Complete menu for pregnant women. Proper nutrition during pregnancy

You need to start taking care of the health and development of the baby even before his birth. Proper nutrition of the mother during pregnancy is not only a guarantee of the proper development of the child, the guarantee of his good health, but also the main principle that will help the young mother to keep her figure beautiful and slim after the birth of the baby. And this is very important for many women.

Therefore, when planning pregnancy, it is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle, balance your diet and diet. We will try to deal with questions about what should be the correct diet for a pregnant woman, what she can eat and what not at a specific time.

Proper diet for pregnant women: regimen

Regular eating promotes good health. Approximately 4 hours should elapse between meals. During breakfast, it is advisable to consume dairy products, muesli and fresh fruits. Lunch should also be complete. If, due to work or for some other reason, you cannot afford it, then eat a salad seasoned with soy sauce, fresh vegetables or fruits, yogurt.

In the evening, you should not overeat, so dinner should be dietary. You can cook a dairy dish, eat a piece of black bread, biscuit cookies and fruits. Sandwiches, yoghurts, juice and of course fresh fruits can be eaten during the afternoon snack. the nutrition of a pregnant woman should be healthy, and it is better to give up fatty, fried, sausages, sausages and fast food for a while.

The diet of pregnant women: safety rules

In order not to endanger yourself and protect yourself from all kinds of poisoning, you must follow some elementary recommendations. Periodically clean the refrigerator so that spoiled food does not fall into it.

Never re-freeze food. You can eat hard and processed cheeses, but you need to cut off the crust from them. It is better to buy products in vacuum packages, and it is better to refuse store cuts.

Raw milk is also banned. Dairy products are best cooked. Never re-freeze food. It is undesirable to eat liver often. If you really want to, then you can afford a small piece no more than once a week. Store all foods separately. It is better to have special containers for this. Do not use one knife and one cutting board for meat, fish and vegetables.

Follow basic hygiene rules. Wash your hands regularly. Vegetables and fruits should also be thoroughly washed before eating. Do not store food outside the refrigerator. Do not eat unprepared and questionable food. Never use expired products. It is better to defrost food in the refrigerator, and not in water or a microwave. Compliance with these recommendations will save you from digestive problems.

Table of what you can and should not eat during pregnancy

Balanced diet during pregnancy by week

Nutrition for pregnant women in the first trimester

Usually, a woman finds out about the onset of pregnancy closer to the 6th week. So, from the 6th to the 10th week of pregnancy, do not deny yourself your gastronomic desires. Usually at this time, a woman wants something that she usually did not eat. Remember to drink enough liquid (1 liter per day). You can start the morning with tea and crackers, in the evening you should not eat up, it is better to have a snack with dried fruits. Reduce in your diet foods such as sugar, cabbage and do not get carried away with fried foods. Do not forget to monitor your weight, no one needs a sharp weight gain. If you are gaining weight quickly, limit pasta and baked goods in your diet, it is better to switch to products made from wholemeal flour.

With 11 and 12 weeks pregnant, don't be surprised by your unusual eating habits. If you really want something, then this is a signal that the child is missing something. Therefore, do not worry, even if you eat a lot of pickles, they will only benefit.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the second trimester

From the 13th to the 16th week, the child’s skeleton ends to form, and therefore, during this period, the mother uses a large supply of her resources, which naturally needs to be replenished. Add more healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals to your diet. Drink milk, eat apples, oatmeal cookies with kefir are perfect for the evening. If you feel hungry, you can increase the lunch portion.

From 17 to 24 weeks, your baby's eyesight and hearing are intensively developing, here you need to take care of sufficient intake of vitamin A in the body. In these weeks, supplement your diet with foods such as carrots, bell peppers, cabbage.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the third trimester

From 24 to 28 weeks, due to the fact that the baby is already quite large and the uterus takes up a lot of space in the abdominal cavity, many women feel pressure on the stomach and feel heartburn. This can be avoided by avoiding spicy and fatty foods, as well as avoiding coffee and carbonated drinks. In addition, try to have dinner 3 hours before bedtime, this will help get rid of discomfort at night.

From the 29th to the 34th week of pregnancy, the brain develops in the baby, so the baby simply needs fatty acids, iron, and calcium. Provide your diet with dairy products, eggs, red fish, broccoli, nuts, yogurt. This will provide the baby with all the necessary components. Well, try to give up confectionery.

From the 35th week of pregnancy, think about yourself, it's time to prepare your body for childbirth. This is a rather complicated process, so you need to stock up on energy. Eat more stewed and raw vegetables, this will strengthen the body and make it easier to survive the birth process.

