Ectopic pregnancy: signs on early term (2 weeks). Signs of ectopic pregnancy early

Ectopic pregnancy is a terrible diagnosis that any woman can hear. The situation occurs in the case when instead of the uterus, the fertilized egg is attached in any other place - on the ovary, in the pipe, for the body of the organ, etc. It is impossible to preserve in this case, my mother will have to undergo an unpleasant cleaning procedure.

Since this is not just a problem, but also a threat to the health of a woman, it is worth knowing how to determine the ectopic pregnancy in the early deadlines in order to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Read in this article

What is the danger of abnormal filling

It is necessary to make a reservation that the options for fastening the fetal egg in the "Involved" place may be four:

  • in the uterine tube;
  • on the ovary;
  • in cervical canal;
  • cervical neck.

Each of them has no chance of normal fetal development. Since often anomaly is placed in the cavity of the pipes, then over time, the developing embryo will expand the diameter of the organ, which will lead to a rupture. As a result, blood, mucus and directly the fruit egg will fall into the abdominal cavity, which will provoke serious infection of the organ. The result will be peritonitis with strong pain, elevated temperatures.

A clinical picture is supplied with abundant bleeding, which can be stopped only in resuscitation. The girl will need to be under the permanent supervision of the doctor.

If the fastener occurred on the ovary or elsewhere, the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy in the first days will be similar. Although it is worth noting that some do not feel anything at all, continuing the usual life without discomfort.

In 60%, everything ends more or less safely, the affected body can be saved. Girls who plan to become mothers are be sure to know not only the first signs, but also the reasons that can provoke such a state of affairs.

But there are situations when the girl suffers pain for a very long time, taking bleeding for menstruation. The result of such an attitude to its body may even become death. In simpler embodiments, the situation may end in infertility.

Causes of "incorrect" embryo placement

Unfortunately, even with such an abundance of information, not all future mothers are solved before conception to undergo a complete survey. As a result, this can lead not only to ectopic pregnancy, but also discovery that could be avoided.

Look at the video about ectopic pregnancy:

Determination of ectopic pregnancy

That in the body something is wrong, mom can tell. The fact is that after the normal fastening of the eggs daily in the body of a woman begins to increase the number of hormone hCG. With ectopic, it also increases, but not so fast. As a result, the second strip on the test will be more pale, and when the blood is donated, the amount is insufficient for a certain period. In order to correctly define it in the laboratory, the girl will have to take a few days in a row.

Spends on the anomaly and. It can show the gap of the organ or reveal the place of the wrong fastening of the embryo. If even a specialist will not notice a fruit egg, and the test will show two strips, it will already be a reason to pass a more detailed examination.

Actions of doctors when confirming the diagnosis

It is extremely important to know how to recognize ectopic pregnancy early to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The girl will have to go clean. In some cases, the introduction of a special fluid is possible, but there is no chance of becoming pregnant after this. Sometimes doctors make a decision to carry out a plastic surgery at which the fruit egg is removed, and the uterine tube is restored. If this option is not possible, then most likely you will have to remove the pipe.

The most optimal solution will be from pregnancy. The method is almost completely safe, does not leave large traces, as well as the most gentle method allows you to extract an egg.

If the inner hemorrhage occurred, the girl will do blood transfusion and prick additionally drugs for the restoration of the body.

Chances to become a mom after

Sometimes the diagnosis of "ectopic pregnancy" sounds like that, as if the girl was signed by the sentence. However, you should not despair! Only in 5 - 10% of cases an anomaly leads to infertility. In the rest, it finishes more or less safely, provided timely appeal to help and adequate treatment. After all, even when removing the girl remains one more, which allows you to conceive and endure a long-awaited baby.

After cleaning was passed, doctors recommend:

  • complete full examination of both partners;
  • cure infectious diseases and inflammation;
  • in some cases, it makes sense to go to the sanatorium;
  • use modern methods of contraception;
  • give the body the opportunity to relax and recover.

Ectopic pregnancy is not a sentence in almost 90% of cases. However, the sooner the diagnosis is set, the rather the future mother will receive qualified assistance, the less the consequences for the body. Do not think about what day or two will not solve anything. At the very first symptoms, as well as in the presence of factors predisposing to abnormal development, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Sometimes even one day can become decisive!

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy early and treatment

On the way to motherhood there are unexpected, serious obstacles. One of them is an ectopic pregnancy (WB). Almost every woman is in the risk group. And this diagnosis can lead to death. In 35% of cases, the cause of the development of the embryo in an atypical location cannot be established.

Factors that increase the risk of developing pathological pregnancy:, the use of intrauterine contraception, abortion ,.

The biggest mistake of women is after the menstruation delay to make a test at home and rejoice in the coming pregnancy. Immediately after that, it is necessary to be registered and make an ultrasound examination. Because only an ultrasound can determine where the attachment of a fertilized egg occurred.

