Is it difficult to care for. Is it difficult to care for plastic windows? Hardware care

Many girls have a problem - they do not like the natural hair color. To achieve the desired shade, ladies dye their hair with shampoos, balms, paints or natural products containing pigment.

Hair dyes have the most severe effect. The paint provides durability and color intensity. But it has not only a positive effect, many paints make hair dry and lifeless, which is why competent hair care after dyeing is so important. Hair that has been dyed with ammonia is especially affected.

How hair is made

After going to the hairdresser, the hair is soft, well-groomed and shiny. But, just a few bath procedures lead to the fact that the hair grows dull, looks dry and cannot be styled. What are the reasons for such changes? Hair consists of 3 layers: hair shaft, cortex and cuticle. The cuticle under microscopic magnification looks like scales.

After dyeing the hair, the hair has a smooth surface, as the paint contributes to a tighter fit of the scales to each other and fills the free gaps between them. The pigment penetrates to the middle of the hair, and the desired color is obtained. The cuticle is the protective covering of the hair. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the health of the hairstyle, after visiting the hairdresser and find procedures aimed at restoring the upper layer of the hair, there are currently plenty of them.

Cosmetics for colored hair

While in the salon, you should not be shy to ask questions of interest, including how to maintain the beauty and health of curls. The specialist will advise you on professional cosmetics, which can be purchased at hair stores or offer you to undergo a hair rehabilitation procedure using a mask or balm. The first few days you can not use the same cosmetics that you purchased before staining. You need a shampoo and conditioner that helps remove excess alkali, giving smoothness and radiance.

On sale you can find shampoo "2 in 1", sometimes "3 in 1", promising to fix all existing problems. You should never save on health and beauty, it is better to buy separately shampoo and separately balm or conditioner, but one company and series and the result will not keep you waiting long. You can consult with friends, read the forums, using the recommendations, you can quickly find a series of tools that contribute to a quick recovery.

In order not to make the hair even more dry, they will have to be washed less often, since the moisture in them has become much less. Frequent water procedures can lead to delamination and even hair loss. It is necessary to avoid exposure to cold, wind and direct sunlight, do not forget about hats. These simple tips will help keep color-treated hair alive and beautiful!

The owners of plastic windows cannot understand those who still continue to paint wooden frames, paste over and insulate windows in winter, spend long hours washing and cleaning structures. Taking care of plastic windows is a pleasure, and this fact is perhaps the main argument in favor of modern double-glazed windows!

The key to trouble-free operation is the correct installation

To ensure that the plastic window does not cause any problems during use, all installation work must be performed by professionals. First of all, we are talking about the project: measurements for plastic windows must be entrusted to specialists who will make all the calculations as accurately as possible, taking into account the type of double-glazed window and the characteristics of the room.

After installation, the masters, as a rule, give several recommendations on how to properly care for plastic windows and whether it is difficult to do so. These reliable and practical designs practically do not require maintenance: they do not need to be painted, insulated, glued. Windows can be washed with a soft cloth using modern cleaning products: they will not scratch the double-glazed window and will not spoil the surface of the profile.

Hardware care

In addition to glass and a frame, the design of a plastic window includes fittings - parts that, if properly handled, can last for decades. For trouble-free operation of the handles and hinges, they should be handled quite carefully and periodically lubricate the moving parts. It is recommended to perform this procedure no more than twice a year, while to lubricate the fittings, two or three drops of machine oil or ordinary solid oil will suffice.

Another important, albeit almost imperceptible, detail is the sealant, it plays an important role in the functioning of the structure, being responsible for sound transmission and thermal insulation. Conscientious manufacturers, such as the Window Continent company, use only high-quality materials for the production of seals, which will not cause any trouble in operation. Care for them consists in periodic treatment with soapy water and wiping dry with a soft cloth. This simple rule is a guarantee that the seals will not crack, dry out and last a long time without causing any problems.

The operation of plastic windows is simple and convenient: by devoting a few minutes of your time to the double-glazed window, profile and fittings, you can ensure many years of uninterrupted operation of the entire structure.

This flower is great. He looks like a butterfly that is about to flutter, and ... remember your name. Or rather, a lot of butterflies forming a bunch on a curved peduncle. Actually, phalaenopsis is translated from Greek as "like a butterfly."

