I look forward to our meeting, my love. Pleasant words to a beloved man, in your own words. SMS in prose - “I miss you

When we miss loved ones, we look for all sorts of ways to somehow contact them and let them know about it. Fortunately, in our information age, there is such a pleasant little thing as text messages that allow us to write about our feelings at any time. But what to do if you can’t put words together beautifully, but you want to be truly original?

In such a situation, our selection of SMS I Miss you will come to the rescue in which you can easily find the phrases you need, allowing you to accurately convey all the feelings that you experience in the absence of a loved one. Cute and romantic, funny and playful, serious and sad - whatever these messages are, their recipient will always know how much you miss him and how much he is dear to you.

How much I miss you -
I can't put into words!
I dream of seeing you again
Hug, I want to kiss you.

Do you know how hard it is for me without you?
So missing your warmth.
So sad and hard for me.
What a pity that you are far away from me.

I sit alone
I am texting you
That I kiss and miss
Warm hugs.

I love... Like no one ever!
I love... I love only you!
I miss you now!
Love love love...
Kiss... I love...

I'm very sad without you
But I want to say, loving -
Our meeting is not accidental
And separation is not forever.
I'll tell you a secret:
You are my main person.

I miss you again
Standing quietly at the window.
And a cup of tea does not warm,
She is too small.

I'm bored, well it's not clear.
I miss you.
I miss, not in vain
Fate brought us together.

Distance is not a barrier
For the love that we have
My main reward
What I love now.

I miss you
I think, I appreciate, I love.
And in the evening
I send you kisses!

Far away are your arms
Kisses and eyes
I'm sitting at the window again
And I don't know what to say.

What do you breathe, I don't know
In that unknown land.
I already miss you
Waiting, hoping and loving.

I'm very sad without you!
Everything is empty in my heart!
How I miss you!
But you will come and the ice will melt!

Without you day and night
I miss you very, very much.
Dispel my sadness
Answer quickly.

I can not wait any more,
So I want to tell
About everything that I keep in my heart.
How I miss, I'm sad
How do I want to see
And how much I love you.

On a dark, cold winter night,
I just want to be next to you.
I'm sending you sms again
I look forward to your reply and miss you very much.

Cities between us
And in my heart is sadness.
The bed is empty without you
Well, it's already morning.
Very, very looking forward to meeting
I love you more and more.

I miss you very much
I repeat day and night:
I love you so hard
As is very rare,
I love you so much,
That separation is powerless here.

I want to see you now
Soft lips touch your cheeks.
I miss you very much, because love with you is that dream,
In which it is better to live and not wake up.

I miss you very, very much:
Morning, evening and night.
I dream about you.
SMS for you!

I'm sending you sms
To say how much I miss you
How my soul yearns for you
And how bad I am without you.

How many days we are apart, how many long hours
How many long minutes I count until the meeting
As luck would have it, the hands of the clock froze,
Where are you, my joy, respond! I miss!

I miss you,
I present your image.
You are the star in my destiny
In my thoughts you are always with me.

My heart freezes
It misses you a lot
It is waiting for SMS from you
Without it, it turns to ice.

I miss you next to me
My heart is crying and hurting so much
She only dreams of you
You attract me like a magnet!

I want to hug you soon
Throw out all your tenderness,
After all, you are closer and dearer to everyone,
So much I love you!

Darling, dear, I miss you so much
After all, you are so far away, you are not with me!
I can't imagine life without you
We were brought together by fate!

What a pity, we are separated by distance,
And I would like to cling to you affectionately
And feel your breath in silence
And quietly fall asleep next to each other!

I miss you when you're not around.
Business, worries, vanity ...
And seems to be busy
And I miss you so much.

I sit and think about us
I remember the minutes of the meeting.
I want to hug you now.
I love you... And I miss you so much.

I want to be with you
Every minute and forever
To never leave
Being around is just endless.