Required daily intake of vitamins and minerals


  • vitamin A - 800 mcg;
  • vitamin PP - 17 mg;
  • vitamin K - 65 mcg;
  • vitamin E - 10 mg;
  • vitamin C - 70 mg;
  • vitamin D - 10 mcg;
  • vitamin B12 - 2.2 mcg;
  • vitamin B6 - 2.2 mg;
  • vitamin B2 - 1.6 mg;
  • vitamin B1 - 1.5 mg.

Trace elements:

  • calcium - 1200 mg;
  • zinc - 15 mg;
  • magnesium - 320 mg;
  • iron - 30 mg;
  • folic acid - 400 mcg;
  • iodine - 175 mcg;
  • phosphorus - 1200 mg;
  • selenium - 65 mcg.

Video: Nutrition during pregnancy.

It happened: you are pregnant. From now on, every action you take will somehow resonate not only in your future, but also in the future of your child. It is in the first half of pregnancy that you and him in the truest sense of the word are one. Your health is his health, your experiences are his experiences. And how you eat in these not so long 40 weeks depends on the development, well-being and even, as recent studies have shown, the life expectancy of your child.

A vivid illustration of this statement will be a table in which we tried to reflect two points of view on the same process, to look at pregnancy in the literal sense of the word from the inside and the outside. How does life originate and develop from week to week? What does the expectant mother discover in herself and feel at the same time? And most importantly - how to provide your body and the body of your future baby with everything necessary for both mother and future baby to be healthy?

In our table, we indicated the importance of certain nutrients at different stages of fetal development. I would like to emphasize that the diet of the expectant mother should be balanced and contain daily norms of vitamins and minerals throughout pregnancy.

First half of pregnancy

Fetal development Feelings of the expectant mother Recommendations from the Danone Institute

Embryonic period

On the 10-16th day from the beginning of menstruation, fertilization occurred. There is a process of crushing the embryo and its movement through the oviduct to the fallopian tube.

The embryo feeds on yolk, a small amount of which it finds in the egg.

Daily intake of vitamins and minerals for pregnant women

  • vitamin A - 800 mcg
  • vitamin D - 10 mcg
  • vitamin K - 65 mcg
  • vitamin E - 10 mg
  • vitamin C - 70 mg
  • vitamin B1 - 1.5 mg
  • vitamin B2 - 1.6 mg
  • vitamin B6 - 2.2 mg
  • vitamin B12 - 2.2 mcg
  • vitamin PP - 17 mg
  • folic acid - 400 mcg

Trace elements:

  • calcium - 1200 mg
  • phosphorus - 1200 mg
  • magnesium - 320 mg
  • iron - 30 mg
  • zinc - 15 mg
  • iodine - 175 mcg
  • selenium - 65 mcg

second half of pregnancy

Speaking about the first half of pregnancy, we talked in detail about the changes that occur from week to week. This is understandable: the future baby worked hard on himself, grew literally by leaps and bounds, turning from a tiny grain of rice into a little man. And at the same time, the expectant mother was getting used to her new position, learning to do everything for two, eating right and creating all the conditions for her baby to develop and grow.

And now the time has come when the baby focused on growth, and the expectant mother has already learned how to properly prepare for her future motherhood and saw a lot of advantages in her difficult situation. Now the two can even communicate. Mom often talks with her baby, plays music for him, walks a lot, and the baby does his best to make it clear that he hears everything and even seems to understand.

Fetal size and weight table. second half of pregnancy

A week Weight, g Size, cm
290 25
420 27,5
600 30
800 32,5
1000 35
1400 37,5
1700 40
2000 42,5
2200 45
  • fruit - 3400 g
  • placenta - 650 g
  • amniotic (amniotic) fluid - 800 ml
  • uterus (increases in size during pregnancy) - 970 g
  • mammary glands (increase in size during pregnancy) - 405 g / 780
  • increase in blood volume by 1450 ml
  • increase in extracellular fluid volume by 1480 g
  • body fat - 2345 g

The components that make up the weight of the expectant mother are very individual for all women. Therefore, a very important indicator is how a woman feels, and what are the data from urine, blood, and blood pressure tests. One of the main causes of overweight during pregnancy, experts consider malnutrition and especially excess carbohydrates.

About 80% of pregnant women complain of bowel problems (constipation, diarrhea). This is due to a number of reasons, among which, first of all, it is necessary to name a decrease in intestinal motor activity caused by hormonal changes in the woman's body during pregnancy and changes in the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis). You have to deal with these troubles only by natural methods: the correct organization of the daily routine and diet.

As can be seen from the table, in the second half of pregnancy it is recommended to eat more often, but in small portions, in order to facilitate the work of the digestive organs. For the same purpose, it is recommended to increase the consumption of products containing plant fibers (fiber, etc.). These include vegetables and fruits, cereals, wholemeal bread, and it is important to know that fiber does not lose its properties during heat treatment.

