A child has diarrhea: what to give first of all (pills, drugs, folk remedies) and what is he dangerous? How to stop diarrhea in a child at home by folk remedies

Diarrhea is a common phenomenon among people of any age. The kids of the intestinal disorder are more common than adults. The danger of diarrhea lies in serious dehydration of the body. Parents need to know how to stop diarrhea in a child quickly and efficiently.

Many reasons can contribute to the development of intestinal disorder in the kid. Unlike an adult, the child's body cannot fully cope with the influence of external factors, which cause diarrhea. The main causes of diarrhea are:

  • bacterial infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, intestinal sticks, staphylococcal);
  • viral infections (Rotavirus, adenovirus, astronomy, enterovirus);
  • glice invasions;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • teething in newborns;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic reaction to food or medicines;
  • introduction of feeding in one-year-old kids;
  • long use of antibiotics;
  • stress or nervous overvoltage.

It is possible to determine the true cause of malaise on the basis of a diagnostic study. When a liquid chair is detected, chad, you need to seek as soon as possible for help from the pediatrician to stop the state.

Differences in the treatment of diarrhea in children of different ages

The organism of a newborn baby and a teenager is different. Methods for treating disorder are selected by age respectively.

A complex and dangerous period - infancy. Most of the effective drugs that stop the diarrhea are contraindicated, almost impossible to force the kid to take the right medicine.

Children up to one year need to provide abundant drinking. If in addition to diarrhea, nausea is nauseous with vomiting, the infant is introduced special solutions to restore the water-salt balance with a dropper. If there is no vomiting, the patient will sing with boiled water and maternal milk. Nursing mothers should be excluded from eating food, which can provoke the discharge of the stool. If the cause of diarch was the teething of teeth, use symptomatic therapy.

Treatment of newborns of the first year of life occurs in a hospital under the supervision of medical staff.

For Croach 1-3 years, the therapeutic range of stopping disorder is expanding. Wider becomes a list of admissible drugs. Abundant drinking remains an important component of successful therapy. A rice decoction is introduced into the diet, which has a strengthening property. Eliminate the use of sweets, meat products. In addition to medicines, the therapeutic complex includes the reception of sorbents, probiotics that help to remove toxins from the body, normalize the work of the intestine.

To 6 years old, it is necessary to make a special medical diet to stop state. It includes products that help fix stools. Excludes food that can irritate the gastrointestinal tract or cause a call for defecation. Preference gives low-fat broths, gallery liver, crackers, rice or raisin rags. Fresh bread, oil, sugar are strictly prohibited. Drug therapy is carried out on a design schedule appointed by the doctor, without any arbitrary correction of dosages, courses.

Position treatment in children from 6 to 12 years old is not much different from adult therapy. Reception of drugs are permissible solely after consulting a doctor. A teenager makes up a power menu, which, as they recover expand.

Regardless of age, you do not need to feed the patient if it categorically refuses meals. Appetite will return yourself after restoring the intestinal work. It is important to ensure a full flow of fluid, the deficit of which leads to serious consequences.

Review of funds to stop diarrhea in a child

There are many proven means of traditional and traditional medicine, which help diarrhea. The main task of such drugs is eliminated by the cause of diarrhea, normalize the purpose of the intestine and restore the previous protective functions of immunity.

Treatment is permissible exclusively after consulting with a specialist. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited. Improper therapy leads to the development of consequences dangerous to health.

Pharmacy drugs

  1. Nifuroxazid Richter Suspension - for the treatment of intestinal infections. It is practically not absorbed, 99% of the medicine remains in the intestine. Nifuroxazide does not disturb the microflora, 20% of the substance is derived from the body unchanged. Appointed children from 2 years. Take three times a day. The dosage is established individually. Improving the state is observed from the first hours of reception.
  2. Ftalazol - a wide range of action for stopping diarrhea, bacteria activities. Appointed with most types of intestinal pathogens to children from 3 years. The course and dosage is selected individually depending on the age of the patient, the form of the disease, the severity of symptoms. Reception for sensitivity to the drug, renal diseases, liver diseases.
  3. Smekt - anti-diagram. Available in powder form for the preparation of drinking suspension. It has an instant effect. Normalizes the state of the intestine, helps to cope with the abdominal pain. Prescribe from birth according to the individual treatment scheme.
  4. Enterol - a drug for rapid removal of symptoms of disorder. The release form is powder based on which oral suspensions are prepared. It helps to get rid of the symptoms of the toxic effects of the causative agent, removes the bloating of the abdomen. Appointed for children of all age categories. The therapeutic course is not more than 2 weeks, the dosage is selected according to the severity of the symptoms of the disease.
  5. Hilak Forte - antidiarrhea. Normalizes the intestinal microflora, eliminates bloating, stops pain. Produced in the form of droplets for intake. Prescribe children over 24 months.
  6. Loperamide - Tablets to combat acute diarrhea. The medicine slows down the intestinal peristalsis, reducing the amount of liquid defecations. Used for children over 6 years old.