  • Ectopic pregnancy - what it is
  • Why occurs ectopic pregnancy: reasons
  • The consequences of ectopic pregnancy
  • Duration of the rupture of the fallopian tube at the WB
  • Signs of ectopic pregnancy in early time
  • Monthly during ectopic pregnancy
  • Test will show or not WB
  • How does an ectopic pregnancy manifest after breaking the pipe
  • Laparoscopy with ectopic pregnancy with pipe preservation
  • Treatment of BB
  • What to do to avoid ectopic pregnancy

Emascinal pregnancy is the consolidation and subsequent development of the fruit egg - embryo, not in the nature provided by nature - in the uterine cavity, and outside it. . It can develop in the uterine tube, on the ovary, in the abdominal cavity, in the cervix, in the internal organs.

The express test allows you to suspect the ectopic arrangement of the EMBRINE C (INEXSCREEN). This is important for women from the risk of pathological pregnancy. It is possible to reliably confirm or disprove the test results on the ultrasound. When studying, you can see the localization of the fetal egg and the heartbeat of the embryo.

Signs of ectopic pregnancy

A sign of ectopic pregnancy after breaking the uterine pipe will be sharp pain in a vaginal study.

On the ultrasound, it is possible to determine the absence of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe appendages you can see signs of additional education. Another symptom is a cluster of fluid in the douglas space.

With the diagnostic purpose, the rear axle of the vagina is done - the pussy of the thick needle. In this way, internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity is diagnosed or excluded. The presence of blood during ectopic pregnancy in the transformation space is an indicator that the operation is required. Immediate surgical intervention can be performed using a laparoscope (through puncture in the front abdominal wall) or make access to the abdominal wall (incision of the front abdominal wall).

The most accurate diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is carried out during laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy with ectopic pregnancy

Laparoscopy is an operational surgical intervention in which the abdominal cavity is not carried out. An openings are made in the abdominal wall. Through them, with the help of an optical small doctor, the doctor inspects the abdominal cavity. And with the help of special tools - an operation to remove the fetal egg and a stop of bleeding is performed. Diagnostic laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy (inspection of the abdominal organs) can go immediately into operation.

With a progressive ectopic pregnancy, laparoscopy allows you to get rid of the fetal egg to break the phallopy tube and avoid more dangerous complications.

Treatment of ectopic pregnancy

The only possible method of treatment of ectopic pregnancy (interrupted) is the SalpingOectomy operation - the removal of the uterine tube. Destroyed uterine tube must be removed for two reasons:

  • in order to stop bleeding;
  • and because of its functional insolvency in the future.

The operation method may be laparotomic or laparoscopic. It all depends on the technical provision of the medical institution, the qualifications of the doctor and solvency of patients.

For the treatment of ectopic pregnancy progressive, there are other options for surgery:

  • Medical sclerosis of the fetal egg is the introduction of a chemical substance in a fruit egg, with the purpose of its resorption. But the passability of the uterine tube will be questionable. This method is treated if they determined an ectopic pregnancy in the only remaining pipe.
  • Dissection of the pipe in order to remove embryo tissues and plastic recovery of the organ. 100% guarantee that pipe will be passed - no. Rehabilitation before re-pregnancy can take up to 6 months.
  • In the early detection and availability of special equipment, an operation is possible - Fimbral evacuation of the fetal egg. Technically, it looks like this: the embryo is evacuated from the pipe of the uterus under vacuum from the ampular section of the pipe (which goes to the ovary).

Prevention of ectopic pregnancy

The most correct approach to preventing ectopic pregnancy is a complete preparation for conception: a woman survey and man. This is the main rule applies to all couples wishing to get pregnant.

It is necessary to minimize the appearance of the reasons leading to this pathology:

  • Warning and timely complete complex treatment of female genital sphere.
  • Normalization of hormonal disorders.
  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules, including sexual hygiene. It is necessary to use barrier means of contraception, prevent frequent change of sexual partners.
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist - 1-2 times a year.
  • A full-fledged survey on early pregnancy.

Repeated ectopic pregnancy can lead to the fact that both pipes in a woman will be deleted, and if there are no children, then in the only way to get pregnant and give birth in these cases, you can only use eco-chores in these cases - Eco.

If you have been diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy and one pipe has been removed - this is not a sentence. You can get pregnant naturally.

A positive result on the test strip indicator is sometimes able to turn into an unexpected problem: fertilized egg begins growth and development outside the uterus. The complexity of the diagnosis consists in the absence of certain clinical data in the initial period. Signs of ectopic pregnancy on early 2 weeks have a certain nature.

Dangerous signals need to be aware of the avoidance of difficult complications. The cause of pathology can be due to the presence of chronic inflammatory processes, as a result of which took place washed formationsaffecting the patency of the egg. For reasons, it is also possible to attribute the defects of the development of childbearing organs, hormonal imbalance and too "slow" spermatozooids. The nature of the signs indicating pathology depends on the place of attachment of the egg. From the first week of pregnancy, it is very difficult to determine the anomaly. The manifestation of toxicosis is a normal picture in pregnancy symptoms.

The manifestation of symptoms directly depends on places where a fetal egg attached. The greater the place for its growth, the longer the patient may not experience the characteristic symptoms of pregnancy developing in anomalous conditions.

Since the second week of pregnancy, pain sensations and pulling nature signals about the problem. This may indicate that the egg is attached in the uterine tube. According to statistics, such a picture is most often found. When localizing the embryo in a wide area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe, explicit signs are noticeable in the period of 7-8 weeks. And in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cervix, symptoms can manifest much later.

