Five years: what kind of wedding is called wooden, what to give and how to celebrate? Fifth (5 Years) Wedding Anniversary - Wood Wedding

What is the name of the anniversary of the 5 years lived together, what wedding is celebrated at this time, what to give a husband or wife on a solemn day, and what traditions should be taken into account when congratulating the spouses? If you ask these questions, then you or your friends can be congratulated.

The family successfully passed the first tests of strength, and the everyday troubles and routine that inevitably arise in family life did not weaken the feelings, but, on the contrary, made them deeper and stronger. Now you can remember how wonderful the wedding was 5 years ago, and feel free to make plans.

Each wedding anniversary has its own name.

For example, when the family has passed the first annual milestone since the wedding, a chintz wedding is celebrated, and after 2 years - a paper wedding. Further, as the union develops, the material also becomes stronger, symbolizing the relationship between spouses at a certain stage.

The strength of the bonds of a five-year union was matched by our ancestors with a tree, which is not so little

And if it's been 5 years since the wedding, what kind of wedding will it be? What material will become her symbol? After all, the relationship of spouses who are preparing to accept congratulations on their wedding anniversary for 5 years is already much stronger than paper, but still they are still far from the golden ideal. It is believed that it is customary for spouses to give congratulations on a wooden wedding for 5 years of marriage.

During this time, each healthy tree firmly takes root in the soil and bears fruit.

So the family, in which harmony and mutual understanding reign, by this time has already acquired its own housing and heirs. Relationships in a couple are already quite strong, like wood, but they still retain some roughness, which will smoothen over time if the spouses make an effort. Even a tree that is well embedded in the ground can very easily be destroyed by a fire or flood. Likewise, the family that celebrated its fifth anniversary is still threatened by quarrels. To preserve the family hearth, efforts should be made by both spouses, showing attention and care in the relationship. For information on what to give for a wooden anniversary, see this video:

But how to celebrate a wooden wedding, so that this day will be remembered for a long time, and what can you give the “newlyweds”?

Holiday traditions

Not a single important family holiday is complete without guests, food and good wishes. But, in order to properly celebrate the 5th wedding anniversary, you need to observe some traditions.

For example, there is a custom to decorate with postcards in which congratulations from guests are written, a plant that acts as a symbol of celebration.

The holiday will bring even more positive emotions if the husband and wife on this day do not ignore the tradition of planting a seedling. Of particular importance will be the name of the tree they choose. For example, it is believed that oak will ensure the longevity and reliability of a family union, and birch will fill it with light and sonorous children's laughter.

If the spouses are still very young, they can be pleased with a strong pairing gift, which they will gladly wear together.

As they prepare to celebrate the family's 5th birthday (wooden wedding), they may recall another old tradition. To do this, a man must make something out of wood, and a woman must decorate the product. For example, it can be a regular cutting board, which for the spouses will become a symbol of cooperation and unity.

For the celebration, which is usually called a wooden anniversary, they usually try to invite all friends and relatives who were present at the wedding 5 years ago.

To revive your memories, you can send your original wedding invitations back to your guests. The holiday itself is good to celebrate in nature. Then it will be convenient to observe the tradition of planting a seedling. You can rent a restaurant room and decorate it in accordance with the theme of the anniversary, and even prepare a wooden wedding script for such an occasion.

Wooden handmade can be the most original gift for an anniversary

Now that you know about the symbols of the holiday and its traditions, you might wonder what gifts to choose for a wooden wedding and 5 years of happy relationship.

Gift options for a wooden wedding

After receiving an invitation to a holiday of friends or relatives, many begin to think: 5 years of marriage - what kind of wedding is this and what is given to it?

On this day, it is customary for spouses to give gifts made of wood or somehow related to it.

There is a good opportunity to show imagination, because you can think of a lot of options for such gifts for 5 years of wedding. An invitation card to a concert or performance, printed on paper, can be a gift for an anniversary. If the gift has already been chosen, and you want to observe the tradition, you can simply pack it in a wooden box, which will be a good souvenir. Traditionally, it is recommended to complement the gift with a greeting card on the wedding anniversary of 5 years.

Wooden ring or wooden keyboard ?! yes, nowadays anything is possible!

