Entertainment in kindergarten on the topic: The rights of the child. Preparatory group. Children's Rights Awareness Day

KVN "On the rights of playing" preparatory group

Target: to promote the development of the legal worldview and moral ideas.
- consolidate knowledge of the Convention on the Rights of the Child;
- generalize the knowledge of children about their civil rights and obligations;
- to promote the development of the legal worldview and moral ideas;
- continue to develop the ability to work in a group;
- foster a friendly attitude towards each other, a sense of collectivism

Event progress

The stranger appears. He walks cheerfully, whistling under his breath and playing ball. Towards him goes Znayka. Dunno accidentally hits Znayka with a ball.
Dunno. Oh hi! Where are you heading to?
Znayka. (adjusts glasses). I'm going to kindergarten. There, children at the School of Legal Knowledge learn their rights.
Dunno. What kind of knowledge, legal? (Puzzled). Do they only go to the right?
Znayka. What a stupid dude you are! There you can learn a lot of interesting and new things about the most important value of humanity - about rights!
Dunno. About what, about what? What kind of rights?
Znayka. In this kindergarten, dunno, there is a "School of Legal Knowledge" where children learn their rights. But listen!
Children sing a song. Music sounds to the melody of the song "Teach at school."
How do the guys know
Raise your intelligence

And respect the laws
Don't offend kids
We all know, we all know, we all know.
There are rights to study
And there are rights to rest
We all know, we all know, we all know.
There are rights to care
There are rights to work
We all know, we all know, we all know.
Znayka. It's clear?
Dunno. And what is this? Well, right, well, laws! I write my own laws and I know everything!
Znayka. You don't know anything.
Educator. Znayka and Dunno, let's check how much our guys know? I propose to hold KVN. And you, too, join us. We have 2 teams. The "Why" team and the "Wise Men" team.

Task 1 “Team business card”
The emblem and motto of the team "Why".
We are inquisitive minds, we are with questions on "you"
"Why?" beloved question, helps us to grow.
Emblem and motto of the "Wise Men" team
We are almost Wise Men, they read a lot to us,
Clever and clever, we wish to know a lot.

Task 2 "Literary quiz" The rights of literary heroes "
Educator: The inhabitants of Zakoniya, guys, sent you a video letter and ask you to help them find out in which fairy tales and in which of the heroes their rights are violated? We look at the screen.
(viewing a fragment of the presentation "The rights of literary heroes").
- In which fairy tale the right to personal integrity, life and freedom is violated?
(I went to visit my grandmother, brought pies to her. The gray wolf followed her, deceived and swallowed. “Little Red Riding Hood”.)
(They waited for their mother with milk, and let the wolf into the house. He ate them later. Who were these little children? “A wolf and seven kids.”)
- Why was the wolf able to violate the right to life in this fairy tale? (the wolf was able to violate the right to life, because the kids did not listen to their mother and opened the door to the wolf)
(A girl is sitting in a basket at the bear’s back. The bear does not want to let the girl go home and, without knowing it, carries her home. “Masha and the Bear”).
"Kolobok", "Geese-swans",
- In which fairy tale did the heroine use the right to seek and find refuge and protection from persecution in other countries?
(A girl appeared in a cup of a flower. And that girl was no bigger than a marigold. And the girl with the swallow ran to the South, fleeing the persecution of the mouse and the mole. "Thumbelina".)
- What literary heroes could complain that their right to the inviolability of their home has been violated?
(Who didn’t want to work, but played and sang songs? Then they ran to the third brother in a new house. And the wolf wanted to get into their strong dwelling, of course, they all escaped, but their tails shook for a long time. “Three little pigs.”)
- What is the violation of the right to the inviolability of the home in this tale? (The wolf violated the right to the inviolability of the home, as he destroyed two houses, and wanted to enter the third without permission.)
"Zayushkina hut", "Zimovye".)
- In what fairy tale do they offend, captivate, use physical punishment?
("The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio")
- In which fairy tale is the heroine exploited? Violate the right to a holiday, entertainment?
(They tease me with Cinderella, because by the fire, sparing no strength, in the kitchen I work, work, I fiddle with the stove, fiddle. "Cinderella").

Competition 3 "Draw a Pattern"
Enter Cheburashka. He has a sad face. Sit on a chair.
Educator. I wonder who came to us? Who are you? What is your name?
Cheburashka. I am a toy. And I don't know what my name is. Nobody gave me a name.
Educator. Guys, is it possible that the child does not have a name? Every child has the right to a name. His parents give him his name at birth.
Cheburashka. And I am a fairy-tale hero, so no one gave me a name.
Educator. Don't be upset. The guys and I will come up with a name for you. How should we call him?
Children. Cheburashka.
Educator. Now your name is Cheburashka. Do you like your name?
Cheburashka. Like it very much. Thank you guys!
Educator. You know, Cheburashka at birth, all the children of our country receive a document. It is called "Birth Certificate" (shows the document). This document enshrined the child's right to a name. Cheburashka, we want to give you a present. Guys, they will draw beautiful birth certificates, and you will choose the one that you like the most. And I'll put your name on it.
Drawing "Draw the pattern you want."
Children with the help of stamps, sticks color the frame "Birth Certificate". Cheburashka chooses for himself the testimony that he liked the most. The teacher writes a name in it and shows the testimony to the children and Cheburashka.
Educator. Our beloved Cheburashka, we give you this certificate. Now you have your fabulous document.
Cheburashka. Thanks guys, I'm very happy. I'm going to show this to my friends. Goodbye, guys.