For me, separation is like torture:
I miss your eyes madly,
And goosebumps run on the skin,
When the tenderness of the hands I remember.

I'm cold without your smile
My heart is lousy, very empty.
I miss you madly
Without you, I am very, very sad!

I want to be in your arms,
To dissolve the pain of separation.
I don't want to part anymore
Because I fell in love with you forever.

I'm so lonely without you
I want you to warm me with warmth!
We were separated by miles so cruelly
And I'll wait for you, because this is my destiny!

I miss you, dear man,
You are the closest person
For happiness you are the main reason
I'll be waiting for you, even a whole century!

I miss you, my love, so much
Although you are mentally and next to me.
I don't notice anything around, dear,
I'm just waiting for you to come home!

I will hug you so tenderly and so passionately
And I'll put all my love in my arms,
To make it clear in an instant:
I only belong to you forever!

I'm very sad, I miss you.
I remember your kind eyes
And I remember our kisses
A tear runs down her cheek from sadness.

I'm very lonely alone
I'm slowly on fire.
I miss you madly
And thoughts are only about you.

I want to hug you soon
In the arms of gentle drown.
And kiss passionately on the lips,
Overcome all obstacles with you!

I miss sweet hugs
I miss your caresses
I miss sensitive wrists
I miss my lips,
I miss the beat of my heart
I miss cute eyes
I miss strong smells
I miss soft hands!

When you're not around
Time seems to freeze
Feeling cold and ice
Doesn't leave for a moment.

So I want to you, dear,
And I miss you very much
Looking forward to you
I always look forward to seeing you, my love.

Look forward to meeting,
To hurry to you, to run,
hug you by the shoulders,
Gently kiss on the lips.

SMS I miss you and I look forward to meeting you very beautifully in your own words

Yes, this parting is unbearably bitter, but how bright and joyful the feeling of the last sip of wine from a glass of parting will become ...

I miss you ... The pattern woven from our meetings and partings will become the one and only. He has already combined both sunny dreams and rainbow dreams. This bizarre drawing can only be solved by loving hearts. I love you - and these words echo in my heart with a joyful echo.

I miss you... A lone wind beats through the window, wanting to break my privacy, but I don't fit the frozen glass. I need only you! Everything will warm up (and most importantly, my heart) as soon as you return. I'm waiting!

I miss you ... By your beloved eyes, by your gentle hands, by your gentle hugs. I'm like a violin without a bow without you. When you return, our music will sound again - the music of our love.

I miss you ... Every moment spent without you becomes piercingly painful. Every step along the road that does not lead to you is like a useless movement. Every word that is not spoken by you is perceived as superfluous. Come back soon!

I miss you... The flowers you gave me as parting are still sweetly fragrant. Your kiss still burns on my lips. But they involuntarily whisper: my beloved, without you the path is longer, and the tea is not so strong, and the sun does not indulge in its rays. But I know: our meeting is ahead!

Get rid of the desire to smoke with...

I miss you ... The separation promised to be short, but deceived: even an hour spent without you seems like a week-long separation to me. And I look aimlessly absent-mindedly out the window, remembering how, as you left, you waved your hand at me. You will come back and I will wave back to you.

I miss you... I miss you so much! On the frozen ground, the colors of fallen leaves freeze. I know that there is very little left before our meeting, but I cannot hold back my tears in the autumn rain. I miss your love so much! When we meet, I will bury myself in your reliable chest - and everything will be fine.

I miss you... My song has become pathetic and restless. Although I really want you to hear it even from a distance. And I want you not to doubt those three cherished words that you will certainly hear at our long-awaited meeting.

SMS beloved miss you and love short in your own words in prose is very beautiful

I miss you ... To understand, I understand that everything will definitely end, any separation will not last forever - you just have to be patient a little, and everything will be fine. And sadness will dissipate like last year's fog, and longing will disengage its miserable embrace when I fall into your strong arms.

