Ignore status. Ignoring is one of the oldest types of emotional abuse. Quotes About Ignore

Ignore (colloquial, from English ignore - ignore) - sooner or later we all have to "cover our eyes" to people unpleasant to us, to unpleasant situations or just unpleasant words addressed to us. Quotes about ignore in this article will better reveal to you the meaning of this word in our life.

Quotes About Ignore

The best way to let a person know that you are deeply indifferent to him is not to tell him about it.

Ignoring without giving a reason is the biggest punishment and the worst torture for those who love... don't do this to the person who loves you... it hurts.

For some time now, I allow myself the luxury of ignoring people who are unpleasant to me.

Put me on the ignore list. Save the reputation of my pride. …

Nothing in this world is as cruel as the heart of a woman who deliberately ignores you.

If a woman is silent, then you are not included in the circle of her interests.

By pretending that the problem does not exist, we only temporarily postpone the moment when it will return and hit even harder.

If you want the world - It's simple, just know. I don't notice you

You don't notice me.


Statuses about ignoring

Nothing kills like calmness, ignoring and indifference. And you, honey, will be killed by it.

Your complete disregard for how wonderful you are is one of the million things I love about you.

Sometimes ignoring, sometimes rose-colored glasses, and sometimes "on the drum" ...

Nothing makes a girl think of you like ignoring her messages.

It is true that neglect is one of the oldest forms of emotional abuse...

In terms of my ex: "let's remain friends" = "complete ignore."

The best way to make a person think about you is to completely ignore you. hurt self-esteem more than once will make itself felt ...

like - ignore. Caution, male logic!

And now a complete ignore ... No attention ...

Ignore is a good thing!

What a pity that in real life it is difficult to put an ignore, but for a kick and a ban it is a criminal liability!

Stupid ignore is much worse than constant quarrels and swearing ..

Ignore is not a driven force from which you do not know what to expect.

Put me on the ignore list. Save the reputation of my pride.

... Or something lied, just do not ignore

We walked with a girlfriend. A guy calls her, and they quarreled. She's like - Ignore you! and hung up =)

I feel like I've been ignored...

ignore - the highest degree of interest

wash with cold water and behind the monitor track repeat ignore endless marathon

There is nothing worse than your neglect

The best way to get a guy back is Ignore!

I wonder if if I ignore him, will he notice me?

hmmm... how long will you ignore me?

As soon as a guy starts to like you, he immediately starts to ignore you! =((

And you're good at ignoring me...

I can ignore people so much that they start to doubt their existence.

Don't you dare ignore me! Either treat badly or very well ... I don’t like misunderstandings ...

I'm sorry for letting you ignore me!

The best revenge is ignore!

Student remember! If you send the university to ignore - you will get out of the invis at the military registration and enlistment office!

Ignore like a scalpel, cuts to the quick.

Ignore is the best way to tie a guy to you

I’m a fool, I had to confess my love to a guy in order to receive a complete ignore in response, as if it’s even difficult to write,

Where is the logic?! Called didn't pick up! I went to the bath to swim, 4 calls came, I don’t pick up the phone: 0 But SMS comes: Ignore, so ignore it further!


Statuses about indifference - Power in the word

Beautiful statuses about indifference describe experiences that every person has experienced at least once in his life. Worse than the lack of reciprocal sympathy is only indifference that occurs after a break in relations, when one still loves, and the other has already forgotten. Everyone suffers from this equally, so there are statuses about the indifference of both a girl and a guy. Not all of them are sad. Some statuses about indifference and indifference are quite funny and will help cheer up someone who is suffering from unrequited sympathy or love.

The one who does not reach out to you when you stumble will be glad to trample you when you fall.

I don't care what you think of me, the main thing is that with this I take minutes of your life.

When you do not receive reciprocity from a person, you gradually wean yourself from him.

Two-faced people are so hard to deal with. It's much easier to just cut them out of your life.

The biggest misfortune for a girl is the indifference of a guy for whom she wants to be inaccessible.

I do not like it when someone, having abandoned me, climbs into my life again.

He changed his phone, blocked her on social networks, changed her address, did everything so that she could no longer find him. - And she?