Additional assistance to the intestines in its work will be provided by fermented milk products containing probiotics - live microorganisms identical to the normal intestinal microflora. Such products achieve two goals at once: firstly, they normalize the digestive process, and secondly, since these are dairy products, they contain calcium and protein necessary for the development of the fetus, which means they are equally necessary for both mother and her unborn baby.

Nutrition in the second half of pregnancy

Daily diet of the second half of pregnancy Sample menu for a woman in the second half of pregnancy

Should be 2800 - 3000 kcal.
It includes:

  • 120 g protein

Every day you need to eat cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, milk. 50% of the total amount of proteins should be animal proteins.

  • 85 g fat

Most fats are found in vegetable oils. In the diet of a pregnant woman should be 40% vegetable fats. Of animal fats, cow butter is recommended. Lamb and beef fat should not be eaten.

  • 400 g carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are best obtained from foods rich in fiber: bread, fruits, vegetables. The amount of sugar in the diet should be 40 - 50 g per day.

First breakfast: milk porridge with butter, bread with butter and cheese, sweet tea (can be with milk).

Lunch: sausage with green peas, milk with a bun.

Dinner: vegetable soup in meat broth with sour cream, boiled tongue with vegetable stew, fruit juice.

afternoon tea: cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, fruit juice.

Dinner: vinaigrette, boiled fish, tea with pastries.

Second dinner: scrambled eggs, bread with butter, rosehip broth.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

Both the expectant mother and her baby did a great job during these forty weeks. They ate right, did gymnastics, consulted with specialists ... Whatever they did to prepare well for the moment of the birth of a new person! They will succeed.

Methodical materials

06/10/2016 11:22:05 PM, desert rose

I eat that way ... only I rarely eat meat (mostly chicken and fish), sometimes I allow myself to eat a couple of pickled tomatoes or cucumbers, and sometimes even a glass of beer with chips ... I try to replace sweets with dried apricots or raisins, I practically don’t eat sugar ... I add honey to porridge. With each visit to the LC, my doctor has eyes on his forehead ... due to the fact that supposedly my weight does not correspond to 30 weeks, he claims that my baby is not growing, although according to ultrasound and in all measurements it corresponds to the terms ... before pregnancy I was 45 kg now 53. It seems to me that I scored normally, just a doctor alarmist. Some frustrations ... I'll go eat!

very helpful article! Thank you

10/20/2008 03:55:11 PM, Diana

23.01.2007 21:21:50

s takim pitanijem ja ne soglasna .... hotia organizm-delo individual "noje, u menia by srazu nachalsia shok kishechnika ... i sil" nejshij zapor. Miasa - toze slishkom mnogo .. ot miasa obrazujetsia sliz "v tolstom kishechnike (trudno v tualet shodit) osobenno posle kuricy s kartoshkoj; nascot vitaminov i mikroelementov ochen" daze interesno, takze pro ponedel "noje razvitije embrionchika.

Proper nutrition of a woman in the first days of pregnancy largely determines how healthy her baby will be born. The expectant mother should remember that the formation of the most important organ systems of the child occurs continuously and begins already at the earliest possible date. It is important not to miss the moment and in time to provide the small body with all the necessary building materials, which are the nutrients that come with food.

The entire gestation period is divided into, on each of which there are significant changes in the development of the child. In the first days and weeks of pregnancy, the foundations of all vital organs and tissues of the fetus are laid. With unbalanced, insufficient nutrition of the mother, the child does not receive the right amount of nutrients, which can lead to various pathologies in its development. The nutrition of a pregnant woman during this period should be as balanced as possible, including a variety of foods and a sufficient amount of liquid.

The diet of a woman in the first nine weeks of pregnancy should include only healthy food that meets the following requirements:
  1. Be sufficient in composition. (to contain in sufficient quantities all the most important nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, mineral salts, water).
  2. be weighted(Different components must be contained in food in the correct proportions, excluding both their deficiency and excess).
  3. Be varied.

Basic nutrition rules:

  1. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day.
  2. Chew food thoroughly.
  3. Give preference to healthy and wholesome food (vegetables, fruits, cereals, vegetable oil, dairy products).
  4. Refuse smoked meats, canned food, carbonated drinks, products containing trans fats, carcinogens and alcohol; from various kinds of fast foods
  5. Nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy should be combined with a complete rejection of coffee (increases blood pressure, increasing the risk of miscarriage) and hot spices (mustard, pepper, vinegar).
  6. Include in your diet only healthy dishes, steamed, boiled, stewed or baked in the oven.
  7. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  8. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day.

