Conspiracy for a gift - correct and effective rituals. A conspiracy for a gift for a man: a strong love spell

The relationship between a man and a woman is a complex process. When partners fit together, help in difficult times - good. What if the relationship deteriorates or the person you like does not show signs of attention at all? In this situation, a conspiracy for a gift will help.

Why the ritual for a gift

The spell is effective because:

  • based on the transfer of a real, tangible thing, it is pleasant for everyone to accept gifts, the effect of magic in the procedure only enhances the effect;
  • at the time of giving, both are on the same subtle level;
  • By such an act, you will definitely win over the person you like to yourself, to your person.

Let's look at one of the most popular gift giving options using magic love words.

Buy only the gift that your future partner will like.

A simple ritual for a gift

We take the purchase in hand, pronounce the following phrases:

“Take a gift from me, take my heart. Take the thing you bought, give your heart in return. Let love ignite, be sealed with a kiss.

After the spoken words, try to keep the wrapping paper of the item clean, as any contamination reduces the power of the magic words. The purer the energy, the stronger the effect.

After the plot, you need to keep the wrapping paper of the item clean.

Love spell with a photo at sunset

After the bright day has changed to twilight, candles are lit, the image of the chosen one and the purchased item are placed on a flat surface. We pronounce the following words with confidence: “Receive the gift with love. As soon as you try on, immediately remember me.»

Think how good, soft, kind I am. We will spend time together, like the earth with meadows, the moon with a star. Let you see in me the chosen one of life, we will live together, like a bank with a river. The spoken words vary depending on the type of gift; phrases such as “hold”, “use” are found in speech.

Quite often, a person does not notice the good qualities, all the virtues of a woman. It is quite difficult to attract the attention of a beloved guy with the usual methods, no female tricks, tricks work. Magical assistance will save in this situation. The ritual for a gift will be effective.

Soon the celebration, you are also invited to the holiday, do not waste time, take advantage of the situation and make a love spell. Prepare a gift that will really come in handy in life. With constant use of the item, magical spells only increase. The following phrases are pronounced on the purchased item: “Take a gift, give peace in return. I want your heart to languish, twist. Amen!"

We give a gift to the chosen one immediately after the procedure, we are waiting for positive results. If the person does not call himself, after seven days we call and make an appointment.

With the constant use of the gift, the magic spell only intensifies.

Powerful ritual for a sweet gift

A rather strong love spell that kindles a powerful fire of love in the heart of a loved one. Sweets are baked from sugar, other sweet cookies are given to a beloved man. Dial the required amount of sugar, pour it into a container, say important phrases: “Let a love so sweet as this sugar flare up between us. Amen!"

Say the words three times, then proceed with the dish with confidence in a good result. The task of the woman is to cook as tasty as possible so that the guy asks for more. Feed the chosen one and a happy married life in your pocket.

Love spell first

“Find the twelve angels of my chosen one, drive three nails right into his heart. The first nail says that being greedy is bad. The second nail promises a donated item, the third opened the soul of a loved one inside out so that one of the last money would give me. Let what has been said be valid. No one will find the keys to the words "

Love spell second

“May all that I do not wish come true. Let there be no obstacles on the way, a beautiful morning will only be a joy and a help. The Lord gives attention, diligence. Let the chosen one be carried away by beauty. Ready to take care of. I promise that in return I will give my man joy "

Words are spoken throughout the day until you notice that the ice in the relationship has broken.

Love spell third

Love phrases are spoken on the hop trunk. Before that, do the following: hide the hops under your bosom, try to get as close as possible to your loved one. “Let the chosen one be generous with gifts, let love curl like a hop stalk. Let him get money, buy everything necessary, bring it into the house, as a mother presents her children.

After the ritual, save the hops at home. If this plant is not found in your area, substitute mistletoe. It is bought in flower shops.

Effective love spell on the trunk of hops

Love spell fourth

This conspiracy is in demand in society, since it is aimed not only at giving gifts, but also at forming beautiful relationships. “Expand the boundary walls. Gray weekdays are replaced by holidays. Freedom, the bright sun above my head caress me. There is no sadness, I follow desires, I trust myself. I receive gifts of fate with a pure heart.

Love spell on expensive gifts

After the ritual, useful items of high value are given throughout the year. Buy or make your own broom, put it under flowing water, say the following phrases: “Water knows no boundaries, barriers, from all reservoirs and streams it tends to the ocean. Let money, like water, flow to me. Say the words, turn off the water, dry the broom in a dark, windy place.