And she wasn't looking.

I don’t want to look for warmth, to waste my strength. And I don't regret leaving. I'm sorry it took so long.

Always, to the question: what happened? - answer: everything is awesome. Because no one cares what's really wrong with you.

I can love, then hate... I can hate, then love... But if I don't care, nothing can be changed.

One day, it just doesn't matter. For everyone. And for everything.

If any woman succeeds in stealing a man from me, she can keep him, because I do not want such a man.

I, too, have never loved anyone so much before, she answered him, thinking not of him.

I wanted to hate you and not know how you're doing. I was afraid to see you, I was afraid, but I waited so.

I have a terrible emptiness inside me, some kind of indifference to everything that is killing me.

Wanted to meet? - met. Wanted us to be together? - we were together. Wanted to leave? - broke up. Do you want to make amends? - that's it, dear, three wishes come true, go!

What difference does it make what I feel for you if you don't love me anyway.

I used to follow you to the ends of the earth. Now I can't even get up from my chair.

I survived without you when I needed support. So you won't be able to breathe.

If you asked a question, you did not hear the answer - do not humiliate yourself, do not repeat twice. They probably didn't want to hear from you.



I intend to ignore the verdict! - You can not ignore the verdict.

What's the verdict? See, I'm ignoring him!

He who has ears will not hear, he who has eyes will not see.

It is a terrible feeling when the person most dear to you in this world completely ignores you, so cruelly that you want to scream, cry and die. It hurts so much to the quick, it’s so scary that he will disappear, and after all, just recently you talked nicely and got along very well. That feeling when you don't even know the reason for its sharp coldness, when your heart is ready to stop at any moment from so much pain.

Talk to me. Why aren't you talking to me?! You promised. It does not change anything. It never happened. And never will.

You deserved it. All this.

Auditory hallucinations of the protagonist.

Aging is a matter of the victory of spirit over matter. If you don't think about age, it doesn't exist.

(Age is something that exists in our thoughts. If you do not think about it, it does not exist).

Old age is clearly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind it doesn't matter.

Those friends who don't text back when I text them are always looking at their phones when I'm with them.

Stupidity is ignored, wisdom is envied.

The one who ignores you has no right to evaluate you.

Offensive questions are best ignored. Or answer them with other questions.

He doesn’t take it, although he knows that I can’t stand it when he doesn’t answer. - Maybe the phone does not receive. - His conscience does not accept.

Truth wanders in tatters, Passing from century to century, And, like an infection, it avoids

Her, estranged, man.

To the question Does ignoring a girl help win her over? given by the author Detached the best answer is Find another. She wants to fucking sit down and eat a fish! From you romance, and the other will "fry" it.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Does ignoring a girl help you win her over?

Answer from Galina[guru]
there is sense in all actions,
only sense from your ignore - no
Are you trying to offend her?
but she will remain in the WINNERS
now think WHY

Answer from Eva Yo[guru]
You're stupid. It's not the first time I've seen a guy ignore a girl he likes. And this often only repels. I had a case... An acquaintance who was nice to me tried to look sooooo arrogant and indifferent towards me. Moreover, he treated other girls from our company wonderfully, he was just a sweetheart and darling with them. Naturally, I did not suspect that he was showing me his sympathy in this way. Communication, at least some, gradually faded away. After 3 years, when the connection was interrupted completely, we collided purely by chance. And then he gave me: "How beautiful you were! I thought I'd go crazy. I tried to attract your attention to myself, but you didn't even look at me ... I was so worried." I assure you, such cases are very common.

Answer from electric welder[guru]
stupid to act like that.
You are a man, so make up your mind.

Answer from European[guru]
It's a pointless business to beat the girls from the guys ...

Answer from KrasaUvchik[guru]
well, if a person is stubborn, then he can and will win

Answer from Viktor Mulyarchuk[guru]
heh... look, don't overdo it, but don't impose yourself, of course, girls strongly accept that they are ignored... but still, if she has a martyr, then why climb into someone else's life

Answer from †~ Guess who I am ~†[guru]
there is sense, I did the right thing, I think

Answer from Santa LiNa[active]
Well, maybe there is a sense in this, but you need to know the measure.

