Crafts from white cardboard. Interesting DIY paper crafts

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Cardboard is easy to bend, cut, paint, glue, stitch and hold its shape, and it is always available. What you need for children's creativity, the development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, logical thinking and imagination! In this article, we presented 13 super ideas, 100 photos, 1 step-by-step master class and a selection of video tutorials on making DIY cardboard crafts.

Where to get cardboard?

For the manufacture of children's crafts, in addition to sheet color or corrugated cardboard from the store, you can use the following improvised and waste materials:

  • Cardboard boxes (you can ask the warehouse workers of the nearest store);
  • Disposable paper tableware;
  • Bushings from toilet paper and paper towels;
  • Packages of cereals and sweets, such as corn flakes;
  • Egg packaging (it is good to use cells);
  • Dairy product packaging.

13 Cardboard Craft Ideas + Master Class

Idea 1. Construction toys

Cardboard "constructors" are good because they are easy to make and decorate, it is interesting to assemble and, of course, play with them. You can come up with and design such a toy yourself, or you can make it using a ready-made scheme from our article or found on the Internet.

Click on the photo to download the templates for these figurines

Click on the photo to download the templates for these figurines

Idea 3. Puppets or just puppets with moving parts

Making a puppet out of cardboard is very easy and fun. You just need to draw the details of the little man, cut them out and fasten them with mini pins (sold in scrapbooking stores).

  • Instead of special fasteners, you can use thin wire (for example, for beading). Just cut a piece of wire 2 cm long, thread it through the holes of the parts and twist its ends from the front and back sides as shown in the photo on the right. You can also use metal rings as fasteners.

If you want the figurine to become a real puppet, then you can:

  • Connect the arms and legs with a single thread, as shown in the photo below, or with two threads (one thread connects the legs, and the other connects the arms).

  • Tie a rope to each arm and leg, then tie all 4 ropes to the ends of the sticks folded crosswise. An example of such a puppet is shown in the following photo.

Idea 4. Finger puppets

Finger puppets are made even easier and faster: a small figure is drawn, then two holes are cut in its lower part. Voila, the first "actor" for the puppet theater is ready! In the following selection of photos, you can get some ideas for finger puppets.

Idea 5. Ground, air, water and space transport

A car, plane, bus, ship, boat or rocket made of cardboard is just as good as a store-bought one. After all, making such a toy with your own hands together with your parents already seems like a fun adventure. And when the cardboard vehicle gets tired, it can be used to make other toys and crafts.

Idea 6. Kitchenette

If you have a couple of square-shaped boxes, then why not make a mini stove and sink out of them?

From one box of a rectangular elongated shape, you can make a refrigerator.

If there is enough space in the room, a washing machine can also be added to the kitchen.

A master class on how to make cardboard crafts in the form of kitchen furniture, see the following video.

Idea 7. Toy equipment and household items

Need props for role-playing games or things to decorate a cardboard house? We offer to make them from cardboard with your own hands.

Idea 8. Masquerade costumes

Is a matinee or performance coming up in a kindergarten or school? Or just your kid loves reincarnations? From cardboard you can make an amazing outfit. Here are photo examples of cardboard masquerade costumes for boys.

And here are photo examples of cardboard costumes for girls.

Idea 9. Bookmarks for books

For the manufacture of bookmarks, it is better to use not too thick colored cardboard, and in order for the craft to last as long as possible, it should be laminated with transparent tape.

Idea 10. Aquarium with fish

Cut off the lids of the cardboard box and paint its inside in blue-blue tones, if desired, decorate the aquarium with applications from plasticine, sparkles, colored paper, etc. Cut 3-5 holes along the top of the box and thread through each hole. Next, cut out 3-5 fish from colored paper. Attach a large button (on the outside of the aquarium) and a fish to each thread. That's it, the aquarium is ready.

Idea 11. Town in a box

You just need to cut the sides of the box and paint on the inside and... voila! You get a city with roads, with which the child will play for hours, moving cars and figures of men.

