The wish of recovery in prose. Different wishes of health

All the healthiest hello! (that is, without viruses))

If there is health, then the joy of life is present, including from relationship with a close person. Your man will be pleased to know what is worried about it. These wishes will give favorite self-confidence and configure positive thinking.

Beloved will be very pleasant and happily getting from you a beautiful wish of health. Brief lines in prose sincerely express the entire depth of the inner send of the sender, the heart of which overwhelms high feelings.

  • Let you have enough health to resist the life storms and storms! So that in your strong hands was allowed any business!
  • Let a wide smile be on your face every day and will be a medicine from all diseases! Steel health to you and so that it stretches for many years!
  • So that the troika from good luck, happiness and health was your constant fellow traveler, and you could enjoy life in all of her bright colors!
  • Justice, smile and rejoice in every day, and your face can never be shrieled from pain and bad mood!
  • Show all sores tongue and spit through the left shoulder! So that your health has shown dynamic growth, and the guardian angel fenced from the attack!
  • Be consistently healthy body and soul, and also do not know the road to doctors! I wish you to live to deep old age with a strong cucumber!
  • Glowing health and radiate joy around yourself!
  • So that Mother Nature was favorable and rewarded with enviable health!

Let your body do not know the flow of years, and that you can boast of health! Be always a red youth!

  • To keep your legs in life confidently and did not know tired! Summages to cope with any situation and let health never bring!
  • Flowering you health! Jump with a bright year for a long year and that your ears do not hear the names of the tablets!

How not to experience a favorite man bitter cough, runny nose and high temperatures? - Yes, just not to hurt! Your wishes of the "impenetrable" health in verses will give the chosen one targeted energy, which will protect it from all ails.

So that health really served you
And diseases to the body did not allow!
Let every day go easy
And breathes on the full chest deep!

So that health is strong like a nut
Let your heart beats without interference!
I wish to live, not knowing the diseases,
After all, without ailments and life is wonderful!

Health to you and warm heart!
Let there be anything eternal in life,
But I wish this immunity
So that it was enough for long summer!

So that with health everything is in order
And there was no need for cardiac recharging!
So that your body was strong, like steel,
And never took him any tired!

So that the tone of the body only pleased
And the health is good you possessed!
Keep it and more often rest
The desired wave of fate catch!

So that you, favorite, shone
And I never suffered from the ails!
Be always energetic, my friend,
And so that there was a fragile lever!

I wish you immeasured health
As well as longevity characteristic
May the fortress over the years
And the strength of the Spirit is only added!

Live and be a man visible!
Let health be enviable,
Mood keeps playful
And perform any regulations!

I wish the main - health stable,
And also immunity in the body is strong!
Be for a long year's bare
And never sewn crochet!

The wishes of the health of a man who are not sensible to you will significantly increase his immunity and will have decent moral support. If desired, at the same time learn a lot of interesting things about your chosen, I recommend to look at.

All goods and in the hands of the flag!)

Here you will find examples of the wishes of the recovery of the patient. Texts are not in verses, and are designed for those who want to speak in their own words. These samples are suitable for both public speeches (in the hospital, on an anniversary of a pretty, birthday and other similar events), and for conversation alone. And these words can be supported, sign a postcard, finish the letter, issue a card to a gift, a bouquet of flowers, etc.

And do not forget to thank the attending physician (which helps in the struggle for the health of people close to you). Texts gratitude to the doctor from the patient will find (in case you want to thank the doctor in writing).

Dear (Aya)! I wish you a speedy recovery, but I would like to say something else ... You feel great around themselves a lot of healthy people and they are even cheerful at first glance. And you know perfectly well that many of them with all their health and apparent well-being are unhappy. This proves that health does not guarantee happiness. So, I wish you so that you were happy (a) in spite of everything. Even despite the state of his health. I am sure (a) is possible.

Be healthy as a hundred elephants

Get well soon, we are not enough for us. All were waiting for you. Promise that you will do everything possible to get better and again please us with your presence, radiant smile, creativity, kindness, sensitivity and other talents.

