The procedure for granting visits to convicts. Appointment in prison: procedure, necessary documents, terms, permitted things and products

The right of convicts to visits, the number of visits allowed to convicts serving sentences in various types of regimes, is determined by the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, in particular, articles: 89, 118, 121, 123, 125, 129, 131.

The general rules for conducting visits in correctional institutions are set out in paragraphs. 67-83 of the Internal Regulations for Correctional Institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 205 of November 3, 2005, and are as follows.

In the manner prescribed by Article 89 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, convicts are granted short-term visits with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the prison administration.

Long visits are granted with the right to cohabit with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, with the permission of the head of the correctional institution - with other persons.

Permission to visit is given by the head of the correctional institution or a person replacing him, at the request of the convicted person or the person who came to visit him. In case of refusal to grant a meeting, a note on the reasons for the refusal is made on the application of the person wishing to meet with the convict.

Documents proving the identity of the visitor, as well as their family ties with the convicts, are: a passport, a military ID, an identity card, a birth certificate, a marriage certificate, documents of guardianship and guardianship authorities. Convicts, as a rule, are released from work for a period of long visits with subsequent or previous working off.

The first visit may be granted to the convict immediately after the arrival of the convict from the quarantine department to the detachment, regardless of whether he had a previous visit in places of detention. If there is a right to short-term and long-term visits, the type of the first visit is determined by the convict. Follow-up visits are granted after a period equal to the division of twelve months by the number of visits of this type due to the convict per year.

The time during which visits were not granted to convicts in connection with the introduction of a regime of special conditions shall be included in the period after which visits may be granted to convicts. The duration of visits may be reduced by the administration at the insistence of the persons on the visit. Combining dates or separating one date into several is not allowed. Convicted persons must appear neatly on dates. For the period of long visits, they can use clothes, underwear and shoes brought by relatives.

Convicts are subjected to a full search before and after visits. The convict is allowed long or short-term visits at the same time with no more than two adults, with whom there may be minor brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren of the convict.

Long visits with other persons are provided only in cases where, in the opinion of the administration, such visits will not adversely affect the convict. Persons who have arrived for a meeting with convicts, after explaining to them by the administration of the penitentiary institution the procedure for holding a meeting, deposit prohibited items for storage until the end of the meeting to the junior inspector for meetings on receipt. Citizens who have arrived on dates, their clothes and belongings are examined.

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In case of detection of prohibited items hidden from inspection, the administration of the correctional facility takes measures in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules. If a person who has arrived for a meeting refuses to inspect things and clothes, he is not allowed to have a long meeting with the convicted person, but a short-term one may be granted.

If the arrivals violate the established procedure for conducting a meeting, it is immediately interrupted. It is not allowed to bring any food or things by persons who have arrived on a meeting with convicts into the rooms of short-term visits. On long dates it is allowed to bring food (with the exception of wine and vodka products and beer).

Additional services may be provided for long visits. Their payment is made at the expense of the convicts or persons who have arrived on a date. The replacement of the types of visits and visits with telephone conversations is carried out upon a written application of the convict. In order to receive legal assistance, convicts, upon their applications, are granted visits with lawyers or other persons entitled to legal assistance.

At the request of the convicted person, visits are provided in private, out of hearing of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening. In the number of visits established by law, such visits are not counted, their number is not limited, they are held for up to 4 hours during non-working hours for convicts and only during the hours from wake up to lights out.

The procedure for conducting visits in a correctional institution is regulated by paragraph 5.3 of the Instruction "On supervision of convicts held in correctional colonies." Supervision of convicts during long and short visits is carried out by a junior inspector, who is responsible for the implementation of the established criminal executive legislation and

Internal regulations for the procedure for conducting visits, issuing parcels, transfers, parcels to convicts and their accounting. The junior inspector for conducting visits, receiving and issuing parcels, transfers and parcels is obliged: before the start of the visit, accept applications from the arriving persons, clarify the status of the visits according to the credentials, obtain permission from the head of the colony and report this to the operational duty officer; ensure the arrival of convicts for a visit; order passes for relatives of convicts and other persons who have arrived on dates; to acquaint persons who have arrived on visits with the procedure for conducting them, and also to draw the attention of citizens who delivered packages to convicts to the inadmissibility of investing prohibited items in them.