Idea 12. Volumetric toys made of corrugated cardboard using quilling technique

Volumetric crafts can be "wound" using the quilling technique from corrugated cardboard. Having mastered the skill of forming various figures, the child will be able to experiment with shapes and colors and even create figures of their favorite cartoon characters.

Materials and tools:

  • Cardboard box;
  • Tracing paper or white tissue paper;
  • Black cardboard (you can paint ordinary cardboard with a thick layer of black paint);
  • White pencil;
  • Wooden skewers, straws or wire;
  • Scotch tape and / or glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Stationery knife.

STEP 1. First we need to make the theater body. To do this, cut off the lid from the box, and then cut out its bottom.

Step 2. Cut off a piece of tracing paper that is larger than the size of the box. Gently glue it to the sides of the theater with a little tension, as shown in the photo.

Step 4. Now it's time to cut out the characters of the future performance from black cardboard. Keep in mind that the more detailed the silhouette of the figurine is, the more realistic the shadow theater will be. Therefore, it is best to draw figures using the templates found on the Internet and printed.

Step 5. The shadow theater is almost ready, it remains only to glue the figures to wooden skewers or wires. You can stick them as shown in the photo below or perpendicular to make it easier to control the characters.

Nowadays, paper is the cheapest and most affordable material. What can be done from paper with your own hands? The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, a postcard.

DIY gift

Creative with love

A postcard has long been a companion of any gift for a celebration, and in some cases a wonderful independent gift. A good example is valentines. Thick paper or cardboard, various colors, scissors, glue - this is the minimum set of tools that is needed. The easiest option is to fold the sheet in half and decorate with appliqué. Any decorative material can be used: pieces of fabric, lace, ribbons, buttons, and so on. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. If you have a child - connect him to this activity, he will be delighted. A little patience, and you can get a great author's work.

From two layers of paper you can make a three-dimensional postcard. To do this, a pattern is applied to the inner layer and cut out along the contour in a certain way. Using the game of two colors, you can get such wonderful postcards.

Postcards made by you will leave the brightest memories of you

Scrapbooking technique

Postcard decoration techniques are widely used in another type of paper craft - scrapbooking.

is the production of family or personal photo albums dedicated to any event: wedding, birthday, travel, any event that can be told about with the help of a photo collage. Scrapbooking has long gone beyond photo albums, and today many things are decorated with this technique: boxes, packaging, pictures, calendars.

Children's photo album

Although you can buy the necessary materials for this exciting activity in specialized stores, there are many recipes on the Internet on how to make special paper or scrapbooking embellishments yourself. In particular, paper is made from newspapers, wrapping paper, perfume boxes or even egg boxes, with the addition of grass, thread, sequins or confetti.

Like postcards, scrapbooking uses half-beads, ribbons, braid and lace for decorations. In addition, paper decorations made according to the technique are used. parchment and quilling

Pergamano technique

- embossing technique on parchment paper. A professional tool is successfully replaced with a regular pin with a round tip or a crochet hook. Nail clippers and the same pin will come in handy for making holes. And the old computer rug will serve as a substrate. Patience and imagination will help you create works of art.

Pergamano was invented in Europe by nuns during the Middle Ages. Thus they designed the pages of Holy Scripture.
It is believed that they were the first to use another technique - quilling: this is the art of making applications from twisted thin strips of paper. The nuns wound thin paper strips with golden edges around a bird feather and used the resulting spirals to decorate books, medallions, and frame icons. Today, quilling masters widely use it in decorating and interior design.

Pergamano "With the newborn!"

The simplest elements of quilling can be mastered even by a child of primary school age. This activity will help develop creativity and imagination in your children.

Various paper applications

Sweet home

Origami - paper crafts

Origami called the art of the whole sheet, because the classical technique forbade not only cutting the sheet, but even tearing it. Children are happy to fold paper figures, this activity will help to cultivate hard work, perseverance and creativity in your child. With the help of origami, you can not only have fun, but also create an amazing item for, for example, a children's room.