Popular treatment to stop disorder is an efficient and effective way of home therapy. When using similar recipes, you should remember the need to pre-consult a doctor.

Means of instantaneous assistance:

  • the contents of the fibrous partitions are made of walnut, which connect the kernel, brew. The decoction gives chad on a teaspoon every hour before the termination of diarrhea;
  • beans are also considered an excellent helper to secure the chair. Small raw beans are accepted in the ratio with the weight of the kid. 10 kilograms of body weight - 1 bell. Powered by an abundant amount of water;
  • the decoction of garnet peel helps to cope with frequent urges to the alarms. The peel is boiled for 20 minutes. The decoction takes 2 tablespoons after meals;
  • in 400 milliliters of boiled water, dilute 1 tablespoon of potato starch. Take small sips throughout the day;
  • effective to stop the state of diarrhea in children, especially early age, ragners from Fennel, Rice and Izyum. For their preparation, raw materials are poured with water, boil until readiness. The mixture is filtering. The resulting liquid is cooled and used for squeaking in small portions.

In which cases it is necessary to consult a doctor

To stop the development of consequences dangerous to health, you need to know when self-medication is completely excluded. The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky recommends contacting a specialist if:

  • diarrhea is observed in a newborn under 1 year;
  • in a child, a liquid chair does not stop more than 3 days;
  • in the cartoons there are blood, bunches, unhappy food, mucus;
  • cal has unusual color - black, green, white;
  • in addition to diarrhea, there is a high temperature, vomiting, pallor of the skin;
  • there were symptoms of dehydration (dryness of the language, crying without tears, no urination for 6 hours).

In the presence of one of these factors, it is necessary to stop all attempts to treat diarrhea in the child yourself and urgently seek help from the children's doctor.

Diarrhea is a state that requires special attention and proper timely treatment. If the disorder occurs, it is necessary to proceed as early as possible to current therapy at its stop, with inaction increases the risk of developing consequences dangerous to the baby.

Parents are often bothering the question: how to stop diarrhea in a child? Diarrhea in children of different ages is a common malaise, which causes a number of reasons. It usually occurs as a protective reaction of the body, aimed at getting rid of harmful substances, pathogenic bacteria. Consequently, to choose a proven treatment method and stop the diarrhea, you need to accurately determine the cause of the disease. Remember that your baby has driven, what medicines did it take that it was bothering him.

There are several proven methods that will help stop diarrhea in a child. However, with a repeated repetition of diarrhea, the child's concern is better to consult a doctor to form a diagnosis.

Help medication

Some drugs can be used in the treatment of diarrhea on their own, before the doctor's arrival, as they are safe and can give first aid to the baby. However, there are medicines that can be given only to the prescription of the doctor. What proven medical methods are able to help stop diarrhea at a small child?

  1. Enterosorbents (activated carbon, enterosgel, smecta, polyfepan, polysorb). Such drugs are a proven method that helps to thicken the chair, quickly eliminate the diarrhea. This is due to the absorption and excavation of bacteria, toxins contained in the stomach, intestines.
  2. Prebiotics, probiotics (bifidbacterin, lines, acipol, chilac forte, bifiform, lactobacterin) prevent the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria due to the normalization of the intestinal microflora. Such means are allowed to apply in order to stop diarrhea in newborn children, children up to a year.
  3. Antihare preparations (Loperamide, Imodium, Superolol). They block reinforced bowel cuts, help quickly stop the child's diarrhea. However, if the cause of the diarrhea was the poisoning or infection, the reception of the antiodeary drug (elimination of the investigation, and not the cause) can slow down the removal of toxins from the body.
  4. Antibiotics. The most secure drug for children up to a year and older - enterofuril (enterol). It is released in the form of tablets and suspension for young children. However, a doctor should appoint him based on a full-time inspection of a child. Antibiotics are used if diarrhea does not stop more than three days, combined with vomiting or high temperature (signs of intestinal infection).
  5. Means against dehydration (regider, hydraulic, reosolan, trihydron). Preparations normalize the water-salt balance of the body, eliminate intoxication, they cannot be forgotten about them in the case of an abundant, frequent diarrhea in a child. In children (especially up to the year), dehydration comes quickly, it is important to prevent this. It is necessary to drink a lot of fluid, fill the water loss in the body.