Signs of pregnancy on early 2 weeks may be indistinguishable from physiological manifestations. In the second - third week, the alarming moments are expressed in this way:

At the first signs indicating abnormal development, immediate appeal is required for medical help. Pathology threatens women's health. In case of untimely appeal to the doctor there is a danger of the development of peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum), the rupture of uterine pipes and bleeding.

In terms of 2 weeks, the pathology determined by the implantation of the embryo in a narrow lumen of the pipe or ovary. Sometimes there is a spontaneous separation of a fetal egg that leads to a pipe abortion. This situation is relatively favorable because it does not entail a break of the pipe.

The term of pregnancy is placed from the end of the last day of the menstrual cycle. It may not coincide with the value set on the basis of the study of ultrasound. What time can you see a pregnancy on ultrasound, interests many women. The fruit in the uterus can be seen from the 3rd week. This is the complexity of determining the development of embryo in a pipe or ovarian. Sometimes before the occurrence of 5 weeks there is no possibility to determine the abnormal position of the fetal egg. therefore Ultrasound in the early stages does not give 100% warranty of diagnostics. An important aspect for accurate diagnostics is a complex of special events.

Hgch with ectopic pregnancy rule for weeks table

Since the onset of fertilization, the female organism begins to produce a hormone, referred to gonadotropin (HCG). Laboratory studies make it possible to monitor the growth of gonadotropin testimony. In physiological pregnancy, the growth of hCG is expressed in 1 unit per day. Sometimes when the embryo is localized outside the uterus, the hormone continues to increase the indicators before the critical moment.

Below are the physiological norms of the growth of HCG in pregnant women.

Pregnancy weeks HCG
1. No pregnancy From 0 to 5
2. Questionable From 5 to 25
3. 3 – 4 25 – 156
4. 4 – 5 101 – 4870
5. 5 – 6 1110 – 31500
6. 6 – 7 2560 – 82300
7. 7 – 8 23100 – 151000
8. 8 – 9 27300 – 233000
9. 9 – 13 20900 – 291000
10. 13 – 18 6140 – 103000
11. 18 – 23 4720 – 80100
12. 23 – 41 2700 – 78100

It may vary, the norm for weeks is tracked in the table. Value of hormone from 0 to 5 is considered negative.

The deviation from normal indicators by 20% requires a re-study of the level of the hormone. Critical is considered a change, expressed in 50% in the direction of increasing or decreasing. This situation indicates pathology.

The diagnostic complex includes an ultrasound, monitoring of the HCG, a bimanual examination, monitoring the level of height of progesterone in serum. Progesterone level with an ectocal arrangement of the embryo much lowerthan with normally proceeding pregnancy. With a bimanual inspection, there is a rich secret, the sinusiness of the mucous neck and its slight seal.

Painful sensations are localized in the field of attachment of the fertilized egg. After 2 weeks, clinical manifestations are revealed, indicating the position of the egg in the fallopian tubes or ovary (ovarian, interstitial, ovarian). Later, in terms of 5 to 8 weeks, pregnancy develops in the abdominal cavity is diagnosed in a wide place of the fallopian tube (fimbrial, ampularly). The greatest threat represents cemental arrangement of eggs. Such a pregnancy can be asymptomatic for a long time, which represents a threat to a woman.

Establish finding a fetal egg can diagnostic research ultrasoundconducted for a period of 5 weeks. Earlier, in particular, on a two weekly term, there is no guarantee of the exact result, which complicates the identification of the pathological process.

Signs of ectopic pregnancy on early 2 weeks - pain intense and long. Do not ignore such manifestations.

The presence of secretions - the symptom is dangerous, when they appear consult a gynecologist

  • in most cases, cargo bleeding are characteristic;
  • when bleeding into the abdominal cavity, blood discharge from genitals appear.

These symptoms are always accompanied by painful diseases.

Many women ask a question: if the pregnancy is ectopic to show the test 2 strips? From the moment of fertilization of the egg, the female organism begins to produce chorionic gonadotropin, which is responsible for the reaction to the indicator strip of the test. therefore the test will be positive Regardless of where the embryo implantation occurred.

When diagnosing the irregular position of the fetal egg, it is removed. In the future, after the course of treatment aimed at eliminating the causes of pathology, a woman it has a chance to get pregnant And to safely give birth to kid. Ectopic pregnancy is not a sentence, but a random configuration. For the prevention of patients of a childbearing function, it is necessary to carefully follow health, preventing supercooling.

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What is ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy? The so-called pathological condition, in which the fertilized egg is attached not in the uterus (the only possible place for successful fetus development), and outside its cavity. This condition is dangerous for a woman. With the incorrect diagnosis or late access to the doctor you can die. It is important to know the signs of ectopic pregnancy.

According to statistics, the occurrence of pathology is about 1.5%. The mortality rate caused by its complications is about 1-5%. The most frequent reason is the pipe break and critical level of blood loss.

Meanwhile, the ectopic pregnancy is successfully treated thanks to early diagnosis and minimally invasive therapy. The earlier the problem was identified, the more favorable forecast.