White paper butterflies

Large colored butterflies fan out

You can decorate a chandelier on the ceiling with paper products

Paper decorations for any occasion

You can make fan decorations from gift or colored paper.

paper flowers

Draw, cut and round.

From paper with your own hands, you can make not only cute trinkets, but also very useful things in everyday life. Everyone in the house has a stack of old newspapers and magazines. We shift the growing pile from place to place, in the closet, on the balcony, in the garage, until we finally decide to take all this stuff to the trash. In the meantime, you can create such miracles from old newspapers and magazines.

Products from newspaper tubes, twisted in a special way and painted with acrylic paint, cannot be distinguished from wicker products from a vine.

Cardboard furniture

House for children

Cardboard creative

Try to do something with your child, and warm memories of this event will forever remain in his soul.

Paper crafts are one of the easiest, most interesting and popular areas of needlework. Paper allows both children and adults to create: a small child can make a small simple color application, and an experienced craftswoman will create a masterpiece using quilling technique from it.

The industrial production of paper was mastered in the 18th century. With its appearance in wide access, the first crafts began to appear: handmade postcards, applications, figures from sheets folded in a special way. How to make crafts from colored paper, children are now taught even in kindergarten, and every student will surely be able to build a paper plane and a boat, a flower from corrugated paper. However, often at this level, knowledge about paper crafts ends. Meanwhile, there are many techniques that allow you to create real paper masterpieces.

Technique for creating paper crafts

Depending on the desired result, to make paper crafts, you can choose one of the following techniques:

  • origami (creating paper figures without the use of scissors, glue);
  • kirigami (origami with glue);
  • papier-mâché (volumetric figures from pieces of paper, glue);
  • quilling (crafts from thin twisted strips);
  • facing (use of twisted squares in crafts);
  • katagami (cutting pictures on paper using templates);
  • Iris Folding (spiral layout of paper drawing);
  • decoupage (decoration of items with paper);
  • parchment (artistic perforation on parchment);
  • collage (picture from paper pieces).

Some techniques have several subspecies, for example, origami can be classic, modular, wet, etc. The use of various techniques will allow you to create unusual paper and cardboard crafts with your own hands, in particular, we recommend paying attention to. It is easy to learn how to make interesting paper projects with us, thanks to master classes on making paper crafts.

Choice of craft paper

To make paper crafts with your own hands, you need to choose the right source material. When choosing paper, consider:

  • density (tracing paper, thin, thick paper, cardboard, etc.);
  • structure (smooth, corrugated, perforated, etc.);
  • softness (soft supple, medium, hard);
  • color (double-sided, containing pictures, etc.).

So for the classic origami technique, medium density smooth paper with double-sided color is used. For papier-mâché, it is better to choose soft sheets of newspaper type, napkins. For quilling and trimming, double-sided thin paper is ideal.

How to learn paper craft

In fact, learning how to make paper crafts is easy. There are enough master classes on the Internet with diagrams and templates, a detailed description of the actions. The best master classes are presented for free on our website.

For the first paper art, it is better to choose a simple model and a step-by-step description of its implementation. Compliance with the main principles - consistency, accuracy and clarity will allow the paper master to succeed from the first craft.

To create voluminous paper crafts, you need to learn how to read diagrams, but this is not difficult. Paper art is interesting in that it does not imply the presence of any special knowledge or skills. Everyone can master the technique of creating paper crafts.

As you know, light paper crafts are very useful for children of any age. The first interest arises in the baby as early as the age of 1 year, it is during this period that you can begin to teach him how to make simple crafts from various materials.

Important! It is worth noting that such creativity develops fine motor skills in a baby, it positively affects the perception of the world around us and the ability to think creatively.

Of course, in order for the baby's talents to develop successfully, parents should understand how to properly teach their child to perform a particular task.

paper butterfly

The first rule that every parent should remember is that during the period of development, only those tasks should be given to the child that will be within his power. For example, easy DIY paper crafts will be very interesting and simple for a child. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the baby himself must do the bulk of the work, otherwise there will be no benefit from such an activity.