Hydrait is a means against dehydration.

Breast children up to a year with diarrhea, you often need to give the chest. It is believed that with a diarrhea, a child needs to be limited in breast milk - it's not like that! On the contrary, in breast milk contains a lot of useful substances that will help in the treatment of the disease and stop the diarrhea.

Folk remedies

Not all folk remedies are allowed to apply in young children, but there are proven methods that confirmed their safety. What can help?

  • Rice decoction.

This is one of the most affordable tools that can quickly stop diarrhea in a child, it is recommended to apply even kids up to the year. It contains a lot of useful substances. The binding properties of rice, his ability to envelop the intestines and prevent meteorism will quickly stop the diarrhea. This method attracts its availability and security.

To prepare a decoction, lower 2 teaspoons of washed rice in half liters of boiling water and boil 50 minutes on slow heat. Giving 50-100 milliliters several times a day.

  • Cherry.

The cherrych contains a large number of tannins, both in the flower and in the plant's crust. However, it can be used only in the non-infectious nature of diarrhea, it is impossible to drink decoction constantly (only by courses during the disease). For up to one year, such a method of treatment is not recommended.

For the preparation of the means, it is necessary to lower the washed borders of the cherry in boiled water, boil around 30 minutes in the water bath, leave it, then strain. The tool will be more efficient if you add blueberry juice. Give every hour on the tablespoon.

  • Pomegranate crusts.

This is a unique and proven method of treating diarrhea, which has proven its effectiveness even in diarrhea infectious nature. A decoction of grenade crust is able to stop diarrhea for several hours and neutralize pathogenic bacteria. Use fresh peel or dried grenade peel.

In the garnet peel, the number of tannins is approaching 30%. It also includes special substances - polyphenols (strong actoxidants), their effectiveness is also proved against the dysenteric stick.

A decoction of grenade crust is able to stop diarrhea for several hours and neutralize pathogenic bacteria.

For the preparation of water, 10 grams of crushed crusts are needed. It is necessary to fill them with a glass of steep boiling water, cover with a lid and put in at least 40 minutes. A child can be given an infusion of 1 teaspoon every few hours. It is not recommended to combine drugs with medicines, especially with antihistamine drugs. It is also not recommended to abuse this tool.

  • Dried blueberries.

To stop the diarrhea, it is dried blueberry fruits. They contain a large amount of pectin and tanning substances. Blueberries are completely safe for children, it is recommended to apply at any age in the form of a decoction, infusion, tea and jelly from dried fruits. Let the child chew dried fruits several times a day.

  • Potato starch.

Potato starch is used in pure form, reconcile 1 teaspoon of means in 1 cup of water. Welcome delicious cycles from blueberries, the baby will drink it with great pleasure.

  • Herbal teas.

Herbal fees and teas will help to establish a chair, get rid of meteorism, spasms in the intestine, from vomiting. Durce tea is useful for children. The dill seed teaspoon is filled with two hot water cups and boiled two or three minutes. The decoction must be strain, cool, give the child often and gradually. Anti-diarch also helps mint, chamomile tea, decoction of rosehip, decoction of aspen kidneys.

When to call a doctor

There are symptoms under which you cannot engage in self-treatment and search for independently proven methods of treating diarch. In some cases, the doctor's appeal is obligatory.

After the child went to the toilet, inspect the feces and determine if there is a blood admixture in it. Bright blood is a sign of the intestinal lesion, dark blood testifies to the problems with the stomach. In this case, you need to call a doctor, go through the necessary surveys.