Some of the most popular gifts for friends for a wooden wedding include photo frames, wooden decorations and dishes, as well as interior items, paintings and even furniture.

When making a choice, you should pay attention not only to the symbolism of the date, but also remember that the gift should be useful.

Otherwise, there will be a risk of adding, albeit beautiful, but completely useless wooden products, the only purpose of which will be to collect dust in the farthest corner of the apartment. The most successful solution to the question of what to give for a wooden wedding is often the presentation of a cash present.

How can you please your wife on her anniversary?

The question of which gift to choose for 5 years of wedding worries the spouses, especially since this is the first significant date in family history.

Men who are thinking about what to give to their wife are often advised to purchase some useful gadgets for this purpose.

This could be, for example, a new smartphone model. You can pack it, as already mentioned, in a wooden box or paper with plant motifs.

The fifth wedding anniversary obliges you to choose a gift that will remain with your beloved woman for many years and will remind her of this day. The best option would be jewelry, such as beautiful gold earrings or a ring. The theme of the holiday is conducive to making the presentation of such a gift original.

When congratulating on a wedding anniversary, you can choose something sentimental as a symbolic gift to your wife for a wooden wedding and 5 years of marriage.

For example, a double photo frame, in one part of which a wedding photo is inserted, and in the other there is space for a photo from the upcoming holiday. For more details about gifts, see this video:

In any case, when choosing what to give for a wooden wedding, one must not forget that, in addition to material values, it is important to present emotions that will arise again with every look at a ring or earrings from the 5th wedding anniversary. The best gift is always accompanied by a smile and is reflected in happiness in the eyes of the soul mate.

Gifts for husband on anniversary day

By the fifth year of marriage, the wife already knows well what surprises the spouse is most happy about.

But the question of what to give her husband for a wooden wedding is still exciting, because this day is almost as important as the one when the wedding took place.

It would be useful to add a cute souvenir to the gift. As such a congratulation on the wedding day, a thing can be chosen that corresponds to the husband's hobby: a billiard cue with a commemorative inscription, a prefabricated model of a ship, a set for burning wood, a hockey stick.

Delight the Intellectual with Chess Masterfully Carved from Wood

When solving the problem of what to give your husband for a 5-year wedding, you can look at interesting devices for a pleasant pastime. The choice is also huge: a wooden massager, accessories for a bath, numerous board games and books, a souvenir pen in a wooden case.

Another good gift for a husband is a piece of furniture, for example, a large and comfortable armchair, which will emphasize the status of the head of the family.

Men almost more than women appreciate the emotional component of the holiday. And to make the celebration truly memorable, you can give your husband an impression on your wedding anniversary. What if he has long dreamed of jumping with a parachute or learning how to snowboard, take part in auto racing or become a champion in archery? It's time to fulfill this desire, and it is best to do it together in order to revive feelings that have become more even and calm in 5 years from the date of the wedding. Such impressions will bring the spouses even closer and leave vivid memories.

Gifts for children on the anniversary of parents

Thinking about how to choose a good gift for a wooden wedding for friends or relatives, do not forget about their children, because by the 5th wedding anniversary, the union of two loving people should have borne fruit.

Such a sign of attention will delight not only kids, but also their parents.

But what to give the little heroes of the solemn day for 5 years of wedding? The theme of the holiday here also offers a lot of options, because there is such a variety of toys and objects for children's creativity, made of wood. These are rocking horses, blocks, wooden constructor, nesting dolls, easels and paint brushes, puzzles and mosaics, building sets.

Children will love musical instruments such as drums, balalaikas or maracas. Children will immediately want to try them out and surprise guests with their skills. What family holiday is complete without noisy fun, and even more so iconic as a wooden wedding.

An anniversary is a wonderful occasion for spouses, surrounded by loved ones, to once again confirm their decision to go hand in hand through life and even repeat the vow of love and fidelity that was once presented to each other, and for the guests - once again to congratulate the couple on their wedding day.

So often in the routine of everyday life there is no time for important words or they simply seem out of place in the daily rush. The holiday is the best way to say special words to your loved one and again feel the atmosphere of happiness and serene love, which will return every time you remember a wooden wedding, no matter how many years have passed since its day.