If a person who has arrived for a meeting refuses to examine things and clothes, a long meeting with the convicted person is not allowed, however, a short-term one may be granted in accordance with the established procedure; accept from the relatives of convicts who have arrived on visits their money, valuables, register them against signature in a special journal, ensure safety and return at the end of the visit; to check the appearance of convicts who are granted a visit, if necessary, ensure that they change into underwear, clothes and shoes from the exchange fund; strictly observe the established sequence (order) of entry (exit) of persons who have arrived on a date. First of all, he introduces convicts into the short-term meeting room, and then accompanies there the persons who have arrived for a meeting.


Relatives are invited to the rooms for long visits first, and then convicts. At the end of a short meeting, relatives or other persons are the first to leave the room, and convicts are the first to leave the rooms of a long meeting; report to the operational duty officer or the inspector on duty for the residential area and allow, with their knowledge, the relatives of the convicts to leave the colony during a long visit, and after their return, carry out inspection of their belongings and food in the prescribed manner; constantly monitor the behavior of convicts, their relatives and other persons during short-term and long-term visits.

When conducting short-term visits, it is prohibited to leave convicts alone with persons who have arrived for a meeting. In case of violation of the rules of conduct, the meeting is interrupted. In this case, a long visit is terminated by an operational duty officer, a short-term visit is terminated by a junior inspector. The final decision to terminate the visits is made by the head of the EC.

The reason for terminating the visit is recorded on the application, in the registration card, and the persons who are on the visit are notified about this. If a conversation at a short meeting is conducted in a language that none of the representatives of the administration speaks, then an interpreter or another person (with the exception of convicts) who knows this language may be invited to control the content of the conversation; in addition, periodically (as a rule, before lights out and after getting up) check the presence of convicts who are in the rooms for a long meeting, and their compliance with the rules of conduct; ensure proper internal order in the meeting room, serviceability of equipment and inventory, compliance with fire safety rules

Additional Information:

Convicts have the right to visits. Visits with relatives are provided in order to maintain the socially useful ties of the convict. According to the data of the special census of convicts in 1999, 61.8% of convicts did not use their right to long visits, and 50.3% - their right to short-term visits.

The number of visits is established depending on the type of correctional institution, the type of regime and the type of conditions for serving the sentence. Dates can be short-term (4 hours) and long-term (3 days). Meetings take place on the territory of the correctional facility. Visits lasting five days with accommodation outside the colony may be provided in an educational colony. In this case, the head of the colony determines the place and procedure for the meeting.

2. Short-term visits are provided with relatives and other persons in the presence of representatives of the administration. Long visits are granted with the right to cohabit with close relatives (but not more than two adults), and in exceptional cases, with the permission of the head of the correctional institution, with other persons. The concept of a relative and a close relative is given in paragraphs 4 and 37 of Art. 5 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Convicts, as a rule, are released from work for a period of long visits with subsequent or previous working off. For the period of long visits, convicts can use clothes, underwear and shoes brought by relatives. If the arrivals violate the established procedure for conducting a meeting, it is immediately interrupted.

It is not allowed to bring any food or things by persons who have arrived on a meeting with convicts into the rooms of short-term visits. On long dates it is allowed to bring food (with the exception of wine and vodka products and beer). The convicts are subjected to a full search before and after the visit. Clothes and belongings of citizens who have arrived on a date may be searched.

A person who refuses to be searched is not allowed a long visit, but it can be replaced by a short one. In the event that prohibited items hidden from inspection are found, the perpetrators may be held administratively liable under Art. 19.12 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Permission to visit is given by the head of the correctional institution or a person replacing him, at the request of the convicted person or the person who came to visit him. Documents proving the identity of the visitor, as well as their family ties with the convicts, are: a passport, a military ID, an identity card, a birth certificate, a MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE, documents of guardianship and guardianship authorities.