Nutrition in the early days of pregnancy

In the first days of pregnancy, the fetus is extremely vulnerable and is subject to the negative influence of various factors, including harmful substances that enter the body of a woman with food. To reduce the risk and prevent pathologies in the unborn child, it is recommended to include foods rich in all vitamins and microelements in the diet of a pregnant woman. They are of great importance for the smooth functioning of the body, although they circulate in it in very small quantities. The need for minerals and trace elements should be replenished through good nutrition in the first days of pregnancy. It can be different (from large volumes to microscopic). Some minerals play important roles in the formation of the skeleton, such as calcium, an essential constituent of bone tissue. Other trace elements are essential for the synthesis of hormones and enzymes and thus play an important role in numerous biochemical processes in the body.

Be sure to include in your weekly diet:

  1. sources of calcium - cheese, yogurt, nuts, milk, milk chocolate, egg yolk, fish and seafood, vegetables;
  2. sources of phosphorus are cheese, kidneys, nuts, grains, legumes, eggs, milk, meat, fish and seafood.
  3. Nutrition in the early days of pregnancy should be rich enough in iron. This element is found in meat, liver, egg yolk, seafood, chocolate, green fruits, beets, potatoes, nuts, spinach, chard (beetroot).
  4. Sources of iodine are fish, seafood, iodized salt (sea salt), vegetables from iodine-rich areas, milk, eggs.
  5. The main source of sodium is table salt (sodium chloride), which is found in latent form in cheese, canned food, meat, fish, bread, eggs and vegetables.
  6. Complete sources of potassium are meat, fish, grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Possible nutritional problems in the first weeks of pregnancy

In the first nine weeks of pregnancy, circulatory disorders, hormonal changes and emotional factors are the causes for many women. Nearly half of all expectant mothers suffer from morning sickness and vomiting. Attacks of vomiting occur not only in the morning, but throughout the day. In some women, constipation and heartburn are systematically observed. In order to, you need to drink more, but do not abuse the liquid during meals. The optimal amount of fluid per day is from 1.5 to 2 liters. Nutrition in the first weeks of pregnancy should include foods with a high content of ballast substances - fruits, vegetables, grains, which is a good prevention of constipation. It is also important to move more, do gymnastics regularly.

Cobalt, iodine, vitamins of groups B and C significantly reduce the severity of toxicosis in pregnant women. These and other vitamins, as well as trace elements contribute to the proper formation of the fetus and its successful development.

Vitamins are required by the body in small amounts, but it is impossible to do without them, since the healthy development of the mother and fetus, the maintenance of all vital functions depend on these elements. If in nutrition in the first weeks of pregnancy lack of vitamins, then there are phenomena of vitamin deficiency, which can be eliminated by including foods containing vitamins in sufficient quantities in the diet.

  1. Retinol (vitamin A) is found in the following foods - liver and offal, meat, milk and butter, egg yolk, potatoes, pumpkin, sweet potato, green leafy vegetables.
  2. Thiamine (vitamin B1) - whole grains, wholemeal flour, yeast, pork and beef, milk, legumes, vegetables.
  3. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - liver, kidney, milk, cheese, egg white, yeast, nuts, whole grains, leafy vegetables.
  4. Products must contain niacin (vitamin B3 or PP). Red meat, poultry, fish, yeast, milk and dairy products, cheese, legumes, whole grains, wholemeal flour, bran, bran bread are high in this vitamin.
  5. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - meat, liver, poultry, fish, milk, legumes, soybeans, grains and bran bread, nuts, fruits.
  6. Folic acid - liver, legumes, soy, nuts, fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables.
  7. Cobalamin (vitamin B12) - liver, meat, milk and dairy products, eggs.
  8. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) should be part of the products nutrition in the first weeks of pregnancy. This vitamin is rich in strawberries, kiwi, black currants, rose hips, grapefruits, peppers, cabbage (white, cauliflower, broccoli), green onions, tomatoes, spinach.
  9. Calciferol (vitamin D) - lamb and poultry liver, cod liver, fish, meat, milk, butter, cheese, eggs.
  10. Tocopherol (vitamin E) - eggs, vegetable seed oils, vegetables, legumes, nuts.
  11. Phylloquinone (vitamin K) - vegetables, liver.

The 1-12th week of pregnancy is the period of laying and differentiation of all future organs and systems, so the first trimester is important and responsible for the development of the baby. Rational nutrition of a pregnant woman is the first step to the health of the unborn child, which will allow his small body to cope with infections, prevent the appearance, have strong bones, good learning abilities at any age.

Of all environmental factors, nutrition plays a major role. Improper and insufficient intake of nutrients during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, birth defects, developmental delay. And the lack of certain vitamins, micro- and macroelements can affect both the development of the fetus and the further health of the child.