There are many interesting workshops that talk about how to make easy paper crafts with your own hands and at the same time spend a minimum of time on this activity.

Christmas trees made of paper

Some of them will be given below, and it will also be told about which craft is best for what age.

As mentioned above, light paper crafts are suitable not only for older children, but also for the smallest. So, for example, kids under the age of 2 years willingly participate in this process. True, in this case it is important to remember that such an activity should not take more than 10 minutes, otherwise the baby will get tired of everything and he will abandon this business. You need to monitor the behavior of the crumbs during this task. For example, if he begins to lose all interest, then it is clear that such a task turned out to be either too difficult for him or, on the contrary, very simple.

Easy paper crafts are suitable not only for older children, but also for the little ones.

If we talk about tasks for children of this age, then they can be divided into several groups:

  1. Easy paper crafts, the essence of which is that you need to cut out certain figures and stick them on a blank sheet of paper. In other words, the chaotic fastening of individual pieces of paper to each other.
  2. Crafts that are based on the fact that the pieces must be attached in a chaotic manner.
  3. The type of crafts is when individual figures must be attached to a pre-designated place.

Easy craft for little ones

For example, if we are talking about the first option, then here the task has a simple essence. Some figures or pieces are cut out of colored paper, and then they are glued onto another sheet. In this task, it is very important to initially teach the baby how to use glue. He must understand how the leaves are glued together, how to attach them correctly, whether it is necessary to press one part of the application to another, and so on. In other words, this is a variant of getting to know the crumbs with paper and glue.

Important! The task of an adult is to teach the baby to properly hold the glue in his hands, show how to spread it on paper, and do not forget to show that when the glue is smeared on the base, the sheet itself must be held with the left hand.

In this case, the pencil should be strictly perpendicular to the sheet. This is very important, because if, when getting acquainted with stationery, you do not explain to the child all the basics of the creative process, then it will be very difficult to retrain him later. And, accordingly, he will perform all subsequent tasks incorrectly.

Dandelions from paper and napkins

Of course, you need to give the crumbs the opportunity to independently complete the entire task from start to finish. Some parents, fearing that the baby will do something wrong, perform the task themselves. But this is absolutely wrong.

The second stage of acquaintance with paper and glue

After the child has learned to perform elementary operations with paper and glue, you should show him the very technique of creating various pictures and postcards. Of course, even the lightest paper crafts will be insanely interesting for the baby. Of course, if adults make every effort to do so.

The second stage of creating simple crafts is that the child must learn how to properly arrange the various details on a piece of paper. Of course, at this stage he will not need to create any specific drawings or lines. He just has to learn how to glue various figures wherever he wants. Now it is very important that he himself learns to decide how his future work will look better. Adults can only say what figure to get as a result, and the baby decides for himself where exactly to glue the different parts of the craft.

Paper craft - chamomile

If you really want to intervene in this process, then you can simply suggest why it would be better, and where exactly you need to stick this piece of paper. But you can’t put pressure on the child, at this stage he is only learning to create his future masterpieces.

During such crafts, you can create figures in the form of a sun, a cloud, a house, a flower and other very simple objects.

Easy craft options

The last stage in creating beautiful and original crafts is that the baby begins to realize for himself where to glue the various parts of the figure correctly. To do this, you should prepare in advance all the necessary tools for the implementation of a creative idea. Most often, such creative masterpieces are made from two or three types of colored paper, as well as a white sheet. Do not forget that you will need glue and scissors. If the parent does not want the child to pick up scissors, you can first make a blank and cut out the necessary figures from colored paper yourself. To make really light and beautiful paper crafts, you should use at least 3 or even more colors.

Christmas tree decorations made of paper

For example, if you make a Christmas tree with balls, then you should initially glue the Christmas tree itself, then the balls, and at the end an asterisk. To make the final picture brighter, you can use more flowers and make many different jewelry blanks for the forest beauty in advance.