Terms of origin of ectopic pregnancy

This is a dangerous case

For a better understanding of the mechanism for the occurrence of the ectopic development of the fetus, it is necessary to figure out how conception occurs.

Simple words, fertilization is the process of merging the female and male genital cells. It is possible after ovulation, i.e. The moment when the ripe egg came out of the follicle. If sexual intercourse is performed with a man, it occurs with sperm, they are connected.

Cell due to the seating epithelium, lining the inner surface of phallopy pipes, is moving deep into the organ. It moves through the uterine tube to the uterus, where it is implanted. So it turns out intrauterine pregnancy. See photo of the conception process.

During the period promotion, there are several fission stages. It is prepared for introducing into the epithelium. This occurs after 5 - 7 days from fertilization, the cell is implanted in the uterine cavity. After attachment, it breeds, forming a placenta and embryo.

Ectopic pregnancy occurs due to a failure of the process of promoting a fertilized egg or the impossibility of its introduction into the endometrium. This happens because of the violation.

  1. Ability to reduce uterine pipes, which makes it difficult to promote spermatozoa. This leads to a too early or late meeting of the female cage with male. So, all subsequent implantation mechanisms may violate.
  2. The movements of the family epithelium due to hormonal failure (activation begins under the action of estrogen produced by ovaries). There is a zygota in the pipe or its movement back.
  3. Spastic pipe cuts due to progesterone production. The cage cannot go to the uterus, and looking for where to gain.
  4. Secretion epithelium in the pipes, which slows down the process of moving the egg.

Since the fruit egg is attached ematically, the normal course of pregnancy and the formation of the embryo is impossible. The placenta, developing in the lumen of the uterine pipe or on other organs, destroys the vessels. This condition leading to the development of hematosalpinx is a cluster of fluid (blood) in a pipe and intra-abdominal bleeding.

In many cases, this leads to an interruption of ectopic pregnancy, that is, the cell can leave itself. But the likelihood is high that the growing fruit will provoke a pipe break or damage to the internal organs.

Who in the risk area

Ectopic pregnancy can be provoked by a number of reasons. The study by its specialists made it possible to allocate risk factors:

  • previously transferred ectopic pregnancy;
  • Eco (extracorporeal fertilization);
  • age older than 35 years;
  • infertility or its treatment earlier;
  • many sexual partners;
  • smoking;
  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • ovulation stimulation;
  • stress, neurosis;
  • congenital pathologies of the genital organs, which are inherited;
  • transferred operations in a small pelvis;
  • infections and inflammation;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Varieties of ectopic pregnancy

What is dangerous ectopic pregnancy

One of the main dangers is damage to the internal genital organs and the development of bleeding, which can lead to death. That is why it is important not to confuse and recognize the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, and contact the hospital.

Other complications:

  • inflammation of the organs of the small pelvis, the abdominal cavity;
  • the development of adhesions, leading to infertility, as pipes become not passable;
  • increased risk of conception outside the uterus.

According to medical statistics, the removal of one uterine tube increases the likelihood of 5 percent ectopic pregnancy. If the doctors managed to preserve it, the risk increases to 20%.

Nausea - one of the signs

Signs of ectopic pregnancy

On the period of 2 weeks, the condition may proceed asymptomatic. It is possible to suspect the wrong complaints:

  • termination of menstruation;
  • swelling, soreness of the chest;
  • toxicosis (nausea, vomiting);
  • exacerbation of smell, change in taste.

A number of symptoms that appear during ectopic pregnancy are similar to the signs in the early deadlines of a healthy conception, but only at first.

The woman may have pain. For this pathology, a small number of bloody discharge is characterized, this is the difference between the spontaneous abortion.

Symptoms of ectopic or ectopic pregnancy for a period of 5-6 weeks depend on how fast events are developing. With pipe abortion arise.

  1. Periodic, grabs, brief pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Acute pains that last long means hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity.
  2. Blood isolation. Occurs when the endometrium is rejected and damage to the vessels.
  3. Signs of internal bleeding: dizziness, weakness, fainting condition, nausea, falling blood pressure, increase or bloating.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy can lead to a breaking of the pipe under the action of a growing fetus. This condition is accompanied by an explicit clinical picture, which arises suddenly:

  5. Pain. How hurts? It begins on the side of the damaged pipe, it applies to the area of \u200b\u200bpaha and the rectum.
  6. Loss of consciousness, weakness, temperature. Arise due to the hypoxia of the brain due to a sharp drop in blood pressure.
  7. Frequent urge to defecation, diarrhea. Due to the irritation of the peritoneum.
  8. Nausea, vomiting.
  9. Symptoms of hemorrhagic shock. Arise with abundant blood loss. They manifest themselves with the pallor of the skin, apathy, intensity, shortness of breath, cold, then, the increase in the pulse.

Ectopic pregnancy on features and symptoms is divided into entire groups.

Frequency of occurrence

Types of ectopic pregnancy

Divide into two types:

  • ectopic progressive;
  • broken.

The first is very terrible, as it is detected in the early stages hard, because it flows without symptoms. The size of the uterus corresponds to normal for such a period of pregnancy, no bloody seals.