Answer from AMAZON[guru]
No, there is no sense and will not be. Do not learn to ignore, this is not gained, this is lost. There is nothing to conquer, you understand? By ignoring, a person shows his indifference, and indifference will only repel a person, even if at first she writes to you, then she stops. So far, she writes only out of respect and because she is a polite person and knows you. Gradually, all this will come to naught. Learn to be a man. And let women do stupid things. Ignore... this is unworthy of a MAN.

Answer from Olga Korneeva[guru]
If she's interested in you, then yes. If you are not interested, then she will simply forget about you.

Answer from Marianna Kurtskaya[active]
Kobelina you))

Answer from Anet[guru]
Well, in principle, there is little sense, except to show your character! Because if a person doesn’t give a damn, then he really doesn’t give a damn, and your ignore is nothing more than a prank for her. If she tried to offend you by this, then she succeeded and now you are behaving extremely stupidly. My advice is to decide if you need it and either do not write completely, or pretend that everything is fine!

Ignore is the best way to bind a person to yourself. Or lose forever.

It's sad when they don't see you at point-blank range, but this also has its advantages: you get the opportunity to hear what no one usually hears.

The only way to keep up a conversation with a fool is to ignore him.

It's amazing how much noise people can make by ignoring each other.

Ignoring saves nerves, in some cases even when they ignore you.

Ignoring the nervous trembling and desperation. I will go out onto the platform from behind a small door. My striptease will exceed all your expectations ... I will show you a naked heart

The longer you ignore something—a rattling engine, a crack in the ceiling, or a worried expression on your friend's face—the more you'll have to pay for it in the end. For a while, everything will go well, but everything will end with an overhaul of the engine, a collapsed ceiling and a collapsed relationship.

Ignorance is one of the oldest types of emotional abuse.

Silence is the main instrument of open ignorance.

Ignoring a problem is not the same as solving it.

Nothing makes a girl think of you like ignoring her messages.

I'm sorry for letting you ignore me!

For some time now, I allow myself the luxury of ignoring people who are unpleasant to me.

If in communication I notice rudeness
Or impudence - I ignore people.
But I never answer rudeness,
Because peace is more important to me.

I know how to ignore people so much that you will doubt your own existence ...

For those who try to offend you,
You don't even have to pay attention...
Let them continue to furiously make noise -
Perhaps this is their calling in life ...

Now they ignore you, but then they will need you.

There is no greater disappointment for a woman than the inattention of a man whom she deliberately ignores.

You don't even have to answer
To the one who is easy for you, deliberately repairs meanness ...
Wise - keep silent on these attacks,
Since they are, in fact, a sign of hopelessness ...

Silence is the most perfect expression of contempt.

While you're ignoring her, someone else is texting her cute.

Just remember, when you ignore her, you are teaching her how to live without you.

The surest way to win over a young man is to ignore him. The more he is spoiled by female attention, the more the indifferent beauty will be noticeable to him in the crowd of surrounding girls.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi

Why swear with someone when there is an ignore. Ignore is the most polite: "You go ..."

Nothing infuriates a girl more than ignoring someone she is furiously trying to ignore.

Yes, I miss you. Despite your disregard. Despite the lack of attention Despite the distance.

Never ignore the person who cares about you the most. Because one day, you might wake up and realize you've lost the moon while counting the stars. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Ignorance kills feelings.

Ignore is the best way to attract.
But think about it... is the game worth the candle?
And moments of the pinnacle of glory, pride.
Are lives worth further desert???