You do not even imagine, to what extent we wish you to recover. Every day we think, we talk and dream of your health. Believe me, without you, our life is not so glad, as with you. Therefore, - strong health, speedy recovery and let all troubles with well-being will soon forget as a terrible dream and never return.

And do not think that since you are sick, then you are hard, and we all at this time are fun and good. Believe, from the fact that you are sick, we feel not much better than you. Therefore, please recover and never more pain, because we will suffer everything and wish you as soon as possible to make an amendment.

You don't even imagine how I feel bad when you are sick. And yet, I'm scary. And sadly. Please be kind, recover and stop my insufficient existence without you. I wish you the fatal health, which only exists in the world.

Tell your health, so that it does not let you down. And also tell me the diseases: "Do not wait, sansus!". And - recover. Get well with all my might. I ask you and wait for this bright day even more than you herself. I will ask God, the highest strength and guardian angels so that you are healthy. I miss you so much.

I wish you good health from the last strength and so that all this hell will stop as soon as possible. Let's get recovered together: you will tell your sores to be cleaned out of you. And I will pray to all the gods for you and your recovery. Together we will break through! You will see!

I wish you forever say goodbye to all your diseases and become a sun again. It never sick and always shines ... Even when we do not see it.

Health, of course, the most important thing in life ... And I wish you to you sincerely. But even if you decided to be unhealthy, then I wish you to be happy, joyful, active, efficient, energetic and complete ideas. And nothing else is not necessary. And with an unhealthy, you can be a full hostess of life. I wish you fully control your life!

From the bottom of my heart I wish you to win in this war with sores. They have already had fun, it's time and honor to know. Let them be cleaned from where they came. And let them pursue only joy, health, happiness, well-being, prosperity, success and good news.

Accept this basket of gifts from me and let me tell something:

  • these oranges are packed with vitamin "C" - it will help you in battle with the disease and give some more vitality;
  • this book will distract you from sad thoughts about your health, will take you and thus prevents the disease to fill your head with a negative. And the lack of black thoughts, you know yourself, make you stronger in war for health;
  • these postcards with wishes from friends will remind you that you are not alone. And you will understand that you have support, no one forgot to you and your loved ones are about your recovery. Because you are necessary. Remember this.
  • and all these tastes are selected strictly in accordance with the wishes of your doctor and with your diet ... You try everything and enjoy them. Because all of them are chosen with love for you, stuck with vitamins and help you recover.
  • And this toy (souvenir, statuette, valuable subject, etc.) will sit next to you until you recover, glare on you and regularly talk about what you are waiting for, love and believe that all troubles soon Will be behind.

In general, everything is here just so that you rather recover forever.

It is said that the life is striped-black and white. Apparently, now you do not have the most light strip ... I wish you a speedy recovery, and I know for sure that after the disease you will become even wiser. Now you will definitely stand on the white stripe and go along!

I wish you finally and forever to deal with my sores, to regain a good health, a great shape, beautiful well-being, joyful mood, activity, energy and a serene life. Be healthy!

Just wishing you health it would be too trite. He is wishing to everyone and always. And I wish you not just abstract health ... I wish you to get full, total control over your body. I wish you to get this focus. Then you can order your sores to clean and they will not dare you not to obey. And you can order your body to do everything you want and he will not remain anything but to do. And you can still realize everything intended in those times, what you need and nothing will hurt you.

In general, with all my heart I wish you all over my condition, the complete enslavement of your body by you and the complete authority over your well-being. In short, world domination is in your own world.

It is said that health is never a lot ... I wish you so much health to "like health?", You, without thinking, could always answer "walked!"

I wish you such health to never live to death. And so that such a state brought you only happiness.

I wish you such a state of the body so that the word "doctor" disappeared forever from your life, your lexicon and your thoughts.

I wish you so that you had a lot of two things: money and health. When a lot of things are one of them - life is not full enough. So, let you have both components of a full-fledged life, and everything else will adopt itself.