Features of the diet of a pregnant woman

In the first trimester, the nature of nutrition and lifestyle does not differ much from that to which a woman is accustomed to before pregnancy. When the fetus is still small, it is most sensitive to a lack of nutrients and nutrients, so it is important that a pregnant woman in the first trimester eat as varied as possible, including as many different foods as possible, using daily sources of natural vitamins and minerals: be sure to greens, seafood, nuts , seeds, dairy products.

The energy value of food should be increased by only 100 kcal, i.e. 2200-2700 kcal / day, distributed as follows: carbohydrates - 55%, fats - 30%, proteins - 15%.


Protein must be present in the diet of a pregnant woman. It is necessary for the growth of the uterus and the proper development of the fetus.

Protein is necessary for the growth of the fetus, uterus and placenta, amniotic fluid, increasing the volume of a woman's circulating blood. From the first months of pregnancy, there is an increased need for proteins, 1.5 g per 1 kg of the pregnant woman per day, which is approximately 60–90 g. Not only their quantity is important, but also their quality. The diet should account for 50% of plant protein, 50% of animal origin (of which 25% are meat and fish, 20% are dairy products and 5% are eggs). Long-term consequences for the child as a result of insufficient protein intake are the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension.


Fats as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins ensure the normal development of the brain, visual apparatus, and intellectual abilities. Fats should come in the form of vegetable oils, but lamb, pork and beef should be kept to a minimum. You can eat up to 80 g of fat per day, 25 g of which can be butter.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, moreover, their regular use will save a pregnant woman from such a problem as constipation. Carbohydrates are supposed to be 500 g / day, but with initially overweight, 300-350 g / day should be limited. They should come with cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), fresh vegetables, fruits (it is recommended to eat fruits of six different colors per day), bread (1-2 pieces per day).

Interesting to know! Scientists from New Zealand (University of Southampton) have proven that a diet low in sugar and starch in early pregnancy can change the DNA of the unborn child. Subsequently, these children may have problems with weight (by the age of 7–9 years), and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases also increases.


In the early stages of pregnancy, the amount of fluid you drink can not be limited. Together with soups and cereals, it should receive about 2 liters. When choosing drinks, stop at fresh fruit compotes, fruit drinks, natural juices. It is better to drink juices freshly squeezed from domestic fruits and vegetables.

  • There should be freshly prepared homemade food.
  • In order for food to be better absorbed, one must not be lazy and chew longer (up to 40 times one food lump), so, by the way, saturation will come faster.
  • Do not combine with potatoes.
  • Season salads, not mayonnaise or sour cream.
  • What to eat daily:
  1. Meat or fish - 150 g / day,
  2. Milk (kefir) - no more than 240 ml / day,
  3. Cottage cheese - 50 g,
  4. Bread - 150 g,
  5. Vegetables - up to 500 g,
  6. Fresh berries and fruits - up to 500 g / day.
  • It is advisable to have a full breakfast, lunch and dinner, distributing calories as follows: for breakfast 25-30%, second breakfast 10%, lunch - 40%, afternoon tea - 10%, dinner - 10%. In between, eat fruit or yogurt.
  • You need to eat in small portions.
  • The main meal (lunch) should be received before 13:30.
  • And of course, do not eat after 19:00, before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir, yogurt or eat a little cottage cheese.
  • In the summer, fruits and greens should be consumed up to 60%, and 40% are vegetables, nuts, and legumes. In winter, the opposite is true.
  • Fruits and vegetables are recommended to be consumed locally because they are less likely to cause allergies. There are seeds and nuts.
  • Include foods enriched with pectin in the diet, it stimulates the intestines and prevents constipation.

What vitamins and nutrients should be paid attention to in the first trimester of pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is extremely important for a woman to get enough folic acid.

It is known that the embryo in the early stages is very sensitive to changes in the amount of vitamins and minerals. Deficiency of various nutrients leads to congenital malformations in the fetus, miscarriage, placental insufficiency, anemia, preeclampsia and other complications of pregnancy. Vitamins ensure the normal course of pregnancy and intrauterine development of the fetus. With a varied and proper diet, a pregnant woman does not need to take vitamin preparations, only in the autumn-winter period is it recommended for all pregnant women to take complex vitamin preparations, specialized products for pregnant women and.

On a note! It should be remembered: the longer a vegetable or fruit is stored, the less vitamins are stored in it. During drying, freezing and heat treatment, products also lose a number of vitamins.