Musical pause. Group "Barbariki" song "Good Man"

Competition 4 Game "Magic chest".
Educator. I have a "magic" chest in my hands. It was presented by our friend Cheburashka. Let's see what's in it.
From the chest, in turn, the teacher takes out objects that symbolize human rights familiar to children. Each right is briefly discussed.
Educator. What right can a heart signify?
Children. The right to love and care.
Educator. What does care mean? Who is taking care of you? Who do you care about?
Birth certificate.
Educator. What is this document? What right does it remind you of?
Children. The right to a name.
Educator. What does it mean to be entitled to a name? How should you address each other? How should adults be treated?
Educator. Why do you think there is a house in the chest? What right is he talking about?
Children. On the right to property.
Educator. Do you think it is possible to take someone else's thing? How should people treat their home?
Educator. What did this envelope remind you of?
Children. No one has the right to read other people's letters and peep.
Educator. Why do you think you can't read other people's letters?
Educator. Do you recognize this book? What right of children does it refer to?
Children about the right to education.
Educator. Why is this right necessary?
Toy duck and duckling.
Educator. Why do you think Cheburashka put these toys in the chest? What do they remind us of?
Children. The right of a child to be with his mother.

Competition 5 "Competition of captains".
Educator: All of you are familiar with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Declaration of Human Rights. Try to answer the following questions, for each of which I will offer 3 possible answers. You must choose the correct answer, raise the card with the correct letter.
1. What document sets out the rights of the child?
A. In the constitution of the Russian Federation.
B. In the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
B. In the declaration of the rights of the child.
2. Who is considered a child under the Convention on the Rights of the Child?
A. Person under 18 years of age.
B. Person under 14 years of age.
B. Person under 16 years of age.
3. Who in our country is called upon to guard the rights and freedoms of citizens?
A. Prime Minister
B. The president
B. Chairman of the State Duma.
4. What is the highest value in Russia according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation?
A. Industrial and military capital.
B. Man, his rights and freedoms.
B. State

Competition 6 "Game cut picture"
Educator: One picture was torn into 7 parts, try to collect it.
(Based on the model, children collect the plot picture “Everyone has Rights, regardless of ..” The sign is cut into 7 parts - one part for each child. Children collect it on the carpet)

1 child. Only to appear a child
2. And he will barely start breathing.
3. He is already from the cradle
4. Strong rights
5. He has the right to live
6. Develop and make friends
7. Have a spacious, kind house,
8. See a quiet, peaceful sleep
9. Get help from doctors,
10. Learn, Rest.
11. Be cheerful and healthy
12. Admire something new
13. And love and be loved
Everything ... He is not alone in the world.

caregiver. Guys, let's give our guests the right to their own opinion. Let's interview them. Dunno will be a correspondent and will take interviews, and Znayka will be a reporter filming
-Do you like our game?
- What do you remember the most?
- Do you like our kindergarten?
- Thanks for the interview. Come to us again. We will be glad to see you! Goodbye!

Summing up and presenting incentive gifts.

Game: "Doing the right thing"




Didactic games on legal education in kindergarten

Game: "Doing the right thing"

Goals : to give children the concept of bad and good deeds and be able to analyze them; to develop politeness and caution in children.
Material : paired pictures. Each pair of pictures is dedicated to one topic. But one of the pictures depicts a bad deed, and the second is a good one. In total, from 10 to 20 pairs are used.
The teacher explains to the children which actions can be called good and which are bad, after which he offers to give examples of good and bad actions. Then the teacher distributes two cards to each player. The cards must be distributed in such a way that the pairs for both pictures are in the hands of the other player. The task of each is to find a pair for both pictures. It is important to make sure that the children work carefully, address each other politely.
No one has the right to offend another person, humiliate him, severely punish

Game: "Call kindly"

Children call their peers by name with a diminutive suffix. For example: Vanechka, Mashenka, Olechka.
Every person has the right to own property, and no one can take away his things from him.

Game: "Ask politely."

Goals : cultivate politeness, respectful, kind attitude towards each other.
Teach children to behave correctly with their peers, to be polite if the child wants to play with someone else's toy.
“Misha, please, give me a car to play with, and I will give you my car,” etc.
Everyone has the right to have their own opinion and say what they think.

Game: "A fairy tale in a circle"

One child starts the story, and the rest take turns coming up with a sequel.