Another alarming feature is a solid and intense belly. At the same time, the child can disturb the abdomen and abdominal pain, intestines. Increased temperature at diarrhea in combination with general weakness typically indicates poisoning. With this condition, pressure can significantly reduce, vomiting is possible.

Thus, there are proven methods of treating diarrhea even in the smallest children up to the year. If diarrhea is not accompanied by other symptoms (vomiting, temperature, weakness, signs of dehydration), you can try to stop diarrhea on your own, using the methods proven time. However, if anxiety occurs, do not postpone the appeal to the doctor, since diarrhea can be caused by various dangerous diseases.

Sorbents bind toxic substances in the intestinal lumen and, thus, stop the pathological process that causes diarrhea. Probiotics are destructive effect on various pathogenic microorganisms, which are causative agents of intestinal infections, also provoking diarrhea. Thus, enterosorbents are preferably used to relieve diartemtes, presumably caused by poisoning. And probiotics are preferably applied to stop diarrhea, presumably caused by intestinal infection. But in principle, to stop diarrhea, a child can use any drug - and probiotic, and enterosorbent.

The most effective sorbents to relieve diarch in children are the following drugs:

  • Diamptitis;

  • Lignosorb;

  • Neosmectin;

  • Entignin;

  • Enterosorb;

  • Enteerumin.
For young children, the most preferred preparations are smecta, neosmectin and diostectitis. Children of younger school and preschool age are best to transfer Entiregnin, filter or enterodez. However, schoolchildren can use any preparation-enterosorbent from the above.

In addition to sorbents, the following drugs from a group of probiotics are effective to relieve diartemtes:

  • Baktisubtil;

  • Bacchistatin;

  • Bifiform;

  • Enterol.
The most effective probiotic for the relief of diarrhea is enterol. The effectiveness of the remaining probiotics is somewhat lower, but is quite sufficient to relieve diarch in the child.

Other drugs stop diarrhea in a child can not, under any circumstances. Antibiotics to relieve diarrhea in children are strictly prohibited! This is due to the fact that diarrhea can be caused by poisoning, intestinal infection, overeating, excessive physical activity or other, more serious reasons, for example, brain concussion, meningitis, etc. The antibiotic is not able to eliminate the action of any possible cause of diarrhea, and therefore simply is not effective. Moreover, with a diarrhea, provoked by intestinal infection or poisoning, the antibiotic will only harm the child, because it will stop the removal of toxins from the body.

Many "experienced" parents will say that they have ten eyes and hundreds of examples of how the antibiotic helped stop diarrhea in a child. Usually people say that after the antibiotic diarrhea, the child stopped for 1 to 3 days. But, an intestinal infection caused by a virus or poisoning is completely independently passing for 1 to 3 days. And in this case, adults take the process of the natural recovery of the child for the effectiveness of treatment with an antibiotic. In reality, the antibiotic did not fully have a positive impact.

If diarrhea in a child after receiving sorbents or probiotics does not stop during the day, then you should consult a doctor.

Digestion disorder for various reasons arises from all people. Young children (3-5 years old) are included in a group of increased risk associated with intestinal disorders.

Children's diarrhea is in second place in the morbidity scale after respiratory viral infections. Diarrhea for a child 3 years is a very frequent phenomenon.

Parents will not have time or the teacher of the kindergarten to trace the child, as he already pulls something in his mouth. Viruses and microbes fall into the body, mostly, it is these way.

Determination of a serious illness in a child or just a liquid chair from reception of unusual food is a very important task, from the speed of which health depends on the health and, often, the life of the baby.

When can you treat a child from diarrhea yourself and in what cases immediately apply for medical care? What to give with a child diarrhea and what to do?

Answers to these, exciting all adult questions will be given in further information.

Diarrhea at a three-year-old child: types of causes treatment

The digestive system in a child of three years is not yet well developed. The reason for diarrhea without any complications can be:

  • incorrectly chosen diet;
  • emotional stress;
  • the newly introduced product into the diet of the child.

The manifestations of diarrhea with liquid content more than 3-5 times a day without additional symptoms is eliminated by replenishing liquid and microelements in the body. Symptomatic treatment is prescribed from diarrhea.

The child can be given boiled water during the day with small portions, drugs: touring, smect, hydraulic forte, recider.

The combined gastric tool is intended for the prevention and treatment of dehydration in adults and children. Effectively restores the water-salt balance when dehydrated.