In products during heat treatment:

  • Folic acid. She refers to. Folic acid deficiency in the early stages often leads to malformations of the baby's neural tube. The norm for a pregnant woman is at least 400 mcg / day. It is found in broccoli, spinach, pepper (green), citrus fruits. The long-term consequences of a lack of folic acid are neuropsychiatric disorders, cardiovascular diseases, therefore folic acid is prescribed to absolutely all women in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Vitamin A. This is the only vitamin that requires special strictness during pregnancy. It has been experimentally proven that with a deficiency of vitamin A, various malformations of the organs of vision, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory and genitourinary systems of the fetus can occur. But even a small increase in its dose can lead to serious problems for both the mother and the baby. Therefore, when taking complex vitamins, you need to choose only intended for pregnant women with a vitamin A content of 1200-1400 mcg (3900-4620 IU).
  • . It plays a very important role for the first time at 14 weeks of pregnancy: it ensures the normal functioning of the placenta, normalizes blood flow between the woman’s body and the fetus, contributes to normal hormonal balance, thereby maintaining pregnancy and preventing miscarriage, participates in the formation of organs and prevents intrauterine developmental disorders of the fetus, smoothes out the harmful effects of the environment environment.
  • Iron. It is worth noting iron: its deficiency can cause premature birth, the development of anemia in a newborn baby. The daily requirement is 15–20 mg.

From the practice of a local pediatrician! Women with normal hemoglobin levels and those who are anemic but take iron supplements are more likely to have children with normal hemoglobin levels. But in women who have a low level of hemoglobin and refuse to take iron supplements, children are more often born with hemoglobin below normal and it is not always possible to restore it up to a year with iron supplements the first time.

  • Iodine. With insufficient intake, it can cause miscarriage, impaired intellectual, neuropsychic development, hypothyroidism. Long-term consequences - a violation of neuropsychic development, short stature, delayed sexual development, so it is worth eating seafood and walnuts. In iodine-deficient areas, all pregnant women are prescribed.
  • calcium and phosphorus. Calcium needs 1 g / day, phosphorus - twice as much. Foods rich in calcium: cheese, yolks, milk.

On a note! 0.8–1.2 liters of milk per day will fully provide the body of a pregnant woman with calcium and phosphorus.

Additional vitamin and mineral supplements are needed:

  • With insufficient volume and caloric intake - folic acid,.
  • With multiple pregnancy - vitamin C.
  • In the presence of bad habits - iron, zinc, copper, calcium.
  • Strict vegetarians - vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium.
  • Residents of the northern regions -.

weight gain

In the first half of pregnancy, the weight gain is insignificant - 1.5-2 kg, the pregnant woman should not lose weight. And it would be nice to get floor scales.

Interesting to know! It turns out that if a pregnant woman is malnourished, then a gene starts working in the fetus that promotes the maximum absorption of nutrients from a limited amount of food. Then, when the child is born, it begins to grow and develop, and enough food will come in, it can develop, because the gene “turned on” in the prenatal period further contributes to the maximum absorption of nutrients, as if they are still not enough.

Nutrition for toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy

Considered as a complication of pregnancy. The cause of this condition is unknown, but the fact that by the 12-14th week it passes is encouraging. Toxicosis is manifested by nausea and vomiting in the morning, intolerance to odors.
Tips to help cope with toxicosis:

  • With nausea, you need to eat small portions.
  • Exclude sweets (when eating sweets, the level of sugar in the blood changes dramatically, which can provoke vomiting), high-calorie and fatty foods.
  • Avoid foods that cause nausea.
  • Eat food warm and never hot.
  • Do not make sudden movements, they can provoke vomiting.
  • Stop smoking, nicotine increases the secretion of gastric juice, which can cause vomiting;
  • For persistent vomiting, drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day;
  • With toxicosis, you should eat more foods rich in vitamins C and group B.
  • Lemon, sauerkraut, dried apricots, ginger, decoction of dill seeds, decoctions of herbs (mint, valerian root, calendula, yarrow leaves) help to cope with attacks of vomiting. When taking decoctions of herbs, it must be borne in mind that their effect on the fetus has not been studied!

Anemia during pregnancy

To prevent the development of anemia, a woman needs to eat foods rich in iron.

A decrease in hemoglobin during pregnancy is no exception and occurs in almost half of women. Anemia is manifested by a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood test, fatigue, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, flashing "flies" before the eyes. With hemoglobin values ​​less than 100, you need to contact a gynecologist for the choice of an iron-containing drug.

To keep hemoglobin within normal limits (not lower than 120), meat and vegetable dishes should be included in the diet. Among meat products, the leader in iron content is beef (pork is inferior, poultry meat is not considered iron-containing), liver, kidneys and heart lose a little to beef. Among the products of plant origin are apples, pomegranates, peaches, tomatoes, herbs, buckwheat.