This flower is impeccably beautiful and pleasing to the eye even of those who are indifferent to flowers.

It has a special, delicate and refined aroma and a very long flowering period: the "butterfly" will open its wings-petals gradually, preserving its beauty and the actual flowering period for a long time. It is not surprising that a large number of gardeners grow this flower both in open ground and in greenhouses and at home.

The color of phalaenopsis can be different: white, pink, red, yellow, purple, brown, green. The drawing of a flower, reaching a diameter of eight centimeters, can be striped, reticulated, speckled, even brindle.

What you need to know when growing phalaenopsis at home?

Capacity. It should be a clay pot, or better, a pot made of tree bark, set on a pallet with sand or pebbles. This flower also feels good in a bamboo basket.

Light. It must fall on the flower at least 12 hours a day. The light should be bright, but without direct exposure to sunlight on the flower, for which, on sunny summer days, the window should be curtained with light tulle curtains. Then on the windowsill the flower will be the place. From time to time, it will need to be turned in different directions to the light. In winter, the daylight hours will have to be extended with a fluorescent lamp, and in the very cold, the phalaenopsis pot should be removed from the windowsill so that it does not freeze. Phalaenopsis is also afraid of drafts.

The soil. It should contain drainage in the form of expanded clay and pieces of red tiles and fill one third of the container, which will prevent the appearance of mold. The other two thirds are the substrate.

Top dressing of the soil is used special for orchids, and is carried out during watering before the flowering period.

Watering. It is carried out all year round with water at room temperature right under the root. In summer, phalaenopsis is watered more often than in winter. The soil under the flower should always be moist, but without puddles, while air humidity below 50% is unacceptable.

Temperature and climate. The most acceptable temperature range in summer is 20-25 degrees, in winter - 17-19. The flower develops normally at temperatures from 16 to 30 degrees. Temperatures above 22 degrees during flowering are undesirable.

Like drafts, phalaenopsis does not tolerate stale air. The room where the flower grows should be regularly ventilated, and in the summer put on the balcony to “breathe”.

Transfer. This flower does not like frequent transplants, therefore it should be transplanted from one container to another only when the roots grow and they become crowded. It doesn't happen more than once every two or three years. Phalaenopsis should be transplanted in the spring or after flowering and, until it gets stronger, placed in the shade.

As you can see, there are not so many rules. And if they are observed, phalaenopsis will delight you with luxurious and long flowering.

With this material, we open a cycle of publications dedicated to aquaristics - an interesting and exciting hobby that over the years not only does not lose its relevance, but also continues to improve. The bulk of the publications will be of a practical nature, designed to help beginner aquarists. We'd love to hear from you.

Fascinating, filled with living green light, the water world behind glass. Brightly lit, covered with dark green Javanese moss, the clearing ends abruptly with a wall of larger aquatic vegetation. The leaves and stems, meeting the viewer with a bright emerald facade, become darker as they move away from him, the color tones are muted, and then completely turn into almost impenetrable darkness.

A swift flock of mischievous barbs or bright neons will flutter out of there, frolicking, parade over the clearing, and again rush off into the thicket on their fish business, only to reappear after a short time. And only less agile fish move their gill covers and pectoral fins, and the size of a walnut, the ampullar snail makes its way along the vertical of the aquarium glass.

Living water. Quiet and silence. With a quiet hiss, small bubbles of air supplied by the aerator slowly pop up to the surface burst. The spectacle is mesmerizing, you can watch for hours without stopping.
How many times have you heard: “I love an aquarium, but I won’t start one for myself. There is so much trouble with him: washing the walls and soil, changing the water ... ”And indeed, some of my friends, a couple of pensioners, keep an aquarium all their lives together.

And every week they have “fishing” - they catch all aquarium animals, including snails, in a separate jar with a net, take out and thoroughly wash the soil. Get down to business with passion! Their fish are the most unpretentious breeds - any others would have died long ago from such care and regular stress. Then the plants are planted again, fresh water is poured, and after a week or two it darkens and deteriorates. The cycle of "labor aquarism" is repeated.