The disturbed or interrupted ectopic pregnancy accompany explicit signs:

  • top-like pains in the stomach;
  • the uterus increases;
  • bleeding;
  • painful and soft education to the touch (located on the left or right side).

If you had such manifestations, you felt bad, began to smear, consult a doctor. Most likely, a breakdown occurred or is the older or undivided ectopic pregnancy. This state must be cured.

There are the following embodiments of the fastening egg, pregnancy classification:

  • pipe - 98-99%;
  • abdominal - 0.3% of cases;
  • ovarian - 0.2%;
  • keeping - 0.01%.

Pipe pregnancy

The most common variety is the fastening of the egg in the fallopian tube, most often, right. The cell is located in the ampoule area. In this case, an ectopic pregnancy can remain unnoticed to 8-12 weeks and end the pipe abortion.

If the egg is attached in narrower parts, after 6 weeks there is a violation of nearby vessels and tissues, the pipe is possible and intra-abdominal bleeding.

Ovarian pregnancy

It may be primary when the egg is delayed in the ovary, and there is fertile. Or secondary - repeated implantation of eggs after pipe abortion.

The ovarian fabrics are covered with vessels that quickly destroy, causing internal bleeding.

In the abdominal cavity

Abdominal pregnancy

It arises due to the fastening of the fetal egg after the pipe abortion, there may be a third pregnancy. So there are three ectopic. Implantation occurs on the peritoneum or intestines. This rare pathology is fraught with infection and bleeding.

Theoretically, it is possible to give birth to abdominal ectopic pregnancy. In medical practice, cases are described when a woman who has been diagnosed with such a diagnosis took place and gave birth to a child. But most fruits die.

Cemental pregnancy

A rare case, but the most dangerous woman's life due to a large number of blood vessels in this area.

The limited space of the cervical channel prevents the development of ectopic pregnancy. If the fruit egg does not move to the cavity of the reproductive organ, the destruction of blood vessels and massive bleeding from the genital tract is quickly.

Pathologies contribute to the malformations of the uterus, operations, benign tumors and numerous miscarriages.

Causes of ectopic pregnancy

Hormonal imbalance is one of the reasons

One, strictly defined reason, from which there is pathology, does not exist. Usually it is manifested by a number of factors, many of which are still unclear.

The most common cause is the failure of the process of transporting the fertilized cell due to the strong activity of blastocysts or a violation of the movement in the fallopian tubes. As a result, the implantation process begins when there has not yet reached the fruit egg of the uterus.

What is the progress of a pipe cell progress?

  1. Inflammatory processes in appendages: acute and chronic salpingitis, infectious agents causing functional changes of pipes, chlamydia and other STDs.
  2. Operations. Even minimally invasive interventions are associated with the risk of changing the structure and functioning of the organs. Connect fabric is formed at the scene and seam. It affects the ability of the pipe to reduce, its mobility is disturbed, and the spikes interfere with the cell to go to the uterus. There is an ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. If there are any endocrine diseases, ovulation, the processes of fertilization and progress of the cells in the pipes are disturbed.
  4. Endometriosis. Pathology at which the mucous layer of the endometrium extends outside the uterus. This leads to structural changes in reproductive organs, the risk of developing ectopic or easeful pregnancy increases.
  5. Congenital and acquired genital abnormalities: genital infantilism (uterine pipes are longer than ordinary), stenosis, diverticulitis.
  6. Neoplasm in small pelvis. Influence the operation of the internal organs, the size and diameter of the pipes change, violate the function of the epithelium. Protect the ectopic attachment of the embryo.
  7. The effect of toxic substances contained in the salts of heavy metals, tobacco smoke, industrial dust, poisonous pairs.
  8. ECO. One of the ways to combat infertility, when conception occurs outside the body of a woman, and then embryos are placed in the uterus. The risk is due to the fact that when testimonying to Eco, there are pathologies of uterine pipes and other departments of the reproductive system.

Diagnosis and determination of ectopic pregnancy

Need diagnostics from specialists

You can find out the pathology in the early time by conducting a clinical and instrumental examination. The progressive ectopic pregnancy outside the reproductive organ is heavier, since there is no signs.

Modern research methods allow you to detect the conception for already at 3 week, prevent complications by the type of rupture of the uterine pipe and abortion.

  1. Ultrasound - reliably diagnoses ectopic pregnancy and determines the place of attachment of the egg.
  2. Check the level of hCG. Its concentration increases with the onset of pregnancy. If it is ectopic, the rise occurs much slower.
  3. Study of the level of progesterone. The concentration is below 25 ng / ml - a sign of ectopic pregnancy, and a decrease of up to 5 ng / ml indicates the unvisability of the fetus.
  4. Coldocentsis (puncture of the rear vessel of the vagina). It is carried out under the clinic of acute abdomen when suspected behind the potential pregnancy.
  5. Cleaning the uterus (diagnostic scraping). It is prescribed with an installed ectopic pregnancy.
  6. Laparoscopy. Allows you to carefully examine the internal organs. In case of detection of ectopic pregnancy, its interruption is immediately carried out.