Paper crocodile

Below is a list of basic crafts that will be of interest to children:

  • a tree on which apples grow;
  • a hedgehog with apples and mushrooms on its thorns;
  • a basket with many berries;
  • jar with vitamins;
  • a tree from which leaves fall;
  • fish that swim in the aquarium.

Application - fish

By the way, to make the process of creating an application faster, you can print ready-made blanks of such figures as a Christmas tree, a hedgehog, a tree, a jar, a basket. As a result, the baby will need to glue only small figures.

paper tree

You can also watch tutorial videos, which are very numerous on the Internet, they talk about how to create easy paper crafts.

What is of particular interest to the child?

After the child learns how to create very easy paper crafts, they can be shown videos that show how to make a more complex application. Thus, it will turn out to develop the baby's imagination and skills. Of course, most often this happens already when the baby is at least 1.5 years old.

To begin with, an adult should draw on the base sheet the outlines of the figures that the child will glue. This will help him visually understand what kind of application should be the result. After he learns how to carefully glue the figures along the contours, you can proceed to creating crafts without drawing these same contours.

Multicolored paper caterpillar

In this way, you can create:

  • caterpillar;
  • snowman
  • dandelion;
  • a bunch of balloons;
  • a house that is built from blocks;
  • building with windows
  • machine and much more.

paper grapes

Of course, these are the main figures, it all depends on the skills of the baby and his patience. If he has perseverance, and he likes to create simple postcards and pictures, then you can choose more complicated figures. And if it lasts a maximum of 10 minutes, then it is better to choose something simpler.

Craft - paper hedgehog

Some parents also experiment with different magazines and newspapers. They simply cut them into pieces, and then glue them back together with the kids. For example, if a traffic light is drawn in the picture, it can be cut out and then glued back.

paper snowman

Important! Easy paper crafts for kids are a great way to teach your child independence and develop their ability to think abstractly.

It is very important in this process to trust him, to give him as much freedom as possible. You should not limit him in his movements and constantly suggest what and how to do. Let him initially understand everything himself and learn how to create paper crafts easily and quickly, and after that you can start giving him more complex tasks. This is exactly what is described in the well-known Montessori method. The only thing to take care of in advance is to show the child that there are certain rules. For example, to tell that you can only glue at this table, the paper lies here, and you need to put it back here, and so on. Then the baby will grow up independent, but at the same time he will understand what can and cannot be done.

Often at school and in kindergarten they give the task to children, read to parents, to make crafts on a specified topic, usually for the autumn holiday, federal holidays, such as New Year and. And here the fantasy dance and the competition of skillful parental hands begin, we are trying to remember what we ourselves did in childhood.

But after all, I want the child to also participate in the process and get pleasure and satisfaction from it. Still, creativity is necessary for everyone. Therefore, today I picked up some rather simple handicrafts, with which it is not a shame to go to a school or kindergarten exhibition. Yes, and the baby will be able to repeat it himself, under your strict guidance.

Have you ever cut out snowflakes by folding a piece of paper several times and then cutting out circles and triangles? Most likely yes, and, probably, then they compared which of them turned out to be more beautiful and openwork. So the water craft that I want to offer you to do is just created using this technique.

This basket is suitable for kindergarten and in order to keep a small child busy with something.

And today we will make a basket.

We need two blanks, as in the photo. I will give you a template, but you can make them yourself, I will also describe the process below.

1. To make them yourself, you need to take a sheet, make a 16 * 16 cm square out of it.

2. And roll to the middle 4 times.

3. Remember how you made snowflakes as a child. Now cut off a part from the edge in a semicircle.

It turned out to be a flower.

From each edge between the petals, you need to trim a little so that the petals can curl up.

4. We also prepare the leaf. We make the sheet square.

We cut off not a semicircle of a rhinestone, but first we need to make a long pestle.


5. You need a strip of 30 * 2 cm, glue the handle of the basket.

We decorate it with multi-colored flowers, circles, beads or beads.