The above love spells are important for those who wish to attract the attention of the opposite sex to their person. The received gift is an important step for the formation of good relationships between people in the future. A bought, charmed thing brings joy, satisfaction. Do not delay, try a magical ritual, get positive results in the first weeks after casting the spell.

A love spell for a gift, as well as rituals for drinking with food, is considered simple, and therefore popular. From time immemorial, unrequited lovers have been trying by hook or by crook to win the heart of a loved one. That is why the independent performance of the ritual is so in demand. Moreover, for the ritual with a gift, apart from this, practically nothing is needed.
There are a lot of love spells for gifts, these are: prayers, conspiracies, magic rituals. All of them affect the object in different ways, both in strength and time. Below are the simplest, but quite effective ones. And if you want your love spell for a gift to be very strong, seek help from a specialist, as you can handle it on your own, but you won’t give yourself a guarantee of the effectiveness of home magic.

Ritual for clothes

This love spell is done on clothes (shirt, blouse), which is subsequently given to a loved one. Take a gift, and, stroking it with your right hand, say:

“I will go into the field to find freedom, I will enjoy it, I will bathe in happiness. The sun warms the soul, God's servant / God's servant (name) puts on a shirt / blouse. The sun warms, welcomes, God's servant / God's servant (name) will absorb love into himself. Amen".

Say three times, at the end of the ritual, cross the gift and put it under the pillow at night. In the morning, the gift should be given to the object of the love spell.

Ritual for the ring

This rite is done on a ring. Having bought a ring, say the following words on it:

“Come, young and kind young men, yes, from the side that is unknown to me, and stand near the heart of your native, but from all sides to a fun holiday to be honored. The domes are burning with gold, looking with grace at Mother the Holy Mother of God, so let them look at God's servant (name), good fellows do not stop admiring, so that God's servant (name) also dear to the heart would look at God's servant (name), and she would be to him more beautiful than the red sun, purer than the blue sky, brighter than a hot fire. Be, in my opinion, My words are firm, sealed with a sweet mouth, and the hearts of lovers are forever united.

Give the charmed ring to your betrothed.

Ritual for a bouquet

If the person you love gave you a bouquet, dry it and burn it on the growing moon. When the smoke goes out, say these words:

“As this smoke burns and melts, so would the heart of a servant of God / servant of God for me a servant of God / servant of God (your name) would burn and melt, and the soul would burn with love.”

Ritual with a three-day gift

Buy a gift and carry it with you for three days without parting with it even for a second. After the specified time, say the following words to him three times:

“I go to bed without praying, without crossing myself. I will get up without blessing. I will go from one door to the second, from them to the third. From one to the second gate, then to the third. I will go to open fields. On the sea, the ocean, the island of Buyan, three forges stand and forge on four machines. Bes Salchak, do not forge white iron, better nail the good fellow (name) with skin, body, heart, (color) eyes, (color) hair. Do not burn the walnut tree, burn the zealous heart in (name). I wouldn’t fall for food, I wouldn’t walk in the fields, I wouldn’t drink and drink, I wouldn’t fall asleep, I wouldn’t bully people, I would be revered in everything, loved and magnified. Lighter than a clear month, redder than a red sun, dearer than father and mother, family and tribe. May it be so."

Finally, I would like to note that love spells for a gift do not have such power as, for example, cemetery or Voodoo. Nevertheless, even such actions are enough to not only draw the attention of the object to you, but also fall in love. One question: for how long?

Love spell through a handmade gift

Skillful needlewomen can knit socks or a sweater for a man. While knitting, silently repeat the words of the spell:

“My beloved, forever you will be with me. I knit my fate, I connect with yours. I give a gift from my heart, I put my soul into it. As this thing will warm you in cold weather, so thoughts of me will warm your soul. As the threads intertwine, so do our destinies intertwine. We will be together forever, breathe the same air and not know grief. May it be so. Amen".

When the thing is ready, pierce your finger with a needle. Put a drop of blood on it, and a drop on the hem of the skirt in which you often walk, while saying:

“Drop-sisters, red girls, I know each other, they will never lose. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Now the charmed thing needs to be handed over to the beloved man. As soon as he begins to put it on and wear it, the dryer will begin to act. If everything goes according to plan, the result will be noticeable in a few weeks.