The duration of visits may be reduced by the administration at the insistence of the persons on the visit. Combining dates or separating one date into several is not allowed.

The first visit may be granted to the convict immediately after the arrival of the convict from the quarantine room to the detachment, regardless of whether he had a previous visit in places of detention. If there is a right to short-term and long-term visits, the type of the first visit is determined by the convict.

Subsequent visits are granted after a period equal to the division of 12 months by the number of visits of this type, due to the convict per year. The time during which visits were not granted to convicts in connection with the introduction of a regime of special conditions shall be included in the period after which visits may be granted to convicts.

3. At the request of the convict, long and short visits may be replaced by a telephone conversation, and long visits - short-term; in an educational colony there is also a long-term visit with residence outside the correctional facility - a short-term one with going outside the colony. Long-term visits are not granted to those in medical institutions, they are replaced by short-term visits.

Long visits under strict regime in prison, under strict conditions in a colony of special regime and in an educational colony, as well as while serving urgent penalties provided for in paragraphs "c", "d", "e" and "e" h 1 tbsp. 115 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation.

The court challenged the ban on long visits under a strict regime in prison as violating the right of the convict to privacy (part 1 of article 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), to respect for personal and family life (part 1 of article 8 of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms). As the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation pointed out in Ruling No. 63-O of February 16, 2006, private life is not subject to control by the state, and this corresponds to both the interests of the individual and the interests of society.

But if a person has committed a crime, the state is obliged to protect the violated rights and legitimate interests of other persons, including by applying punishment, including by interfering in the private life of the guilty person. The Court, referring to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, stated that such interference in private life is not arbitrary, but only implements the state function of protecting public interests. The main thing is that such state intervention meets the criteria of reasonableness and proportionality and is carried out in a constitutionally significant manner.

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The general rules for granting convicts the right to visit are spelled out in Art. 89 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, which says:

"1. Persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty shall be granted short-term visits lasting four hours and long visits lasting three days on the territory of the correctional institution. In the cases provided for by this Code, convicts may be order and place of meeting.

2. Short-term visits are provided with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the administration of the correctional institution. Long visits are granted with the right to cohabit with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of the correctional institution - with other persons.

3. At their request, convicts are allowed to replace a long visit with a short, short-term or long-term visit by a telephone conversation, and in educational colonies a long visit with residence outside the correctional facility with a short-term visit with an exit outside the educational colony.

4. In order to receive legal assistance, convicts are provided with meetings with lawyers or other persons entitled to legal assistance, without limitation of their number, lasting up to four hours. At the request of the convicted person, meetings with a lawyer are provided in private, out of hearing of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening.

The procedure for granting visits to convicts is described in more detail in Section 14 of the Internal Regulations of the penitentiary:

Convicts, as a rule, are released from work for a period of long visits with subsequent or previous working off (paragraph 69 of the Rules);

The first visit may be granted to the convict immediately after the arrival of the convict from the quarantine department to the detachment, regardless of whether he had a previous visit in places of detention. If there is a right to short-term and long-term visits, the type of the first visit is determined by the convict. Subsequent visits are granted after the expiration of a period equal to the division of twelve months by the number of visits of this type due to the convict per year (paragraph 70 of the Rules);

The duration of visits may be reduced by the administration at the insistence of the persons on the visit. Combining dates or separating one date into several is not allowed (paragraph 72 of the Rules);

The convicted person is allowed long or short-term visits at the same time with no more than two adults, with whom there may be minor brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren of the convicted person (paragraph 74 of the Rules);

It is not allowed to bring any food or things by persons who have arrived on a meeting with convicts into the rooms of short-term visits. It is allowed to bring food products (with the exception of wine and vodka products and beer) on long dates (clause 80 of the Rules);

In order to receive legal assistance, convicts are granted visits with lawyers or other persons entitled to legal assistance. At the request of the convicted person, visits are provided in private, out of hearing of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening. In the number of visits established by law, such visits are not counted, their number is not limited, they are held for up to 4 hours and only during the hours from wake up to lights out (paragraph 83 of the Rules).