Let your health come every day more and more. Let the eyes sparkle again, and smile of lips. I want to hear your laughter again and enjoy life with you. Let the despair, sadness and sores be removed from now on forever.

Get straight and take care of your health. Life without him - sad. It gives force, activity, speed, courage and drive. With such components you can not be unsuccessful, poor, evil and unfortunate ... Be always healthy!

Good health significantly improves the quality of life of any person. I wish you to go to this qualitatively new level as soon as possible. And never come down from there. And happiness, love, success, prosperity - adhere to themselves.

I wish you to your guardian angel, God, fate, life and circumstances were with you fabulously generous and that their generosity slept so much health to you, how much you need to get angry, nor cry, nor sadness, do not be angry, do not despair ... in In general, I wish you so much how much you need a ten of ten lives. You deserve it. Because you are the best of people.

I hate your illness, jealous to her ... She takes you from me. Let him go to hell and leave us alone. You are always beautiful, even when you are sick. But healthy you are not only beautiful, but also - desirable. Be always healthy!

Health gives strength to love, be bold, fantasy, experiment, create, create, set goals and achieve them, make excellent decisions, cope with difficulties, rejoice in new discoveries, be useful and take gifts of fate ... I wish you to enjoy this valuable artifact - strong health and all connected with him, wonderful consequences.

I wish you a huge spiritual and physical strength to defeat all my ailments. Structure stock to withstand this war and exit the winner. And I wish you, not only to defeat the disease, but also to stay after it is as a cheerful, positive and creative man, how you were always. Let this unpleasant period be forever will remain behind.

You are a stunning person and even unhealthy still decorate my life. Even now you can be a great friend and you find the strength to maintain not only yourself, but also me. But still ... Please be healthy. After all, then we can also drink beer, burst chips, shaking girls and enjoy this life to fully. Get straight!

I wish you long, long happy years of life. Let the health return to you and never leaves. Know that your health is not only yours, it's also my joy, happiness and pleasure. I wish you at no less than myself. Please recover.

I wish you in the life of the most faithful, reliable satellite ... And that he never failed you, did not betray and did not offend. And he can warm up, support, give success, happiness, joy, strength and prosperity. Do you know who it is? Health, of course! Let it be undue with you.

I wish you so that every year your health becomes stronger and stronger. In general, I wish you the most magical development of the circumstances of your life.

I wish you what helps to enjoy any weather. What makes you strong, always energetic and forever young. What helps to make faithful solutions to cope with obstacles and enjoy success. What gives confidence in their forces and determination to go through the planned path. What else has the same magic force besides health? Of course, I wish you for him - the most valuable gift of fate.

I see your health decided slightly to go to the left? You are not angry with him, I'm sorry and wait back. It will definitely return. And you, do not sit back, create all the conditions so that it is good to him, take care of him, take care of him. Then your life will no longer be saddened by its absence. I wish you the speedy return of your lost.

Health in life go fun. I wish you this cheerful companion. Let him come to you, tightly take the hand and never let go.

You know, the success can be found and losing, and then find it again. The same with love, property and other benefits. And the health, from which all this depends on the road is not lying. I wish you to find it again and more will never lose.

I know that you have plans, goals, dreams and ambitions. I know that you have already outlined yourself and the way to achieve all this. I wish you that the chief satellite and the conductor on the way to all the scheduled came back to you and never left no longer. With him - nothing is scary and everything is achievable. Of course it is health.

You remember, I always wished you all the best and high-quality ... Wagon of wealth, for example ... and happiness, love, success, beautiful career, a better satellite in life, first-class friends, primitive housing and a luxury car. And, remembered ... I still wished you a fabulous new school, magic travels and exciting adventures ... And now you are sick and I see that all this is nothing without health. So, now I will only desire him.