Such "aquarists" have recently noticeably decreased, but still there are still a lot of them. The reason for the described aquarium perversions should be called, of course, ignorance. Not everyone has a habit, taking up any business, to read at least some literature related to it. And if in the case of pensioners, it is only pity for fish suffering - the old people themselves, apparently, like the stupid fuss with the aquarium, then in the case of young people everything is much sadder.

Having at first “burned up” with the idea of ​​decorating his life with a beautiful hobby and having received the result in the form of a dirty, smelly swamp instead of an aquarium, a person usually carries the recently purchased aquarium with such joy to the balcony or to the shed. Or give it to a neighbor. To never return to the aquarium again.

Meanwhile, there is nothing complicated in the competent and labor-intensive maintenance of an aquarium - you just need to know and follow a few fairly simple rules. Moreover, the practice of complete water changes is extremely detrimental to aquarium life. Strictly speaking, an aquarium in which the water is often and completely changed, and not an aquarium at all, but simply a glass container with water. A real aquarium is a well-established miniature ecosystem, alive in the most correct sense of the word, inhabited by single-celled organisms, plants, as well as fish and invertebrates.

A properly organized aquarium stands without a complete water change for years, requiring from its owner only a daily one-time correct feeding of the fish (improper feeding is the most common mistake of beginners, leading to the death of the aquarium) and periodic partial water changes. In most cases, the norm is the replacement of one quarter of the volume once every two weeks. Sometimes less.

Water replacement is carried out with the simultaneous removal of fish waste using a special simple device. The resulting water with organic impurities can be watered with a garden bed or indoor flowers - the plants will thank you.

In order for the aquarium to start functioning correctly, to become a real cozy home for fish and plants, to please you and your household with its appearance, the so-called “launch” is carried out for the newly installed aquarium. This procedure will require some time, and its importance cannot be overestimated. In one of the next issues of our column, we will talk in detail about how to properly “launch” a new aquarium.

They have already confidently entered the modern interior, gradually replacing the Soviet folding beds. Thanks to such a useful invention, the owners of the house do not have to puzzle over where to place the guests. On air beds it is comfortable and cool to sleep in the summer or during the renovation period. Such a device is indispensable during a holiday with tents or in the country. Modern manufacturers are aimed at making the external design of such beds more attractive. This will allow them to become a bright component of the main interior.

Why are air beds popular?

Such a piece of inflatable furniture is a lightweight and mobile device that is used in the inflated state. Compared with a regular bed, inflatable models have a number of advantages:
  • Compactness and mobility. The air bed can be easily deflated and folded for storage. Such a device can be easily carried with you;
  • Ease of use. The air bed is light, which allows you to change its location without problems and effort;
  • Hygiene. Any inflatable furniture does not allow moisture to pass through, which means that it does not absorb sweat and other biological fluids that can become a breeding ground for pathogenic microflora;
  • Affordable cost. Buying a traditional bed will cost you many times more than buying an inflatable bed.

The only significant drawback of inflatable furniture is that it has a limited service life, so it is unlikely to become a full-fledged replacement for classic furniture.

air bed care instructions

If you follow the rules for the use and care of inflatable furniture, you can significantly increase its service life. Before inflating the air bed, you should carefully check the surface for sharp objects. On the floor where she will stand, there may be inconspicuous paper clips or small children's toys - it is better to remove them away from sin, otherwise they will cause a puncture.

Consider the fact that low temperatures have a detrimental effect on polyvinyl chloride (the material from which air beds are made). If you brought the product from the cold, be sure to hold it for 7-8 hours at room temperature. If you try to unfold and inflate a bed that has been in the cold, then cracks will appear at the folds. This property of PVC products is due to the properties of the material. At low temperatures, vinyl loses its elasticity.

Pets must not be allowed near the air bed. They can pierce their favorite bed with their claws and sharp teeth. Also, you can not stand with your feet and jump on such beds, because this will lead to a rupture of the internal partitions and a divergence of the seams.

Optimal conditions for storing an air bed

This is a very important point that plays a significant role in the duration of the service life. Before packing the bed for storage, dry it well. Otherwise, mold will quickly form in the places of folds, which will corrode the material. It is also very important to fold it correctly. Everything is simple here - the less you bend it, the more whole it will be.