The fifth anniversary is the first "serious" anniversary of a young family. She went through her chintz, paper, leather and wax, coming up to a more durable and solid material - wood. So what's the name? It's easy to guess - this is everything that is associated with the concept of a tree, always evokes associations with reliability, stability, prosperity and calm well-being. If you have not yet reached this milestone, and your friends or relatives are having a "wooden" anniversary, then find out what to give and how to celebrate this anniversary.

How a wooden wedding is celebrated

It is customary to celebrate five years of marriage with relatives, close friends and, of course, parents.

In short, invite those who have witnessed how your family relationships have grown and developed over the years. Guests are usually called out of town, to the dacha or to a restaurant in the style of country or Russian architecture. The venue should display the name of the anniversary and contain wood trim. If the anniversary is celebrated in a country house or in a cafe in the city, then it is enough that there are many trees growing around. A stylized establishment is also suitable, where the cutlery is, say, completely made of wood. Celebrating at home is conducive to more relaxed and free behavior, so many people opt for it. If before that there was no hint of wooden products in the apartment, then the appropriate atmosphere will be "supported" by various accessories and decorations made of this material: stands, statues, panels. They symbolize and personify five years of marriage.

What is a wedding without gifts?

True, no matter what anniversary overtakes a cell of society, it is customary to give gifts always. Of course, there are differences in, for example, what parents should give, and what friends and other close people.

Father and mother often give serious gifts in an attempt to support a young family. Although a wooden wedding implies that she has a well-established life, her own home and everything that is attached to it. But money, home appliances, or home textiles never hurt. Friends, on the other hand, can present various objects, decorative elements and decorations for the house made of wood or vine. These can be minor souvenirs, for example, kitchen stands for dishes, a set of wooden figurines, tubs for pickles or storage of bulk products, frames for photographs. cigars, jewelry and money. If the spouse is a smoker, then a new pipe will be appropriate. An unusual and memorable gift is a handmade decorative cane, but it must be appropriate.

First Round Date: Five Wedding Years

We have already learned what the celebration is called. We also figured out the topic of gifts. And what should the spouses present to each other on this day? Previously, the husband brought home furniture made with his own hands, and the wife had to varnish it. The ritual is very symbolic when a spouse plants a tree for five years of marriage. What is the name of the anniversary - such gifts should be given. Therefore, it will be great if the wife thanks her husband for the years he has lived with a beautiful wooden frame for a photo, a smoking pipe, a box for storing cigars or a carved souvenir decoration. He, in turn, can present wooden jewelry (beads, earrings, bracelets), a box for them. Buy amulets, charms, pendants or a piece of bedroom furniture, for example. What could it be? A framed mirror, a beautiful table, a chest of drawers. That's all about the five years of the wedding: what is the name, how it is celebrated and what is given on this day.

Everything is changing fast in the world
Running time is hard to catch up:
You were four yesterday
Today you are already five!
What tomorrow? And tomorrow, like in a fairy tale,
Desires can come true
And the eyes will be happy
And the holiday will be remembered for a long time!

Birthday greetings for a child - 5 years old

5 years old -
There is no better day than this:
So many delicious treats
Games, surprises, congratulations!
All gifts for you!
Like today, may it always
Joy awaits, your laughter rings
Be the kid, the happiest of all!

Happy birthday to the child for 5 years

Today you turn five
And we celebrate your little anniversary!
We want to congratulate you and hug you,
Happy to grow, never hurt!
Toys and books are lined up
Your world is fairy tales, pictures, games.
The candles are burning on the birthday cake
And the day is full of light, warmth and kindness!

Happy birthday - 5 years for daughter, son

You are exactly five today!
And a holiday in the house for everyone again:
Come in, our child, be brave
On your first glorious anniversary!
You already know everything in the world
You can, listen, read ...
We wish you, not otherwise,
Health, happiness and good luck!

Happy Birthday - 5 years old

You are five years old! Blimey!
No boredom, no sadness - not a trace:
The house is full of fun, happiness
After all, the name day is in it again!
We wish you again:
Do everything for a grade of five!
Work, learn, dance and sing
So that we admire you!

You have been together for 5 years,
There is simply no more beautiful couple!
I want to wish today
So that you can handle everything,
So that you are always together
And trouble passed by you.
And may love help you -
Protects from all misfortunes.