As for any person, those who are in the pre-trial detention center need communication and not only with cellmates. It is important for everyone to be able to see their relatives and friends, talk to them, inquire about their lives and share their thoughts. But for everyone who is in, this opportunity is limited, and it is these restrictions that will be discussed in the article.

You can get a meeting with detainees in a pre-trial detention center.

Legal Provisions

Relatives of the accused and suspects held in pre-trial detention centers should know how to get a meeting with a convict in a pre-trial detention center. The procedure and rules for visiting prisoners are spelled out in the Order of the Ministry of Justice No. 189, namely in Chapter 16.

In accordance with this order, the number of visits for a prisoner is limited and is no more than 2 per month, and the duration of such meetings cannot exceed 3 hours. Therefore, it makes no sense to mention here and further the possibility of "long meetings"; there are only short-term visits in pre-trial detention centers. A meeting is possible only after obtaining the appropriate permission from authorized persons and bodies, if quoted verbatim, it is spelled out as follows:

Art. 139. Permission is valid for one visit only. The written permission to visit, certified by the official seal, must indicate to whom and with what persons it is allowed. No more than two adults are allowed to meet with the suspect or the accused at the same time. A convicted person, in respect of whom the sentence has entered into legal force, but has not yet been enforced, is granted a visit with relatives on the basis of the permission of the presiding judge in the court session on the criminal case or the chairman of the court.

Art. 140. On the basis of the written permission of the person or body in charge of the criminal case, as well as identity documents, the head of the pre-trial detention center or the person replacing him gives a written instruction to allow the visit, after which he orders the assistant on duty to conduct it.


Three types of procedures are typical for the detention center:

In the period before sentencing

The law does not establish restrictions on persons entitled to receive a visit. Therefore, we can say with confidence that everyone can apply with an application. But when submitting an application, it will be necessary to document the degree and type of relationship with the prisoner, in this regard, it will be problematic for everyone except relatives to prove the validity of their request. For such a category of people who cohabit or are in the so-called, it will be necessary to somehow prove the validity of cohabitation, for example, registration at the same address, the presence of common bank accounts, etc.

From the date of declaration to the date of entry into force

This species falls under the provisions of Article 395 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation:

Before the sentence is applied for execution, the presiding judge in a court session in a criminal case or the chairman of the court shall, at the request of close relatives of the convict held in custody, provide the opportunity to meet with him.

Meeting after the appeal.

According to Article 75 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation:

Those sentenced to deprivation of liberty are sent to serve their sentences no later than 10 days from the day the administration of the pre-trial detention center receives a notification of the entry into force of the court verdict. During this period, the convict has the right to a short visit with relatives or other persons.

How to get a date with a convict in a pre-trial detention center

It should be said right away that a date is provided on a first-come, first-served basis, and in most cases, the queue stretches for months ahead. So, the application is written in the name of the body or person in charge of the criminal case - the investigator (if the prisoner is currently under investigation), the judge (if the case materials are submitted to the court), the board of appeal (if the appeal is being considered), the administration (head) of the isolation ward.

An example of a content statement looks like this:

  1. "Hat". The position, surname, name and patronymic of the person in whose name the application is written are indicated. Next, you must specify the full name, registration address and passport details of the applicant.
  2. Main part. In the main part, there is an appeal with a request to grant a meeting and the data of the prisoner are indicated - his full name and date of birth. It is also mandatory to indicate the degree of relationship or other relationship between the applicant and the prisoner.
  3. Conclusion. In the final part, the date, signature and transcript are put, and you can also refer to the Order of the Ministry of Justice No. 189.

How is the meeting

After the applicant's arrival at the pre-trial detention center, there is an acquaintance with the norms specific to the conduct of visits. A meeting may be prematurely terminated in accordance with Article 147 of the Order of the Ministry of Justice No. 189.

The grounds for early termination of a meeting are:

  • an attempt to transfer to the suspect or the accused prohibited items, substances and foodstuffs;
  • an attempt to transfer by persons who arrived on a date, information that may impede the establishment of the truth in a criminal case or contribute to the commission of a crime.