Love spell on a gift that cannot be removed

For the ritual you will need:

three church candles;
the item you plan to donate;
gold chain.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony on the new moon, after 12 o'clock at night. Put a present on the table. Place candles on the sides and behind it, light them with matches. Put both hands on the thing, and imagine your future with your loved one. Think about what you want to achieve and how your life together might turn out. Now read the words of the spell:

“You take a gift from my hands, in return you give me your heart. Now, neither at night nor during the day, you will not have peace in anything. You will constantly think about me and remember me, only next to me you will feel happiness. If I don’t take you in, if I drive you away, you will wash your face with tears, sleep badly at night, wake up from thoughts of me. There will be no other woman in your life, you will find peace only next to me. My words are strong, as I said, so be it. Amen".

Extinguish the candles. First the one on the right, then the one on the back, and finally the one on the left. Tie the candles together with a gold chain and hide away from prying eyes.

After the beloved begins to show signs of attention, take out the candles and put them in a conspicuous place, and put the chain around your neck and wear it.

Love spell on a gift

If the person you are trying to bind to yourself has previously given you something, then you can make a dryer using the donated item. After all, the energy of the donor remained on it, and there is an invisible connection between them.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony on the growing moon. In the evening, when it gets dark and the moon is clearly visible in the sky, take a gift in your left hand and press it to your chest. Looking at the moon, say:

“The servant of God (name) gave me a gift, and with it a piece of his soul. As the moon in the sky grows every day, so the feelings in the heart of the servant of God (name) to the servant of God (name) will grow. My words are firm, sealed with a strong mouth, and our destinies are forever united. Amen".

While the moon is in its growth stage, you need to carry a gift with you everywhere. Put it in your bag during the day and put it next to your bed at night.

In the evening, on the first day of the full moon, sit down at the table and light a church candle. Place the gift in front of you, looking at it, say:

“As the moon grew in the sky and became full, so the feelings in the heart of the servant of God (name) to the servant of God (name) will be strengthened. He will love her, the white light without her will not be nice to him. Truly."

The spell must be cast three times. Wait for the candle to burn out and go to bed. The next day, you need to take a candle stub and bury it near the house of your loved one. You no longer need to carry a gift with you, it is enough that it is at your home.

Adding salt as a gift

A love spell is considered very strong, in which it is not the gift itself that speaks, but salt, a few grains of which are placed on the thing intended for the beloved. In magic, the natural qualities of salt are widely used. This product perfectly absorbs energy and transfers it to its intended purpose.
Late at night, roast a handful of salt in a frying pan for five minutes. After that, the salt is poured onto a white saucer.
The following spell is spoken over it:

“Salt is natural and strong. It does not burn in fire, but only dissolves in water. So the soul of my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of the bewitched person) is strong and strong, but he will always agree with me. The natural salt cannot be burned with fire, and the love of my dear one cannot be turned away from me. Our connection with him cannot be broken, so our hearts beat in unison and our souls are filled with sincere love. We are together not for a day or a year, but for a whole long life. My words are strong and everything said by me, the Servant of God (proper name) will be fulfilled. Amen".

After that, you need to take a few grains of salt and invest in a prepared gift for your loved one. The main thing is to make sure that the salt is not noticeable. After the gift is presented to the chosen one, upon arrival home, the salt must be poured onto the threshold of your own house. Thus, a kind of magnet is created that will attract your lover to you until he finds a charmed thing. In addition, salt will create a protective screen from envious people.

Love spell for a gift to a girl

If you want to bewitch a girl with a gift, then use this ritual, which you need to carry out at night on the new moon on one of the men's days (Tuesday or Thursday). Approach responsibly to the choice of a gift. The girl must like him. If she starts using it, the effect of drying will increase.

Put the present on the table in front of you and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I give you a gift, I take your heart with me. As soon as you take the gift, you will immediately understand that you cannot live a single day without me, that you only need me. Your ways and habits will change, you will become indifferent to other men. You will think about me and yearn for me, look for meetings with me everywhere. Amen".

Now wrap the gift with red ribbon and put it on the windowsill until the morning. It is important that no one touches him and preferably does not see him, and also that moonlight falls on the charmed thing. The next day, try to give a gift to your loved one. If she accepts it, then soon you will notice positive changes in her behavior. She will begin to pay more attention to you, she will strive to be near you.

In addition, you can make a love spell on the bouquet. If you know what kind of flowers your sweetheart likes, then get them. If such information is unknown, then buy a bouquet of red roses.

After bringing flowers home, hold them for 2-3 seconds under running water. This is necessary in order to clear the bouquet from someone else's energy. Now draw a big circle on a piece of paper. Place a vase of flowers in the center of the circle, and place your photo and the photo of the girl on the sides. If there is a joint photo in which you are captured together, then it will do.