Manifestation of ectopic pregnancy

Tell us about your feelings

How does the ectopic tubular pregnancy begins to manifest? What are her initial signs, is it possible to confuse with the docking? The first symptoms of ectopic development, which should alert a woman, are felt by 2-3 week after menstruation delay. It:

  • catching pain in the corner of the abdomen, which is in the rectum;
  • scooty, dark discharge from genitals.

When these symptoms appear an ambulance, as internal bleeding can begin. Trying to treat an ectopic pregnancy at home - a mistake. The death is not excluded.

Understand, wrapped out, or not, you can easily, even if an ectopic pregnancy does not make itself felt. It is enough to make a test in the days of delay. If he is positive, the maximum time when you need to go to the doctor - 1-2 weeks. When the test is negative, you should wait a couple of days, and make another one.

Character of pain

The first one manifests itself pathology - painful syndrome. But how to distinguish pain during ectopic pregnancy from other diseases, for example, peritonitis?

Pain is often a symptom

A woman bothers the pain at the bottom of the belly on the right or left, in the uterus area. With massive bleeding, irradiation is irradiation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectum, the waist. The unpleasant feelings for the ectopic development of the fetus are expressed parodially, with each time the well-being deteriorated.

What time does pain appear on? It depends on the place of implantation of the fruit egg. Since the most common ectopic tubular pregnancy is studied enough. When the fertilized egg is located in a narrow part of the pipe, pain occurs almost immediately after conception.

On what time the uterine pipe is bursting

Ectopic pregnancy requires as early as possible medical permit. Pipes in which implantation is most often happening, nature is not intended to wear a child. They do not consist of elastic fabrics like a uterus. When the fruit grows, do not withstand the load and burst.

How exactly does it have to happen? Most women think that in the first days, the weeks, even months after conception, cannot happen, so they are not in a hurry to contact the doctor. But the risk with an ectocal arrangement of the embryo exists in the earliest.

What week does the pipe break? On average, ectopic or ectopic pregnancy lasts 4 - 12 weeks. The fastening of the fetal egg depends on how long the pathology is developed.

Breaking Materials

Early gap is possible with a small pipe diameter in the place of implantation. Thus, in the intimic part of it, the stretch is possible a maximum of 2 mm. Then the pipe break occurs on the 4-6 week. And the tube abortion can occur even earlier. It is interrupted by an ectopic conception of itself.

The smallest risk for a woman in a situation where the fastening of the embryo occurred in the lower (interstitial) part of the uterine pipes. This area directly borders the uterus, so it is the most elastic.

How much will the gap occur in this case? Sometimes the pipe does not burst even with stretching up to 5 mm. Average time when it ceases to withstand the growth of the embryo, amount to 8 - 12 weeks.

Timely treatment of ectopic pregnancy

Today there are no ways to preserve the fetus, which develops outside the uterus. There are evidence when with ectopic pathology managed to enter and give birth to a child. But this is possible only with extreme coat of circumstances, conjugate with a very big risk for the life of the mother. With ectocal development, the likelihood of pathologies of the fetus is high.

Rare cases were recorded when a woman was at the same time a double pregnancy: intrauterine and outside matte. What do with pregnancy, which proceeds pathologically? From the ectopic embryo, they get rid of as soon as it is detected.

Previously, treatment was surgical. Modern medicine offers non-operative techniques. The basis of drug therapy is the use of methotrexate - a drug capable of delaying cell division. The medicine is widely used in oncological practice and in transfers to immunity suppression.

Methotrexate contributes to the rejection of the anomaly

With ectopic pregnancy, methotrexate acts on fetal fabrics and embryonic organs, stopping their development. The result is the subsequent rejection.

Medicase treatment reduces the risk of bleeding, minimizes the injuries of organs, reduces the period of rehabilitation. But there are also disadvantages: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diseases of the stomach, rupture of the uterine tube by progressive ectopic pregnancy.

The use of methotrexate is possible with the size of a fetal egg no more than 4 cm, good analyzes, the absence of bleeding. Be sure to exclude the presence of other pathologies. In other cases, surgical treatment is shown.

The choice of the operation method depends on the age of the patient, localization and size of the embryo, health status. With a massive bloodwall, which becomes dangerous, the doctor will conduct an emergency laparotomy - interference with a wide section. It allows the surgeon to quickly eliminate blood loss and stabilize the state.

In all other cases, preference is given to laparoscopic methods.

  1. Salpingotomy. Keeps the uterine tube and its reproductive ability. Operation is carried out only with small egg sizes. Conjugated with an increased risk of re-ectopic pregnancy in the future.
  2. Salpingectomy. Removal of the body along with the implant. It is carried out with a re-ectopic conception, the size of the egg is over 5 cm. In some cases, the pipe is not completely removed, partially retaining its function.

In the postoperative period, it is important to monitor so that there is no bleeding in the uterus. The reception of antibiotics and painkillers, NSAIDs is shown. A woman is discharged 1-2 days after laparoscopic intervention, 10-14 days - after laparotomy.

Normal level hCG

To make sure that the ectopic egg was removed completely, for some time a woman controls the level of hCG in the blood. A tumor can develop from chorion cells - chorionepitheloma.

What time should be protected after surgery? For 6 months in order to stabilize the reproductive function.