I want to wish you so that from this day and forever all the diseases fled from you as from the plague, so that all the least cost you to the sore, so that the sores shake from you, like a leper, so that the hands come terrified from one of your kind to faint From one idea to take possession of you so that the disigner does not touch you the next 200 years, so that there is only a question of the word "doctor" in you, and this is what else who else? "

In short, an expensive friend, I wish you a brutal, hellish, satanic, evil, aggressive, unbearable health ... This that dismisses all the diseases and makes the unemployed all doctors at once and forever.

I have long wanted to tell you that you are the best person in this world. You are talented, smart, beautiful, generous, smart, cheerful, kind, stubborn, hardworking ... you are simple - super. And so you deserve the most valuable gift in the light of iron health. I wish you him and I will ask all the gods so that they send you this gift. Get well soon.

Modern people in pursuit of material benefits pay attention to their own health only when problems be started with him. This is a very wrong approach. In order to change this situation, a holiday was created - World Health Day. They celebrate it all over the world on April 7. On this day, people have the opportunity to think about the state of their body. Remind both your relatives that strong health is a key to success in any business. We wish him on your birthday and for any other reasons. So why don't you say a couple of nice words on this day?

Congratulations on Health Day will be a surprise for everyone. Several sincere phrases improve the mood and cause a smile. Caring from loved ones is very important and able to raise the moral spirit. Pick up the phrases that make a person think about their own well-being, refuse to harmful habits or play sports, reconsider their diet or start doing charging. The main thing is to do it very tactful to not offend anyone. For this holiday, congratulations in prose are best. Caring is the easiest to express to such words, understandable to everyone. Wish a healthy - the heroic power, a patient - recovery, a woman - healthy kids, an elderly man - a sea of \u200b\u200benergy. The wish of strong toast will be appropriate under any circumstances. After all, this is a gift that can easily lose if it does not start to appreciate it in time and take care. You need to learn to take care of him, and then everything will be on the shoulder.

Prose Happy Health

Without health, it is impossible to feel the completeness of happiness, love, joy, success. Health is not a gift. Health is a huge hard work! So, do not get sick and do not give up drugs! After all, health is a direct path to happiness!

I want to congratulate you on this unusual and festive day of your birth and wish everyone to do not look like yesterday and has been filled with only bright and positive moments, and that fate smile to you throughout life. And also good health, loving people around and more positive emotions.

Everyone knows that health is our most valuable treasure. It can not be bought for anything. And health includes the full emotional calm and the state of complete well-being. On this day of health, let me wish you to be always healthy and physically, and emotionally, and spiritually!

The wish present in all centuries in any congratulations on the holidays among numerous others is good health. But today is the day dedicated to this precisely "gift". Health is simply obliged to bring in the life of all people vigor and excellent well-being both moral and physical. What everyone sincere and wish!

Health is a baggage that does not pull us to the ground. It does not happen much and lose easy. In a special day of health, I want to wish you more and that it goes with you hand in hand until the very end. I wish not to hurt and nor Handing, but I have a full life to live and engage in sports. I wish you an easy sutra wake up and life love. Be healthy.

Undoubtedly, each of us turns out to be in such a situation when it is necessary to congratulate on the holiday of a loved one, a friend, a colleague. What to wish? And the banal does not want to seem, and the necessary words are difficult to pick up. We wish you happiness, love, success, but still the wishes of health are the most important. After all, health does not happen much! A healthy person is a successful endowed with special

How to wish health original?

In order to congratulate the birthday girl original, you can use the adjectives that accompany the word "health":

  • strong, the most strongest;
  • unlimited;
  • siberian;
  • bear;
  • bogatlish;
  • spartan;
  • steel.

Health wishes can be diversified by consulting instead of the desired word verb:

  • do not cough
  • do not sneeze;
  • do not be sick;
  • not age;
  • live without pain;
  • do not be sorry.

It will sound originally if you replace the word "health" to other, close words:

  • cheerfulness;
  • force;
  • longevity;
  • floral view.