It is carried out in a room specially allocated for this procedure, which is equipped with a specialized intercom and a separating barrier made of bulletproof glass. Conversations can be tapped by the person responsible for this, if necessary, a recording of the negotiations is kept. Also, an employee of the pre-trial detention center should be directly in the room, who exercises control in order to prevent possible.

As already mentioned above, a date can last no more than 3 hours, an increase in the time of communication is not allowed. A long visit in a pre-trial detention center is not provided for by law.


As you can see, obtaining permission to visit is a rather complicated procedure, requiring not only your strict compliance with legal provisions, but also the convergence of accompanying factors that you cannot influence, for example, these are personal relationships to you and to the prisoner of the investigator. It is also worth noting that the restrictions described in this article do not apply to the meetings of prisoners with their legal representatives, according to Art. 144 and 145:

Art. 144. Suspects and defendants are granted visits from defense counsel in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Art. 145. Meetings of the suspect or the accused with the defense counsel are carried out in private without a dividing wall and without limitation of their number and duration. Visits may be conducted under conditions that allow the SIZO officer to see the suspect or the accused and the defense counsel, but not to hear.

Hello Two types of visits are granted to a person sentenced to deprivation of liberty:

Short-term, lasting 4 hours;
long-term - up to 3 days on the territory of the PS with accommodation in a specially equipped room, as well as up to 5 days with accommodation outside the PS. In this case, the head of the correctional facility determines the procedure and place for the meeting (for example, a city hotel at the expense of the convict or his relatives).

Short-term visits are provided with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the prison administration. Long visits are granted with the right to live together with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of the correctional institution - with other persons.

No more than two adults can come to the convict at the same time for long or short-term visits, together with underage brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren of the convict.

Persons arriving on a date with the convict must have identification documents, as well as confirming their family ties with the convict: passport, military ID, identity card, birth certificate, marriage certificate, documents of guardianship and guardianship authorities. Persons arriving for a meeting, their clothes and belongings are examined. If a person who has arrived for a meeting refuses this procedure, he is not allowed to have a long meeting with the convict. In this case, instead of a long visit, he may be granted a short visit.

It is not allowed to bring any food or things by persons who have arrived for a short-term visit with a convict into the visiting room. On long dates it is allowed to bring food (with the exception of wine and vodka products and beer).

The number of short-term and long-term visits due to the convict per year depends on the type of penitentiary and the conditions in which he is.

If the convict is serving his sentence in a general regime colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 6 short and 4 long visits during the year; in lighter conditions - 6 short-term and 6 long-term visits; under strict conditions - 2 short and 2 long dates.

If the convict is serving his sentence in a strict regime colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 3 short and 3 long visits during the year; in facilitated conditions - 4 short-term and 4 long-term visits; under strict conditions - 2 short-term and 1 long-term dates.

If the convict is serving his sentence in a special regime colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 2 short and 2 long visits during the year; in lighter conditions - 3 short-term and 3 long-term visits; under strict conditions - only 2 short dates.

If the convict is serving his sentence in a colony-settlement, then he can have visits without limiting their number.

If the convict is serving his sentence in prison on a general regime, then he is allowed to have 2 short-term and 2 long-term visits during the year.

In a maximum security prison, a convict is allowed only 2 short visits during the year.

During the year, convicts serving sentences in the VK are allowed to have: under normal conditions - 8 short-term and 4 long-term visits; in lighter conditions - 12 short-term and 4 long-term visits; on preferential terms - an unlimited number of short-term dates and 6 long-term dates; under strict conditions - only 6 short-term dates.

The first meeting can be granted to the convict immediately after his transfer from the quarantine department of the penitentiary (here the convict is kept from the first day of arrival in the penitentiary until 15 days) to the detachment. Subsequent visits are granted after a time equal to the number obtained by dividing 12 months by the number of visits (short-term and long-term) due to the convict per year.

Convicted persons, upon their written application, are allowed to replace a long meeting with a short, short-term or long-term meeting with a telephone conversation.