What does an ectopic pregnancy look like

Ultrasound examination diagnoses pathology in early terms. Her signs:

  • increasing the uterus;
  • sealing the mucosa layer of the uterus with an undetected fetal egg;
  • heterogeneous education in the field of uterine appendages;
  • egg with an embryo outside the uterus.

See signs of pathology on video ultrasound, diagnosis example.

Diagnostic value has a transvaginal ultrasound examination, which reveals an ectopic pathology for 3 weeks after the monthly delay. With the help of the examination, you can determine the rupture of the uterine tube, bleeding in the abdominal cavity.

The consequences of late removal

If a woman after an ectopic tubular pregnancy decided to start a child again, it is necessary to approach this thought and carefully. It is important to observe the gynecologist both during the planning period and from the first days of pregnancy, make sure everything is in order.

According to statistics, the chance to obtain a normal uterine conception after ectopic is 50%, pipe pregnancy twice - 20%, infertility - 30%. The numbers are serious, so it is impossible to let the state of health on samonek, and all plan.

Go to ultrasound


To reduce the risk of re-ectopic tubular pregnancy, measures are recommended:

  • in time to treat infections and inflammation of the uterus and other organs;
  • periodically do ultrasound and determine the level of hCG in the blood;
  • when a partner is changed, test analyzes on the STD;
  • enrich the diet with vitamins and minerals;
  • correct hormonal disorders.

To prevent ectopic or ectopic pregnancy, you must avoid:

  • illegible sexual bonds;
  • stress;
  • lifeline lifestyle;
  • genital infections;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • multiple abortions and uterine cleaning;
  • applications of progestin contraceptives.

Recent achievements in this area

In recent years, conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy in girls and adolescents has been greatly popular. For this purpose, drugs that stop the development of the embryo are used. These include methotrexate, mifepristone, etc. However, it has been established that they have a mass of side effects: loss of hair, kidney loss and liver. In this regard, it is possible to apply them only to healthy women.

Abroad, medication tactic, although it is considered promising, not received widespread. To date, the main method of treatment is laparoscopy.

Thank you 1

Ectopic pregnancy - One of the most dangerous states of the woman in the early stages. It is she who is the main cause of death of pregnant women. Unfortunately, no one is immune from the development of this pathology, and the deviation covers approximately 2% of all cases of pregnancy.

However, today, with modern capabilities of medicine and taking into account timely medical care ectopic pregnancy is successfully preventedAnd the woman continues to have all the chances of having to get out and the birth of a healthy child in the future. How to determine ectopic pregnancy?

An important condition for the correct development of the child after conception is that the fertilized egg should go through the uterine pipes and, reaching the uterus, attached to its mucous membranes.

However, sometimes in the body fails. For some reason the embryo can not get into the right place, but remains and starts its development in the ovary, the uterine tube, the cervix or extremely rarely in the abdominal cavity. This is a pathological condition and is called ectopic pregnancy.

Such a pregnancy is doomed, and the doctors strongly recommend to make an interrupt, since as the embryo grow can begin to suffer the organ of the woman, in which attachment occurred. Incompretable operational intervention can lead to a strong and even death of pregnant.

Depending on the place of implantation Fertilized egg cell ectopic pregnancy is divided into several types.

  • Pipe. The most common type of ectopic pregnancy. Accounted for 98% of cases. Most often, the fruit egg is attached in the right phallopyan pipe.
  • Ovarian. Encompasses approximately 0.5% of cases. The fertilized egg can be flounded both in the follicle and on the surface of the ovary.
  • Abdominal. It is extremely rare. Implantation of the embryo occurs on the surface of the abdominal organs. Such a pregnancy is primary and secondary. In the first case, the egg cell initially falls into the abdominal cavity, and with a secondary fetal egg, it will turn away from the pipe, after which it continues its development in the abdominal cavity.
  • Crested. It is accounted for 0.01% of cases of pathology. Fruit egg is attached in the cervical cervical channel. This pregnancy is diagnosed more often in the second trimester.
  • In Rudimentary Rog, the uterus. Theoretically, such pregnancy can be called uterine. However, due to the lack of a message of a rudimentary horn with sexual paths, it is also considered to be ectoped.

Scientists of the world still did not work this issue to the end, but nevertheless there is already a specific list of possible causes of this pathology.

  • Obstruction or bad patency of uterine pipes - One of the main reasons for the development of ectopic pregnancy. This is due to the presence of adhesions, scars and excessive alimony. In this case, the spermatozoa is extremely difficult to go through the uterine tube, and it is forced to attach on the wall.
  • Diseases of small pelvisWeighing inflammatory. The processes accompanying the disease cause neuroendocrine disorders, disorders of the ovarian function, and also lead to the formation of adhesions and scars of phallopy pipes.
  • The presence of intrauterine spirals. This is due to the appearance of inflammatory changes due to the presence of a foreign body in the cavity of a woman. The chance of occurrence of ectopic pregnancy is especially increasing when using this type of contraception for more than 5 years.
  • Abortion. Numerous artificial pregnancy interruptions provoke growth and exacerbation of the existing inflammatory and infectious diseases of the women's bodies, as well as a violation of the peristaltics of uterine pipes. Almost half of women who made an abortion are susceptible to high risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Genetic Outline Pipe Anomalies. Here is meant the underdevelopment of the genital organs, the pipes are too thin and winding.