With anemia, it is desirable to reduce the number of dairy and carbohydrate foods, exclude black tea and coffee (they disrupt the absorption of iron in the digestive organs). But foods rich in vitamin C and copper must be eaten, they, on the contrary, help iron to be absorbed in the body.

It is also necessary to take iron-containing drugs and follow a diet after the restoration of hemoglobin levels, because due to the growth of the fetus, the load on the body increases, plus it is necessary to prepare for blood loss during childbirth.

What foods should be avoided in the first trimester of pregnancy?

  1. Alcohol. Alcohol is one of the most toxic substances that are dangerous for the baby, especially in the first trimester, when the baby's organs are just beginning to develop. Alcohol easily crosses the placenta to the fetus, disrupts the blood circulation between the mother and child, as a result, nutrients do not reach the child in full. It is important to know that drinking alcohol can cause birth defects, more often the nervous system, and insufficient weight gain.
  2. Caffeine. Along with alcohol, it is a dangerous product during the laying of the baby's organs. These include: tea (black and green), natural coffee, energy drinks, cola. It is advisable to refuse these drinks completely or at least limit the intake. Caffeine easily crosses the placenta and can affect the baby's heart and respiratory system. Consequences: miscarriages, sudden infant death syndrome, low weight, in addition, high doses of caffeine can cause congenital anomalies.
  3. Medicines. To date, the effect of drugs on the body of the unborn child has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, it is recommended not to take any medications on your own, and in case of any complaints, contact a gynecologist, because he, having experience, will be able to choose the right drug if necessary and in the right dosage, and only if their benefit exceeds the harm to the child and mother. And in the first trimester, since the laying of organs is underway, any drugs are contraindicated. The gynecologist will prescribe folic acid, vitamin E, possibly iron and iodine - these harmless and very necessary drugs, the expectant mother must drink necessarily and conscientiously.
  4. Vitamin A. It is necessary for the body of a pregnant woman, it should not be taken above the permissible dosage, and the use of foods high in it should be limited. It is for this reason that liver dishes should be avoided in the diet.
  5. And of course, it should be remembered that fried, smoked, fast food, sweets and pastries, food stuffed with chemical additives will not benefit either the mother or her unborn child.

Special diets

  • Vegetarianism.

It is possible for women who are vegetarians to maintain their lifestyle during pregnancy. It is necessary to eat vegetable protein, additional intake of iron preparations, vitamins B12, D is possible.

  • Lactose intolerance.

Dairy products are a source of calcium, but some people experience discomfort after eating them: bloating, loosening or fixing stools, rumbling, gas formation are signs of lactase deficiency, i.e. intolerance to milk and milk products. During pregnancy, these symptoms decrease slightly, but if, nevertheless, discomfort makes a woman refuse them, then you should eat more foods rich in calcium (cheese, salmon, cabbage (especially broccoli), spinach, almonds, figs, beans).

Healthy and balanced nutrition of a pregnant woman is the most effective and natural method of preventing diseases of the unborn baby. Guided by simple rules, a woman can and should give the world a beautiful strong man.

Pregnancy is a happy time of waiting for the birth of a baby. Proper nutrition future mother is a guarantee not only of her health and successful pregnancy, but also the proper development of her unborn child.

The main rules of the diet of a pregnant woman

When compiling your daily routine and menu, it is very important for a pregnant woman to observe basic rules of nutrition during pregnancy.

  • Diet, which a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy and your health will help you compile.
  • Control the amount of food eaten per day. The generally accepted statement “eat for two” is fundamentally wrong: of course, you will have to eat more, but in no case do not overeat and do not force yourself to eat more than you want.
  • Eat often, but little by little- this principle will allow your body to better absorb all the necessary nutrients and help you control the process of weight gain.
  • Don't limit yourself in the water. Noticing swelling, many expectant mothers begin to set themselves restrictions on water consumption. This is not true: the less you drink, the less excess fluid is excreted from the body, thereby puffiness only intensifies. So drink to your heart's content.
  • Don't Forget Micronutrients: during pregnancy, it is very important for a woman to get enough iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium.
  • : extra pounds will not have a positive effect on either your condition or the condition of the unborn child. Normal weight gain during pregnancy is about 12 kilograms. Everything else is fat.

Thanks to properly formulated meal plan, as well as a properly selected menu, a woman will not only keep her body in good shape, but also provide the unborn child with all the necessary substances for its intrauterine development.

If you are confident in your abilities, then you can make a menu yourself, without going to a specialist.