Read the prayer "Our Father", cross yourself three times and say the words of the spell:

“Just as I, the servant of God (name), cannot imagine my life without the servant of God (name), so she cannot live without me. Without me, the white light will not be sweet to her, she will dream that I loved her. We will live in peace and harmony, share joy and sorrow together. May it be so!"

Give a bouquet to your sweetheart the next day.

In this article:

A conspiracy is a combination of words that helps the performer of magic to give his energy the desired shape and direction. A conspiracy or ritual for a gift is the name of many ancient rites that have a different magical focus.

A charmed object can be used to bewitch a person, save him from a love spell, cure illness and chronic failure, and also to harm.

As already mentioned, there are various rituals for which a gift is used, but experienced magicians strongly recommend using only magical rituals with a positive focus. You should not try to use higher powers to harm someone, especially if you do not have much experience in magic, such actions can turn into a big disaster for the performer himself, as well as for his loved ones.

Positive rituals are best performed during the growing moon, this time symbolizes the beginning of something new, growth and prosperity.

Also, never talk about performing a magical ritual. If you don't want it to stop or reverse.

Gypsy love spell

With this simple ritual, you can attract the attention of your loved one by giving him an inexpensive gift. Buy the item you want to buy in advance, but don't rush to pack. At home, when it gets dark, take the purchased item in your hands, touch it with your lips and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I will rise in the light of Gaena, her light will be with me, her strength will be with my love.

I will go, the servant of God (name) in a clean field, in a wide field. I will meet demons there, I will ask them for help, and if they refuse, I will order.

Those demons will steal the heart of the servant of God (name), incinerate his soul, dry his heart.

There will be only me, the servant of God (name), the servant of God (name) and joy. And love and light.

Silver Gaene, I seal my conspiracy with your name, but I endow this gift with power.

As I said, so be it. Amen".

After that, hand the charmed item to your lover, it is best to pass the gift from hand to hand.

Ritual for receiving a gift

Every woman has been in a situation where she is given useless trinkets, unnecessary or completely inappropriate things for a holiday. Others are completely left without gifts, and I want to change this situation. This can be done with a simple and safe magical ritual. To carry out the ritual, you need to take a new broom and put it under running water.

If the ritual did not work the first time - do not despair, it will work out the second

It can be a stream or a river if you have the opportunity to get out into nature, but if this is not possible, you can use tap water. After that, take a broom in your hands and say the words of the conspiracy three times:

“From all the rivers and rivulets, water is collected in the blue sea, in the blue, but deep sea. As water flows from the river into the sea, so would money flow to me, the servant of God (name), and gifts, large, medium, small, and all sorts. Let the gifts go, yes, all the expensive ones, but all the necessary ones. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the last words, the broom should be removed to a dark and dry place where it can dry, and where it will not catch the eye of strangers. The ritual shows the best results if it is carried out on the eve of any holiday, for which it is customary to give gifts.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, more and more people use black magic in order to win the favor of the person they like, without thinking that love spells are a terrible thing that will not only not help to get the love of a lover, but also cause irreparable harm to him, performer and their families. Everyone has long known that the consequences of love spells can be terrible and unpredictable and, often, it is not possible to correct what has been done. Warped fates are the end result of ill-considered black deeds. Is the game worth the candle? You decide.

A love spell on a gift to a loved one does not affect directly, but through this gift. After donating the spoken thing, the love spell will begin to act only when the person begins to constantly use the donated item. And the more often he uses the item received as a gift, the stronger the magical effect will be on him. And if the thing is not used, then the love spell will not work.

It must be remembered that any love spell is an element of black magic, and if you are told that you can do a safe white love ritual, then you are simply misled. All love spells damage the human energy field in one way or another, regardless of whether it is a simple ritual or a complex one. And the rollback will surely overtake the performer - there is no doubt about this, however, this fact stops few people.

Easy love spell

There is no limit to human egoism. If a girl, not caring about the desires and feelings of a young man, goes for a love spell and considers it in the order of things, what will happen next in their family life if, God forbid, the love spell works? You can imagine.

Option 1. This simple love spell for a gift will make your loved one pay attention to you. At night, on the growing moon, light a church candle, put the icon of the Virgin in front of you, and near it put the gift you bought for your chosen one, on which you say the spell three times:

“As you (name) accept this gift, a fire will flare up in your soul. As a gift, you will accept it - you will entrust your heart to me (name), and you will not receive it back. Mother of God, bless and help! Tie me (name) with (name) forever! May it be so. Amen!"