TO risk factors for the development of pathology You can attribute:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • previously diagnosed ectopic pregnancy;
  • operations of the genitals;
  • stress;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • age women older than 30 years;
  • incorrect development of an egg.

Signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy early

How to determine an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages? What are the symptoms and first signs for ectopic pregnancy? Shows pregnancy when ectopic pregnancy? In many cases, the symptoms of such pregnancy are practically no different from the usual. However that's what you need to pay attention to Upon delay in the next menstruation.

  1. Pregnancy test May show a negative result or a very pale second strip. This is due to the fact that (human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone, showing the offensive of pregnancy) during ectopic pregnancy is significantly lower than when ordinary.
  2. A few days after the date of the estimated periods, as a rule, a meager nature appear, as a rule. From menstruation, such sections are distinguished by the fact that they can stop, then again begin.
  3. The appearance of an ectopic pregnancy is predominantly on the one hand. It is due to this, above all, the growth of the fruit egg. The pain is constant and enhanced every day.
  4. An unpleasant feeling in the field of abdominal cavity, turning to the lower back.
  5. Such disorders of the general condition of the body, as, reduced pressure, vomiting.

All of the above features do not yet indicate 100% the presence of ectopic pregnancy, but only give reason to turn to your doctor. In addition, the symptoms of ordinary pregnancy in the first trimester are also characteristic of this pathology. Namely: toxicosis, swelling of the mammary glands ,.

What time does the pipe be bursting during ectopic pregnancy? Approximately on the period when the active growth of the embryo begins, the signs of ectopic pregnancy become more pronounced. This happens due to the tubular abortion or rupture of the uterine tube.

In the first case, the fetal eggs from the phallopyye tube occurs, as a result of which hemorrhage and a strong painful feeling occurs. The pain at the same time has an acute character, can give a clavicle, arm or leg. In this case, painful agents do not help.

Pumping pipe break It may occur after 4-10 weeks from the date of the next intended menstruation. There is sharply without previous symptoms. In this pregnant, there is a sudden strong pain, a sharp drop in blood pressure, the increase in the pulse, as well as the loss of consciousness.

What to do with suspected ectopic pregnancy. Methods of diagnosis

With the slightest suspicions of the development of ectopic pregnancy you need urgently contact the gynecologist.During inspection, the doctor reveals a small sinusiness of the cervix and her softened state. The uterus is determined, as at normal pregnancy - slightly increased and soft when palpation. In addition, the gynecologist can detect an increase and painfulness of one of the pipes or ovaries, while it becomes impossible to determine the clear contours of these appendages.

As a rule, additional surveys are appointed in such situations:

  • blood test for determining the level of hCG and.

In case of ectopic pregnancy fruit egg fails to visualize in the uterus Through ultrasound research. The size of the uterus itself is less than the norm, and the seal is detected in the area of \u200b\u200bthe appendages. As for hormones, their level will be significantly lower than should be on this period of pregnancy.

In the case when it was not possible to accurately diagnose ectopic pregnancy with ultrasound, diagnostic laparoscopy. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the procedure turns into therapeutic.

Today this is the most gentle operational intervention during ectopic pregnancy, which Allows you to save the uterine tube. The essence of the operation for ectopic pregnancy is to introduce tools through small cuts in the abdominal wall area. It happens under anesthesia.

Laparoscopy is carried out in one way:

  • squeezing (the fruit egg is extruded, while maintaining the pipe);
  • tubotomy (applied with small changes in the uterine pipe, while its site can be removed);
  • turethomy (the uterine tube is completely removed).

After the operation, rehabilitation is carried out by physiotherapeutic measures and medicines.

If the diagnosis is made late and the fruit egg attached tightly to the pipe wall, then the treatment is to conduct laparotomy. These are operations with a large cut of the abdominal cavity and the removal of the uterine tube. Subsequently such ectopic pregnancy may have problems with the next pregnancy.

There is a place to be medicia treatment. Its essence consists in the appointment of hormonal means, stopping the development of the embryo. However, their use is not yet justified, since there are a number of serious side effects: a negative impact on the kidneys, liver, baldness, etc. Therefore, surgery remains at the most optimal solution.

So far, the only way to prevent this pathology is to carefully follow the woman for his health. This is especially true of those who enters the risk group. This is as follows:

  • passage of preventive inspections;
  • protection for excluding infection of sexual infection;
  • avoiding abortion;
  • conducting a healthy lifestyle;
  • conducting the maximum survey before planned conception.

According to medical practice, many women after the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy have every chance to give birth to a healthy child in the future. However, such a good turn is possible in the case of an early formulation of the right diagnosis and immediate surgical intervention.

Therefore, it is necessary pay special attention to your body In the first days after the delay and at the very first dubious symptoms immediately contact the specialist.

Video about ectopic pregnancy

We invite to view a small video on the topic of ectopic pregnancy. This will help you a little better to imagine the essence of the problem. You will receive useful information about the first signs and methods of treatment.