(Art. 89, 121, 123, 125, 131 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation; section XIV of the Rules of the PS)

From misfortunes and troubles no one is immune. And unfortunately, sometimes it happens that a good friend or relative goes to jail. If such a situation has developed and a decision has been made to visit the convict, then it is necessary to know how a visit takes place in prison, what documents will be required to arrange a visit. It is also worth understanding what transfers are allowed.

What determines the duration of a date?

First of all, you need to find out from the prisoner himself or from the prison authorities what kind of visits are allowed. Usually they are divided into two types: short-term and long-term dates. The duration of the meeting depends on the following factors:

  • what type of punishment the prisoner is serving;
  • what type of prison (general, strict or special regime). It depends on how many dates are allowed per month;
  • the demeanor of the convict (whether there are merits or punishments);
  • permission from the prison authorities.

Short date. What does it represent?

How long are visits in prison? The short one lasts up to four hours. The meeting takes place on the territory of the prison, in a special room. It must be attended by an employee of the colony (security). During such meetings, only communication is allowed. It can occur through a lattice or glass (for negotiations there is a handset, like a telephone). All conversations are monitored. Therefore, it is not possible to talk much. The transfer of parcels or just a small package with things and products on this date is prohibited. You can transfer them through a special window, not personally into the hands of a prisoner.

Long meeting. Features and duration of a date

A long visit in prison is, of course, the most favorite type of visit among prisoners. Its duration can last up to three days. The guest of the convict is located in a special room on the territory of the prison or in a special hotel (it is also located on the territory of the colony). You will need to pay for the space occupied during the meeting. This can be done by both the prisoner's visitor and the convict himself. The guest of the convict can bring food and drinks with him. To do this, you will need to familiarize yourself with the allowed list. For example, neither food nor drinks are allowed in glass. The convict does not have the right to leave the allotted premises for the period of a long meeting. In case of violation, the meeting will be terminated.

Who are allowed long dates?

Such meetings are allowed only with the closest relatives:

  • wife or husband;
  • parents (father, mother);
  • grandmother or grandfather;
  • children (even adopted ones);
  • brothers or sisters.

Partners are not close relatives. Therefore, if you want to "knock out" such a date, you may need to marry. Now it is practiced in prisons. In case of bad behavior, the prisoner may not be allowed long meetings. In some cases, they may allow a visit for up to five days, but the relative will have to live outside the territory of the colony.

In a general prison

The number of visits in general regime prisons depends on the behavior of the prisoner. If he is in good standing, then he can be allowed up to six dates of both types during the year (that is, six long and six short-term). As a standard, four dates per year are allowed (for a total of eight dates). But if the prisoner is guilty, then the number of meetings can be reduced or they can be canceled.

In a maximum security prison

Here, the number of visits in a strict regime prison also depends on the behavior of the convict. If he is serving a light form of punishment, then up to four short-term and four long-term visits are allowed. Otherwise (if the prisoner is kept under normal conditions) - only three visits per year (six in total).

Date in prison under special regime

Here the number of meetings is kept to a minimum. Under normal conditions, only four visits are allowed per year (two short-term and two long-term). If the convict is on easier terms, then the number of meetings can be increased to six (three for each type). There may be a lack of long meetings, depending on what the person is sitting for and how he behaves.

How are meetings with family and friends going?

How are dates in prison? Before entering the conversation room or the room for a long meeting, there will be a thorough search of the visitor and his belongings. If they are found: alcoholic drinks, narcotic substances, money or mobile phones for transfer, then they are immediately confiscated, and the date may be canceled. Do not forget that things and food, even permitted, will be confiscated if the date is short.

It is not recommended to succumb to the tricks of the guard that you can go on a date without inspection. This can harm both the visitor and the prisoner. If you refuse a personal inspection and things, the meeting is canceled automatically. In the room where the meeting will take place, there is a button for calling security (this applies to long dates), this is done to protect the visitor.

Security will definitely require any document proving the identity of the visitor. As well as a document proving kinship with the prisoner. Especially if it's a long date. If one of the documents is missing, the appointment will be denied.