The child is 3 years old, the drug is given after diarrhea from the calculation of 1 kilogram of the body weight of 50 millilitres dissolved in hot powder hot water.

The smedulet means removes toxic substances from the body, but does not output useful (micro and macroelements, vitamins). The drug does not injure the intestines, envelops its mucous membrane.

The drug recider compensates to the body by microelements, eliminates the disorders of the acid-alkali, water-salt balance. After consultation with the doctor, the daily rate is determined as much as the child can be given in 3 years.

The tool hydraulic forte is used for diarrhea, enhanced sweating for the prevention of dehydration, filling the salts, impaired electrolyte and water balance.

For 3 years, children can be given 3-5 bags during the day. Before use, you should consult with your doctor due to the presence of contraindications.

Restore the water-salt balance can be as follows:

  • warm boiled water (one liter);
  • salt stone (one teaspoon);
  • sugar (2 tablespoons);
  • food soda (one teaspoon).

You can remove toxins from the child's body with the help of the Entherel drug. Positive properties: Does not withdraw vitamins and trace elements, envelops the intestinal sheath.

To restore the water balance, a child can give compote from dried fruits, mineral water without gas, roshovenik.

After replenishing the fluid in the body, a child of 3 years should be optimized by reception. About 6-12 hours after a liquid chair, you can give a rice porridge cooked on water, apple, crackers, banana.

The intestinal microflora can be restored to children with fermented milk products with lacto and bifidobacteriums (yogurt, kefir, ryazhenka).

After the normalization of the chair and restoring peristalsis, the child can be eaten:

  • boiled low-fat meat, fish (preferably in the dirty form);
  • vegetables cooked for a pair or boiled fierce (non-gas-forming and lightweight);
  • flour products.

Light forms of diary in a child of three years without vomiting, temperature increase, pain can be cured by folk remedies.

Prepare dishes, and drinks from diarrhea is not difficult. The following presents some recipes for effective means for diarrhea.

Vegetable Remedies - Recipes

  1. Mashed pure carrot in the peel.
  2. Compote from pears.
  3. Compote from dried blueberries. Give up and after receiving food.
  4. Infusion of berries hawthorn. Boil (five grams of dried berries on 200 ml of hot water) Ten minutes. Leave half an hour. Reception - three times a day on a tablespoon.
  5. Decoration from pomegranate crust. Purified from the white layer, the crust of one pomegranate insists in hot water (one glass). Red infusion testifies to readiness. Reception - three times a day on a teaspoon.
  6. Mint leaves (15 grams) withstand one hour in hot water (250 milliliters). Take food in the morning and in the evening. Infusion is not drinking immediately, but small portions.
  7. Flowers of the pharmaceutical chamomile (9-11 teaspoons) withstand ten o'clock in boiled cold water. The norm for the child is 3 years old - one teaspoon 40-50 minutes before eating.
  8. Three-component: chamomile pharmacy, yarrow, oregano. Fifty grams of components taken in equal parts, boil 8-12 minutes (250 ml of water). Three receptions per day 200 ml.
  9. Mix in equal proportions. Raw materials of souls, chamomiles and yarrow. Two spoons of the cooked mixture with a glass of boiling water. Boil about 10 minutes. After that, profiltrate and let the child one glass.
  10. Compote from raisins and prunes. Components in equal parts (70-100 gr) boil. Water must be taken in the amount of 3-5 liters. The child can drink small portions and often.
  11. Decoration from the berry of rosehip (40-60 g) on \u200b\u200b500 ml of water. Boil for 8 minutes. Then wandering for an hour. The minimum rate is three times a day of 200 milliliters of infusion.
  12. Rice decoction.

Microflora violation

Frequent phenomenon is the diarrhea associated with a disorder of intestinal microflora in a child. The reasons for the predominance of pathogenic bacteria over utility microorganisms can be different.

Dangerous factors for the development of dysbacteriosis are:

  • intestinal infections;
  • invasia (ascaris, worms, giardia);
  • chronic infections (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, caries, respiratory viral);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, lactase deficiency, enterocolitis, pancreatitis).

Intestinal infections are divided into two types: viral and bacterial. A virus infection includes norivirus and rotavirus intestinal infections. The viral type of infection is most often manifested in children.