Game: "Tales inside out"

Puppet or table theater based on a famous fairy tale. The teacher invites the children to come up with a version of the fairy tale where the characters of the characters are changed (for example, the bun is evil, and the fox is kind, and using the table theater to show what can happen in such a fairy tale.
All people have the right to come together and form groups. No one can force a person to enter into such an alliance if he does not want it.

Game: "Find a mate"

Children move to the music. There are hoops on the floor, when the music ends, the children are divided into two people and take their place in the hoop. It is necessary that there be an even number of children, so that no one is left without a couple.

The game "Name it in one word"

Target. R development of thinking, speech, memory, ability to classify.

Game progress. The teacher calls a few words, and the children classify the group.

Lena, Natasha, Olya. Light - the names of girls.

Kolya, Igor, Misha, Oleg - the names of the boys.

Ivanov, Petrov, Kuznetsov - surnames.

Ivanovna, Sergeevna, Vasilievna - patronymics.

Mom, dad, brother, sister - family.

The game "I have the right ..."

Target: provide legal knowledge.

Equipment: a set of plot pictures for the articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; pictures depicting situations not covered by the Convention (a child rides a bicycle, plays, waters flowers, etc.)

Game progress: children alternately choose pictures that correspond to the articles of the Convention and lay them out near the template “I have the right ...” (the template is made in the form of a + sign). Then the child explains his choice, the rest discuss the correctness of the decision.

Game "I shouldn't..."

Target: distinguish between the concepts of “can”, “must”, “want”; improve children's knowledge of social norms. Develop communicative


Equipment: a series of plot pictures related to acceptable and unacceptable relationships in the systems adult - child, child - child, child - the world around.

Game progress: children lay out near the template “I must not ...” (sign -) pictures that depict situations that are unacceptable in relationships between people. Between man and the objective world. Then they explain their choice.

Game "When I become an adult"

Target: learn to call "adult" names of people; develop speech.

Game progress. The teacher says the name, and the children say the full name. (For example, Tanya - Tatyana). The game can be played with a ball.

Game "Call by full name"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about their first name, surname, patronymic. Develop communicative competence. Cultivate respect for the names of people.

Game progress. Children give their full name - full name. (name of mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, etc.) You can use the ball in the game.

Game "Call It Different"

Target. Develop communicative competence, thinking. Learn to address peers by calling his name in different ways.

Game progress. The teacher calls the name, and the children say how you can say differently. For example,

Olya - Olga, Olenka, Olyushka, Lyolya.

Ekaterina - Katya, Katyusha, Katya.

Elena - Lena, Lenochka.

Theme, Temochka - Artem.

Lyosha, Lyoshenka - Alexey.

Timoshka - Timofey.

Vanya, Vanechka, Vanyushka - Ivan.

Masha, Manya, Marya, Marusya - Maria.

The game "Call it affectionately"

Purpose of the game: Introduce children to affectionate names.
Game progress: Each child says their name. The teacher asks to say how he is affectionately called at home. A chip is given for each variant of the name. At the end of the game, a prize is awarded to the name with the most variants.

Hands up game

Purpose of the game: to consolidate children's understanding and awareness of their individuality and self-esteem, respect for the opinion of another person, help children comprehend the differences and similarities between people.

Game progress: the children stand in a circle. The leader is chosen as a rhyme, he is blindfolded. The teacher spins the driver on the spot and leads to some child. The driver must guess who is in front of him, feeling his clothes, hair, face with his hands. The game continues until all the children have taken part in it.

Ball game "To whom, what house"

Purpose of the game: fix the names of the dwellings of animals and insects, Explain that animals also have the right to housing and the inviolability of the home.
Game progress: everyone becomes in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to one of the children, naming the animal, the child throws the ball to the teacher, naming the dwelling of this animal.

Bear - lair
Squirrel - hollow
Wolf - lair
bird's nest
Bee - hive
A man is a house, etc.

The game "I live on ..."

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the knowledge of the children of their home address, the number of the floor on which they live, to consolidate the knowledge of the right to housing, the inviolability of the home.
Game progress: everyone stands in a circle, the teacher passes the ball to the child and says: I live on ... floor, ”the child continues, naming his floor, and passes the ball to a neighbor, etc. Similarly, you can play the game “My home address”.

One letter game

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the ability to find objects that begin with a given letter. Find out that they know this because children have the right to education, and they use it.
Game progress: The teacher asks the children to look around the room in the group and name all the objects that begin with the letter "K" (cubes, books, paints, a kitten, etc.)

Game "Name the sports"

Purpose of the game: fix sports: summer, winter, sports equipment. Understand that doing sports we get health, relaxation.
Game progress: Everyone stands in a circle, passes the ball to each other and calls: winter sports, summer sports, sports equipment.