Sample menu for a pregnant woman for one day:

  • Breakfast: a glass of skim milk with a biscuit, a cup of coffee. Biscuit can be replaced with a couple of glasses of yogurt, and instead of coffee, drink a cup of tea.
  • Dinner: durum wheat pasta with cheese or unpolished rice with 1 teaspoon oil, tomato. Lean meat (beef, chicken) - about 150 gr., 1 slice of bread with bran, fruit. You can drink everything with a glass of berry juice. Meat products can be replaced with legumes. These dishes can be replaced with stewed vegetables (about 100 gr.), served with fish (200 gr.).
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat kefir or half a glass of milk and a sponge cake, yogurt or an apple. From drinks you can drink orange juice, tea.
  • Dinner: cook vegetable soup, eat 200 grams of fish for the second, eat fruit. As an alternative, you can eat a piece of boiled beef with cheese, a boiled egg or cottage cheese. Wash it all down with natural juice.

During snacks between main meals, eat fruits or vegetables, nuts in small quantities, drink natural (not packaged) juices and water.

The nuances of nutrition of a pregnant woman in trimesters

Pregnancy is that period in a woman's life when she has to change her eating habits.

If you disassemble trimester menu then follow these rules:

  • do not drastically change your eating habits so as not to create unnecessary stress for the body in the early stages. If you don't want to eat something, don't force yourself. Eat more vegetables and fruits. The essential vitamin during this period is. The total calorie intake per day should be in the region of 2400-2700.
  • In the second trimester of pregnancy You will have to control your menu more strictly to avoid digestive problems. Eat steamed food, avoid fried and highly salted foods. Eat more protein foods: cottage cheese, milk, eggs, cheese, lean meats. More vegetables to avoid digestive problems and constipation. The total caloric content of the daily diet should be no more than 3000 kcal.
  • In the third trimester do not salt food, do not arrange fasting days for yourself - you will have time after childbirth, now the main thing is to prepare the body for the upcoming birth. No matter how much you want to eat a lot of flour and fat - keep yourself further away from such food. Forget sugar and grapes. But grapefruit and pomegranate will not be superfluous.

Prohibited Products

During pregnancy, you need to avoid certain foods that can cause food poisoning or harm the baby.

Prohibited Products:

  • Cheese with any kind of mold. May contain listeria bacteria, which can cause listeriosis. This infection can lead to or cause severe illness in the baby.
  • Raw chicken eggs and homemade mayonnaise. May lead to salmonella poisoning.
  • Raw milk.
  • Raw, undercooked meat and pâté. They may also contain Listeria.
  • Tuna and other fish that may contain mercury.
  • Raw shellfish. May cause food poisoning.
  • Alcohol. Alcohol is dangerous for the physical and mental health of the child, and can also cause miscarriage.

During pregnancy costs yourself limit in:

  • Caffeine. Excessive consumption of caffeine can lead to miscarriage or low birth weight infants.
  • Salinity and smoked meats. Cause thirst, and excessive drinking leads to swelling.
  • Fried or spicy food. It also causes thirst.
  • Soda, chips, crackers from the store. They contain a lot of harmful components and empty carbohydrates.
  • Also try to limit your intake. sweets.

Nutrition for toxicosis, anemia and obesity

The above nutritional recommendations are given to those women who do not have such problems as toxicosis, anemia or obesity. Now let's find out how to eat women with these problems.

Try to eat fewer foods that cause nausea. These are dairy products, salty, fatty, fried, canned, tea and coffee. Eat and drink something that will soothe nausea: green tea, mineral water without gas, sour juice, vegetable soup. Eat well-mashed boiled food, little by little and very often, and do not drink liquids before and after meals.

Pregnant women, then maximize the amount of foods rich in iron: apricots, peas, pomegranate, buckwheat, mushrooms, oatmeal, dried apricots. At the same time, pay attention to those foods that affect the absorption of iron, such as dairy.

If you faced with obesity, then you will need a special diet, but without consulting a doctor, you should not choose it in order to avoid the development of pathologies in the body of a future baby or mother. In no case do not starve - this method of losing weight leads to beriberi and depletion of the body.

Do I need to take vitamins during pregnancy is a moot point, but if the doctor has prescribed them to you, then it is better to drink the course. With a varied and balanced diet, especially in the summer, vitamins can not be used, but if a woman suffers from beriberi, and it is winter or spring outside, then it is better not to give up the opportunity in the body.

Vitamin complexes are prescribed by a doctor in the following cases:

  • avitaminosis;
  • poor nutrition;
  • pregnant women who have previously experienced anemia or other diseases associated with a lack of vitamins and trace elements;
  • women who could not bear the first pregnancy;
  • expectant mothers over 30.

Video about nutrition during pregnancy

We offer you to watch a video about the nutrition of pregnant women, where you will find out what vitamins are needed during pregnancy, what foods you need to eat for this.