The fate of the heart united
After all, you two have been together for five years!
I wish life to give
You only have goodness and bright light!

Let it be everything you want
Let hearts beat in unison
Always fly forward together
So that life is like a sweet dream!

Happy fifth anniversary of your joint happiness! Let everything in the family continue to be excellent. Love, appreciate, respect each other and stay the same young and in love!

Today is a great date
Your union is already five,
I want you from my heart, of course,
I sincerely wish
To love each other endlessly,
And drown in passion with your head.
May your love live forever
Before the wedding, it was already golden.

With a wooden wedding you,
With the first five-year plan!
How happy you are now!
The choice was right.

Let another hundred years with you
The happiness continues
Every moment and every hour
All dreams come true!

You have been married for five years,
Anniversary date,
Let in care and prosperity
There will be family life.

May luck never
Your house will not leave,
And love for all the years
It will not cool down to each other.

With a wooden wedding you,
Happy important anniversary!
You are no longer afraid of the evil eye,
Routine is not threatened.

As many as five happy years
You are next to each other.
Made a vow of fidelity
Love is your reward!

May comfort reign in the family
Let it not be boring
Every day there are surprises
All the clouds will disappear.

To you beautiful, bright days
And sleepless nights.
Let the nightingale sing to you
Songs for lovers.

Happy anniversary you guys
Happy fifth glorious anniversary,
I wish that thought
And they were united in soul.

So that the feeling only grows stronger
Understanding grew
So that you only bring happiness
Wedding ring.

A long road has been passed,
And how much more to wave! ..
I wish in any situation
Hold each other's hand.

5 years is a serious distance,
There were also dusty feet
But your love is graceful
As in the dance they led each other.

Paths to you beautiful, smooth,
And nobody pulls the steering wheel.
I wish you the most important thing
So that the souls merge into one!

Wooden wedding, simple
And while not at all golden,
But in order to live in marriage for so many years,
We must cherish this marriage!

You have walked this path almost with dignity,
And they looked, in general, decent,
And loving, they understood each other,
At least sometimes, it happened, they were offended!

Let there be only happiness ahead
Hug you harder in bad weather,
May love help you in everything
And the Lord protects from troubles!

Happy Wooden Wedding!
I wish you success, kindness
And good luck constant
So that all dreams come true!

So that comfort is the main thing in the house,
The Lord has protected you from troubles,
So that you two are together,
Nobody could separate!

What to gift:

The 5th anniversary of the marriage is called a wooden wedding for a reason. Wood is a solid material that is used for construction, and in the name of the anniversary, it symbolizes the beginning of building a strong building of family life, a happy marriage for the rest of the life to come.

Why wooden?

For 5 years of marriage, it is customary to sum up the results of everything that has been passed by the spouses over the years. It is believed that for such a period, the husband and wife must already give replenishment to their family, buy housing in which they will live until old age. This is reflected in the name: the trees begin to bear fruit in the fifth year.

The husband and wife have already overcome many trials together and their relationship has become like a smooth polished wood - without roughness and splinters, but capable of burning in the fire of passion.

And all the energy spent on polishing the relationship over the course of 5 years is in danger of being wasted if the spouses do not show care and love for each other. And when everything is good in a relationship, it means that the anniversary celebration will become a well-deserved reward, and it should be celebrated brightly.

How to celebrate your 5th wedding anniversary

How is your 5th wedding anniversary celebrated? According to tradition, all relatives, friends, acquaintances should be invited to a 5-year wooden wedding and celebrate it loudly and on a large scale. There is a custom on this day to decorate a wedding tree, which can be a houseplant in a pot, or a model bought or made by hand. Guests should tie notes with wishes on the wedding tree. This is a very bright tradition that will give an unforgettable holiday atmosphere and will remain a material reminder of the celebration for a long time.

On the anniversary of 5 years, it is customary to present products, souvenirs made of wood as a gift: jewelry, dishes, decor items, caskets, watches.

Scenario of a wooden wedding "Forest Fairy Tale"

Preparing for the celebration of the anniversary, you need to think over the place and scenarios for its holding. An unforgettable holiday is best celebrated in a rented hall, because it is expected that there will be many guests. The hall is decorated with wooden decor items, photographs of the spouses in wooden frames, green and brown balloons are hung on the walls, designed to create a feeling of forest comfort.