Rescuers game

Purpose of the game: Strengthening the right to life. Children must save toys that ended up on an ice floe (on an island, in a burning house). At the start line, children receive a task and instructions on how to complete it.
Game progress: 1. Get into the “spider” position, run to the hoop, take the toy, put it on your stomach and go back. 2. Stand up in pairs, join hands, run to the hoop - "floe", take a toy, put it in your hands and go back. 3. Get up in pairs. Holding hands, run to the hoop, take the toy and bring it to the finish line, holding it with your heads. 4. Get up in pairs. Run to the hoop. One of the rescuers rests his hands on the floor, the other puts a toy on his partner's back, takes him by the legs, the children return to the finish line.
The game can be played as a relay race. In this case, two hoops are used. If all the movements have been worked out, you can invite the children to independently choose the “way of saving” the toy.

Game "I Can"

Purpose of the game: reinforce children's understanding of the right to life. Clarify that life is given for good deeds.
Game progress: children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other with the words “I can ...”, naming the good deeds that they do in relation to their loved ones.

Game - pantomime "I help adults"

Purpose of the game: reinforce the concept of responsibility with children.
Game progress: with the help of movements, the child shows how he helps his relatives around the house, and the other children carefully observe and guess what their friend wanted to “tell”.

The game "My parents' name is ..."

Purpose of the game: We consolidate knowledge of the name and patronymic of the parents.
Game progress: children, passing the ball to each other, quickly call the surname, name, patronymic of mom and dad.

Game "Guide"

Purpose of the game: develop a sense of responsibility for the other person; develop trust in each other.
Game progress: objects-obstacles are laid out and arranged in the room. Children are divided into pairs: leader, follower. The follower puts on a bandage, the leader leads him, I tell him how to move. For example: "Step over the cube", "Here is a chair, let's go around it." Then the leader and follower change roles.

Didactic games

"On the legal education of preschoolers"

Presentations for the lesson

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Every child is a small person with their own rights, which must be respected by adults without fail. Remember that the child will respect the rights of other people if the rights of the child are respected.

Target: to promote the legal education of preschoolers, to convey to the minds of children in an accessible form the “Convention on the Rights of the Child”.


  • to promote the formation of preschool children's ideas about the UN Convention “On the Rights of the Child”, to acquaint them in a form appropriate for their age with fundamental rights using the example of fairy tales;
  • contribute to the formation of self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms, a sense of responsibility;
  • to promote the development of the intellectual and personal qualities of children - to develop respect for the dignity and personal rights of another person, regardless of his social origin, race and nationality, language, gender, age;
  • continue to develop computer skills.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales: “The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Geese-Swans”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Snow Maiden”; dramatization based on the fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut" and "Masha and the Bear"; preparation of the necessary didactic material (cards with pictograms, illustrations for fairy tales).

Materials and equipment: costumes of a fox, a hare, a bear, attributes for the game "Three Little Pigs"; pictogram cards; presentation “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, author's educational game “I am a child - I have the right”; laptops, projector.

Lesson progress


All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And we smile at each other.

I hope you are in a good mood!

Today, I brought an unusual book. I think you recognize her? This is a book about the rights of the child. We all know that not only adults have rights, but also children. Adults understand that only a disenfranchised, intimidated adult can grow out of a disenfranchised, intimidated child who cannot write poetry, compose music, launch spaceships, and much more. This means that it is important to know the rights of an adult and the rights of a child.

Guys, how many of you remember the name of the main document in which the rights of children are recorded? (Children's answers) Convention on the Rights of the Child Presentation 1

1 slide - Convention on the Rights of the Child

I really want, guys, that you not only remember these rights yourself, but also be able to tell your friends what rights every child can use.

Therefore, I suggest you take a walk through the pages of children's fairy tales. Traveling through fairy tales, we will see if the rights of heroes are always respected. Where fairy-tale heroes are offended, it means that their rights are violated. And if the characters are cheerful, happy, then their rights are respected. Are you willing to travel with me? (music “Visiting a fairy tale” sounds)

Then let's go. Attention to the screen.

2 slide - On screen fragment of the fairy tale Ch. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”

Did you recognize this tale? This is the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, which was written by Ch. Perrault.

3 slide - Tell me guys, what is the mood of Little Red Riding Hood now?

  • And what happened to her then? (children's answers)
  • The rights of which heroes of the fairy tale are violated and by whom? (children's answers)
  • So the wolf violated the rights of Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.
  • And what right did the wolf violate? (children's answers)

We know that no one has the right to take the life of either a child or an adult .

4 slide - The right to life.

Ilya, please, select the pictogram icon on the table, which we used to denote the child's right to life, and attach it to the board.

And now, attention again.

5 slide - The teacher reads out an excerpt from a fairy tale:

Carlo entered the closet, sat down on the only chair by the legless table, and after rubbing the log this way and that, he began to carve a doll out of it.

“What should I call her? thought Carlo. - I'll call her Pinocchio. This name will bring me happiness...”

Guys, what is this story? (children's answers)

6 slide - on the screen an illustration to the fairy tale by A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio”.