We bend the edges of the green leaf.

And glue the basket to the leaflet.

You can use this template.

Of course, if the child is small, then you will have to do the preparation yourself, but leave the kid to decorate the basket. He must enjoy this activity.

How to make a clock easy and fast

And many more can remember how, carried away by the game, they remembered the craft only for the coming dream. There is simply no time to stretch the process: the child goes to classes, and you go to work. We need to create something fast, cute and big.

Here is the next version of paper crafts just for this case. It's called "The Clock". Depending on the chosen color and decor, it can be a New Year's clock, an autumn holiday, a birthday decoration, etc. You can continue the list yourself.

We will need:

  • 4 sheets of A4 colored paper
  • 4 circles with numbers
  • Scissors
  • Stripe 20-30 cm long
  • Piece of black colored paper

The basis for the clock is a fan of a sheet folded into an accordion. We start making them.

1. We begin to make an accordion, for this we fold the sheet in half along the long side.

2. Now fold the fold line to the edge again and repeat again.

3. Expand and fold the edge in half to the first fold.

4. And we continue to bend the sheet of paper in this way further until we get an even, beautiful accordion.

We also fold the remaining 3 sheets.

5. We fold each corrugation in half, we found the middle.

6. Now we make a fan, for this we coat the edge with glue and glue both parts.

This is how the preparation should turn out. We form the rest of the fans.

7. Now we collect the clock, for this we glue the fans together.

8. Cut out arrows from black paper.

9. And glue them to the clock.

10. We close the junction with decor, a circle, a snowflake.

11. Glue the numbers.

12. Glue a strip to hang the clock.

That's all the work!

We make DIY crafts for children from 9 to 11 years old in stages

For older children, nine or eleven years old, I can offer a variant of a simple, beautiful craft. But it requires care and accuracy. This is a beautiful paper ball. They can also decorate a room, or they can be taken to school for a holiday or, based on it, make fruits or vegetables from homework. And it looks very beautiful and unusual.

By the way, it is done without the use of glue, stapler, adhesive tape. All you need is paper and scissors.

We make blanks, as in the photo, they need to be made 12 pieces.

Cut out blanks. You can make them yourself, so there is no special template.

To draw them beautifully, I suggest that you first draw a pentagon with the same sides, and then draw a semicircle with a compass on each side with a diameter equal to the width of the side. Hope I explained clearly. In other words, the step of the leg of the compass will be the same as the width of the side.

Cut straight lines and bend them a little. Now we insert the blanks into each other.

Here is a photo of what the ball looks like in the process.

This is a fairly simple craft, but it requires dexterity and accuracy, so it will be just right for children 9-11 years old. A small child may not be able to cope with this task or tear the workpiece.

By the way, you can take a thicker paper, so the ball will turn out denser.

Corrugated paper cone

Flowers and bouquets of sweets are usually made from corrugated paper, and we will make a cone. Because boys like to make flowers more, but all children can make a spruce branch with cones, regardless of gender.

We will need:

  • Corrugated paper: brown and blue (green)
  • scissors
  • Thread

1. We take a brown roll and cut off, without unpacking, one edge.

2. Cut the fold to make two strips.

3. We bend the edge by 1 cm along the entire length.

4. Now we wrap the tucks along this edge, as in the photo.

5. We begin to fold this tape into a bump, leaving only the openwork edge on top.

6. The end of the cone can be tied with a rope, then we wrap it with a strip of blue or green corrugated paper.

7. Now we make branches from the green strip. In width, we cut the edge more than the middle.

8. And we turn these stripes into coniferous needles and twist them in length, like a cone.

And here is a detailed video on how to make a bump.

Cardboard crafts for kids 5-6 years old

So what to do with little kids? After all, they are interested in most cases. I offer two simple crafts. Not everyone still knows how to cut straight along the lines, but they should still like the result. We will make a three-dimensional tree out of cardboard and paper and a simple origami dog.

Cardboard tree

We will need:

  • sheets of paper,
  • cardboard,
  • a pen,
  • glue,
  • scissors.