I miss you... At a distance, you seem to me even smarter, even more beautiful, even more energetic. Of course, you will quickly and well cope with the affairs that, although not for long, but separated us. And we'll celebrate our reunion!

I miss you... The kilometers separating us seem hateful to me. Do you want me to walk them? I count the days, hours, minutes until we meet. And I am waging a fruitless struggle with time, which deliberately slows down its course. But it won't be able to separate us!

I miss you ... It's a real downpour outside, and a wall of rain ruthlessly separates me from you. But I believe: we are stronger than any separation! On the sky, gray with sadness, features dear to me timidly appear. And I believe that you, too, aspire to me. So everything will be fine...

I miss you... But it's not scary. After all, you know that I am always with you - both in bad weather and in sadness, which means that in separation too. Where there is love, patience, fidelity, a beautiful day cannot but come. And although it is impossible to get used to partings and goodbyes, they can still be experienced ...

I miss you... Yes, this parting is unbearably bitter, but how bright and joyful our meeting will be! It will become a cherished dream that has become a reality, and not a deceitful mirage. You are my destiny, just like I am your soul mate. And without each other, we still can not live ...

I miss you... But my restless heart doesn't even cry. To nothing. After all, the main thing has already happened: we met, we were not divorced by a cruel fate. Why should we yearn if two paths have merged into a single road? We will walk this path with you. And he will be happy!

I miss you... By your hands - kind, devoted, calling... By your words - both mysterious and burning... By your lips - tender and sweet... By your eyes - clear, kind, understanding... Wonderful, faithful, gentle, beloved … I'm waiting for you.

I miss you ... My dear, how I miss your reliable shoulders, your strong hands, your honest words, your gentle and encouraging words. But I live in the hope of seeing you soon. And it will take place!!!
I miss you ... I dream of the ring of your happy hands, the passionate fire of love of your lips, the pure radiance of your eyes. I live in anticipation of an imminent miracle. A little more and you'll ring the bell at my door. And I will heal you!

Among worries, tasks and business plans, a man sometimes forgets about the most important thing - to pay attention to his beloved woman. In this case, the beloved needs to take the initiative in her gentle, but tenacious hands. How to hint to a lover about the expectation of a passionate evening in his company? Send your loved one a message, after which all office affairs will seem unimportant.

The text of the message may be different. From a declaration of love and tender boredom for his caresses to funny, with a touch of humor, flirting. They will help to unobtrusively remind you of yourself and cheer up your loved one.

It is best to convey the feelings of the line in your own words short, but bright enough. For example:

  • Every day without you is like torture. I miss you, I dream about you!
  • I still feel the sweet taste of kisses on my lips. All thoughts are only about you. Diko was bored.
  • I gave you half of my heart. Now I can't live without you, I miss you.
  • Let this message convey how much I miss you! It is unbearable to be apart.
  • I miss my native voice. Maybe call?
  • When will you return to our island of fire and passion? You are so missed here.
  • I am looking everywhere for a sweet beloved smile, but in vain. Where are you, sun?
  • So you want to feel a slight unshaven on your cheek.
  • Your blood boils for love. Come quickly, my hot one.
  • I love butterflies in my stomach. Thanks to you, I am the happiest woman on the planet Earth.
  • My meaning of life, thank you for being you.
  • It's so easy, comfortable, reliable with you. Now I know what love is.
  • I think about you obscenely often. Come. I'm waiting.
  • My heart is in your sweet captivity. Waited already.
  • I don't believe in coincidence. You are my gift of fate.
  • I enjoy life when my beloved is near. Give me some moments of happiness.
  • You are my personal drug. Save me from the burning pain.
  • I swallow with greedy lips your scent on the pillow. Missing you like air!

romantic message

Is there a quality relationship without romance? Sometimes you really want feelings to flow like a fountain, to inspire you to make sometimes reckless, but beautiful gestures. A little fabulousness definitely doesn’t hurt a relationship, right?

Then we present to your attention interesting options using literary clichés, heroes of romance novels.