  • What is the mood of the characters in this story?
  • So what can we say about the rights of heroes? They are not violated here.
  • What right are we talking about here? (children's answers)

7 slide - The right to a name.

Yes, guys, every child has the right to a name.

  • And you know what, when children are born, they are very small and look alike. What do you think, maybe it is not necessary to give children names, but just call them numbers? (Thoughts of children)
  • And here's another observation. Do you think maybe everyone should refer to each other by nicknames? (children's answers)
  • Remember if someone teased you, and how did you feel about it? (children's answers)

It's embarrassing and embarrassing. So, Sasha, please choose the pictogram icon, which we used to indicate the child's right to a name.

You all have very beautiful names. I asked you to ask your parents what your names mean. Which of you found out about your name? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, and guests are in a hurry to us

8 slide - illustration for the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut".

Dramatization with heroes from the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut".

Hare. Help! Help somebody! Guys, trouble happened to me, the Fox asked me to go to the bast hut, and she kicked me out.

Fox. And it's my fault, right? My house has melted. After all, it was icy, where can I live now? Kicked out? Yes, she did, but so what? Think about what, another house you will find.

Hare. But this is my house. You have no right, Lisa, you kick me out (crying).

Fox. I am the mistress of the forest, I have the right to everything!

caregiver: wait, Lisa, calm down. Now let's figure it out. We'll ask the guys. Tell me guys, who is right here and why? (children's answers)

Everyone has the right to the inviolability of the home.

caregiver. Ilyusha, please choose the icon of the pictogram with which we designated the right of the child to the inviolability of the home.

Slide 9 - Now Fox, you realized that you have no right to drive the Hare out of his own house.

Fox. Okay, I won't do it again. Let's go, Zainka, let's play together.

Educator. I invite you guys to play too.

Three brothers are building a house together,
Warm, comfortable in it.
The brothers know a lot about work,
The wolf will not be able to get into the house.

Have you guessed guys, what kind of brothers are we talking about? (children's answers)

10 slide - This is W. Disney's fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

I suggest playing the game "Three Little Pigs".

We need to choose a wolf. Who remembers the counting?

For example:

One two three four five
We can't count our friends
And life is hard without a friend
Get out of the circle.

The outdoor game “Three Little Pigs” is held.

Music from the cartoon "Three Little Pigs" sounds.

Children sing:

We are little pigs
We walk in the meadow, picking flowers,
we sing songs, we don’t expect a wolf into the house.

Educator: Suddenly a wolf comes out, he snaps his teeth!

Game condition: when there are three piglets in the house, the wolf cannot touch them.

To the music, the pigs run across the clearing. All piglets must take their houses.

Guys, what right of the pigs did the gray wolf violate? Children's answers. (The right to privacy).

Pass and pay attention again.

11 slide - The teacher reads out an excerpt from a fairy tale. ... Look, the Snow Maiden's lips turned pink, her eyes opened; she looks at the old people and smiles. Then she nodded her head, moved her arms and legs, shook off the snow - and a living girl came out of the snowdrift.

Old people do not rejoice at their daughter, they do not have a soul in her. The daughter is growing up and smart, and smart, and cheerful. And the work in the hands of the Snow Maiden argues, and she sings a song - you will hear.

Do you know what fairy tale it is? (children's answers)

12 slide - on the screen is an illustration for the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden".

What is the mood of the characters in the story? And why? (children's answers)

The Snow Maiden has a family.

  • What right of the girl can be said in this tale? (children's answers)
  • What pictogram icon will we mark the right to be raised in a family environment or the right to have a family? (children's answers)

Educator: We know that parents should not only love the child, but also take care of him. Tell me, do your parents take care of you? But as? (children's answers)

Fine , Do you help your parents, take care of them? (Children's answers)

I have a question for you: do you think it may be necessary to separate the child from his mother if she does not allow him to run on the street until the evening and watch TV all day, feeds him semolina? And why? (children's answers)

And now I suggest you listen to the riddle?

Terrible birds flew
My dear brother was stolen.
Nothing will happen to him
His sister will rescue him.

What story is the riddle about? (Swan geese)

13 slide - On the screen is an illustration for the fairy tale “Geese-swans”.

Educator. Look at the illustration, what do you think, what mood do the main characters of the fairy tale have? (children's answers)

What right of the children was violated in this tale? (children's answers)

14 slide - The right not to be separated from your parents. Kirill, find us the icon of the pictogram with which we have designated the right of the child not to be separated from their parents.

And now I invite you to remember a short poem about the family.

Finger gymnastics “Family”

This is a finger - grandfather,
This is a grandmother's finger,
This is a finger-daddy,
This is a finger - mommy,
This is my finger
That's my whole family.

In what language did we recite this poem? In Russian.

Cyril, what is your native language, and what is Egor for you. Laysan, what is your native language? Can you recite this poem in your native language?

Finger gymnastics "Family" in Tatar.

