cold tea or a decoction of dried fruits at one time;
  • limit your intake of caffeinated beverages(no more than 2 cups per day).

An important part of the diet is also observance of weekly fasting days(consumption of only one type of food during the day, for example, only vegetables or only dairy).

Also, the fight against urates in urine requires lowering the acidity of urine to a pH level above 7 units, for which a person will have to to exclude:

  • sour fruits and berries;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • meat.

A add to the usual diet, it is desirable:

  • milk and dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • sweet fruits and berries, alkaline mineral waters.

Photo 2. Milk and dairy products are recommended when uraturia is detected.