After the end of the meeting, the visitor, accompanied by security, leaves the premises. Then he takes the bus or accompanies the guard to the gates of the prison. Meanwhile, the convict is sent to the cell for further serving the sentence.

Date outside the institution. Is it allowed?

It's good when they gave a date in prison. Is it possible to hold it outside the prison? There are also such privileges, but only in the colonies of the settlement. To do this, the prisoner must behave simply perfectly and write an application addressed to the head or acting in his duties for the provision of a meeting with a relative not on the territory of the settlement. After consideration of the application, a response will be made.

What can you bring?

The list of allowed things and products is of interest to visitors both when sending a parcel, transfer during a short meeting, and when collecting for a long one.

What can I bring to prison on a date (long):

  1. Food products: any fast food (vermicelli, cereals, soups, cubes, and so on); bakery products; butter (butter and vegetable) and cheeses.
  2. Drinks (non-alcoholic), but not in glass or metal containers. You can have tea and coffee.
  3. Sugar, sweets (only lollipops), honey (in plastic containers).
  4. Books, magazines, notebooks, videos.
  5. Things for hygiene (for yourself and the convict).
  6. Change of clothes for both.

In no case should you try to carry prohibited items (alcohol, drugs, money, weapons, cell phones), and even more so with the help of a bribe. Then the date will definitely be cancelled. And this can have unfortunate consequences for further dates. They can be banned with this visitor. Or they can take them into custody (if there was an attempt to bring weapons or drugs). In order not to make a mistake about what to take on a date to prison, it is better to get advice from the authorities of the institution before the trip so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

What items and foodstuffs are allowed to be put in parcels and parcels?

To begin with, you always need to call the colony authorities, since the lists can change, and parcels and parcels can be sent not when you want, but a certain number of times. The following are the main permitted items and foodstuffs:

  1. Tea, coffee, cigarettes, caramel are not just allowed items in prison. For prisoners, this is a kind of exchange currency. Therefore, they are permanent components of any parcel or transmission.
  2. Oil, both vegetable and butter, can be melted chicken fat, lard.
  3. Fast foods (these are listed above, in the list for long dates).
  4. Instead of salt, it is better to send chicken cubes.
  5. Gingerbread, dryers, cookies.
  6. Fruits and vegetables, give special attention to garlic, especially in winter.
  7. Dried fruits, condensed milk in a bag.
  8. Kissels (in packs), powdered milk, tomato paste.
  9. Cheese, sausages, fish and meat in vacuum packages.
  10. It is advisable to send clothes only in dark colors (pajamas, tracksuit, sweaters, pants).
  11. Velcro or zip-up shoes are also dark in color.
  12. Utensils, preferably plastic.
  13. Washing powder or laundry soap.
  14. Magazines, newspapers, books.
  15. Notebooks and pens (black or blue).
  16. Cards or other board and safe games.
  17. If you need to send medicines, then you need to contact the authorities, the medicine is transferred not to the convict, but to the medical staff of the prison. The parcel must be marked "medicines".
  18. Necessary items for personal hygiene (straight razors are not allowed).

Personal hygiene items include:

  • soap;
  • brush;
  • toothpaste;
  • shampoo;
  • towel;
  • shaving gel;
  • deodorant;
  • for girls - pads;
  • washcloth and so on.

Do not put in parcels things that quickly deteriorate, require storage in the refrigerator or require boiling or other heat treatment.

If a relative or acquaintance ends up in prison, then, of course, first of all, you need to find out how many visits are in prison, which ones are allowed and when, what can and what cannot be transferred to a prisoner. You should not carry bad news from freedom, this can provoke an inadequate reaction from the convict. You can not violate the visitor of the rules in this institution. This applies to both acceptable products and things, and the behavioral factor.

A small conclusion

It must be remembered that the prisoner enjoys long visits more than the visitor. Since it somehow dilutes the gray everyday life. Therefore, you can clarify in advance what he wants and whether it is allowed. You can bring family photos, you can video. And you should always follow the changes in the prohibitions and permitted things in the program.