So, we guys can talk about one more right - the right to communicate in their native language.

15 slide - Please look at this pictogram icon. He tells us that all children, of any nationality, of any color, have equal rights and can communicate in their own language.

Educator. Fairy-tale heroes are rushing towards us again.

16 slide - dramatization with the heroes of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".

Masha. Guys, I heard that you study human rights? Help me please.

caregiver. And what happened?

Bear. What happened, what happened? Nothing happened. I'm tired of cooking porridge myself and cleaning up in the hut - that's all.

Masha. He wants me to live with him in the forest, clean the hut, cook porridge, and feed him porridge. And if I run away, he will catch me and eat me.

caregiver. Let the guys help the hero of the fairy tale figure out who is right and who is not.

(Answers of children).

Slide 17 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.

Educator. Misha violated Masha's rights.

Egor, find us a pictogram icon, which we have designated the right of the child not to be in servitude.

Again I ask for your attention.

18 slide - an excerpt from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key":


While Pinocchio was eating, Papa Carlo made him a jacket and pants out of paper, and a cap with a tassel out of an old sock.

Papa Carlo said: “I sold my jacket and bought you an ABC. You must go to school and become smart and prudent.

“I will be smart and prudent,” Pinocchio said. He took the alphabet and went to school.

19 - on the screen an illustration to the fairy tale by A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key"

In what mood is our fairy-tale hero here? (children's answers)

“I will be smart, prudent,” Pinocchio said, took the alphabet and where did he go? That's right, to school. What right did Pinocchio use? (children's answers)

20 slide - Every person has the right to education.

Guys, what do you think education is? What is it for? (Answers of children).

Let's think about where you can get an education? (Answers of children).

caregiver. Do you enjoy the right to education? What are you visiting? (Children's answers - kindergarten, circles, music school, etc.).

Very soon you will be going to school.

Now I suggest you go behind laptops to consolidate knowledge about the rights of the child in the computer game “I am a child. I have a right". Presentation 2

Before you on the screen are the heroes of fairy tales. You need to select the pictogram icon that indicates the right of a fairy tale hero, or the right of a hero that was violated in this fairy tale. If you have chosen the pictogram icon correctly, you will be able to read the name of the right on the screen. And if you have chosen the icon icon incorrectly, then it will disappear from the playing field.

Let's get started.

Individual work with children.

Well done! You have completed the task. Let's list the rights of the child, which you can tell your friends about.

21 slide- I am a child. I have the right ... (Children list the rights of children)

Thank you all, goodbye.


  1. Shorygina T.A., “Conversations about the rights of the child”, M. TC “Sphere”, 2011.
  2. Doronova T.N. ., Protecting the rights and dignity of a small child: coordinating the efforts of the family and the kindergarten, M.: Education, 2006.
  3. Nishcheva N.I., My rights. Preschoolers about rights and responsibilities. LLC “Publishing house “Childhood-press”, 2014.
  4. Zelenova N.G., Osipova L.E. “I am a child, and I have the right”, M., 2007.

The game "Who lives where?"

Game progress: children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball and names the country. The child returns the ball and names the inhabitants of this country (in America - the Americans, in England - the British).

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"Games on legal education in kindergarten."

Games on legal education in kindergarten.

The game "Who lives where?"

Purpose of the game: we consolidate the knowledge of children about the countries, the peoples who live in them.

Game progress: children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball and names the country. The child returns the ball and names the inhabitants of this country (in America - the Americans, in England - the British).

Korean game "Close your ears".

The purpose of the game: to introduce other people to the game, we consolidate the knowledge that all children are different, but they have a lot in common: games, interests, emotions, desires, dreams.

Game progress: everyone sits in a circle. One child is chosen as the leader and covers his ears with his hands. The player to the left of the leader covers his right ear with his right hand. The player on the right must cover his left ear with his left hand. (In other words, you need to cover your ears on the side of the leader.) The leader removes both hands and points to another player in the circle. The new presenter and the players sitting to the left and right of him cover their ears. The new host then points to another player, and the game continues at a rapid pace. The one who made a mistake leaves the circle.

Chilean game "Who is it?"

The purpose of the game: to introduce the game of another nation, we consolidate the knowledge that all children are different, but they have a lot in common: games, interests, emotions, desires, dreams.

Game progress: one child is a guesser. Others line up behind him. The guesser must not see who is standing behind. Children ask the guesser: “Who is behind you?”. The guesser can ask three questions. For example: “Is this a boy or a girl? What kind of hair does he/she have? etc. If it is wrong, then another child becomes the guesser.

Game "Question - answer".

Game progress: children move around the group according to the music. As soon as it calms down, Children should find a mate and ask each other any question: “What is your favorite food, color, season? Do you have borthers and sisters? Where would you like to travel?" The teacher needs to ignore the established couples, make sure that all the children participate in the game.

At the end of the game, children are invited to arrange an exhibition of their photographs “Here we are!”.