The gift must be delivered the next day. This light ritual has a short-term effect, and during this time it is worth trying to interest the guy you like.

Option 2. Buy your loved one as a gift such a thing so that you can use it as often as possible. At midnight, light a candle, hold the purchased item in your hands for a longer time to recharge your energy, then draw a lattice on its surface with your saliva, and continuing to hold the item in your hands, say a magic spell three times:

“Let my beloved remember me, let him call me, let him find me. As soon as his hand touches you (the name of the thing), the love in his heart for me will wake up. For me, the servant of God (name), the servant of God (name) will yearn, a bitter tear will drip. I will come, I will wipe that tear in the morning, I will console with my caress. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

It is advisable to give the item prepared as a gift to the chosen one the very next day.

Ritual with salt

This rite is much stronger than the previous ones, since salt has a special meaning in magic. For the ritual, you will need Thursday salt (bought on Thursday). At midnight, put a little of this salt in a pan and heat it with the words:

“Salt does not burn, it does not melt in fire! The soul of the beloved (name) for me, alone, toils, always only agrees with me! Fire will not destroy this salt, it will disturb the heart of my beloved. No one will be able to take it away from me, but no one will dare to turn it away! You take my gift as a gift, you give your heart in return! Not for a day, not for two, but for many centuries. Love is strong, the heat of my fire helps me in business, (name) brings me closer to my beloved (name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

Such actions must be carried out within five minutes, then the salt is cooled and a gift prepared for the chosen one is placed on it. Let it lie like that until the morning. In the morning, put a few grains of salt into the item prepared as a gift and give the gift to your loved one during the day.

Conspiracies for a man to give gifts and flowers

Magic is a serious matter, therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, many witches recommend reading the following prayer before the rite: “Your body, Lord Jesus Christ our God, and may it be with us in eternal life and your honest blood to stop sins, wake me this thanksgiving in joy health and wellness, in your terrible and second coming, vouchsafe me a sinful state at the right hand of your glory with the prayers of your most pure Mother and all the saints. Then you need to take a photo or visualize the image of a man and read the plot.

Conspiracy 1
I pray to you, Holy Prophet, Elijah, God's servant (her name). Send me 12 angels with white wings and gilded candles. Let all 12 go to the Servant of God (the name of the man) they will find, put 3 nails in his heart: the first - you can’t be greedy, the second is an expensive gift, the third is a generous soul, from the last penny bought me everything I want. My word, Deed, Ilya, is yours. Key lock language. Amen. Amen. Amen. Now got down to business.
Conspiracy 2
Give, Lord, my whims "green" light. Give, Lord, a soft road to my desires. Give, Lord, a transparent morning to my thoughts. Equip me, Lord, with tenderness and attention. Open my beauty (man's name). Let me be his queen. I will accept any gifts with gratitude. I will give joy and enjoy. Glory to Thee, my Magnificent God! Khantaa ular.
Conspiracy 3
This conspiracy is accompanied by actions and requires additional details. You need to take a hop stalk, hide it in your bosom and walk around your boyfriend. Before the ceremony, the stem must be spoken with the following words: “You twisted, twisted around, did not part with your pole, pressed against your pole. Let the servant of God (the name of the man) does not press, does not spare his money for me, spoils me and cherishes. As a mother does not spare her daughter either bread or brocade, the servant of God (the name of the man) puts swords on my table ... Bring, as the mother bird carries everything that she can buy and get into the nest. Hop-father, mother-earth got drunk on his head, kindled his heart. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. After the ceremony, the stem is kept at home.
Hops do not grow in all regions, so a sprig of mistletoe can be used as an option. Mistletoe blooms in thick "caps" in different villages or is sold in some flower shops to decorate arrangements.
Conspiracy 4
There is another verbal formula, it is not only for the guy to give gifts, but also for the relationship to be good and strong:
I will break out of the stuffy cage of my complexes. I will tear down the wall of my limitations. I will get out of the gray fog of my everyday life, I will see the celebration of life and find love. I will stretch my hands towards the sun. I will enjoy clean air and freedom. Let me be natural. My fears, go away! My doubts, go away! My sorrows, go away! I listen to my heart, I trust my mind, I understand my states! Love is what gives me the joy of life! I accept these gifts! I thank my spirit helpers! Khantaa ular.