  • Honey, your Juliet misses a big hug.
  • Where are you, my Master. Margarita really wants to add passion to our romance.
  • Not a single psychic can dispel longing for you. Only a kiss of love will help here. Save me my prince.
  • Every moment without you, I turn into the Ice Queen. Warm my heart with passion.

They can be easily paraphrased, conveyed in your own words briefly, but everything is exactly beautiful and unusual.

Message in verse

Sensitive verses will also help melt the heart of the chosen one, cause a desire to quit everything for the sake of you, beloved.

I'm angry like a troll from a children's fairy tale
without attention and affection.
Only you can do it now
Make me a princess, honey.

I'm going crazy without your lips.
You are the only one I love so much.
When will I be able to
feel love?

I'm losing my mind about passion.
Where are you, my love? I miss.

I rush to you through passion and ardor
and I wish very much
to walk beside
you all these nights.

I've been dreaming about meeting all day
I'm dying for you. I miss you very much!

Cool sms for a lover

Men adore women with a great sense of humor. Take advantage of this and write funny SMS to your lover for a change.

1. I can't sleep without your hugs. Maybe it's time to get a job as a night watchman.

2. You rarely come to me.
There are always urgent matters.
I'm inviting you for the last time.
I take off my silk robe.

3. If you don’t come today, I will turn into an evil witch and bewitch another, just know!

4. Not alone now. He is close, so gentle and beautiful. He rubs his unshaven cheek against his shoulder. And the name is beautiful, bookish - Vasily. Oh, yes, I forgot to say that this is my cat.

There is no consolation for my sadness... A little time has passed, but I already miss it! 49

Again it's raining outside the window, again I'm sad a little, tears are falling from heaven, you sent me a text message! 70

Birds miss spring - they are cold in winter,
And I miss you when you're not with me! 50

No more strength, I so want to see you! Rather, take me to our paradise! I'm waiting for you my love! Come soon! 40

To begin with, I will write about my love, and at the meeting I will kiss and strangle in my arms! 26

It’s dark for me without you in this life, the moon looks lonely out the window, snow is falling quietly, everything is wrong when you are not with me ... 13 (1)

To someone - everything ... To someone - nothing ...
And I don't need much to be happy.
I traded the world for you alone.
And I will live as long as you are by my side. 50

In a cozy room under the covers, you sleep so beautifully gently. And I only mentally kiss you and so want to see you, baby! 71

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I miss... Not for flowers-gifts... Not for calls and messages... But for your lively smile, your habits, for you, my most beloved. 38

You know, honey, you and I are like two blind people! You because you don’t see how dear you are to me, and I because I don’t see anyone but you! 94

You are all closer and dearer to my heart and soul. Only with you is it easy for me! Although you are far away, I only think about you, because I love you very much! 73

I can't imagine my life without you! I love you so much! 57

Without you, I'm like a fish without water... A flower without sun, summer without heat... I don't understand almost anything, except that I miss you very much and love you madly. 36

Highly! Too much! Limitless!
Extremely boring without you...
Remember me, please come on
Let's be together you and me! 34

My heart will never forget you, you hear me, my dear, dear, beautiful, you are happiness for me, my love! 42

I am writing you words about how dearly I love you, let time bring us closer to you, because without you I simply cannot! 36

So many questions but so few answers and all I know is that I miss you! 35

Kiss your lips, kiss your eyes ... Remember, dear and dear - I'm with you, like in a fairy tale. 55

I always share with you both chuckles and sadness, I just love you, we're just two halves! 26

I love you more than life, believe me, the door is closed to others in my heart, I can’t live a day without you, you are everything, you are the world, you are life for me! 44

Days pass, nights pass. I can't hear the sound of your steps. I miss you so much, when will we see you again? 47

I love you more and more, I want to see you as soon as possible... You answer far and rarely, and I still miss you... 72

Without you, my heart misses, without you, my heart hurts, I don’t know how to continue to live, because I will never forget you! 62