The game "Call it affectionately"

Purpose of the game: To introduce children to affectionate names.

Game progress: Each child calls his name. The teacher asks to say how he is affectionately called at home. A chip is given for each variant of the name. At the end of the game, a prize is awarded to the name with the most variants.

Hands up game.

The purpose of the game: to consolidate children's understanding and awareness of their individuality and self-esteem, respect for the opinion of another person, to help children comprehend the differences and similarities between people.

Game progress: children stand in a circle. The leader is chosen as a rhyme, he is blindfolded. The teacher spins the driver on the spot and leads to some child. The driver must guess who is in front of him, feeling his clothes, hair, face with his hands. The game continues until all the children have taken part in it.

Ball game "To whom, what house."

Purpose of the game: to fix the names of the dwellings of animals and insects, to explain that animals also have the right to housing and the inviolability of the home.

Game progress: everyone becomes in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to one of the children, naming the animal, the child throws the ball to the teacher, naming the dwelling of this animal.

Bear - lair

Squirrel - hollow

Wolf - lair

bird's nest

Bee - hive

Man is home

The game "I live on ...".

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the knowledge of the children of their home address, the number of the floor they live on, to consolidate the knowledge of the right to housing, the inviolability of the home.

Game progress: everyone stands in a circle, the teacher passes the ball to the child and says: I live on ... floor, ”the child continues, naming his floor, and passes the ball to a neighbor, etc. Similarly, you can play the game “My home address”.

One letter game.

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the ability to find objects that begin with a given letter. Find out that they know this because children have the right to education, and they use it.

Game progress: The teacher asks the children to look around the room in the group and name all the objects that begin with the letter "K" (cubes, books, paints, a kitten, etc.)

Game "Name the sports"

Purpose of the game: to consolidate sports: summer, winter, sports equipment. Understand that doing sports we get health, relaxation.

Game progress: Everyone stands in a circle, passes the ball to each other and calls: winter sports, summer sports, sports equipment.

The game "Walking along the stream."

The purpose of the game: to consolidate the right of children to rest, to learn how to relax together.

Game progress: a stream is depicted on the floor - sometimes winding, sometimes wide, sometimes narrow. All children are tourists. They stand one after another in a chain, put their hands on the shoulders of the one in front, spread their legs shoulder-width apart in front of the one standing, spread their legs the width of the stream in the place where their path begins, and move on all together, changing the width of the legs and the direction of movement, walking along the banks of the stream. The one who stumbles becomes the end of the chain.

Rescuers game.

Purpose of the game: Strengthening the right to life. Children must save toys that ended up on an ice floe (on an island, in a burning house). At the start line, children receive a task and instructions on how to complete it.

Game progress: 1. Stand in the "spider" position, run to the hoop, take a toy, put it on your stomach and go back.

2. Stand up in pairs, join hands, run to the hoop - "floe", take a toy, put it in your hands and go back.

3. Get up in pairs. Holding hands, run to the hoop, take the toy and bring it to the finish line, holding it with your heads.

4. Get up in pairs. Run to the hoop. One of the rescuers rests his hands on the floor, the other puts a toy on his partner's back, takes him by the legs, the children return to the finish line.

The game can be played as a relay race. In this case, two hoops are used. If all the movements have been worked out, you can invite the children to independently choose the “way of saving” the toy.

The game "I can".

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the children's idea of ​​the right to life. Clarify that life is given for good deeds.

Game progress: children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other with the words “I can ...”, naming the good deeds that they do in relation to loved ones.

Game "Find a mate"

Purpose of the game: we consolidate the knowledge of names, learn to select rhyming names.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to find a mate. To do this, one of the guys will give his name, and the one whose name seems to (rhyme) with the one named should respond. For example, Olya - Kolya, Galya - Valya, Tom - Roma, etc.

Kazakh folk game "Blind Man's Bluff in a Circle"

Purpose of the game: we consolidate knowledge of the right to a name.

Game progress: for the game, draw a circle on the floor leading to blindfold. He tries to catch and recognize one of the guys. If the name is called correctly, the recognized one becomes the driver. You can't leave the circle. If the driver goes outside the circle, the children tell him about it.

Game - pantomime "I help adults."

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the concept of responsibility with children.

The course of the game: the child, with the help of movements, shows how he helps his relatives around the house, and the rest of the children carefully observe and guess what their friend wanted to “tell”.

The game "My parents' name is ..."

Purpose of the game: We consolidate the knowledge of the name and patronymic of the parents.

Game progress: children, passing the ball to each other, quickly call the surname, name, patronymic of mom and dad.

The game "Guide".

Purpose of the game: to develop a sense of responsibility for another person; develop trust in each other.

Game progress: objects-obstacles are laid out and placed in the room. Children are divided into pairs: leader, follower. The follower puts on a bandage, the leader leads him, I tell him how to move. For example: "Step over the cube", "Here is a chair, let's go around it." Then the leader and follower change roles.