The bacterial type of intestinal infection is represented by the following diseases: salmonellosis; typhoid fever; dysentery; cholera; Staphylococcus

These types of infection are the most dangerous due to the rapid dehydration and the body's loss of important trace elements.

Diarrhea can be accompanied by a sharp increase in the temperature in a child, frequent vomiting, pain in the abdominal region, lack of appetite, nausea.

Treatment of bacterial form is carried out in the hospital stationary department. Due to the high danger to the health and life of the baby, it is impossible to independently take any healing measures other than preventing dehydration.

Conventional boiling water prevents dangerous dehydration, removes pathogenic microorganisms and products of their livelihoods (toxins) from the body.

Viral infection is not eliminated by medicine preparations. Consider what you need to do with the form of intestinal infection. Symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment is carried out.

  1. The rapid restoration of the organism's water-salt balance with the help of salt mineral water, drugs (oralitis, touring, ferrous).
  2. Treatment with fermented means (smecta, pancreatin, mezim).
  3. Application of vitamins.
  4. Improving intestinal microflora (normobacto, lines).
  5. The use of spasms eliminating drugs.

Treatment of bacterial infection is carried out using drugs: bacteriophages, antibiotics, lacto-eater, sorbents, enteral immunoglobulins.

Danger with dehydration

Dehydration (dehydration) is a dangerous symptom. This is especially true of the child younger age group.

Due to the weak digestive system and immunity, the dewatering process goes faster than an adult.

Large liquid loss occurs if the child has a long-lasting diarrhea and vomiting.

The main reasons for dehydration:

  • food poisoning;
  • intestinal infections;
  • disruption of intestinal microflora.

What can not be done in acute diarrhea

Very frequent diarrhea with blood, green mucus in combination with vomiting, high temperatures, pain in the abdominal area should not be treated independently. It is necessary to call ambulance.

With these symptoms do not follow:

  • give independent medicines from diarrhea;
  • apply antibiotics;
  • massage belly, body;
  • apply to the abdomen of a child warm height or other compress;
  • giving a child painkillers;
  • make a child to eat if he refuses.

Before the doctor's arrival, you can only prevent a strong loss of fluid, riding a kid with boiled water with small portions, even with vomiting.

Useful video

Children are often ill, very subtly react to any pathogens are susceptible to allergic reactions. Often there are problems with "stool". When the caller becomes liquid, it is necessary to immediately pay special attention to the health of the child, to inspect it, determine if there are no other signs, to obtain a doctor's advice. It is important to stop diarrhea from the child, but at the same time not harm the body of the baby.

The liquid chair can be the main sign of many diseases, both viral and aggravated chronic. Sometimes diarrhea signals about an allergic reaction, the strongest mechanical irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, overeating or malnutrition. Be sure to pay attention to the menu of the child, its behavior during the meal. Often, children are just very in a hurry, poorly checked food. This also leads to a violation of exchange, digestive processes. You must figure out how your baby feels, does he have other dangerous symptoms. Take into account the limitations of your capabilities: it is likely that you will have to call a doctor. It is not worth it to be afraid, postpone the challenge because the delay can harm your child. In some cases, it is necessary to carry out a full examination, to make x-rays, observe the patient in the hospital in order to accurately determine the cause of the liquid stool, cure the disease. Many are concerned about the question: how to stop diarrhea at the child? It often begins suddenly, and measures need to be taken immediately. Remember several recommendations, folk remedies, try to keep home the most common, efficient and universal drugs.

Began diarrhea at the child. Inspection, identification of signs
If your baby has a diarrhea, it is necessary to try to determine its causes first, as well as identify all possible signs, symptoms of the disease. There are several most common causes of liquid chair in children:

  • poor food flushing;
  • mechanical irritation of the walls of the stomach, intestines in the swallowing of the inedible objects (details of mosaic, designers, fragments of toys);
  • malnutrition;
  • overeating;
  • poisoning with a specific product (nonstable dishes, sharp sauces, oily cold gravy);
  • allergic reaction;
  • cold;
  • aggravation of colitis;
  • viral disease;
  • gastritis exacerbation, cholecystitis.
Try to find out which reasons could cause a liquid chair from a child. Focus on other symptoms, own observations. Inspect the baby, determine that he could recently eat.
  1. First of all, carefully inspect the feces themselves. Do not rush them to merge into the toilet. The presence of blood impurities is a very bad feature. Please note that the blood can be both red, with a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane at the outlet of the intestine and dark, almost black, when the overhead departments of the intestine, the stomach. When traces of blood detects, you need to call a doctor. It is desirable to preserve and samples of cartoons for visual inspection, analysis.
  2. Hold special attention to the belly of the baby. Strongly press the abdominal walls, it is impossible to urge the stomach during inspection. Be extremely careful, do not apply effort. Slightly touch your fingers to the stomach to find out how hard the abdominal walls are intense. When the stomach is solid, petrified, or overly swollen, you need to contact the doctor.
  3. Inspect the skin, mucous child. It is possible that diarrhea is caused by an allergic reaction. If the eyes, the nose blushed, there is a rash on the skin, it is probably signs of allergies. It may appear on cow milk, eggs, seafood, any canned food, chicken meat, berries, much more.
  4. Measure your baby temperature. It is advisable to have home and instrument for measuring pressure, pulse. The rapid pulse, elevated temperature, reduced pressure often indicate poisoning. It is important to turn to a specialist in a timely manner, survey.
  5. Find out what kicked the baby, could he swallow a foreign object. Determine whether he has eaten his portions, did not throw away the products. Sometimes children overeat. Then you will find the loss of products.
If you have to go to the doctor, it is very important to inform the specialist with all the additional information you managed to collect. Then stop diarrhea by the child will be noticeably easier.

Stop diarrhea at the child yourself
You can independently stop diarrhea from the child, facilitate its condition. Use various means, methods, remember useful recommendations.

  • First of all, make a new menu for your baby. All products should easily be used. Exclude any salty, sharp, fatty dishes, as well as products that allergies may appear. Do not give the baby sweet.
  • Power must be fractional. Divide the usual diet of one day by 5-6 parts, let's eat with approximately equal portions.
  • Preventing dehydration. Carefully watch the kid's body not to be dehydrated. Let me more water. You can take special solutions, drugs, to put a dropper, pre-consulted with a doctor. The signs of dehydration becomes the darkening of the skin or pallor, crying with the difficulty of separation of tears, dark urine, reduction of its number. If the child has become noticeably less common to go to the toilet, the urine darkens, thick, it is important to contact the doctor. Dehydration is extremely dangerous.
  • Carefully watch the child focused well, handled her saliva. Try to explain the baby that there is quickly very harmful, and any product is important not only to grind your teeth, but also to moisten it in the mouth of the saliva. That is how he can seek.
  • Observe the mode. It is important to determine the new mode for the child. It is necessary to exclude physical exertion, to ensure peace for the patient. It is important to go to bed earlier, take more time to sleep and rest.
Effective funds will help you. Use special preparations, pay attention to folk recipes.

Effective tools will help stop diarrhea from a child
Act comprehensively to cope with the problem. Stop diarrhea from the child will allow special preparations that can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can easily prepare some tools.

  • Rice decoction. An excellent effect gives rice decoction. It can be given to children calmly, while the blade copes well with a liquid chair, quickly and reliably fastens. Keep off the gumming consistency. It should not be too thick, drig. A good solution is to give together with a decoction and a little soft rice dies, without milk and sugar.
  • Medical preparations. Vocational tools can be used, which are available in pharmacies in a large assortment. The most commonly used bifidumbacterin, restoring the normal intestinal microflora, as well as the smect, activated coal.
  • Herbal tea. Good tea has tea from chamomile, mint. It can be given five times during the day. Please note that in chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is not necessary to apply this tool. It is better to consult with the doctor.
  • Pomegranate crusts. Effective means - infusion obtained by brewing pomegranate crusts. It does not need to add anything to it, the fluid should be taken 4-5 times a day, after meals, there is enough multiple tablespoons. Such a means is optimally suitable for teenagers.
  • Hawthorn. The decoction of the fruit of a hawthorn helps to stop diarrhea in children, removes unpleasant sensations, removes toxic compounds from the body. Five grams of fruits will be enough to get a glass of beam. It is insist, and then give three times a day, a slightly teaspoon.
Be careful. Carefully examine your child, watch the course of the disease. Take steps to stop diarrhea on your own, but do not forget about specialists. Maybe you need to call a doctor.