For decoration, you can also use decorations in the form of branches, scatter yellow and green "leaves" cut out of colored paper on the floor. Hang the inscriptions "5 years", "Congratulations!", "Happy wooden wedding!" On the walls.

According to the scenario of the 5th anniversary, the table should be lined, at least partially, with wooden dishes: spoons, coasters, jugs of drinks. Before the heroes of the occasion, you need to put wooden wine glasses. It is highly desirable that the costumes of the spouses correspond in color and style to the atmosphere of the holiday and have the colors of wood and greenery.

Wooden march

The presenter will begin the celebration of the anniversary by handing out two wooden spoons to the guests, on which they must simultaneously play Mendelssohn's March. Those who did not get spoons can beat off the bars with their palms. With such an original accompaniment, the spouses will enter the hall.

The presenter will read out a poetic greeting, after which a Russian folk song about a wedding will play (optional). To this music, he will hand over to the spouses a wooden rosary: ​​the wife - a light wood and the husband - a dark one, invite them to take their places at the head of the table. From this begins the celebration of the anniversary of 5 years of marriage.

Games and congratulations

Further, according to the scenario of a wooden wedding, the host will play a game called "a jug of peace": a large wooden vessel is filled with wine and starts up "in a circle". Starting with the head of the family and his beloved, and each guest should take a sip from the jug, one sip. The one who gets the last sip must read a toast, and the rest raise their glasses and drink to the heroes of the occasion.

After a short break, during which music is playing and guests are taking food, an exciting competition called "wooden confession" follows, in which only spouses take part. The presenter gives the husband and wife planks of plywood or wood and a box of matches. Participants must write the word "love" on the board, carcassing lighted matches on it. The winner should be noted by the guests, and a set for burning out will serve as a gift.

After the competition, standing, the guests make toasts and drink in honor of the husband and wife's parents. They are grateful for the fact that they have raised and educated such sympathetic, loving people, wish them well-being and long life.

Now is the time for giving gifts. The spouses stand next to the wedding tree, and the others take turns presenting them with gifts, preferably made of wood.

The parents of the spouses are the first to present, followed by the rest. The presentation of gifts according to the scenario of a wooden wedding is accompanied by verse congratulations from the host.

The meal continues again, after which the host will invite the guests to invite each other to dance. Romantic music sounds, and the spouses come out first, while guests, if they wish, invite their soulmates.

If the heroes of the occasion managed to have children, the kids can sing a congratulation song for their parents, tell the learned congratulatory poems, show a cool number or dance.

Funny contests

Now the host invites guests to take part in the "Landing" competition: the participants are divided into two teams of five people each (the same number of years as the spouses have lived together), and receive a "landing kit", which includes a pot, a bag of expanded clay, a shovel, artificial tree and watering can.

Each team nominates one participant, who must plant a tree at speed with their eyes closed and water it.

After completing the task, the participant unties his eyes and quickly passes the baton to the next one. Each player plants his own tree, but the team that plants all 5 “trees” blindly faster is the winner. The winners will receive gifts: calendars with photographs of the park, forest or landscapes.

The next competition begins after a meal and a musical break, during which guests can dance. The name of the competition is "Match House". Its essence is that guests wishing to participate must, within the allotted time (5 minutes), mold a beautiful souvenir house from a strip of plasticine and a box of matches. The best work is awarded with applause and presented as a present for the anniversary of the spouses.

Under the seat of each chair, below, there will be small gifts made of wood prepared in advance according to the wooden anniversary scenario: a souvenir image, a pendant, a cup holder, a ring, a keychain, and any other.

The conclusion of the holiday

After that, according to the scenario of the anniversary, a cake made in the style of the holiday is brought into the hall, accompanied by poetic congratulations or wedding music. The first pieces go to the spouses, then to everyone else.

In the final part of the celebration, guests are again given two spoons from a tree and "wooden applause" begins. To the sound of spoons, the husband and wife leave the hall, after which the guests disperse.

Such a fun scenario for the 5th wedding anniversary will surely leave everyone with vivid memories for years to come.

How else to please each other.