Even the smallest members of society have certain social rights that cannot be violated by anyone from their environment or more distant members of the social group. The legal education of preschoolers, carried out within the walls of the preschool educational institution, ensures the healthy development of the personality in the period of formation and gives the kids a sense of psychological security, which is very important under conditions of active development and adaptation.

The result of legal education should be a clear knowledge of one's rights and a civil position which would enrich morality, help to choose the right line of conduct. Legal education in the preschool educational institution pursues the following goals:

  1. To educate children in social activity, the ability to make choices.
  2. To form the ability to think critically, to understand the value of personal rights, to control one's behavior, to respect the needs of other people.
  3. Develop the habit of acting strictly within the rights prescribed by law, being responsible.

Legal thinking is the basis of the future

is one of the components of moral education. The child's lack of moral standards makes him unable to respect other people's rights, any knowledge will be only formal. Kindergarten teachers have all the necessary opportunities for a positive influence on a maturing personality, it is the preschool period that is most important for its formation.

Timely legal education will allow adults to be confident in the future of their children: they will not allow themselves to be offended, and they will not infringe on the rights of others.

Main legal aspects of the age period of a preschooler- this is the right to play, care and love of surrounding adults, protection from violence or humiliation. The atmosphere in which a small person grows up should radiate goodness and love. Every child has the right to a loving family and attention. Parents and teachers should assist in becoming a full citizen.

DOW - the main participant in legal education

In order to give kids the simplest knowledge about rights and freedoms, about what respect and tolerance are, it is important for the educator not only to give the children knowledge, but also to create conditions for them to put them into practice. Kids need to practice certain actions, to understand how this or that act looks from the outside, what emotions it causes in others.

To explain important concepts, the teacher uses fairy tales, proverbs, and poetic works as an example. However, taking fairy tales as illustrative material for getting to know rights, they must be used very carefully, because. they have a completely different scale for assessing the actions of heroes. The legal system of evaluation will distort the children's perception of folklore and may lead to erroneous condemnation of positive and justification of negative characters.

The success of work on legal education largely depends on the personal example of the educator, the ability to draw attention to the facts of the surrounding life, create a cheerful atmosphere, and strengthen children's faith in goodness and justice. Kids should have confidence that they are reliably protected from evil and injustice.

Moral and legal education begins from the first days, when the child is just getting used to the walls of the preschool educational institution. At first, children learn to positively perceive good deeds, negatively relate to bad ones. Later, they develop a meaningful critical attitude towards what is impossible or bad.

Read more: Legal education at school

Classes in the younger group

It is still difficult for the youngest to understand the concepts that are contained in legal documents. At this stage, pedagogical work aims only at introducing kids to the “legal world”, it is indirect in nature, training takes place exclusively in a playful way.

In a lesson with kids on legal education, materials from fairy tales can be used. Using the example of the "Three Bears", the children can be given an idea of ​​​​what a family is, talk with them about respect between family members. The tale of the three little pigs is a field for reasoning about the right to housing, the unlawful actions of the wolf.

middle group

The further life self-determination of children depends on how legal education is organized in the classroom. In the course of training, they develop the ability to adequately behave in conflict situations. At a younger age, children only learn to focus on moral standards, closer to school they already observe them, they can explain the meaning.

When organizing events, which can be contests, quizzes, travel through fairy tales, the main task is entertainment. Along with pleasure and joyful emotions, children simultaneously gain knowledge in the legal field. Outdoor games, music and dancing will help a lot here.

Events in the senior group

In the classroom, educators form children's ideas about the law and its significance, about how the state works. Role-playing games, conversations, quizzes are held with older preschoolers, where they are active thinking participants, using the example of various actions of a person, they can explain whether he acts badly or well, what are their ideas about how a citizen of a legal state should act.

In the course of conversations about laws and why they are needed, children consistently come to the conclusion that in any country some mechanisms are needed that will regulate relationships between people, all members of society should be protected by laws, the implementation of which should also be monitored by someone .

Work in the preparatory group

Preschool children perceive many situations through the prism of feelings. By the age of 6-7, they are quite capable of feeling the injustice shown to the cartoon character or when the injustice is directed at themselves. It is on these emotions that mentors need to rely.

In the process of reading, games, it is important for the teacher that the child can put himself in the place of the offended and look for possible options for self-defense.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the legal education of preschoolers should help children learn their basic rights. This is the right to life and health, to home and family.. Children have the right to a name, education, and can develop their abilities. Children of senior preschool age already know that in any difficult situation they will receive support by contacting the helpline number. There are help services that will provide assistance wherever they live.

Read more: Development of logical thinking of preschoolers

By the time they enter the school, pupils should be familiar with their fundamental rights and show civic behavior, which is expressed in:

  • active social, moral position;
  • positive personal qualities;
  • the ability to resolve conflict situations without going beyond the generally accepted norms;
  • responsible attitude to close and unfamiliar people, nature;
  • striving for self-improvement.