He tore off all the cockroach's legs, said "run!" - does not run. Conclusion: without paws, a cockroach does not hear. (C)

Let everyone have notebooks, banknotes, banknotes, work, worries, muddied, offsets, evening doses, but I have you and plus you, still you, still you, still you, still you, still you, still you ... ( With)

It’s always like this… you save up, you save up for a Lamborghini and an iPhone, and then bam! I couldn’t resist and bought myself a Coca Cola and Snickers ... (c)

I want to be a guy ... you don’t need to shave your legs, drink, smoke, you don’t need to shave your legs (c)

What fell? - My clothes . - And why with such a roar? - And I didn’t have time to get out of it. (C)

A real friend is one who is sincerely glad to see you beautiful (c)

If you are waiting for a very important call, but they don’t call you, then you just have to paint your nails ... (c)

"We're dressing up as the Snow Queen! And you?" AND WE DRESS IN THE CORRIDOR (c)

My sun, look at me.
My palm turned into a fist. (C)

If you want change, go to school. there are changes every 45 minutes .. (c)

In the 60s of the last century and now the phrase "a boy glued a model in a club" is perceived differently (c)

2-3 times a year there is such a state when you just want to close up and live completely alone, without seeing anyone. friends, relationships, nothing.
I don't like it when it starts with "what happened?" or "what's going on with you?". I'm fine, I'm just tired, I need a recharge. (c)

Sometimes the closest person is not the one you pray to as an idol, but the one who just knows how many spoons of sugar to put in your cup of tea (c)

So funny.. We are silent. No SMS. No calls. We are Online on opposite sides of the monitor... We sort through each other's photos in albums... I don't know about you.. You don't know what's going on in my life. ..And only the songs in the playlist will tell about everything without words... This is such a game. Without rules. We invent them ourselves. And between the lines of this game, I see that you miss me too .. (c)

Those who do not understand your silence will probably not understand your words either ... (c)

Cry, snotty monster. (c)

She was a girl - she blushed at the word "sex" .. and now only thoughts are "sex, sex, sex !!" (c)

Sometimes I feel unbearably sad, but in general, life goes on as usual. (C)

How can you not listen to your inner voice when every morning he says: "Sleep through the university, sleep through ....".))) (c)

She: Can I go to the club? He laughed, hugged her and whispered: I'll break your jaw. (C)

I don't know how to say goodbye properly, so get off the pig. (C)

Who is he to you? - in fact, no one ... just the meaning of life ... no more. (c)

It's so strange to see people unfriend you even though they broke the bed together a week ago (c)

Men! Let's you clean, cook, wash, and we want you all the time? .. (c)

Petya has 12 apples, Lyosha has 8 apples, and Vasya has salt in his ass. Who ran last from the collective farm garden? (C)

If a girl whispers to you during sex "I'm coming .." Then shout in her ear "NOT IN ME !!! (c)

Ignore (colloquial, from English ignore - ignore) - sooner or later we all have to "cover our eyes" on people unpleasant to us, on unpleasant situations or just unpleasant words addressed to us. Quotes about ignore in this article will better reveal to you the meaning of this word in our life.

The best way to let a person know that you are deeply indifferent to him is not to tell him about it.

Ignoring without giving a reason is the biggest punishment and the worst torture for those who love... don't do this to the person who loves you... it hurts.

The one who ignores you has no right to evaluate you.

For some time now, I allow myself the luxury of ignoring people who are unpleasant to me.

Those friends who don't text back when I text them are always looking at their phones when I'm with them.

Nothing kills like calmness, ignoring and indifference. And you, honey, will be killed by it.

Stupidity is ignored, wisdom is envied.

Stupid ignore is much worse than constant quarrels and swearing ..

Ignore is not a driven force from which you do not know what to expect.

Put me on the ignore list. Save the reputation of my pride. …

Nothing in this world is as cruel as the heart of a woman who deliberately ignores you.

If a woman is silent, then you are not included in the circle of her interests.

By pretending that the problem does not exist, we only temporarily postpone the moment when it will return and hit even harder.

If you want peace
It's simple, you know.
I don't notice you
You don't notice me.

As soon as a guy starts to like you, he immediately starts to ignore you!

I can ignore people so much that they start to doubt their existence. Don't you dare ignore me! Either treat badly or very well ... I don’t like misunderstandings ...

I'm sorry for letting you ignore me!

With brawlers, bores, fools and other flies, the conversation should be short: she waved it off, turned around, left.

If in communication I notice rudeness
Or insolence ... - I ignore people ...
... But I never answer rudeness,
Because peace is more important to me ...

Offensive questions are best ignored. Or answer them with other questions.

You can ignore reality. But you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.