Playful comic forms of wishes

If you are looking for a wish of health in prose, here are some successful examples:

  • Let them live cheerful and kind people!
  • I wish you for your eternal companion to have health!
  • Let any colds prevent you from living in pleasure and have fun!
  • I wish you to run in a pharmacy ... only for vitamins or your favorite herbal tea for your grandmother!
  • I wish my health at all times and in any weather!
  • Let the birth will never overtake!
  • So that health boil the soul!

Features of wishes for man and women

Features of the wishes of health a man or a woman, as such, no. Nevertheless, if a birthday has something to a holiday, a man can say the following: "Be healthy like a bull!" ("as an elephant" options, "like a bear"). Either wish "male health, well, so that, oh-go!"

A woman-hooker will suit the comic "Be healthy like a cow!". But be extremely careful, because the incorrectly chosen joke can turn a bright holiday into a dull event. For example, a woman of lush forms can incorrect such a comparison and offended. In this case, the best wishes for a woman will be like this: "I wish you a backpack health - for fragile shoulders!".

Thematic and personal wishes

From the New Year, people expect only better, bright changes, fabulous health. There are many options, many may come up with congratulations themselves, successfully pick rhymes. For example:

"In this wonderful night
Pain and bitterness - away! "

"Strong health always!
Everything else - nonsense! "

Even if you are not a poet, it will be very original if you yourself think of a wish in a poetic form. Feel free if you are not quite hit in rhyme, and the verse looks like a coryato. The person who addresses this wish will definitely appreciate your efforts. This is what can happen:

For girlfriend

For loved

"My favorite, health - happiness,
Let all bad weather evaporate.
I wish not to hurt forever
My dear good man! "

For Mom

"I wish you, native,
In no way hurt.
I have one one!
You can not get old! "

For sickwash

"You do not be sad and do not pain!
Seagull hot pour,
Jam - in a cup! Here is the answer!
Will strengthen your immunity! "

For all

"Health does not happen much,
Every schoolboy knows about it!
And this is true, in fact:
A healthy mind in a healthy body!"

And several examples of humorous health wishes:

"Let your belly be torn,
Eyes and ears, nose and mouth! "

"Let health beside you
Will live and eat soup with one bowl.
Let him walk a quiet walk,
Let the sausages swallow with you.
In Stuzhu Lyutuya warms you
And will not give you to cough in the cold.
Let him live with you, forever loving
Health. Excellent reason! "

Be healthy! Do not cough!

We are on our website website Gathered the most kind of wishes in prose, for every day. Do not forget your relatives, familiar and expensive people, please their good wishes. With the help of which give them spiritual heat and care.

Beautiful good words wishes in prose

1. Acceptance from us wishes of peace and good, sun, warmth and light! Smiles of friends and care of relatives!
Let a good health become a satellite, let dreams come true, cherished desires! Children are only happy with their successes, the husband cares and indulges! Female happiness to you, family comfort and spiritual comfort!

2. I wish the sea of \u200b\u200bgood, Ocean Good luck, and the whole mountain of happiness! Let the money never end, health does not decrease, and the mood will always be a festive. Let the fate sincerely love you, and all the good in your life - growing day after day!

3. I wish you never come true for your enemies, whatever they are big, and come true, let the smallest, but wishes from your friends!

4. I wish life without disintegration, in love - madness and passion, in a career - profit and power.

5. Let every minute of life be bright, saturated, extraordinary,
Full unforgettable impressions of pleasant surprises!

6. Bright events, happy moments, joy in life, smiles, love!
Happiness and light, heat, compliments! Implement all your desire!

7. I wish that every day began with a smile and with the expectation of an incredible life episode, let them wake up, let only attractive and joyful emotions await constantly behind the turn.

9. All that light joy, comfort fills your wonderful house -
It will be near every minute brings happiness day by day!
Surround people expensive - those with whom life and brighter, and light
The plans of any, and dreams will be performed soon!

10. In life, so many beautiful, priceless minutes,
So much different features in it! Let any roads lead to victories
The plans are embodied. New ideas of bold and bright ideas,
Achievements, success of big! Let always help support friends,
Understanding people expensive!