1. Two A4 sheets must be folded together and folded in half vertically.

2. And draw a tree so that part of the trunk is on the fold. Cut out the piece.

3. Fold the tree in half to determine its middle.

4. Now we separate the sheets and get 2 blanks.

We also find the middle of the second tree.

5. Now we retreat from the fold by 3 mm at the first blank from the bottom to half, and at the second from the top to half.

6. Two such halves of one tree are obtained.

7. Now we transfer these patterns onto cardboard and cut out the trunk already.

8. From colored paper, you need to cut out leaves of different sizes and glue them to the branches.

Now the tree needs to be assembled by inserting cardboard blanks into each other's grooves.

You can make flowers or juicy fruits and berries.

Paper craft for kids "Dog"

The whole craft is created from just one piece of paper and is done quickly, the child will not have time to get tired. But diligence must be at the highest level in order to bend everything correctly.

White leaf 10*10 cm.

Fold the paper diagonally. This will be the head of our dog. Then we fold again, so we determine the middle.

We wrap the edges, form the ears, we do this in a random order, but so that the tip extends beyond the sheet.

Now we are making a muzzle, for this we bend the lower corner a little.

In advance, cut out two small circles and draw black pupils in them, these will be the eyes. Cut out a pink tongue and a black nose. And glue it all on the muzzle.

Did your kids like the dog?

Paper leaflets to school: grade 4 on the theme of autumn

Autumn is usually presented either in the form of colorful leaves or an abundance of fruits and vegetables. We will also recreate it in the form of leaflets. But they will be quite laborious, but very beautiful.

Craft "Autumn leaf"

We will need:

  • Need 5 squares 15*15cm
  • Rectangle 15*5cm
  • Double sided tape
  • Scissors
  • stapler

1. We find a diagonal near the square, folding it in half, and then in half again.

2. We make 3 cuts on this triangle, leaving 3 mm from the fold.

We open the workpiece.

3. We begin to glue the corners into a tube. We make the middle layer with the first layer, use double-sided tape.

4. Turn over and glue the following corners.

5. And glue the remaining two corners, but alternately turning the leaf over.

Here is such a part of the leaf will turn out. We make 4 more such leaves.

6. For the stalk, simply twist the tube from a paper rectangle.

We connect the leaves with the stem, fixing with a stapler.

Watch the video on how to make such leaves.

Craft "Wreath of autumn leaves"

And here we will create a whole composition of autumn leaves, it looks very elegant and self-sufficient!

We need 10 squares 8 * 8 cm. Choose the color of the paper for the colors of autumn.

Let's start making a yellow leaf.

1. We turn it in half, then we turn each side to another half. You will get two large triangles.

2. Turn the leaf over and fold the rest to get two small triangles. As shown in the photo. We make 6 such blanks.

3. Now we fold the next leaflet in half again.

4. We wrap two edges to make two large triangles and leave them.

5. Now we collect the leaflet. We take the first two blanks and one with large triangles, smear the edges and glue it inside the first two blanks, as in the photo. As if we put it inside.

6. Now you need to make a branch. To do this, turn the leaf on the front side and put another leaf under it.


7. Turn over to the wrong side and cut the leaf for the branch along the edges of the future leaf. This is to keep everything looking neat.

8. Now we wrap the trimmed edges inward and glue them.

We need at least 8 such leaves.

We spread the circle and glue them on top of each other to get a rounded shape for the wreath.

All leaves must be connected to each other.

Schemes and templates

Most often, crafts are made by kids, so I want to give here a few templates and schemes that can be used in joint creativity.

For example, just circle, attach a blank sheet to the computer, cut it out and let the child decorate.

Or suggest sticking butterflies to a piece of paper, but this is more about applications.

Or make a wreath from such leaves.

Patterns of animals and trees.

Or tell the child that the bell is blue, cut it out and color it.

These are the options for crafts I prepared today to do my homework or decorate an apartment for the holiday.